You mentioned that a majority of watchers are not subscribers, I wonder if there are others like me, where I watch (as a subscribed person) on my phone most of your videos except sometimes on the weekend I'll watch on my tv without logging on, I just search your channel and watch. So that may show up as an unsubscribed watcher, but I'm actually subscribed on my phone....but I'm watching ;)!
Sure would be interesting but having an entire vid probably beyond scope of the channel. Maybe Jim could mention a few things related to this when he's creating new gardens on the new properties. Certainly weed species prefer to grow (and outcompete others) is diff kinds of soil...whether it's compacted, wet, dry, acidic, high or low nutrient levels, etc. So on a new property, the kinds of existing plants/weeds can give a clue as to what properties the soil may have. For ex, maybe there's an area that's currently dry but there's weeds like nutsedge, etc growing that indicates a slow draining area and might have standing water days after a storm. That could be good info to have before starting a new garden.
As a retired grower for Disney, I can tell you that you are spot on in regards to fertilizing, gardens and containers need it, but landscape plants need little to none once established, like nature, unless you’re trying to get size quicker, less fertilizer = less trimming, less insects and diseases, etc. let the microbes do their job, feed the soil not the plants
Regarding shredding leaves for composting..... I have found compost bins (by Geobin) very easy to use. Started with one last year and added two more this year...inexpensive and not unsightly. Anyway, rather than run the lawn mower over the leaves, I've found it to be more efficient to put the whole leaves in the bin and then use the string weed Wacker to chop them up. Doing this in layers and adding dried grass clippings and kitchen scraps has provided me with great compost for the 1st bin in only a year. (Marietta GA. Zone 8a I think)
For others, what works well is making a couple passes with mower to shred and then adding the bagging attachment to vacuum them up and add to pile. For a large amount of leaves from several huge trees that seems to work very well. I'm glad you found a method that works for you.
Congratulations, Jim and Steph, on tying the knot! We've enjoyed your channel for years, and look forward to many more. We enjoy Holly too! Happy New Year.
A huge congratulations! I was beyond excited for you and Steph when I noticed your wedding band during your Amaryillis video. You make an awesome couple. 💜
I want to attempt to place an understory of “screening” evergreens under an oak setting. The oaks are mature and provide dappled shade throughout the growing season. I am in my late sixties and want a moderate fast , growing screen if possible. Central Virginia, zone 7b…suggestions please…love your TH-cam videos 😊
Would you please include in a future video a photo or video of what the front of your house looks like from across the street? I love how you’ve created front yard privacy from the road and I’d love to see what it looks like from across the road. I’m trying to get some ideas for our front yard. Also, how tall is the fence in your front yard? Thanks!
Hi Jim and Steph, Congratulations, so happy for you! I am slowly but surely creating new beds in my yard and reducing lawn, which is less grass and more green weeds. 😊 But my front yard has a shallow culvert about 2 feet from the road, it’s about a foot wide and then a 2 foot slope to the rest of the yard. Any ideas how to integrate that into a landscape design without lawn or do I have to leave that area as is. Thanks for all your helpful videos!!
Great Q&A- regards to plants in winter, they actually pull water out of the stems which concentrates the sugars in the stems, and since sugar has a lower freeze point it helps protect the cells, cell walls thicken with the increased potassium, Isli nursery grows a lot of dwarf conifers and other bonsai plants in 4”, but your looking at between 16-30 dollars, but they are nice pre-bonsai,last thing, look at Big Bloomers nursery in Sanford NC, they are a must stop on our trips between our home in western NC and the coast, there assortment of rare unusual plants is amazing
Good morning Jim and Stephanie and our sweet Ms. Holly 😊 I do have a Q? I was wondering if your soil PH has changed from when you moved there 4 years ago to now with all the amending you have done over the years? Thank you for another great and informative Q&A. Wishing you a Happy New Year 🎉😊
Here's one for a future Q&A Jim...I recently purchased some plants online that were priced right. Two were Rex begonias, and the other was a compact hydrangea that I plan to keep outside on the porch in a container. Would you leave the hydrangea inside (under my LEDs) until Spring, or re-pot it and let it experience the cold temps that are upcoming? Zone 7B here....
