I think maybe (as far as movies go) "blind" has been portrayed with dark sunglasses as a way to hide the fact that the actor is a sighted person. Just a thought I had.
Morgana Fry Probably not. Like Molly, a lot of blind people's eyes look just like the next person, and most people who aren't born blind look around and move their eyes while talking, like her. Going off your thought, though, it's a lot easier for people who make these stories to have their actors wear dark glasses to make it obvious that they're blind. Kind of lazy storytelling, isn't it?
No. It isn't "lazy" storytelling at all. If you're making a movie you're not going to just have a character say "Hey, I'm Joe and I'm blind" that would be oddly interruptive.
Yeah, because the only way for a director to portray a blind character is either with dark sunglasses or "Hey, I'm blind." No other way at all. Completely impossible. It's not like with a little bit of effort, and a minuscule amount of knowledge about the blind community, they can easily show it. If they have a character walk around tapping a white cane, or being guided by a dog in a vest, that is hugely vague and the viewers probably wouldn't understand. If they could do that, but instead cop out by using dark sunglasses, then that would be lazy storytelling, but since there's no other way to portray a blind person other than "Hey, I'm blind." I guess you're right, huh. And on a side note, did you know that you need water to survive? Very obscure fact.
Some people say blind people who don't look blind do it for attention. It's so annoying. If someone asks for help blind or not blind you can at least be respectful and help.
Kathleen Kitty It makes me so sad and angry to hear that people are not understanding or believing so that Molly begrudgingly has to further the sunglass stereotype just so that people help her when she asks. I understand that it can be belittling to people with disabilities to be asked if they need help at times. But at least these people are empathetic and have good intentions. What's wrong with people who don't help others even when specifically asked to? I was raised to be mindful and jump to assistance to everyone who looks struggling eg senior citizens, women with baby strollers, people with disabilities or anyone else who might be lost, confused or struggling in a situation. If we don't do that what's the point of living in society and not like lone wolfs in the forest when it wasn't for taking care of each other?
I understand everything she said, but to be fair you can't SEE if someone can't see unless of course they have no eyes or something obvious. Both sides of the argument are tough. Also, when I was younger I knew of a guy that liked to hang around the mall and act like he was completely blind but could actually see well enough to identify someone. It was actually a well known fact about this person. It's unfortunate that that guy wasn't honest. Oh well. Either way, I really enjoy Molly's videos she seems like a really great person I love the attitude!
Not necessarily, I had a friend when I was growing up that had eyes that moved in the same way and he was NOT blind. BUT with her guide dog, people SHOULD respond just by her asking for help and having a guide dog, so that should be pretty obvious she does need help; whether it's blindness or otherwise, someone with a guide dog clearly has some sort of handicap.
Tar Snake Actually, having eyes that flutter is a sign of a handicap in the eyes, if it's lack of vision, or total blindness, or a sensitivity. Fluttering eyes do give an idea that the person is visually handicapped in some way.
Love your videos! So eye opening (pun-intended) for sighted people. On another note, you look stunning here. The monochromatic look with the pink make up and shirt...💕💕and loving all the hair out of your face 😍
I am sighted, but I have chronic illnesses that cause me to use a wheelchair when I go on longer outings or have bad pain days. Able bodied people seem to have this idea in their heads that only people with paralysis need wheelchairs. I love my wheelchair and had it made custom, with a bright green frame! It makes going out so much easier and more comfortable for me. I do sometimes feel self-conscious about moving my legs or standing up from my wheelchair in public though. I worry that people will accuse me of faking. [My ride is not cheap and I would not have ordered an ultralightweight rigid wheelchair if I did not need one!] Interesting how we have to sometimes conform ourselves to some stereotype when we are in public.
CyberneticRose Hey! As a able bodied person I have seen some people in a wheelchair stand up . It was a surprise but in the sense that I felt kinda stupid to have thinking that every person in a wheelchair is paralyzed. plus it was a pleasant surprise , I was happy for this person. anyways, don't be afraid to feel free and move like you want in public.the only ones who will judge you are not worth the pain :) sorry for the English by the way
I had surgery on my knee, so I was hobbling on crutches with bandages and stitches on my knee. I went shopping with my sister and had to get a wheelchair because I could only stand on one leg for so long. I got so many dirty looks when I was wheeling around, and especially when I stood up for a brief moment to grab something that was out of reach. I even had a lady purposely block me from getting through and I got stuck trying to turn around.
I have cancer and now my hair has grown back but for about a year I didnt have hair and wore beanies all the time. I could always tell when people were staring or had that pity look on their face. I had a wig but HATED it because it didnt look like MY hair and was not comfortable. The few times I wore my wig, no one stared. But I wasn't going to wear it just to make someone else feel better. I loved wearing beanies because they were so soft, kept me warm, and I got to match them with all my outfits! Its important for YOU to feel comfortable the way you are, not someone else.
Also people haven't believed that I have cancer just because I have hair which is honestly very frustrating. But then I show them my giant scar and they shut up :)
I think the reason for people not realizing you're blind when you have a guide dog or not wearing glasses is because 1. guide dogs service all kinds of disabilities these days, not always blindness, and 2. since your eyes don't "look blind", there are people with impaired vision that use the phrase "I'm blind," not to be taken literally but to mean that their vision is so bad they can't function without corrective vision, so people who don't know you, when they hear that at first, they might think you're joking/exaggerating, not to be mean or rude. I think most people don't intend to be unhelpful at all, it's just pure ignorance from them never having met a blind person before. I think your videos are very enlightening for sighted people, as these are things we would never know otherwise. ^^;
EndohMiharu I agree. Her mannerisms and ability to track her eyes so well make it nearly if not impossible to tell that she is blind. There are service dogs for all types of disabilities and sometimes you will see trainers out in public with service dogs in training so just having a dog doesn't distinguish a person as being blind. I also thought blind people were more independent with the help of dogs and I didn't realize they would ever need help from a sighted person. It's just lack of exposure to people of disability that cause these misconceptions.
Her mannerisms and ability to track her eyes are that way because she was able to see until some years ago, she has developed eye muscles and instinctively or maybe better said muscle memory makes her 'look'. And just like most blind people she isn't 100% blind, she can still see very bright lights and that's how she's able to look at the camera (there is a light on top of it).
kcnurse I didnt even know there was a different type of vest. So the original comment still stands on the fact that it is just people not knowing what to look for
Hey Molly! We met at the TH-cam Black event, my channel is Slice N Rice if you remember :) Your Raybans at the event (the last one in this video) were SO cute and so was your outfit that day! It was so good meeting you. Thank you for sharing this information in this video! I love the color scheme in this. Much love!
