*Fascinating exploration of Cain’s wife and the daughters of Adam and Eve! This video shines a light on often overlooked parts of the Genesis story, offering intriguing theories and fresh insights. It’s incredible to see these hidden narratives brought to life and discussed in such depth. This definitely adds a new layer to our understanding of early biblical history. Excellent content*
It's so interesting how the Bible doesn't give all the details about Cain’s wife, but exploring theories like the possibility of her being a sister or a niece makes a lot of sense given the context of early humanity. The fact that Cain feared other people finding him also hints that there were more people around than just Adam, Eve, and their immediate children. Definitely makes you think about how much more there is to these ancient stories than we typically focus on. 🙏
Thanks I'll read jubilees 4 . It does seem strange that God put a mark on him . I wonder what the mark was and why God protected him . And where all the other people came from.
Maybe God was showing he was merciful and a saviour. How did everyone know this mark meant not to touch him? A God culture thinks Eden was in the Philippines and east of that was South America there is still an ancient place there he believes is Nod.
*The Bible is not a simple history book, but the story of God’s love and redemption for humanity. While we may debate the details of Cain’s wife, remember that the core message of the Bible remains the same. To everyone reading the comments or watching this video, may God give our brothers and sisters the openness to receive His love and the courage to share that love with those around them.*
Most people don't know that a comedy is not a funny story but one with a happy ending. The Bible is a Romantic Comedy because it is a story of God's love for humans, and two, it has a happy ending.
God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all 3 are present in Gen 1. Who is Jesus? The Word of God. "Let there be light" is Jesus and so on- The Word of God. And that is what "our" references
11:54 B’reisheet (Genesis) 7:13 says that Noach, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. Noach, his sons, and his wife were not the only survivors, his sons already had wives.
@@Rivkah.nbdg.ast.NazareneIsrael AMEN. So if they all 8 were of GOD, where did the sin come back in then? Only 8 souls were saved on the whole planet and from there it all began again right. So, where did sin come from again?? The eldest son Ham's wife was serpent seed.. meaning she was of cains bloodline and NOT of GOD'S. So there sin was continued thrue their bloodline. The Son whom disrespected Noah when he was passed out naked from his wine he made.. the other sons covered their faces and walked into the tent backwards to cover their fathers nakedness.. see, two with respect and one without. Dushonering his father with a wife from cains bloodline.. and here we are, back to a place where GOD is going to end it all for good like HE said, as it was in the days of Noah.. HE is going to DISTROY the world, but by fire this time and not water as HE said HE will not do it by water again..
Genesis said take 2 of every FLESH. We are flesh not creatures nor beasts. Even Genesis 6 says we are flesh. All flesh ,all races and colors were gathered 2X2.
I guess the best thing to focus on is believing in the existence of God as His love for mankind. The Godly world is not for us humans to understand. I think we will have much more peace by just having Him as our God the creator than to be curious
I don't understand why this is such a great mystery!! We don't know how long Adam and Eve were in Eden, it could have been hundreds of years. What do you think they were doing all that time? Do you think they waited till they came out of Eden to start having children? They could have had hundreds of children and those children had children. So, when they left Eden all of them came out and therefore there were plenty of people to have filled towns and cities.
@simisola4280 perhaps you are unaware that Adam was over 900 years old when he died, there is no mention of another wife. None of his daughters are named, the only other son named is Seth. Most of the named humans lived over 500 years, with Methuselah dying at 969 years old at the start of the flood.
Very true, Adam and Eve had numerous children, but Seth is mentioned because of the righteous lineage from him to Noah and eventually through the tribe of Judah came Machiach/ Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.
Yup, ‘ information overload’. People can’t even comprehend/obey God’s fourth Commandment that he said to “Remember”. Nor his dietary laws that he said to obey…IF IF IF ‘’You are in covenant with Me”.
Fascinating exploration into Cain's wife and the daughters of Adam and Eve! This video sheds light on the often overlooked parts of the Genesis story, offering intriguing theories and insights. It's amazing to see these hidden narratives brought to life and discussed in such detail. Definitely adds depth to our understanding of early biblical history. Great content!
@@NAMUKOWABENARD Very true. ‘’ Godly edifying, which is in faith so do’’ is manifested in the life and good works of his one and only begotten Son, the Savior of all mankind, Yeshua HaMaChiach/Jesus Christ. It is also ‘’the faith once delivered to the Saints’’ as taught by Jude and the Lord’s Apostles. “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” Jude 1:3-4 NIV Read the whole chapter that is relevant today as it has been in every generation…..and is Genesis - Revelation.♥️
In the book of the lost and rejected scriptures both Cain and Abel were born as twins i.e. Cain had twin sister, Luluwa, Abel had a twin sister, Aklia. Seth married Abel's twin sister Cain took his twin sister and fled to start their own family lineage.
Thank you for these insights and knowledge. You did not know these from your own wisdom, but I believe, the holy spirit of God is spreading these through you. God bless you all.❤🎉
Adam was not the 1st man. Genesis chp 1:27-28. He was made after creation week. Genesis chapter 2:5-8. Don't let people teachings cloud your mind from real truth.
My childhood puzzled question was, "How could a lone fugitive build a city when there were only a few people on the earth? To be called a city, there must be thousands of people.
From what I read in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28, he made man and woman...he sent them out into the world and said be fruitful and multiply. Then, in Genesis, chapter 2 verse 7 is the first time that Adam is even mentioned...maybe that's we're the ex people came in at.
@@sjackson8528 Adam and Eve were the man and woman that God created in the first chapter of Genesis. Genesis 2 just goes into more details about who they were
The bible states Lamb not fruit, It was because Cain wasn't following what God had put in place for an offering. It had nothing to do about how distinguished it was, it was because he didn't follow Gods instructions. When has anyone ever burnt fruit?
Thanks for this insight. It confirmed the answer I gave my husband when he asked me this same question. I just asked the Holy Spirit to give me an answer and I got the answer that Cain married one of his sisters without being able to prove it the way you did. Thanks again.
"By faith, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain..." That's what we're told in Hebrews 11:4. Abel believed something about his service to God whereas Cain was just doing his religious duty. We know that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17), therefore, if Abel was offering his sacrifice "by faith", we know that God told him what that exercise was doing - what it was about. They knew the whys and wherefores of their sacrifices. And so, while they both SEEMED to be obeying God, Abel was offering his sacrifice "by faith" and Cain was not. Perfunctory religion - going through the motions, vainly keeping the commandments and rituals of your religion - is an abomination. Jesus spoke abut this when He taught not to use vain repetitions when talking to God. He scolded the religious leaders of His day, quoting Isaiah, who said, "But in vain do they worship me..." The "obedience of faith" requires not only that you DO the works but you must do them FOR THE REASONS GOD PRESCRIBED. So, when you hear some Evangelical teach that "baptism is not necessary for salvation", you're hearing the words of an unbeliever. Cain had such "faith". Evangelicals go through the motions of baptism but they're just doing their religious duty. Honest to God. That's what they actually teach.
The Bible is very specific on why Cain's offering was rejected. God specifically told them that the offering was supposed to be a lamb, as a symbol to the future and the Messiah. By not giving the proper offering, Cain's offering was rejected, he got mad and jealous then killed Able.