I had the situation you just described: mostly sandy, well draining reasonable soil, except the builder brought in tons of "red dirt" which is Oklahoma speak for horrible red clay. Then drove on it. So by my house it is the worst- compacted, too wet Dec to March and dried, parched bricks June to Sept! How do I fix it so that my foundation plantings have a chance of thriving? Just keep pouring on composted materials? Will there always be a layer of death my house?
I like to get moss To grow on Rocks in my Conifer Garden I'm starting do you have any tricks or tips to get it to grow is there a better time of year to start it winter or summer
In my area, we get very little rain, a lot of wind, and a lot of heat. My backyard is pretty much a ragweed/sneezeweed lawn. There are however spots that are bare all year round, where it changes yearly. At the moment I have weeds growing in this year's bald spots. I have planted shrubs in both the ragweed thick parts and the bare spots. By Late July/and August, most of my shrubs in the bare spots are either dead or struggling to survive, even with mulch rings and regular waterings. The shrubs that have ragweed growing around their mulch rings, tend to thrive without much problems from the heat. I have noticed that I need to water about the same in both full sun locations. My shrubs tolerate a missed watering better when they are surrounded by ragweed. My allergy to the weed's pollen have been getting more manageable, and the stinging rashes aren't that bad anymore. Sneezeweed is also very easy to keep low, and that pollen is not as bad when you cut and maintain the weed smaller than 6 inches, as opposed to letting them 4-5 feet tall.
Thanks for answering my question, Jim. Congrats on the near 250k subs. I’ve been following along since my new home build in 2019 so almost in step with your move to the new location.
Here in New Zone 8a, my many Japanese Maples look awful. Some weeks back just as they were changing colour we had a frost and the leaves have turned brown and crinkled but stayed on the trees. Frozen in time? Will this result in any long term damage and will the leaves eventually drop off? All the best to you and Steph for 2025.
Thanks Jim.I admire you for not bringing politics to your content and that same content has nothing to do with your personal life unless you mention something in passing.
We have a Live Oak tree in the front yard that was planted too close to the sidewalk by the house builder. We will be removing it soon, leaving us a 4.5'-5' diameter bare spot in our Bermuda lawn. We're looking for plant ideas for this full-sun spot in Central Texas (8b/9a). We would like any accent plant to be no wider than 4' and no taller than 5'. Our fallback will be more perennials, which seem to be the best performers on our property.
Congrats, y’all!!!🎉 You t o seem like a great match! You can disregard my vole question from last week. My friend in Apex got a consultation slot with you on 2/13. 😊
I’m on an acre and need more garden space. I’ve got a large area that had a gravel driveway that was used by the former owners. I’d like to use it to grow flowers. I’m thinking I need to scrape up the gravel and replace it with topsoil in order to grow anything in it. I’m not going to try to put a shovel in it with gravel(depth unknown) . I’m pretty sure compost on top will not make rocky soil better over time. Zone 9b
Zone 7b Maryland… multiple Japanese maples didn’t drop their leaves… the fall and early winter were so warm it didn’t go dormant, and then a sudden onset cold snap turned all the leaves brown but they are still on the trees in late December. Anything I should do besides wait and see?
I think you touched on a great topic for a video-- Read Your Weeds! Thank you for your content. I’ve neglected my garden / yard for past two seasons and am using your videos to get me back on track in 2025! Also- I see you changed your zone ID to 8a vs 7b. Did you cover that in another video? I’m Iredell Co NC… bet I’m more 8a now too.
Hi Jim, I’m planning on planting a carex front lawn alternative in zone 8a southern pines nc. Can I plant now or do I have to wait until spring? Do you recommend a certain type of carex for light mowing and walking? Thank you!
Hi Jim! I bought some "horticultural oil" because my crepe myrtle has fuzzy white scale and the neem i sprayed one time did not eradicate. The oil is also listed as a fungicide also. Im hoping it will also kill the peach leaf curl fungus on my patio peach. Its just mineral oil listed. Also, this winter has been wet! (We needed the rain in the summer argh 7b/8a MD). I am worried about all this rain. Do you have any bulb recommendations for wet spots? I planted some daffodils. I now fear they will rot. Grats btw on the marriage!
