I can watch them forever....they are so cute. I keep one in my baby betta tub and I've seen it literally let baby bettas relax on ITS FACE without curling into its shell...they all got their individual personalities. I love them so much
I'd like to correct a mistake in my video of the reproductive organs of the mystery snail. To be honest I have never delved this deeply into the reproductive organs of mystery snails before, and have made an oversight.
Nice species profile. I think the part you said was their sex organ is actually the lung (breathing tube) when they need more oxygen they stick it high in the air. They usual do this when there is too little oxygen or rotting waste in their environment.Their sex organs are much further into the body and you have to wait for them to move a certain way to be able to see it.
Sorry, that is their syphon. Sex organs are on the upper left hand (foot, LOL) side. Females will just have a hole while males organs are usually white.
Yes, the sex organ is on the other side of the body. ;) That is a breathing Syphon that you pointed out. PS: I love your channel & appreciate all that you share and teach!! ;) From a snail nerd ;) hhaahhaa!!
Don't forget a tight lid is very important because those bugger are escape artists!!! I've found a trail of slime leading down the hallway before! Then the cat got it and dragged it to the litterbox room. I think she thought it was stinky and that's where it belonged. Another key thing to note, if you have an escapee and even if they have been out of the water 24 hours (sometimes longer!) they will retreat inside their shell and look dead. Get a glass of aquarium water, place "dead" snail in there. Leave it alone for 12-24 hours, it should pop back out and start cruising looking for food if its still alive! I actually threw one away, researched it, realized it might still be alive and crawled into the big outside garbage can and retrieved her...put her in QT for awhile but she survived just fine and went on to lay eggs and live a happy snail life! :D
@@roshanfreeacc8886 Mine main one was so big and she got away and I never found her. She gave birth to over 30 babies before she abandoned them tho lol.
My aquarium has a hole in the lid with an inch and a half of space without water. My snails seem too happy to leave their aquarium so they only go to the top for air.
I bought 2 random mystery snails from the store... One happened to be a male and one was a female. I've got tons of babies and I love watching them grow
@@muhammedaltamimi7919they take about a month to hatch, they’ll turn gray and spotted right before they hatch. Hope you had better luck after this post.
As soon as your blog came out on Mystery Snails a few weeks ago, I went and bought a light blue one from your store. He is my favorite thing right now! So fast we nicknamed him "Turbo". Such a great addition to my tank! Thanks for the video. Learn something new every time I watch!
OK Mystery/Apple snails - SO CUTE :) Keep your tanks well covered - they love to explore, we find ours wandering outside the tanks, just plop them back in they are insanely hardy. With a starting population of 4 we have produced hundreds in 1.5 years. White, gold, blue, purple, red striped, they are lovely. A terrific food for these guys is turtle pellets - full of minerals they need for shell growth/maintenance. The floating pellets are also hilarious - the snails will chase them around, engulf them and then sink to the bottom to nibble the pellets ^_^
I bought 5 Mystery Snails a couple of months ago and have them in a 33 gallon tank. They are breeding like crazy now. I have hundreds of baby mystery snails in my tank now.
We have an Inca snail/ apple snail/ mystery snail.... and has shocked us in it's aggresive growth. I keep it in a fluval 6 gal tank with two khuli loaches.. and that snail is HUGE. Thank you for the help and insight with these critters..
Samantha, my YelowInca snail, is HUGE. I got her New Years Eve. I was told she was ok with a Betta but I caught him biting one of her tentacles. They are in separate quarters now. She is not as active as she used to be. Petco did not tell me she needs calcium when I got her. They are very stingy with information.
Mine had babies. There are a lot of them crawling around. I thought it was a fungus or something wrong. Look closely and you can see them slowly moving. Thanks for the wisdom. Now I know what to do
I have baby Mystery Snails. You have to feed the parents a lot to get them to lay eggs. Then the eggs take a while to hatch, and might dry out before they hatch and die. It's not easy, but it is possible if you pamper them.
I ordered 4 mystery snails to have as part of my clean up crew in my aquarium. Hadn’t really thought about breeding them at all. Today I did a partial water change and was surprised to see two clutches of eggs on the lid of the aquarium. I had to do some digging to figure out what they actually were. They must have laid them within the last 10 days, they weren’t there for the last partial water change. I’ve left them alone and will wait to see what happens. But, if nature takes its course, successfully, what in the world am I gonna do with ALL THOSE SNAILS?!?! lol
Aquarium Co-Op how often do you feed the crab cuisine. I am wondering because it has copper sulfate and I am worried about it I gave it to them yesterday and they ate it real well since it has calcium. Some people feed it to their snails and some people are against it I just want them to be healthy. I am flip flopping on keep feeding it to them or not if it doesn’t harm them. I am new to keeping snails. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
They can start mating at 4 months old. At which point the female can choose when she actually fertilizes the eggs & lays them up to 6 months later. If you only got 30 baby snails, I'd say you're lucky. I got mine at petsmart & 4 months later she layed 4 clutches of eggs. One clutch hatched out 150 snails. 4 months later, she layed 2 more clutches which hatched out another 100 snails from 1 clutch. I no longer let them hatch since I can't find anyone to buy them or just take them at this point due to covid-19. I'm getting them their own 20 gallon or bigger tank. My mamma snail is now almost 2 yrs old & between her & some of her young, I find eggs in my tanks at least every 2 weeks.