I'm legally blind and I have to wear dark sunglasses every time I go outside because I have major photophobia. but I don't wear them indoors at all. I wouldn't be able to use my vision to the best of its ability indoors if I had sunglasses on. Sometimes I want to wear them to "pass" as a blind person too, but I never have for that reason.
rwl 04 haha legally blind is just a fancy way of saying that I'm a blind person by law but I can still see a little bit. I'm not totally blind, but my vision cannot be corrected with glasses/contacts.
I'm sighted but sometimes I will wear sunglasses indoors for migraines. I also have severe anxiety about being poked in the eye (particularly by tree branches due to a childhood incident) I wonder if some blind people have a similar fear?
Out of interest, do you ever get people assuming that you're blind, like when you're sitting down and not doing much and it's not really obvious that you're using your sight? Kind of like the opposite of what happens to blind people who don't were sun glasses.
Sighted, but on the Autism spectrum and also have light sensitivities--migraine inducing. Although I've made adjustments to my computer and portable devices (apps or settings to reduce blue light emissions and decrease brightness), as well as making rooms I enter/exit darker than most other people might like. I also have a lazy eye that corrective surgery and spectacles never quite fixed, and have to make a conscious effort to focus out of my affected eye (left)--otherwise it drifts up a little because the muscles aren't strong enough to stay in a "normal" position. I may use it to confuse some people from time to time. I also use UV reactive lenses when outside.
I've been accused of "faking my disability" on more than one occasion where I've been using my cane (which I don't do all the time) because people see me looking around at stuff and using the functional vision I do have. Sunglasses prevent that... I guess then they think I'm just listening to everything? Mostly, though, I don't bother. If people have an issue with it, that's their problem, not mine.
Kelli Shaver i think someone should not be questioned about there disability. And i think that people should not fake disability. I have a very bad and sensitive stomach and i was denied acces to bring my medication in because they thought that i was faking it and trying to bring drugs in. But that is no comparison how people question and deny acess to the blind and deaf
Kelli Shaver I know it's not the same, but I use walking aids for my disability as an advertisement of sorts. They don't help me much, but what it does do is tell other people that I have a mobility issue. I have a joint disease that affects my extremities and using them causes inflammation and pain. So if I don't use them people won't give me a seat on the bus or Attack me for using the elevator or other random crap.
I love love LOVE this video. You are incredible in front of the camera and props for the solid sunglasses collection. I'm so happy to have met you at vidcon!
You are honestly such an inspiration. My nan lost her eye sight when she was in a car accident when she was 16. Honestly she does not look blind but she is and honestly the fact that you stand up for your self is amazing and honestly i love you for being so strong and showing us your daily life!! x
love the colors in this video, the pastels and the lighting. All the sunglasses are very pretty, I usually just get Ray-Bans which I think are pretty cool. Can you tell them apart by shape then?
i love that you chose to make videos to education and answer questions people may be curious about. i love it, i love when people speak about their experiences and talk about blindness like it's a very normal thing. makes me feel 100x more comfortable with my partial visions and living with it
wow it's amazing how you can remember all the features of each pair! The aqua ones are really cool, the metal is gold. They also have kind of a gradient in the lens darkness in addition to being metallic.
Molly, your channel is definitely one of my favourites. I love watching you because you're so real. You don't exaggerate anything, you get straight to the point and talk to your viewers like you're having a conversation with them. I feel like a lot of videos I watch are quite fast, so watching yours is refreshing, it's nice to listen to something with a bit of a slower pace.
I love how real you are in your videos. I didn't even know this side of TH-cam existed but it's amazing. Completely not the same thing, but I always felt on my own being plus size and finding other plus size youtubers really helped me with my confidence. I love that you're doing the same thing for other blind people, as well as educating people that wouldn't normally understand this.
OMG i saw you in the dove commercial in austria!!! i was soo excited bc i didn't think they would use the american one! you were dubbt :/ but still amazing!
it's so cool to see a "haul" or this type of thing where you actually describe the products like you do (understandably if your audience includes more blind people than some other youtubers statistically) and hear you talk about fashion from your perspective! I do see - even though I have to wear glasses - but I still enjoyed hearing you talk about it this way!
Wow, thanks for this video Molly. I learnt a lot. And you're right, I find it upsetting that blink people have to change them self for other people's comfort. They should live how they want to live without being judged. P.S. You look very pretty. Goals 🙂
I'm not blind but your comment "If my eyes bother you that's your problem" REALLY resonated me and I just wanted to say thank you... I have had a really bad lazy eye since I was a kid and I was always told that I should cover it up to make other people feel better... I've always been really self-concious of it, but I felt so much more empowered after hearing you talk about it. So thanks :)
I saw the casey video, i dont know if the content is particularly for me. You the bomb girl. i thing pleanty of people are going to find your videos amazing, and especially for the blind i can imagine that you are going to be "their casey neistat". per se :D
I absolutely love that you come out and talk about this stuff for people who want to know more about being blind and how difficult it actually is. By the way I really love your videos and other content, keep it up!💕💕
@Molly Burke I am a new subscriber and I am glad to find someone who's part of the blind community doing TH-cam and is awesome to experience. I myself deal with optic nerve hypoplasia, meaning an underdevelopment of the optic nerve for those who don't know. I also have macular degeneration which makes me very afraid that I may actually completely lose my vision. But I'm really happy to find your channel. Thank you again.
When she said if my shaking eyes make you feel uncomfortable, I was like wait what and then I actually noticed they did and it’s so cool honestly. It’s different and that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s really cool to me honestly. These videos honestly do help inform people that the stereotypes that we are all lead to believe are “standard” or the “norm” and honestly.. its just like putting on blinders and blocking out the ability to understand things other people live with and what is considered “standard” or a “norm” and it’s honestly so cool to me.
It always annoys me when someone says they are something and other people don't believe them. I have a few friends that are transgender and someone does not believe them when they say they are a boy or a girl. I wish all people could accept other and not judge them. Anyone is different and I love that we all did not come from, as I like to say, a cookie cutter factory. I don't get why people try to be hateful. I would never want to just hate on people, they seem like they need to find joy in their life.
my best friend is transgender too! and i hate that so i always give people the look or make sure i slip in that rhey are a boy somehow. also its really cool that you know several transgender people because thats really rare! anyway knce they get older it will get better. also do ou knkw if its easier boy to girl or girl to boy just because my school isnt really supportive of my friend and neither are his parents but i read somewhere about someone going boy to girl who was supported massively and theres another transgender kid in my school but they came into the school as transgender so that might just be why they are supported. and do you have any tips for cheering them up when they have disphoria just because its happened sometimes when its so bad for my friend that they have totally broken down gut the teachers wouldnt let him go home. even though he has been transgender for 3 years they think that its a dare and the school honestly make me sick. but if you could respond that would be great. thanks👍✌️
clementine smith the only thing you really can do is just support your friend. One of my transgender friends’ dads does not support them which is really hard for her. She also has issues from a whole lot of other stuff. Your friend is the one who is going to tell you what they need and you cannot control them. The part about adults who don’t believe them is again be there and support them. Unfortunately, until you’re an adult and not with any parents you have to listen it stinks. Just always listen to what your friend need and be supportive and not judgement. This goes for any friend in a bad situation not just being transgender.
