The orchestra is magnificent, the singers are masters; The Bosphorus is wonderful. Long live the friendship and brotherhood of people. Long live Turks, Greeks and all humanity..
I'm Greek and through this song i send all my love to every Turk. We have more that unites us than divides us! I hope and i wish the new Greek and Turkish generations to love each others! 🇬🇷 💙❤🇹🇷
Tarih dersleri anlatıyorum, aynı fikirde öğrenci yetiştirmeye çalışıyorum. Venizelos ve Atatürk'ün barış düşüncesi savaştan çok daha üstün ve üst zeka ile bağlantılı. Kötü ve cahil insan her yerde var. Eş yüreklere selam olsun ❤️🌹
Ας υπερισχύσει η αγάπη και η καλή γειτονιά .Έχουμε πάρα πολλά κοινά οι δύο λαοί μοιάζουμε σε πάρα πολλά μας χωρίζουν λίγα.Ειθε να ξεπεράσουμε τις διαφορές μας και να ζήσουμε αρμονικά όπως ταιριάζει στους πολιτισμένους.Με αγάπη και φιλιά από την Ελλάδα.❤
Share the love, brothers and sisters from Greece and Turkey! We have more in common than we would like to admit... The rest of the world can only learn from our tradition!
Everytime I open a Turkish-Greek music my eyes are full of tears because of the beauty of the music. Then I think about good old days, when everybody was living in peace. And then do a silly mistake, each time I start reading the comments under these magnificent music videos. Always the same thing. Extreme nationalists, genocide accusations, non-music related comments.. Politics, history, hate, blood.. From my own nation Turkey, and from my favourite nation in the world, Greece. Then my eyes are full of tears again, because of a different reason for this time. There is so much hate in these lands.. Yet, still I keep my hope.
@Rhomios, there were. But there were also hundreds of thousands of Greeks living in Istanbul. There are still thousands Turkish in Greek villages. What im saying is, people started killing each other. Do you think that we shared this song, and hundreds of others because of slavery? Did somebody forced us to use buzuki? Or we killed someone to learn how to make Dolma ? Of course its not a clear issue, we did very wrong things, or the things that era required/not. Yet, you got me VEERY VERY WRONG.
Dear Rhomios We all experienced terrible history, Greeks, Turks, Balkans, Anatolia was disasters. We should remembers and respect for those who were subject to injustice of many kind...People were sent out their homes and country, murdered. Also It is our duty to remember that our fathers had goods days good neighbourship with each others. It prove that we can have good days in the future. I want to love my neighbours, I want to believe that they are people like me.
best comment ever....we must never forget what happened in the past,in order not to experience the same conditions in the future...admitting our faults is the best way to create a better future.Atrocities were committed from the Turkish side since they were the occupators,but the greek army was also violent during the 1922 expendition.We shall forget the bloodshed of the past and move on.I have the sense that the new generations of Turkey are definately more open minded and do not reflect the stereotypical idea that we here in Greece have about Turks.I hope our future will be in peace,this is what we all need,life is too short to be sad
Ίσως η ωραιότερη εκτέλεση που έχω ακούσει αυτού του τραγουδιού, και σαν συνάδελφος, απο τα ωραιότερα Video αυτού του είδους. Πολλά συγχαρητήρια σε όλους!
I am Greek and Turkish, married to a man who is Syrian and Balkanic. Stop fighting. We are one people. We eat the same things, cry to the same music, swim in the same sea. Stop. Please. We are brothers and sisters.
Ma'am, you write well, but the Greeks say we'll take Istanbul and asia Minor.They didn't leave the cliffs/roks in the Aegean Sea as an island.They will almost do the Sirtaki in Izmir Kordon.The United States is also constantly providing weapons.Money in Germany..What the Greeks were doing in May 1919 in Izmir and Polatlı.?...Tell that to the Greeks.May Allah/God give them wisdom and insight.
@@yakupkeser9672 Some nationalists say we'll take Istanbul and Izmir.. a small minority.. what happens is that turkish media for various reasons want you to see Greeks as a threat to you..
If you growed up as a child in this beatiful kosmopolitan city of Istanbul with Greek, Armenian, Jewish People, you will understand the Sound, Emotions, Live in this Time. I am so sorry, that we lost all this important Families from our City of Culture. So all of you Greek, Armenian, Jewish People...give us, who wants to live with all you together an Excuse of the developing history. A Son Of This Beautiful Place.
