Je tiens personnellement à féliciter les photographes qui de par leurs appareils ont immortalisé l'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale ,vraiment chapeau pour toutes vos efforts accompli merci beaucoup .
📌J'ai une appréciation équivalente à la vôtre 😊👍 notre devoir aujourd'hui, est de faire notre maximum pour préserver la mémoire photos, vidéos, écrite ou racontée par les témoins exceptionnel de cette époque. Les gens comme nous sont importants pour la transmission et la protection des valeurs de liberté. Je vous souhaite une bonne vie😊 salut
My grandfather, who I loved dearly, signed up to the US Army in late 1942. He was deployed to France in 1943. He said D-day was a relief but then it got worse for his group. He was a tank driver and ran over French civilians that wouldn’t leave the roadway. His command said “never stop no matter what”. He came back to the US in 1946, victorious and haunted. I didn’t know much about his service until a couple months before he died. All of a sudden, he wanted to talk about it. The pain he felt as a tank commander at only 19 years old. What he experienced when his battalion liberated Ohrdruf concentration camp. He was always haunted by what he saw there. I never knew any of this until he sat me down as a young teenager and told me about his experience. He never told anyone else, his wife, my grandmother does not even know what I know. War is hell and peace is cheap. That’s what he wanted me to know.
@Stephanie Parker. I enjoyed reading your story of your grandfather. May he rest in eternal peace. My mother inlaw was Ukrainian, and she told me how her entire family was forced in work camps during WWII. They were not Jewish. She met her husband, a Belarusian, in the work camp. My husband was born in the Republic of Germany in 1948. She tried to describe her hardships but because of her insecurities to speak proper English, my brother inlaw translated most of what she couldn't express. She was separated from her parents and sisters. She never saw them again and never ever knew what happened to them. She eventually left Germany with her husband and two children in 1951. They reached NY harbor via Ellis island. I wished I had learned more. She always had that sad look on her face. Her photos of her at 35 years old looked like she was a much older woman. She lived to 88. I loved her very much. She was a great woman. Rest in eternal peace Tatiana.
And now U.S. is funding Ukrainian regime which builds memorials and names streets to Hitler troops, Auschwitz guards and Waffen SS. Your grandpa would've been appalled.
True insanity my friend Russia lost 20 million and like you said soldiers involved not to mention this was an all-involved war or total war so imagine the civilians also.
My grandfather was one of the first off the boats after the war ended in Hamburg. Said it was something he will never forget… the smell of death in the air. Civilians on the streets with nothing to their name, begging for anything, food, clothes but mainly cigarettes. “Be thankful for what you have, lad!”
I know all about it, due to a stupid reason I lost everything I ever had. right down to my birth certificate. all of it gone forever and I ended up homeless. I know all to well how easily it can happen.
Mille salutations, respect et appréciation pour votre merveilleuse chaîne, qui regorge d'informations utiles et précises. Merci pour tous les beaux mots pour vos efforts incroyables. Merci pour la traduction arabe. Je vous souhaite du succès et de la bonté
youtube will take it down,cant show dead bodies,were you born yesterday?they do this on the news all the time also,go find a neo natzi patform like kick if you want to see gore
My Grand Father god rest his soul stormed Omaha beach with the Big Red One. He never spoke about it but he was broken inside from it. I miss him to this day. Rip Grandpa
Yes people involved in that war saw some major issues and can’t talk to the general public about it as they just won’t get it. He probably felt very alone and couldn’t talk to anyone unless they had been there.
Lições do passado que servem para não repetir os mesmos erros no presente, mas os homens pouco aprenderam. Gratidão pelo excelente documentário e pelos comentários construtivos e de paz😊
Great documentary, thank you. What an absolute waste of human life. All of that time, effort and energy could have gone into fighting TB, polio and all the enemies of humanity. It shows that absolute importance of politics and democracy.
My Dad was part of the Greatest Generation. He had five sons, all but one served. Two Vietnam veterans, I am one of those. I served twenty plus years. He never talked much about his experiences in the war. I know at times it haunted him, he lost his marriage to my mother. God bless those who gave it all. May they RIP in Jesus's name I pray.
@William ironically I have 5 older brothers.. I recall the night of the draft lottery aired on National TV during the Vietnam war.. my mom cried the entire time.. 3 of my brothers birthdates were pulled rather quickly.. my dad, tho an Army officer, advised them to go the next day n join the Air Force.. they did n not one went to Vietnam! One brother was in college n another had one leg just a tiny bit shorter than the other.. he wanted to sign up but was rejected... He was in college as well... My son served in Afghanistan n several of my nephews ( one went to the Air Force academy) have served n one still serves... They had multiple deployments to Afghanistan as they flew Black Hawks... Thankfully all made it back! My dad, prior to my birth, used to wake up at night screaming.. my mom would usher the boys back to bed.. turns out he was suffering from night terrors due to the horror of seeing his buddies get their brains blown out!! Thankfully he got over that but I know it haunted him til the day he died! Thank u so much for the service your family have given to us all!!
The delusion of a brave or just war went out the door once “Military Industrial Complex” became synonymous with winning a war. In other words, “ Industrial Capacity and Production “ was the true method of winning.
The greatest generation? The same “great” generation that denied African Americans equality and rights? Get out of here. That generation was terrible! Racist, ignorant morons. After the war the U.S. had former Nazis riding in the front and Blacks in the back.
@@kateh.2327 was your dad a officer in ww2? Thats very respectable of your family. I dont agree w alot of us foreign policy but i feel for all the soldiers that put their mental health and humanity on the line because they want to do the right thing.
Nossos Eternos Agradecimentos, a todos esses HERÓIS, profissionais, que se arriscaram e morreram,durante essas Filmagens...😢😢Duque de Caxias RJ Brasil 26/03/2023
Many greetings, respect and appreciation for your wonderful channel, which is full of useful and accurate information. Thank you for all the nice words for your amazing efforts. Thanks for the Arabic translation. I wish you success and goodness
Tanta luta e mortes, há humanidade parece que esqueceu do passado obscuro e de sofrimento e continua cometendo os mesmos erros .(ganância, arrogância, falta de amor ao próximo , e muitos se achando eternos. Força e honra aos bravos.
Even though my mom was still in elementary school during WW2, it still breaks my heart that I couldn’t do anything. Then I remember that I wasn’t born until about 20 years later. Especially watching the young sailor probably saying his last prayer @ 19:00, and my country may not have loved me, but I still LOVE my country! And it hurts to see them dying 80 years later!😢
@@gastonlefier3144 Wokisme. Vous n'avez plus que ce mot à la bouche. Vous êtes hilarant. On floute certaines images. C'est le wokisme. Les homos / blacks / arabes / trans / asiatiques / métisses envahissent notre pays. C'est le wokisme. Ma femme me trompe. C'est le wokisme. Mon riz est trop cuit. C'est mon "wok"isme qui l'a trop cuit. Vous êtes hilarant.
@@faurijean7677 parce que dire à des enfants qu'ils peuvent devenir une fille ou garçon dès l'âge de 6 ans vous appeler sa comment ? Appart utilisé un mot pour le victimiser vous êtes inutile dans la discussion,et au passage le Wokisme ces un courant très dangereux pouvant causé la destruction d'une civilisation
J'ai vu sur la chaine "Histoire" les témoignages de ce qu'avait été le "D.Day" du coté "soldats Allemands". J'avais pu ressentir leur émotion, leur stupéfaction en voyant l'immense Armada se dévoiler à l'horizon. L'un d'eux admit avoir eu peur à un point de ne plus savoir quoi faire, comment réagir...comme pétrifié.
