he is a joke among nationalists. Claims to be anti too much immigration, but he's actually anti Islamic immigration . As a Jew, he feels under threat. He's pro zionist and places Israel before his own country, Russia, and his adopted country UK@@sirrathersplendid4825
@@sirrathersplendid4825 Poor Alan Bstard. He had to edit his six short words and still missed the capital letter and full stop. Typical of the basement narcissist. Oh, and Alan, bastard has an 'a' in it.
Respected British anthropology professor, Dr. Edward Dutton, has demonstrated that “LEFTISM” is due to genetic mutations, caused by poor breeding strategies. 🤡 To put it simply, in recent decades, those persons who exhibit leftist traits such as egalitarianism, feminism, gynocentrism, socialism, multiculturalism, transvestism, homosexuality, perverse morality, and laziness, have been reproducing at rates far exceeding the previous norm, leading to an explosion of insane, narcissistic SOCIOPATHS in (mostly) Western societies.
It's refreshing to have someone build up our country, instead of pull it down. It's sad that it takes a foreigner to appreciate our values, systems, etc. more than we do. Soldiers have died for the freedoms which we are now eroding from inside our own country. Pretty sad.
Also call out DEI as the racist ideology it is. Don’t send your children to any college or university that has a DEI office as part of its administrative structure. Division, Exclusion, Intolerance
I advocate for DEI to be used minimally. There is a legitimate case for it's existence and application in areas of large scale recruitment and employment in multicultural/multiethnic/identity aware societies....but only when push comes to shove....not from the outset.
@@owenarnold7611 Dividing people up according to race and then treating individuals according to notions of group identity is a non-starter for me, even when (especially when?) doing so is proposed as a compassionate and just strategy.
@@sisuriffs It has some merits. For example, DEI has done wonders for people with physical disabilities in the workplace. Before, physically disabled people's employment rates were shockingly low - the empirical data showed work-age physically disabled people wanted to work....but too many employers frankly had ableist attitudes and when given the choice would hire the able bodied employee over the physically disabled employee when given the choice of equally qualified candidates. As a result, it meant working age physically disabled people became a greater burden on society as a group. So as an absolutism, I wouldn't write DEI off completely. However, I agree it can definitely be abused and produce some shockingly dehumanising, reductive and sometimes illegal outcomes. I actually have a cousin who lost her contract/job DIRECTLY because of DEI. She was a professional violinist for the English Touring Opera and because there was a change in policy from the arts council (who fund them) stating they'll pull funding if there's not an urgent push for hiring non whites. So, her contract wasn't renewed (effectively fired) - even though she's worked with them for 4 years. For clarity, my cousin is white, vegan, and is currently suing them. Do keep in mind DEI isn't just about race.... It's definitely a consequence of group identity through an intersectional lens.
@@sisuriffs I hear you. I've seen DEI used for good and evil so I wouldn't completely write it off. Good: Recruitment and employment of working age people with physical disabilities who were too often not employed because of structural ableist attitudes from employers. Bad: My white English female vegan cousin had her contract as a professional violinist for the English Touring Opera of 4 years revoked DIRECTLY because she's white based on a change in DEI recruitment policy (they wanted more non white performers participating in the orchestra) dictated by the arts council (who fund them). She's currently suing them for unfair dismissal. Do keep in mind DEI isn't just race based.... It's more intersectional (woke) based.
@@owenarnold7611 I take your point. I guess I’d rather see effort put into identifying and removing barriers (I.e. equity of access) such that the best person for any job or position will earn it, regardless (not because of) any immutable characteristics. That is much more difficult and often more expensive to do. For example, imagine what a military would be like if effort were put into identifying the criteria for each and every branch and job within the service. No one has done that. My guess: infantry would be mostly male. Airforce would be mostly female. Submarines…female. Navy weapons techs…female. Artillery…male. Hospitals…female, yet field medics…male. Etc. Where would Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, whites, etc. end up? No idea. Would « representation » (equity of outcome) in such an effort matter? Probably not. The military example is good, imho, because competence is literally a matter of life and death in armed conflict. A person with certain disabilities might well be exceptionally able when it comes to a particular job, if we were to truly invest in opportunity through removing barriers. If the best surgeon is a woman with small children and no partner, maybe daycare would benefit everyone, for example. Talk of systemic « isms » will never get us there if we arbitrarily assign categories of so-called marginalization and remedy that with race, sex, gender, or any other identity quotas. I think we agree on the need to address arbitrary bias against any person. Everyone loses then. But DEI is based on premises I do not accept.