Maureen O'Brien or another content creator on YT that is deaf and visually impaired in one eye. Not sure how people can say that if it’s over the Internet or at all because they don’t fit the stereotypes
there are a lot of reasons why trans people get more or less support from cis people. i feel like cis people who knew me before i came out feel betrayed or like i'm lying to them when i come out. that being said, the best you can do is be supportive and honest with the trans people you cross paths with. we don't rely on cis people to exist, but everyone needs approval. if you want to learn about trans experiences from youtubers, check out Ty Turner or Stef Sanjati, among many others.
Hi, Molly! I thank you for all the videos you make and all the helpful tips you give about growing up in the blind community. I have recently been going to many different doctors to try and figure out what is causing my vision to decline. Last year, my vision started to decrease after getting a new lens prescription, which then resulted in chronic migraines that come with complete loss of vision while they are happening. As of now, my vision is such that I can't drive anymore, have severe photophobia, and half my face becomes numb every time the migraine happens. I hope to be able to figure this out soon and be able to thrive like you and many others do who are a part of the blind community! Also, I have been Deaf for more than a decade, and the doctors have some suspicion that it has a correlation with my vision decline. Thank you again for all the good you do and continue doing what you do! Sincerely, Jen
The last pair of raybans, and also the newest ones you've got, was so lovely and cool! They fitted your face very well, and you looked so beautiful with them on, great pick!
I loved this video! I completely agree with what you were saying at the beginning about the misrepresentation of blind people in the media. Unfortunately, even charities dealing with sight loss perpetuate this stereotype by using people who 'look' blind in their adverts. What I mean by this is people who wear dark glasses, those with misshapen eyes or those who keep their eyes shut all the time. It's sad that the general public don't see us as we are in our daily lives! I lost my vision too but unfortunately can't really control my eyes that well. My light perception is essentially non-existent (I see it if a bright light, such as a flashlight, is pressed up against one of my eyes), but sometimes I want to wear sunglasses for fashion or because I feel insecure about how my eyes look or even how I look that day. What do you think? Even though I'm not photophobic, do you think it's still acceptable for me to wear them? Do you think it's reinforcing a stereotype and therefore defeating the cause that we're fighting for? I'm so torn! However, I've never thought of wearing them to 'pass'. It's probably because I now 'look' blind now that I don't focus my eyes and - hence - the muscles are weak now so they just move around wherever they want to. I admire that you still 'look' sighted, as you've obviously really tried to stay in the sighted world and such. By the way, if you're using VO, I've put 'look' is quotation marks most times. I loved this video.
Grace Marsh have you ever thought about wearing prosthesis? They can open your eyes and help them look more natural. I have prosthesis because my eyes were damaged by cancer and I love them.
Sarai Hernandez I would definitely consider that, I think it would help me feel a lot more comfortable. However, I doubt the doctors would agree to it, as my eyes haven't been damaged by an accident or cancer. What do you think?
Molly, I didn't know there was a blind vlogger but let me tell you that you are a beautiful creature. I hope you the best! i know i will learn so much from your story and everything.
There is one thing that really upsets me... I think it doesn't matter if you're blind or not, if you need to get help and others can help you out very easy you should get that help anyway. It is so easy to help someone out with all the little things. For example If you cannot read a menu, no matter if it' because you're blind or not able to read or whatever, it shouldn't be a big deal at all to get someone to help you. But enough of that, I really apreciate your personality 😊 you're so openminded with that topic and I love that! Hope you're having a fantastic day X
don't want to sound rude, just quite curious. Does it ever hurt your eyes because they shake? I know when my eyes get tired (I'm not blind or have any type of impairment) they start to shake and it gets a little uncomfortable. anyway, just curious, thanks!
I can relate to that so much! My mom is heavily physically disabled but does not use a wheelchair or crutch or cast on a daily basis, except after surgeries (which unfortunately happen very often). Every time, as soon as she has this visible "signal" telling others 'hey, be careful around that person', she has to fight people aiding her and prove that she needs a seat etc. it is so frustrating!
I have a legally blind friend who has an extremely rare condition that no doctor so far has been able to diagnose, she's mainly sensitive to light and sound but also can't eat a lot of food because her brain is actually trying to kill/isolate itself and she has no control over it. The last time I saw her wearing her sunglasses(stereotypical huge black unfashionable ones) was at least 2 months ago, she only ears them in summer(where I live it's winter) so there's really no point in wearing them when it's extremely cloudy
I really like your new pair! They reflect blue straight on but when you held them at an angle it reflected purple, I love things that reflect multiple colors it looks so cool lol. Love your aesthetic!!
She said in Shane Dawson's video that because visual memory doesn't last very long, she can't really remember what anything looks like and her dreams are more like sounds and smells and feelings, etc.
So I saw the dove commercial like 2 years ago before I started watching you and then I saw it again and you were like “hi I’m Molly Burke” and I was like “omg! This is Molly Burke!” Because that commercial was so inspirational to me!
As an autistic person, I don't really look people in the eyes anyway so the shaking isn't something that would ever bother me personally, however I don't think blind people should feel they need to wear dark glasses for anyone other than themselves.
I have to say Molly that you have two of the most amazing eyes I have ever seen! I am really into wordless communication and I´m so impressed with how much emotion and information you express through our eyes. Your eyes say way more than the average person does. To be honest it doesn't feel like you are blind at all. And as to the shaking of your eyes, actually, everyone's eyes shakes all the time. It has to do with the mechanism in our eyes that lets us see. But for people with sight, the eyes only need to move a tiny bit to distinguish a "picture". My theory is that since your eyes don't get any input with small movements, the eyes try to compensate that with larger movements. So actually your eyes are perfectly normal, they are just not calibrated.
Hi Molly, hearing about the light sensitvity, you can see for a bit here. A little shake, only when you know. Still you are a beautyful person, with an amazing positive outlook on life. Keep on fighting, you are a beauty, an inspiration!
I really appreciate that you go through these things on your channel. I've often wondered what the appropriate action would be when I encounter a blind person in certain situations. Generally, I avoid interaction, not because I am afraid of them or don't want to interact with them, but I'm afraid that I would do the wrong thing or offend them or because I really don't know if blind people are comfortable enough with their normal that the don't need help. Your videos will help me in the future, I'm sure.
