Her voice is so soothing! I recommend other performances from her Sea of Hope visit: "The Only Exception", "Read My Mind", "If I Aint Got You". ALSO, theres a song she performed on "king of masked singer" called "If It Is You" -- best cover ever. Please enjoy.
Before I discovered Rosé, I've always had a thick sturdy wall I'd built around my heart due to multiple heartbreaks and losses. Nothing was able to penetrate nor move me a single inch. Then I discovered Rosé, her voice didn't break down my walls, didn't tear it down. It was wierd, she kinda just passed through it seamlessly and entered my heart. Her voice made me cry -which I hadn't done in YEARS-. It was the one scene in "Light Up The Sky" on Netflix when she was recording a simple melody with her voice. No words, no lyrics she just sang "aaaahhhhh ahhh" but it touched me and before I knew it I had tears flowing down my once-dried up tear ducts. Rosé has such an emotionally POWERFUL voice. I never believed in these kinds of things existing until I heard her voice. She was my automatic bias. I only listen to Blackpink for Rosé's parts, as much as I also LOVE the other 3 beautiful members.
Wow, this is a powerful story of how an artist can impact people. This is great, and so glad you shared. Coach didn't have your exact experience, but he also knew immediately she was the one.
Rose's cover of "Read My Mind" in this same Sea of Hope series of performances (charity performances during Covid) was also spectacular. The audio recording there was awesomely good; you can hear the full range of her voice.
Another great reaction! Anything ‘Rosé Sea of Hope is magical. I noticed your unspoken reaction to the harmony. I suggest listening to ‘If I ain’t got you’ Sea of Hope Rosécover to hear more of the two. I also recommend another Sea of Hope - Lucky. These (and all of the covers) are exceptional.
the girl harmonizing with Rosé near the end is Suhyun from the brother & sister duo AKMU (Akdong Musician) - they are under the same company as Blackpink and Babymonster. to get a real sense of Suhyun's vocal talents i recommend their song "How can I love the heartbreak, you`re the one I love" - but you will see and hear more of Suhyun as you watch other Rosé clips from this show.
Suhyun has a beautiful voice, it is as clear as crystal. She features a lot in the Begin Again series where Korean musicians busk around the world. There are lots of clips on YT.
The girl sitting next to Rosé was Lee Su-Hyun , a YG Artist member of AKMU ( a sibling duo ), she also has a beautiful voice, you guys need to check out DINOSAUR by AKMU.
• John Mayer is the original artist. When John saw tjis performance, he sent Rosé a baby signed baby pink electric guitar. BLINKS are SO proud today. BLACKPINK was together yesterday at Buckingham Palace meeting King Charles for a banquet for Korean British diplomacy. They were given honorary MBEs for roles as Advocates at the COP26 in Glasgow. They looked like princesses. WE ARE SO PROUD
I can't get past a feeling that I've seen this before. ;) I didn't truly appreciate Rose's voice until I heard these covers. In BP songs, they're all singing to fit the song, so you're not getting a real listen to their vocals. I always picture Rose', as a solo artist, just sitting on a stool with a guitar and singing, and, when you see these performances, that's where she seems to feel most comfortable and most "herself". She would have been very popular in the 60's with her voice and personality.
This popped up and I literally pressed in seconds. Amazing! Can’t wait to see the rest! Please do her Sea of Hope cover of Paramore - The Only Exception. Will blow you away
Sadly, it was blocked in South Korea, where about 5% of our views come from, but we did put it on Patreon so that those folks could see it if they wanted to do so. Thanks for watching!
Hi CCTV in case you missed this news, the girls were invited to Buckingham Palace for a state banquet by King Charles last night. They looked so elegant and beautiful in their evening gowns. A proud moment for all blinks.
"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" is a song(written and sung) by John Mayer from the 2006 album Continuum. John loved everything about Rosé's performance, tweeting out a link to the video with the message, "This is gorgeous @ygofficialblink #rosÉ." He liked it so much he sent her a Roxy Pink guitar, a PRS Silver Sky - a collaboration between John and high end guitar maker Paul Reed Smith. With a note from John included with the guitar read: "Rosé, I should be thanking you. (So Thank You). - John." You probably have a play list for this but here is another, and has some practices as well [Playlist] Rosé (로제) - Sea Of Hope Collection (바라던 바다 모음) th-cam.com/video/5bgOoznPQPE/w-d-xo.html
That smile from Rose' at the end, awwww. Happy Thanksgiving Coach, Mrs. Coach, and all the CoachCastTV fans out there! *The Only Exception* being those outside the US, I suppose. *Lucky* you. Because *If I Ain't Got You* to *Read My Mind* then who would I NOT celebrate with?