When I was a child in the 1960s the TV was full of WWII and Holocaust documentaries.There were warnings at the beginnings of the shows but nothing was ever blurred or hidden.This was 20-25 years after the war,when most vets were younger than I am now.Iwas born only 13 years after the end of the war so was very young when I saw these films.It made a strong impression on me and of course I was horrified but it never would have occurred to me to carry on about being "triggered".It did give me a lifelong disdain towards antisemites however.
I think its well Known that no country lost more people than Russia. Burned houses and buildings can all be replaced but lost family members are gone forever.
My honorable and very loved grandfather crossed the Rhine in ww2. My other grandfather served in ww1, my father served as a marine in the Korean War. I'm so proud of them and their leadership as men.
Вярно е! Бог да ви благослови! Не трябва да има война! Не трябва да има войни! Хората обичат, хората искат да обичат! Не трябва да има унищожение на хора, на хората! Няма значение от кой континент са, от коя народност, от коя Страна са те! Няма значение какви са, раса, цвят на кожата, защото това са глупости, всички ние сме деца на Майката Земя! Да Живее Обичта между хората! Сърдечни поздрави от сърце от България! Бог да Ви благослови всички Вас прекрасни Хора! 🇧🇬🙏❤️
quel magnifique reportage, en 53 minutes, on n'a jamais parlé des armées soviétiques qui pourtant sont responsables à 70% de la défaite allemande... bravo!!
Exatamente, vemos muitos filmes sobre o exército americano, a frente ocidental, ou a frente do pacífico, mas pouco vemos sobre a frente oriental soviéticos contra alemães, que foram as mais brutais batalhas, as mais decisivas, e as mais importantes para o desfecho da guerra, como Stalingrado por exemplo. Ouso dizer que a União Soviética em certa parte da guerra lutou praticamente sozinha contra a Alemanha, que invadia a Rússia com um exército gigantesco acabando com tudo pela frente, e mesmo assim os soviéticos conseguiram reverter a situação, e marchar até Berlim, os mais importantes de toda a guerra com certeza absoluta!
No doubt the Soviets did most of the dying, but even the Soviets fought with American supplies. There is a saying that lower level officers focus on tactics, middle level officers focus on strategy, but the highest level officers focus on logistics. There is a very good series about how war factories won the war.
@@joanhuffman2166 Try a sherman on the cold russian winter...won't even start. Don't overestimate either the lend lease that wasn't a gift to the ussr, it was a debt that the ussr had to repay
On parle des viole par les soviétique mais pas ceux des américain... 3500 rien quand France après le débarquement. On a bizarrement pas les chiffre des dommage collatéraux avec les bombardement...
Gosto Muito dos Documentários sobre as Guerras que já aconteceram ao longo da História da humanidade, desde as mais Antigas quanto as mais recentes, Como ex: guerras Napoleônicas, a Primeira Guerra Mundial 1914 - 1918, As Grandes Batalhas nas guerras do Império Romano, as Conquistas e Vitórias de Alexandre o Grande, as Batalhas nas Guerras do Império de Genghis Khan. na América do Sul tivemos duas Guerras Importantes a Guerra das Malvinas em 1982 e a Guerra do Paraguay em 1864 - 1870. OBS: muitas foram guerra civil entre o próprio povo, as mais Conhecidas e estudadas guerras civis da História são a Guerra civil Americana 1861 - 1865, a Guerra civil Russa 1918 - 1921, e a Guerra civil Espanhola 1936 - 1939 que foi um tipo de "ensaio" ou preparação para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No Brasil tivemos várias a mais marcante delas foi a Guerra dos Farrapos 1835 - 1845. Enfim são muitas Guerras e Conflitos entre Nações que já aconteceram. Gosto de ler livros, e TUDO sobre estas Grandes Guerras, e assistir a Muitos Documentários sobre elas. Mas sem SOMBRA de DÚVIDAS nenhuma destas guerras entre Nações que já aconteceram, chama tanta atenção e Curiosidade, tanto dos Historiadores quanto das pessoas Comuns, quanto à ( Segunda Guerra Mundial ) pois além de ser uma Guerra que envolveu uma boa parte dos Países do Globo, seja de forma Direta ou Indireta, ela mudou o Curso da História em muitos Sentidos, vou citar só às ( 5 Cinco ) Principais. (1°) antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Maiores Potências mundiais inclusive Militar, eram Inglaterra, França, e Japão, Mas depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial a MAIOR Potência econômica e Militar do Planeta passou a ser os Estados Unidos, sendo a Maior potência até hoje. OBS: a Alemanha só se tornou de Novo uma Grande Potência militar e Econômica somente alguns anos antes da Segunda Guerra mundial, com a Chegada de Adolf Hitler ao Poder em 1933. (2°) logo após os Estados Unidos ter se Consolidado como a Maior potência Econômica e Militar, logo depois da Guerra o idioma ( Inglês ) passou a ser Considerado o idioma mais importante naquele momento no mundo e continua até os dias de Hoje. (3°) O Dólar Americano passou a ser usado como uma moeda mundial valendo muito, em praticamente todos os Países e continua até os dias de Hoje. (4°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial a influência nos países do Globo, passou a ser disputada entre duas Potências mundiais, de um lado liderando o Bloco Capitalista os Estados Unidos. do outro liderando o Bloco Socialista ou Comunista como preferem chamar alguns, a União Soviética q emergiu como uma Grande Potência após a Guerra. (5°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi criada em 1947 a ( ONU ) Organização das Nações Unidas, que tinha como Principais Objetivos criar leis e regras rígidas no mundo tais como Comércio, migração de pessoas a outros países, entre outras coisas; mas o Principal Objetivo da criação da ONU era o de impedir novas Guerras, Sempre buscando em Primeiro lugar o Diálogo entre as Nações, mas caso o Diálogo não funcionasse a ONU tbm criou diversas leis para EVITAR ao máximo Guerras, e TODOS os países tinham que seguir estas leis. Mas uma coisa q NÃO entendo até Hoje e não entra na minha cabeça de jeito nenhum, É, Porque a " História " insiste em reconhecer a França como um dos Países Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial? Pois isso É uma Grande MENTIRA ensinada nas escolas, Faculdades, livros, revistas, Documentários, e etc.. sendo que o próprio estudo da Segunda Guerra Mundial através dos livros, revistas, artigos de Historiadores imparciais, e até nos Documentários nos ensina diferente ou Seja que a França foi na Verdade Derrotada pela Alemanha Nazista em menos de Seis Semanas. logo após a Derrota os Franceses foram humilhados pelos Alemães que os obrigaram a assinar os termos da Rendição no MESMO Vagão de Trem, que a Alemanha tinha assinado sua derrota na Primeira guerra mundial anos antes. Que humilhação! Entre as exigências Absurdas exigida pelos Alemães aos Derrotados Franceses, era de que eles criassem um Governo Colaboracionista, inclusive com a França entregando todos os Judeus recidentes no País, Sem contar q a França foi Dividida em duas zonas de influência uma Controlada pelos Nazistas Alemães, e a outra "Controlada" pelo Governo Colaboracionista da França. Portanto colocar a França como uma das Potências Vencedoras da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Não É apenas um Absurdo e "piada sem graça". mas também uma Afronta à própria História q nos Mostra os ( EUA, a URSS e a Inglaterra ) como os VERDADEIROS Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. a França até hoje deveria agradecer de Joelhos, a Inglaterra e Principalmente os EUA e URSS pela Vitória. Portanto NÃO entendo porque que ainda a Maioria dos livros, Documentários e etc.. insiste nesta Grande MENTIRA em colocar a França como uma das " potências" vencedoras, se ironicamente os próprios livros e Documentários sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial nos mostra a Verdade de forma contrária ao que está sendo mostrado, pelo menos nesta questão dos Países Vencedores.