@cynthiaestrada8318 who says that he didn't? Cain knew exactly what he was doing, he was just being arrogant. The lamb is a symbol for Christ and bis sacrifice at the cross, it was pointing forward to that time. There's nothing cruel about not accepting something that you didn't ask for, the cruelty was Cain's jealousy that lead him to murder his brother
That Noah account was WAY OFF! Noah's sons had wives, which went with them in the Ark. 1 Peter 3:20 - Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, EIGHT SOULS WERE SAVED BY WATER. Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. That's 8-souls.
Cain got a mark so everyone knew it was he, so he wouldn't be afraid of the consequences of his act.Well , very logical - infinitely wise shows off bottomless stupidity .
I have watched several of these videos and they tend to take most of the ideas from the apocryphal books, these are not words inspired by God but by men to try answer their questions about what is left out so I do not give them much if any credibility, They do give insight to the beliefs and culture of the people of their time but to use themas an understanding of the truth is naive.
A interesting explanation of Cain and his wife and about Abel, he could have had children, I also can understand every single detail could not be written about each character in the Bible, it would be a book that would be so enormous that it would reach from the earth clear to heaven and that would be a book that we could not fathom!!!!!!!!
Yes I have wondered many times I don't think his sister was his wife How many years would he have had to wonder out there and then come back to Can did not go back home where he was put out from by god to find I do believe that other people were out there besides adam and eve The garden of eden was a special a very satisfied special place where Where adam and Eve left.
Cain's wife was Lillith, Adam's first wife (ex-wife). She found him, and cared for him. Eventually, she bore him many strong and hearty sons and daughters.
The Bible only mentions the name of men only few women was mention, that for example Jacob daughter dina, dina is not the only daughter of Jacob, even the bible said Adam gave birth to daughters but there names were not mention, even Mary the mother of Jesus ,only the name of his brothers were metion but his sis were not mentioned.
2. Cain and Abel Less than two years after Cain’s birth, Abel was born, the first child of Adam and Eve to be born in the second garden. When Abel grew up to the age of twelve years, he elected to be a herder; Cain had chosen to follow agriculture. Now, in those days it was customary to make offerings to the priesthood of the things at hand. Herders would bring of their flocks, farmers of the fruits of the fields; and in accordance with this custom, Cain and Abel likewise made periodic offerings to the priests. The two boys had many times argued about the relative merits of their vocations, and Abel was not slow to note that preference was shown for his animal sacrifices. In vain did Cain appeal to the traditions of the first Eden, to the former preference for the fruits of the fields. But this Abel would not allow, and he taunted his older brother in his discomfiture. In the days of the first Eden, Adam had indeed sought to discourage the offering of animal sacrifice so that Cain had a justifiable precedent for his contentions. It was, however, difficult to organize the religious life of the second Eden. Adam was burdened with a thousand and one details associated with the work of building, defense, and agriculture. Being much depressed spiritually, he intrusted the organization of worship and education to those of Nodite extraction who had served in these capacities in the first garden; and in even so short a time the officiating Nodite priests were reverting to the standards and rulings of pre-Adamic times. The two boys never got along well, and this matter of sacrifices further contributed to the growing hatred between them. Abel knew he was the son of both Adam and Eve and never failed to impress upon Cain that Adam was not his father. Cain was not pure violet as his father was of the Nodite race later admixed with the blue and the red man and with the aboriginal Andonic stock. And all of this, with Cain’s natural bellicose inheritance, caused him to nourish an ever-increasing hatred for his younger brother. The boys were respectively eighteen and twenty years of age when the tension between them was finally resolved, one day, when Abel’s taunts so infuriated his bellicose brother that Cain turned upon him in wrath and slew him. The observation of Abel’s conduct establishes the value of environment and education as factors in character development. Abel had an ideal inheritance, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character; but the influence of an inferior environment virtually neutralized this magnificent inheritance. Abel, especially during his younger years, was greatly influenced by his unfavorable surroundings. He would have become an entirely different person had he lived to be twenty-five or thirty; his superb inheritance would then have shown itself. While a good environment cannot contribute much toward really overcoming the character handicaps of a base heredity, a bad environment can very effectively spoil an excellent inheritance, at least during the younger years of life. Good social environment and proper education are indispensable soil and atmosphere for getting the most out of a good inheritance. The death of Abel became known to his parents when his dogs brought the flocks home without their master. To Adam and Eve, Cain was fast becoming the grim reminder of their folly, and they encouraged him in his decision to leave the garden. Cain’s life in Mesopotamia had not been exactly happy since he was in such a peculiar way symbolic of the default. It was not that his associates were unkind to him, but he had not been unaware of their subconscious resentment of his presence. But Cain knew that, since he bore no tribal mark, he would be killed by the first neighboring tribesmen who might chance to meet him. Fear, and some remorse, led him to repent. Cain had never been indwelt by an Adjuster, had always been defiant of the family discipline and disdainful of his father’s religion. But he now went to Eve, his mother, and asked for spiritual help and guidance, and when he honestly sought divine assistance, an Adjuster indwelt him. And this Adjuster, dwelling within and looking out, gave Cain a distinct advantage of superiority which classed him with the greatly feared tribe of Adam. And so Cain departed for the land of Nod, east of the second Eden. He became a great leader among one group of his father’s people and did, to a certain degree, fulfill the predictions of Serapatatia, for he did promote peace between this division of the Nodites and the Adamites throughout his lifetime. Cain married Remona, his distant cousin, and their first son, Enoch, became the head of the Elamite Nodites. And for hundreds of years the Elamites and the Adamites continued to be at peace. Ref. The Urantia Book
The craziest thing is that the Bible actually tells us there were other people on the earth. Genesis chp 1:27-28 Stop making it complicated. These people are leading ur minds away from what's literally in front of u
To assume anything is wrong! On the “6th” day God created man and woman and said be fruitful and multiply and he rested on the “7th” .. Chapter “2” God said let us create man in our image, so from the dust of the earth he created Adam “and placed him in the Garden” he was the care taker, when Cain slew Able God admonish him, he cried out to God if anyone finds me they will kill me ( who? ) next “Seed” mentioned by Eve is Seth, no other “seed” mentioned until then
@@annette8303 not a Catholic don’t be upset. If you read carefully with understanding you might see the ethnic people created on the sixth day Adam and Eve on the eighth.peace
Cain’s offering did not shed blood of an animal. The first sacrifice was when God shed the blood of the animals to make the clothes for Adam and Eve after their sin of eating the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve would have been giving sacrifices in their years after that. Cain would have known that he needed to sacrifice an animal. He chose to do wrong and not honor God with a proper sacrifice.
good insight, true; the sacrifice required the shading of blood which symbolized life, but cains refusal to shade blood suggests his rejection of the saviour Jesus cos the blood represented the life of Jesus
Maybe Cain just did not give his best! And what he gave was an offering. Which created the curse of individuals offerings today of not giving from the heart.
@@CliffJordan-u1d The Bible says It takes the blood 🩸of an animal to please God’s request for proper sacrifice for remission of sins. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’” Leviticus 17:11 NKJV God be with you my friend in Jesus Christ.