Beni bu şarkıya ve samosa tanıştıran Mustafa amcam elbet bir gün aynı masalarda bu şarkı eşliğinde kadehlerimizi tokuşturacağız. Mekanın cennet olsun güzel insan… Seni çok özleyeceğiz.
Şarkı muhtemelen haremdeki Rum asıllı bir cariye için yazılmış...Çok acı...Anlamı şöyle: Gel, gel kayıkçı! Yavaş yavaş İstanbul'un kıyısında, sessizlik içinde Haremin hüznünde Gel, gel kayıkçı! Böylece güzel hanımı kaçırayım Hücresinde bir köle, ağlayıp inliyor Ve özgürlüğünü arıyor Gel, gel kayıkçı!
Gel gel kayıkçı Yavaş yavaş Kıyıdan geç göreyim Güzel yüzünü Söyle beni sevdiğini Gel gel kayıkçı Sevdim seni Güzel hanım Kandilli'nin yalıları Dinlesin bizi Söylesinler şarkımızı Gel gel kayıkçı... " olması lazım'
bu şarkıya yeni türkü sözmü yazdı yoksa orjinalinimi çevirdi bilemiyoruz. Ama sizin çevirdiğiniz şekildeyse çoğu rembet gibi acı bir içeriği olması şaşırtıcı değil. Sonuç: rembetler anadolu ve egenin blues'udur.
şarkı balatta yaşayan helena adındaki rum bir kızın müsluman bir turk balikcisina olan imkansiz aşki anlatiyor ve bu sarki elveda rumelide ki alex ve zarifenin hikayesinin bire bir olmasada hikayesidir haremdeki cariye icin yazilmamstir
Η πιο όμορφη διασκευή -αποδοση του καιξη.Εκπληκτική φωνή ,εκπληκτική ορχήστρα και υπέροχος φοντος.Ξυπνα τη νοσταλγία μας για έναν τόπο αγαπημένο σύνορο της ψυχήςας
I can clrearly see the smooth blend of two cultures. The place itself speaks thousands of stories, but to be honest Husnu brought me to this video. I just love how he attributes by breathing to create this unique music. Nice song and magical place and you rock Husnu.
Δίπλα στον Βόσπορο, μπροστά από την Αγιά Σοφιά, μέσα στην Πόλη, ανάμεσα στο σύμβολο της ελευθερίας, τα περιστέρια, ακούγεται η συγκινητική μουσική της Ελλάδας που νοσταλγούμε και αγαπάμε. Το όλο σκηνικό, απλά συγκλονιστικό... Ευχαριστούμε.
This video reminds me of childhood times and the neighborhood that I grew up (I was 8 years old ) with my mother's best friend who was living next apartment was from Greece and his child was my best friend that every day we were playing together. God knows where they are now?. Thank you for recommending to watch this video and listen to beautiful music. ) always peace!. )
Thank you very much Trio Chios! We enjoyed your wonderful performance at Apomero Restaurant in Chios yesterday night very very much... Special thanks for your kind surprise of `Bekledimde Gelmedin`... Yasas...
Este escenario, esta música, me recuerda a Cartagena Colombia, exalta el espíritu, me transporta. Que belleza de música. Invitan a amor de los pueblos. No conozco el significado de la canción pero me gusta mucho como se expresa
Portuguese: Bm (Sí menor) Lindo. Maravilhoso. Adorei a música. Obrigado pelo vídeo minha querida amiga da Grécia Eri Kara. Parabéns à todos os músicos. Obrigado Eri. Eu sou músico profissional e amo música de qualidade. Beijos do Brasil. English: Bm. (B minor) Beautiful. Wonderful. I loved this Song. Thank you very much my dear friend of Greece Eri Kara. Congratulations to all musicians. Thanks so much Eri. Best regards from Brazil. (No carnival; No street samba; my side No Brazilian, No Brazilian President) I am a professional musician and I love quality music. Congratulations! Thank You!
Merve Özbey in ilk zamanları ve bu albümde müthiş yorumları vardı.O zamandan belliydi böyle harika sesin geleceği..bu albümde emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler.....
Cengiz Onural'ın yazdığı türkçesi de bir o kadar güzeldir. Yeni Türkü nün külhani albümünün en kıymetli parçalarından biridir. Yeni Türkü nün yeni türkü olduğu grubun dağılıp derya ya kalmadığı zamanlardan.