Yup, Cory, gotta correct that - that’s their air tube. Reproduction is on the other side. Get in touch with a snail person, would make a great podcast.
Not to be rude Corey, but what you are calling their reproductive organ is actually the breathing tube that both males and females have. In order to sex them you must turn them upside down and wait until they try to come out to turn right side up (I used to use an empty egg carton to hold them in upside down as it can take a while for them to do so and will go back in if moved). When they are out of their shell enough you will then see this thick (hard to explain it without showing pictures) membrane that is on one side (males are either lefty or righty). But you can only see it when t hey are partly out of their shell. The tube you are showing is the air tube that they send up above the water line for air, not their reproductive organ. I bred and studied them as I was working with the different purple colors.. Love the video :) On a side note as I've seen people talking about it - Mystery snails are not Apple snails. In the same family that is really large with all different types, but they are not the same snails. Mystery snails are not Apple snails. Mystery snails are legal in the different countries, Apples are not legal in all.
I stumbled back onto this video two days ago. It made me wonder if I was feeding my mystery snails enough. So I put a bunch of sinking pellets in the aquarium. Today I woke up to a mystery snail egg mass on the back glass on my guppy bachelor tank. Thanks again Cory, more mouths to feed. I should just buy another tank. :-)
Lumpydog do you feed the Hikari crab cuisine? I feed mine vegetable sinking pellets. Just trying to figure out what to feed them I am worried about the crab cuisine because it has copper sulfate.
I have a tank with only mystery snails. They breed like crazy but I'm leaving the eggs in since there are no fish in the tank. The question I have is if some of the egg clusters fall in the water can I leave it there? I know that the eggs will drown but can it be used as a source of calcium for the others to feed on?
Hi , Which precautions should I take when I am adding new apple snail to my aquarium ? I do not want the new apple snail bring ilness to my aquarium .Any advise ? Thank you .
One thing these snails love to eat is duckweed. We had a lot of duckweed that was impossible to control. We got some mystery snails and now we have no duckweed thanks to these snails!
I just had a female mystery snail lay a clutch of eggs the other night and thanks for This video as it helps me learn about them! I only have one mystery snail Royal and got lucky with her
I love apple snails. they're so pretty and fun to watch. Keep in mind, they aren't big algae eaters and will most likely go after the plants rather than an algae bed if they don't have enough food.
Hello Cory, Do you know if Ramshorn Snails go into a food coma or do you know if they sleep? I've been keeping rams for some time but I've never really noticed them just laying on their sides looking dead. Are they dead or dying? They are not empty shells. They are not all doing that. They aren't attached to anything. Their shells don't look damaged or eroded. I have checked my water parameters with the same strips that you use and it says everything should be good. PH ~7, TDS~350, etc everything looks correct with the strips you use normally. My tank is planned, has guppies, cherry shrimp, pond snails, mts, a bristlenose pleco, and of course Ramshorn snails. Substrate is turface. 24/7 Finnex light on 24/7 mode. Any help or advice would help. Also thanks for the generous giveaway. I was a lucky $25 gift card winner and I already used it to buy some stuff from your site.
It can be common that hungry guppies can get nippy on their "feelers" so sometimes they hold up in their shell with what would be an otherwise optimal environment.
Ok thanks! I'll try feeding more often. I can't wait until you start your 75gal profit tank. I bought one too when you announced the awesome sale. I am going to switch my current 55gal I have now, that you just helped me with, to the 75gal to try and profit from it too.
Hi again We appreciate the time you take to make your videos, I find them informative and interesting. it really helps us out. My 20 gal. tank is doing well but I have a very slight black algae and and small green spot algae on my moneywort but very subtle. my cleaning crew keeps it that way. dont need to reply to this as you have alot going on and it was to say thank you!
I have some black pellet particles accumulating right under the filter water exit. Do you know what their poop looks like? I have 3 frogs, 6 Kuhli loaches, 2 mystery snails, one big shrimp that stays right below the filter water exit, and 3 Cory cats. thx
Okay I have a question. I had a small, female mystery snail in my tank. It used to be in my other 29 gallon with other snails, yet when I moved it i saw "eggs" that were on the glass and gravel, they stopped popping up until I added another snail, which I think is male, and now their back. Im pretty sure its not a parasite but I just want to make sure what they are, hope someone helps, thanls
I just got 3 nerite snails and one mystery 2 weeks ago. I came home to 8 baby mystery snails today! never even saw the egg cluster. Honestly surprised there wasn't more. I was starting to consider getting another to try and breed anyway, but seems nature says that wont be necessary lol. from what I can tell I have not found any evidence of escape artists yet, so I guess the water is good enough for them for now. So yeah, sexing my snail just got SUPER easy.