This performance is different from the other SEA OF HOPE performances, as it's indoors and performed for the cast and crew. The other performances are on the beach for a small audience, the premise is that a group of actors and singers open a beach café and perform after the meal. If you see a Rosé performance and in the thumbnail she is sitting in front of a house, those are just rehearsals, not the real performance.
I always loved this song from John Mayer's Continuum album, and loved this cover from Rose. It's at least as good as John's while being different enough that it's hard to choose between them!
Thank you so much pops..we've been waiting for this🙏 Bc of this cover she got acquaintance with John Mayer himself. First he tweeted this cover and praised her and then he gifted her his new colab guitar pink PRS silver sky as a appreciation for covering his song. And he did his homework by gifting her guitar with her fav colour in it which is baby pink😂 And lots of her covers also recognised by the original artist as well and all of them singin praises for her.
Rose voice are increable and unique with her accent. Really love it❤ Thanks Mr & Mrs Coach react to Rose sea of hope and hopefully can react to another song “if i ain’t got you”. The girl sit beside Rose was call Lee Su Hyun(from group call Akmu) and she also got a increable voice, please help to react to her song “how can i love the heartbreak, you’re the one i love”. She also from YG and all YG girls got voice❤
Hey Coach (and the Missus), I don't know if you know this yet, but the girls were just invited to the State Dinner King Charles threw for the visit of Korea's Pres and First Lady. Not only that, but he gave the girls honorary MBEs, Members of the British Empire, which recognizes Brits with outstanding achievements. I think this is the first time ever that the Brits have handed out MBEs to non-Brits, and a Kpop girl group no less. Be sure and tell that to your scoffing friends next time they sniff they're just Kpop singer/dancers. It's a day of shining joy for Blinks...😊
@@CoachCastTV It's long been my belief since I first stumbled upon IU and the girls that they were the tip of the counter-Progessive spear, championing hard work, heterosexual love, marriage, family, and country. Anyone that bitches work and life are too hard just has to look at what Kpopers (or Koreans in general) go through to succeed. Yes, they're beautiful and talented, but they've never stopped telling people that they got to where they are through practice practice practice work work work. (But you already know that as a coach.) No wonder the Koreans are rightfully kicking our asses...
@@CoachCastTV Hi Guys, thought I'd be neighborly (a dangerous concept out here) and wish you Happy Thanksgiving (I know I'm late) and thank you for your contributions to Blinkdom. You guys are always interesting to listen to, and I look forwards to your takes on IU, New Jeans, and Aespa.
@@michaelmayo Thank you, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well. We definitely have all three of those on our to-do list. Just need more free time. LOL
Great Reaction CoachCastTV! You actually picked the right one! This was how Sea of Hope was introduced to us and from here on out they will all be outdoors! Basically celebrities perform for those who attend and they cook meals for them as well! So it really doesn’t matter what order it’s just like good ole potluck!🐿️🎸🙏🏻
@@CoachCastTV Coach I have a clip for you and Mrs. Coach! BlackPink just awarded The MBE from King Charles III for their work on the environment! This has only been given to Adele, The Beatles and Ed Sheeran! Here’s the link: th-cam.com/video/y7uIbpBEOOw/w-d-xo.htmlsi=b4PuQ5Nvl3ZwEIwp
The girls just had dinner with the King & Queen of England where Charles gave them a nod for their efforts on the environment. A few YT vids out showing them. This Sea of Hope series showed Rose' in so many ways with her vocal talent
King Charles III awarded Blackpink MBE’s today, with Rose receiving the full honor as she is a commonwealth citizen with duel New Zealand citizenship. The others are honorary members as they are foreign citizens
I wonder what they did to get that award? Was surprised to see it on social media; the royal dinner events with the royal families and then king charles awarded them at his royal palace
Yesss Rosé cover reaction! Her vocal is really unique and emotional. I hope you react to Rosé- If it is you, and LiLy and Haewon- “Survivor” cover? Lily and Haewon (from kpop group- NMIXX) were one of the best vocalists in 4th gen, Lily also Korean Australian like Rosé and Haewon is Korean, their voices blend together really well!❤
Hey Coachs, did you know that the King Charles III awarded BLACKPINK with MBEs (The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for their work to raise awareness of climate change as COP26 advocates?! Only three artists recevied that before: The Beatles, Adele and Ed Sheren (BLACKPINK was the first non-british act to receive it). The band also attended the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace last night, with South Korean president and the first lady, and of course the King and the Queen of the UK. Their impact goes beyond music! Also this week, Rosé was invited by the First Lady of The USA, Jil Biden, to go to the White House and talk about mental health!
