You can do a super combo. Here is how it works 1-your blood must be 25% 2- power gauge 100% -then rotate your diagonal in full circle motion to with pressing C then A. This game was ahead of its time and better than SF2 IMO.
@Sablicious I thought Hudson Soft's China Warrior introduced facial damage? It isn't just a beat 'em up, it also has versus segments like the Gladiator arcade by Taito and the uncredited Allumer. I recently noticed that Atari's Pit-Fighter had zooming, but in a 3D plane field. Ryo Sakazaki might look like a clone of SF's Ryu, but Ryu is to Pink Panther and Ryo is to Chester Cheetah. Created by the same creators for different companies. Same goes for SF1 and some of SNK's fighting games.
I was around during this time, was in my late teens(ish). I for one LIKE the mechanics in AOF as well as in Samurai Showdown. What I LIKE about this game is that the focus is mostly on feigns and counters with a handful if large, crushingly powerful strikes that turn the battle quickly. VS Street Fighter that is mostly full of rapid jabs damage that only nicks your health (mostly). Don't get me wrong I LOVE the SF series. I just also love VARIETY
Definitely. If any sentence defines SNK best, it's "Not what it looks like". (It definitely was Haoh from the start, though. They even say it out loud in the game when you do the move. You might be thinking of the normal fireball, Ko-Oh-Ken.)
It became Haoh Shoh-Koh-Ken later on in the series, as far as I can remember. I don't know, this game is a classic, as I said, but it came out they year afer Street Fighter 2 landed, so you can see where I'm coming from.
@jowrab Ryo is to Chester Cheetah and Ryu is to Pink Panther. They look similar, because they were created by the same creator for different companies. Robert was modeled after Steven Seagal. If you see Han Baedal from Viccom's Fight Fever and ever wondered why he resembles Ryu, don't just think that, think of him as a tribute to both Ryu and Ryo. I highly doubt Fight Fever's a pirated version of SNK's fighting games, because Viccom was SNK's Korean distributor. SNK most likely assisted them.
Good Video! :D you got the same Fight Style like me to beat Fat Jack :D Theres only one difference, i use down+hp (C Button ? ) after his Drop Kick and Special Movies, it takes a little Bit more Energie as the Low Kick.
@1983parrothead hell yeh..ill always respect SNK for innovating that concept. Thats why as much as i love SF im more anxious to play KOFXIII then i am to play MVC3..dope lookin game though dont get me wrong. But Kof 13 is that back to the roots hard core (zoom in and outs) vibe and in full blast 2D....great for a 90s arcade veteran like myself
@ojideagu: Not many people who are more accustomed to street get the hang of the KOF series. The KOF series was one of those fighting game that killed the turtle players (I really hated that in the SF games), it was created for true experts and the combo system was more advanced than any other SF game. Also it brought many new features to fighters, such as, the high/low jumps, evasion moves, and more. KOF isn't for the novice player. It's one of the most technical fighters out there.
@ojideagu: Yeah, SF may have had more fluid animation, but more frames of animation doesn't make it a better game. And about the controls, the stiffness of control is one of the best things about KOF. The controls were made for more experienced fighting game fans. Also most characters moves are done with the same basic commands in SF. There's really not much variety when it comes to SF. Especially not with all the head-swapped Ryu clones. That alone is a testament to capcoms lack of creativity
@ojideagu: That's if the world is still around for a PS5 or 6. But even if there still is a world, I really don't think there will be a PS 5 or 6, or any Xboxes are Wiis. Most games in the future will most likely be played on PC and handheld devices.
I remember seeing this at my local takeout (NEO GEO Multi Arcade 6 in 1 machines) and I was blown away by it all, the sounds + graphics only after some 19 years do I see some of the flaws , true it's not perfect but it was a start to the franchise and yet I still like this game because it's the essence to a great era in gaming now long gone..This and Fatal Fury (which I OP'd way too much) and World Heros are shizz, now I'm reduced to playing this on PSP now thats bloody tough...But still oh joy.
@1983parrothead I agree w/everything you say. I always considered this game a parody of SF2 showing how flawed it was and how to fix those flaws like the projectile issue. They gave the option of projectiles not canceling each other out among other things.
@ojideagu: Going back to the SNK Capcom thing for a minute, I remember you saying that Capcom created the Combo system? That's actually not true. Street Smart from SNK which was released in 1989 was on of the first fighting games that you could link moves together to create combos. And there were a few other games before it that did the same, Capcom just improved on the idea.
@demonkai76 While you play KOFXIII, be sure to also play Psikyo's Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels. One of SNKP's employees worked on that before moving to SNK. KOFXII and KOFXIII might be using the same sprite drawing and animating method of Psikyo's fighting game.