Thank you! I got one of the yellow varieties of mystery snails for my preschool students, they named him meatball! He always has his reproductive limb out, they called it his spaghetti noodle, so we named him meatball
That is his breathing tube to breathe air (yes they breathe air) and every mystery snail has it. Their real reproductive organ is behind there neck on the left side.
oh my gosh! I love these. I have been wanting a couple of blue ones and purple for my tank. I haven't been able to find them at all. tat us a super cute pink ramshorn in there too.
Hi. I was wondering if you have had a similar issue as I've been having? I have two large Golden Mystery snails and for months now they have just been at the bottom of my tank not moving. They do come out of their shells but they don't really do anything and I am starting to get a little worried about them. It is a heated 10 gal. tank because I live in PA so it gets quite cold here and they live with a betta and three guppies. They were in a 60 gal. tank with my to large Oranda Goldfish but I thought that they were getting bullied so I got them out. Do you have any advice on what could be going on with them or to what could be the reason they just stay in their shells all the time for months on end? Thank you!
Hey! Do you know if i can fit a honey gourami into a 20gal long that already has 4 corydora m, 3 more are going to enter soon, 3 mystery snails, and 13 glowlight tetras?
Atomicwinter 31 I have a honey with a snail and 6 tetras in my 10. Soooo I mean the tank looks kinda full but I guess! Just keep looking at the levels! This is a late response lol
I feed my zucchini and drop in a cuddle bone for calcium: however after that they started to devour my plants. other people I gave them to had the same problem. plant eaters.
Is it normal for them to stick to each other and ride on another for excessive amounts of time? Like 12 hours! Because my one gold snail after mating won’t let go of the female and just stays stuck to her. I had to eventually separate them because the female was becoming very distressed. Also, I thought the organ poking out was a siphon for oxygen. My female snail has one and uses it a lot
I have a 6 gal betta biotopescape with 1 giant male mystery snail. I found a tiny little snail must've snuck in on some plants but idk what type it is yet. It's like a grain of sand right now
I'm having a hard time getting mine to breed, water parameters are good, I have 8 that are quarter sized or so. It seems like they aren't really eating but their shells seem healthy. Any suggestions?
Awesome snails Cory. I have 6 snails of my own but they dont seem to lay any eggs. recently though 2 of them have buried themselves.. have you experienced this? what are they doin?
I added apple snail today.. It started digging up in the substrate.. It did that in 3 spots within first 10 minutes.. I moved it back to quarantine tank for now.. . Any reason they do that? How to get it to stop? It id ruining the aquascape by digs and uprooting plants..
I believe do to the choices of the mystery or apple snails choice in habitats in nature there ph tolerance varies widely im glad people still like these guys banned in az hardly see them ever anymore unfortunately love the content keep it up man
Wow wow. My clutch is 3 times the size of that, by looking at the eggs amount. Either my are 1/3 the size or ots 3 times the amount. And there's 4 in my tank. What should I do with so many?
I love mystery snails but I want to dose my aquarium with 3% H202 for a algae problem...How long before I can put my mystery snails back in the tank, after dosing with H2O2 and a 50% water change?
My mystery snail just died after having her for a month 😓 but when I bought her my local fish shop told me that I wouldn't need to worry about feeding her. That she would just eat the fish waste from my flow fish. I need to do more research before I bring another one home. But I don't have any live plants in my tank. Just the glow fish set up I bought. What necessities do I need? Thank you! Hopefully my question doesn't sound stupid.
Sorry to hear that Ashley, LFS are good for one thing, Taking your money and making you feel like a failure (Guess that's 2 things)... What snails need is water, calcium and lots of vegetable matter like collard greens that are high in calcium and low in phosphate... and that's about it, I kept these as a kid in plastic containers with no heater or filter, they can breath air and can tolerate normal home temperature and seem to live longer at lower temps, I used my moms coral sand for substrate to keep ph and calcium levels high where they like it, I just kept a piece of leafy veg in there at all times for them to eat and they bred like crazy, To hatch the eggs you don't have to leave them in the tank with a fancy tight fitting lid and heater and all that nonsense, Just take an old clay pot and turn it upside down in a cheap plastic container with a lid and poke some holes in the lid, fill the container with about 2 inches of water, the pot will wick up just enough moisture and release tons of humidity and when they hatch they crawl off the pot right into water, if all eggs are done hatching remove the pot and fill up your new snail tank, Oh and to get eggs off the tank just give the egg mass a few days for the eggshells to harden then using your thumb and forefinger gently wiggle the clutch till it pops off. If you're still in the hobby I could post a video of my little setups for ya.