1:22 Incorrect statement... Adam and Eve did not start to have children until after they were banished from the Garden. Are we forgetting that on Day 6 of creation, God SPOKE 'mankind' into existence? Just like with the birds, fish, beasts, and all manner of creation, 'mankind' both male and female were SPOKEN into existence. Some time after the Sabbath, God found land suitable for a garden, and THEN formed Adam from the clay, and breathed in life. People always assume that he was created as a fully grown adult male. But the clues are in scripture, he was created as an infant. Go back, keep this in mind, and reread Genesis 1 and 2.
The narrative repeats itself too often. As well, the narrative is just that a NARRATIVE just like todays story telling thus making the bible a foolish text to follow word for word as the gospel thus because of several writers.
My understanding is that Cain was born in a set of triplets, two daughters and Cain. Able was born as a twin, one girl and himself. Cain was supposed to marry Able's twin, but Caine wanted his own sister, which caused tension, resulting in Ables death Cain and his sister left with God saying they would be wonderers.
Sorry Donna, this is not how it happens in Genesis! Cain and Able were twins, not triplets, but they were not identical twins! Cain did not marry his sister or cousin or niece or any other family member. Cain’s wife came from the sixth day creation in Genesis 1:26. Adam and Eve were created in Genesis chapter 2. Genesis 1:26 and Genesis chapter 2 are two completely separate events! So, what is so special about Adam and Eve anyway? Give Luke chapter 3 a read starting at verse 23 and you will have your answer……….
@@kimberleeturner8475 Genesis 1:26-28: God creates Adam and Eve in his image, male and female, and gives them dominion over all living things. They were not mentioned by name until chapter 2
The inclusion of the Book of Jubilees is intriguing. While it’s not part of the official canon, it offers valuable insights into figures like Awan and Azura, the wives of Cain and Seth. This perspective enriches the narrative by addressing gaps in the Genesis account and providing a broader view of early biblical history
I feel like we ignore that we dont know how long they were in Edon befroe their exile. Maybe, they weren't the 1st to be banished. But the 1st created, and thus cursing us all to banishment as well.
you are right my Sister if we have started reading from Bereshit 1:1 to where it ends we would have found that Adam and Eve were not the first ones according to Bereshit 1:22-26 chapter two speaks of creation of Adam after GOD has already created Man and Woman in the first chapter, similarly he said Israel is my first Son. and Later he said Solomon will be my SON, so learn to learn the Language of the Hebrew Texts. But because we are used to Parachute ourself to the Verse Isaiah 7:14 without reading the context of that chapter is Poisoners to us all cause we miss the very point of where GOD want us to , thats why we end up worshiping Jesus as GOD because of lack of knowledge.
theres cheerful for you.......1st created but we were ALL dooed to banishment afterwards....such a fogiving god wouldnt you say,,..........,.took an age to get to the forgiveness of the crucitfixation .....soooo forgiving.......
The bible says that adam did not know his wife until they came out of the garden. no doubt a brief time. Those extra biblical books like enoch and jubilees exhibit obvious "jewish fables" as Paul referred to them. extra biblical stories like Jubilees and Enoch were rejected from the Jewish canon immediately because of their fantastic stories. (enoch has 4500 foot giants as offsprings of angels and women, who eat people, etc.(and puts these into the flood account in Gen.6) and all the extra biblical angel stories reminds one of Col_2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind." Our 66 book canon is what God obviously wanted us to have. no more, no less. 1 tim 4:7, 2 tim.4:4, titus 1:14
Oh and a parting gift for you "There must be a Creator, for we create ourselves?" and the idolatry "What came first, the Chicken or the Egg?" The answer is within the first (Neither)
The narrative is full of wholes. The slaying of Abel over the sacrafice and disobedience is missing. It is inferred that other children of Eve weren't mentioned. But Seth is mentioned due to the promise descending through his family line. None of the daughters are mentioned because they didn't receive the promise if God, like Jacob wanted .
For me, I have always looked at the Old Testament as being primarily metaphorical with Adam and Eve being not singular creations, although a group of civilisations and the story of Cain and Abel being about sibling rivalry that exists to this day. The book is full of inconsistencies with no proof of the existence of any of the characters. Full of incest, rivalries, disobedience to God, war etc. The Gods mentioned consistently behave like human Kings or Lords, with spoils of war being precious pearls, virgins, sacrifices, the love of the smell of burning flesh etc. What does a loving God want with such human needs. Logical sense seems to evade the Book and is the cause of so much dispute among humanity. The New Testament seems to make more sense although again, in the 21st century where is our solid empirical evidence that any of the events took place? Ild like a well thought out intelligent response.
You are judging God incorrectly. Which is what sinful humanity does. For instance you say that God loves the smell of sacrifice- I believe what is written is that it smelled sweet. How could the stench of death smell sweet to the God of creation? Only if everything else smelled worse! That is how horrible the stench of sin is to our loving Father. One must read the Word of God with the mindset that everything He says is true - any inconsistencies we perceive should be meditated upon. There is one gift God promises to give to anyone who asks, you don't even need to believe it, and that is wisdom. God says to taste and see that He is good and when I meditated on how someone could do that, it was the answer I received.
@@nancyhale5054 I'm not judging God, I am judging the events in the Bible and whether or not the God written about was actually a ruler of an Empire or Region. I dont want to get involved in semantics over authorship or the political reasons behind the writings although too many are using the book as an excuse to legitimise war. Netanyahu being one such culprit. Jesus Christ called for Peace not continuous war. 2 millenia later, where are we.
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian Many people and events in the bible have been verified by other non-biblical writings and archeological findings, although I can not presently point you to specifics. However, a little research on your part should help you find some of that information.
Yes that's right; GOD wants us to be Good, Just and Merciful. HE wants us to Love and Trust HIM fully. And of course, to savor and enjoy HIS GOODNESS to Mankind!!!
I think the questions regarding other inhabitants is valid however the bible says from one man all nations were formed. I don't know it all except Christ died for our sins.
Yes "from one man all nations were formed". If there were other humans which the bible does not specifically say, or not say, they would have been wiped out by the flood, and thus the only ones left would be from the lineage of Adam and Eve to thus form all nations.
When you realize that a husband and wife married 40 yrs can have many kids, grn kids and even grt grn kids today, In only 40 yrs. So in one or two hundred years the population must have multiplied to hundreds of thousands. Cain was a few hundred years old and had alot of women to choose from. Plus the human race was closer to perfect and pure blooded, even if he married his own sister.
People arguing over something they know nothing about. In all honesty, none of us knows. We don’t know what the color of these people were, they could have been green and red for all we freaking know. This all could’ve took place on top of a mountain or in the middle of the desert, or in the middle of the ocean, they could have been mermaid’s for all we know. So keep on arguing over something you know nothing about. It keeps the rest of us entertain at least.
Did you know there are two books of Geniuses one rite n before Mosses but we only know the book of Mosses. But the King James Version only tells us that they think that happens. It doesn’t tell us where the water come from.
Genesis 1:26,27 God created people in His and the Angels image, male and female He made them. This is paraphrased however this is the 6th day creation. They occured approximately 2000 years before Adam and Eve. The land that Cain went to already had a name and races there. He took his wife from there. Cain was not of Adam's genealogy .Cain's genealogy is a full chapter before Adam's. Abel is not there because as twins conceived Cain and Able were of age at the same time to make offerings to God.