Personally, you *do* look blind to me. Because your eyes aren’t as expressive as other people. And that’s saying a lot coming from someone with autism, I normally can’t tell when people are being expressive, but I can notice the difference in you. It’s like… I can’t explain it to anyone but a sighted person… no wait I can… I think… it’s like you’re not really seeing anything, your eyes will stare straight on longer than most people. Your eyes, while yes they move, they linger on people longer than sighted people… and you can kinda tell that “this person isn’t fully seeing me”… maybe it’s because I have glasses or something, and I know kind of what I look like when I don’t have them on… I try to focus more on one thing rather than look around… I don’t know, I just can get the vibe from you that you can’t really see…
It's hard to explain, isn't it? It's like when you're with a sighted person and you know their mind is somewhere else because they're not really looking at you (even if their eyes are facing you). But it's hard to pinpoint exactly why you know they're not staring at you.
I've only known Molly through a few videos so far, but I absolutely adore her already. This is a very informative video, and I'm grateful for her input :) I think most movies depict blind people as wearing dark sunglasses because it's incredibly difficult for sighted people to imitate the eye shaking or eye drift. I hope it isn't just so the audience is "more comfortable".
I love your shaking eyes, it draws my eyes to yours, and your eyes deserve alot of attention because they are so beautiful! It's so sad how blind people feel they have to put dark glasses on for sighted people's comfort, you rock your natural eyes!!
Is such a bless for me to watch your videos and hear your voice. Your such a beautiful girl and I admire a lot your self confidence. Keep killing it Molly !
Molly you are amazing. I've just started watching your channel when I saw you in one of Caseys videos. It's really great learning all those things about your way of living and which challenges you and your fellow vision impaired friends face that I would have never even thought about. Thanks for sharing.
Alexis S. Based on what i saw in shanes videos he did with molly. Her phone will read the messages and the phone will also tell you what your finger is on before you press it (you have to double tap it) so that way she can use her phone, text, ect. Alot of phones also have ways for the blind to use it like that.
the colors in this video are so gorgeously coordinated and i feel like they match your aesthetic so well. love your videos! so happy that i found you via Shane -- love your content!! you are inspiring as hell & also fuckin gorgeous!! also so kind honestly i could go on and on about the good qualities you have but we would be here all day. you're killin it Molly!
Legally blind is where the state and medical professionals have officially ruled that the person is not able to see. Illegally blind basically means that hasnt happened
The last pair of sun glasses are way cute! You have great style, and I always learn something new from your videos. I really enjoy watching your videos!!!
I'm sorry to say but I used to think anyone who was blind wore sunglasses all the time. But then I started learning more and watching your videos, so now I understand so much more! Thank you and best wishes! From Ashley.
You are very inspiring, I was born with some vision issues but I can mostly see, however for most of my life sighted people have told me that my eyes made them extremely uncomfortable, as they are on the pale side, me being born with blue eyes and the mix of my blindness made them even worse I guess. This video made me feel so much better about myself and made me realize there is an even bigger community that appreaciates themselves for who they are!. Thank you so much!
I absolutely adore you. You have taught me so much about blind people and the blind community also guide dogs too. Absolutely keep doing what you're doing I love it 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Molly I am glad that you made a video informing those who don't know why blind people in fact wear sunglasses I myself wear sunglasses most of the time whether I am indoors or outdoors I would love to add more to my collection
Love your videos! My husband has Uveitis and lost his left eye when he was I believe 19. He wears sunglasses pretty often due to light sensitivity and my parents got him his first pair of Ray Bans for Christmas and he loves them.
I've just watched 4 videos of yours and it had really opened my eyes about blind people :) you are amazing at showing how blind people live and use things!
I’ve been watching your videos all day!! I truly admire you. I love listening to you speak. Also, I think your eyes are beautiful. I didn’t even notice the shaking until you pointed it out.
someome get this girl a rayban sponsorship
"Is that really Molly Burke behind those Foster Grants?"
OMG - A Ray-Ban sponsorship = life goals! hahaha
gabriel landaverde Would be a no brainer to put this girl in a Ray Ban ad. Pretty enough to be a model + awesome story = win.
AGREED, She is a inspiration to us all.
how did she like and respond to the comment if shes blind
I think maybe (as far as movies go) "blind" has been portrayed with dark sunglasses as a way to hide the fact that the actor is a sighted person. Just a thought I had.
Morgana Fry Probably not. Like Molly, a lot of blind people's eyes look just like the next person, and most people who aren't born blind look around and move their eyes while talking, like her. Going off your thought, though, it's a lot easier for people who make these stories to have their actors wear dark glasses to make it obvious that they're blind. Kind of lazy storytelling, isn't it?
No. It isn't "lazy" storytelling at all. If you're making a movie you're not going to just have a character say "Hey, I'm Joe and I'm blind" that would be oddly interruptive.
Yeah, because the only way for a director to portray a blind character is either with dark sunglasses or "Hey, I'm blind." No other way at all. Completely impossible. It's not like with a little bit of effort, and a minuscule amount of knowledge about the blind community, they can easily show it. If they have a character walk around tapping a white cane, or being guided by a dog in a vest, that is hugely vague and the viewers probably wouldn't understand. If they could do that, but instead cop out by using dark sunglasses, then that would be lazy storytelling, but since there's no other way to portray a blind person other than "Hey, I'm blind." I guess you're right, huh. And on a side note, did you know that you need water to survive? Very obscure fact.
Soooo you want movie directors to use other stereotypes instead? Wtf... How is that helpful?
Guide dogs and canes are not stereotypes, they're navigational tools. I'm not saying they should walk around feeling peoples faces.
Some people say blind people who don't look blind do it for attention. It's so annoying. If someone asks for help blind or not blind you can at least be respectful and help.
Kathleen Kitty It makes me so sad and angry to hear that people are not understanding or believing so that Molly begrudgingly has to further the sunglass stereotype just so that people help her when she asks. I understand that it can be belittling to people with disabilities to be asked if they need help at times. But at least these people are empathetic and have good intentions. What's wrong with people who don't help others even when specifically asked to? I was raised to be mindful and jump to assistance to everyone who looks struggling eg senior citizens, women with baby strollers, people with disabilities or anyone else who might be lost, confused or struggling in a situation. If we don't do that what's the point of living in society and not like lone wolfs in the forest when it wasn't for taking care of each other?
Kathleen Kitty her eyes going all over the place is immediate proof that she’s blind
I understand everything she said, but to be fair you can't SEE if someone can't see unless of course they have no eyes or something obvious. Both sides of the argument are tough. Also, when I was younger I knew of a guy that liked to hang around the mall and act like he was completely blind but could actually see well enough to identify someone. It was actually a well known fact about this person. It's unfortunate that that guy wasn't honest. Oh well. Either way, I really enjoy Molly's videos she seems like a really great person I love the attitude!
Not necessarily, I had a friend when I was growing up that had eyes that moved in the same way and he was NOT blind. BUT with her guide dog, people SHOULD respond just by her asking for help and having a guide dog, so that should be pretty obvious she does need help; whether it's blindness or otherwise, someone with a guide dog clearly has some sort of handicap.
