Foxhole | Shooting for beginners | Quickstart guide

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @twiglets2
    @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Shooting in Foxhole is different to most games. In this quickstart guide you'll learn some tips to instantly improve your shooting. It's ideal for beginners or those who struggle with shooting in general, but it's by no means comprehensive, if you are an experienced player, please share your knowledge and insights to further help new players learn how to shoot as we all know the game is a much better experience once you get over that initial learning curve!

  • @thetoasterinyourbathtub1086
    @thetoasterinyourbathtub1086 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    Fun fact: Foxhole is hitscan. Meaning an "impact" happens on your target as soon as you left click. The tracers are purely visual effect.
    I've spent the last 5 hours that I've played this game trying to lead my targets as if the tracers we're actual projectiles.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +23

      WHAAAAAAAT is that true? Let me get this straight, you should point your cursor at the target at all times, no leading it at all? Wow I've wasted a lot of my time haha
      Thanks for leaving the comment, that's exactly the sort of thing I DON'T know that everyone should know - cheers

    • @thetoasterinyourbathtub1086
      @thetoasterinyourbathtub1086 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Yessir. I've gotten so many more kills since I've figured this out. However I will add that weapons such as RPGs are not hitscan and do require leading your target if it's on the move.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@thetoasterinyourbathtub1086 My thanks, not all heroes wear capes.

    • @rockun7929
      @rockun7929 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      the shots are hitscan, but you have to account for server delay. You often still have to aim slightly ahead of a moving target to hit them.

  • @alexaplaydespacito8584
    @alexaplaydespacito8584 2 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    First off, great video! I feel like people focus more on the complicated things like tanking and logi for guides, but not many really get into what most people will start off as - basic infantry. So, nitpicking aside, you've done both future Wardens (cough cough Baby Eaters) and Colonials (Superior Chad-lonials) a great service!
    That said, to note a couple things, while the shield in the bottom of the screen does indicate that your character is behind cover, it doesn't necessarily mean ALL of your character is behind cover. Be absolutely sure to check, especially with trees, that you're able to get all or as much as possible of your character is behind said piece of cover before shooting! Especially in cases when the enemy doesn't know you're there, you don't want to be caught with a twig as your protection once they start shooting back! And when it's time to run, make sure you either drop everything you don't immediately need to GTFO.
    Better yet, upon spawning, once you grab your rifle and rounds, look to the bottom section of tabs and you should see a hammer with an arrow on it. Click that, and it'll immediately suck away your pistol, the two mags you spawn with, and your hammer. This sheds a lot of weight that can be overlooked by even some experienced players, and that little bit you move faster means the less likely you are to die, if you channel your inner Neo, that is. Alternatively, you can just submit the hammer, leaving you with a backup gun if your rifle starts to go click instead of bang, though it's personal preference if you want one or two mags total. Trust me, even that little bit of weight adds up.
    Semi-important side note - Currently each 3 kills you get, you earn a commend to give to someone! These are the fast-track tickets to earning ranks, and the difference between your fresh off the home island recruit and your 100-wars-played Maj Gen vet. They also increase your level as well, though as far as I know your level isn't tied to anything shown directly in game as of right now. In short, pop the baddies, spread the wealth, and maybe you'll get some back yourself in turn!
    And remember folks, commend your MBL's! That's Medics, Builders, and Logi Drivers, - because without them, we wouldn't have rifles to shoot with, let alone a place to store them! So if you find yourself with a spare few commends you don't know what to do with, hold alt, right click on a player filling any of these criteria (excluding logi drivers, they have a box that pops up you can click on when they deliver items) and you're able to click commend up to three times, but trust me, sometimes, even just one can mean a lot!
    PS - if you're a new player looking for advice or are stuck on a certain aspect of the game in general, or even a returning player confused about why people can shoot grenades from their rifles and oh good god why does that Warden tank have a 45 meter range oh devs why have you forsaken us-
    Don't hesitate to simply ask the people around you, or even just in chat! (Press tab to change the mode btw) The foxhole community at large is one of the more accepting you'll find, because the majority of us who've garnered more kills and ranks we can count on a thousand hands, all, and I mean ALL of us remember those first few people who helped us out at the start, and I'd be lying if I said it never felt cool to be on the other end of that experience.
    Though, make sure it's in a controlled environment, on the concept of etiquette that was mentioned during the video, there are a lot of unseen 'rules' at first that aren't apparent to most starting out and it can be a tad frustrating to some players. So if you don't know, ASK! 9 times of 10 somebody will respond to that chat message or your cries and pleas for help in voice chat as to why someone just punched that poor sleeping soldier mercilessly and brutally with absolutely no remorse or regret -Praise Heimdall-.
    PSS - This -indoctrination propaganda- Authorized Public Relations Message is approved and sponsored by the Colonial Radio Company - Always remember, a watchtower a day keeps the partisans away!
    (edited to space out large blocks of text because I got carried away and wrote a small effing novel, lol)
    Oh, silly me, I almost forgot.
    *Welcome to Foxhole.*