Gel gel kayıkçı Yavaş yavaş Şehrin sahiline çek Sessizliğin içine Acının haremine Gel gel kayıkçı Ağlayayım onun için Ey güzel hanım Hücresinde esir Ağlar ve yakarır Ve özgürlüğünü yaşar Gel gel kayıkçı
Ayıp olmuyormu biraz? Yazdığın gibi kendini kendi memleketinden daha evde hissediyorsan oraya git ve orada yaşa... Kendini evde hissediyorum deseydin sadece yetmiyormuydu? Benimde hoşuma gider oralar ama vatanım benim evimdir...
@@Eirene30 Constantinople, Ionia, Cyprus and Pontus is common because it is occupied. I love TUrkish people individually, but not the Turlkish government's tactics. So many people had lost their lives, homes, fortunes in the past. We have an obligation to REMEMBER without hating
Ο Καϊξής (1948) Μουσική : Απόστολος Χατζηχρήστος Στίχοι : Γιώργος Φωτίδας Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή, γιαβάς, γιαβάς Μες στης πόλης τ’ ακρογιάλι, μες στη σιγαλιά Μες στου χαρεμιού τη λίμνη Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή Να κλέψω την Γκιουζέλ-Χανούμ Σκλάβα μέσα στο κελί της κλαίει και θρηνεί Και ζητάει τη λευτεριά της Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή
Gel gel kayıkçı Yavaş yavaş Kıyıdan geç göreyim Güzel yüzünü Söyle beni sevdiğini Gel gel kayıkçı Sevdim seni Güzel hanım Kandilli'nin yalıları Dinlesin bizi Söylesinler şarkımızı Gel gel kayıkçı
Hagia brings back a lot of memories for me. Especially: tea tea tea tea cold water tea tea cold water tea tea tea ueaieusee(singing of a muezzin) tea tea tea cold water tea tea tea...
Σας ανακάλυψα στην Πόλη...άκουσα τον Καίκτσή πίνοντας τσάι στο καφενεδάκι της Αγίας Σοφίας...σαν υπνωτισμένη μπήκα στο μαγαζάκι καίγοντας και αναζητώντας το cd...
Απόστολος Χατζηχρήστος. Τι γλυκός άνθρωπος... Σαν την μουσική του. Δραπέτης από τουρκικό στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης... Πράγματι η μουσική μπορεί να εξημερώσει και να φέρει τους ανθρώπους και τους λαούς πιό κοντά, αλλά αλοίμονο σε αυτούς που ξεχνάνε τα παθήματά τους. Θα τα ξαναζήσουνε χειρότερα.
+Ioannis Gr γλυκός o άνθρωπος but the authorship of the song is mystical and controversial still . Better leave it like that ! Let us listen to this nice song re megale !
You are the only person in the world that says that the authorship is controversial... As far as it concern the music the composer without any doubt is Apostolos Chatzichristos. Better read before you speak...
My friend, you know how eagerly I wait for the moment when 2 politicians will meet and from both sides to put aside the old passions and the supposed half of our peoples and to enjoy a peaceful coexistence. We are separated by nothing but a sea and we must sail peacefully. Stop fighting. We are one people. We eat the same things, cry to the same music, swim in the same sea. Stop. Please. We are brothers and sisters. WE ARE HUMAN.
@@Fengromm go back to Mongolia and free Cyprus, Turano-Mongol. You're not allowed to say something about Greece, Turano-Mongol descendant of genociders
A unique, a beautiful place. Great artists, Bros Poupaloi and Stathis (Trio Chios). Nice composition Istanbul, Bosphorus, Hagia Sophia, East flavor... That's art ! ! Bring people together...!
There is a battle inside me about turk and greek friendship. From one side we are so close on everything i feel like kardash!!! From the other side the pain for my ancestors the 3.000 years of history was been unrooted 100 years ago, The greatest disaster hellenism ever had. Someone told me we greeks do not deserve anymore to be in Anatolia and Instanbul, God punish us for our sins. My home is there even i never walk it...