Tar Snake Actually, having eyes that flutter is a sign of a handicap in the eyes, if it's lack of vision, or total blindness, or a sensitivity. Fluttering eyes do give an idea that the person is visually handicapped in some way.
Love your videos! So eye opening (pun-intended) for sighted people. On another note, you look stunning here. The monochromatic look with the pink make up and shirt...💕💕and loving all the hair out of your face 😍
Sierra Corthell she's really beautiful isn't she
Sierra Corthell ii
Sierra Corthell i
Sierra Corthell not hating but... How did she read ur comment 😂😍😍
it is called, talkback (google - android), narrator for Windows and voice over for ios (apple)
I am sighted, but I have chronic illnesses that cause me to use a wheelchair when I go on longer outings or have bad pain days. Able bodied people seem to have this idea in their heads that only people with paralysis need wheelchairs. I love my wheelchair and had it made custom, with a bright green frame! It makes going out so much easier and more comfortable for me.
I do sometimes feel self-conscious about moving my legs or standing up from my wheelchair in public though. I worry that people will accuse me of faking. [My ride is not cheap and I would not have ordered an ultralightweight rigid wheelchair if I did not need one!]
Interesting how we have to sometimes conform ourselves to some stereotype when we are in public.
CyberneticRose Hey! As a able bodied person I have seen some people in a wheelchair stand up . It was a surprise but in the sense that I felt kinda stupid to have thinking that every person in a wheelchair is paralyzed. plus it was a pleasant surprise , I was happy for this person. anyways, don't be afraid to feel free and move like you want in public.the only ones who will judge you are not worth the pain :) sorry for the English by the way
I had surgery on my knee, so I was hobbling on crutches with bandages and stitches on my knee. I went shopping with my sister and had to get a wheelchair because I could only stand on one leg for so long. I got so many dirty looks when I was wheeling around, and especially when I stood up for a brief moment to grab something that was out of reach. I even had a lady purposely block me from getting through and I got stuck trying to turn around.
I have cancer and now my hair has grown back but for about a year I didnt have hair and wore beanies all the time. I could always tell when people were staring or had that pity look on their face. I had a wig but HATED it because it didnt look like MY hair and was not comfortable. The few times I wore my wig, no one stared. But I wasn't going to wear it just to make someone else feel better. I loved wearing beanies because they were so soft, kept me warm, and I got to match them with all my outfits! Its important for YOU to feel comfortable the way you are, not someone else.
Also people haven't believed that I have cancer just because I have hair which is honestly very frustrating. But then I show them my giant scar and they shut up :)
Maggie Hanberry 😘😘😘😘 id do exactly the same i hope you recover well 💜💟
I had cancer when i has 2
I laughed before this video started because there was a glasses ad that said "Seeing is Believing".
Same for me lol
I think the reason for people not realizing you're blind when you have a guide dog or not wearing glasses is because 1. guide dogs service all kinds of disabilities these days, not always blindness, and 2. since your eyes don't "look blind", there are people with impaired vision that use the phrase "I'm blind," not to be taken literally but to mean that their vision is so bad they can't function without corrective vision, so people who don't know you, when they hear that at first, they might think you're joking/exaggerating, not to be mean or rude. I think most people don't intend to be unhelpful at all, it's just pure ignorance from them never having met a blind person before. I think your videos are very enlightening for sighted people, as these are things we would never know otherwise. ^^;
EndohMiharu guide dogs for the blind wear a special kind of harness when they are working that I have never seen on any other kind of service dogs.
EndohMiharu I agree. Her mannerisms and ability to track her eyes so well make it nearly if not impossible to tell that she is blind. There are service dogs for all types of disabilities and sometimes you will see trainers out in public with service dogs in training so just having a dog doesn't distinguish a person as being blind. I also thought blind people were more independent with the help of dogs and I didn't realize they would ever need help from a sighted person. It's just lack of exposure to people of disability that cause these misconceptions.
Her mannerisms and ability to track her eyes are that way because she was able to see until some years ago, she has developed eye muscles and instinctively or maybe better said muscle memory makes her 'look'. And just like most blind people she isn't 100% blind, she can still see very bright lights and that's how she's able to look at the camera (there is a light on top of it).
micglou, yup, am aware. ☺
kcnurse I didnt even know there was a different type of vest. So the original comment still stands on the fact that it is just people not knowing what to look for
Hey Molly! We met at the TH-cam Black event, my channel is Slice N Rice if you remember :) Your Raybans at the event (the last one in this video) were SO cute and so was your outfit that day! It was so good meeting you. Thank you for sharing this information in this video! I love the color scheme in this. Much love!
Dude your username is amazing.
this is a very nice comment but i dont think she will see it...
her mom reads her comments to her. She obviously will not see it
Rachael Short she reads them with voiceover
SO GLAD i found your channel!! currently bingeing on your vids.
I'm legally blind and I have to wear dark sunglasses every time I go outside because I have major photophobia. but I don't wear them indoors at all. I wouldn't be able to use my vision to the best of its ability indoors if I had sunglasses on. Sometimes I want to wear them to "pass" as a blind person too, but I never have for that reason.
HowCaseySeesIt so if I was illegally blind I hope I don't get cited
rwl 04 haha legally blind is just a fancy way of saying that I'm a blind person by law but I can still see a little bit. I'm not totally blind, but my vision cannot be corrected with glasses/contacts.
I'm sighted but sometimes I will wear sunglasses indoors for migraines. I also have severe anxiety about being poked in the eye (particularly by tree branches due to a childhood incident) I wonder if some blind people have a similar fear?
PotsAndPups I am afraid of getting poked in the eye and I do get tired of hearing , what is wrong with her eyes?
Out of interest, do you ever get people assuming that you're blind, like when you're sitting down and not doing much and it's not really obvious that you're using your sight? Kind of like the opposite of what happens to blind people who don't were sun glasses.
Super Raegun I've never had anyone say anything out loud. I do get a lot of people side eyeing me but I'm not sure what they are thinking
Well I guess you generally wouldn't say anything out loud because that would be weird. As long as they don't make you uncomfortable I guess it's fine.
PotsAndPups I get migraines to I do the same thing with bright lights
The last pair (the one you didn't even wear yet) is so gorgeous! It fits you so well :D and these glasses are so unique!
On a random note, nice picture in the background! (Top right)
Patrick Burford yeah I like it!
Patrick Burford how would she see this comment
maria brown screen reader
Patrick Burford it is from IKEA - if you are interested ☺️
Poor gal can't see it
Sighted, but on the Autism spectrum and also have light sensitivities--migraine inducing.