Всю войну на своих плечах вынес Советский народ и военные люди СССР! Поэтому единственный Победитель во Второй мировой войне является СССР! А США и Англия только помогали своими войсками, но победителями не являлись и не являются! Так как народ США и Англии не воевал и не имел никакого отношения к войне! А Франция тем более, сдалась сразу фашистам! Поэтому, единственный Победитель в этой войне это Советский Союз! И ещё! США наживается на войнах, разоряет другие страны, поэтому она является могущественной страной! США это империя зла!
Единственный Победитель это Советский Союз и Советский народ! Все вынес на своих плечах и воевал на своей территории! США и Англия помогали войсками, а народ не имел никакого отношения к этой войне. А Советский народ -- в блокаде Ленинграда, в Сталинградской битве и битве на Курской дуге -- потеряли миллионы граждан СССР!
@@asd53436дорогая, американцы от япошек тоже немало получили. Россия является победительницей в Великой Отечественной Войне. Но другие страны тоже страдали. Вы почитайте про Китай, про Польшу… Всем досталось. СССР конечно больше. Но потому что твари немцы травили народ мирный газом. Из 26 млн убитых-16 млн мирного населения.
The Navajo Code Talkers or Wind Talkers were the key to DEFEAT the enemy. Back in 1980 I have met and loved these Native American heroes. I also I met Apache heroes . Thank you my Heroes. Aa’hee’hee!!!!!🌎🇺🇸🦅
My dad was a career military officer stationed in Guam as the US took it back from the a result of reviewing his military records I am supremely proud of his conduct n honors he received...both he n mom are buried at Arlington National cemetery.he was buried with full military honors n it was quite a display befitting a man who definitely earned his resting place..Oki just wanted to say that 😁 a result I became very interested in WWII but more so in Europe..after extensive research I realized that the death camps n the rat/ disease infected ghettos , I realize.. to some degree at least, the Allies were aware of the genocide occurring... obviously in war there will be atrocities committed on both sides but war doesn't include systematic killing death factories....I question why the Allies didn't do something more or sooner! now I'm no expert by Any definition but it pains me to see how anti Semitic the British n the US were...I'm amazed at how many US citizens supported Hitler ( the gathering at Madison square garden in support of the Nazis was most unsettling).... I dunno, in reality, who knew what is definitely known but from what I've read it seems the Allies knew of the mass executions taking place...I'd be interested in what others,I've phrased this as a somewhat open ended post so no need to attack my words..thanks much!!
@Matt Taylor I did read in many books that many other countries took in the Jewish people fleeing Europe .. except the US due to the rampant anti semitic attitude here... Once a boat arrived in NY harbor with almost 1,000 Jewish people on it hoping for safety n they weren't allowed off the boat ... They had no choice at the time but to go back over to Europe... Makes me very upset as being raised in a military family it was decades before I'd accept we have done some horrific things 😣...
@some one you talk about something that has utterly no significance compared to what Churchill/Bomber Harris and it’s American Counterparts did to German Civilians. Winston Churchill appointed the Jewish Professor Lindemann, as his personal adviser. Lindemann, decided that Germany would be subjected to area, carpet, saturation, or unrestricted-bombing or what the victims called “Terror-Bombing.” Lindemann suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class civilian areas were legitimate targets. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small town of Freiburg. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities. The goal of the bombings was to “Break the spirit of the Germans.” Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed in the bombing campaign by the Allies. The allies specifically targeted innocent civilians. Many large cities such as Cologne or Essen experienced more than 250 raids each. Churchill’s deliberate strategy was killing as many German civilians as possible. History is written by those who are Victorious. 98% of the world’s population are bird brains, and are less intelligent than a piece of Sheet Rock. Don’t be one of those.
My dad was on a destroyer at Okinawa. His ship was part of the radar picket line, which was an outer ring of defense against the Kamikazes. It was a horrific battle there between the Navy and the Kamikazes.
Sometimes it seems we have forgotten the horrors that war brings & how quickly they can start.. Seems they begin when we're preoccupied (bickering) with other stuff that doesn't matter. Kinda scary
You are wrong. It begins when people allow a dictator to take control of the government. Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander, but under civilian control.
je réponds là ont peut voir par les films d histoire la fin du troisième REICH mais voilà L URSS c est effondrai en 1991 il ne faut pas l oublier et le notre système politique combien de temps il va d'urée là je sais qu'il est arrivé vers sa fin le système capitaliste démocratique et droits de l homme c est une certitude comme l URSS il va s effondrai un jours c est aussi une certitude là il parle du passé moi je parle de l avenir c est pas pareil du tout toujours ils parle de HITLER pourquoi je me ^pose la question et vous même vous devez vous posez la question POURQUOI !
Mijn Frans is niet meer wat het ooit eens was maar mijn Nederlands is voortreffelijk Ondanks de verschrikkelijke geschiedenis maar interessante video, is de ondertiteling eveneens afgrijselijk. Spijtig genoeg.
I always thought of the horror men must have felt when they stormed ashore on to enemy lines, or when they started face to face in battle it must have been horrifying. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to do it. I would chicken out and run and hide. Hide in a hole. ECT My maternal grandfather served in world war II. My paternal grandfather served in the Korean war. My grandfather in world war II was in the Navy and stayed on his ship and the one that served in the Korean war did combat, and wouldn't ever talk about it to the day he died. My stepfather who was like a real dad to me ...served in Vietnam. Each one is buried in a veteran's United States army burial ground. They have all since passed away, they all did survive the wars but with scars.
One of my Grandpa's was in Navy and served in WW2 passed away at 95 years old And is buried in Veterans Cemetery recieved 21 gun sallute other Grandpa served in Korea ....Luckily my Dad was to young to go to Vietnam he was still in High School bout 16 when they stopped drafting and war was over thank God he is most peaceful passive gentle soul cool as a fan never seen him lose his cool once .....
W czasie wojny w Armii Czerwonej walczyli też Ukraińcy. W walkach z niemieckimi nazistami zginęło ponad 3 miliony Ukraińców, a teraz wy Rosjanie napadliście na Ukrainę i mordujecie dzieci i wnuków tych ukraińskich żołnierzy, którzy w czasie wojny razem z wami walczyli z hitlerowskimi Niemcami. A Niemcy pomagają Ukraińcom żebyście ich nie wymordowali.
@@adamjanusz5118 Are you talking about these children and grandchildren? Or maybe about these? You will never be shown this on TV in the West, otherwise there will be no time to water Russia with tons of slop around the clock. As they will never show the residents of Donetsk killed by NATO shells you hypocrites!
@@decorde-taccard You all understand perfectly well, but you pretend that you have no idea who it is, just as you do not see the shelling of Donetsk that has been conducted by the Ukrainian army for 8 years, you see there what is only convenient for you to see. I will tell you these are modern soldiers of Ukraine! As you said here, the grandchildren of Ukrainians who died in the battles with fascism are being killed by evil Russia! And thank God that their grandfathers did not live to see it! Yes, not everyone is like that, but in modern Ukrainian society and the army, neo-Nazi ideas have become popular in recent years, especially in the army, whole battalions of neo-Nazis have been created who do not hesitate to wear Nazi symbols and SS chevrons, including the tactical sign of the 4th SS division on the flag of Azov "wolf hook".