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Haha that was amazing thank you! Some amazing tips for myself as I'm still a newbie and I hope other new players read this as it's bloody useful!
      See you on the battlefield Colonial!

  • @rockun7929
    @rockun7929 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Mostly accurate video. The biggest issue I have with it is going prone - DO NOT DO IT. Going prone is useful only in two scenarios - when you really need to hide behind low cover, or when you are in an open field (and then only when both you and your enemy see each other, which you want to avoid). Wherever possible you should crouch, and look for cover that is tall enough to protect you while you crouch. Most fences and trees will do. The reason why I always tell new players to avoid going prone is because doing so will most likely end up killing you. The issue with being prone is that when you want to get up and start running you are stuck in place for about a second. That means any grenade thrown at you is impossible to dodge, and any enemy that surprises you will easily kill you in that time. When you are crouched you can instantly break into a sprint to dodge a grenade or evade enemy fire.
    Firing on the move is a valid tactic and you will have to learn how to do it eventually. Most important thing about it: make sure you let go of right mouse (your aiming button) between shots. That mainly applies to rifles, which depend on movement in close quarters scenarios.
    Lastly, cover is also an offensive weapon. Being in cover makes your accuracy increase faster. That is part of the reason why you want to exploit cover whenever possible. I recommend crouching behind trees, from my experience that is the most effective position for an infantryman.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for the additional tips, very useful!

  • @Kyuschi
    @Kyuschi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    if you absolutely have to engage enemies in a trench, you can sometimes manage to hit them if there are sandbags or some other object directly on the other side of the enemy trench by aiming at the side of those. this is very difficult thought and is mostly just useful to get them to keep their heads down

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks for the added tip! Am I right in thinking that it really is difficult to hit someone while in a trench? There's always the possibility that I'm just not very good of course

    • @Kyuschi
      @Kyuschi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@twiglets2 it is very difficult, but (probably unintentionally) possible.

  • @nicholasstevenson817
    @nicholasstevenson817 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Another thing worth noting is the yellow vertical line that drops from your aimer. If this yellow line points directly down onto a prone enemy player you will se your aimer snap to the target. A lot of new players shoot over prone enemies because they don't know that you can aim vertically with the yellow vertical line component of your aimer. Make sure to aim at enemies outside of your range as this is often the best way to learn how the aimer really works.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the additional tip! So are you saying that to shoot someone who is prone you shouldn't put your cursor on them?

    • @nicholasstevenson817
      @nicholasstevenson817 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@twiglets2 The onscreen position of the aimer can be deceptive. There are two lines making up your aimer (white and yellow), the yellow line is used to aim at targets below your point of aim (if there is a target below your point of aim, your aimer will snap to them). Practice aiming at difficult targets whenever you are given an opportunity, aim at them not with the intent to shoot but with the intent to learn, you will master shooting in Foxhole this way.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nicholasstevenson817 Thank you for the advice!

  • @captainamerica289
    @captainamerica289 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you very much my guy. Very helpful. Most of this I learned through a few hours of getting shot repeatedly with only a couple of kills to show for it.
    But much of the video still gave me good information and your comment section is a gold mine

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      @captainamerica289 you are welcome my friend! Hope you're enjoying the game at the moment, I've not picked it up for a while now

  • @Rob-zz7bq
    @Rob-zz7bq 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    For new players, in frontline infantry combat you don’t necessarily have to take your time, if you are retreating or assault simply aiming at you opponent and letting of a shot or a burst depending on the weapon usually scores you a hit.
    Most importantly when playing infantry, be fearless, be brave and be as a aggressive as possible (don’t needlessly throw your life away). An aggressive player will win 9/10 times over a defensive player.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It kinda goes against my instincts but I'm going to give it a try!
      I've heard yelling "FREEEEDOOOOOOM!!!!" also helps
      But seriously - thanks for the tips Rob

  • @omnitheman9254
    @omnitheman9254 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video is helpful and underrated.
    Here's a comment to help appease the algorithm gods.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you! I send them a prayer every night, they don't really listen but it makes me feel better...!
      I'm glad it was helpful my friend