Although I've made adjustments to my computer and portable devices (apps or settings to reduce blue light emissions and decrease brightness), as well as making rooms I enter/exit darker than most other people might like. I also have a lazy eye that corrective surgery and spectacles never quite fixed, and have to make a conscious effort to focus out of my affected eye (left)--otherwise it drifts up a little because the muscles aren't strong enough to stay in a "normal" position. I may use it to confuse some people from time to time. I also use UV reactive lenses when outside.
Legendary Music this comment could have been written by me... We are exactly the same in these respects
Khmer song
didnt realized your eyes shock until you said they did
I've been accused of "faking my disability" on more than one occasion where I've been using my cane (which I don't do all the time) because people see me looking around at stuff and using the functional vision I do have. Sunglasses prevent that... I guess then they think I'm just listening to everything? Mostly, though, I don't bother. If people have an issue with it, that's their problem, not mine.
Kelli Shaver I have the exact same problem
Kelli Shaver i think someone should not be questioned about there disability. And i think that people should not fake disability. I have a very bad and sensitive stomach and i was denied acces to bring my medication in because they thought that i was faking it and trying to bring drugs in. But that is no comparison how people question and deny acess to the blind and deaf
I am sorry for you going through this, some people are just dickheads
she may not be lieing but sadly there are people that fake having an illness such as that for attention
Kelli Shaver
I know it's not the same, but I use walking aids for my disability as an advertisement of sorts. They don't help me much, but what it does do is tell other people that I have a mobility issue. I have a joint disease that affects my extremities and using them causes inflammation and pain. So if I don't use them people won't give me a seat on the bus or Attack me for using the elevator or other random crap.
I love love LOVE this video. You are incredible in front of the camera and props for the solid sunglasses collection. I'm so happy to have met you at vidcon!
She is so freakin beautiful.
You are honestly such an inspiration. My nan lost her eye sight when she was in a car accident when she was 16. Honestly she does not look blind but she is and honestly the fact that you stand up for your self is amazing and honestly i love you for being so strong and showing us your daily life!! x
love the colors in this video, the pastels and the lighting. All the sunglasses are very pretty, I usually just get Ray-Bans which I think are pretty cool. Can you tell them apart by shape then?
i love that you chose to make videos to education and answer questions people may be curious about. i love it, i love when people speak about their experiences and talk about blindness like it's a very normal thing. makes me feel 100x more comfortable with my partial visions and living with it
I love your dancing eyes!, they are cute!.
wow it's amazing how you can remember all the features of each pair! The aqua ones are really cool, the metal is gold. They also have kind of a gradient in the lens darkness in addition to being metallic.
The Dove commercial also aired in here the Netherlands. The first time I saw it I was like 'Hey, I recognize her from somewhere'.
Malle Pietje I see it alot
Molly, your channel is definitely one of my favourites. I love watching you because you're so real. You don't exaggerate anything, you get straight to the point and talk to your viewers like you're having a conversation with them. I feel like a lot of videos I watch are quite fast, so watching yours is refreshing, it's nice to listen to something with a bit of a slower pace.
Molly you are so Inspiring and I love your video's! I'm your biggest fan (I'm 12) I have learned a ton about blindness from you! You're so AMAZING!
Khmer song
Khmer song
I love how real you are in your videos. I didn't even know this side of TH-cam existed but it's amazing. Completely not the same thing, but I always felt on my own being plus size and finding other plus size youtubers really helped me with my confidence. I love that you're doing the same thing for other blind people, as well as educating people that wouldn't normally understand this.
OMG i saw you in the dove commercial in austria!!! i was soo excited bc i didn't think they would use the american one! you were dubbt :/ but still amazing!
it's so cool to see a "haul" or this type of thing where you actually describe the products like you do (understandably if your audience includes more blind people than some other youtubers statistically) and hear you talk about fashion from your perspective! I do see - even though I have to wear glasses - but I still enjoyed hearing you talk about it this way!
Wow, thanks for this video Molly. I learnt a lot. And you're right, I find it upsetting that blink people have to change them self for other people's comfort. They should live how they want to live without being judged. P.S. You look very pretty. Goals 🙂
Tracer this has nothing to do with the comment but I love overwatch
Lane the Mouse same
I'm not blind but your comment "If my eyes bother you that's your problem" REALLY resonated me and I just wanted to say thank you... I have had a really bad lazy eye since I was a kid and I was always told that I should cover it up to make other people feel better... I've always been really self-concious of it, but I felt so much more empowered after hearing you talk about it. So thanks :)
I saw the casey video, i dont know if the content is particularly for me. You the bomb girl. i thing pleanty of people are going to find your videos amazing, and especially for the blind i can imagine that you are going to be "their casey neistat". per se :D
I absolutely love that you come out and talk about this stuff for people who want to know more about being blind and how difficult it actually is. By the way I really love your videos and other content, keep it up!💕💕
This is really informative, thanks for sharing. And I love your speaking voice, it's relaxing!
That last pair is so cute! I love them the gold and white look so good together and they’re like the perfect shape on you
honey I work for the company that owns ray bans. let me know if you want those round ones again!
@Molly Burke I am a new subscriber and I am glad to find someone who's part of the blind community doing TH-cam and is awesome to experience. I myself deal with optic nerve hypoplasia, meaning an underdevelopment of the optic nerve for those who don't know. I also have macular degeneration which makes me very afraid that I may actually completely lose my vision. But I'm really happy to find your channel. Thank you again.
I wish you were not blind to see at least how beautiful you are :)
That is so nice, I agree
HearWeGo | Copyright Free Music lol
Aww that's so sweet, I agree
She's beautiful INSIDE too, and that's what's most important :)
When she said if my shaking eyes make you feel uncomfortable, I was like wait what and then I actually noticed they did and it’s so cool honestly. It’s different and that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s really cool to me honestly. These videos honestly do help inform people that the stereotypes that we are all lead to believe are “standard” or the “norm” and honestly.. its just like putting on blinders and blocking out the ability to understand things other people live with and what is considered “standard” or a “norm” and it’s honestly so cool to me.
your amazing your glasses look so styleish your an very inspirational person
Molly I didn’t even knew your eyes shook till you told us! I always look at that wonderful smile!