@demonkai76 lol, Even spamming in KOF requires 2-3 backup plans because it wont work 99% of the time. That's why Daigo wont touch them, it's not as easy as hadoken, shoryuken then cancel to super hadouken. I also hated the change of Ralf from 96-97, but it made sense from a vs. standpoint. It's hard as hell to stop him once he starts that combo and has unlimited supers, but I was able to do with Geese all the time (Raging Storm). The Ikari team has always been dangerous, I loved Heidern in 95.
I'd wager that AOF was what they'd wished they could do with SF, or what they wished SFII was. It makes sense that they'd want to make it as close to it as they can manage. (Oh and the punchline -- "Haow-Ken" is a mistranslation. It's "Haoh Shoh-Koh-Ken." Even better -- Robert's characterization as a rich playboy who likes kicking things predates that of Ken.)
THIS! was the first fuckin game to introduce supers and big ass hits. SF2 was the first to introduce combos. But this here was the real deal. When you served someone an ass whippin with a super THEY knew it LOL
Is this a clone of Street Fighter II? Well there are a few similarities, but the answer is no. Art of Fighting was perhaps the first to use energy bars for super attacks. It also prevented players from "spamming" each other with projectiles. Ran out of energy? Either continue beating up your opponents with regular attacks or recharge yourself at your risk. Art of Fighting was also the first to have a zooming view and characters with fighting taunts.
@theshooter2000 you hit it right on the head 100% in the different between KOF and SF. you cant spam city shit and get away with it like that. It took more technical skill in its own way to get over. and correct again about Ralph from 96-97. i was kinda annoyed that happend cuz i loved usin ralph that way for folks who try to pin me down with cheap tactics lol But i still favor the ralph 94. it felt good to win with him because it took skill to use him and beat a good player with the AOF team
@ojideagu: And for your information, MVS carts (arcade) are cheaper than AES (home console). And the people who buy those expensive Neo Geo carts do in fact play them. It's always better to play the game on it's original system. And don't get me wrong, I play SF and I love like the game, it's just that a game gets boring after doing the same exact moves for 20 years. At least SNK had the audacity to change their characters fighting styles and moves up from time to to break the monotony.
Because, if show you the full dialogue beetween the characters, the round start without back jump. A like starting the rounds with back jump. However this is an 'old school' game, i thing the story is very known.
@demonkai76 yeh i see you are a KOF fan like me lol. you didnt say anything wrong again. all true. yeh ralph 96 i used to like using for cheap apponents all the time. But yeh man i loved the Ikari team bro. I always pissed arcade beople off in 94 with Heidern first. ralph second and then an embrassing Clark last haha. 95 i liked the Aof Fighting team with that dash kick then vacuum punch afterwards. damn there instant daze every time. yeh it took a bit more to win in KOF thats for sure man^^
@ojideagu: "If they could make a KOF that looked like King Of Fighrters 12 but with the gameplay of the best KOF games I would buy that." SNKPlaymore took their fans complaints about the game play in KOF 12 not feeling like previous KOF games and claimed that that 13 would have the feeling of the older KOFs. I tried it, it's close, but still not perfect. But anyway, I guess that I should be happy that SNKPlaymore (I hate the playmore part) didn't give up on hand drawn games like Capcom did. :(
@demonkai76 Not really, Fatal Fury 2 had desperation moves although AOF was released first, FF 2 was in development first. Either way though SNK introduced tons of concepts that Capcom ripped off, most notably the super combo and the team concept.
@ojideagu: SVC was a rushed game and the only reason SNK even made that game was to stick with the deal that they made with Capcom. SNK didn't really care much for the game. And in Capcom vs SNK, the SNK characters had better Graphics that the recycled Alpha sprites and also made the Capcom characters look a bit goofy. And Capcom only has better physics to players who like to spam. If you can spam and turtle better than the other you win.
@ojideagu: And that's why Capcom should have never gave up on 2D sprites claiming they did all they could do. Tell me, how far has 3D graphics evolved? Even though they are so easy to make, there really hasn't been much evolving with them. On top of that, 3D graphics tend to become boring after a while. There is no real showing of artistic ability with 3D graphics. It's the same reason why Computer generated animation hasn't overtaking hand drawn animation.
@ojideagu: I saw that game. And no, it hasn't evolved much, and even if they were to evolve further, it they wouldn't do so on a home console system. If you look at 3D game form the late ninties up to now, there hasn't been a big leap in graphics.
@ojideagu: No, but I know someone who does. And also game developers say that rendering games in 3D are far more less time consuming than hand drawing every character and background and foreground by hand. It should be common sense anyway.