@@Anagiev684 Tymi zdjęciami chcesz udowodnić, że narów ukraiński popiera nazizm? Znasz Ukraińców? Byłeś w Kijowie, we Lwowie? Ja byłem wiele razy i nie spotkałem ani jednego zwolennika nazizmu. To Rosja jest państwem bandytów, którzy zawsze napadali na sąsiadów. Cała Europa ma tylko jedno marzenie, niech Rosjanie siedzą w swoim państwie i do nas nie przyjeżdżają. I nie bójcie się, od 1941 r. nikt na was nie napadł i nie napadnie, bo Rosja nikomu nie jest potrzebna.
Pour l Essentiel , ce sont les Russes qui ont gagne la Guerre contre l Allemagne . Sans leur action et leurs 30 millions de morts !! les Allies n aurraient pas pu accoster en Normandie
@@warrellblake6616 fuck the us, cowards that took credit in both world wars when they just came in the end. Don't even try to compare the eastern front to the normandy or pacific campaign
Not mentioned is that they was no need for the Victors to employ the Rules of the Geneva Convention to a people without any voice or a recognised Government. The A Bomb was used to finish the Japanese. What is not mentioned is the methodology used to wipe out the last of the German Army, as the victors began righting their own Rules. Rhine Meadows extermination Camp was only one example of this Genocide.
German back then were true evil and I don't care what methodology was used to wipe out the Germans. All I care is that the best was taken down. Also, Germany should give up wars cause it's very bad at it since it has lost not once but twice.
Yes. And given that the film's purpose is to show the horrors of war, doesn't the blurring of the dead and dying just make war that much more tolerable?
43:33 - местный житель бьет в морду проходящих немецких пленных 43:41 - русский конвоир отгоняет его плетью.. 43:33 - a local resident beats passing German prisoners in the face 43:41 - a Russian escort drives him away with a whip. а диктор говорит: "русские солдаты зверствуют". Верьте своим глазам, а не чужим словам! and the announcer says: "Russian soldiers are atrocious". Trust your eyes, not other people's words!
It’s well documented how horrible the Russians were after they took Berlin. And I’m some cases you could say it’s understandable. Germany committed many atrocities across the Soviet Union that are almost unspeakable. So the anger isn’t exactly misplaced.
Very special documents, films, and a real, and solemn group of quotations. Sad but so true. I tried to join the US Army Navy, Marines and serve in Vietnam. I was told by an official that because I only had one eye, I could not volunteer. “The only one eyed men allowed to serve will serve as either Doctors or Priests” James Y. Reynolds
Prezados senhores! Estou rodando um filme docudrama sobre a segunda guerra mundial, es gostaria de saber da possibilidade de usar alguns frases destes filme em meu documentário. Poderia por acaso me informar? Pois estão em domínio público, porém, gostaria de saber alguma informação sobre tal possibilidade.
@@elmacho6103 Die Tatsache, dass ich in Russland geboren wurde, macht mich nicht zum Slawen, meine Vorfahren waren Deutsche, die 45 ins Exil geschickt wurden, also ist alles gerechtfertigt
Je tiens personnellement à féliciter les photographes qui de par leurs appareils ont immortalisé l'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale ,vraiment chapeau pour toutes vos efforts accompli merci beaucoup .
I think we forget about that too much. We would have none of this without them
Ces images d'atrocités nous interpellent .elles nous disent "plus jamais ça !"
That must have been a terrifying job to be running around with a camera instead of a rifle...
📌J'ai une appréciation équivalente à la vôtre 😊👍 notre devoir aujourd'hui, est de faire notre maximum pour préserver la mémoire photos, vidéos, écrite ou racontée par les témoins exceptionnel de cette époque.
Les gens comme nous sont importants pour la transmission et la protection des valeurs de liberté.
Je vous souhaite une bonne vie😊 salut
My grandfather, who I loved dearly, signed up to the US Army in late 1942. He was deployed to France in 1943. He said D-day was a relief but then it got worse for his group. He was a tank driver and ran over French civilians that wouldn’t leave the roadway. His command said “never stop no matter what”. He came back to the US in 1946, victorious and haunted. I didn’t know much about his service until a couple months before he died. All of a sudden, he wanted to talk about it. The pain he felt as a tank commander at only 19 years old. What he experienced when his battalion liberated Ohrdruf concentration camp. He was always haunted by what he saw there. I never knew any of this until he sat me down as a young teenager and told me about his experience. He never told anyone else, his wife, my grandmother does not even know what I know.
War is hell and peace is cheap. That’s what he wanted me to know.
Thanks for sharing. It was really terrible what they did to the jews
Ele tinha razão.
@Stephanie Parker. I enjoyed reading your story of your grandfather. May he rest in eternal peace. My mother inlaw was Ukrainian, and she told me how her entire family was forced in work camps during WWII. They were not Jewish. She met her husband, a Belarusian, in the work camp. My husband was born in the Republic of Germany in 1948. She tried to describe her hardships but because of her insecurities to speak proper English, my brother inlaw translated most of what she couldn't express. She was separated from her parents and sisters. She never saw them again and never ever knew what happened to them. She eventually left Germany with her husband and two children in 1951. They reached NY harbor via Ellis island. I wished I had learned more. She always had that sad look on her face. Her photos of her at 35 years old looked like she was a much older woman. She lived to 88. I loved her very much. She was a great woman. Rest in eternal peace Tatiana.
And now U.S. is funding Ukrainian regime which builds memorials and names streets to Hitler troops, Auschwitz guards and Waffen SS. Your grandpa would've been appalled.
My grandfather was a Major in the Indian Army and fought the Japanese in Burma. He spoke about the war but in fits and starts while he was alive.
Merci de m'apprendre un peu plus sur cette période de l'histoire de
l'humanité , vraiment merci.
Everything that is said in these often rediculous videos are said by biased jews or people that work for biased jews and biased globalists🤮
Excelente Documentário + Imagens +Narração e Trilha Sonora...Duque de Caxias RJ Brasil 26/03/2023
_Grand merci!_
_Le regarde avec grand plaisir..._
The number of soldiers involved in the war is truly staggering. The same can be said for the number of victims. War is indeed hell.
True insanity my friend Russia lost 20 million and like you said soldiers involved not to mention this was an all-involved war or total war so imagine the civilians also.
Governments kill so many people. In fact, without government, it would be impossible to kill this many people.
Biased jews and biased globalists make these dumb videos🤮
No More Brother Wars.
My grandfather was one of the first off the boats after the war ended in Hamburg. Said it was something he will never forget… the smell of death in the air. Civilians on the streets with nothing to their name, begging for anything, food, clothes but mainly cigarettes.
“Be thankful for what you have, lad!”
And now your great grandfather has mixed grandkids who hate him, with Jewish lawmakers that want all white men dead. He fought for the wrong side.
@@trevorwuhan-ff9un what the fuck are you talking about?
No comments but I don’t agree with that last statement.
@@HCIbn what’s not to agree with?
I know all about it, due to a stupid reason I lost everything I ever had. right down to my birth certificate. all of it gone forever and I ended up homeless. I know all to well how easily it can happen.
This was an awesome upload! Loved it!
Que obra de arte é esse documentário! Texto e narração impecáveis.. This was an awesome upload! Loved it!.
Mille salutations, respect et appréciation pour votre merveilleuse chaîne, qui regorge d'informations utiles et précises. Merci pour tous les beaux mots pour vos efforts incroyables. Merci pour la traduction arabe. Je vous souhaite du succès et de la bonté
Very nice documentary. Thank you. We appreciate it
Why blur out the dead soldiers? Affraid we will see how horrible war really is?
youtube will take it down,cant show dead bodies,were you born yesterday?they do this on the news all the time also,go find a neo natzi patform like kick if you want to see gore
Yt demonetise videos of certain scenes are shown.