Wokeness is spreading across Asia too. Wokeness has also spread in Latin America. There isn't much time to turn it around. Australia has a very large, affluent and powerful Asian Australian elite, upper middle class, rich. In your view, how badly infected by wokeness are the Asian Australian elite, upper middle class and rich?
Loved listening to Konstantin. Watching from Canada… and to the host and the producers of this channel, “Thank you” for sharing this most important conversation.
I’ve followed KK for a while now. Unfortunately I already had something on when he was in Perth otherwise I would’ve been there. On another note, what was that near constant ringing in the background?
There is a strong degree of denialism. The UK is one of the slowest growing countries in the world per capita since 2008 and is being outshined by the USA, Australia, Eastern Europe, some other European countries, Asia etc. The UK has massive brain drain and a crisis of talented immigrants leaving Britain. The UK desperately needs to right the ship. And this will be very challenging. One of the reasons for this is wokeness, but it is not the only one. Australia has had one of the world's better performing economies. Although I wonder how much of this is driven by Asian Australians and not shared by the general Australian population? Not sure the UK can easily replicate what Australia does with immigration however. The UK appears to have far lower quality immigrants who agree to stay in the UK long term.
Seems you don't know what's really going on in Britain now. We have too many migrants, lots of them are illegal, a drain on national resources. Nothing remotely near to what you implied that would benefit Britain.
The UK is badly demoralised. Second most miserable country in the world (after Uzbekistan). That doesn’t help. Personally, I’d say it’s all down to a Fifth Column (Guardian-BBC etc) undermining the nation’s self-confidence.
@@AnAn___ Why do we need to attract them at all? There’s already a vast number here, far too many for the civil infrastructure and civil society to cope with. What is desperately needed is an improved education system for people already here in skills that are lacking.
@@AnAn___ It takes just a couple or three years to train a nurse; pretty sure it takes at least that long to import someone and teach them English and for them to acclimatise into British society.
Konstantin, you fail to give credit to Canada for leaping out in front of the US in this regard. It is the country, after all, where in his early days in office, Prime Minister Trudeau explained that the 50 / 50 gender makeup of his cabinet was simply because "it is 2015" (his disregard for merit quickly came back to haunt him). Recall also, Jordan Peterson came to prominence with his opposition to codifying in the Federal Human Rights Code that citizens must use peoples' preferred pronouns. That is now the law in spite of his efforts. Today, The Government of Canada has mandated that in all washrooms of federally regulated businesses, including the Canadian civil service, there be feminine hygiene dispensers and disposal receptacles ... ALL washrooms, let that sink in. For most Canadians, many of whom have only recently clued in on this, their heads are just now beginning to explode in opposition to this lunacy. (Oh, yes ... and famously, Diversity training workshops across the country are contending that Canada is a more racist country than the US. If you dare to challenge that assertion, you will be accused as self-identifying as an irredeemable racist.) Appreciate your clarity of mind, articulate discussions and concerted efforts to remind westerners what makes their societies great.
I have just been cancelled by a Home Cleaning Service because I accused them of being Fascists at the management level. That company is called Bolton Clarke. They are government funded, and used to be the Returned Soldiers League. It's very hard to find another cleaning service.
I’m sorry , I like kids but this is not a place for babies. get a babysitter pay few dollars to someone to mind your child if you really want to go to this event, don’t inconvenience the guest and every other listener because you want to take the baby with you. It’s very rude to the guest as well.