RE less insects - this is also partially caused by less native host plants. Less host plants = less insects/caterpillars = less birds. There are many plants with native & non-versions versions (eg viburnums, hollies, etc) - in those cases I try to get my hands on the native version (which admittedly can be a challenge smtms)
To throw my two pennies in on multiple soil samples or mixing: When I moved in, I took samples from two spots in the front and three spots in the back. Three of the soil samples came back as slightly alkaline and two came back as slighlty acidic. Those two samples came from under cherry laurels in the back. So I would suggest keeping samples from under established trees separate so you can see what affect those trees might have had on the soil.
Wow, congrats to you both!! you see any issue using chip drop (or other type mulch service) that is free for the whole yard? I'm sure triple shredded looks much better, but trying to save money and using free chip drop seems like a nice idea. Do you foresee any issue using chip drop for the entire planting bed area? My property is about your size, city lot, in Atlanta.
From my experience of using Chip Drop: What you get is a mixed bag of whatever was ground by the guys that dropped off the load. When I got my first load, there were at least 5 different trees in the mix, including Chinaberry, which is an invasive, wind-prone nuisance tree here in Florida. I haven't seen any sprouts from the Chinaberry, but I am mindful that there could be viable seeds in my mulch. Be ready with shovels, forks and a wagon/wheelbarrow. How much you get is a matter of luck. You might get two yards worth, you might get 20 yards worth. When you get your chips don't be too put out if you see color variations from different trees in the chips. After two months, most of the mulch will look a uniform brown. Get a mask. If your chip pile is there for longer than two days, fungus and mold will start doing their jobs in the chips and every time you get a shovel full, you will kick up clouds of spores.
@@Leekle2ManE Thanks for your insight! I'm temped to give it a shot this late winter/early spring. I'm in the city and feel more often than not it'll either be a loblolly pine or a water oak, but you are correct to be leery of invasives (I could see privet or something of the like being chipped here). I'll remember the mask!😷
Happy Holidays Jim and Steph! I know you had mentioned that you were going to be straightening the vitex and making a video on it. Did you guys ever get to that or did I just miss it? I have to do the same to a redbud so just wanted to see how you guys executed that project.
What works to deter raccoons in the yard? They have shown up since my date palm started fruiting. They are making a mess all over the yard, making ruts in the grass and eating fruit from my young orchard.
So my neighbors have been kind enough to rake all of their leaves to the street for me to collect and i was thinking off trying to make leaf mold this year. Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated. Zone 8a N Raleigh Falls/Milbrook area. And congrats to you and Steff as well!
What can one do to make spongy, squishy, boggy places less so? We have very slight grade toward the street, drainage canal in back, and toward the sides making for places possibly too wet at times. The yard drains slowly in the back. Most of the yard dries quicker than the edges. 💍🎊🎉🎈
Hi Jim, can I leave little miss figgy fig tree outside in a container over the winter (Atlanta, GA). I rewatched your videos about this tree but could not find this information. Thank you.
For Holly's that say their mature size is 15'x12', am I able to keep them more like 8'x6'? I have a Robin Holly and am wondering if I should move it some place else before it would get too big to transplant if I am not able to keep it from becoming massive.
Congrats!! I’m in southeast Alabama, newly zone 9a, and am trying to figure out some good shrubs/plants for the back of my house (up next to my house). My issue is that it gets mostly western/slightly northwestern sun, so very hot in the late afternoons in summer. Any ideas for something that won’t hate its life there? 😅
I bought several Encore Azaleas on sale at the end of the year that I didn’t get a chance to plant. I brought them into the basement where it stays in the 40’s to over winter. They get 8-10 hours of light every day. They are losing some of their leaves. In the spring when I go to plant them will they leaf back out or have bare spots? Zone 6b-7a WV.