Super film - chwała wszystkim żołnierzom biorącym udział w tym wielkim zwycięstwie w 2 wojnie światowej. Pozdrowienia dla Całej Redakcji.
My Grand Father god rest his soul stormed Omaha beach with the Big Red One. He never spoke about it but he was broken inside from it. I miss him to this day. Rip Grandpa
Yes people involved in that war saw some major issues and can’t talk to the general public about it as they just won’t get it. He probably felt very alone and couldn’t talk to anyone unless they had been there.
Lições do passado que servem para não repetir os mesmos erros no presente, mas os homens pouco aprenderam. Gratidão pelo excelente documentário e pelos comentários construtivos e de paz😊
Que obra de arte é esse documentário! Texto e narração impecáveis.
Très bon archives d'époque bon reportage j
Great documentary, thank you. What an absolute waste of human life. All of that time, effort and energy could have gone into fighting TB, polio and all the enemies of humanity. It shows that absolute importance of politics and democracy.
My Dad was part of the Greatest Generation. He had five sons, all but one served. Two Vietnam veterans, I am one of those. I served twenty plus years.
He never talked much about his experiences in the war. I know at times it haunted him, he lost his marriage to my mother. God bless those who gave it all. May they RIP in Jesus's name I pray.
@William ironically I have 5 older brothers.. I recall the night of the draft lottery aired on National TV during the Vietnam war.. my mom cried the entire time.. 3 of my brothers birthdates were pulled rather quickly.. my dad, tho an Army officer, advised them to go the next day n join the Air Force.. they did n not one went to Vietnam! One brother was in college n another had one leg just a tiny bit shorter than the other.. he wanted to sign up but was rejected... He was in college as well... My son served in Afghanistan n several of my nephews ( one went to the Air Force academy) have served n one still serves... They had multiple deployments to Afghanistan as they flew Black Hawks... Thankfully all made it back! My dad, prior to my birth, used to wake up at night screaming.. my mom would usher the boys back to bed.. turns out he was suffering from night terrors due to the horror of seeing his buddies get their brains blown out!! Thankfully he got over that but I know it haunted him til the day he died! Thank u so much for the service your family have given to us all!!
The delusion of a brave or just war went out the door once “Military Industrial Complex” became synonymous with winning a war.
In other words, “ Industrial Capacity and Production “ was the true method of winning.
The greatest generation? The same “great” generation that denied African Americans equality and rights? Get out of here. That generation was terrible! Racist, ignorant morons. After the war the U.S. had former Nazis riding in the front and Blacks in the back.
@@kateh.2327 was your dad a officer in ww2? Thats very respectable of your family. I dont agree w alot of us foreign policy but i feel for all the soldiers that put their mental health and humanity on the line because they want to do the right thing.
Nossos Eternos Agradecimentos, a todos esses HERÓIS, profissionais, que se arriscaram e morreram,durante essas Filmagens...😢😢Duque de Caxias RJ Brasil 26/03/2023
My mom told me about the shortages of then
Many greetings, respect and appreciation for your wonderful channel, which is full of useful and accurate information. Thank you for all the nice words for your amazing efforts. Thanks for the Arabic translation. I wish you success and goodness
Tanta luta e mortes, há humanidade parece que esqueceu do passado obscuro e de sofrimento e continua cometendo os mesmos erros .(ganância, arrogância, falta de amor ao próximo , e muitos se achando eternos. Força e honra aos bravos.
Merci, mais... le floutage des images : quel dommage.
C'est devenu un fléau , cette cancel culture !!
Si y'avait pas le floutage on aurait pas la chance de pouvoir se taper des pubs toutes les 2 minutes, ce serait vraiment dommage
Ah c'est vrai. Contre cette chance je n'ai plus rien à dire !
@@jenesuispasrisitas3588 Quel est le rapport entre le floutage des blessés et de la pub ? Perso , je ne vois pas ...
@@patrickauffray2746 la monétisation de la vidéo tout simplement.
Even though my mom was still in elementary school during WW2, it still breaks my heart that I couldn’t do anything. Then I remember that I wasn’t born until about 20 years later. Especially watching the young sailor probably saying his last prayer @ 19:00, and my country may not have loved me, but I still LOVE my country! And it hurts to see them dying 80 years later!😢
Ótima matéria
Mas desnecessário a ocultação das imagens nos campos de concentração
Tem que mostrar
Para nunca esquecemos
Enervant ces images floutées ! Franchement ça rime à quoi cette censure visuelle ?
C'est un ajout récent. Pendant des années ces images ont été diffusées telles que prisent. Le wokisme a passé par là!
@@gastonlefier3144 Wokisme. Vous n'avez plus que ce mot à la bouche. Vous êtes hilarant.
On floute certaines images. C'est le wokisme.
Les homos / blacks / arabes / trans / asiatiques / métisses envahissent notre pays. C'est le wokisme.
Ma femme me trompe. C'est le wokisme.
Mon riz est trop cuit. C'est mon "wok"isme qui l'a trop cuit.
Vous êtes hilarant.
@@faurijean7677 parce que dire à des enfants qu'ils peuvent devenir une fille ou garçon dès l'âge de 6 ans vous appeler sa comment ? Appart utilisé un mot pour le victimiser vous êtes inutile dans la discussion,et au passage le Wokisme ces un courant très dangereux pouvant causé la destruction d'une civilisation
@@faurijean7677 bah c’est vrai le wokiste😂
@@foucaudjohan7582 Oui mais pas comme vous le sous-entendez
The CC is distracting as it’s so often different from the narrator
J'ai vu sur la chaine "Histoire" les témoignages de ce qu'avait été le "D.Day" du coté "soldats Allemands". J'avais pu ressentir leur émotion, leur stupéfaction en voyant l'immense Armada se dévoiler à l'horizon. L'un d'eux admit avoir eu peur à un point de ne plus savoir quoi faire, comment réagir...comme pétrifié.
Documentaire très in tressant !
Beaucoup trop de pubs ( toutes les cinq minutes ) ! dommage...
C'est TH-cam
@@johanbocquet1457 oui c'est vrai, mais ça fait beaucoup 😤
Etre sur YT sans utiliser de bloqueur de pub, faut le faire.
Hhhhh je vois aucune pub
When I was a child in the 1960s the TV was full of WWII and Holocaust documentaries.There were warnings at the beginnings of the shows but nothing was ever blurred or hidden.This was 20-25 years after the war,when most vets were younger than I am now.Iwas born only 13 years after the end of the war so was very young when I saw these films.It made a strong impression on me and of course I was horrified but it never would have occurred to me to carry on about being "triggered".It did give me a lifelong disdain towards antisemites however.
People need to see the brutal unvarnished truth. Shame on producer for blurring it out!
hey man you legit sound triggered. you okay snowflake?
TH-cam requires the blurring.
its the mass, the sheeps. that will follow. if it was nazism or corona doesnt matter. just the sheeps will follow.
You can still watch plenty of it uncensored, just you won't find that on youtube since the moderation is automated.
I think its well Known that no country lost more people than Russia. Burned houses and buildings can all be replaced but lost family members are gone forever.
My honorable and very loved grandfather crossed the Rhine in ww2. My other grandfather served in ww1, my father served as a marine in the Korean War. I'm so proud of them and their leadership as men.
La cadence de pubs aussi élevée qu'une rafale de MG42
C'est clair !
TH-cam premium. Aucune pub.
Utilisez un vpn ..... Ya 00 pubs dans les pays d'Afrique
Moi je suis tombé sur une pub vantant un jeu vidéo sur la 2ème guerre mondiale. Décidément la pub sera toujours stupide et indécente.