I told the guy at the aquarium store I didn't want a bunch of snails taking over my tank. And now I have a snail sack in my tank. Im not sure how snails work but what can i do to either remove or relocate the egg sack?
Yes they have shells when they are born. Usually egg laying species have super fragile shells that take a while to build up. The livebearing snails' young have pretty hard shells when they're born.
What happens when you get to many in your aquarium?mystery snails an the dark small nuisance nails that come on live plants.should I just put a school of clown loaches in the tank an they will take care of them?
One plus one equals fish Aquatics I had a snail that would regularly climb to the top of the tank, then jump off and float around a bit as the current from the filter moved him around. Then he would sink down and carry on looking around.
I've got about 100 baby snails in my community tank and want to move a few to my goldfish tank. Do I need to bag them and acclimate them to the temperature change or can I just toss them in?
I have two snails in quarantine. How often should I feed them. I have algae wafers . Should I leave the wafers in there? After a while it stinks up the water. Any tips would be great . Thank you
I can watch them forever....they are so cute. I keep one in my baby betta tub and I've seen it literally let baby bettas relax on ITS FACE without curling into its shell...they all got their individual personalities. I love them so much
I'd like to correct a mistake in my video of the reproductive organs of the mystery snail. To be honest I have never delved this deeply into the reproductive organs of mystery snails before, and have made an oversight.
Aquarium Co-Op from my research I found all snails have no sex, they have both organs
+Dark Shadows Reviews mystery snails are dimorphic not hermaphroditic
Tamara Simpson oh ok, that I didn't know thank you :)
I didn't either until I wanted to breed them :) I looked them up
Aquarium Co-Op lol you want us to buy plants? That link brings us to your plants :)
Nice species profile. I think the part you said was their sex organ is actually the lung (breathing tube) when they need more oxygen they stick it high in the air. They usual do this when there is too little oxygen or rotting waste in their environment.Their sex organs are much further into the body and you have to wait for them to move a certain way to be able to see it.
That could be, from my research I was able to see it explained both ways.
Sorry, that is their syphon. Sex organs are on the upper left hand (foot, LOL) side. Females will just have a hole while males organs are usually white.
Yes, the sex organ is on the other side of the body. ;)
That is a breathing Syphon that you pointed out.
PS: I love your channel & appreciate all that you share and teach!! ;)
From a snail nerd ;) hhaahhaa!!
Breathing tube on the left and sex organs on the right side of the body, no?
Good old mystery snails. By far my favorites.
Don't forget a tight lid is very important because those bugger are escape artists!!! I've found a trail of slime leading down the hallway before! Then the cat got it and dragged it to the litterbox room. I think she thought it was stinky and that's where it belonged.
Another key thing to note, if you have an escapee and even if they have been out of the water 24 hours (sometimes longer!) they will retreat inside their shell and look dead. Get a glass of aquarium water, place "dead" snail in there. Leave it alone for 12-24 hours, it should pop back out and start cruising looking for food if its still alive! I actually threw one away, researched it, realized it might still be alive and crawled into the big outside garbage can and retrieved her...put her in QT for awhile but she survived just fine and went on to lay eggs and live a happy snail life! :D
@@roshanfreeacc8886 Mine main one was so big and she got away and I never found her. She gave birth to over 30 babies before she abandoned them tho lol.
My aquarium has a hole in the lid with an inch and a half of space without water. My snails seem too happy to leave their aquarium so they only go to the top for air.
Random question, but how do you keep your cat to stay away from the aquarium? Thanks in advance
Mine did that too, But.. I never saw a slime trail.
That’s not his “ween” that’s their snorkel!
Agreed! I have 2 Mystery snails, both with snorkels, and egg clutches everywhere. Lol
Yea that was a little misinformation..
That’s what I thought!
But being Cory with all his experience I thought I must be wrong! Loo
Yea, that's their air hose.
I bought 2 random mystery snails from the store... One happened to be a male and one was a female. I've got tons of babies and I love watching them grow
Snails are a sexual, they're neither Male or female they reproduce by themselves
Surely make a TH-cam video of them
@@kaiwainscott8379 these types of snail do have a sex and do breed together although they can breed asexually as well
I get eggs but they did not hatch .. i made wet box and the temp. 26 c .. can you tell me whats wrong? . Thanks for your help
@@muhammedaltamimi7919they take about a month to hatch, they’ll turn gray and spotted right before they hatch. Hope you had better luck after this post.
As soon as your blog came out on Mystery Snails a few weeks ago, I went and bought a light blue one from your store. He is my favorite thing right now! So fast we nicknamed him "Turbo". Such a great addition to my tank! Thanks for the video. Learn something new every time I watch!