Re: light - some plants that flower/fruit in the fall are driven by a hormone that is broken down by light. When the days get shorter, less hormone breaks down and when it builds up enough, they flower. Not getting adequate darkness hours can cause them to not flower, or only flower weakly.
I’m in zone 8b in Washington state. I have primroses (along with a lot of other things) that blooming like crazy now. I was planning on dividing these in the spring. My question is should I be ok to go ahead and divide those now or should I wait until Spring?
You shouldn't be able to see much of the straw in the finished compost. Have worked around stables a lot and the material that's gotten hot enough to sterilize the seeds from the straw was excellent compost. Fresh manure can burn so dig deep in the pile!
2 quick questions. Is Bio-tone ok to use? I've been waiting 8 months for my chip drop so haven't been able to improve my soil. Secondly, can I plant my newly purchased Duke plum yews now or should I wait for spring? Zone 8a Fayetteville NC.
I live in Durham, NC (zone 8A) and in September I put down about 200sqft of Zeon Zoysia sod in hopes it will eventually take over my back yard. I know this sod is supposed to be sprayed with chemicals to prevent weeds, army worms, etc. Is there an organic, pet safe product that can be used in place of the chemicals? I have two dogs and I don't want to expose them to the chemicals. Also, what would be the best way to facilitate the spreading of this grass? Should I periodically pull the remaining grass/weeds from the perimeter of the sod patch? Thanks
Down in Charlotte with Zoysia… I usually use the pro plugger to pull plugs out of the good zoysia in other areas my turf and transfer those plugs to desired areas for spreading. I usually do this after rain. Also, use a piece of sod from sod store and get new runners from this as I transplant this donor piece. Front yard turf type tall fescue and zoysia back yard.
Public service announcement: It’s free to subscribe. There’s no catch. It’s easy to unsubscribe. Why subscribe? It will help push this great content to more viewers. 🌸🐝
i've heard from one of the growers in SC that changing pH is really a long hard process..a bunch of lime is needed to change pH... so ,,,,,,,, why bother with a soil test if changing the pH is such a difficult process.... simply plant whatever will grow and let the soil take care of the rest.... i get the information about toxicity but changing and worrying about pH is just not something i am gonna fret over.... i've never done a soil test here in GA and i know some areas in this garden are not great but why fight dirt..... build it up with leave mold and keep planting....... i have to disagree with you about when to cut back Muhly Grass....... the fronds/leaves are a capillary and if you cut them they will pull water into the crown, as a capillary does, and kill the plant.... don't cut it back until freezing is gone... if you cut it back now and it rains and then gets frozen .... your grass is gone.... just my experience.......
Congratulations Jim and Steph on your wedding and may your marriage be blessed each and every day!
Congrats🥂Jim& Steph!
I'm happy for you two! Congrats!
You mentioned that a majority of watchers are not subscribers, I wonder if there are others like me, where I watch (as a subscribed person) on my phone most of your videos except sometimes on the weekend I'll watch on my tv without logging on, I just search your channel and watch. So that may show up as an unsubscribed watcher, but I'm actually subscribed on my phone....but I'm watching ;)!
I would like to see a video on weeds and what they signal in the soil, and what action if any you would take. (I can guess!)
Sure would be interesting but having an entire vid probably beyond scope of the channel. Maybe Jim could mention a few things related to this when he's creating new gardens on the new properties. Certainly weed species prefer to grow (and outcompete others) is diff kinds of soil...whether it's compacted, wet, dry, acidic, high or low nutrient levels, etc. So on a new property, the kinds of existing plants/weeds can give a clue as to what properties the soil may have. For ex, maybe there's an area that's currently dry but there's weeds like nutsedge, etc growing that indicates a slow draining area and might have standing water days after a storm. That could be good info to have before starting a new garden.
Same, there is some really interesting research on this, but still so much unknown.
Wishing you and Stephanie the very best New Year !!!!🎉❤
Jim...2025..will you please link up with Jenny & Jerry of Creekside Nursery for a tour or planting segment?