After now getting my hands on a copy of this for SNES, and playing it on GGPO, I can say that I was wrong. It's not terrible. It's still really weird and wonky, but it's old as shit, so that can easily be forgiven.
@theshooter2000 haha yeh thats what im sayin^^. From what i remember AOF back in the day at the arcades was the first one to have those life low come back beat down supers. FF2 (special) ended up being the same. And hell yeh Capcom ripped off that "Super move" concept from Snk. this i know of hands down lol. thats why i always liked Snk now matter how much i favored the Capcom "animated Design" more.
@tremorinmysoul I always felt that AoF was a parody of SF2 showing how to fix the problems of SF2 like spamming fireballs. If you notice most SNK games are hard to win by spamming special moves of all sorts (although many have tried), which is why I've always felt the gameplay was better. There is no Daigo of SNK gaming because there is no one way of exploiting SNK characters because if there is, SNK will fix it the next game (Like Ralf from KOF 96 being changed in 97).
@ojideagu: I agree that a few were, but not all. And the ones that were ripoffs made Capcom's Characters look like something you'd buy from Fisher Price. At least SNK doesn't head swap their characters and claim it a new one, they have a varied character roaster that's just teeming with wicked personalities and style. And on top of that, almost every innovation in fighting games was created bay SNK, most of which Capcom are only just beginning to implement into their games.
@ojideagu Last I recall the Zelda game and other titles created a pretty huge goddamn rush to get the SNES. How many owners of the Neo Geo have you heard of? I own one. How many CPS-1, CPS-2 system owners do you know? Probably little if any. The SNK games created a huge rush for people to buy the Neo Geo. Oh and BTW, it holds the record for highest selling game on Ebay at 14,000 for Kizuna Encounter. When did Crapcom's CPS ever get those kind of numbers on their own system? HAHAHA!
@ojideagu When you learn to argue with anything other than logical fallacies (ad hominem again) and other emotional appeals, maybe I'll respond. Maybe. For now, I'll just leave your comments to speak for themselves.
Hiroshi Matsumoto and Takashi Nishiyama are what I'm talking about. They're the reason Street Fighter exists and they're the reason Art of Fighting exists. They moved on to SNK some time after Street Fighter 1 was made. SNK suffers from misunderstandings like these so far up the ass they puke romcoms.
@ojideagu were a glitch in the original game. Everything else Capcom did was a ripoff of some other company (Super moves, parries, tech throws, etc). As for Doom, I wouldn't know. I avoid all first person shooters.
@RokuroCarisu Not original? This is a parody of SF made by the developers of the original SF, it's not supposed to be original. It was a way to show how you can take out the problems of SF 2 (spamming fireballs, etc).
@ojideagu: Yeah, there is a market for both, but personally I just don't like them. I don't see anything amazing about 3D graphics. The thing about SF, I was afraid that it would play similar to SFEX. And for some characters that is true. And drawn sprites are a real testimony to a companies real artistic abilities.
@ojideagu: Actually, Sony didn't revolutionize anything. What they did was make making gaming a bit too mainstream and they did that by bullying their way on to the market. And Nintendo didn't pull out of a console deal with Sony. Sony merely went to Nintendo with a proposal to create a CD add on for the Super Nintendo. Nintendo gave it some though, but after seeing how well the Sega CD was doing, Nintendo made the right choice by saying, "No thanks". It was later released as the PS1.
@ojideagu SF is not the first fighting game. I guess you didn't read any of the education laid out on this page. The guys that developed the first SF, went to SNK, but weren't allowed to bring Ryu with them. So they made fun of him and Ken by making AOF. AOF pretty much shows the flaws of SF and how to fix them. Dan shows no flaws of AOF or SNK. Hence, Capcom lost that battle.
@ojideagu: AOF's game play wasn't bad, it was just different. Also it was very difficult for novice players to just pick up and beat veterans by just spamming moves. SNK fighter have always been more technical and are. And you say KOF characters are forgettable? Have you know that SNK Characters as a whole are more popular among cos players in Japan, Europe and, the USA with Guilty gear characters next. Characters have always been boring and bland when compared to SNK characters.
@ojideagu First of all, you're stating nothing but straight up opinions. 2nd, clearly many people love the AOF game play as it had sequels and is still a sought after item today. AOF 3 is said to be some of the sweetest fighting game gameplay in history (Which, I'm sure you never played). Street Fighter 2 was huge, because anyone could play it. Hell my aunt played it in a bar and found it fun. You can't do that with a Neo Geo game, you'll get squashed pure and simple. Again, the modern 1 on 1
Ok, I get what you mean. Still, they can't go somewhere else and rip off a game, even if they helped create it. It's like if West and Zampella went to work for EA and made a game called "Cell of Duty". It'd still be a rip off, even if they made the original, since it's owned by another company.
