Grandioso suggerimento quello di mettere altri oggetti attorno a quello da scannerizzare per non perdere la traccia allo scanner. Il mio Revopoint Mini ha la possibilità di usare lo zoom del software?
Thank you very much for your great suggestion; it’s a great approach. Additionally, the MINI currently doesn't have the optical zoom feature, but it does support global marker feature. You can give that a try.
It’s great to see how far y’all have come & what you continue to do for the industry.
Grandioso suggerimento quello di mettere altri oggetti attorno a quello da scannerizzare per non perdere la traccia allo scanner. Il mio Revopoint Mini ha la possibilità di usare lo zoom del software?
Thank you very much for your great suggestion; it’s a great approach.
Additionally, the MINI currently doesn't have the optical zoom feature, but it does support global marker feature. You can give that a try.