As a retired grower for Disney, I can tell you that you are spot on in regards to fertilizing, gardens and containers need it, but landscape plants need little to none once established, like nature, unless you’re trying to get size quicker, less fertilizer = less trimming, less insects and diseases, etc. let the microbes do their job, feed the soil not the plants
Jim and Steph are simply the best
Regarding shredding leaves for composting..... I have found compost bins (by Geobin) very easy to use. Started with one last year and added two more this year...inexpensive and not unsightly. Anyway, rather than run the lawn mower over the leaves, I've found it to be more efficient to put the whole leaves in the bin and then use the string weed Wacker to chop them up. Doing this in layers and adding dried grass clippings and kitchen scraps has provided me with great compost for the 1st bin in only a year. (Marietta GA. Zone 8a I think)
Great tips!!
Would like to try this one out. It looks great compared to my Aldi ones that take forever to compost.
For others, what works well is making a couple passes with mower to shred and then adding the bagging attachment to vacuum them up and add to pile. For a large amount of leaves from several huge trees that seems to work very well. I'm glad you found a method that works for you.
Congratulations, Jim and Steph, on tying the knot! We've enjoyed your channel for years, and look forward to many more. We enjoy Holly too! Happy New Year.
Today is my birthday! The big 70! I enjoy your youtubes so much! Never stop learning!!
Happy Birthday🎉
Thank you! Also congrats on your wedding!!
The two of you are two peas in a pod and go great together!
A huge congratulations! I was beyond excited for you and Steph when I noticed your wedding band during your Amaryillis video. You make an awesome couple.
Congratulations to you, Jim and Stephany 🎉🎉🎉 . Love you both 💓
I want to attempt to place an understory of “screening” evergreens under an oak setting. The oaks are mature and provide dappled shade throughout the growing season. I am in my late sixties and want a moderate fast , growing screen if possible. Central Virginia, zone 7b…suggestions please…love your TH-cam videos 😊
I have the exact same scenario in zone 8a! Natives preferably!
Would you please include in a future video a photo or video of what the front of your house looks like from across the street? I love how you’ve created front yard privacy from the road and I’d love to see what it looks like from across the road. I’m trying to get some ideas for our front yard. Also, how tall is the fence in your front yard? Thanks!
Good morning & a most wonderful congratulations to you & Steph!!💐🫶🏻💃🏻💝
Im interested in the topic of rain water absorption in the garden.
Congratulations ! I noticed the ring and it is a nice one!
Can u give us a “read the weeds” video in the future. That would be very helpful. Thx 🌱🌱🌱
Hi Jim and Steph, Congratulations, so happy for you! I am slowly but surely creating new beds in my yard and reducing lawn, which is less grass and more green weeds. 😊 But my front yard has a shallow culvert about 2 feet from the road, it’s about a foot wide and then a 2 foot slope to the rest of the yard. Any ideas how to integrate that into a landscape design without lawn or do I have to leave that area as is. Thanks for all your helpful videos!!
Congratulations Steph and Jim!!! Wishing you all the best in your life together!!!
Congratulations on your marriage, Jim and Stephany! I am very happy for you, and I pray that God will bless you! ❤
Happy new year from Dublin! Congratulations too xxx💕
Congratulations on your marriage! Blessings
Congratulations to you and Stephanie!
Great Q&A- regards to plants in winter, they actually pull water out of the stems which concentrates the sugars in the stems, and since sugar has a lower freeze point it helps protect the cells, cell walls thicken with the increased potassium, Isli nursery grows a lot of dwarf conifers and other bonsai plants in 4”, but your looking at between 16-30 dollars, but they are nice pre-bonsai,last thing, look at Big Bloomers nursery in Sanford NC, they are a must stop on our trips between our home in western NC and the coast, there assortment of rare unusual plants is amazing
Congratulations Stephany and Jim! ✨♥️✨ (Read the weeds and weed ID videos would be fantastic!)
Congratulations to you both! Happy New Year
Good morning Jim and Stephanie and our sweet Ms. Holly 😊 I do have a Q? I was wondering if your soil PH has changed from when you moved there 4 years ago to now with all the amending you have done over the years? Thank you for another great and informative Q&A. Wishing you a Happy New Year 🎉😊
Here's one for a future Q&A Jim...I recently purchased some plants online that were priced right. Two were Rex begonias, and the other was a compact hydrangea that I plan to keep outside on the porch in a container. Would you leave the hydrangea inside (under my LEDs) until Spring, or re-pot it and let it experience the cold temps that are upcoming? Zone 7B here....
