Stories of young transgender children
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- More and more transgender children are coming out of the shadows and living openly as the opposite gender. Rita Braver introduces us to three young people who say they have always known their gender did not match their biology.
That 6 yr old girl didn't have much to say, the narrator did all the talking. She also made her questions too long-winded for a 6 yr old to respond to.
Ok ok ok. Lemme stop ya right there at .33. Howwwww do u breath like a girl? Do females have gills or somethin I was never aware of?!?!
Dee Ray shes a kid XDD she was just trying to get a point across
I would have never guessed Zoey was born a boy if they didn't say it - she looks and sounds just like a female.
Probably because of blockers. I really wish they would allow these kids to go through their regular puberty before medical intervention.
Fati I agree. If my stepdaughter and/or any future children wanted these hormone blockers I would say no.
Fati why would you want a trans girl to go through male puberty ? The point of being trans is to pass as the gender you want to identify as.
@@imonlyjustahole Because he's a male? Parents giving their children medications to change gender is child abuse, and they should all be jailed. Kids want to do things they are considered taboo, it's part of growing up. The problem now is that all these kids think they can decide what gender they want to be, and take life altering medication to do so.
@@MrGreFunky some trans kids are influenced yes that's true but you have to think about the ones that are actually serious about transitioning into the gender they want to be. Gender dysphoria is an illness that must be treated and the only way to do it is by transitioning, stop being judgemenal we should all just get along
Someone under the age of 18 is incapable to engage in consensual sexual acts. So how can someone under the age of 18 consent into changing their anatomy?
michael lawton I agree
Makes sense
Finally a rational person
because changing your anatomy isn't a sexual act?
@@sub-harmonik what if they regret their transition when they become older?
Liking the color pink doesn't make you a girl.
TrollDoll she didn't say that's the only thing that made her a girl
But it might mean you're trans!
Why are these people putting unnecessary gender and sex stereotypes on these children? Just because you wear, do and think in certain ways doesn't mean you are a male or female. It's like we're going backwards into the dark old days when a man does this and a woman does that, with a woke slant. There's so much focus on 'feeling like a girl/boy' and not enough on 'am I comfortable in my own body, and if not where might this be coming from?'. To be objectively critical instead of afferming is the only way to get the best possible outcome for the person involved. I'm not denying the existence of Trans people but let's just leave kids as kids. Yes?
A persons brain doesn't stop developing till 25 so how are kids nowadays so concerned with gender preference? I blame new cartoons and the subliminal messages..
I don't know what subliminal messages mean but I hate cartoons. And I'm trans. Got anything to say about that?
Brain development doesn’t stop
@@Squishy-ho7zd He means maturing
Okay a baby telling the parents what to do. Let that sink in.
That politician who said that a trans girl is a boy is making me mad
you are a wonderful human
Thanks for speaking out!
I know someone who was put on puberty blockers as a kid & now that they're an adult, they are suing their parents. My friend was talked into being trans as young as 3 & they strongly believe that their parents just did it for attention. It's a very sad situation & I hope my friend gets justice.
That never happened.
I don't know if this case is true. But there have been lawsuits similar to this one.@@KryptonianStoner
What do you expect when children are specifically targeted thru tv, movies, fashion, music. It's disgusting that our children's innocence has been stolen, inverted and perverted. SHAME ON THE ADULTS THAT ENCOURAGE THIS!!
It call social contagious that’s why it’s happening so much. It’s not cause it’s more acceptable because there would be way more older people coming out it’s being taught when you see a higher Statistic in youth
It's being pushed on TikTok, no surprise.
I would feel better if they made this choice when they were old enough to make their own decisions and know they are doing it for the right reasons.
If they made this choice at this age, they clearly know how to make their own decisions.
@@Doreo. shut up groomer. children would also make the choice to only eat cookies if irresponsible adults left them to their own devices. it doesn't mean that they know how to make their own decisions
America has hit a new low..
The only thing that angers me is that they refuse to tel there boyfriends the truth...lettin straight men have sex with them without givin them a choice
They are straight women .you imbicill;
How does not wantin to hav gay sex make someone a bigot...i just said i rather kno its a dude before sex. So i can choose. Inside out penises are not vaginas, period
Straight pride! Straight power!
It's not that trans women "refuse to tell" or "lie" to their boyfriends, they usually just don't know when the right time is before they realize it's a little late by the time they start a relationship. I understand where you're coming from and why that would upset you and I'm not saying it's wrong for you to turn down a transgender person if what they have isn't your preference, but understand that if a person is transgender, it's 10X harder to start a relationship than it is when a person is cisgender because a lot of people still don't understand what it's like to be transgender or how they think.
Justin Newat truth is if u tel the guy before sex ever happens he wil not feel raped and angry enought o kill or hurt...if u wait til sometime after many sexual encounters its understandable that the guy become psycotic enraged
She is a damm good doctor. She actually cares about her patients and their families. I wish her nothing but the best for her career and her life.
She’s a quack who probably couldn’t be a real doctor so she got into this made up field
The idea that because you like the color pink and don't like trucks or roughhousing you need to pump yourself full of hormones because your body is wrong seems backwards. Sometimes it just means you like the color pink and not trucks or roughhousing. I feel like these kids are indoctrinated to define themselves as members of a group first instead of as individuals and I also fear they may have been conditioned to have a really negative view of the members of their biological sex. Kids are told by their parents and others that it means to be a male or female, they have no idea what these things are nor do they care when they are younger. It just bothers me that they're impressionable kids.
+Evan Uthus You have no clue. Did you not listen to the parents and the child? The children just KNOW at a very early age. Why? we don't know. I have worked with TG researchers and medical professionals numerous times over my 40 year career in professional audio visual presentations. They all will tell you the same thing. The parents are doing NOTHING to push the child to identify as transgender.
Gizmologist1 Fair enough. I didn't mean to sound so sure of myself. As someone who does not have extensive personal experience and knowledge on the subject I can't speak authoritatively about it. As you said it is not well understood, and I would argue that when the cause of something is not well understood one should be careful before taking drastic measures. It is my understanding that that suicide rates are high in the transgender community but transitions do not improve and may actually increase suicide rates. Generally I don't think children are equipped to make life changing decisions, they do not know very well who they are, and have not even fully developed their personality. Likewise I don't think Parents should make these decisions for them. I think the only person who should be able to make that sort of decision is the individual him/herself when they are old enough to make it. Gender has a social aspect and the reasons that children want to transition can be different and not understood by the child much less anyone else. It is my general feeling that the influence of parenting and socialization as well as their unique interaction with individual nature, usually unintended, should not be underestimated. I think children are exposed to an unhealthily sexualized and confused culture. What I meant to express was a sentiment of general worry and caution, and I think that is entirely proper. Indeed it would be irresponsible to not approach the matter with extreme caution.
