For those curious, he did a great parody of Casey Jones titled J.C. COHEN! Definitely a hit from its era. The song does deal with a train and its conductor. But this bad boy was heading to the 1964 World's Fair. Great song!
Hysterical! That Winchester Cathedral song was played everywhere in the mid 60's, in many formats from American Bandstand to Lawrence Welk to elevator muzak. This version is great! Back when we could all laugh at each other without sending college kids running to "safe spaces".
A really talented guy beyond this stuff
I Love Him!! ❤ Thank you for sharing! 💖
Love this guy! I own Alan Shermans "My son, the nut". And listen to it every so often. Never heard this one though.
I'm from England and had to look up Hadassah as I had no idea what it was. I wonder what percentage of the show's US audience also knew?
For those curious, he did a great parody of Casey Jones titled J.C. COHEN! Definitely a hit from its era. The song does deal with a train and its conductor. But this bad boy was heading to the 1964 World's Fair. Great song!
Thank you for sharing! 💖
It's a parody version, WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL!!!!!
Hysterical! That Winchester Cathedral song was played everywhere in the mid 60's, in many formats from American Bandstand to Lawrence Welk to elevator muzak. This version is great! Back when we could all laugh at each other without sending college kids running to "safe spaces".
Times have really changed.
Thank you for sharing! 💖
You were doing so well in your comment until you decided to be fragile. But all the same, thanks for clearing up for me what the original song was.
You simply can't find stereotypical Jewish comedy like this anymore! Oy gavalt!
Grasping at straws about now.