Quelles pubs?
Why are the captions so different from whats said?
55 milhões de vidas tiradas. Tanto sangue, tanta dor. Quanto sofrimento (!?)...... A guerra é uma das maiores tolices do ser humano.
Вярно е! Бог да ви благослови! Не трябва да има война! Не трябва да има войни! Хората обичат, хората искат да обичат! Не трябва да има унищожение на хора, на хората! Няма значение от кой континент са, от коя народност, от коя Страна са те! Няма значение какви са, раса, цвят на кожата, защото това са глупости, всички ние сме деца на Майката Земя! Да Живее Обичта между хората! Сърдечни поздрави от сърце от България! Бог да Ви благослови всички Вас прекрасни Хора! 🇧🇬🙏❤️
Great documentary! Watch it
The best video about WW2 and the victory of the allies that I have ever saw.BRAVO.
And the defeat of humanity
Why the blotched images? It's about serious war, needs to be seen as it was.
quel magnifique reportage, en 53 minutes, on n'a jamais parlé des armées soviétiques qui pourtant sont responsables à 70% de la défaite allemande... bravo!!
Exatamente, vemos muitos filmes sobre o exército americano, a frente ocidental, ou a frente do pacífico, mas pouco vemos sobre a frente oriental soviéticos contra alemães, que foram as mais brutais batalhas, as mais decisivas, e as mais importantes para o desfecho da guerra, como Stalingrado por exemplo. Ouso dizer que a União Soviética em certa parte da guerra lutou praticamente sozinha contra a Alemanha, que invadia a Rússia com um exército gigantesco acabando com tudo pela frente, e mesmo assim os soviéticos conseguiram reverter a situação, e marchar até Berlim, os mais importantes de toda a guerra com certeza absoluta!
No doubt the Soviets did most of the dying, but even the Soviets fought with American supplies. There is a saying that lower level officers focus on tactics, middle level officers focus on strategy, but the highest level officers focus on logistics.
There is a very good series about how war factories won the war.
@@joanhuffman2166 Try a sherman on the cold russian winter...won't even start. Don't overestimate either the lend lease that wasn't a gift to the ussr, it was a debt that the ussr had to repay
You rang?
On parle des viole par les soviétique mais pas ceux des américain... 3500 rien quand France après le débarquement.
On a bizarrement pas les chiffre des dommage collatéraux avec les bombardement...
Mensonges comme toujours de la part du général Peten
Et les violeurs bosches ???
Pourquoi censurer des vidéos et photos historiques ?
Brave men left to dangle by cowardly leaders. So many high command suicides while these men fought in the streets😢😢😢
super documentaire
Gosto Muito dos Documentários sobre as Guerras que já aconteceram ao longo da História da humanidade, desde as mais Antigas quanto as mais recentes, Como ex: guerras Napoleônicas, a Primeira Guerra Mundial 1914 - 1918, As Grandes Batalhas nas guerras do Império Romano, as Conquistas e Vitórias de Alexandre o Grande, as Batalhas nas Guerras do Império de Genghis Khan. na América do Sul tivemos duas Guerras Importantes a Guerra das Malvinas em 1982 e a Guerra do Paraguay em 1864 - 1870. OBS: muitas foram guerra civil entre o próprio povo, as mais Conhecidas e estudadas guerras civis da História são a Guerra civil Americana 1861 - 1865, a Guerra civil Russa 1918 - 1921, e a Guerra civil Espanhola 1936 - 1939 que foi um tipo de "ensaio" ou preparação para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No Brasil tivemos várias a mais marcante delas foi a Guerra dos Farrapos 1835 - 1845. Enfim são muitas Guerras e Conflitos entre Nações que já aconteceram. Gosto de ler livros, e TUDO sobre estas Grandes Guerras, e assistir a Muitos Documentários sobre elas. Mas sem SOMBRA de DÚVIDAS nenhuma destas guerras entre Nações que já aconteceram, chama tanta atenção e Curiosidade, tanto dos Historiadores quanto das pessoas Comuns, quanto à ( Segunda Guerra Mundial ) pois além de ser uma Guerra que envolveu uma boa parte dos Países do Globo, seja de forma Direta ou Indireta, ela mudou o Curso da História em muitos Sentidos, vou citar só às ( 5 Cinco ) Principais. (1°) antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Maiores Potências mundiais inclusive Militar, eram Inglaterra, França, e Japão, Mas depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial a MAIOR Potência econômica e Militar do Planeta passou a ser os Estados Unidos, sendo a Maior potência até hoje. OBS: a Alemanha só se tornou de Novo uma Grande Potência militar e Econômica somente alguns anos antes da Segunda Guerra mundial, com a Chegada de Adolf Hitler ao Poder em 1933. (2°) logo após os Estados Unidos ter se Consolidado como a Maior potência Econômica e Militar, logo depois da Guerra o idioma ( Inglês ) passou a ser Considerado o idioma mais importante naquele momento no mundo e continua até os dias de Hoje. (3°) O Dólar Americano passou a ser usado como uma moeda mundial valendo muito, em praticamente todos os Países e continua até os dias de Hoje. (4°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial a influência nos países do Globo, passou a ser disputada entre duas Potências mundiais, de um lado liderando o Bloco Capitalista os Estados Unidos. do outro liderando o Bloco Socialista ou Comunista como preferem chamar alguns, a União Soviética q emergiu como uma Grande Potência após a Guerra. (5°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi criada em 1947 a ( ONU ) Organização das Nações Unidas, que tinha como Principais Objetivos criar leis e regras rígidas no mundo tais como Comércio, migração de pessoas a outros países, entre outras coisas; mas o Principal Objetivo da criação da ONU era o de impedir novas Guerras, Sempre buscando em Primeiro lugar o Diálogo entre as Nações, mas caso o Diálogo não funcionasse a ONU tbm criou diversas leis para EVITAR ao máximo Guerras, e TODOS os países tinham que seguir estas leis. Mas uma coisa q NÃO entendo até Hoje e não entra na minha cabeça de jeito nenhum, É, Porque a " História " insiste em reconhecer a França como um dos Países Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial? Pois isso É uma Grande MENTIRA ensinada nas escolas, Faculdades, livros, revistas, Documentários, e etc.. sendo que o próprio estudo da Segunda Guerra Mundial através dos livros, revistas, artigos de Historiadores imparciais, e até nos Documentários nos ensina diferente ou Seja que a França foi na Verdade Derrotada pela Alemanha Nazista em menos de Seis Semanas. logo após a Derrota os Franceses foram humilhados pelos Alemães que os obrigaram a assinar os termos da Rendição no MESMO Vagão de Trem, que a Alemanha tinha assinado sua derrota na Primeira guerra mundial anos antes. Que humilhação! Entre as exigências Absurdas exigida pelos Alemães aos Derrotados Franceses, era de que eles criassem um Governo Colaboracionista, inclusive com a França entregando todos os Judeus recidentes no País, Sem contar q a França foi Dividida em duas zonas de influência uma Controlada pelos Nazistas Alemães, e a outra "Controlada" pelo Governo Colaboracionista da França. Portanto colocar a França como uma das Potências Vencedoras da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Não É apenas um Absurdo e "piada sem graça". mas também uma Afronta à própria História q nos Mostra os ( EUA, a URSS e a Inglaterra ) como os VERDADEIROS Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. a França até hoje deveria agradecer de Joelhos, a Inglaterra e Principalmente os EUA e URSS pela Vitória. Portanto NÃO entendo porque que ainda a Maioria dos livros, Documentários e etc.. insiste nesta Grande MENTIRA em colocar a França como uma das " potências" vencedoras, se ironicamente os próprios livros e Documentários sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial nos mostra a Verdade de forma contrária ao que está sendo mostrado, pelo menos nesta questão dos Países Vencedores.