@ojideagu: I know what people were willing to pay for SF, but for me it was never worth it. Especially since there was the prospect of Capcom later ripping you of by re-releasing the game a number of times with newer features. And also, when the King of fighters 2000 first came out, there were people paying up to 1,200 0r more to one of the first to get the game. And even still today, Neo Geo carts are being auctioned of for more than 25k, Metal slug 3 being one of those games. And btw, I'm 38.
@demonkai76 lol, AOF had the super that could be done from full life, but you had to recharge to use it again, making it harder to abuse the system. I always notice how much Capcom rips off SNK, WTF is PARRY??? It's called "JUST DEFEND" (Garou MOTW) and it's not unlimited Capcom! AOF is a prequel to FF, what does Capcom do? SFA. I could go on, but you get my point. And oh yeah, give us real conclusions. Bison never dies? WHY? Geese (in FF), Goenitz and Orochi are all gone. Capcom = unoriginal.
What exactly are you talking about? Ryu and the Hadoken were introduced in Street Fighter, made by Capcom in 1987 Art of Fighting was made by SNK in 1992 and it ripped off both name and move
@ojideagu Again, you're putting words in my mouth. When did I ever say it was NOT revolutionary??? I just said, it didn't contribute much to actual gameplay. It did contribute to fanbase, I admit that. Congratulations, you played other games, big deal. Street Fighter 2 is great. I love it. Do I prefer Neo Geo games? Yes. Did Neo Geo rip off Capcom? No, if you create something and go somewhere else and create a similar product, you can't rip yourself off. It's impossible.
@ojideagu: Why does it have to depend on Sony? Sony isn't the only game console developer you know, they weren't even the first. Also they've barley contributed anything innovative to gaming. If it were to be any console developer to which anything would depend on it's Nintendo. Besides, how are we not sure that in a few years the whole world won't be in economical or global turmoil? People cold be fighting over bread and water?
@ojideagu Street Fighter 2 did not create the modern blueprint. Yie Ar King Fu did. Clearly I'm older than you if I know what that game is and you don't. The only thing you have to refute my argument is to attack me (classic ad hominem attack). Not only was I around when SF2 came out, there was an FF arcade next to it and I'd say for a while they were neck and neck for quarters on the weekends until Champion Edition came out. SF2 only contributed one thing to gameplay, combos and those were a
@Imadeyourun SNK characters were always poor rip offs of Capcom. Hence why Capcom created Dan to mock SNK. A few Fatal Fury and KOF characters are memorable, but not many.
@ojideagu: Dude, I wouldn't say SNK's characters are poor. The characters if the fatal fury and king of fighters games made Capcoms characters look like some shit form the Flintstones. :-/
@seanfresh88: All Daigo does is pick the cheapest character he can find in the game. And if that character gets balanced out, he searches for another cheap one. Daigo sucks and only exploits the bugs and shit in SF. Sf take very little skill if any at all. And I've been playing both SF and SNK games for over 20 years.
Man how I wish I was a kid again!! SO many memories watching this. WHAT A GAME!!
You can do a super combo. Here is how it works 1-your blood must be 25% 2- power gauge 100% -then rotate your diagonal in full circle motion to with pressing C then A. This game was ahead of its time and better than SF2 IMO.
this brings me back to my childhood, MK, NBA JAM, METROID, SUPER MARIO, DONKEY KONG 123, ETC ETC ETC
Holy XXXX!!This is my first time to see such a tactics on AOF! You are awesome!
@Sablicious I thought Hudson Soft's China Warrior introduced facial damage? It isn't just a beat 'em up, it also has versus segments like the Gladiator arcade by Taito and the uncredited Allumer.
I recently noticed that Atari's Pit-Fighter had zooming, but in a 3D plane field.
Ryo Sakazaki might look like a clone of SF's Ryu, but Ryu is to Pink Panther and Ryo is to Chester Cheetah. Created by the same creators for different companies. Same goes for SF1 and some of SNK's fighting games.
I was around during this time, was in my late teens(ish). I for one LIKE the mechanics in AOF as well as in Samurai Showdown. What I LIKE about this game is that the focus is mostly on feigns and counters with a handful if large, crushingly powerful strikes that turn the battle quickly. VS Street Fighter that is mostly full of rapid jabs damage that only nicks your health (mostly). Don't get me wrong I LOVE the SF series. I just also love VARIETY
todo music theme just make the adrenaline flush through my veins, now I’m in the mood for a some bar fight :P
First STage Music...