I’d like to know what books did the German university unions burn, there’s some information online claiming it was a protest against teaching gender ideology and against sex transitions, and against destruction of the German social structures that Germans valued like traditions and family. It certainly would contribute to understanding how certain awful things could have happened, and understanding how the truth seems to have been incomplete ever since. There are questions not being validated to avoid finding the truth, to avoid responsibility and avoid healing. The consequences for not having the sense to be honest, has led to meaningless repetition of the same thing happening. We learnt nothing and that looks like its on purpose for dishonest reasons.
About 1/5th of Australians are ethnically Asian. And Asian Australians + Asians outside of Australia increasingly socio-economically dominate Australia. And this is a very good thing because it is powering the Australian economy. There is a de facto civil war in Asia. With India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Australia allying against Pres Xi's aggression. This has led to pro Australian sentiment among the above countries. And anti Australian sentiment in China and among China's puppet countries (New Zealand, North Korea etc.) Many Asian countries are being devastated by the woke virus and to the degree Australia is seen as woke, that leads to anti Australian sentiments across Asia. However, I think Australia is doing a better job resisting woke than most.
This guy sounds like we already have the A1 and we are seeing how they would think, take out the heart of its humanity and see if there is really a soul.
35:10 Theresa asks about primary schools, and about getting back to truthful science models answer is backed by 3rd fire alarm ringing and exit signs..... did not everyone appreciate the Mr Kisin presentation of fiery common sense. Modeling is being presented as science. Too much dogmatism. Hey! a comment on COVID in Australia
The best of wars won is when the leader leads his men at the fore of the battle, so you got that wrong. Even in companies doing business if the Manager has a visual presence it is a successful business.
Its geeat listening to thecways the problems can be solved. Most of the time, it's so unbelievably simple how to solve the problems. It's hard to understand why no government has. Well we know why. What the people now need is the solutions to force governments to make the changes. As no government will because their funding comes for the problem
This may sound crazy, but I believe the solution is bitcoin. The government can't steal your wealth through inflation, so they lose their funding slowly and have to adapt. Which means, only money can be spent on real things that matter.
Look up the WEF organisation, look up who formed the WEF and WHO, they don’t hide their aims, try typing did Prince Charles develop the WEF , there’s lots of threads to different aims they are targeting like reducing world population. It’s no joke.
They liked it when there was live and let live, I Have a job ,I work and I can own my own home I can buy a car etc the same as my boss except it would not be as big or flashy etc as my boss but I can share the same comforts, in a very much more humble way, but now the rich and the powerful is taking all the juice from the orange and there is non left for the hard working majority. Think about it
We are NOT in the heart of Asia. At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, we are our own continent to the south of Asia AND we are culturally not Asian in any way, shape or form except as part of the multicultural society that’s been here built post-WWII.
I rather disagree with you. However, I noticed something, back when the atheist movements were ruined by the woke. The long term atheists - Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris and their types - were not swallowed up by it, but new atheists, who were former hardcore religionists - Andrews, Aron-Ra, Dillahunty and so on - were. There has to be a reason for that. What I am saying, I suppose, is that I partially agree.
I don’t say it doesn’t exist in marxism, but christianity is its root. Furthermore, Identity politics is not marxism. Many marxists reject identity politics because they find it dividing the working class, instead of uniting it.
@@studiocorax8790 Marxism is a poorly done deconstruction of churchianity. Since it is a response to churchianity, it assumes churchianity as the substratum basis. Marxism = a perversion of churchianity with the good parts removed.
@@studiocorax8790Now, your argument may be valid, but then again who is to claim that Carl Marx was original in his ideas. At the same time those who may be trying to implement his ideas in the West realize that organizing the working class in the modern day Western society is not going to work in their favor because the working class is quite happy where they are. They put food on the table, they get other benefits and protections from the society as is. So where are the have-nots? They are the fringe elements of the society that struggle. That includes some struggling minority groups, the immigrants having hard time to integrate, the LGBTQ+ community, etc.