I had the situation you just described: mostly sandy, well draining reasonable soil, except the builder brought in tons of "red dirt" which is Oklahoma speak for horrible red clay. Then drove on it. So by my house it is the worst- compacted, too wet Dec to March and dried, parched bricks June to Sept! How do I fix it so that my foundation plantings have a chance of thriving? Just keep pouring on composted materials? Will there always be a layer of death my house?
I like to get moss To grow on Rocks in my Conifer Garden I'm starting do you have any tricks or tips to get it to grow is there a better time of year to start it winter or summer
In my area, we get very little rain, a lot of wind, and a lot of heat. My backyard is pretty much a ragweed/sneezeweed lawn. There are however spots that are bare all year round, where it changes yearly. At the moment I have weeds growing in this year's bald spots. I have planted shrubs in both the ragweed thick parts and the bare spots. By Late July/and August, most of my shrubs in the bare spots are either dead or struggling to survive, even with mulch rings and regular waterings. The shrubs that have ragweed growing around their mulch rings, tend to thrive without much problems from the heat. I have noticed that I need to water about the same in both full sun locations. My shrubs tolerate a missed watering better when they are surrounded by ragweed.
My allergy to the weed's pollen have been getting more manageable, and the stinging rashes aren't that bad anymore. Sneezeweed is also very easy to keep low, and that pollen is not as bad when you cut and maintain the weed smaller than 6 inches, as opposed to letting them 4-5 feet tall.
Thanks for answering my question, Jim. Congrats on the near 250k subs. I’ve been following along since my new home build in 2019 so almost in step with your move to the new location.
Two peas in a pod..Congratulations 🎉
Thanks Jim and Steph! Happy New Year and Congratulations to all. 🎉
Here in New Zone 8a, my many Japanese Maples look awful. Some weeks back just as they were changing colour we had a frost and the leaves have turned brown and crinkled but stayed on the trees. Frozen in time? Will this result in any long term damage and will the leaves eventually drop off? All the best to you and Steph for 2025.
Thanks Jim.I admire you for not bringing politics to your content and that same content has nothing to do with your personal life unless you mention something in passing.
We have a Live Oak tree in the front yard that was planted too close to the sidewalk by the house builder. We will be removing it soon, leaving us a 4.5'-5' diameter bare spot in our Bermuda lawn. We're looking for plant ideas for this full-sun spot in Central Texas (8b/9a). We would like any accent plant to be no wider than 4' and no taller than 5'. Our fallback will be more perennials, which seem to be the best performers on our property.
Congrats, y’all!!!🎉 You t o seem like a great match!
You can disregard my vole question from last week. My friend in Apex got a consultation slot with you on 2/13. 😊
I’m on an acre and need more garden space. I’ve got a large area that had a gravel driveway that was used by the former owners. I’d like to use it to grow flowers. I’m thinking I need to scrape up the gravel and replace it with topsoil in order to grow anything in it. I’m not going to try to put a shovel in it with gravel(depth unknown) . I’m pretty sure compost on top will not make rocky soil better over time. Zone 9b
Zone 7b Maryland… multiple Japanese maples didn’t drop their leaves… the fall and early winter were so warm it didn’t go dormant, and then a sudden onset cold snap turned all the leaves brown but they are still on the trees in late December. Anything I should do besides wait and see?
I think you touched on a great topic for a video-- Read Your Weeds! Thank you for your content. I’ve neglected my garden / yard for past two seasons and am using your videos to get me back on track in 2025! Also- I see you changed your zone ID to 8a vs 7b. Did you cover that in another video? I’m Iredell Co NC… bet I’m more 8a now too.
Hi Jim, I’m planning on planting a carex front lawn alternative in zone 8a southern pines nc. Can I plant now or do I have to wait until spring? Do you recommend a certain type of carex for light mowing and walking? Thank you!