Gel, gel kayıkçı! Yavaş yavaş*1 İstanbul'un kıyısında, sessizlik içinde Haremin hüznünde Gel, gel kayıkçı!* Böylece güzel hanımı* kaçırayım Hücresinde bir köle, ağlayıp inliyor Ve özgürlüğünü arıyor Gel, gel kayıkçı!*
Sklaba mesa sto keli tis kleei kai 8rini❤❤❤❤❤leuteria epitelous erxete h wra mas na doksazoume ton 8eo xristo kai panagia agio pneuma boh8ia mas❤❤❤❤❤hi komsu baraber yiasiyioruz in trakya yunan turk bir allah inaniyioruz sizde bizde❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
The orchestra is magnificent, the singers are masters; The Bosphorus is wonderful. Long live the friendship and brotherhood of people. Long live Turks, Greeks and all humanity..
Peace and Love.
Greetings from Greece.
Boğaz, İstanbul, Muhteşem Türk ve Yunan ezgileri... Çok güzel 🇹🇷💙❤️🇬🇷🥺🥺
Music brings people together. An amazing song from two amazing cultures: Greek and Turkish!
We have so many things in common brothers...
I'm Greek and through this song i send all my love to every Turk. We have more that unites us than divides us! I hope and i wish the new Greek and Turkish generations to love each others! 🇬🇷 💙❤🇹🇷
hi . thanks for at least taking one step to it :) . Yes totally I agree with you.
Tarih dersleri anlatıyorum, aynı fikirde öğrenci yetiştirmeye çalışıyorum. Venizelos ve Atatürk'ün barış düşüncesi savaştan çok daha üstün ve üst zeka ile bağlantılı. Kötü ve cahil insan her yerde var. Eş yüreklere selam olsun ❤️🌹
Ας υπερισχύσει η αγάπη και η καλή γειτονιά .Έχουμε πάρα πολλά κοινά οι δύο λαοί μοιάζουμε σε πάρα πολλά μας χωρίζουν λίγα.Ειθε να ξεπεράσουμε τις διαφορές μας και να ζήσουμε αρμονικά όπως ταιριάζει στους πολιτισμένους.Με αγάπη και φιλιά από την Ελλάδα.❤
Σας αγαπάμε πολύ, γείτονές μας.
Apostolosun bu harika ezginin Hüsnü ve Kıymetli müzisyenler ne güzel icra ediyorlar. Gönlünüze sağlık..
Share the love, brothers and sisters from Greece and Turkey! We have more in common than we would like to admit... The rest of the world can only learn from our tradition!
Everytime I open a Turkish-Greek music my eyes are full of tears because of the beauty of the music. Then I think about good old days, when everybody was living in peace.
And then do a silly mistake, each time I start reading the comments under these magnificent music videos. Always the same thing. Extreme nationalists, genocide accusations, non-music related comments.. Politics, history, hate, blood.. From my own nation Turkey, and from my favourite nation in the world, Greece.
Then my eyes are full of tears again, because of a different reason for this time.
There is so much hate in these lands.. Yet, still I keep my hope.
@Rhomios, there were. But there were also hundreds of thousands of Greeks living in Istanbul. There are still thousands Turkish in Greek villages.
What im saying is, people started killing each other. Do you think that we shared this song, and hundreds of others because of slavery? Did somebody forced us to use buzuki? Or we killed someone to learn how to make Dolma ? Of course its not a clear issue, we did very wrong things, or the things that era required/not. Yet, you got me VEERY VERY WRONG.
Dear Rhomios
We all experienced terrible history, Greeks, Turks, Balkans, Anatolia was disasters. We should remembers and respect for those who were subject to injustice of many kind...People were sent out their homes and country, murdered.
Also It is our duty to remember that our fathers had goods days good neighbourship with each others. It prove that we can have good days in the future.
I want to love my neighbours, I want to believe that they are people like me.
best comment ever....we must never forget what happened in the past,in order not to experience the same conditions in the future...admitting our faults is the best way to create a better future.Atrocities were committed from the Turkish side since they were the occupators,but the greek army was also violent during the 1922 expendition.We shall forget the bloodshed of the past and move on.I have the sense that the new generations of Turkey are definately more open minded and do not reflect the stereotypical idea that we here in Greece have about Turks.I hope our future will be in peace,this is what we all need,life is too short to be sad
Let us just live in peace.. ❤❤❤❤ Turkey!
sayginify arkardash peace for ever
🎉from Kazakhstan!