I am all in favour of democracy and free speech, and Kisin is shallow and simplistic... No acknowledgement of the abundance of natural resources in Australia. No acknowledgement of the West’s exploitation of others, including brain drain. No acknowledgement of the technical and economic rise of the authoritarian China. No acknowledgement of the increasing and damaging pressures and stresses in society. No acknowledgement of global crises. Effective (and convenient) denial of climate change, which is predominantly caused by the West and will predominantly affect developing countries. The Cortez example was particularly shallow and simplistic. Voting is not government by consent. No acknowledgement of the gross imbalance of power between big business, and voters and consumers. No acknowledgement of the influence of big money and big tech. The mantra of keep what you make, without addressing increasing inequity. Not hard to see why people really call Kisin right wing.
@@sanniepstein4835 Big compared to what? It needs to be as big as required to produce a fair society reflecting what the democracy decides. Oversized government is bad, not big government per se. I am not arguing Kisin's case for him. That was his purpose.
2:19 "experiment that you can conduct than what the British did here" - Австралия это последствие "Британского эксперемента" ? нормально ты Костя в лицо людям плюнул ...
@@НереальнаяАвстралия и "плюнул" и "обосцал" и - это все "фигуры речи" , так что "насрал" он на австралов нормально своим "пердежем" , так что кушайте не обляпайтесь это "гомницо"
4:14 " because our societies produce the ability to choose your gender " - кто еще думает что это смешно ???? 1. " There's No Such Thing as Society " - Margaret Thatcher.
You should upload again with the audio from the microphones of the speakers instead of the camera mic… 🙄
Keep spreading the truth mate , big fan ….
Konstantin you are truly an asset to the U.K. LOVE YOUR HONESTY. Regards.
Thank you Konstantin! We need your voice here to help us defend freedom for all and keep our nation together!
Any country that allowed Dictator Dan is not free.
he does nothing of the sort
@@alanbstard4- Ok, so what exactly is he doing? In your opinion. 🤔
he is a joke among nationalists. Claims to be anti too much immigration, but he's actually anti Islamic immigration . As a Jew, he feels under threat. He's pro zionist and places Israel before his own country, Russia, and his adopted country UK@@sirrathersplendid4825
@@sirrathersplendid4825 Poor Alan Bstard. He had to edit his six short words and still missed the capital letter and full stop. Typical of the basement narcissist. Oh, and Alan, bastard has an 'a' in it.
KK is a gem. Brilliant mind.
no, he's a fraud
@@alanbstard4You are, he’s showing his face and saying his name loud and clear - you don’t, so you are the fraud.
no Deanna, I'm the guy who gets cancelled for telling the truth , hence the privacy@@DeannaSt
But she ruined Star Wars!
Thank you Konstantin, a voice of reason and a breathe of fresh air.
Konstantin a voice of intellect and common sense in a sea of wokeness, climate alarmism and child/youth indoctrination.
Respected British anthropology professor, Dr. Edward Dutton, has demonstrated that “LEFTISM” is due to genetic mutations, caused by poor breeding strategies.
To put it simply, in recent decades, those persons who exhibit leftist traits such as egalitarianism, feminism, gynocentrism, socialism, multiculturalism, transvestism, homosexuality, perverse morality, and laziness, have been reproducing at rates far exceeding the previous norm, leading to an explosion of insane, narcissistic SOCIOPATHS in (mostly) Western societies.
It's refreshing to have someone build up our country, instead of pull it down. It's sad that it takes a foreigner to appreciate our values, systems, etc. more than we do. Soldiers have died for the freedoms which we are now eroding from inside our own country. Pretty sad.
Not just any foreigner. A RUSSIAN. Even better because his family is very close in history to the Communist revolution
He’s no foreigner now, he’s truly British through and through.more British than a good chunk of our people.
This is absolutely awesome
KK is in our country?! So exciting!
Konstantin rocks, as always. (Audio is terrible...room acoustics and microphones)
KK is so right, strap on a pair and start having the right conversations not virtue signalling and following WEF narrative
KK virtue signals often on his site. He's a civnat at best
Did you know it was Prince Charles and Klaus Schwab who started the WHO/ WEF.