So Awesomee! ^^
Fits so well
Definitely. If any sentence defines SNK best, it's "Not what it looks like".
(It definitely was Haoh from the start, though. They even say it out loud in the game when you do the move. You might be thinking of the normal fireball, Ko-Oh-Ken.)
It became Haoh Shoh-Koh-Ken later on in the series, as far as I can remember. I don't know, this game is a classic, as I said, but it came out they year afer Street Fighter 2 landed, so you can see where I'm coming from.
dang dude, this game brings really good memories, SNK RULEZ...!!!
damn your a beast this game pissed me off since I couldn't beat it
@jowrab Ryo is to Chester Cheetah and Ryu is to Pink Panther. They look similar, because they were created by the same creator for different companies. Robert was modeled after Steven Seagal. If you see Han Baedal from Viccom's Fight Fever and ever wondered why he resembles Ryu, don't just think that, think of him as a tribute to both Ryu and Ryo. I highly doubt Fight Fever's a pirated version of SNK's fighting games, because Viccom was SNK's Korean distributor. SNK most likely assisted them.
Good Video!
:D you got the same Fight Style like me to beat Fat Jack :D
Theres only one difference, i use down+hp (C Button ? ) after his Drop Kick and Special Movies, it takes a little Bit more Energie as the Low Kick.!
hell yeh..ill always respect SNK for innovating that concept. Thats why as much as i love SF im more anxious to play KOFXIII then i am to play MVC3..dope lookin game though dont get me wrong. But Kof 13 is that back to the roots hard core (zoom in and outs) vibe and in full blast 2D....great for a 90s arcade veteran like myself
@ojideagu: Not many people who are more accustomed to street get the hang of the KOF series. The KOF series was one of those fighting game that killed the turtle players (I really hated that in the SF games), it was created for true experts and the combo system was more advanced than any other SF game. Also it brought many new features to fighters, such as, the high/low jumps, evasion moves, and more. KOF isn't for the novice player. It's one of the most technical fighters out there.
Art of Fighting is the reason Dan EXISTS, kid.
@ojideagu: Yeah, SF may have had more fluid animation, but more frames of animation doesn't make it a better game. And about the controls, the stiffness of control is one of the best things about KOF. The controls were made for more experienced fighting game fans. Also most characters moves are done with the same basic commands in SF. There's really not much variety when it comes to SF. Especially not with all the head-swapped Ryu clones. That alone is a testament to capcoms lack of creativity
@ojideagu: That's if the world is still around for a PS5 or 6. But even if there still is a world, I really don't think there will be a PS 5 or 6, or any Xboxes are Wiis. Most games in the future will most likely be played on PC and handheld devices.
I remember seeing this at my local takeout (NEO GEO Multi Arcade 6 in 1 machines) and I was blown away by it all, the sounds + graphics only after some 19 years do I see some of the flaws , true it's not perfect but it was a start to the franchise and yet I still like this game because it's the essence to a great era in gaming now long gone..This and Fatal Fury (which I OP'd way too much) and World Heros are shizz, now I'm reduced to playing this on PSP now thats bloody tough...But still oh joy.
Damn, you are good! : )
Great! I would have liked it much better if you have shown the story though.
whoa i just came here to watch the game, scroll down and some sort of flame war going on lol
@RokuroCarisu And yet, SNK is known as Capcom's main competition during the nineties, i wonder why that is?
@Idries11 i feel you man, i remeember the first time i saw this on my friends new NEO*GEO... so many years ago...this game was unbelievable
@1983parrothead I agree w/everything you say. I always considered this game a parody of SF2 showing how flawed it was and how to fix those flaws like the projectile issue. They gave the option of projectiles not canceling each other out among other things.
@ojideagu: Going back to the SNK Capcom thing for a minute, I remember you saying that Capcom created the Combo system? That's actually not true. Street Smart from SNK which was released in 1989 was on of the first fighting games that you could link moves together to create combos. And there were a few other games before it that did the same, Capcom just improved on the idea.
@demonkai76 While you play KOFXIII, be sure to also play Psikyo's Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels. One of SNKP's employees worked on that before moving to SNK. KOFXII and KOFXIII might be using the same sprite drawing and animating method of Psikyo's fighting game.
@demonkai76 lol, Even spamming in KOF requires 2-3 backup plans because it wont work 99% of the time. That's why Daigo wont touch them, it's not as easy as hadoken, shoryuken then cancel to super hadouken. I also hated the change of Ralf from 96-97, but it made sense from a vs. standpoint. It's hard as hell to stop him once he starts that combo and has unlimited supers, but I was able to do with Geese all the time (Raging Storm). The Ikari team has always been dangerous, I loved Heidern in 95.