Gizmologist1 I wouldn't blame a parent for trying to do what they think is best for their child, and I'm not accusing these parents of pressuring their children, I think you misunderstood my post.
+Evan Uthus You are partially correct in that suicice, attempted suicide, and comntemplated suicide rate are very high (41% consider it) BUT the reason is NOT because they are TG. The reason is they are frequently tormented because of the way act or even walk. Families have disowned thousands of TG kids. As a result, there are shelters for TG kids all over the country with some kids as young as 13 when they were forced out.
Much of society has no clue about how their own body's development or that every person on the face of the earth was neutral in their physical sex until thestill developing brain triggered secretion of hormones to begin the differentiation. This is why all humans have nipples. In addition, the scrotum has what looks like a seam separating the right from the left half. That seam or suture line could have been the opening to a vagina and the sides of the scrotum could have been the labia or outer lips of the vagina. The clitoris is an exact copy in miniature of a penis.
USUALLY but not always, the sentient identity parallels the physical body. When they do not, the usual result is a transgendered or gay individual. There are TGs born as female as well. No one seems to be upset at all about them when they decide to transition.
You headed down the wrong path though when you said that transitioning does not help. You could not be more wrong. There are so many parents who loved their children even though they were born TG that will tell you that their child was depressed, not doing well socially or in school, was a loner etc. Once they are allowed and supported to be who they really are, they become a whole new and happy child.
I have seen it myself many times. I have done the presentations from doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists. I have talked with the kids and the families. There are small groups of parents who have banded together and started camps during the summer months where the kids are free to be who they are, No teasing, no bullying, no attacks, and no danger at all. It is impossible to see that the male to female kids are biologically male and the same is true about the female to male kids.
There are also androgenous kids who do not solidly identify with either gender.
My best friend of over 50 years is a Mormon and had six kids. Only the eldest daughter was born gay. She is a nurse now in a cancer treatment facility. I knew she was gay when she was 9 years old. My buddy did not want to believe it but now he just accepts it. it just is. It is NOT a choice.
People think that TGs are gay. They are not. In addition, you cannot get anyone who is genuinely TG to change back to their biological sex. There are a couple exceptions of people who transitioned late in life, but IF the correct therapy and counseling are provided starting when the person is still in childhood, regrets are extremely few. They may not act on their feelings due to outside pressures, but the identity is always there.
YES!!!You are so right!!!
A 17 years teen doesn't have the capability of choosing to have sex with older people, how can children literally have the choice to cut their organs? They could be manipulated by whoever to do so the same reason why they can't have sex with an older person, But at the same time living depressed is not good either. It's complex
Child abuse yeah right lol
Ppl have no clue it's no the parents or child fault..
They get the life of depression and feel like there in the wrong body
A trans child is like a vegan cat. We all know who’s making the decisions.
The kids are confused and its a big decision for children who don't understand. It's the parents fault that allow this shit.
Marwa Bella well they make the decision to kill themselves at 12-13........if your biological daughter told you they were trans...would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?
Well at least wait until the age is older.
Marwa Bella how old? wait to put them on blockers until theyve already started puberty???? that will cause change/damage that can never be reversed!!
Marwa Bella Shut up. Please, shut the hell up. You know nothing about this topic.
Marwa Bella being transgender is congenital
I liked boy toys when I was little, doesn’t mean I wanted to be a boy.
When the tested rules go away, when every whim of a child is embraced, entertained and taken seriously by adults, we are all fucked.
I might as well plow snow for a living, and call myself a 6 years old girl.
Oh wow!!!! Okay
Allowing your child to take hormone blocking medication before their age of consent IS CHILD ABUSE. All parents who do that deserve fucking JAIL.
Why, you think it's better to force your child to suppress themselves and live their life as a lie, in the process developing severe depression and anxiety? You think it's better for a child to be kicked out of their home and turn to drugs because they don't get love from their families? That is precisely what happens to trans kids who don't get family support. Parents who psychologically abuse their children should be put in jail.
James Russel David Reimer is actually a perfect example of why you shouldn't force your child to be someone they aren't. Trans kids who don't get support at home end up exactly like him. If your child was screaming and crying about how they were a girl on the inside and were so unhappy they tried to cut their penis off (many trans girls have tried this), do you really think forcing them to be a boy is healthy?
volz519 No I'd let them believe what they want and tell them at age 16 they can become a girl fully, until then I wouldnt do anything drastic.
James Russel Hormone blockers aren't drastic because they aren't permanent. If you stop them you go through puberty normally as if you had never done anything, which is why people use them until they are an older teenager and know for sure they want to use permanent methods.
No, you do not know what you are talking about. Is it better for the child to commit suicide.
When and how did you know you were YOUR gender???
I mean BEFOR anyone told you.
Sex designation has NOTHING to do with gender.
THEY are seperate from each other.
Don`t hate people just because you are incapable of understanding complex things as human development.
It is NOT one or the other or black and white.
MOST of life is MANY shades of grey.
Victims of child abuse.
Every time I think people are getting closer to being accepting I go through and see comments like these and it honestly disgusts me.
I have explained this to someone before... it's would probably never happen, but let's say for a second that in schools there is a descusion about if transgenders are freaks of nature.. everyone is going to say "their just normal people and we should accept them". That's what their bound to say. And of course that's the correct response to give.. but on the internet where everyone can remain anonymous, judgment and criticism of this topic is growing.. makes me sad as well to think about how many closed minded people there r, trying to use chromosomes and and science instead of just listening to others about how they feel and not spit on their dreams.. anyways wat I'm trying to say is people will try to retain apearences in public, that's just how the world works.. thank u for chosen to listen to others instead of telling them that wat they feel is wrong. :)
+Kell Brigan first, gender dysphoria is a legitimate medical condition but it is not a "mental illness" - science and medicine have advanced to the point that is now a recognized fact.
Further, it's not something that can be "cured". It's impossible to align the mind of a transgendered child with their body. Any treatment has to be physical (which is the approach these parents have taken). First step is to accept the child for who he/she is and be as supportive as possible.
BTW, in an ever growing number of states and Canadian provinces it is illegal to subject minors to so called "conversion therapy" which is any treatment that is intended to change an individual's gender identity or sexual orientation. Not only doesn't it work but it's actually very harmful (if in doubt, google Leelah Alcorn to see what happened to her when her parents refused to accept that she was a girl).