Adam and Eve lived long lives. Adam lived to more than 900 years so would have many children. Those children would have had their children. It is possible Cain would have married one of the women from these.
"the secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of his law", deut29:29;- i believe it will do us great good if we take the word of God as it is, and the idea of prying into what God Has not revealed will only bring out great confusion; the God who have concealed these details, is the same God who has declared by the words of His mouth that we all "sprung from adam " Rom5:12, if there be anyone one earth who did not come from adam, then happy is he/her cause is free from sin, and no need of the Saviour Jesus
Cain was 700 when he died The Bible doesn't say how old he was when he killed Abel It is possible that there were plenty of siblings and children and grandchildren when he killed his brother
It would not be his sister, but more himself in female form, because it was from part of him. It may sound bad to you, but if Adam and Eve were both virtually perfect humans unlike any of us today then it would be no comparison to anything we see today.
Adam and Eve lived over 900 years. And only in the first 200 years Adam could have a lot of daughter and sons could be filled few villages. And. Cain could easily find a wife in the village of Nod
Cain who was fathered by the serpent before it's body was changed did not recieve REVELATION regarding the blood covenant.. that is why his offering was not accepted. It took blood in Genesis and has been Throughout the Bible untill the Lord GOD HIMSELF provided the perfect offering to fullfill the Promise through HIS Word Created body Jesus Christ.
@@wisdomdivine4843 if this is not understood, you need to pray up and ask. i don't see what is so confusing to you.. Cain was fathered by the serpent before it had the cursed body change.. what don't you get regarding that??
@@RudieSwanepoel-s5y meaning Cain is not the son of Adam meanwhile Abel was fathered by Adam right? But at the same time they were twins so how come other was fathered by serpent and the other twin father by Adam if surely you are not confused
@@wisdomdivine4843 now you asking the right questions brother. Go see what it says. The serpent spoke with Eve while Adam was naming the animals I believe. However, the serpent SPOKE.. that's point 1. Point 2. he beguiled her.. look up the word. 3. he caused her to eat" the apple with him! 4, then she gave Adam to eat" that eating of the apple was SEX. 5. She was impregnated and bore twins... Now,, look at the nature of the two sons. One was righteous and the other a murderer and a wisw@$$, that's not the nature of GOD. LOOK AT WHY THE BLOODLINE OF cain STOPS BEING RECORDED AND ONLY SETH, THE THIRDD SONS BLOODLINE CONTINUES... But back to the fall... when God came looking for the children, they hid themselves because after they "ate" the 🍎 they realized they were naked.. ( ever saw a child who did stole sweets? What do they do... they hide there hands because it is what they used to do wrong right.. same with Adam and Eve, they closed not their faces but their nakedness (private parts) with figleave. Because that was used to do what GID told them not to do.. now, Adam could not be cursed, because he was already blessed, so GOD cursed the earth FOR HIS SAKE.. Eve was cursed with painfull child birth... and the the serpent? That was cursed with a body change into a snake.. see what it says..." because you had done this, FROM NOW ON, ON YOUR BELLY YOU WILL GO... read between the lines brother, the serpent was more Suttle than all the beasts of the earth... it was beast.. like the bodies we in is like in the line of beast.. and then turned into reptile... eating dust, biting the heel of man... So, the serpent was like a man, walking up right and speaking and able to have sex with a woman BEFORE, it was cursed.. so two sons were born from two men, one Satan's child thrue the serpent and one of God, thrue Adam.. OK, yes, she said God gave them sons... that is because GOD is the giver of life and allowed both sons to live together until the devils son killed the other, like he gas done thrue out the Bible with Moses, Joseph (well about killed Joseph) to Jesus the LORD... and what does he do to Christians?? Check history.. always been killing God's people. . Hope that helps.. Acts2:38 please..
There's another idea.! What if Cane said to God, how can I be a vagabon when were the only people on Earth. Then God snapped his finger , and said, not any more your not.
Cain offering was rejected because when man sinned God did not bring plant products to attorn the sin. He killed an animal. So offering at that point for sim as that was the purpose of offering, it means the acceptable offering from hence forth is the blood of animal or death of animal. So Cain was rejected because he did not have the knowledge of what actually attorn sin. First man created was Adam and Eve. The idea of existence of humanity before Adam and Eve, it’s very misleading and diabolical as it suggested that bible is lying when it said the beginning of the creation of humanity. There are no accident times before Adam and Eve. Wife of Cain can only have come up from Eva and Adam. Women birth were never emphasised unless there was specific reasons for their mention.
*Fascinating exploration of Cain’s wife and the daughters of Adam and Eve! This video shines a light on often overlooked parts of the Genesis story, offering intriguing theories and fresh insights. It’s incredible to see these hidden narratives brought to life and discussed in such depth. This definitely adds a new layer to our understanding of early biblical history. Excellent content*
It's so interesting how the Bible doesn't give all the details about Cain’s wife, but exploring theories like the possibility of her being a sister or a niece makes a lot of sense given the context of early humanity. The fact that Cain feared other people finding him also hints that there were more people around than just Adam, Eve, and their immediate children. Definitely makes you think about how much more there is to these ancient stories than we typically focus on. 🙏
Jubilees chapter 4 will answer some questions.
Thanks I'll read jubilees 4 .
It does seem strange that God put a mark on him . I wonder what the mark was and why God protected him . And where all the other people came from.
Maybe God was showing he was merciful and a saviour. How did everyone know this mark meant not to touch him?
A God culture thinks Eden was in the Philippines and east of that was South America there is still an ancient place there he believes is Nod.
The clarity in your voice and visuals makes this video a joy to watch
*The Bible is not a simple history book, but the story of God’s love and redemption for humanity. While we may debate the details of Cain’s wife, remember that the core message of the Bible remains the same. To everyone reading the comments or watching this video, may God give our brothers and sisters the openness to receive His love and the courage to share that love with those around them.*
Most people don't know that a comedy is not a funny story but one with a happy ending. The Bible is a Romantic Comedy because it is a story of God's love for humans, and two, it has a happy ending.
@@drraimondoI love this
Well said friend 👍 Amen
@@BeyondDeath868 amen!
God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all 3 are present in Gen 1. Who is Jesus? The Word of God. "Let there be light" is Jesus and so on- The Word of God. And that is what "our" references
11:54 B’reisheet (Genesis) 7:13 says that Noach, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. Noach, his sons, and his wife were not the only survivors, his sons already had wives.
@@Rivkah.nbdg.ast.NazareneIsrael AMEN. So if they all 8 were of GOD, where did the sin come back in then? Only 8 souls were saved on the whole planet and from there it all began again right. So, where did sin come from again?? The eldest son Ham's wife was serpent seed.. meaning she was of cains bloodline and NOT of GOD'S. So there sin was continued thrue their bloodline. The Son whom disrespected Noah when he was passed out naked from his wine he made.. the other sons covered their faces and walked into the tent backwards to cover their fathers nakedness.. see, two with respect and one without. Dushonering his father with a wife from cains bloodline.. and here we are, back to a place where GOD is going to end it all for good like HE said, as it was in the days of Noah.. HE is going to DISTROY the world, but by fire this time and not water as HE said HE will not do it by water again..