Audio needs to be managed better.
Love Konstantin Kissin but…What’s with the sound?
Yeah weird loud ringing sound!
Also call out DEI as the racist ideology it is. Don’t send your children to any college or university that has a DEI office as part of its administrative structure. Division, Exclusion, Intolerance
I advocate for DEI to be used minimally. There is a legitimate case for it's existence and application in areas of large scale recruitment and employment in multicultural/multiethnic/identity aware societies....but only when push comes to shove....not from the outset.
@@owenarnold7611 Dividing people up according to race and then treating individuals according to notions of group identity is a non-starter for me, even when (especially when?) doing so is proposed as a compassionate and just strategy.
@@sisuriffs It has some merits. For example, DEI has done wonders for people with physical disabilities in the workplace. Before, physically disabled people's employment rates were shockingly low - the empirical data showed work-age physically disabled people wanted to work....but too many employers frankly had ableist attitudes and when given the choice would hire the able bodied employee over the physically disabled employee when given the choice of equally qualified candidates. As a result, it meant working age physically disabled people became a greater burden on society as a group.
So as an absolutism, I wouldn't write DEI off completely. However, I agree it can definitely be abused and produce some shockingly dehumanising, reductive and sometimes illegal outcomes. I actually have a cousin who lost her contract/job DIRECTLY because of DEI. She was a professional violinist for the English Touring Opera and because there was a change in policy from the arts council (who fund them) stating they'll pull funding if there's not an urgent push for hiring non whites. So, her contract wasn't renewed (effectively fired) - even though she's worked with them for 4 years.
For clarity, my cousin is white, vegan, and is currently suing them.
Do keep in mind DEI isn't just about race.... It's definitely a consequence of group identity through an intersectional lens.
@@sisuriffs I hear you. I've seen DEI used for good and evil so I wouldn't completely write it off.
Good: Recruitment and employment of working age people with physical disabilities who were too often not employed because of structural ableist attitudes from employers.
Bad: My white English female vegan cousin had her contract as a professional violinist for the English Touring Opera of 4 years revoked DIRECTLY because she's white based on a change in DEI recruitment policy (they wanted more non white performers participating in the orchestra) dictated by the arts council (who fund them). She's currently suing them for unfair dismissal.
Do keep in mind DEI isn't just race based.... It's more intersectional (woke) based.
@@owenarnold7611 I take your point. I guess I’d rather see effort put into identifying and removing barriers (I.e. equity of access) such that the best person for any job or position will earn it, regardless (not because of) any immutable characteristics.
That is much more difficult and often more expensive to do. For example, imagine what a military would be like if effort were put into identifying the criteria for each and every branch and job within the service. No one has done that. My guess: infantry would be mostly male. Airforce would be mostly female. Submarines…female. Navy weapons techs…female. Artillery…male. Hospitals…female, yet field medics…male. Etc. Where would Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, whites, etc. end up? No idea. Would « representation » (equity of outcome) in such an effort matter? Probably not. The military example is good, imho, because competence is literally a matter of life and death in armed conflict. A person with certain disabilities might well be exceptionally able when it comes to a particular job, if we were to truly invest in opportunity through removing barriers.
If the best surgeon is a woman with small children and no partner, maybe daycare would benefit everyone, for example.
Talk of systemic « isms » will never get us there if we arbitrarily assign categories of so-called marginalization and remedy that with race, sex, gender, or any other identity quotas.
I think we agree on the need to address arbitrary bias against any person. Everyone loses then. But DEI is based on premises I do not accept.
Konstantin, we dont have time down here (Aust and NZ)........ wokeism is well and truly making an impact DownUnder.
Wokeness is spreading across Asia too. Wokeness has also spread in Latin America. There isn't much time to turn it around.
Australia has a very large, affluent and powerful Asian Australian elite, upper middle class, rich. In your view, how badly infected by wokeness are the Asian Australian elite, upper middle class and rich?
Institutional Capture with Dr Dianna T Kenny… it’s scarier than I thought!
@@TheNesbittExperience Its in businesses and institutions all over the world.