  • @skinger9567
    @skinger9567 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Only just saw your request on your other video. Sorry. It's a solid guide though. Good work.
    The one point I don't fully agree with is your 'be brave & run away' point. *but* for beginners that are getting the hang of the game and want to avoid frustration I think your point is valid, and the reasons why you would stay and fight get a little more advanced.
    The reason I wouldn't run gets a little more in depth with the cover mechanics (and would have been outside the scope of this beginner video). Cover keeps you safe, but it also gives you a 'stability' bonus - so your cross-hairs (which represent accuracy) tighten up quicker when you're in cover. The flip side of the cover shield is the suppression bullets - suppression has the opposite effect on stability that cover has, so when under fire your cross-hairs get less accurate. In cover you get more accurate.
    Therefore if fighting from cover (which you ideally should be - tree trunks are a good source of cover when pushing), even if you're hit first if you are able to get shots in the direction of an enemy out of cover there's a decent chance that the combined accuracy effects will be enough of an edge to win the fight.
    If you were ever to do a video of the next step up, you could also leverage off the above point into the suppression of AI - If you shoot enough bullets at active AI (preferably with an MG) the flag will flash white, and it will be unable to shoot, which makes HE rushes easier. (anyone in the AI defence also can't shoot while it's suppressed)
    Bonus tips: bushes make you invisible while not moving (crossed out eye icon in the top left of the screen). Flanking is great - best way to get the first hit is to run at them from a direction they didn't expect and weren't watching. Bullets have damage drop off (do more damage up close), which can combine well with the other two points, if you get close without being seen you can drastically increase your chances of getting a kill. There's nothing more satisfying than letting a warden walk past my bush and double-tapping them at close range from behind :p

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Omg that's amazing advice - thank you! Ai is so frustrating that I tend to just go around, that tip about the flat flashing white is an absolute gem :D

  • @Lansolot
    @Lansolot ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Completely disagree. Shoot while moving up close and strafe. I win most 1 on 1 engagements like this. As for waiting for the cross hairs to shrink fully, no. Wait for them to come down far enough to get a good shot off. Practice will teach you how long to wait depending on the range. You're going to get destroyed if you're waiting for your crosshairs to fully close.

    • @DirectAdminReal
      @DirectAdminReal 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      With the first successful hit mechanic, it's actually a valid playstyle to wait on the crosshair. It's also valid to rush while strafing though. Just depends on the environment.

  • @Railgun_Punk
    @Railgun_Punk ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm up he sees me, I'm down.

  • @infantryblack
    @infantryblack 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This game is worth learning. So mich fun.

  • @AgentM3tallion
    @AgentM3tallion 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Excellent guide! I do think, however, the learning to aim past people in trenches, until the line goes red and the white dot is on them, turned me into an insta trench clearer, with the trusty starting rifles. So much so, in fact, that I regularly consider myself second wave: the group that fills up trenches behind the guys with the grenades and sub machine guns and proceeds to keep any enemy push from reclaiming that ground. Kind of like a bulldozer. The plough blade of the assaulters goes first, but I'm one of the treads, just pushing from behind, allowing no retreat. Until artillery arrives anyway. ;-D If you find yourself playing like me, definitely take a gas mask; gas WILL eventually be deployed to shut down the push, and being able to sit nice and secure inside of a gas cloud that obscures the enemy vision, just picking them off one slow shot at a time is very rewarding.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Wait wait wait so you're saying you can effectively kill people who are in a trench that way? That's amazing! So aim beyond them and it should work?
      I don't know why, but even when I'm wearing a gas mask I still panic when I'm in a gas cloud and run away, I definitely lack discipline!

    • @thatcooldude902
      @thatcooldude902 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@twiglets2 Well if you are in a position where you can move out of the gas with no consequence, it's a good idea to do so even if you have a gas mask, as you save your filter for when you don't have that luxury.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@thatcooldude902 hmm, perhaps my instincts were not so dumb after all. Sometimes you need someone to point out something you should've been able to figure out for yourself. Thank you for being that person today sir!

  • @heartpaid6767
    @heartpaid6767 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You forgot the biggest advice: Fight for Wardens!
    Great video! Very friendly

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you :) Praise Calahan!

  • @TheThiroc
    @TheThiroc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Infantry weapons always aim at the chest or try too but yes you can hit people in a trench usually at range if you aim just past them, takes practice but you'll see the cross hair bounce up just a bit and bring the line onto their head

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm going to have to give this another try, I've basically given up trying to shoot into a trench at distance. Attaching a bayonet and running into it is far more fun!