Thank you. That’s what I was thinking
Very true
Exactly. I stopped watching as soon as I heard the falsification🤦🏿♀️🤦🏿♀️🤦🏿♀️
Genesis said take 2 of every FLESH. We are flesh not creatures nor beasts. Even Genesis 6 says we are flesh. All flesh ,all races and colors were gathered 2X2.
Your TH-cam channel truly helps me gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and how to apply its teachings in daily life.
I guess the best thing to focus on is believing in the existence of God as His love for mankind. The Godly world is not for us humans to understand. I think we will have much more peace by just having Him as our God the creator than to be curious
Amen and awesome God is good and great he gave his only son for all of us hallelujah to the highest amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 💖
Thank you for the teaching
I don't understand why this is such a great mystery!! We don't know how long Adam and Eve were in Eden, it could have been hundreds of years. What do you think they were doing all that time? Do you think they waited till they came out of Eden to start having children? They could have had hundreds of children and those children had children. So, when they left Eden all of them came out and therefore there were plenty of people to have filled towns and cities.
Geez how old would you think Eve would have had to be at the end ,.....to have have hundreds of children ??????? are you listeing to yourself?
@simisola4280 perhaps you are unaware that Adam was over 900 years old when he died, there is no mention of another wife. None of his daughters are named, the only other son named is Seth. Most of the named humans lived over 500 years, with Methuselah dying at 969 years old at the start of the flood.
Very true, Adam and Eve had numerous children, but Seth is mentioned because of the righteous lineage from him to Noah and eventually through the tribe of Judah came Machiach/ Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.
Yup, ‘ information overload’. People can’t even comprehend/obey God’s fourth Commandment that he said to “Remember”. Nor his dietary laws that he said to obey…IF IF IF ‘’You are in covenant with Me”.
@@simisola4280 well she would have been middle aged at about 400 yo
Fascinating exploration into Cain's wife and the daughters of Adam and Eve! This video sheds light on the often overlooked parts of the Genesis story, offering intriguing theories and insights. It's amazing to see these hidden narratives brought to life and discussed in such detail. Definitely adds depth to our understanding of early biblical history. Great content!
"neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. 1tim 1:4
@@NAMUKOWABENARD Very true. ‘’ Godly edifying, which is in faith so do’’ is manifested in the life and good works of his one and only begotten Son, the Savior of all mankind, Yeshua HaMaChiach/Jesus Christ. It is also ‘’the faith once delivered to the Saints’’ as taught by Jude and the Lord’s Apostles.
“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.”
Jude 1:3-4 NIV
Read the whole chapter that is relevant today as it has been in every generation…..and is Genesis - Revelation.♥️
May God grant you endless happiness and health as you watch this video. Remember, you are loved and cherished. 💖🙏
In the book of the lost and rejected scriptures both Cain and Abel were born as twins i.e. Cain had twin sister, Luluwa, Abel had a twin sister, Aklia. Seth married Abel's twin sister Cain took his twin sister and fled to start their own family lineage.
What is the name of this book I have read Jubilees and Jasher. Is there more?
Thank you for these insights and knowledge. You did not know these from your own wisdom, but I believe, the holy spirit of God is spreading these through you. God bless you all.❤🎉
This has always baffled me if Adam and Eve was the first family where the people of Nod came from?
@@driggs20 relatives of Adam and Eve of course.
Adam was not the 1st man. Genesis chp 1:27-28. He was made after creation week. Genesis chapter 2:5-8. Don't let people teachings cloud your mind from real truth.
My childhood puzzled question was, "How could a lone fugitive build a city when there were only a few people on the earth? To be called a city, there must be thousands of people.
From what I read in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28, he made man and woman...he sent them out into the world and said be fruitful and multiply.
Then, in Genesis, chapter 2 verse 7 is the first time that Adam is even mentioned...maybe that's we're the ex people came in at.
I agree! He made "man" then made Adam with the spirit of God
@@sjackson8528 Adam and Eve were the man and woman that God created in the first chapter of Genesis. Genesis 2 just goes into more details about who they were
Adam is the Hebrew word for 'man'.
Good morning can I get the French version of this video please.
Thank you so much for the knowledge I never knew that lady name Jubilees in the Bible🙏
The bible states Lamb not fruit, It was because Cain wasn't following what God had put in place for an offering. It had nothing to do about how distinguished it was, it was because he didn't follow Gods instructions. When has anyone ever burnt fruit?
Thanks for this insight. It confirmed the answer I gave my husband when he asked me this same question. I just asked the Holy Spirit to give me an answer and I got the answer that Cain married one of his sisters without being able to prove it the way you did. Thanks again.
"By faith, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain..." That's what we're told in Hebrews 11:4. Abel believed something about his service to God whereas Cain was just doing his religious duty.
We know that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17), therefore, if Abel was offering his sacrifice "by faith", we know that God told him what that exercise was doing - what it was about. They knew the whys and wherefores of their sacrifices.
And so, while they both SEEMED to be obeying God, Abel was offering his sacrifice "by faith" and Cain was not.
Perfunctory religion - going through the motions, vainly keeping the commandments and rituals of your religion - is an abomination. Jesus spoke abut this when He taught not to use vain repetitions when talking to God. He scolded the religious leaders of His day, quoting Isaiah, who said, "But in vain do they worship me..." The "obedience of faith" requires not only that you DO the works but you must do them FOR THE REASONS GOD PRESCRIBED.
So, when you hear some Evangelical teach that "baptism is not necessary for salvation", you're hearing the words of an unbeliever. Cain had such "faith". Evangelicals go through the motions of baptism but they're just doing their religious duty. Honest to God. That's what they actually teach.
What about Lilly's children ..ps it wasn't a rib it was his whole side..and not an apple ..look up the word beguiling
The Bible is very specific on why Cain's offering was rejected. God specifically told them that the offering was supposed to be a lamb, as a symbol to the future and the Messiah. By not giving the proper offering, Cain's offering was rejected, he got mad and jealous then killed Able.
But Cain had no lambs….he had vegetables. What a cruel awful god.
@cynthiaestrada8318 who says that he didn't? Cain knew exactly what he was doing, he was just being arrogant.
The lamb is a symbol for Christ and bis sacrifice at the cross, it was pointing forward to that time.
There's nothing cruel about not accepting something that you didn't ask for, the cruelty was Cain's jealousy that lead him to murder his brother
In biblical times only the men were mentioned. Very few women were mentioned.
That Noah account was WAY OFF! Noah's sons had wives, which went with them in the Ark.
1 Peter 3:20 - Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, EIGHT SOULS WERE SAVED BY WATER.
Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. That's 8-souls.
Cain got a mark so everyone knew it was he, so he wouldn't be afraid of the consequences of his act.Well , very logical - infinitely wise shows off bottomless stupidity .
I have watched several of these videos and they tend to take most of the ideas from the apocryphal books, these are not words inspired by God but by men to try answer their questions about what is left out so I do not give them much if any credibility, They do give insight to the beliefs and culture of the people of their time but to use themas an understanding of the truth is naive.