The only abuse would have been if these parents refused to accept their children for who and what they are - if you're not aware of it something like 40% of homeless youths are members of the LGBTQ community - how many of those kids left because their living situation was intolerable and how many were thrown out, I don't know.
+Sam Adams ANY time someone believes they are something other than what they are, it's a delusion. Medicine has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
+Jake Jones If it's a delusion, then why does transitioning make them happier more well adjusted people? If it's a delusion how come come cross sex hormone therapy is so successful? Also why is it that I always see you commenting with the same stuff over and over again on so many different transgender youtube videos? I don't get it, other than you like to get a rise out of transgender people, or people who support them. So basically a form of trolling, which that is something I really don't get at all. Time and progress are always moving forward why stand in the way of that? I'm just curious what your motivations are because for someone who doesn't support transgender people you sure seem to really like watching news stories about us?
All I can say is thank the good lord that lawmakers use actual research, data, and evidence that has been gathered to make laws protecting transgender people, laws that give us equality, and laws that enable us to change our gender markers on bureaucratic forms and ID's instead of listening to right wing conservative people and groups who don't have any science on their side. They basically argue for tradition and for things to stay exactly as they are. They did it for slavery, they did if for women voting, they did it with civil rights of black Americans, and now they are doing it to the LGBT+ community. They just want to slow down progress because it can't be stopped or reversed, so the next best strategy for a group of people who don't believe in science is to slow it down for as long as they can.
I live in Florida, and thanks to the law being changed in 2011 I can now have the gender marker on my driver license changed from M to F without having gender confirmation surgery. I just need a letter from the doctor who is taking care of my medical needs, that I am indeed transgender, and am receiving medical treatment for it. My name change is going to be official in 2 weeks, and I can not wait to get my new license with my new name, and the gender marker that reflects what I look like. It's been a huge pain because I have passing privilege, and so I
have to always out myself when I buy things with my debit card that has a male name on it, and the clerk happens to notice and then asks me for ID because they don't want to get in trouble for credit card fraud. It will also be great when my doctor offices call me to give me personal information because every time they think I'm his girlfriend or sister, mom whatever and then they get super
suspicious and don't want to give me my info until I out myself and explain that I'm transgender. So thanks to the law changing I don't have to go through a super painful expensive surgery to have the gender marker on my driver license changed. Progress why fight it, and it's also a good way to tell if you are on the right side of history and civil rights issues or not.
+Jake Jones Sorry but these individuals do not believe that they are something "other than what they are".
Sex and gender are not the same thing. They believe in their gender which just happens to disagree with their sex.
And medicine and science have EVERYTHING to do with it. Male and female brains are different. They are composed of different types of cells and men and women think with different parts of their brain.
Further, fetuses all start out as female - it's only when it's exposed to hormones in the womb that the body and brain are masculinized. And since the masculinization of the genitalia happens at a different time than the masculinization of the brain it means that sometimes you end up with someone with a girl brain in a boy body (or vice versa).
I wanted to be a T Rex as a child.
Thank God I had sane parents that knew better.
Good parents listen to their children and respect their needs, these parents are good parents
No good parents wait until you are an adult to support you in life changing decision like been a transgender
of course you say this because you are a child
Stop using good logic and go with the agenda.....
Most of the time children state their wants so listen to everything they say and doing it is not a good idea
Owen MUST be a Soy-Hipster..................SMFH!
Terrible parents think a 6 year old knows enough to make such a big decision.
No, see a shrink.
Encouraging a little boy to believe he is really a little girl is serious child abuse. These kids parents should be ordered to see a shrink while they serve a life term. NPR had a story about a family that is trying to get hormone therapy asap to stop their 5 year old boy from ever "suffering the effects of testosterone". These people are some of the sickest.
These kids were not "born with both sexes". Every cell in their bodies says boy or girl. They should not be lied to by adults and told that they are really the opposite sex. This is not true, and is likely the SOURCE of their confusion. When I was four, I lived with three generations of females and wanted to be a girl too. Kids are stupid. Thank God I didn't have some crazy idiot liberal parent fuck with my head. If the kid grows up gay or whatever fine, support them, but don't lie to a prepubescent kid and don't inject them with hormones. If you do, they may kill themselves later because of what you did to them.
In the case on NPR, (I think the boy's name was Noah) they were complaining that US doctors were backward, and they were looking in Canada to get early hormone therapy. They didn't want their little "girl" to ever suffer the effects of testosterone. They wanted "her" to be a "trail blazer".
If you don't think the parents are a factor in what these kids think, you are blind.
I never said that you said these kids were born with both sexes. But you did bring it up to blur the issue. I pointed out that is not the case here.
MilSpecAmmo well they make the decision to kill themselves at 12-13....maybe younger
How is self Identification a big desicion
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Why is it discusting
These parents thought like you, too. If you ever have a transgendered child, something over which you have NO control as a parent, only then you will understand.
James Russel I know, your comment is pretty disgusting
Every girl gangsta until they join women sports...
This is would a child know this? They can't even do basic math yet. I'm not against transexuals but it's insane to think a child would know that they're transexual. It takes people years to realize their own sexuality. If a teenager feels they might be homosexual they still have to make sure this is true. It's crazy to think that just because a child says they're transexual, meaning they're sexually attracted to their own gender, we just believe them.
It's not like they know they are Transgender y that they know that they are boys or girls. You group yourself into a category that's why when we are in kinder garden we already know how a boy looks like and how a girl looks like. It has nothing to do with knowing about Transgender people it's called identity
There is an emotional intelligence people have at a very young age. Most statistics on this stuff show that gender identity is formed very early on. But only because we choose to use language to describe what girls "should" like and what boys "should" like. If we all gave up the idea of gender we'd all be free to be our 100% true selves. Just because Maddie prefers to go by a traditionally female name, enjoys the color pink, wearing skirts, and being called a Princess, she still had a Lego table in her room, and rides a bike. Toys and hobbies shouldn't be assigned a gender. I can like painting my nails AND power tools, just as my husband can like video games AND baking. Basically it comes down to feeling okay in your own skin and being able to express all of who you are, not who society says you should be.
Samanta Gaytan
The title of the video literally says "transgender children"
***** Yep
what in the fuck are you talking about
***** Ok where did I go on about whats "natural". And that's my freaking point. If they don't know about their own sexuality how the hell can they tell that they're really a boy in a girls body or vice versa.
So i guess theres going to be a lot of men wearing dresses with all this gender comfusion going on
You BREATHE like a girl?
A clear sign he is confused
She's basically saying she is a girl. That she lives like a girl.