Greetings from Bulgaria! Such a beautiful song! Unforgettable.
ah ne guzel bir sarki. Ben yunanliyim turkiyeyi cok seviyorum kardesleriz beeeeeeee ahhhhh
Γιουσουφακι τρασιαρικο
Doğru dersin bree❤👏👏
Biz kardeşiz ♥️🌹🍀🌿
Ίσως η ωραιότερη εκτέλεση που έχω ακούσει αυτού του τραγουδιού, και σαν συνάδελφος, απο τα ωραιότερα Video αυτού του είδους.
Πολλά συγχαρητήρια σε όλους!
hellas and turks are friends.always and forever.
The Greek is one of the most fabulous language.. delicious to hear that
I am Greek and Turkish, married to a man who is Syrian and Balkanic.
Stop fighting. We are one people. We eat the same things, cry to the same music, swim in the same sea.
Stop. Please. We are brothers and sisters.
@@Rhomios no differences between us: we are human
@@Rhomios They are divisions created by those who rule us, past and present.
You are guzel hanum! 👌 Greeks and Turkush are almost the same in everything, except religion and language...
Ma'am, you write well, but the Greeks say we'll take Istanbul and asia Minor.They didn't leave the cliffs/roks in the Aegean Sea as an island.They will almost do the Sirtaki in Izmir Kordon.The United States is also constantly providing weapons.Money in Germany..What the Greeks were doing in May 1919 in Izmir and Polatlı.?...Tell that to the Greeks.May Allah/God give them wisdom and insight.
@@yakupkeser9672 Some nationalists say we'll take Istanbul and Izmir.. a small minority.. what happens is that turkish media for various reasons want you to see Greeks as a threat to you..
If you growed up as a child in this beatiful kosmopolitan city of Istanbul with Greek, Armenian, Jewish People, you will understand the Sound, Emotions, Live in this Time. I am so sorry, that we lost all this important Families from our City of Culture.
So all of you Greek, Armenian, Jewish People...give us, who wants to live with all you together an Excuse of the developing history. A Son Of This Beautiful Place.
Beni bu şarkıya ve samosa tanıştıran Mustafa amcam elbet bir gün aynı masalarda bu şarkı eşliğinde kadehlerimizi tokuşturacağız. Mekanın cennet olsun güzel insan… Seni çok özleyeceğiz.
I don't understand but music makes me cry.So beautiful. Turkish and Greek. My father's origin is Greek.
It seems that your parental roots have an inprint in your soul .Keep well
No music has ever influenced me like this piece!
I'm neither Turkish nor Greek, I'm Iraqi. Can't wait to visit Istanbul this summer!!!
Şarkı muhtemelen haremdeki Rum asıllı bir cariye için yazılmış...Çok acı...Anlamı şöyle:
Gel, gel kayıkçı! Yavaş yavaş
İstanbul'un kıyısında, sessizlik içinde
Haremin hüznünde
Gel, gel kayıkçı!
Böylece güzel hanımı kaçırayım
Hücresinde bir köle, ağlayıp inliyor
Ve özgürlüğünü arıyor
Gel, gel kayıkçı!
Gel gel kayıkçı
Yavaş yavaş
Kıyıdan geç göreyim
Güzel yüzünü
Söyle beni sevdiğini
Gel gel kayıkçı
Sevdim seni
Güzel hanım
Kandilli'nin yalıları
Dinlesin bizi
Söylesinler şarkımızı
Gel gel kayıkçı... " olması lazım'
bu şarkıya yeni türkü sözmü yazdı yoksa orjinalinimi çevirdi bilemiyoruz. Ama sizin çevirdiğiniz şekildeyse çoğu rembet gibi acı bir içeriği olması şaşırtıcı değil. Sonuç: rembetler anadolu ve egenin blues'udur.
şarkı balatta yaşayan helena adındaki rum bir kızın müsluman bir turk balikcisina olan imkansiz aşki anlatiyor ve bu sarki elveda rumelide ki alex ve zarifenin hikayesinin bire bir olmasada hikayesidir haremdeki cariye icin yazilmamstir
Gerçekten çok acı. Kimbilir kim söylemiş, kime söylemiş... insanın yüreğini burkuyor.
Bravo Efxhanista poli file.Istanbulfda sizlerle büyüdüm.sizleri ve müziğinizi çok seviyorum .iyiki varsınız.
Greece and Turkey...!!!!as though some want to be enemies, the music makes us the best friends!!!!
