Barometer: 29.99 in Elevation: 2,240 ft Temp: 55 F Wind: 0-4 mph Avg Vertical Speed Rate when gliding (no engine): ~-800 fpm Avg Speed of glide: ~50 mph
It's a 2 stroke and the engine was probably 20 years old or so. It was not tuned and would sometimes die. It also might have something to do with the pump from the engine. I eventually replaced the hoses after this video and it ran much better.
Pretty cool ! Why does your engine have that whaa, whaa, whaa, whaa, sound to it ?
It's a 2 stroke and the engine was probably 20 years old or so. It was not tuned and would sometimes die. It also might have something to do with the pump from the engine. I eventually replaced the hoses after this video and it ran much better.
Nice! Where is this?
Pahrump Dry Lake