Hey coach, You tube recommended your video again! If you examine the You Tube recommendation screen, at the end of this video, right below your video recommendation is another recommendation with Rose holding the pink guitar that John Mayer gifted to her after he heard Rosé's cover of this song . That particular, recommended video is Rose singing "Wildfire" while sitting on her sofa, in her luxury condo, which overlooks the Han River in Seoul. You might like that cover as well.
Rose' has been busy lately. I see somebody already told you about meeting King Charles. She was also invited by First Lady Jill Biden to speak about mental health with Tim Cook Apple CEO as well as some other world leaders wives. She announced a Seasons Greetings video with her and her dog Hank in a snowy cabin in a forest to drop December 6th. And she has a video interview with W Korea announcing her magazine cover art for the December issue. Dont be too shocked when you see the new black and blond hairdoo😍
I was going to suggest the sea of hope performances (Actors and singers open a cafe on the beach) KIM GO EUN was in her audience sitting in the middle. She’s a top actress. She sang for the first time in public on a similar show called ‘Begin Again’ (season 3) with JUNG HAE-IN (Jisoo’ co-star in snowdrop..Handsome S.O.B) (random celebrities come together and go busking around the world) they sang an IU song together in Korea.. But the second half of season 3 TAEYEON joins. TAEYEON busking in European cities is one of my all time favourite live performances. Her Adele cover is beautiful.
Just to Re-Remind you, here are my top *SEA OF HOPE* performances: THE ONLY EXCEPTION by Paramore th-cam.com/video/2DUdg4dnse8/w-d-xo.html READ MY MIND by the Killers th-cam.com/video/_r92v-T4gSU/w-d-xo.html TIME SPENT WALKING THROUGH MEMORIES by Nell (turn on subtitles) th-cam.com/video/mrUU_L-pfRU/w-d-xo.html
A lot of young female singers (American) have a “unusual” way they pronounce certain vowels now. You hear it a lot in songs in the past few years. Probably a combo of that and her Aussie accent.
Rose' ultimate bias. Seungyeon of Kara ultimate wrecker for me, also a great singer. Not sure if you'll ever get to Kara but they are 2nd gen and with a lot of history and things to go into if you do get to them. Not all of it as happy as their music is. Lastly as a Dbacks fan I have to take the rare chance to say LOL Dodgers! 😜😃
Hey Coach and Mrs Coach. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family. 2 of my favorites from the Sea of Hope that Rose' covers is "If I ain't got you" by Alicia Keys (duet with Lee Su-Hyun, and "because I Love You" by Yoo Jae Ha. But please react to the 9:28 version. It is vintage Rose'.
Hi ! You guys are still my favorite. I work all night and the first thing I do when I get home is look for your new reaction . My question to you is when you do a video that doesn't have captions, such as see you later , do you guys go back on your own and watch the lyrical video ? I was just curious because I would love watching your reactions to the lyrics too !
You are very kind. Thank you so much for that! We have not watched the lyric videos yet. We both work full-time jobs and so we record on weekends enough to get through the coming week. We rarely get on TH-cam now, other than to respond to comments and upload videos. So our reactions are all we're seeing for these groups at this time.
Thanks for answering back.. we all appreciate the time you take to do the reactions ! Love you both so much. Even if you don't do a reaction to the song , you guys should check out the lyrics , one of their more savage songs . Rose having the best line in the song in my opinion. Have a great day ! Xoxo
Hello from Argentina🌞!! I found this channel a minutes ago and i LOVE IT. I recommend you two react to BabyMint, its a chinese group that i really love. All the songs that their perfom are perfect, but i recommend 2023:BBmeme odyssey, La Nueva Era and Hellokittybalahcurri (this was the first song that i listen, i love it so much lol).
I may have missed, but did you react to 'Lovesick Girls' and 'How you like that' MV? I think there are some big MVs you still need to react to. As well as live performance like Coachella etc.