+Angelica Bergman Enjoy :)
OK Mystery/Apple snails - SO CUTE :)
Keep your tanks well covered - they love to explore, we find ours wandering outside the tanks, just plop them back in they are insanely hardy. With a starting population of 4 we have produced hundreds in 1.5 years. White, gold, blue, purple, red striped, they are lovely.
A terrific food for these guys is turtle pellets - full of minerals they need for shell growth/maintenance. The floating pellets are also hilarious - the snails will chase them around, engulf them and then sink to the bottom to nibble the pellets ^_^
if you find it outside the tank, it's a female looking for a place to lay eggs. she just went too far, couldn't find the water line and fell.
how old are they before they breed? I've got 9
I bought 5 Mystery Snails a couple of months ago and have them in a 33 gallon tank. They are breeding like crazy now. I have hundreds of baby mystery snails in my tank now.
Chaoitcme awww I would love thatttt!
We have an Inca snail/ apple snail/ mystery snail.... and has shocked us in it's aggresive growth. I keep it in a fluval 6 gal tank with two khuli loaches.. and that snail is HUGE. Thank you for the help and insight with these critters..
Samantha, my YelowInca snail, is HUGE. I got her New Years Eve. I was told she was ok with a Betta but I caught him biting one of her tentacles. They are in separate quarters now. She is not as active as she used to be. Petco did not tell me she needs calcium when I got her. They are very stingy with information.
Mine had babies. There are a lot of them crawling around. I thought it was a fungus or something wrong. Look closely and you can see them slowly moving. Thanks for the wisdom. Now I know what to do
hey corey how are the turtle eggs?
I was wondering this myself .
Picked up some good info to help out with my snails, good update 👍👍
You getting tons of clutches yet?
I have baby Mystery Snails. You have to feed the parents a lot to get them to lay eggs. Then the eggs take a while to hatch, and might dry out before they hatch and die. It's not easy, but it is possible if you pamper them.
I love snails!
Thumbs up Cory!
I love my mystery snail, they have so much character for such a small creature.
I ordered 4 mystery snails to have as part of my clean up crew in my aquarium. Hadn’t really thought about breeding them at all. Today I did a partial water change and was surprised to see two clutches of eggs on the lid of the aquarium. I had to do some digging to figure out what they actually were. They must have laid them within the last 10 days, they weren’t there for the last partial water change.
I’ve left them alone and will wait to see what happens. But, if nature takes its course, successfully, what in the world am I gonna do with ALL THOSE SNAILS?!?! lol
I love this video very informative. I like the way everything was explained and I learned something new. Thank you so much.
*Support us by buying on our online store:* bit.ly/2DBHg6D
Can i mail u a clutch?
Snails are hermaphrodite meaning they are both genders 🐌
Aquarium Co-Op how often do you feed the crab cuisine. I am wondering because it has copper sulfate and I am worried about it I gave it to them yesterday and they ate it real well since it has calcium. Some people feed it to their snails and some people are against it I just want them to be healthy. I am flip flopping on keep feeding it to them or not if it doesn’t harm them. I am new to keeping snails. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
@@angiek6583.... actually... snails are not hermaphrodites. however they can change there gender pretty quickly.
Wish I could purchase from you...... Wish you would ship to South Africa 👋
i bought 1 mystery snail from walmart and 2 weeks later i had like 30 baby snails
They can start mating at 4 months old. At which point the female can choose when she actually fertilizes the eggs & lays them up to 6 months later. If you only got 30 baby snails, I'd say you're lucky. I got mine at petsmart & 4 months later she layed 4 clutches of eggs. One clutch hatched out 150 snails. 4 months later, she layed 2 more clutches which hatched out another 100 snails from 1 clutch. I no longer let them hatch since I can't find anyone to buy them or just take them at this point due to covid-19. I'm getting them their own 20 gallon or bigger tank. My mamma snail is now almost 2 yrs old & between her & some of her young, I find eggs in my tanks at least every 2 weeks.
Yup, Cory, gotta correct that - that’s their air tube. Reproduction is on the other side. Get in touch with a snail person, would make a great podcast.
Not to be rude Corey, but what you are calling their reproductive organ is actually the breathing tube that both males and females have. In order to sex them you must turn them upside down and wait until they try to come out to turn right side up (I used to use an empty egg carton to hold them in upside down as it can take a while for them to do so and will go back in if moved). When they are out of their shell enough you will then see this thick (hard to explain it without showing pictures) membrane that is on one side (males are either lefty or righty). But you can only see it when t hey are partly out of their shell. The tube you are showing is the air tube that they send up above the water line for air, not their reproductive organ. I bred and studied them as I was working with the different purple colors.. Love the video :)
On a side note as I've seen people talking about it - Mystery snails are not Apple snails. In the same family that is really large with all different types, but they are not the same snails. Mystery snails are not Apple snails. Mystery snails are legal in the different countries, Apples are not legal in all.