+Bearboy03 Define "she".
+Bearboy and freinds gaming you know, I really think it's incorrect for doctors to call it dysphoria. Science tells us that there is a condition where the chromosomes do not release the brain hormones properly or do not release enough of the hormone to cause the brain to physically change to male. When we say dysphoria it doesn't sound like it's physical, it sounds like distorted thinking.
+YamCherie dysphoria just means when someone is uncomfortable with their body. it's not called gender dysphoria as in disorder.. don't know why he said that..
Never in the history of humanity have we routinely blocked puberty. This is one giant experiment.
Do you even know anything about real hormone treatments or transitioning ⚧️ because talking outta your a$$ only makes you look foolish, just respect others pronouns and their life decisions, you live in a world where people young and old can decide What gender identity makes them comfortable and theirs NOTHING you can do about it and fighting back only makes you a villain, deal with it.
@@crioscancer5732 You didn't deny what she said lmao.
What if some kid declares that he is a house cat, or a space alien, or a bath tub trapped in a human body?
Start operating and making fawning TV documentaries!
can you just not be transphobic?
@@trans_asexual lol shut up
@@taylormichelle5369 lol no thanks
@@trans_asexual it’s not homophobic, people literally Identify as literally anything now.
@@taylormichelle5369 did i say it was homophobic
I breath like a girl Lmaof
Medicine to block puberty for children under 18? Are you kidding me!!!!!
Michelle Couch That is when puberty usually starts soooo................
Michelle Couch For children under 18 they just block the puberty for the unwanted gender. These kids still have to wait until later on to go through the puberty of the gender they identify with. I don't see anything wrong with this.
Michelle Couch they normally start puberty blockers at 10-12 years old...and they are on blockers until they are 15-17 before they decide to take opposite sex hormones
Puberty is BEFORE you are 18 it's the process of turning into a adult
How does one "breathe like a girl"?
Love your children unconditionally. ❤
you are a wonderful human
I want grandchildren
@@jesusRamirez-xv7xp you won’t get any if you don’t respect your own children
@@trans_asexual no correlation false cause fallacy
@@jesusRamirez-xv7xp you won’t get to be apart of your grandkids lives if you don’t respect your kids you absolute doorframe
How is this different from people who want to look a certain race by getting excessive tanning or excessive bleaching? And how is this different from people who want to have smaller nose, bigger eyes, etc etc... This is about not being happy with how one looks. This is not a disease, this is about self-esteems and self-acceptance which usually are related to something deeper than the appearance.... Family dynamics, issues at home and something more.... It's easy to just go get plastic surgeries and to change the appearance, but the root of the problem is always something else.
I'm a white girl, but in my mind I'm a black girl. What should I do? Chemicals? Operation? Or just shoe polish will do?
Ulker1707 Haha, you're so late on this. There have been people saying that they are another race, different animals, dolphins, unicorns, snakes. It's an old joke:)
Ulker1707 Get a tan and get some weave.
Ulker1707 i use shoe polish.but use dark brown instead of black.looks more natural
Ulker1707 spray paint
Stay a white girl!!!!!.......YOUR TOO YOUNG TO HONESTLY TRUELY KNOW FOR EXACT WHAT U COULD POSSIBLY WANT!!!!!@such a young age¡!!!!!.....
I wish matty nothing but the best for the rest of her life.
they're children, they're incapable of making such a decision.
9:23 They decided to go public because they wanted ATTENTION!
Watching this video I started re ganging faith in humanity but then I read the comments and cried because I'm a trans boy
You're a girl
+Angela Kappes STFU troll!
I'm a trans guy too, it's okay, people may not understand but as long as you're happy you'll get through it :) just remember that there's people who do accept you and love you for being who you are, be you, love yourself ❤️
Cheryl Kaufmann dude, you do what makes you happy, ignore all of those haters out there and just be who you really want to be
Im sorry you are sad.
Playing make-believe does not make you that character. If you're born a boy than guess what you’re a boy. You don't choice unless you are of the few that are born with both or none. People like you who push this horrible lie and then try to back it with science that has never prove it to be real are hateful. "If a boy does and plays with girl stuff than they're a girl, but wait now you have to classify what makes someone gay. Now you have to do all this while not using Stereotypes by saying that what they like is for girls." See the entire concept is built on lies, propaganda and miseducation. If you really want to help them, if you really care stop lying to them and start really helping they break free of this new indoctrination.
Reality (His Biology) doesn't change.
The definition of gender clearly states that it doesn't matter about biology, its about how you feel inside (social and cultural differences).
Questioning He is a male....Feelings do make reality subject just because the individual wants it. If can't understand that you need to mature a little more.
Questioning To lie to a child and allow them to accept lies over reality is abuse. The encouraging of such lies only helps to distort the individuals grasp on reality and stunt their mental and emotional growth.
As a 71 MTFT, I wish that a younger me in a different time and place had the good fortune to have such wonderful accepting parents and have the opportunity to have started on the path at a very young age.
Ghostly Bird wtf is wrong with you?
Ghostly Bird well what would you think its being treated as? they are given help so that theyre sex and gender match and they can feel right in their own body. I hope you never have children
Ghostly Bird yes the gender they were born with is the right one, but the sex they were born with is wrong. and they express that from a very young age
Ghostly Bird why would you say that?
***** What? Its the truth.
No one is "pushing" children to transition. Parents don't want their child to transition, but they don't want them to be suicidal or alcoholic either.
We can guide and influence a person. Doctors trained in gender dysphoria are qualified to decide when transitioning will help a child. The parents must also give consent. If a misdiagnosed child starts to transition then stops, they generally have very little change to overcome.
If a child cannot transition until adulthood they are forced to endure the wrong hormones for years. It's the same as telling a misdiagnosed child then can't stop taking the wrong hormones until they're adults. It's torture beyond imagining. Let's not forget many children are GREATFUL for their time as the opposite sex. THERE IS NO PERFECT SOLUTION. Yes! Exactly true! So choose the path with the most success.
That's what doctors continue to do. The regret rate for children transitioning on hormones (age 16+) is around 2%. For some 2% is too much; yet they don't seem to realize that the reverse means 98% have regret to save the 2%.
I highly doubt these kids have a proper grasp of how they feel or who they are. It's fine to feel confused and unsure of your identity but that's the point of being a kid. going through your years polishing yourself as a person using your experience and knowledge as support. you find the best you can be and build upon that. I'm not for these drugs and treatments, these are serious life decisions that kids shouldn't make. I would feel bad to see a whole generation of adults regret what they did because of these treatments.