    • @TheThiroc
      @TheThiroc 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I highly recommend using a grenade specially a gas grenade to force people to move instead of trying to shoot someone in cover as you've mentioned but the option is there if you do need to make that shot

  • @crashdashdee
    @crashdashdee ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video about Precision aiming, nice work!

  • @_Gart_
    @_Gart_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

    god tier advice

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope it was useful!

  • @coreyshipe
    @coreyshipe ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Literally every single Trench Vs Trench fight I've ever been in, They hit me just fine and my shots just hit the ground in front of them >:(

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @coreyshipe it's very very VERY frustrating! If you experiment with shooting beyond or in front of them you may get some lucky hits. I sometimes find hovering your crosshair over the back wall of the trench behind them can yield good results too!

  • @pancakemeow
    @pancakemeow 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This video is nice,ty for it

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      No problem at all - I hope it was useful!

  • @eNTiii90
    @eNTiii90 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video man. Keep it up!

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you! I hope you found it useful :)

  • @StraightOuttaPaddock
    @StraightOuttaPaddock 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    wow this game looks so cool!

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's a fun game! The top down view takes some getting used to, as does the shooting, but the teamwork and communication make it really rewarding!

  • @dgondavies1472
    @dgondavies1472 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    that's all well and good but i wanna know why if i do everything you say i still cant land hits like some other ppl i cant tell you how often i wait for the retical to get small take my shot and miss 4 5 shots bulets just going wide time afte time and then i get 360 fkn no scope by sumone that just blasts away hiting every shot it just feels like the game is full off people hacking or something. geting domed in a trench the list gose on or geting shot out of the dark its such a good game but i just cant.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @dgondavies1472 yeah the shooting is just weird, some people are so great without cheating and I haven't a clue why. It's one of the things I feel the game needs to improve as it's not even something you can look up, you just learn through trial and error I guess.

  • @krulhos4709
    @krulhos4709 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much for theses informations !

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      No problem, I hope they help! There are also many useful comments from experienced players so worth having a read of those too :)

  • @HunterSchantz7890
    @HunterSchantz7890 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    lol you said team blue or a baby eater, but those are the same team :p. all seriousness you videos are great keep up the great work

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Haha I'm still new but wanted to slip in a little bit of the rivalry there!
      Do people often change teams? I'm feeling quite loyal to Wardens but at first I had assumed everyone just constantly switches to keep things fresh...?

    • @HunterSchantz7890
      @HunterSchantz7890 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twiglets2 some people like to switch it up its all up to you but i typically stick with one faction, maybe next war ill try the Warden's but who knows

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HunterSchantz7890 it's a mystery!

    • @HunterSchantz7890
      @HunterSchantz7890 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@twiglets2 yeah i took very very long break from foxhole and just recently wanting to play again put into perspective the last time i played there wasnt real trenches that you could dig it was around war 42-44 was the last war i played in full lol

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HunterSchantz7890 Quite some time ago! I'm glad people have said about how the game can be a bit too addictive, so I'm making sure I don't play too often in the first place. It's still much fun though!

  • @camatrusaca
    @camatrusaca 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I see people running with rifles in a little circle, they stop and shoot very quickly and repeat, in theory their accuracy should be terrible yet they hit many times

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @camatrusaca I think some players play this game so much they have become Godlike and don't ever miss...!

  • @Eleven217
    @Eleven217 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "So return the favor, throw some grenades yourself"
    Logi: _no_
    Me: :c

  • @bio09029
    @bio09029 ปีที่แล้ว

    im trenchfighting and every time, the guy has full vision of me and i cant even see him? i dont get it

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hm that's a bit strange. I can only think that they can see where you are shooting from, even if they can't actually see you.
      I think that you can either both see each other, or not at all, I don't think someone can see you without you seeing them but I may be wrong.

  • @ezdelicades5554
    @ezdelicades5554 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The game's gunplay is kinda inconsistent, u have to rely on the rng to survive a shadow dancer or do the same thing urself, Its as if the game is more designed that you fight with a random squad than solo to get your odds of success up. Game is very strategic but yet if ur good at shadow dancing you can go solo push or as if you are supposed to use grenades to finish kills and shooting is just basically to help you get near the enemy by suppression.

  • @sapitron
    @sapitron 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    where do I get a rifle? It's not in my backpack. this game is so frustrating !!