I believe you're correct about the breeding tube. I've seen the tube being referred to as an organ etc. I was aware they were breathing air etc.
I didn't want to say anything, but didn't want people to buy them thinking all males and end up with babies lol :)
their air siphon is always on their left side and the penis sheath is on the opposite (right) side of the shell
Thanks Cory! Also I'm too fascinated with mystery snails and breeding. Second or third week of trying to breed the mystery snails. Vital Information.
I stumbled back onto this video two days ago. It made me wonder if I was feeding my mystery snails enough. So I put a bunch of sinking pellets in the aquarium. Today I woke up to a mystery snail egg mass on the back glass on my guppy bachelor tank. Thanks again Cory, more mouths to feed. I should just buy another tank. :-)
+Lumpydog nice!
Lumpydog do you feed the Hikari crab cuisine? I feed mine vegetable sinking pellets. Just trying to figure out what to feed them I am worried about the crab cuisine because it has copper sulfate.
I have a tank with only mystery snails. They breed like crazy but I'm leaving the eggs in since there are no fish in the tank. The question I have is if some of the egg clusters fall in the water can I leave it there? I know that the eggs will drown but can it be used as a source of calcium for the others to feed on?
Weird, I've never heard of a snail species that isn't monoecious or parthenogenetic.....guess there's always something new to learn :p
How long after they mate do they lay the eggs ?
Hi , Which precautions should I take when I am adding new apple snail to my aquarium ? I do not want the new apple snail bring ilness to my aquarium .Any advise ? Thank you .
One thing these snails love to eat is duckweed. We had a lot of duckweed that was impossible to control. We got some mystery snails and now we have no duckweed thanks to these snails!
I just had a female mystery snail lay a clutch of eggs the other night and thanks for This video as it helps me learn about them! I only have one mystery snail Royal and got lucky with her
Update? Lol
@@adrienjohnson407 100+ babies
@@rwilliams2290 wow!!! Congrats!!
mine only move around after the light goes out in the aquarium. When it's light they go to sleep under plants or rocks
How often do u feed baby snails? Thank u for showing the package to feed the baby snails. I have to buy one.
Cory is going to be feeding Murphy some Mystery snails. Can't wait to hear the crunch.
Shh, no one was supposed to figure that out :P
If that’s an apple snail like we have in Florida they get Huge and lay bright pink eggs.
I've got some mystery snail eggs waiting to hatch too! Looking forward to seeing your updates.
I love apple snails. they're so pretty and fun to watch.
Keep in mind, they aren't big algae eaters and will most likely go after the plants rather than an algae bed if they don't have enough food.
Hello Cory,
Do you know if Ramshorn Snails go into a food coma or do you know if they sleep? I've been keeping rams for some time but I've never really noticed them just laying on their sides looking dead.
Are they dead or dying? They are not empty shells. They are not all doing that. They aren't attached to anything. Their shells don't look damaged or eroded. I have checked my water parameters with the same strips that you use and it says everything should be good. PH ~7, TDS~350, etc everything looks correct with the strips you use normally. My tank is planned, has guppies, cherry shrimp, pond snails, mts, a bristlenose pleco, and of course Ramshorn snails. Substrate is turface. 24/7 Finnex light on 24/7 mode.
Any help or advice would help.
Also thanks for the generous giveaway. I was a lucky $25 gift card winner and I already used it to buy some stuff from your site.
Do you have fish in the tank besides a bristlenose or is that it? Sometimes they get harassed and hold up in their shells.
Fancy Guppies
It can be common that hungry guppies can get nippy on their "feelers" so sometimes they hold up in their shell with what would be an otherwise optimal environment.
Ok thanks!
I'll try feeding more often.
I can't wait until you start your 75gal profit tank.
I bought one too when you announced the awesome sale.
I am going to switch my current 55gal I have now, that you just helped me with, to the 75gal to try and profit from it too.
Hi again
We appreciate the time you take to make your videos, I find them informative and interesting. it really helps us out.
My 20 gal. tank is doing well but I have a very slight black algae and and small green spot algae on my moneywort but very subtle. my cleaning crew keeps it that way.
dont need to reply to this as you have alot going on and it was to say thank you!
+Robert L thanks for watching :)
I have about 12 of these in my aquarium and also nerites, love snails!
Fun for sure.
thanks Cory i just learn more about snails than i ever even thought there was to learn about them i hope to see more vids about other kinds if snails
I have some black pellet particles accumulating right under the filter water exit. Do you know what their poop looks like? I have 3 frogs, 6 Kuhli loaches, 2 mystery snails, one big shrimp that stays right below the filter water exit, and 3 Cory cats. thx
My yellow Inca snail has outgrown her shell. She is still partially in it but not very active during the day. What temperature should the water be?
I’ve had several clutches of eggs. Idk what to do with the eggs. I’ve seen different view points but not sure which one to follow?