Всю войну на своих плечах вынес Советский народ и военные люди СССР! Поэтому единственный Победитель во Второй мировой войне является СССР!
А США и Англия только помогали своими войсками, но победителями не являлись и не являются!
Так как народ США и Англии не воевал и не имел никакого отношения к войне! А Франция тем более, сдалась сразу фашистам!
Поэтому, единственный Победитель в этой войне это Советский Союз!
И ещё! США наживается на войнах, разоряет другие страны, поэтому она является могущественной страной!
США это империя зла!
Единственный Победитель это Советский Союз и Советский народ! Все вынес на своих плечах и воевал на своей территории! США и Англия помогали войсками, а народ не имел никакого отношения к этой войне. А Советский народ -- в блокаде Ленинграда, в Сталинградской битве и битве на Курской дуге -- потеряли миллионы граждан СССР!
Дорогой друг, потому что США, Франция, Англия и Германия всегда действуют сообща и покрывают друг-друга.
@@asd53436дорогая, американцы от япошек тоже немало получили. Россия является победительницей в Великой Отечественной Войне. Но другие страны тоже страдали. Вы почитайте про Китай, про Польшу… Всем досталось. СССР конечно больше. Но потому что твари немцы травили народ мирный газом. Из 26 млн убитых-16 млн мирного населения.
Одной тушёнкой из США войны не выиграть!
The Navajo Code Talkers or Wind Talkers were the key to DEFEAT the enemy. Back in 1980 I have met and loved these Native American heroes. I also I met Apache heroes . Thank you my Heroes. Aa’hee’hee!!!!!🌎🇺🇸🦅
Pourquoi flouter ces images ?
Pour garder la monétisations...
Donc pour des questions de bienséance on gomme de l'Histoire les images de la Shoah... Quelle absurdité !
My dad was a career military officer stationed in Guam as the US took it back from the a result of reviewing his military records I am supremely proud of his conduct n honors he received...both he n mom are buried at Arlington National cemetery.he was buried with full military honors n it was quite a display befitting a man who definitely earned his resting place..Oki just wanted to say that 😁 a result I became very interested in WWII but more so in Europe..after extensive research I realized that the death camps n the rat/ disease infected ghettos , I realize.. to some degree at least, the Allies were aware of the genocide occurring... obviously in war there will be atrocities committed on both sides but war doesn't include systematic killing death factories....I question why the Allies didn't do something more or sooner! now I'm no expert by Any definition but it pains me to see how anti Semitic the British n the US were...I'm amazed at how many US citizens supported Hitler ( the gathering at Madison square garden in support of the Nazis was most unsettling).... I dunno, in reality, who knew what is definitely known but from what I've read it seems the Allies knew of the mass executions taking place...I'd be interested in what others,I've phrased this as a somewhat open ended post so no need to attack my words..thanks much!!
@Matt Taylor I did read in many books that many other countries took in the Jewish people fleeing Europe .. except the US due to the rampant anti semitic attitude here... Once a boat arrived in NY harbor with almost 1,000 Jewish people on it hoping for safety n they weren't allowed off the boat ... They had no choice at the time but to go back over to Europe... Makes me very upset as being raised in a military family it was decades before I'd accept we have done some horrific things 😣...
@@kateh.2327 Informação muito interessante não sabia desta situação
@@renanaugusto9288 put in translation pls!!!!
And now your great grandfather has mixed grandkids who hate him, with Jewish lawmakers that want all white men dead. He fought for the wrong side.
My father was also on Guam, he was a radioman with the US Navy.
Churchill,um homem verdadeiramente corajoso.
Да, разбомбил Кёнигсберг, чтобы русским не достался город!
Corajosos mesmo eram os que estavam no fogo cruzado.
The narration, in English, disagrees quite often with the CC, which is also in English. It's extremely distracting.
Excellent documentary.
*Now this is not the end. It's not even the beginning of the end. But it's, perhaps, the end of the beginning*
*- Winston Churchill -*
@some one agr imagina o tanto de indianos que morreriam se a Alemanha ganhasse a guerra
@some one you talk about something that has utterly no significance compared to what Churchill/Bomber Harris and it’s American Counterparts did to German Civilians.
Winston Churchill appointed the Jewish Professor Lindemann, as his personal adviser. Lindemann, decided that Germany would be subjected to area, carpet, saturation, or unrestricted-bombing or what the victims called “Terror-Bombing.” Lindemann suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class civilian areas were legitimate targets. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small town of Freiburg. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities.
The goal of the bombings was to “Break the spirit of the Germans.” Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed in the bombing campaign by the Allies. The allies specifically targeted innocent civilians. Many large cities such as Cologne or Essen experienced more than 250 raids each. Churchill’s deliberate strategy was killing as many German civilians as possible.
History is written by those who are Victorious. 98% of the world’s population are bird brains, and are less intelligent than a piece of Sheet Rock. Don’t be one of those.
Churchill was a bloodthirsty racist rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people and the main responsable for ww2
@@chicagopunditwhohasabrain4808 thanks
Why are the subtitles altered?
History will surely repeat itself.
Обязательно повторится, если её забывать.
I wish they wouldnt blur eveything
"Porque Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho Unigênito, para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna."
João 3:16
Chunga estu
What music was featured in this documentary?
My dad was on a destroyer at Okinawa. His ship was part of the radar picket line, which was an outer ring of defense against the Kamikazes. It was a horrific battle there between the Navy and the Kamikazes.
And now your great grandfather has mixed grandkids who hate him, with Jewish lawmakers that want all white men dead. He fought for the wrong side.
Good Documentary
Sometimes it seems we have forgotten the horrors that war brings & how quickly they can start.. Seems they begin when we're preoccupied (bickering) with other stuff that doesn't matter. Kinda scary
Slave ucraine 😆😆😆😂😂😂
You are wrong. It begins when people allow a dictator
to take control of the government. Eisenhower was the
Supreme Allied Commander, but under civilian control.
Coincidentemente assisti esse documentario no dia 08/05/2023.
O dia da vitóiria.
Très intéressant documentaire qui a le mérite de mentionner les atrocités commises en Allemagne par les alliés Le crime n’excuse pas le crime.
If someone declared war on your family, what would you do?
I would go to the police, obviously.
dommage que certaines scenes soit floutees
je réponds là ont peut voir par les films d histoire la fin du troisième REICH mais voilà L URSS c est effondrai en 1991 il ne faut pas l oublier et le notre système politique combien de temps il va d'urée là je sais qu'il est arrivé vers sa fin le système capitaliste démocratique et droits de l homme c est une certitude comme l URSS il va s effondrai un jours c est aussi une certitude là il parle du passé moi je parle de l avenir c est pas pareil du tout toujours ils parle de HITLER pourquoi je me ^pose la question et vous même vous devez vous posez la question POURQUOI !
Mijn Frans is niet meer wat het ooit eens was maar mijn Nederlands is voortreffelijk
Ondanks de verschrikkelijke geschiedenis maar interessante video, is de ondertiteling eveneens afgrijselijk. Spijtig genoeg.
I always thought of the horror men must have felt when they stormed ashore on to enemy lines, or when they started face to face in battle it must have been horrifying. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to do it. I would chicken out and run and hide. Hide in a hole. ECT
My maternal grandfather served in world war II. My paternal grandfather served in the Korean war. My grandfather in world war II was in the Navy and stayed on his ship and the one that served in the Korean war did combat, and wouldn't ever talk about it to the day he died.