It always annoys me when someone says they are something and other people don't believe them. I have a few friends that are transgender and someone does not believe them when they say they are a boy or a girl. I wish all people could accept other and not judge them. Anyone is different and I love that we all did not come from, as I like to say, a cookie cutter factory. I don't get why people try to be hateful. I would never want to just hate on people, they seem like they need to find joy in their life.
my best friend is transgender too! and i hate that so i always give people the look or make sure i slip in that rhey are a boy somehow. also its really cool that you know several transgender people because thats really rare! anyway knce they get older it will get better. also do ou knkw if its easier boy to girl or girl to boy just because my school isnt really supportive of my friend and neither are his parents but i read somewhere about someone going boy to girl who was supported massively and theres another transgender kid in my school but they came into the school as transgender so that might just be why they are supported. and do you have any tips for cheering them up when they have disphoria just because its happened sometimes when its so bad for my friend that they have totally broken down gut the teachers wouldnt let him go home. even though he has been transgender for 3 years they think that its a dare and the school honestly make me sick. but if you could respond that would be great. thanks👍✌️
clementine smith the only thing you really can do is just support your friend. One of my transgender friends’ dads does not support them which is really hard for her. She also has issues from a whole lot of other stuff. Your friend is the one who is going to tell you what they need and you cannot control them. The part about adults who don’t believe them is again be there and support them. Unfortunately, until you’re an adult and not with any parents you have to listen it stinks. Just always listen to what your friend need and be supportive and not judgement. This goes for any friend in a bad situation not just being transgender.
Same sex marriage is a thing now...
Maureen O'Brien or another content creator on YT that is deaf and visually impaired in one eye. Not sure how people can say that if it’s over the Internet or at all because they don’t fit the stereotypes
there are a lot of reasons why trans people get more or less support from cis people. i feel like cis people who knew me before i came out feel betrayed or like i'm lying to them when i come out.
that being said, the best you can do is be supportive and honest with the trans people you cross paths with. we don't rely on cis people to exist, but everyone needs approval.
if you want to learn about trans experiences from youtubers, check out Ty Turner or Stef Sanjati, among many others.
Molly, the painting of the succulent in the background of this video matches the candles on the shelf, your shirt, and also our eyes! It's so cute!!!
I wonder if Casey neistat watched this before he gave her his glasses
Josh Burke 😱
Hi, Molly! I thank you for all the videos you make and all the helpful tips you give about growing up in the blind community. I have recently been going to many different doctors to try and figure out what is causing my vision to decline. Last year, my vision started to decrease after getting a new lens prescription, which then resulted in chronic migraines that come with complete loss of vision while they are happening. As of now, my vision is such that I can't drive anymore, have severe photophobia, and half my face becomes numb every time the migraine happens.
I hope to be able to figure this out soon and be able to thrive like you and many others do who are a part of the blind community! Also, I have been Deaf for more than a decade, and the doctors have some suspicion that it has a correlation with my vision decline.
Thank you again for all the good you do and continue doing what you do!
Now you have some Casey sunglasses for the collection!!
The last pair of raybans, and also the newest ones you've got, was so lovely and cool! They fitted your face very well, and you looked so beautiful with them on, great pick!
I loved this video!
I completely agree with what you were saying at the beginning about the misrepresentation of blind people in the media. Unfortunately, even charities dealing with sight loss perpetuate this stereotype by using people who 'look' blind in their adverts. What I mean by this is people who wear dark glasses, those with misshapen eyes or those who keep their eyes shut all the time. It's sad that the general public don't see us as we are in our daily lives!
I lost my vision too but unfortunately can't really control my eyes that well. My light perception is essentially non-existent (I see it if a bright light, such as a flashlight, is pressed up against one of my eyes), but sometimes I want to wear sunglasses for fashion or because I feel insecure about how my eyes look or even how I look that day. What do you think? Even though I'm not photophobic, do you think it's still acceptable for me to wear them? Do you think it's reinforcing a stereotype and therefore defeating the cause that we're fighting for? I'm so torn!
However, I've never thought of wearing them to 'pass'. It's probably because I now 'look' blind now that I don't focus my eyes and - hence - the muscles are weak now so they just move around wherever they want to. I admire that you still 'look' sighted, as you've obviously really tried to stay in the sighted world and such.
By the way, if you're using VO, I've put 'look' is quotation marks most times.
I loved this video.
Grace Marsh have you ever thought about wearing prosthesis? They can open your eyes and help them look more natural. I have prosthesis because my eyes were damaged by cancer and I love them.
Sarai Hernandez I would definitely consider that, I think it would help me feel a lot more comfortable. However, I doubt the doctors would agree to it, as my eyes haven't been damaged by an accident or cancer. What do you think?
Molly, I didn't know there was a blind vlogger but let me tell you that you are a beautiful creature. I hope you the best! i know i will learn so much from your story and everything.
You look so different without your fringe
There is one thing that really upsets me... I think it doesn't matter if you're blind or not, if you need to get help and others can help you out very easy you should get that help anyway. It is so easy to help someone out with all the little things. For example If you cannot read a menu, no matter if it' because you're blind or not able to read or whatever, it shouldn't be a big deal at all to get someone to help you.
But enough of that, I really apreciate your personality 😊 you're so openminded with that topic and I love that! Hope you're having a fantastic day X
Your hair looks so cute in a top knot! I love your forehead :)
This video was very well put together. She knew what she wanted to say and portrayed it super effectively
If you look closely you can see her eyes moving side to side very fast so you cant really say shes faking.
don't want to sound rude, just quite curious. Does it ever hurt your eyes because they shake? I know when my eyes get tired (I'm not blind or have any type of impairment) they start to shake and it gets a little uncomfortable. anyway, just curious, thanks!
I can relate to that so much! My mom is heavily physically disabled but does not use a wheelchair or crutch or cast on a daily basis, except after surgeries (which unfortunately happen very often). Every time, as soon as she has this visible "signal" telling others 'hey, be careful around that person', she has to fight people aiding her and prove that she needs a seat etc. it is so frustrating!
I have a legally blind friend who has an extremely rare condition that no doctor so far has been able to diagnose, she's mainly sensitive to light and sound but also can't eat a lot of food because her brain is actually trying to kill/isolate itself and she has no control over it. The last time I saw her wearing her sunglasses(stereotypical huge black unfashionable ones) was at least 2 months ago, she only ears them in summer(where I live it's winter) so there's really no point in wearing them when it's extremely cloudy
I really like your new pair! They reflect blue straight on but when you held them at an angle it reflected purple, I love things that reflect multiple colors it looks so cool lol. Love your aesthetic!!
What are blind people's dreams like? Can you see in them? Sorry if this offensive.
Sort of a good question but you dont see dreams. Your imagination and your mind create them.
She said in Shane Dawson's video that because visual memory doesn't last very long, she can't really remember what anything looks like and her dreams are more like sounds and smells and feelings, etc.
So I saw the dove commercial like 2 years ago before I started watching you and then I saw it again and you were like “hi I’m Molly Burke” and I was like “omg! This is Molly Burke!” Because that commercial was so inspirational to me!
As an autistic person, I don't really look people in the eyes anyway so the shaking isn't something that would ever bother me personally, however I don't think blind people should feel they need to wear dark glasses for anyone other than themselves.
I have to say Molly that you have two of the most amazing eyes I have ever seen! I am really into wordless communication and I´m so impressed with how much emotion and information you express through our eyes. Your eyes say way more than the average person does. To be honest it doesn't feel like you are blind at all.