Hi coaches, just binged your BP vids and im glad you enjoy them but i cannot remember which vid your preferred music genres but i have a couple of suggestions for both of you. For Mrs Coach: Morrisette Amon, who IMO is probably the best vocalist for ballads in the world. Check out her covers of Never Enough and Secret Love Song. And for Coach: Band Maid. A japanese rock group comprised of five ladies. And in my IMO the best rock group in the world and the best female rock band ever. Hefty praise and im hyping them up but wait until you listen to them. Thnak me later
She's amazing! Very talented and passionate about music. You know who else is like that? LUCAS INUTILISMO in the video 2020 EM UMA MUSICA. Check it out lol.
Please react to Baby Monster "Final Evaluation" Series. Its an 8-part series where YG got to select the final members to debut. Part of the series you'll see Blackpink Lisa and Jennie mentoring them. Think its perfect before you react to their actual DEBUT.
Her voice is so soothing! I recommend other performances from her Sea of Hope visit: "The Only Exception", "Read My Mind", "If I Aint Got You". ALSO, theres a song she performed on "king of masked singer" called "If It Is You" -- best cover ever. Please enjoy.
These are the best covers in the worlddd 😍😍
She has one of the most unique voices in the world.a pleasure to hear her always
Before I discovered Rosé, I've always had a thick sturdy wall I'd built around my heart due to multiple heartbreaks and losses. Nothing was able to penetrate nor move me a single inch.
Then I discovered Rosé, her voice didn't break down my walls, didn't tear it down. It was wierd, she kinda just passed through it seamlessly and entered my heart. Her voice made me cry -which I hadn't done in YEARS-.
It was the one scene in "Light Up The Sky" on Netflix when she was recording a simple melody with her voice. No words, no lyrics she just sang "aaaahhhhh ahhh" but it touched me and before I knew it I had tears flowing down my once-dried up tear ducts.
Rosé has such an emotionally POWERFUL voice. I never believed in these kinds of things existing until I heard her voice.
She was my automatic bias. I only listen to Blackpink for Rosé's parts, as much as I also LOVE the other 3 beautiful members.
Wow, this is a powerful story of how an artist can impact people. This is great, and so glad you shared. Coach didn't have your exact experience, but he also knew immediately she was the one.
Rose's cover of "Read My Mind" in this same Sea of Hope series of performances (charity performances during Covid) was also spectacular. The audio recording there was awesomely good; you can hear the full range of her voice.
Another great reaction! Anything ‘Rosé Sea of Hope is magical. I noticed your unspoken reaction to the harmony. I suggest listening to ‘If I ain’t got you’ Sea of Hope Rosécover to hear more of the two. I also recommend another Sea of Hope - Lucky. These (and all of the covers) are exceptional.
We appreciate these suggestions. Can never get enough of her.
the girl harmonizing with Rosé near the end is Suhyun from the brother & sister duo AKMU (Akdong Musician) - they are under the same company as Blackpink and Babymonster. to get a real sense of Suhyun's vocal talents i recommend their song "How can I love the heartbreak, you`re the one I love" - but you will see and hear more of Suhyun as you watch other Rosé clips from this show.
Perfect. We appreciate that info.
Suhyun trains Babymonster in the Last Evaluation series.
Suhyun has a beautiful voice, it is as clear as crystal. She features a lot in the Begin Again series where Korean musicians busk around the world. There are lots of clips on YT.
that was nice...interesting too she was also singing in front of some of the most famous actors and actresses in korea...gotta love kdramas!
And we had no idea about that. LOL We're learning.
The girl sitting next to Rosé was Lee Su-Hyun , a YG Artist member of AKMU ( a sibling duo ), she also has a beautiful voice, you guys need to check out DINOSAUR by AKMU.
Thanks for that information.
Her vocal tone is sweet with a slight twang to it. Very great on the ears. ❤️
Yeah, it's something else, for sure! 😆
• John Mayer is the original artist. When John saw tjis performance, he sent Rosé a baby signed baby pink electric guitar.
BLINKS are SO proud today. BLACKPINK was together yesterday at Buckingham Palace meeting King Charles for a banquet for Korean British diplomacy. They were given honorary MBEs for roles as Advocates at the COP26 in Glasgow. They looked like princesses. WE ARE SO PROUD
That's awesome. One of our viewers on Facebook sent us a link to that story about their visit.
rosé ❤❤❤
Thank you mr coach.. it's a dream that you're finally reacting to Rosé's sea of hope's covers..