My stepfather who was like a real dad to me ...served in Vietnam. Each one is buried in a veteran's United States army burial ground. They have all since passed away, they all did survive the wars but with scars.
One of my Grandpa's was in Navy and served in WW2 passed away at 95 years old And is buried in Veterans Cemetery recieved 21 gun sallute other Grandpa served in Korea ....Luckily my Dad was to young to go to Vietnam he was still in High School bout 16 when they stopped drafting and war was over thank God he is most peaceful passive gentle soul cool as a fan never seen him lose his cool once .....
Why mist out some parts I'm a adult so it's a bit of a bummer
We should all thank God for Churchill and all his forbears! He was a great painter too!
hey pourquoi vous cachez les images????
The Soviet people bore the brunt of this war, the loss of tens of millions in the fight against fascism.
W czasie wojny w Armii Czerwonej walczyli też Ukraińcy. W walkach z niemieckimi nazistami zginęło ponad 3 miliony Ukraińców, a teraz wy Rosjanie napadliście na Ukrainę i mordujecie dzieci i wnuków tych ukraińskich żołnierzy, którzy w czasie wojny razem z wami walczyli z hitlerowskimi Niemcami. A Niemcy pomagają Ukraińcom żebyście ich nie wymordowali.
@@adamjanusz5118 Are you talking about these children and grandchildren? Or maybe about these?
You will never be shown this on TV in the West, otherwise there will be no time to water Russia with tons of slop around the clock. As they will never show the residents of Donetsk killed by NATO shells
you hypocrites!
@@decorde-taccard You all understand perfectly well, but you pretend that you have no idea who it is, just as you do not see the shelling of Donetsk that has been conducted by the Ukrainian army for 8 years, you see there what is only convenient for you to see. I will tell you these are modern soldiers of Ukraine! As you said here, the grandchildren of Ukrainians who died in the battles with fascism are being killed by evil Russia! And thank God that their grandfathers did not live to see it! Yes, not everyone is like that, but in modern Ukrainian society and the army, neo-Nazi ideas have become popular in recent years, especially in the army, whole battalions of neo-Nazis have been created who do not hesitate to wear Nazi symbols and SS chevrons, including the tactical sign of the 4th SS division on the flag of Azov "wolf hook".
@@decorde-taccard у тебя слишком много намешано и в итоге в выводах сплошная ерунда. История не любит такого поверхностного подхода.
@@Anagiev684 Tymi zdjęciami chcesz udowodnić, że narów ukraiński popiera nazizm? Znasz Ukraińców? Byłeś w Kijowie, we Lwowie? Ja byłem wiele razy i nie spotkałem ani jednego zwolennika nazizmu. To Rosja jest państwem bandytów, którzy zawsze napadali na sąsiadów. Cała Europa ma tylko jedno marzenie, niech Rosjanie siedzą w swoim państwie i do nas nie przyjeżdżają. I nie bójcie się, od 1941 r. nikt na was nie napadł i nie napadnie, bo Rosja nikomu nie jest potrzebna.
Nous sommes dans le 4eme Reich, mais avec un peu de douceur et sournoiserie, sans que rien puissent vous alarmer.
Why do you say this?
Please explain...
Essas imagens são realmente da 2 gerra?
Pour l Essentiel , ce sont les Russes qui ont gagne la Guerre contre l Allemagne . Sans leur action et leurs 30 millions de morts !! les Allies n aurraient pas pu accoster en Normandie
Odd you are blurring out images of history
So sad.....
As a person of German heritage, I am so proud of the rest of the world for kicking my ancestors asses. They certainly deserved it.
Sensacional as informações
J ne suis pas polyglotte mais certaines phraes sont. Faciles à traduire
En gros infos sensationnelles 😉😉
Why do they blur out old war footage. Everybody has already seen it anyway.
الدقيقة 06 /41 هتلر وايفا براون يقفان امام ضابط العلاقات الشخصية لعقد قرانهما في ملجأ المستشارية قبل يوم واحد من انتحارهما
What happened to the Geobbels family bodies?
God bless 🇺🇸 America everyday
@@orwellboy1958 them seems to stop the atrocities when things is getting bad
@lucmall50 eny man attack his own house ìs dangerous
America took all the nazi after world war 2 and brought them here
@@warrellblake6616 fuck the us, cowards that took credit in both world wars when they just came in the end.
Don't even try to compare the eastern front to the normandy or pacific campaign
Who was the narrator on this?
Not mentioned is that they was no need for the Victors to employ the Rules of the Geneva Convention to a people without any voice or a recognised Government. The A Bomb was used to finish the Japanese. What is not mentioned is the methodology used to wipe out the last of the German Army, as the victors began righting their own Rules. Rhine Meadows extermination Camp was only one example of this Genocide.
You dont hear much about that ??
German back then were true evil and I don't care what methodology was used to wipe out the Germans. All I care is that the best was taken down. Also, Germany should give up wars cause it's very bad at it since it has lost not once but twice.
What's with the blurry shots? Goshdamn people trying to soft sell a wsr documentary. Annoying, and it reeks of censorship.
The bluring (very fashionable these days) is really annoying.
Yes. And given that the film's purpose is to show the horrors of war, doesn't the blurring of the dead and dying just make war that much more tolerable?
ممنون بابت زیرنویس فارسی
43:33 - местный житель бьет в морду проходящих немецких пленных 43:41 - русский конвоир отгоняет его плетью..
43:33 - a local resident beats passing German prisoners in the face 43:41 - a Russian escort drives him away with a whip.
а диктор говорит: "русские солдаты зверствуют". Верьте своим глазам, а не чужим словам!
and the announcer says: "Russian soldiers are atrocious". Trust your eyes, not other people's words!
Sim eu vi
It’s well documented how horrible the Russians were after they took Berlin. And I’m some cases you could say it’s understandable. Germany committed many atrocities across the Soviet Union that are almost unspeakable. So the anger isn’t exactly misplaced.
Why do the captions conflict the narrator He just said 150 at some point whereas the captions said 200 😅
This is what happens when you don't love one another.
Neighbor killing neighbor.
Brother killing brother.
A house divided it will not stand.
Very special documents, films, and a real, and solemn group of quotations. Sad but so true.
I tried to join the US Army Navy, Marines and serve in Vietnam. I was told by an official that because I only had one eye, I could not volunteer. “The only one eyed men allowed to serve will serve as either Doctors or Priests”
James Y. Reynolds
A well--produced WW2 documentary, without the colorization of black and white
A guerra faz história e é impressionante
Porem ve essas pessoas e saber que todas estao mortas, pessoas que testemunharam o caos é impressionante
sad and really sad the war 😢😢
aos poucos essas pessoas estao desaparecendo...
Assistia esses documentário na tv escola a 15 anos atrás
People need to see the brutal unvarnished truth. Shame on producer for blurring it out!
Prezados senhores! Estou rodando um filme docudrama sobre a segunda guerra mundial, es gostaria de saber da possibilidade de usar alguns frases destes filme em meu documentário. Poderia por acaso me informar? Pois estão em domínio público, porém, gostaria de saber alguma informação sobre tal possibilidade.
Siempre en nuestro recuerdo AH 🤚
Te va a detener la guardia civil ;)
nation heil!✋
@@АлександрЭйхольц Slav supporting Nazism? 🤨
@@elmacho6103 Die Tatsache, dass ich in Russland geboren wurde, macht mich nicht zum Slawen, meine Vorfahren waren Deutsche, die 45 ins Exil geschickt wurden, also ist alles gerechtfertigt
I ❤ History. 😊