Splendid interpretation of a legendary song that unites Turks and Greeks! ************
Η πιο όμορφη διασκευή -αποδοση του καιξη.Εκπληκτική φωνή ,εκπληκτική ορχήστρα και υπέροχος φοντος.Ξυπνα τη νοσταλγία μας για έναν τόπο αγαπημένο σύνορο της ψυχήςας
Çok güzel komşu 🇹🇷💙❤️🇬🇷
Dear Greek friends, I indeed love Greek people in the way I love Turkish people, everytime I listened musics like this.
Teşekkürler arkadaş, love back from Greece
I can clrearly see the smooth blend of two cultures. The place itself speaks thousands of stories, but to be honest Husnu brought me to this video. I just love how he attributes by breathing to create this unique music. Nice song and magical place and you rock Husnu.
Bir şarkıdan çok daha fazlası..! Herkesin ellerine sağlık..!💗
Harika, gelsin şu kayıkçı be artık....
Δίπλα στον Βόσπορο, μπροστά από την Αγιά Σοφιά, μέσα στην Πόλη, ανάμεσα στο σύμβολο της ελευθερίας, τα περιστέρια, ακούγεται η συγκινητική μουσική της Ελλάδας που νοσταλγούμε και αγαπάμε. Το όλο σκηνικό, απλά συγκλονιστικό... Ευχαριστούμε.
Δεν είναι... τυχαίο αυτό το σκηνικό..Οι ... φίλοι μας Τούρκοι τίποτα δεν κάνουν τυχαία...😢😢😢
I am of Xios' origin born in Australia beautiful music
This video reminds me of childhood times and the neighborhood that I grew up (I was 8 years old ) with my mother's best friend who was living next apartment was from Greece and his child was my best friend that every day we were playing together. God knows where they are now?.
Thank you for recommending to watch this video and listen to beautiful music. ) always peace!. )
Απλά υπέροχη ερμηνεία, μουσικοί με παθος, πανέμορφο βίντεο που σε ταξιδεύει, Ελλάδα - Τουρκία ενωμένη.... θράσος οι πολιτικοί..... άτιμοι....
Ποιοι πολιτικοί άτιμοι, μπορδοχα μου; Ποιος τους εκλεγεί τους πολιτικούς σαύρα μου ;
Πήγα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη...άνθρωποι φιλόξενοι ζεστοί ....όλα τα άλλα ψέματα των τηλεοράσεων
Micotakis amerikan valisi gibi ülkesini satiyor
Thank you very much Trio Chios! We enjoyed your wonderful performance at Apomero Restaurant in Chios yesterday night very very much... Special thanks for your kind surprise of `Bekledimde Gelmedin`... Yasas...
I have been in chalkidiki for the last three years. I saw a great friendship there and it made me very happy. Especially Greetings to Anna and Hristos
Este escenario, esta música, me recuerda a Cartagena Colombia, exalta el espíritu, me transporta. Que belleza de música. Invitan a amor de los pueblos. No conozco el significado de la canción pero me gusta mucho como se expresa
Soy griego pero he visitado Cartagena tres veces y adoro esa ciudad y su ambiente único. Asi que estoy completamente de acuerdo con su comentario.
Portuguese: Bm (Sí menor) Lindo. Maravilhoso. Adorei a música. Obrigado pelo vídeo minha querida amiga da Grécia Eri Kara. Parabéns à todos os músicos. Obrigado Eri. Eu sou músico profissional e amo música de qualidade. Beijos do Brasil. English: Bm. (B minor) Beautiful. Wonderful. I loved this Song. Thank you very much my dear friend of Greece Eri Kara. Congratulations to all musicians. Thanks so much Eri. Best regards from Brazil. (No carnival; No street samba; my side No Brazilian, No Brazilian President) I am a professional musician and I love quality music. Congratulations! Thank You!
Hoş bir şarkı.Bizden ziyade yabancılar kıymetini bilmiş.
Merve Özbey in ilk zamanları ve bu albümde müthiş yorumları vardı.O zamandan belliydi böyle harika sesin geleceği..bu albümde emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler.....
What Bosses!!!! Synergy amazing, cultivating and embracing the richness of both cultures! I can listen to them forever!
Cengiz Onural'ın yazdığı türkçesi de bir o kadar güzeldir. Yeni Türkü nün külhani albümünün en kıymetli parçalarından biridir. Yeni Türkü nün yeni türkü olduğu grubun dağılıp derya ya kalmadığı zamanlardan.