Rose voice is so beautiful ❤
She had Grounded with Rosé, a sleep story that she collaborated with Calm.
I can't get past a feeling that I've seen this before. ;) I didn't truly appreciate Rose's voice until I heard these covers. In BP songs, they're all singing to fit the song, so you're not getting a real listen to their vocals. I always picture Rose', as a solo artist, just sitting on a stool with a guitar and singing, and, when you see these performances, that's where she seems to feel most comfortable and most "herself". She would have been very popular in the 60's with her voice and personality.
LOL...our Patrons got a sneak peak at this one. Good point about how she seems so comfortable like this.
This popped up and I literally pressed in seconds. Amazing! Can’t wait to see the rest!
Please do her Sea of Hope cover of Paramore - The Only Exception. Will blow you away
Sadly, it was blocked in South Korea, where about 5% of our views come from, but we did put it on Patreon so that those folks could see it if they wanted to do so. Thanks for watching!
she has a special voice
Yay! My favorite cover. I could have this on repeat and go to sleep peacefully
Hi CCTV in case you missed this news, the girls were invited to Buckingham Palace for a state banquet by King Charles last night. They looked so elegant and beautiful in their evening gowns. A proud moment for all blinks.
That's great! Yes, one of our viewers sent us the link on Facebook. Very cool.
"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" is a song(written and sung) by John Mayer from the 2006 album Continuum.
John loved everything about Rosé's performance, tweeting out a link to the video with the message, "This is gorgeous @ygofficialblink #rosÉ."
He liked it so much he sent her a Roxy Pink guitar, a PRS Silver Sky - a collaboration between John and high end guitar maker Paul Reed Smith. With a note from John included with the guitar read: "Rosé, I should be thanking you. (So Thank You). - John."
You probably have a play list for this but here is another, and has some practices as well
[Playlist] Rosé (로제) -
Sea Of Hope Collection (바라던 바다 모음) th-cam.com/video/5bgOoznPQPE/w-d-xo.html
That's an awesome story. Thanks so much!
That smile from Rose' at the end, awwww.
Happy Thanksgiving Coach, Mrs. Coach, and all the CoachCastTV fans out there!
*The Only Exception* being those outside the US, I suppose. *Lucky* you. Because *If I Ain't Got You* to *Read My Mind* then who would I NOT celebrate with?
The smile at the end was great! Happy Thanksgiving to you also! We are thankful for all our viewers!
All the covers in that program are magnificent. Everything with your voice is beautiful 😊😊😊
Rose's voice is so good, that any cover she does is as good or arguably better than the original. Rose has such a cool, uniquie and beautiful voice.
*YAAAAYYY!* Thanks so much, made my day again!
This performance is different from the other SEA OF HOPE performances, as it's indoors and performed for the cast and crew. The other performances are on the beach for a small audience, the premise is that a group of actors and singers open a beach café and perform after the meal. If you see a Rosé performance and in the thumbnail she is sitting in front of a house, those are just rehearsals, not the real performance.
Good info to know. Thanks for that!
Coach sir you know that blackpink get honourable MEBs award from king Charles.❤😊
Yes, read that this morning. Awesome!
I always loved this song from John Mayer's Continuum album, and loved this cover from Rose. It's at least as good as John's while being different enough that it's hard to choose between them!
The MV teaser of BABY MONSTER's debut song is out, you can also see the 6 visual films of the 6 girls, post: Haram's name was changed now it is RAMI
Oh, that's very interesting about her name change.
Really love it ❤
Thank you so much pops..we've been waiting for this🙏
Bc of this cover she got acquaintance with John Mayer himself. First he tweeted this cover and praised her and then he gifted her his new colab guitar pink PRS silver sky as a appreciation for covering his song. And he did his homework by gifting her guitar with her fav colour in it which is baby pink😂 And lots of her covers also recognised by the original artist as well and all of them singin praises for her.
That's great to hear. She knocked it out of the park on this one.
Thanks and more Sea of Hope please.
Such a sweet voice.
She really doesn’t have a korean accent when she speaks English. It’s purely Melbourne Australian. I’m so in love her speaking voice too. lol
Rose voice are increable and unique with her accent. Really love it❤
Thanks Mr & Mrs Coach react to Rose sea of hope and hopefully can react to another song “if i ain’t got you”.