How big do apple snail grow
Okay I have a question. I had a small, female mystery snail in my tank. It used to be in my other 29 gallon with other snails, yet when I moved it i saw "eggs" that were on the glass and gravel, they stopped popping up until I added another snail, which I think is male, and now their back. Im pretty sure its not a parasite but I just want to make sure what they are, hope someone helps, thanls
I just got 3 nerite snails and one mystery 2 weeks ago. I came home to 8 baby mystery snails today! never even saw the egg cluster. Honestly surprised there wasn't more. I was starting to consider getting another to try and breed anyway, but seems nature says that wont be necessary lol. from what I can tell I have not found any evidence of escape artists yet, so I guess the water is good enough for them for now.
So yeah, sexing my snail just got SUPER easy.
Excellent information for those interested in snails. Thank you!
Great video cory
Thank you! I got one of the yellow varieties of mystery snails for my preschool students, they named him meatball! He always has his reproductive limb out, they called it his spaghetti noodle, so we named him meatball
That is his breathing tube to breathe air (yes they breathe air) and every mystery snail has it. Their real reproductive organ is behind there neck on the left side.
I love snails!!! ❤💛💚💜💙🐌
oh my gosh! I love these. I have been wanting a couple of blue ones and purple for my tank. I haven't been able to find them at all. tat us a super cute pink ramshorn in there too.
Working on raising up tons of babies now :)
Hi. I was wondering if you have had a similar issue as I've been having? I have two large Golden Mystery snails and for months now they have just been at the bottom of my tank not moving. They do come out of their shells but they don't really do anything and I am starting to get a little worried about them. It is a heated 10 gal. tank because I live in PA so it gets quite cold here and they live with a betta and three guppies. They were in a 60 gal. tank with my to large Oranda Goldfish but I thought that they were getting bullied so I got them out. Do you have any advice on what could be going on with them or to what could be the reason they just stay in their shells all the time for months on end? Thank you!
Put the Betta in a separate tank. They bite their tentacles because they look like worms.
Which moss floating on that pump?
Those egg sacks look nasty. Cory, I am addicted to your videos haha.
Perfect timing. We're getting ready to set up a 20 gallon long to start a breeding colony of mystery snails.
Any good bulk food for them?
Mine layed eggs on the lid right by the light inside the lid is it safe for the light to be on or will it burn them
Thanks for the tips! At this moment my mystery snail is lying eggs and I didn’t know exactly what to do.
Hey! Do you know if i can fit a honey gourami into a 20gal long that already has 4 corydora m, 3 more are going to enter soon, 3 mystery snails, and 13 glowlight tetras?
Atomicwinter 31 I have a honey with a snail and 6 tetras in my 10. Soooo I mean the tank looks kinda full but I guess! Just keep looking at the levels! This is a late response lol
Hey there Cory, do you feed a handful daily?
I feed my zucchini and drop in a cuddle bone for calcium: however after that they started to devour my plants. other people I gave them to had the same problem. plant eaters.
Mine don't eat the plants.
Pomacea bridgesii should not bother plants. Other types of mystery snails will
They will only eat dead or dying plants. Or maybe you are not feeding them enough so they are eating the plants
Thank you for posting this! I got my first Mystery snail and I was told I didn't need to buy any food for him/her.
Do they only lay eggs above the water line? What about ivory snails? Thanks your video is great!
I only have one mystery snail. Had it for about 6 months now and it laid eggs.
corey do you have any tanks your not using?
Probably 40 or so at the moment.
Is it normal for them to stick to each other and ride on another for excessive amounts of time? Like 12 hours! Because my one gold snail after mating won’t let go of the female and just stays stuck to her. I had to eventually separate them because the female was becoming very distressed. Also, I thought the organ poking out was a siphon for oxygen. My female snail has one and uses it a lot
they are in love, my snails never seem to stop going at it either
Can ivory and golden bread together?
I believe so, I just found some eggs and I only have these two colors.
haw many liters have your aquarium?
Hey Cory!!! with different colors in the tank will they cross breed?
+need more time they will yes
I have a 6 gal betta biotopescape with 1 giant male mystery snail. I found a tiny little snail must've snuck in on some plants but idk what type it is yet. It's like a grain of sand right now
I'm having a hard time getting mine to breed, water parameters are good, I have 8 that are quarter sized or so. It seems like they aren't really eating but their shells seem healthy. Any suggestions?
Awesome snails Cory. I have 6 snails of my own but they dont seem to lay any eggs. recently though 2 of them have buried themselves.. have you experienced this? what are they doin?
I haven't really witnessed them burrow before, not sure.
Do we have snail with white belly? If yes where can we find it.
Do you have an update on your colony growth?
I added apple snail today.. It started digging up in the substrate.. It did that in 3 spots within first 10 minutes.. I moved it back to quarantine tank for now..
Any reason they do that? How to get it to stop? It id ruining the aquascape by digs and uprooting plants..