I would like to ask for everyone's forgiveness for a comment i made a couple months ago.."""We ALL are GOD'S Children's HE loves us all the same-------------Straight or Gay""".We are here to B happy & complete,as long as we are not hurting anyone along our way, to being all we can be,what we want to be.Then I say GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Julie Small, you know their is transgender as well, u forget to mention transgenders
@@sarahlouisestafford2448 it was intentional.
Yes agreed amen to that
And as you lay down for eternal sleep you begin to smell burning flesh and realize you were wrong the whole time lol. That would be crazy. God: "poor human thought he'd put words in my mouth and assume what I think."
Good story and fair reporting. Wish I had the support of the parents that these children have. Good for them!
R u being serious?
absolutely. Know it's hard to understand when you don't have a transgender child. Child raising is hard enough without worrying about how to handle gender issues. Especially since gender can be a bit fluid in kids. But I knew when I was very young that something was very very wrong with my body. So yeah, Good for them. A very hard, but very important decision to make.
Are you transgender?
there is no such thing as raising a transgender child in africa and the muslim world. that's something that the corrupt west can learn
Kate you say trans transexual or transvestite? There is a big difference.I think if someone is a transvestite they should not use the ladys room.
In my opinion transgender people are picked on because they are diffrent from what society fashionably considers/dictates the norm. Not necessarily more so than anyone else who bucks the trend. School can be particularly nasty!
The bullying isn’t right it’s a bad thing but so is giving hormone to your kids
@@jesusRamirez-xv7xpyou literally know nothing about transgender children or transgender healthcare so be quiet you don’t have any voice here.
I cannot finish watching this. A 6 year old choosing to start living as a girl? Those parents allowing a 6 year old to make the choice to live as a girl is just wrong on so many levels! Giving children hormones is also wrong! Hell, give them a cigarette along with the hormones.
Let's hope to God that you don't have a transgender child, geez! If your child is depressed and unhappy living in their biologically assigned gender, then ANY GOOD PARENT would do whatever it takes to see their child happy.
Atheist but believe reincarnation .--.
Respect you though
I don't think they get hormones tillage start getting into puberty...
It's real. The best way to describe it is just the way it is.
Michelle Couch You don’t obviously know what hell it is to live in a wrong gender. You don’t have a clue of what it is to be transgender. Giving hormones to the children is making their lives so much better... I wish someone could have "saved me” for going through male puberty, but nobody did. Stop thinking that transgender people are weird or ”not real”... we are real!! This is as real as it gets. Believe this.
Those poor kids, not a single father with a backbone.
The fathers may not wanted to be filmed and many fathers have trans children
This is child abuse! What kind of sick doctors and professionals encourage a CHILD to undergo such dangerous medication therapy and eventually dangerous harmful surgery. Notice most of these stories do not have a present father in the picture. It is professional obligation to treat the "dysphoria" of gender identity with therapy and counseling, NOT to cave in to a confused child's dreams of dressing a certain way, or looking a certain way. I have compassion on individuals who struggle with this dysphoria. I know it is real and have seen it first hand. But pumping children full of hormonal therapy and later encouraging transplant surgery is NOT the answer. What kind of sick state is our country in. These are precious innocent children for goodness sake. Before long there will be zero morals, zero guidelines. We all individually struggle with certain frustrations, desires, temptations daily. But this response is not the answer!
I have to go through six/eight different counselling hours, then I can get referred to a phycologist then I can get referred to a gender thing. All of that just so I can be who I am. Mate, yu don't know half the struggles.
what does long hair and pink or blue color have to do with being a boy or girl gender? These things are very superficial cultural stereotypes. hair length and colors can't really have anything REAL to do with gender. These are biased cultural ideas that I think we'd all be better off without. Whatever gender you are, I think it is important to realize that the cultural things that represent that gender have been very arbitrarily chosen. However pink came to represent the girl gender, I am certain that, given different circumstances, it could have been the complete opposite and blue would be representing the girl gender. I think these are cultural ideas that society would be better off without. A girl can wear blue and a boy can wear pink and vice versa. A boy can wear a dress too and not be a girl gender just as a girl can wear a tailored suit and still be a girl. These seem like very superficial representations of gender to me.
Having said that I would fully and completely support anybody who feels their gender isn't matching up with their body so long as the feel has come from the person without any undue 'suggestion' or 'influence'. I would question, however, if a 2 year old really has the discernment to make such a choice at this extremely young age...If I had a 2 year old saying that he is a girl, I would certainly listen and not dismiss it, but I would hold off until the child was about 7 years old to start calling them a different name and agreeing that they are a girl. Instead I would do a gender neutral raising of the child so that the child has plenty of time to freely think it through, wear boys and girls clothes if they want, and just experience the cultural representations of both genders. In that way, I'd feel that they are entirely certain around age 7 or so. And this world, unfortunately, does involve some undue suggestion in some cases, I am sure. A 330% increase seen in year 2013? It strikes me as very improbable, and not adequately accounted for by the idea that children are more free to speak out.
This… deserves so much more credit . You just ended the debate congratulations
she doesn't in any way look like a boy or used to look like a boy. she is beautiful
Wonderful stories 😊
I didn't understand this until I studied it for years. I wrote the following paper titled Understanding Transgenders. I emailed it to the entire Kansas Legislature:
Understanding Transgenders
As a senior citizen, lifelong Republican, Christian, married to my wife for 47 years until she died of bile duct cancer, and father with 3 children and 7 grandchildren, you wouldn’t think I would be interested in understanding transgenders.
Well, I wasn’t interested until I became a voting lay representative of my church at the United Methodist Church Annual Conference. When I started to go into the door of the conference, I was offered a pride pin, which I did not accept. I thought homosexuality was ridiculous.
I soon learned the United Methodist Church might split over the LGBTQ+ issue so I decided I needed to know more before I could be a conscientious voter. I started a lengthy research project on my own. I soon learned there were many LGBTQ+ categories so I decided to concentrate on transgenders which I considered the most controversial and thus began my interesting adventure.
I read numerous books and watched hundreds of TH-cam and TED Talk videos and ultimately developed an understanding of gender dysphoria, and respect for, true transgender people.
I discovered it's important to understand being transgender before forming an opinion. To begin, some people think they are transgender, some want to be transgender, and some ARE transgender. Given time the truth will be discovered in each case.
Those who just think they are transgender should be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are not transgender they will ultimately get tired of behaving as a transgender.
Those who want to be transgender should also be allowed to live the gender they want to be. And, again if they are not transgender they will get tired of acting as a transgender.