A interesting explanation of Cain and his wife and about Abel, he could have had children, I also can understand every single detail could not be written about each character in the Bible, it would be a book that would be so enormous that it would reach from the earth clear to heaven and that would be a book that we could not fathom!!!!!!!!
Father i believe in you
Yes I have wondered many times I don't think his sister was his wife How many years would he have had to wonder out there and then come back to Can did not go back home where he was put out from by god to find I do believe that other people were out there besides adam and eve The garden of eden was a special a very satisfied special place where Where adam and Eve left.
Adam was formed from the dust, others were created.
Cain's wife was Lillith, Adam's first wife (ex-wife). She found him, and cared for him. Eventually, she bore him many strong and hearty sons and daughters.
The Bible only mentions the name of men only few women was mention, that for example Jacob daughter dina, dina is not the only daughter of Jacob, even the bible said Adam gave birth to daughters but there names were not mention, even Mary the mother of Jesus ,only the name of his brothers were metion but his sis were not mentioned.
Read other comments and scriptures; Jubilee, Jasher, Enoch and Books of Adam and Eve.
2. Cain and Abel
Less than two years after Cain’s birth, Abel was born, the first child of Adam and Eve to be born in the second garden. When Abel grew up to the age of twelve years, he elected to be a herder; Cain had chosen to follow agriculture.
Now, in those days it was customary to make offerings to the priesthood of the things at hand. Herders would bring of their flocks, farmers of the fruits of the fields; and in accordance with this custom, Cain and Abel likewise made periodic offerings to the priests. The two boys had many times argued about the relative merits of their vocations, and Abel was not slow to note that preference was shown for his animal sacrifices. In vain did Cain appeal to the traditions of the first Eden, to the former preference for the fruits of the fields. But this Abel would not allow, and he taunted his older brother in his discomfiture.
In the days of the first Eden, Adam had indeed sought to discourage the offering of animal sacrifice so that Cain had a justifiable precedent for his contentions. It was, however, difficult to organize the religious life of the second Eden. Adam was burdened with a thousand and one details associated with the work of building, defense, and agriculture. Being much depressed spiritually, he intrusted the organization of worship and education to those of Nodite extraction who had served in these capacities in the first garden; and in even so short a time the officiating Nodite priests were reverting to the standards and rulings of pre-Adamic times.
The two boys never got along well, and this matter of sacrifices further contributed to the growing hatred between them. Abel knew he was the son of both Adam and Eve and never failed to impress upon Cain that Adam was not his father. Cain was not pure violet as his father was of the Nodite race later admixed with the blue and the red man and with the aboriginal Andonic stock. And all of this, with Cain’s natural bellicose inheritance, caused him to nourish an ever-increasing hatred for his younger brother.
The boys were respectively eighteen and twenty years of age when the tension between them was finally resolved, one day, when Abel’s taunts so infuriated his bellicose brother that Cain turned upon him in wrath and slew him.
The observation of Abel’s conduct establishes the value of environment and education as factors in character development. Abel had an ideal inheritance, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character; but the influence of an inferior environment virtually neutralized this magnificent inheritance. Abel, especially during his younger years, was greatly influenced by his unfavorable surroundings. He would have become an entirely different person had he lived to be twenty-five or thirty; his superb inheritance would then have shown itself. While a good environment cannot contribute much toward really overcoming the character handicaps of a base heredity, a bad environment can very effectively spoil an excellent inheritance, at least during the younger years of life. Good social environment and proper education are indispensable soil and atmosphere for getting the most out of a good inheritance.
The death of Abel became known to his parents when his dogs brought the flocks home without their master. To Adam and Eve, Cain was fast becoming the grim reminder of their folly, and they encouraged him in his decision to leave the garden.
Cain’s life in Mesopotamia had not been exactly happy since he was in such a peculiar way symbolic of the default. It was not that his associates were unkind to him, but he had not been unaware of their subconscious resentment of his presence. But Cain knew that, since he bore no tribal mark, he would be killed by the first neighboring tribesmen who might chance to meet him. Fear, and some remorse, led him to repent. Cain had never been indwelt by an Adjuster, had always been defiant of the family discipline and disdainful of his father’s religion. But he now went to Eve, his mother, and asked for spiritual help and guidance, and when he honestly sought divine assistance, an Adjuster indwelt him. And this Adjuster, dwelling within and looking out, gave Cain a distinct advantage of superiority which classed him with the greatly feared tribe of Adam.
And so Cain departed for the land of Nod, east of the second Eden. He became a great leader among one group of his father’s people and did, to a certain degree, fulfill the predictions of Serapatatia, for he did promote peace between this division of the Nodites and the Adamites throughout his lifetime. Cain married Remona, his distant cousin, and their first son, Enoch, became the head of the Elamite Nodites. And for hundreds of years the Elamites and the Adamites continued to be at peace.
Ref. The Urantia Book
It was ppl on earth prior to Adam and Eve. My opinion. It's hinted in scriptures
Interesting theories.
Mankind remains wicked and so GOD shortten Mankind years as time goes by.
The craziest thing is that the Bible actually tells us there were other people on the earth. Genesis chp 1:27-28
Stop making it complicated. These people are leading ur minds away from what's literally in front of u
Today we are all family and do marriage between far distant relatives, we are all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.🤔
A few things of truth Noah was the first white man......
To assume anything is wrong! On the “6th” day God created man and woman and said be fruitful and multiply and he rested on the “7th” .. Chapter “2” God said let us create man in our image, so from the dust of the earth he created Adam “and placed him in the Garden” he was the care taker, when Cain slew Able God admonish him, he cried out to God if anyone finds me they will kill me ( who? ) next “Seed” mentioned by Eve is Seth, no other “seed” mentioned until then
You mentioned names of the daughters were not revealed but in the Books of Jasper and Jubilee these women have names. Look it up!
Not reliable
Who said? Where are you getting your limited sources from? The catholic church?
@@annette8303 not a Catholic don’t be upset. If you read carefully with understanding you might see the ethnic people created on the sixth day Adam and Eve on the eighth.peace
Its a wonder..I believe when you say not everything is in the Bible.. otherwuse wh ere dud the wuves come from.Thak you for the Explanation.,✝️
Cain’s offering did not shed blood of an animal. The first sacrifice was when God shed the blood of the animals to make the clothes for Adam and Eve after their sin of eating the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve would have been giving sacrifices in their years after that. Cain would have known that he needed to sacrifice an animal. He chose to do wrong and not honor God with a proper sacrifice.
good insight, true; the sacrifice required the shading of blood which symbolized life, but cains refusal to shade blood suggests his rejection of the saviour Jesus cos the blood represented the life of Jesus
Maybe Cain just did not give his best! And what he gave was an offering. Which created the curse of individuals offerings today of not giving from the heart.
@@CliffJordan-u1d The Bible says It takes the blood 🩸of an animal to please God’s request for proper sacrifice for remission of sins.
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’”
Leviticus 17:11 NKJV
God be with you my friend in Jesus Christ.