So mine has the male appendage but I have eggs!? Havent had a second snail in with him for months. So is this really a male?
I'm pretty sure they use that to breathe with. All mine have it and I have eggs that hatched. I do know these snails are either boys or girls
Yeah he definitely labled it wrong it is their syphon for breathing lol
I believe do to the choices of the mystery or apple snails choice in habitats in nature there ph tolerance varies widely im glad people still like these guys banned in az hardly see them ever anymore unfortunately love the content keep it up man
Wow wow. My clutch is 3 times the size of that, by looking at the eggs amount. Either my are 1/3 the size or ots 3 times the amount. And there's 4 in my tank. What should I do with so many?
I love mystery snails but I want to dose my aquarium with 3% H202 for a algae problem...How long before I can put my mystery snails back in the tank, after dosing with H2O2 and a 50% water change?
I have mystery snails. What are the sizes on them because I have a huge one and a small one.
Hey Cory, I've always considered getting apple/mystery snails but will they eat plants? or just dead leaves like other small snails? Thanks
In my personal experience they've only eaten decaying plants. That being said, I haven't kept mystery snails as much as say my guppies etc.
Can you use calcium blokes to increase the calcium or even a UVB bulb to help there shells
You can use calcium blocks for sure, I've never researched into UVB uptake via a snail shell.
My mystery snail just died after having her for a month 😓 but when I bought her my local fish shop told me that I wouldn't need to worry about feeding her. That she would just eat the fish waste from my flow fish. I need to do more research before I bring another one home. But I don't have any live plants in my tank. Just the glow fish set up I bought. What necessities do I need? Thank you! Hopefully my question doesn't sound stupid.
ashley ceja have a plant there and feed them fish food
Sorry to hear that Ashley, LFS are good for one thing, Taking your money and making you feel like a failure (Guess that's 2 things)... What snails need is water, calcium and lots of vegetable matter like collard greens that are high in calcium and low in phosphate... and that's about it, I kept these as a kid in plastic containers with no heater or filter, they can breath air and can tolerate normal home temperature and seem to live longer at lower temps, I used my moms coral sand for substrate to keep ph and calcium levels high where they like it, I just kept a piece of leafy veg in there at all times for them to eat and they bred like crazy, To hatch the eggs you don't have to leave them in the tank with a fancy tight fitting lid and heater and all that nonsense, Just take an old clay pot and turn it upside down in a cheap plastic container with a lid and poke some holes in the lid, fill the container with about 2 inches of water, the pot will wick up just enough moisture and release tons of humidity and when they hatch they crawl off the pot right into water, if all eggs are done hatching remove the pot and fill up your new snail tank, Oh and to get eggs off the tank just give the egg mass a few days for the eggshells to harden then using your thumb and forefinger gently wiggle the clutch till it pops off. If you're still in the hobby I could post a video of my little setups for ya.
Are you still in the hobby? Would love to see your setups.
Great vid man. I love me some mystery snails 🐌 😁
cory , you should do an update on the awesome mystery snails that you have. Im barely getting started with trying to breed mine .
My snail laid the eggs above the tank on the outside of the filter! Can I move the egg sack?
I told the guy at the aquarium store I didn't want a bunch of snails taking over my tank. And now I have a snail sack in my tank. Im not sure how snails work but what can i do to either remove or relocate the egg sack?
I know it's off topic but what are puffers that are none brackish and fresh water only if any ? Thanks
Lots, mbu, fahaka, amazon, pea puffer, arrowhead, murius, congo spotted, etc.
when snails are born do they have shells? do their shells grow with them?
I'm not 100% sure on that.
Yes they have shells when they are born. Usually egg laying species have super fragile shells that take a while to build up. The livebearing snails' young have pretty hard shells when they're born.
Is there rapashy for snails?...I just bought some blues...they are really cool.....
What happens when you get to many in your aquarium?mystery snails an the dark small nuisance nails that come on live plants.should I just put a school of clown loaches in the tank an they will take care of them?
Just found my first egg cluster, thanks for the tips!
When i saw the snail eggs in my tank i didn't know what they were after the hatch do i remove the empty sack?
I like how the snails fall like it doesn't phase them 🐌
One plus one equals fish Aquatics I had a snail that would regularly climb to the top of the tank, then jump off and float around a bit as the current from the filter moved him around. Then he would sink down and carry on looking around.
I've got about 100 baby snails in my community tank and want to move a few to my goldfish tank. Do I need to bag them and acclimate them to the temperature change or can I just toss them in?
You could just toss them in. Keep i mind your goldfish may eat them.
Do you vac gravel or just change water
Both. Water change more frequently than vacs though
Aquarium Co-Op excellent thank you
I have two snails in quarantine. How often should I feed them. I have algae wafers . Should I leave the wafers in there? After a while it stinks up the water. Any tips would be great . Thank you