Those who are transgender should again be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are transgender, in time, they will feel more comfortable and at peace and will usually transition.
In all 3 cases, there needs to be an extended period before any puberty blockers or HRT should be prescribed or before any surgery.
True young transgender children should be allowed to live as their authentic selves and should not be compelled to go through puberty so they can avoid irreversible body changes, expensive and painful surgeries, and possible suicide.
I see the biggest problem is parents, classmates, and adults who don't permit children and adults to live as they feel they are. As I explained, if they are allowed to live the gender they think, want to be, or truly are, they will discover their truth over time.
As far as pronouns are concerned, for example, if someone asks to be called, “they or them” they should be told, “OK,” and then the subject should be changed. Why should it make any difference to us who they want to be called? It doesn't hurt them and it certainly doesn't hurt us.
If someone says, “I am a cat,” again they should be told, “OK.” Then asked something like “What would you like for dinner?” or some other comment that changes the subject. Let them have the freedom to get tired of thinking they are a cat.
As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” And, knowing ourselves takes time.
Tamara Levitt said, “When we stop resisting what is, the battle stops.” We need to give children, youth, and adults the freedom and time to discover what is or, in other words, who they are.
What is gender dysphoria? I think the best way to explain it is this way…Have you ever left on a vacation and suddenly wondered if you closed the garage door? You find out that none of the passengers in your car are sure it was closed either. This becomes a problem your brain can’t solve! Your mind starts going in an endless loop. You lose a lot of your connection with what is going on around you as your brain is using most of its power trying to solve, in the background, a problem it can’t. The only answers are to go back home, call a neighbor, check a video camera, etc.
That is what gender dysphoria is like. For example, a transgender woman knows her inner self is female but what she sees when she looks in a mirror, and what other people see when they look at her, is a man. She is a female soul or spirit trapped in a male body. Her brain is caught in an endless loop. The only answer is to discover that she is transgender and then probably transition.
Who we all are is like love. It is impossible to describe but we know when we are in love just like we know who we are regardless of what body or shell we are in or what other people tell us.
Every transgender is different just like we are all different. The biggest problem for transgenders is being accepted by you and me so they can be themselves and be productive citizens. Most of them just want to be accepted and blend into society.
They do have an advantage over most people as they understand life from both the male and the female perspective. Transgenders are some of the most misunderstood people and there is so much we can learn from them.
Once we understand true transgenders are real, we will have compassion for them and we won't, in any way, want to prevent them from getting the help and support they need and deserve.
Here are important questions we all need to ask ourselves:
What would you do if your 5-year-old son said I am a girl?
What would you do if your 7-year-old son still said I'm a girl?
What would you do if your 9-year-old son still said I'm a girl and the 2 therapists you took him to agreed that your son has a female brain and emotions?
What would you do if your 14-year-old son still said I'm a girl?
What would you do if 1 year later your son tried to commit suicide?
In conclusion, only when families are confronted with the realities of being transgender can their hearts and minds be opened and they can truly “UNDERSTAND TRANSGENDERS.”
When I was a kid, my parents caught me smoking a cigarette and they made me smoke the whole pack. I'm so glad I wasn't a qweer who got caught taking a pee pee up the poop chute
Any parent who thinks a young child should have strong hormonal therapy to block puberty needs therapy. A child has no idea what they are doing to their body. There are huge lifelong medical consequences to these decisions. I applaud any trans change they made as an adult. They are CHILDREN.
Puberty blockers are safer than ibuprofen and birth control
I don't care what people want to do. But to allow children who's brain isn't fully developed to be the ones to choose isn't right. 18 or older go for it. But to let your 11 12 13 or younger yr old child to make a life changing decision like that just doesn't seem right. Once they turn 18 and still feel that way then go for it. But to let your pre pubescent child make a choice like that is not right in my opinion. Smh
I think If they waited until they were 18 they would have more problems and and more surgery's
+bmore410 ravensallday Children self identify by gender at a very young age (as early as two or three). If these children are too young to know whether they're girls or boys why doesn't that apply to all children. How does the girl in the next row in school know that she's a girl? Obviously she's too young to make that decision. What about the boy that sits two rows over. How does he know he's a boy? Clearly he's too young to know either.
But the fact is, nothing permanent is going to happen when they are pre-pubescent. Assuming that everyone involved is in agreement (that's the child, the parents, and the team of doctors that have evaluated the situation) the child will be placed on hormone blockers to prevent puberty. These are widely used in cases of precocious puberty, are completely safe, and the effects are completely reversible (just stop taking them). This gives the child more time (years actually) to decide if they want to proceed with any further treatment. If they do, the next step is cross sex hormones but those won't be administered until later (typically somewhere between 14 and 16) and surgery cannot be performed before age 18.
bmore410 ravensallday I agree. 12 year olds should not be on any hormones including blockers.
I was born in a human body, but I should be a tree. Is there a treatment.for that?
Gustave Frankfurter . . . . are you seriously trying to compare transgender people to being a tree????
Maybe, I'm not sure who to send you to? Oral surgeon or orthopaedic surgeon for the foot in your mouth? And the tree, well... I assume a tree surgeon or a rectal surgeon to remove it from your ass?
+Gustave Frankfurter Since it appears that you're about as intelligent as a tree why make any change?
+kittenamos I want to be a potato
Sam Adams lmfao!!! That was awesome I seriously laughed out loud!
God, the sexism in this is gross. As a trans guy I can tell you that the clothes you like, the way you act, and the way you 'breathe' has no effect on your gender.
I can totally understand the children in the story.
Out of the mouths of babes. "Let them choose". Very smart.
"Breathe like a girl" What the fuck? How do you breathe like a girl?
i know that this just begs a george floyd joke, but i'm going to pass
There is an emotional intelligence people have at a very young age. Most statistics on this stuff show that gender identity is formed very early on. But only because we choose to use language to describe what girls "should" like and what boys "should" like. If we all gave up the idea of gender we'd all be free to be our 100% true selves. Just because Maddie prefers to go by a traditionally female name, enjoys the color pink, wearing skirts, and being called a Princess, she still had a Lego table in her room, and rides a bike. Toys and hobbies shouldn't be assigned a gender. I can like painting my nails AND power tools, just as my husband can like video games AND baking. Basically it comes down to feeling okay in your own skin and being able to express all of who you are, not who society says you should be.
her and that girl Jazz REALLY look like girls! alot of the kids, u can tell they the other sex. they are gorgeous . and brave kids
I'm transgender but I haven't told my parents
You have a fundamental right to be who ever you want to be, girl, boy, it does not matter as long as you are happy and free :)
I am confidant your parents will understand, it may take some time but they will understand you :)
It's called Satan lying to the children! Very sad. It's up to that mom to teach their child in the way they should go!