A good bunch of good , common sense points
We need Konstantin in Canada! On every hot issue he gets it straight to the root.
That sound system is shocking.
Loved listening to Konstantin. Watching from Canada… and to the host and the producers of this channel, “Thank you” for sharing this most important conversation.
Huge fan, keep talking for a while yet... we need you. And I hope for all our sakes you get to listen soon.
Excellent. Well worth the watch.
Consider not putting a microphone in the audience. I want to hear Konstantin, not coughing.
The sound quality of this affair was atrocious, high school kids can do better using just a phone.
Very smart fellow.
A truly great speaker.
Great interview!
shame about the terrible sound quality
Parental leadership from both parents a man and a woman
Moira Deeming got sacked for speaking up
Like so many woman!
I’ve followed KK for a while now. Unfortunately I already had something on when he was in Perth otherwise I would’ve been there.
On another note, what was that near constant ringing in the background?
The audio is terrible, Doo better my AV Colliuges. 5:14
Nice threads, KK.
25:00 So what you’re saying is, freedom isn’t free, there’s a hefty f**cking fee, and if you don’t pitch your buck-oh-five who will??
There is a strong degree of denialism. The UK is one of the slowest growing countries in the world per capita since 2008 and is being outshined by the USA, Australia, Eastern Europe, some other European countries, Asia etc. The UK has massive brain drain and a crisis of talented immigrants leaving Britain.
The UK desperately needs to right the ship. And this will be very challenging.
One of the reasons for this is wokeness, but it is not the only one.
Australia has had one of the world's better performing economies. Although I wonder how much of this is driven by Asian Australians and not shared by the general Australian population? Not sure the UK can easily replicate what Australia does with immigration however. The UK appears to have far lower quality immigrants who agree to stay in the UK long term.
Seems you don't know what's really going on in Britain now. We have too many migrants, lots of them are illegal, a drain on national resources.
Nothing remotely near to what you implied that would benefit Britain.
The UK is badly demoralised. Second most miserable country in the world (after Uzbekistan). That doesn’t help. Personally, I’d say it’s all down to a Fifth Column (Guardian-BBC etc) undermining the nation’s self-confidence.
@@sirrathersplendid4825 How can the UK attract better quality immigrants and inspire them to live in the UK over the long run?
@@AnAn___ Why do we need to attract them at all? There’s already a vast number here, far too many for the civil infrastructure and civil society to cope with. What is desperately needed is an improved education system for people already here in skills that are lacking.
@@AnAn___ It takes just a couple or three years to train a nurse; pretty sure it takes at least that long to import someone and teach them English and for them to acclimatise into British society.
Konstantin, you fail to give credit to Canada for leaping out in front of the US in this regard. It is the country, after all, where in his early days in office, Prime Minister Trudeau explained that the 50 / 50 gender makeup of his cabinet was simply because "it is 2015" (his disregard for merit quickly came back to haunt him). Recall also, Jordan Peterson came to prominence with his opposition to codifying in the Federal Human Rights Code that citizens must use peoples' preferred pronouns. That is now the law in spite of his efforts. Today, The Government of Canada has mandated that in all washrooms of federally regulated businesses, including the Canadian civil service, there be feminine hygiene dispensers and disposal receptacles ... ALL washrooms, let that sink in. For most Canadians, many of whom have only recently clued in on this, their heads are just now beginning to explode in opposition to this lunacy. (Oh, yes ... and famously, Diversity training workshops across the country are contending that Canada is a more racist country than the US. If you dare to challenge that assertion, you will be accused as self-identifying as an irredeemable racist.) Appreciate your clarity of mind, articulate discussions and concerted efforts to remind westerners what makes their societies great.
Fantastic session. Good kk was invited but the technicians did not set up the sound system well: echo and crickets. My ears hurt
Just weh I thought KK could not get better, he gets better
How ironic that Konstantin, who was born in the USSR, is now a hero, and our great hope for democracy
At around min 18-19 i think some one pulled a fire alarm , there is a very annoying sound at the backround
Kisin talks sense.