1:22 Incorrect statement... Adam and Eve did not start to have children until after they were banished from the Garden. Are we forgetting that on Day 6 of creation, God SPOKE 'mankind' into existence? Just like with the birds, fish, beasts, and all manner of creation, 'mankind' both male and female were SPOKEN into existence. Some time after the Sabbath, God found land suitable for a garden, and THEN formed Adam from the clay, and breathed in life. People always assume that he was created as a fully grown adult male. But the clues are in scripture, he was created as an infant. Go back, keep this in mind, and reread Genesis 1 and 2.
There could have been other people created by God but the Flood killed off everybody except Noah - the son of Adam.
Adam and Eve were of black origin
You forgot Lilith.
The narrative repeats itself too often. As well, the narrative is just that a NARRATIVE just like todays story telling thus making the bible a foolish text to follow word for word as the gospel thus because of several writers.
My understanding is that Cain was born in a set of triplets, two daughters and Cain. Able was born as a twin, one girl and himself. Cain was supposed to marry Able's twin, but Caine wanted his own sister, which caused tension, resulting in Ables death Cain and his sister left with God saying they would be wonderers.
Sorry Donna, this is not how it happens in Genesis! Cain and Able were twins, not triplets, but they were not identical twins! Cain did not marry his sister or cousin or niece or any other family member. Cain’s wife came from the sixth day creation in Genesis 1:26. Adam and Eve were created in Genesis chapter 2. Genesis 1:26 and Genesis chapter 2 are two completely separate events! So, what is so special about Adam and Eve anyway? Give Luke chapter 3 a read starting at verse 23 and you will have your answer……….
But I read the book is it Maccabice or Jubilee I don't remember it's says Cai married his sister
It said Adam was created. Where does it say he was the only man created ?
@@kimberleeturner8475 Genesis 1:26-28: God creates Adam and Eve in his image, male and female, and gives them dominion over all living things.
They were not mentioned by name until chapter 2
Where did Abraham get his wife Isaac Jacob
The inclusion of the Book of Jubilees is intriguing. While it’s not part of the official canon, it offers valuable insights into figures like Awan and Azura, the wives of Cain and Seth. This perspective enriches the narrative by addressing gaps in the Genesis account and providing a broader view of early biblical history
But there is a reason why it wasn't accepted
Fairy tales
These people didn't have the long life spans as Adam and Eve. They were however compatible.
Why don’t y’all use scripture accurate images?
Yes there were other humans on the world during Adam and Eve.
I feel like we ignore that we dont know how long they were in Edon befroe their exile. Maybe, they weren't the 1st to be banished. But the 1st created, and thus cursing us all to banishment as well.
you are right my Sister if we have started reading from Bereshit 1:1 to where it ends we would have found that Adam and Eve were not the first ones according to Bereshit 1:22-26 chapter two speaks of creation of Adam after GOD has already created Man and Woman in the first chapter, similarly he said Israel is my first Son. and Later he said Solomon will be my SON, so learn to learn the Language of the Hebrew Texts. But because we are used to Parachute ourself to the Verse Isaiah 7:14 without reading the context of that chapter is Poisoners to us all cause we miss the very point of where GOD want us to , thats why we end up worshiping Jesus as GOD because of lack of knowledge.
theres cheerful for you.......1st created but we were ALL dooed to banishment afterwards....such a fogiving god wouldnt you say,,..........,.took an age to get to the forgiveness of the crucitfixation .....soooo forgiving.......
The bible says that adam did not know his wife until they came out of the garden. no doubt a brief time. Those extra biblical books like enoch and jubilees exhibit obvious "jewish fables" as Paul referred to them. extra biblical stories like Jubilees and Enoch were rejected from the Jewish canon immediately because of their fantastic stories. (enoch has 4500 foot giants as offsprings of angels and women, who eat people, etc.(and puts these into the flood account in Gen.6) and all the extra biblical angel stories reminds one of Col_2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind." Our 66 book canon is what God obviously wanted us to have. no more, no less. 1 tim 4:7, 2 tim.4:4, titus 1:14
Oh and a parting gift for you "There must be a Creator, for we create ourselves?" and the idolatry "What came first, the Chicken or the Egg?" The answer is within the first (Neither)
Human All Too Human.....
I kind of prefer he found a city rather than an unnamed sister
Other people were on earthin other Part of the world
Cain's wife must have been his mom, Eve, since there were no other humans besides Adam, Eve, and their two sons Cain and Abel. 😆
Adam and Eve had sons and daughters. Cain’s wife was his sister
@@Rachel2412able Bible verse please?
The Apocrypha says that Adam and his wife had 32 children.
@ oh they could have had much more than that
@@Rachel2412able maybe but I haven't found a record of it. Should I, I'd let you know.
The narrative is full of wholes.
The slaying of Abel over the sacrafice and disobedience is missing.
It is inferred that other children of Eve weren't mentioned. But Seth is mentioned due to the promise descending through his family line.
None of the daughters are mentioned because they didn't receive the promise if God, like Jacob wanted .
For me, I have always looked at the Old Testament as being primarily metaphorical with Adam and Eve being not singular creations, although a group of civilisations and the story of Cain and Abel being about sibling rivalry that exists to this day. The book is full of inconsistencies with no proof of the existence of any of the characters. Full of incest, rivalries, disobedience to God, war etc. The Gods mentioned consistently behave like human Kings or Lords, with spoils of war being precious pearls, virgins, sacrifices, the love of the smell of burning flesh etc. What does a loving God want with such human needs. Logical sense seems to evade the Book and is the cause of so much dispute among humanity. The New Testament seems to make more sense although again, in the 21st century where is our solid empirical evidence that any of the events took place? Ild like a well thought out intelligent response.
You are judging God incorrectly. Which is what sinful humanity does. For instance you say that God loves the smell of sacrifice- I believe what is written is that it smelled sweet. How could the stench of death smell sweet to the God of creation? Only if everything else smelled worse! That is how horrible the stench of sin is to our loving Father.
One must read the Word of God with the mindset that everything He says is true - any inconsistencies we perceive should be meditated upon. There is one gift God promises to give to anyone who asks, you don't even need to believe it, and that is wisdom. God says to taste and see that He is good and when I meditated on how someone could do that, it was the answer I received.
@@nancyhale5054 I'm not judging God, I am judging the events in the Bible and whether or not the God written about was actually a ruler of an Empire or Region. I dont want to get involved in semantics over authorship or the political reasons behind the writings although too many are using the book as an excuse to legitimise war. Netanyahu being one such culprit. Jesus Christ called for Peace not continuous war. 2 millenia later, where are we.
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian Many people and events in the bible have been verified by other non-biblical writings and archeological findings, although I can not presently point you to specifics. However, a little research on your part should help you find some of that information.
How do cavemen fit into history? When GOD made us in GOD'S image? I have trouble seeing humans as cavemen!
Yes that's right; GOD wants us to be Good, Just and Merciful.
HE wants us to Love and Trust HIM fully.
And of course, to savor and enjoy HIS GOODNESS to Mankind!!!
I think the questions regarding other inhabitants is valid however the bible says from one man all nations were formed. I don't know it all except Christ died for our sins.
Yes "from one man all nations were formed". If there were other humans which the bible does not specifically say, or not say, they would have been wiped out by the flood, and thus the only ones left would be from the lineage of Adam and Eve to thus form all nations.