Çok harikülade bir eser.Greetings from Somalia.
Dinledikce efkar basıyor beni alıp götürüyor
İstanbul’un son güzel yılları.
Musica stupenda !!!
Meravigliosa esecuzione !!
Sullo sfondo η πολι e le acque del Bosforo !!!
Bisanzio magica !!!!
Ne guzel yaaaaaaaaa. Muzik birlestiriyor .. Music connecting people
love from greece
Gel gel kayıkçı
Yavaş yavaş
Şehrin sahiline çek
Sessizliğin içine
Acının haremine
Gel gel kayıkçı
Ağlayayım onun için
Ey güzel hanım
Hücresinde esir
Ağlar ve yakarır
Ve özgürlüğünü yaşar
Gel gel kayıkçı
That’s the translation?
@@xarioti1 I don’t know. The lyrics for the same song in Turkish
Beautiful Song! Çok sevdim
Respect from a Turkish...
Whenever I go to Greece, I feel home more than Turkey. I hope Greek friends feel the same when they come to our shores :D
Ayıp olmuyormu biraz? Yazdığın gibi kendini kendi memleketinden daha evde hissediyorsan oraya git ve orada yaşa... Kendini evde hissediyorum deseydin sadece yetmiyormuydu? Benimde hoşuma gider oralar ama vatanım benim evimdir...
I feel the same too!
We Greeks feel the same! :)
When i come to Constantinople my eyes are full of tears too. We have so much in common!
@@Eirene30 Constantinople, Ionia, Cyprus and Pontus is common because it is occupied. I love TUrkish people individually, but not the Turlkish government's tactics. So many people had lost their lives, homes, fortunes in the past. We have an obligation to REMEMBER without hating
harika bir yorum...çok teşekkürler tüm emeği geçen sanatçılara.
Performance as a pure gem! Thank you for who plays and feels the awesome tune.
I'm from India I love this song plz send me subtitle so I could sing this beautiful song..
perfect...!!! thanx for the trip... :)
Ο Καϊξής (1948)
Μουσική : Απόστολος Χατζηχρήστος
Στίχοι : Γιώργος Φωτίδας
Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή, γιαβάς, γιαβάς
Μες στης πόλης τ’ ακρογιάλι, μες στη σιγαλιά
Μες στου χαρεμιού τη λίμνη
Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή
Να κλέψω την Γκιουζέλ-Χανούμ
Σκλάβα μέσα στο κελί της κλαίει και θρηνεί
Και ζητάει τη λευτεριά της
Γκελ, γκελ, καϊξή
Πολύ καλή εκτέλεση του τραγουδιού... Μία από τις καλύτερες!
Gel gel kayıkçı
Yavaş yavaş
Kıyıdan geç göreyim
Güzel yüzünü
Söyle beni sevdiğini
Gel gel kayıkçı
Sevdim seni
Güzel hanım
Kandilli'nin yalıları
Dinlesin bizi
Söylesinler şarkımızı
Gel gel kayıkçı
Hagia brings back a lot of memories for me. Especially: tea tea tea tea cold water tea tea cold water tea tea tea ueaieusee(singing of a muezzin) tea tea tea cold water tea tea tea...
Σας ανακάλυψα στην Πόλη...άκουσα τον Καίκτσή πίνοντας τσάι στο καφενεδάκι της Αγίας Σοφίας...σαν υπνωτισμένη μπήκα στο μαγαζάκι καίγοντας και αναζητώντας το cd...
Απόστολος Χατζηχρήστος. Τι γλυκός άνθρωπος... Σαν την μουσική του. Δραπέτης από τουρκικό στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης... Πράγματι η μουσική μπορεί να εξημερώσει και να φέρει τους ανθρώπους και τους λαούς πιό κοντά, αλλά αλοίμονο σε αυτούς που ξεχνάνε τα παθήματά τους. Θα τα ξαναζήσουνε χειρότερα.
+Ioannis Gr γλυκός o άνθρωπος but the authorship of the song is mystical and controversial still . Better leave it like that ! Let us listen to this nice song re megale !
Για πες μας "re megale" πως αμφισβητείται η πατρότητα της μουσικής του τραγουδιού;
You are the only person in the world that says that the authorship is controversial... As far as it concern the music the composer without any doubt is Apostolos Chatzichristos. Better read before you speak...
together we are whole, divided we are broken! We need to lay our differences aside, and focus on our similarities.
plz tell that to kemalist & islamist imperialist.