    • @sapitron
      @sapitron 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      weapons are available at the spawning point, for those who also don't understand this snob game.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @sapitron you will only start with a pistol and some ammo. Everything else needs to be obtained. Most of the time when you spawn near a battle the place you have spawned should have at least rifles and ammo, hopefully more. Worst case scenario you can look at the map and hover your mouse over the various bases, that will show you exactly how much of each item is in that base which you can use. Keep looking until you find what you want and go there!

  • @Thefourtheye999
    @Thefourtheye999 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good tutorials.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you - I hope they are useful!

  • @viperking6573
    @viperking6573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    where do you suggest buying this game

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I personally have purchased the game through Steam which has worked well for me

    • @viperking6573
      @viperking6573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@twiglets2 oki oki I'll check it out

  • @Fudolux
    @Fudolux 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    very good

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you! I hope it was useful

  • @dylaningram6896
    @dylaningram6896 ปีที่แล้ว

    Best thing a new player can do is run loot from the battlefield back to a freindly base

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @dylaningram6896 A great shout there. I find it can be an enjoyable mini game, going into the battlefield and trying to survive, occasionally bringing something valuable back feels great!

  • @Aircool212
    @Aircool212 ปีที่แล้ว

    Section attack = win.

  • @shoddypeasant8762
    @shoddypeasant8762 ปีที่แล้ว

    in foxhole bravery is going along with a suicidal charge because some dude had voice chat

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว

      A beautiful game.

  • @hexazalea1793
    @hexazalea1793 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well if you're not good at shooting rifles there's always Tanks, logi and gas grenades. Hell i'm not great with rifles but if i steal a Warden AT rifle then tanks better guard their tracks. Also Gas lunaries don't care about accuracy.

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @hezazakea1793 Agreed - gas grenade launchers are my go to weapon. Rifles are so difficult to do well, but a few well placed gas grenades can make a guy feel more important!

  • @pedroVEGA-z4b
    @pedroVEGA-z4b 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i love it

  • @gleft0verz
    @gleft0verz 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ew gross, a warden guide?! (jk thanks for the useful info

  • @seekersrepublic4731
    @seekersrepublic4731 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Shooting at an enemy that is in some form of cover? Useless. Throwing grenades at them? You're giving them a dinner date with God! I can not stress enough how important grenades and grenade launchers are (especially for new players). I am a very new player (5 days) but I would say 30% of my kills are from some sort of explosive grenade. 35% are from gas grenades. 20% are from 50cal machine guns (mostly form in a pill boxes). Only about 15% of my kills are from rifles or handguns. It take a lot of patience to get a kill with a rifle but by cooking and lobbing a grenade into a foxhole or crater, you can easily score one or more kills. Hell, I killed a tank with gas grenades! Crew choked and died prompting us to hard rush and finish it! Grenade launchers have a similar range to standard rifles. My first day playing I witnessed the simple arrival of grenade launchers break a 4 hour stalemate! The field had well over 100 craters (possibly even 200). It was unbelievably fun to just lob grenades and rack of kills.
    Moral of the story is if you are struggling to get things done with rifles, lob a grenade or two!

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@seekersrepublic4731 this is great advice. I often grab a grenade launcher and gas grenades making it my mission to clear the trenches up ahead. Great fun!

  • @Panzerram
    @Panzerram ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The gunplay in this game is terrible

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Some say terrible, some say edgy. Either way, I suck at it

    • @Panzerram
      @Panzerram ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@twiglets2 it just feels inconsistent

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Panzerram Same. I found out not long ago that you shouldn't lead your shots as the game decides whether you've hit or not immediately based on where your cursor is (I forget the term for that) even though the animation shows a bullet travelling.
      Don't get me started on the verticality, shooting at someone above or below can be frustrating. Though I hear there is a trick to it.

    • @TrackerRoo
      @TrackerRoo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's all luck and zero skill as far as I can tell. It is frustrating beyond belief and I doubt I'll continue with it. My friend asked me to get on last night and I spent most of that time watching random videos on TH-cam and not bothering to even play because of how awful the gun game is.

    • @Panzerram
      @Panzerram ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TrackerRoo I've completely quit the game, love the atmosphere and immersion but things like the gunplay are unbearable:(

  • @tezz19937
    @tezz19937 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No matter what you do the shooting is ass in this game the game is fun but the shooting is absolutely terrible

  • @aoboard
    @aoboard 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hate the shooting of this game, the only not fun part of it

    • @twiglets2
      @twiglets2  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Marianosanyo20 I couldn't agree more