@Phillies64 Hey I agree, if it's in the game, it's in the game. But I like it when a company fixes a flawed system, which SNK has done more than once.
True on loving the arcade over snes version. But the snes version didnt have a bad soundtrack. they tried their best lol....
weeeeee :O :O
I'd wager that AOF was what they'd wished they could do with SF, or what they wished SFII was. It makes sense that they'd want to make it as close to it as they can manage.
(Oh and the punchline -- "Haow-Ken" is a mistranslation. It's "Haoh Shoh-Koh-Ken." Even better -- Robert's characterization as a rich playboy who likes kicking things predates that of Ken.)
ah good old king you find out that he is actually a ....
THIS! was the first fuckin game to introduce supers and big ass hits. SF2 was the first to introduce combos. But this here was the real deal. When you served someone an ass whippin with a super THEY knew it LOL
Is this a clone of Street Fighter II? Well there are a few similarities, but the answer is no. Art of Fighting was perhaps the first to use energy bars for super attacks. It also prevented players from "spamming" each other with projectiles. Ran out of energy? Either continue beating up your opponents with regular attacks or recharge yourself at your risk. Art of Fighting was also the first to have a zooming view and characters with fighting taunts.
you hit it right on the head 100% in the different between KOF and SF. you cant spam city shit and get away with it like that. It took more technical skill in its own way to get over. and correct again about Ralph from 96-97. i was kinda annoyed that happend cuz i loved usin ralph that way for folks who try to pin me down with cheap tactics lol But i still favor the ralph 94. it felt good to win with him because it took skill to use him and beat a good player with the AOF team
@ojideagu: And for your information, MVS carts (arcade) are cheaper than AES (home console). And the people who buy those expensive Neo Geo carts do in fact play them. It's always better to play the game on it's original system. And don't get me wrong, I play SF and I love like the game, it's just that a game gets boring after doing the same exact moves for 20 years. At least SNK had the audacity to change their characters fighting styles and moves up from time to to break the monotony.
Because, if show you the full dialogue beetween the characters, the round start without back jump. A like starting the rounds with back jump.
However this is an 'old school' game, i thing the story is very known.
yeh i see you are a KOF fan like me lol. you didnt say anything wrong again. all true. yeh ralph 96 i used to like using for cheap apponents all the time. But yeh man i loved the Ikari team bro. I always pissed arcade beople off in 94 with Heidern first. ralph second and then an embrassing Clark last haha. 95 i liked the Aof Fighting team with that dash kick then vacuum punch afterwards. damn there instant daze every time. yeh it took a bit more to win in KOF thats for sure man^^
Wow, all this flame war below starts just because there's a guy playing Art of fighting.
@ojideagu: "If they could make a KOF that looked like King Of Fighrters 12 but with the gameplay of the best KOF games I would buy that."
SNKPlaymore took their fans complaints about the game play in KOF 12 not feeling like previous KOF games and claimed that that 13 would have the feeling of the older KOFs. I tried it, it's close, but still not perfect. But anyway, I guess that I should be happy that SNKPlaymore (I hate the playmore part) didn't give up on hand drawn games like Capcom did. :(
@demonkai76 Not really, Fatal Fury 2 had desperation moves although AOF was released first, FF 2 was in development first. Either way though SNK introduced tons of concepts that Capcom ripped off, most notably the super combo and the team concept.
@ojideagu: SVC was a rushed game and the only reason SNK even made that game was to stick with the deal that they made with Capcom. SNK didn't really care much for the game. And in Capcom vs SNK, the SNK characters had better Graphics that the recycled Alpha sprites and also made the Capcom characters look a bit goofy. And Capcom only has better physics to players who like to spam. If you can spam and turtle better than the other you win.
Oh look! someone who knows how to play!!
@ojideagu: And that's why Capcom should have never gave up on 2D sprites claiming they did all they could do. Tell me, how far has 3D graphics evolved? Even though they are so easy to make, there really hasn't been much evolving with them. On top of that, 3D graphics tend to become boring after a while. There is no real showing of artistic ability with 3D graphics. It's the same reason why Computer generated animation hasn't overtaking hand drawn animation.
@ojideagu: I saw that game. And no, it hasn't evolved much, and even if they were to evolve further, it they wouldn't do so on a home console system. If you look at 3D game form the late ninties up to now, there hasn't been a big leap in graphics.
i have this game for my nintendo wii , in the arcade collection snk
@ojideagu: No, but I know someone who does. And also game developers say that rendering games in 3D are far more less time consuming than hand drawing every character and background and foreground by hand. It should be common sense anyway.