I have just been cancelled by a Home Cleaning Service because I accused them of being Fascists at the management level. That company is called Bolton Clarke. They are government funded, and used to be the Returned Soldiers League. It's very hard to find another cleaning service.
I’m sorry , I like kids but this is not a place for babies. get a babysitter pay few dollars to someone to mind your child if you really want to go to this event, don’t inconvenience the guest and every other listener because you want to take the baby with you.
It’s very rude to the guest as well.
I’d like to know what books did the German university unions burn, there’s some information online claiming it was a protest against teaching gender ideology and against sex transitions, and against destruction of the German social structures that Germans valued like traditions and family. It certainly would contribute to understanding how certain awful things could have happened, and understanding how the truth seems to have been incomplete ever since. There are questions not being validated to avoid finding the truth, to avoid responsibility and avoid healing. The consequences for not having the sense to be honest, has led to meaningless repetition of the same thing happening. We learnt nothing and that looks like its on purpose for dishonest reasons.
I have heard the first doctor to perform a sex change operation was also a nazi doing experiments on hypothermia or something.
I replied, it disappeared. There is a connection. I'll try to say more later.
It won't let me reply
Australia is a western country in Asia. I lived in Asia for 12 years and was quite at how many people resented that.
Australia is behaving more like the Asian country in the west for too long.
That's scary. How many of those people come here?
About 1/5th of Australians are ethnically Asian. And Asian Australians + Asians outside of Australia increasingly socio-economically dominate Australia. And this is a very good thing because it is powering the Australian economy.
There is a de facto civil war in Asia. With India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Australia allying against Pres Xi's aggression.
This has led to pro Australian sentiment among the above countries. And anti Australian sentiment in China and among China's puppet countries (New Zealand, North Korea etc.)
Many Asian countries are being devastated by the woke virus and to the degree Australia is seen as woke, that leads to anti Australian sentiments across Asia. However, I think Australia is doing a better job resisting woke than most.
@@grannyannie2948 About 1/5th of Australians are ethnically Asian. This is a very successful and affluent minority in Australia.
What a pity the sound is so bad on this. 🙄
Clicked quicker than a feminist fleeing Ukraine
Common sense is really annoying ah😮
@@galahad6001 Privileged sense, nothing common about it, men had to stay and fight
please sort out the sound
This guy sounds like we already have the A1 and we are seeing how they would think, take out the heart of its humanity and see if there is really a soul.
Couldve recorded the audio directly from the mic. Great convo, though.
35:10 Theresa asks about primary schools, and about getting back to truthful science models
answer is backed by 3rd fire alarm ringing and exit signs..... did not everyone appreciate the Mr Kisin presentation of fiery common sense.
Modeling is being presented as science. Too much dogmatism. Hey! a comment on COVID in Australia
"Government by consent" lol
I never consented to be governed by anyone. If anything we have governmet by deceit and coercion, not consent.
The best of wars won is when the leader leads his men at the fore of the battle, so you got that wrong. Even in companies doing business if the Manager has a visual presence it is a successful business.
They are coming because we are easy marks. Apologies to those that are not coming for that reason.
sound is awful--can't hear. Pity.
Its geeat listening to thecways the problems can be solved.
Most of the time, it's so unbelievably simple how to solve the problems. It's hard to understand why no government has.
Well we know why.
What the people now need is the solutions to force governments to make the changes. As no government will because their funding comes for the problem
This may sound crazy, but I believe the solution is bitcoin. The government can't steal your wealth through inflation, so they lose their funding slowly and have to adapt. Which means, only money can be spent on real things that matter.
Look up the WEF organisation, look up who formed the WEF and WHO, they don’t hide their aims, try typing did Prince Charles develop the WEF , there’s lots of threads to different aims they are targeting like reducing world population. It’s no joke.
Audio is terrible
I don't see putina paying any price...that is the problem.