When you realize that a husband and wife married 40 yrs can have many kids, grn kids and even grt grn kids today, In only 40 yrs. So in one or two hundred years the population must have multiplied to hundreds of thousands. Cain was a few hundred years old and had alot of women to choose from. Plus the human race was closer to perfect and pure blooded, even if he married his own sister.
People arguing over something they know nothing about. In all honesty, none of us knows. We don’t know what the color of these people were, they could have been green and red for all we freaking know. This all could’ve took place on top of a mountain or in the middle of the desert, or in the middle of the ocean, they could have been mermaid’s for all we know. So keep on arguing over something you know nothing about. It keeps the rest of us entertain at least.
Did you know there are two books of Geniuses one rite n before Mosses but we only know the book of Mosses. But the King James Version only tells us that they think that happens. It doesn’t tell us where the water come from.
Who wrote the book of Jubilee?
Could the other people that existed on earth be Neanderthals, and Adam and Eve were the first pure humans?
Where can we get the Book of Jubilees
Genesis 1:26,27 God created people in His and the Angels image, male and female He made them. This is paraphrased however this is the 6th day creation. They occured approximately 2000 years before Adam and Eve. The land that Cain went to already had a name and races there. He took his wife from there.
Cain was not of Adam's genealogy .Cain's genealogy is a full chapter before Adam's. Abel is not there because as twins conceived Cain and Able were of age at the same time to make offerings to God.
Very interesting to hear about Ken wife were was that girl come from?????
Thank you ! I've sensed that Adam and Eve are positive and negative energies in one human!
Adam and Eve lived long lives. Adam lived to more than 900 years so would have many children. Those children would have had their children. It is possible Cain would have married one of the women from these.
The fall of man was bridged by Jesus to return back to what was designed for man to live eternally without death, disease or suffering.
Abel was a righteous person Mat 23,35.
"the secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of his law", deut29:29;- i believe it will do us great good if we take the word of God as it is, and the idea of prying into what God Has not revealed will only bring out great confusion; the God who have concealed these details, is the same God who has declared by the words of His mouth that we all "sprung from adam " Rom5:12, if there be anyone one earth who did not come from adam, then happy is he/her cause is free from sin, and no need of the Saviour Jesus
Also, if there were any people not from Adam and Eve then the great flood would have destroyed them anyway, so only Adam and Eve's lineage survived.
I think there was a human existence
If you read vedic time of universe and multiunivers and the devas sabes super powerful kings and ordinary humans is very discriptive and interesting
The Bible didn't mention anything about cains wife so lets just stick to what Bible teaches us and not create any thing apart from the Bible
Cain married a woman from Nod Genesis 4:16
That is exactly what the Bible said..so how could she have been Adam and Eve daughter
This video has more verbaal gymnastics than the bible...and that's saying something...lol
Why? There were no albinism people back in ancient time, until Noah was born....Noah's was the first Albinos in the world....
is there any bible verse that clarifies that ?
I have already delve into that cane and abel is the story that God wants us to know but they have siblings
Cain was 700 when he died
The Bible doesn't say how old he was when he killed Abel
It is possible that there were plenty of siblings and children and grandchildren when he killed his brother
The first child in paradise became a killer in paradise.
If Eve was made from the rib of Adam, that would make her his sister. Oh, joy!
It would not be his sister, but more himself in female form, because it was from part of him. It may sound bad to you, but if Adam and Eve were both virtually perfect humans unlike any of us today then it would be no comparison to anything we see today.
Adam and Eve lived over 900 years. And only in the first 200 years Adam could have a lot of daughter and sons could be filled few villages. And. Cain could easily find a wife in the village of Nod
Cain who was fathered by the serpent before it's body was changed did not recieve REVELATION regarding the blood covenant.. that is why his offering was not accepted. It took blood in Genesis and has been Throughout the Bible untill the Lord GOD HIMSELF provided the perfect offering to fullfill the Promise through HIS Word Created body Jesus Christ.
Man it seems like you are confused I doubt wether you understand yourself
@@wisdomdivine4843 if this is not understood, you need to pray up and ask. i don't see what is so confusing to you.. Cain was fathered by the serpent before it had the cursed body change.. what don't you get regarding that??
@@RudieSwanepoel-s5y meaning Cain is not the son of Adam meanwhile Abel was fathered by Adam right? But at the same time they were twins so how come other was fathered by serpent and the other twin father by Adam if surely you are not confused
@@wisdomdivine4843 now you asking the right questions brother. Go see what it says. The serpent spoke with Eve while Adam was naming the animals I believe. However, the serpent SPOKE.. that's point 1. Point 2. he beguiled her.. look up the word. 3. he caused her to eat" the apple with him! 4, then she gave Adam to eat" that eating of the apple was SEX. 5. She was impregnated and bore twins... Now,, look at the nature of the two sons. One was righteous and the other a murderer and a wisw@$$, that's not the nature of GOD. LOOK AT WHY THE BLOODLINE OF cain STOPS BEING RECORDED AND ONLY SETH, THE THIRDD SONS BLOODLINE CONTINUES...
But back to the fall... when God came looking for the children, they hid themselves because after they "ate" the 🍎 they realized they were naked.. ( ever saw a child who did stole sweets? What do they do... they hide there hands because it is what they used to do wrong right.. same with Adam and Eve, they closed not their faces but their nakedness (private parts) with figleave. Because that was used to do what GID told them not to do.. now, Adam could not be cursed, because he was already blessed, so GOD cursed the earth FOR HIS SAKE.. Eve was cursed with painfull child birth... and the the serpent? That was cursed with a body change into a snake.. see what it says..." because you had done this, FROM NOW ON, ON YOUR BELLY YOU WILL GO... read between the lines brother, the serpent was more Suttle than all the beasts of the earth... it was beast.. like the bodies we in is like in the line of beast.. and then turned into reptile... eating dust, biting the heel of man... So, the serpent was like a man, walking up right and speaking and able to have sex with a woman BEFORE, it was cursed.. so two sons were born from two men, one Satan's child thrue the serpent and one of God, thrue Adam.. OK, yes, she said God gave them sons... that is because GOD is the giver of life and allowed both sons to live together until the devils son killed the other, like he gas done thrue out the Bible with Moses, Joseph (well about killed Joseph) to Jesus the LORD... and what does he do to Christians?? Check history.. always been killing God's people. . Hope that helps.. Acts2:38 please..
Today last name Adam excited imagine the Daughters of Eve what is this reality 🤔 ❓️🌐
So, God knows everything that will happen. Then, he also knew his experiment would fail from the start.
There's another idea.! What if Cane said to God, how can I be a vagabon when were the only people on Earth. Then God snapped his finger , and said, not any more your not.
Cain offering was rejected because when man sinned God did not bring plant products to attorn the sin. He killed an animal. So offering at that point for sim as that was the purpose of offering, it means the acceptable offering from hence forth is the blood of animal or death of animal. So Cain was rejected because he did not have the knowledge of what actually attorn sin. First man created was Adam and Eve. The idea of existence of humanity before Adam and Eve, it’s very misleading and diabolical as it suggested that bible is lying when it said the beginning of the creation of humanity. There are no accident times before Adam and Eve. Wife of Cain can only have come up from Eva and Adam. Women birth were never emphasised unless there was specific reasons for their mention.