If you really believe in JESUS and you are a spiritual person, then you would understand that Evil can cause a mental disorder through the spirit that would effect your brain, If these children have a holy spiritual life they would be more balanced. They are way too young and can very easily be influenced without the proper guidance! This is destructive & not Constructive!!
godskidable Dude, I am a Christian and I can promise you that God still loves these kids, be still loves A boy when he becomes a girl. So stop being a terrible example for christians
females have 2 x chromosomes and males have 1 x 1 y
Pop Quiz: my blood type is O pos. what words can I say that will change it to AB neg.?
+octopibingo ... I dont know??
+octopibingo You can't....Lol
+octopibingo call everyone bloodphobic
+octopibingo You can't, in exactly the same way you can't change your physical sex. You will always have the same chromosomes. What you can change, though, is your gender identity: your sense of being male or female and everything associated with that (external appearance, physical features, hormones). And if someone experiences gender dysphoria all her life, if she undergoes HRT for years, if she surgically alters parts of her body, if she presents and appears in all ways female, why get hung up on the fact that she was born male?
+Sollux Captor AMEN!!!!
scientifically they are in no way transgender but entirely whatever gender they were born with so sorry
Wait the 13 year old is taking testosterone already?? I thought you had to be 16?? I gonna take it early now. I'm 12.
Piegari Fam 13 is way too young. Should be for 16 and up only.
@@hyperbabe2009 I agree with you, but now the age limit is 13 (my mom said still 14 or 15 though because I'm just starting hormone blockers at 12)
I personally believe it should really be for adults 18+ only. 13-15 is way too young.
I have a 3yr old stepdaughter and she will not be allowed to take hormone blockers of any kind.
@@hyperbabe2009 I can't say I agree with you
Tough men wear pink, not just girls. How is it an excuse to be trans?
She said she breathes like a girl!! Thats deep!💯😎✌💪💅
The devil got y'all minds so messed up. It's sad. My boy is not putting on a dress
This is actually sad he is just a kid
As for this idiot parents who say “we decided to listen to our child”… children would love to eat ice cream for dinner… does that mean your going to let them eat ice cream for dinner?
My class on the DSM 5 brought me here. #UND
***** Behavior Pathology, but my professor makes sure that we understand that the diagnoses of nearly all disorders in current DSM require client distress and/or impairment. That is why I believe he shared the video - to give students a better idea of what it is like for these children.
***** I agree on both points.
"I like the colour pink so im a girl "
who said this
I laughed reading the comments because damn near EVERY single negative comment is clearly written by a CRAZY/JUDGMENTAL RELIGIOUS PERSON. You are the kind of people that make me feel really, really happy with my decision to be non-religious. Hey, guess what? When I was a child (age 8), my family got kicked out of our church because my mom said "our family doesn't believe that homosexuality is a sin." We literally were told to NEVER come back to that church because of that. Your judgmental comments here on this video were simply a reminder of the incident that changed my entire view of religion.
Question how do kids at school know she was born a man??
For the most part, society has only two pigeon holes available. I think we need to open this up to a wider spectrum of choices because I think many people born male think that boy or girl is their only choice and they identify as more feminine so they jump into the female pigeon hole. I wonder how many would fit more comfortably in a different pigeon hole with a different label.
As for locker rooms and rest rooms, I think we need to rethink the arrangement we now have. In every locker room and restroom, there are gay and lesbian people sharing those facilities with straight people. So under the current paradigm, conservatives feel it's ok for an 18 year old gay male to take a shower with a 14 year old straight male but not ok for an 18 year old transgender female to take a shower with a 14 year old biological female even though she might have no attraction to other girls. Perhaps we need to just have single user rest rooms, each with a sink and toilet. Maybe we need to also rethink locker rooms and communal showers. When I was in the 7th grade I attended a junior high and high school and grade 7-12 took gym together and that included students aged 12-18 showering together. A lot of older boys came out of the showers with erections. Now I get that guys get erections for no particular reason at all but I have to wonder if it's a good idea to have a bunch of children naked together like that in the first place. With all the hormone's raging maybe we need to revisit this system. The most significant part of gym class or sports in general is what takes place on the playing field, not in the locker room or showers. I remember being raised in a hyper conservative devoutly religious family. I had zero warning that I wold be plunged into a locker room filled with naked people. At age 12 I had never been naked in front of anyone other than my parents at bath time or a doctor and I hadn't been naked in front of my parents since age 5. So first day of gym class I was told to strip naked and change into a gym uniform in front of 60 mostly older strangers and of course all of us 7th graders got laughed at. This was seriously traumatic for anyone with no preparation for such a thing and having been told since birth that naked = sin. At the end of gym class I was absolutely convinced that I was going right to hell merely for committing the mortal sin of being naked in front of other males. When I got home neither of my parents believed me when I told them about it. To them the very idea was unthinkable. Both had attended private single gender schools which had private showers and where students only stripped to their underwear in the locker room.
When an archeologist checks the bones he will say it’s either male or female
you're either born with a nookie or a knob. there is no 3rd option
The parents don't have any say so today about their children. The children are telling mom and dad how it's gonna be.
im a trans man people get over it
I wonder how are they today?? Can you make a documentary?
True… I tried to do a quick search and tried to find her, but couldn’t
You made a six year old do that !! She's to young to even know this.. what you're doing Is wrong this sickens me ...
Jesse Dunbar her parents never made her do anything, the child was insistant and persistant that she was a girl. So would you rather have had a miserable and depressed son...or a smiling and happy daughter?
Jesse Dunbar wow....i severly hope you never have a lgbt child
Jesse Dunbar i just hope you dont become a parent at all. so am i some freak?? as a cisgender, panromantic demisexual owman i find myself very satisfied with the fact i am confident in who i am
Samantha Clark what the fuck? Lmfao demisexual? You're crackin me tf up kiss my ass lol cisgender lmfaoo
Jesse Dunbar yes. cisgender means i identify as the sex i was assigned at birth. panromantic demisexual is my sexual/romantic orientation
Those kids are so brave. They are so wonderful to transition and I am so proud of those babies. I am a bisexual and I know coming out isn't easy! I support you!
How did she get long hair?
How do you have a brain? how does anyone have long hair? It grows.
you can't be serious
some magic occured when the kids came out, so they didn't cut their hair to keep it short
"Raised by a single mom" what a fucking surprise.
Love this video so much.