And as to the shaking of your eyes, actually, everyone's eyes shakes all the time. It has to do with the mechanism in our eyes that lets us see. But for people with sight, the eyes only need to move a tiny bit to distinguish a "picture". My theory is that since your eyes don't get any input with small movements, the eyes try to compensate that with larger movements. So actually your eyes are perfectly normal, they are just not calibrated.
Gosh I hope you come to England because I would love to meet you.
Loved this video! I'd really like to see a video from you about how you pick out your outfits and how you know what matches, I love your style :)
She did it was pretty cool
Hi Molly, hearing about the light sensitvity, you can see for a bit here. A little shake, only when you know. Still you are a beautyful person, with an amazing positive outlook on life. Keep on fighting, you are a beauty, an inspiration!
I really appreciate that you go through these things on your channel. I've often wondered what the appropriate action would be when I encounter a blind person in certain situations. Generally, I avoid interaction, not because I am afraid of them or don't want to interact with them, but I'm afraid that I would do the wrong thing or offend them or because I really don't know if blind people are comfortable enough with their normal that the don't need help. Your videos will help me in the future, I'm sure.
You are absolutely beautiful
Ah the last ones showed, the aqua new ones, are so so cute! All of them are great but those are definitely my fav!
Personally, you *do* look blind to me. Because your eyes aren’t as expressive as other people. And that’s saying a lot coming from someone with autism, I normally can’t tell when people are being expressive, but I can notice the difference in you. It’s like… I can’t explain it to anyone but a sighted person… no wait I can… I think… it’s like you’re not really seeing anything, your eyes will stare straight on longer than most people. Your eyes, while yes they move, they linger on people longer than sighted people… and you can kinda tell that “this person isn’t fully seeing me”… maybe it’s because I have glasses or something, and I know kind of what I look like when I don’t have them on… I try to focus more on one thing rather than look around… I don’t know, I just can get the vibe from you that you can’t really see…
It's hard to explain, isn't it? It's like when you're with a sighted person and you know their mind is somewhere else because they're not really looking at you (even if their eyes are facing you). But it's hard to pinpoint exactly why you know they're not staring at you.
I've only known Molly through a few videos so far, but I absolutely adore her already. This is a very informative video, and I'm grateful for her input :)
I think most movies depict blind people as wearing dark sunglasses because it's incredibly difficult for sighted people to imitate the eye shaking or eye drift. I hope it isn't just so the audience is "more comfortable".
I find it cool that your eyes kinda shake along with your eyes being unfocused, it's a bit mesmerising to watch actually.
Yeah, I literally couldn't look away from her eyes, but that's okay, because they're beautiful
I love your shaking eyes, it draws my eyes to yours, and your eyes deserve alot of attention because they are so beautiful! It's so sad how blind people feel they have to put dark glasses on for sighted people's comfort, you rock your natural eyes!!
Hey molly does someone read you your TH-cam comments?
I wanna know too :o
PaigeC smartphones nowadays has a function called “voiceover” so if you tap on a comment or something it will speak up for you.
It's been great to see your channel grow in the past year. Your content continues to be fun and educational 💛
you're beautiful! 🌷
Is such a bless for me to watch your videos and hear your voice. Your such a beautiful girl and I admire a lot your self confidence. Keep killing it Molly !
You probably get asked this a lot, but are you the lady in that Dove commercial?
Wolf Penguin yes
She mentions it in the video. LOL
Molly you are amazing. I've just started watching your channel when I saw you in one of Caseys videos. It's really great learning all those things about your way of living and which challenges you and your fellow vision impaired friends face that I would have never even thought about. Thanks for sharing.
Im not trying to be mean but how does a blind person read something? I saw you liked a comment and that triggered my question.
Alexis S. Based on what i saw in shanes videos he did with molly. Her phone will read the messages and the phone will also tell you what your finger is on before you press it (you have to double tap it) so that way she can use her phone, text, ect. Alot of phones also have ways for the blind to use it like that.
She has a video on how she uses technology for this
the colors in this video are so gorgeously coordinated and i feel like they match your aesthetic so well. love your videos! so happy that i found you via Shane -- love your content!! you are inspiring as hell & also fuckin gorgeous!! also so kind honestly i could go on and on about the good qualities you have but we would be here all day. you're killin it Molly!
Is she legally blind or illegally blind.... What's the difference?
Legally blind is where the state and medical professionals have officially ruled that the person is not able to see. Illegally blind basically means that hasnt happened
The last pair of sun glasses are way cute! You have great style, and I always learn something new from your videos. I really enjoy watching your videos!!!
I'm sorry to say but I used to think anyone who was blind wore sunglasses all the time. But then I started learning more and watching your videos, so now I understand so much more! Thank you and best wishes! From Ashley.
Wow ! Blind or not, you are amazing !! Beautiful, smart & confident. You are inspirational, even for the sighted. Wish you much successes!
You are very inspiring, I was born with some vision issues but I can mostly see, however for most of my life sighted people have told me that my eyes made them extremely uncomfortable, as they are on the pale side, me being born with blue eyes and the mix of my blindness made them even worse I guess. This video made me feel so much better about myself and made me realize there is an even bigger community that appreaciates themselves for who they are!. Thank you so much!
I love your “shaky” eyes they’re pretty! It kinda shows off the green in them
I absolutely adore you. You have taught me so much about blind people and the blind community also guide dogs too. Absolutely keep doing what you're doing I love it 💕💕💕💕💕💕
I like them all but the last pair (the white ones) are my fave!! You look sooo good!!
honestly i think your an inspiration for so many people. You seem so positive ♥
Molly I am glad that you made a video informing those who don't know why blind people in fact wear sunglasses I myself wear sunglasses most of the time whether I am indoors or outdoors I would love to add more to my collection
No one should EVER change anything about themselves to make other people feel more comfortable. Thank you for pointing it out.
Love your videos! My husband has Uveitis and lost his left eye when he was I believe 19. He wears sunglasses pretty often due to light sensitivity and my parents got him his first pair of Ray Bans for Christmas and he loves them.
I’m glad I got to see her videos, like she has some real knowledge on the blind. Learning more and more stuff!
ive had that exact sensation!!!! when you described it i was so pleased to know someone understood what it felt like
I've just watched 4 videos of yours and it had really opened my eyes about blind people :) you are amazing at showing how blind people live and use things!
Thanks for explaining the glasses! Those purple ones you had were so fun--that's sad you lost them.
The last pair was my favorite. So stylish!
Molly, I just want to tell you that you are such an inspiration! i'm 23 too and absolutely love your videos. Keep it going!
I’ve been watching your videos all day!! I truly admire you. I love listening to you speak. Also, I think your eyes are beautiful. I didn’t even notice the shaking until you pointed it out.