Hi Jim! I bought some "horticultural oil" because my crepe myrtle has fuzzy white scale and the neem i sprayed one time did not eradicate. The oil is also listed as a fungicide also. Im hoping it will also kill the peach leaf curl fungus on my patio peach. Its just mineral oil listed. Also, this winter has been wet! (We needed the rain in the summer argh 7b/8a MD). I am worried about all this rain. Do you have any bulb recommendations for wet spots? I planted some daffodils. I now fear they will rot.
Grats btw on the marriage!
Congrats Jim! Question…. Will you be making any more “plant family” videos again? Those were really interesting!
RE less insects - this is also partially caused by less native host plants. Less host plants = less insects/caterpillars = less birds. There are many plants with native & non-versions versions (eg viburnums, hollies, etc) - in those cases I try to get my hands on the native version (which admittedly can be a challenge smtms)
Thank you for sharing your wisdom on soil tests and ammending soil! I will check out your "planting in clay" video!
To throw my two pennies in on multiple soil samples or mixing:
When I moved in, I took samples from two spots in the front and three spots in the back. Three of the soil samples came back as slightly alkaline and two came back as slighlty acidic. Those two samples came from under cherry laurels in the back. So I would suggest keeping samples from under established trees separate so you can see what affect those trees might have had on the soil.
Wow, congrats to you both!! you see any issue using chip drop (or other type mulch service) that is free for the whole yard? I'm sure triple shredded looks much better, but trying to save money and using free chip drop seems like a nice idea. Do you foresee any issue using chip drop for the entire planting bed area? My property is about your size, city lot, in Atlanta.
From my experience of using Chip Drop:
What you get is a mixed bag of whatever was ground by the guys that dropped off the load. When I got my first load, there were at least 5 different trees in the mix, including Chinaberry, which is an invasive, wind-prone nuisance tree here in Florida. I haven't seen any sprouts from the Chinaberry, but I am mindful that there could be viable seeds in my mulch.
Be ready with shovels, forks and a wagon/wheelbarrow. How much you get is a matter of luck. You might get two yards worth, you might get 20 yards worth.
When you get your chips don't be too put out if you see color variations from different trees in the chips. After two months, most of the mulch will look a uniform brown.
Get a mask. If your chip pile is there for longer than two days, fungus and mold will start doing their jobs in the chips and every time you get a shovel full, you will kick up clouds of spores.
@@Leekle2ManE Thanks for your insight! I'm temped to give it a shot this late winter/early spring. I'm in the city and feel more often than not it'll either be a loblolly pine or a water oak, but you are correct to be leery of invasives (I could see privet or something of the like being chipped here). I'll remember the mask!😷
Happy Holidays Jim and Steph! I know you had mentioned that you were going to be straightening the vitex and making a video on it. Did you guys ever get to that or did I just miss it? I have to do the same to a redbud so just wanted to see how you guys executed that project.
Great video. Best wishes to you and Steph in your married life togehter and through the new year 2025.
What works to deter raccoons in the yard? They have shown up since my date palm started fruiting. They are making a mess all over the yard, making ruts in the grass and eating fruit from my young orchard.
Congratulations, Steph and Jim, on your marriage! May the Lord bless your union and may you have many wonderful years together.
So my neighbors have been kind enough to rake all of their leaves to the street for me to collect and i was thinking off trying to make leaf mold this year. Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated. Zone 8a N Raleigh Falls/Milbrook area. And congrats to you and Steff as well!
What can one do to make spongy, squishy, boggy places less so? We have very slight grade toward the street, drainage canal in back, and toward the sides making for places possibly too wet at times. The yard drains slowly in the back. Most of the yard dries quicker than the edges. 💍🎊🎉🎈
Hi Jim, can I leave little miss figgy fig tree outside in a container over the winter (Atlanta, GA). I rewatched your videos about this tree but could not find this information. Thank you.
For Holly's that say their mature size is 15'x12', am I able to keep them more like 8'x6'? I have a Robin Holly and am wondering if I should move it some place else before it would get too big to transplant if I am not able to keep it from becoming massive.