Good video quality, unimpressed with the skills though.
i feel sorry for snk, wish they were more popular
@theshooter2000: Yeah, SNK games are more about the skill of the player and not about who is able to spam better.
Rising uppercut: Foward, Down Foward, Forward + Punch.
After now getting my hands on a copy of this for SNES, and playing it on GGPO, I can say that I was wrong. It's not terrible. It's still really weird and wonky, but it's old as shit, so that can easily be forgiven.
haha yeh thats what im sayin^^. From what i remember AOF back in the day at the arcades was the first one to have those life low come back beat down supers. FF2 (special) ended up being the same. And hell yeh Capcom ripped off that "Super move" concept from Snk. this i know of hands down lol. thats why i always liked Snk now matter how much i favored the Capcom "animated Design" more.
Holy shit. I hated the AI, this makes me feel a little better.
@tremorinmysoul I always felt that AoF was a parody of SF2 showing how to fix the problems of SF2 like spamming fireballs. If you notice most SNK games are hard to win by spamming special moves of all sorts (although many have tried), which is why I've always felt the gameplay was better. There is no Daigo of SNK gaming because there is no one way of exploiting SNK characters because if there is, SNK will fix it the next game (Like Ralf from KOF 96 being changed in 97).
Hehe how many of yall remember that if you beat king with super fireball her shirt becomes unbuttoned.
@ojideagu: I agree that a few were, but not all. And the ones that were ripoffs made Capcom's Characters look like something you'd buy from Fisher Price. At least SNK doesn't head swap their characters and claim it a new one, they have a varied character roaster that's just teeming with wicked personalities and style. And on top of that, almost every innovation in fighting games was created bay SNK, most of which Capcom are only just beginning to implement into their games.
very amsuin history lesson there lol
@9ner So is KOF 98 I can't beat any of the modes( I probably just suck)
@ojideagu Last I recall the Zelda game and other titles created a pretty huge goddamn rush to get the SNES. How many owners of the Neo Geo have you heard of? I own one. How many CPS-1, CPS-2 system owners do you know? Probably little if any. The SNK games created a huge rush for people to buy the Neo Geo. Oh and BTW, it holds the record for highest selling game on Ebay at 14,000 for Kizuna Encounter. When did Crapcom's CPS ever get those kind of numbers on their own system? HAHAHA!
Will anyone tell me how to get the music please?
@HuracanPolimar Maybe they were the real ones playing Art of Fighting.
@ojideagu When you learn to argue with anything other than logical fallacies (ad hominem again) and other emotional appeals, maybe I'll respond. Maybe. For now, I'll just leave your comments to speak for themselves.
It's not. It does have some stuff going for it that makes it worth playing, but not that much.
Hiroshi Matsumoto and Takashi Nishiyama are what I'm talking about. They're the reason Street Fighter exists and they're the reason Art of Fighting exists. They moved on to SNK some time after Street Fighter 1 was made. SNK suffers from misunderstandings like these so far up the ass they puke romcoms.
@ojideagu were a glitch in the original game. Everything else Capcom did was a ripoff of some other company (Super moves, parries, tech throws, etc). As for Doom, I wouldn't know. I avoid all first person shooters.
@RokuroCarisu Not original? This is a parody of SF made by the developers of the original SF, it's not supposed to be original. It was a way to show how you can take out the problems of SF 2 (spamming fireballs, etc).
@ojideagu: Yeah, there is a market for both, but personally I just don't like them. I don't see anything amazing about 3D graphics. The thing about SF, I was afraid that it would play similar to SFEX. And for some characters that is true. And drawn sprites are a real testimony to a companies real artistic abilities.
@ojideagu: Actually, Sony didn't revolutionize anything. What they did was make making gaming a bit too mainstream and they did that by bullying their way on to the market. And Nintendo didn't pull out of a console deal with Sony. Sony merely went to Nintendo with a proposal to create a CD add on for the Super Nintendo. Nintendo gave it some though, but after seeing how well the Sega CD was doing, Nintendo made the right choice by saying, "No thanks". It was later released as the PS1.
@ojideagu SF is not the first fighting game. I guess you didn't read any of the education laid out on this page. The guys that developed the first SF, went to SNK, but weren't allowed to bring Ryu with them. So they made fun of him and Ken by making AOF. AOF pretty much shows the flaws of SF and how to fix them. Dan shows no flaws of AOF or SNK. Hence, Capcom lost that battle.
wow, u kicked todo's ass!