They liked it when there was live and let live, I Have a job ,I work and I can own my own home I can buy a car etc the same as my boss except it would not be as big or flashy etc as my boss but I can share the same comforts, in a very much more humble way, but now the rich and the powerful is taking all the juice from the orange and there is non left for the hard working majority. Think about it
We are NOT in the heart of Asia. At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, we are our own continent to the south of Asia AND we are culturally not Asian in any way, shape or form except as part of the multicultural society that’s been here built post-WWII.
Perhaps stop slapping your thigh when asking a question :). Is that an Australian thing?
LoL, I'm Australian and I was thinking the same thing.
If this was a professional discussion, the extreme sound bounce is very inoying. it only takes a couch or some pillows or drapes. Discusting.
"You get to keep what you create". Lmao, tell that to the people who created free unlimited energy.
social welfare?
The audio here was horrendous. You're using public funds, do better!
Completely inaudible, too bad.
Oppressor - oppressed stems from christianity, not marxism.
Agree. Much of wokeness is a perverted version of churchianity.
I rather disagree with you. However, I noticed something, back when the atheist movements were ruined by the woke. The long term atheists - Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris and their types - were not swallowed up by it, but new atheists, who were former hardcore religionists - Andrews, Aron-Ra, Dillahunty and so on - were. There has to be a reason for that. What I am saying, I suppose, is that I partially agree.
I don’t say it doesn’t exist in marxism, but christianity is its root.
Furthermore, Identity politics is not marxism. Many marxists reject identity politics because they find it dividing the working class, instead of uniting it.
@@studiocorax8790 Marxism is a poorly done deconstruction of churchianity. Since it is a response to churchianity, it assumes churchianity as the substratum basis.
Marxism = a perversion of churchianity with the good parts removed.
@@studiocorax8790Now, your argument may be valid, but then again who is to claim that Carl Marx was original in his ideas. At the same time those who may be trying to implement his ideas in the West realize that organizing the working class in the modern day Western society is not going to work in their favor because the working class is quite happy where they are. They put food on the table, they get other benefits and protections from the society as is. So where are the have-nots? They are the fringe elements of the society that struggle. That includes some struggling minority groups, the immigrants having hard time to integrate, the LGBTQ+ community, etc.
Despite of being pleasant and articulate, Konstantin is wrong about many things
I am all in favour of democracy and free speech, and Kisin is shallow and simplistic...
No acknowledgement of the abundance of natural resources in Australia.
No acknowledgement of the West’s exploitation of others, including brain drain.
No acknowledgement of the technical and economic rise of the authoritarian China.
No acknowledgement of the increasing and damaging pressures and stresses in society.
No acknowledgement of global crises. Effective (and convenient) denial of climate change, which is predominantly caused by the West and will predominantly affect developing countries.
The Cortez example was particularly shallow and simplistic.
Voting is not government by consent.
No acknowledgement of the gross imbalance of power between big business, and voters and consumers. No acknowledgement of the influence of big money and big tech. The mantra of keep what you make, without addressing increasing inequity.
Not hard to see why people really call Kisin right wing.
Your list of bad things doesn't include big government. That is naive.
@@sanniepstein4835 Big compared to what? It needs to be as big as required to produce a fair society reflecting what the democracy decides. Oversized government is bad, not big government per se.
I am not arguing Kisin's case for him. That was his purpose.
This man is a paid propagandist!
And you’re a bot?
2:19 "experiment that you can conduct than what the British did here" - Австралия это последствие "Британского эксперемента" ? нормально ты Костя в лицо людям плюнул ...
это фигура речи. Ничего он никому не плевал.
@@НереальнаяАвстралия и "плюнул" и "обосцал" и - это все "фигуры речи" , так что "насрал" он на австралов нормально своим "пердежем" , так что кушайте не обляпайтесь это "гомницо"
4:14 " because our societies produce the ability to choose your gender " - кто еще думает что это смешно ????
1. " There's No Such Thing as Society " - Margaret Thatcher.
He was being sarcastic.
@@sirrathersplendid4825 today it is no funny but stupid
2024 fix your goddamn audio!
Are those mics just props? Terrible audio on this. Please re-upload with the mic audio if possible.