Jim, what is that palm behind you and what zones is it hardy in? Thanks! I am in Maryland and would love to add this to my garden. Congrats Jim 🥂
I’m in southeast Alabama, newly zone 9a, and am trying to figure out some good shrubs/plants for the back of my house (up next to my house). My issue is that it gets mostly western/slightly northwestern sun, so very hot in the late afternoons in summer. Any ideas for something that won’t hate its life there? 😅
What is the evergreen plant you stood in front of during your December 29th Q&A video? It's beautiful! 😊
I bought several Encore Azaleas on sale at the end of the year that I didn’t get a chance to plant. I brought them into the basement where it stays in the 40’s to over winter. They get 8-10 hours of light every day. They are losing some of their leaves. In the spring when I go to plant them will they leaf back out or have bare spots? Zone 6b-7a WV.
💞Jim and Steph, Congratulations on your wedding. We want to see a wedding photo! Love to you both.
Re: light - some plants that flower/fruit in the fall are driven by a hormone that is broken down by light. When the days get shorter, less hormone breaks down and when it builds up enough, they flower. Not getting adequate darkness hours can cause them to not flower, or only flower weakly.
I’m in zone 8b in Washington state. I have primroses (along with a lot of other things) that blooming like crazy now. I was planning on dividing these in the spring. My question is should I be ok to go ahead and divide those now or should I wait until Spring?
Up early here because of heavy storms here in GA!
Good morning all☕️🫖🍩
Is composted horse manure and straw ok to use instead of normal compost? I am starting a new garden bed and looking for options for compost. Thanks
You shouldn't be able to see much of the straw in the finished compost. Have worked around stables a lot and the material that's gotten hot enough to sterilize the seeds from the straw was excellent compost. Fresh manure can burn so dig deep in the pile!
2 quick questions. Is Bio-tone ok to use? I've been waiting 8 months for my chip drop so haven't been able to improve my soil. Secondly, can I plant my newly purchased Duke plum yews now or should I wait for spring? Zone 8a Fayetteville NC.
I covered my Encore Azalea when it was (dry) in the 20s with a 19 inch planter. Now it has brown leaves. Should I have left it alone?
A soil test video was mentioned a few times. Which video was that? I tried searching
It’s in the mash up video that he put up last week that was over an hour long.
I live in Durham, NC (zone 8A) and in September I put down about 200sqft of Zeon Zoysia sod in hopes it will eventually take over my back yard. I know this sod is supposed to be sprayed with chemicals to prevent weeds, army worms, etc. Is there an organic, pet safe product that can be used in place of the chemicals? I have two dogs and I don't want to expose them to the chemicals. Also, what would be the best way to facilitate the spreading of this grass? Should I periodically pull the remaining grass/weeds from the perimeter of the sod patch? Thanks
Down in Charlotte with Zoysia… I usually use the pro plugger to pull plugs out of the good zoysia in other areas my turf and transfer those plugs to desired areas for spreading. I usually do this after rain. Also, use a piece of sod from sod store and get new runners from this as I transplant this donor piece. Front yard turf type tall fescue and zoysia back yard.
@@Checkthefineprint Thank you!
Hi Holly girl :)
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i've heard from one of the growers in SC that changing pH is really a long hard process..a bunch of lime is needed to change pH... so ,,,,,,,, why bother with a soil test if changing the pH is such a difficult process.... simply plant whatever will grow and let the soil take care of the rest.... i get the information about toxicity but changing and worrying about pH is just not something i am gonna fret over.... i've never done a soil test here in GA and i know some areas in this garden are not great but why fight dirt..... build it up with leave mold and keep planting.......
i have to disagree with you about when to cut back Muhly Grass....... the fronds/leaves are a capillary and if you cut them they will pull water into the crown, as a capillary does, and kill the plant.... don't cut it back until freezing is gone... if you cut it back now and it rains and then gets frozen .... your grass is gone.... just my experience.......
Any volunteer work a 12 year old can do? My son is really into growing vegetables. 🥕 🥦🍅🫛