@ojideagu: AOF's game play wasn't bad, it was just different. Also it was very difficult for novice players to just pick up and beat veterans by just spamming moves. SNK fighter have always been more technical and are. And you say KOF characters are forgettable? Have you know that SNK Characters as a whole are more popular among cos players in Japan, Europe and, the USA with Guilty gear characters next. Characters have always been boring and bland when compared to SNK characters.
@ojideagu First of all, you're stating nothing but straight up opinions. 2nd, clearly many people love the AOF game play as it had sequels and is still a sought after item today. AOF 3 is said to be some of the sweetest fighting game gameplay in history (Which, I'm sure you never played). Street Fighter 2 was huge, because anyone could play it. Hell my aunt played it in a bar and found it fun. You can't do that with a Neo Geo game, you'll get squashed pure and simple. Again, the modern 1 on 1
donde encuentro este juego para el play lo jugue cuando tenia 10 años y me gustaria volver a jugarlo
Ok, I get what you mean. Still, they can't go somewhere else and rip off a game, even if they helped create it. It's like if West and Zampella went to work for EA and made a game called "Cell of Duty". It'd still be a rip off, even if they made the original, since it's owned by another company.
LOL Ryo with the Haow-Ken. ^^°
They just couldn't make something original, could they?
@ojideagu: I know what people were willing to pay for SF, but for me it was never worth it. Especially since there was the prospect of Capcom later ripping you of by re-releasing the game a number of times with newer features. And also, when the King of fighters 2000 first came out, there were people paying up to 1,200 0r more to one of the first to get the game. And even still today, Neo Geo carts are being auctioned of for more than 25k, Metal slug 3 being one of those games. And btw, I'm 38.
is this better than street fighter 2?
aww u didn't blow king's clothes away....
@demonkai76 lol, AOF had the super that could be done from full life, but you had to recharge to use it again, making it harder to abuse the system. I always notice how much Capcom rips off SNK, WTF is PARRY??? It's called "JUST DEFEND" (Garou MOTW) and it's not unlimited Capcom! AOF is a prequel to FF, what does Capcom do? SFA. I could go on, but you get my point. And oh yeah, give us real conclusions. Bison never dies? WHY? Geese (in FF), Goenitz and Orochi are all gone. Capcom = unoriginal.
What exactly are you talking about?
Ryu and the Hadoken were introduced in Street Fighter, made by Capcom in 1987
Art of Fighting was made by SNK in 1992 and it ripped off both name and move
ha does anyone remember playing this as a kid and finding out King was a girl?
@ojideagu Again, you're putting words in my mouth. When did I ever say it was NOT revolutionary??? I just said, it didn't contribute much to actual gameplay. It did contribute to fanbase, I admit that. Congratulations, you played other games, big deal. Street Fighter 2 is great. I love it. Do I prefer Neo Geo games? Yes. Did Neo Geo rip off Capcom? No, if you create something and go somewhere else and create a similar product, you can't rip yourself off. It's impossible.
@ojideagu: Why does it have to depend on Sony? Sony isn't the only game console developer you know, they weren't even the first. Also they've barley contributed anything innovative to gaming. If it were to be any console developer to which anything would depend on it's Nintendo. Besides, how are we not sure that in a few years the whole world won't be in economical or global turmoil? People cold be fighting over bread and water?
@ojideagu: I really don't like KOF13. In my opinion, 2000 was the last good KOF game , and Alpha 3 the last good SF game.
@ojideagu Street Fighter 2 did not create the modern blueprint. Yie Ar King Fu did. Clearly I'm older than you if I know what that game is and you don't. The only thing you have to refute my argument is to attack me (classic ad hominem attack). Not only was I around when SF2 came out, there was an FF arcade next to it and I'd say for a while they were neck and neck for quarters on the weekends until Champion Edition came out. SF2 only contributed one thing to gameplay, combos and those were a
@CrimsonMoonM They sure made some good games, but this wasn't really one of them. ^^°
@Imadeyourun SNK characters were always poor rip offs of Capcom. Hence why Capcom created Dan to mock SNK. A few Fatal Fury and KOF characters are memorable, but not many.
i suck on AoF but i still play it.....
@ojideagu: Dude, I wouldn't say SNK's characters are poor. The characters if the fatal fury and king of fighters games made Capcoms characters look like some shit form the Flintstones. :-/
this game was fucking tough
@seanfresh88: All Daigo does is pick the cheapest character he can find in the game. And if that character gets balanced out, he searches for another cheap one. Daigo sucks and only exploits the bugs and shit in SF. Sf take very little skill if any at all. And I've been playing both SF and SNK games for over 20 years.
I remember this shit
no es del mame jilaso....con las consolas se hace todo eso pero en el mame ni te ^^¡
this is not arcade; this moves are the supernintendo game; i know this game... poor vato...