If only my parents were like these kids' parents.
Your trolling needs to be more refined...
How was I trolling...?
MadamGrimply You are not seriously going to tell me...
Look around, my friend, look around...
Have a long thought about our world, out of the boundries. Question the very foundations of this current stuff.
Take a look back in the earlier times, take a look at our time now.
And come to a conclusion, what are we even doing at this point, as a live species that is possibly a one of a kind in this universe?
You mean your parents didt want extra attention like you…
Are their any signs of domestic pets also having gender identity issues as well
"You can use a separate bathroom too!" I agree. We shouldn't be confined into a certain category; we are all unique.
Michael Lu what seperate bathroom do you expect a real girl to go into
James k Transgender girls ARE REAL GIRLS. We all know who we are. They know too.
@@indigolarsen5638 a man claiming to be a woman doesn't make him a woman
@@indigolarsen5638If that is true, that trans girls are "real" girls, why use the word trans?
I went to the beach
So did I
NoLameGaming NLG I wanted to go, but didn't.
Yeah, there is your problem, you took his father from him. of course he is confused.
How would any of you haters out there even know or understand how it feels to be a deeply unhappy child, regardless of that child’s age, stuck in what you know is completely the wrong body, and with the deep rooted feeling, and knowledge that you were/are born the completely wrong gender for you!? You would not, and you cannot know, nor understand what it is like, or how it feels to be that child, so, stop hating, and coming out with your Nasty, Snide, Vicious, and downright CRUEL comments and remarks until you do. Plus, some of you should Totally Ashamed and Absolutely Disgusted with yourselves, and with some of the comments you come out with, and say about these parents, but Especially about and against the children themselves. How Dare You!!!!!
The reason for my comments are because I am Absolutely Disgusted with Nasty, Snide, Vicious, and downright CRUEL comments some “people” come out with, especially about and against the children, but also because, I would, and do most definitely know, and understand what these children are going, and do go through, because I was once one of those children, and sadly, unlike all of the lucky children of today, whose parents listen and truly get to know and understand their child’s needs, not wants, needs, and that care greatly about their child's, not just their short term happiness, but also their lifelong happiness, sadly, I was very much forgotten about, and not listened to, because back when I was a child, the saying was that, “kids/children were very much seen and not heard, i.e. listened to, no matter what it was they wanted to talk about, to absolutely anyone”, and that went for a child at home or at school. At least that was how it was, and how it very much felt and seemed to me when I was a child.
Back when I was a child, boys were boys, and girls were girls, and if you felt, or were different in any way what-so-ever, you weren’t just not listened to, nor understood, you were also very much picked on, bullied, and ridiculed literally everywhere that you went, more or less every single day of your life. Which I was, both at home and at school, especially at school by other children of all ages, which was probably the biggest reason why I never came out nor told anyone about my true feelings and belief about my True gender, which was NOT the one I was born as. Also because I felt, and believed that I would have been told to just shut up, and stop being silly, and laughed out of the room. As a result, I was a Very Unhappy, Sad, and Lonely child all through my entire childhood, both at home and at school, and the chances are that, had I of known about, and knew how to commit suicide, I am pretty sure that I would have tried to do so as a child, because it is something that I have done, and tried on numerous occasions throughout my adult life, due to mostly my serious depression, which went undiagnosed right up until 2006, and is ongoing, as I was unable to come out about my lifelong struggle with my True identity, and my True and Correct gender, which I have known my entire life was Not, and Has Never Been the one that I was born as, but I was not able to come out until July-August 2011. Which at the time I was away due to life and personal issues, such as a serious issue with alcoholism from the age of 16, as well as being in a very dark and depressing place with no dignity, pride, or self-respect, nor any self-worth, and a Complete Hatred for both myself and the life I was at the time, apparently “living”. Thankfully, none of my attempts succeeded, and It has taken me many, many years, but Finally I got be in a position, and in a time in my entire life to Finally be able to get to be on my way to becoming and being the gender that I have Truly Deep Down In My Heart Of Hearts Believed and Known That I Should Be, and that I Should Have Been Born As, which is what/who I now am, and what I now Only see myself as, and that Is FEMALE.
I say to both the parents and especially the children, all power to you. xx
To the parents I say, congratulations, and well done for realising and understanding your child’s misery and sadness with their being born, what your child sees, and knows to be the wrong gender for them. As a result of you realising, understanding, and accepting it while they are still children means that they will be able to be, and live a much Happier, Joyful, Content, Productive, and Fulfilling life, for all of their lives, from and throughout the rest of their childhood, and right the way through their adulthood.
As for the children I say that, thanks to your parents realising, understanding, and accepting you for being the gender you see and believe yourselves to be, and that it is not the one that you were born as, means that, in, and overtime, that is if you are not already doing so, you will be able to and you can live, and live out a Much More Happier, Joyful, Contented. Productive and Fulfilling life, and I really do envy you a great deal, but most of all, I Wish All of you trans children All The Very Best, and that you All Have Happy, Joyful, Successful and Contented Lives both now and in your futures.
Lots Of Love
Lauren Tyler
breathe like a girl. She doesn't mean it literally she is just telling us from her perspective of what it's like to be in her body so others can understand how intense and important this is for her to be able to identify as a girl....I may be wrong though
There is no such thing as being born in the wrong body. You can like pink and blue and be comfortable in your gender.
yes, there is such a thing. You are all painfully stupid. Look, I don't agree with the extremes on both sides - so, I'm not on the side of the most extreme trans activist or most extreme anti-trans, I'm healthy in the middle because that's where the truth and the solution is.
The most extreme pro-trans- activists who as trans, but biologically born males want to compete with biological-born females in the female category in sports - I don't agree with this. I'm also on the side of biological-born women (I'm one) in the debate about biologically born women-only spaces. I agree that biological-born women need their own spaces like bathrooms, and trans females shouldn't be there, etc.
BUT on the other hand, transgenderism does exist and humans could absolutely be born in the wrong body, there are medical studies that absolutely proved it. And so the trans people absolutely also need support, medical and psychological, they need their own spaces - their own bathrooms, etc, and their own sports categories. And in my view, the best solution regarding Gender-affirming surgery should be to allow young people to decide at 18 years old, or maybe even a little earlier - I'm not sure here because I'm not a specialist, but it shouldn't be too early or too late.
And all of this would be the fairest solution for everybody, instead of constant attacks and hate. Transgenderism does exist, and some non-trans people have to stop with the hate, but pro-trans activists should also respect the personal spaces and intimacy of non-trans people and not be extremists. In general, my view is: no to extremes, no matter on which side!