Please tell that to fashist greco-nationalist. there are always two sides my friend
@@Fengromm pls let us tell it to both idiotic sides, these ppl divide us without any sense
My friend, you know how eagerly I wait for the moment when 2 politicians will meet and from both sides to put aside the old passions and the supposed half of our peoples and to enjoy a peaceful coexistence. We are separated by nothing but a sea and we must sail peacefully. Stop fighting. We are one people. We eat the same things, cry to the same music, swim in the same sea.
Stop. Please. We are brothers and sisters. WE ARE HUMAN.
@@Fengromm go back to Mongolia and free Cyprus, Turano-Mongol. You're not allowed to say something about Greece, Turano-Mongol descendant of genociders
cok guzel... tam rakılık :)
love it too much,
souls has no and respect
abi poli kala... cooookkkk güzel abi cok güzel...
No me canso nunca de escuchar está maravilla
Magnifique .From Belgium.
Desde Valencia ESPAÑA
A unique, a beautiful place.
Great artists, Bros Poupaloi and Stathis (Trio Chios). Nice composition Istanbul, Bosphorus, Hagia Sophia, East flavor...
That's art ! ! Bring people together...!
1this is the best harmony and mixture of the culture of tukish and greek. lots of commons.
lets union komsuv GEL GEL...
Beautiful song and wonderful musicians.
cok harika bir söylenmis
great song !
Beautiful Sound. Thanks.
Çok güzel olmuş ya :-)
Cok guzel! Bravo!
Efcharisto…beautiful Musiki ! 👏❤️🇬🇷❤️🙏
Super inspiring! you guys rule the Mediterranean!~!!!
Μπράβο παιδιά, πολύ καλό, εχει πολύ εκφραστηκότητα η φωνή σου φίλε, και πάλι μπράβο σε όλους, φιλιά απο τον γείτονα σας :)
sconstantinos cos they r not here for the music
well spoken !
well said. music does not divide people
Narcha Yilmaz heah
αγαπω trio chios!!! γεια σας ξαδερφια ομορφα!!!! ο "πυργος" σας αγαπα...σας καμαρωνει....σας χαιρετα!!!!
λυπημένο τραγούδι .χαιρετίσματα στην άλλη άκρη της θάλασσας
lypiméno tragoúdi .chairetísmata stin álli ákri tis thálassas
çok hoş bir parça insanı alıp götürüyor..
There is a battle inside me about turk and greek friendship. From one side we are so close on everything i feel like kardash!!! From the other side the pain for my ancestors the 3.000 years of history was been unrooted 100 years ago, The greatest disaster hellenism ever had. Someone told me we greeks do not deserve anymore to be in Anatolia and Instanbul, God punish us for our sins. My home is there even i never walk it...
Μπράβο σας , πολύ ωραία εκτέλεση σε όλα τις , επίσης πολύ όμορφη εικόνα . ! :)
Apomera da dinledim muhteşemler....
i love it...i dont speak turkish, but i love it, i love this song...
Gel, gel kayıkçı! Yavaş yavaş*1
İstanbul'un kıyısında, sessizlik içinde
Haremin hüznünde
Gel, gel kayıkçı!*
Böylece güzel hanımı* kaçırayım
Hücresinde bir köle, ağlayıp inliyor
Ve özgürlüğünü arıyor
Gel, gel kayıkçı!*
çok güzel olmuş
Sklaba mesa sto keli tis kleei kai 8rini❤❤❤❤❤leuteria epitelous erxete h wra mas na doksazoume ton 8eo xristo kai panagia agio pneuma boh8ia mas❤❤❤❤❤hi komsu baraber yiasiyioruz in trakya yunan turk bir allah inaniyioruz sizde bizde❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
I love ❤ it...
love this song
Giant! Amazing damage, and excellent performance
Μπραβο φιλε να εισαι καλα ,σε ευχαριστουμε !!
Harika... 😊
γειά σου Σώτο άρχοντα , να είσαι πάντα καλά!
The composer of this song was Apostolos Hatzichristos
Hüsnü shendriji kıl bu shakıi söliene helyal olsun bu adama ❤️👉💯👍
I ❤ it
My brother sang this in 1st grade. We're Greek btw