The girl sit beside Rose was call Lee Su Hyun(from group call Akmu) and she also got a increable voice, please help to react to her song “how can i love the heartbreak, you’re the one i love”.
She also from YG and all YG girls got voice❤
Thanks for that info. Her voice surely is unique.
@@CoachCastTV thant for sure👍🏻❤️
My bias❤
Coach's also!
Hey Coach (and the Missus), I don't know if you know this yet, but the girls were just invited to the State Dinner King Charles threw for the visit of Korea's Pres and First Lady. Not only that, but he gave the girls honorary MBEs, Members of the British Empire, which recognizes Brits with outstanding achievements. I think this is the first time ever that the Brits have handed out MBEs to non-Brits, and a Kpop girl group no less. Be sure and tell that to your scoffing friends next time they sniff they're just Kpop singer/dancers. It's a day of shining joy for Blinks...😊
We saw that. That's awesome. Clearly more people are taking notice of these ladies and it's great to see.
@@CoachCastTV It's long been my belief since I first stumbled upon IU and the girls that they were the tip of the counter-Progessive spear, championing hard work, heterosexual love, marriage, family, and country. Anyone that bitches work and life are too hard just has to look at what Kpopers (or Koreans in general) go through to succeed. Yes, they're beautiful and talented, but they've never stopped telling people that they got to where they are through practice practice practice work work work. (But you already know that as a coach.) No wonder the Koreans are rightfully kicking our asses...
@@michaelmayo Work ethic will take you far in life. We love to see someone dedicated to their craft succeed, regardless of their line of work.
@@CoachCastTV Hi Guys, thought I'd be neighborly (a dangerous concept out here) and wish you Happy Thanksgiving (I know I'm late) and thank you for your contributions to Blinkdom. You guys are always interesting to listen to, and I look forwards to your takes on IU, New Jeans, and Aespa.
@@michaelmayo Thank you, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well. We definitely have all three of those on our to-do list. Just need more free time. LOL
cant wait for her vampireholic song
This was a rehearsal for an event that took place on a beach. The others in the room are musicians and singers who also participated.
Great Reaction CoachCastTV! You actually picked the right one! This was how Sea of Hope was introduced to us and from here on out they will all be outdoors! Basically celebrities perform for those who attend and they cook meals for them as well! So it really doesn’t matter what order it’s just like good ole potluck!🐿️🎸🙏🏻
Awesome! Thank you!
@@CoachCastTV Coach I have a clip for you and Mrs. Coach! BlackPink just awarded The MBE from King Charles III for their work on the environment! This has only been given to Adele, The Beatles and Ed Sheeran! Here’s the link:
Es muy relajante escuchar esto, más reacciones como esta. 💗✨
Agreed, very soothing. Thanks!
I can see rose doing a rock song. Hopefully someday.
Rose ❤
The girls just had dinner with the King & Queen of England where Charles gave them a nod for their efforts on the environment. A few YT vids out showing them. This Sea of Hope series showed Rose' in so many ways with her vocal talent
The only exception.. next plzzz 😊😊😊
You need to hear Rose in Arena tour 2018 Kyocera Dome Osaka singing ( Let it be + You and i + Only look at me ) that is yummy for your eres
King Charles III awarded Blackpink MBE’s today, with Rose receiving the full honor as she is a commonwealth citizen with duel New Zealand citizenship. The others are honorary members as they are foreign citizens
I wonder what they did to get that award? Was surprised to see it on social media; the royal dinner events with the royal families and then king charles awarded them at his royal palace
Yesss Rosé cover reaction! Her vocal is really unique and emotional. I hope you react to Rosé- If it is you, and LiLy and Haewon- “Survivor” cover? Lily and Haewon (from kpop group- NMIXX) were one of the best vocalists in 4th gen, Lily also Korean Australian like Rosé and Haewon is Korean, their voices blend together really well!❤
Great recommendation!
Her voice just magical you know, thank you for the reaction ❣️😍 Could you react to Rosè's Don't look back anger cover in her TH-cam channel next??
BPM rolls like please ive been asking for so long there are from 1-34 react to them one episode is short not long
rosé is truly an ACE ❤️❤️
hope u guys react to aespa "drama" ❤️❤️
Aespa keeps coming up, and we'll try to get to them at some point, along with all the other requests. LOL
Hey Coachs, did you know that the King Charles III awarded BLACKPINK with MBEs (The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for their work to raise awareness of climate change as COP26 advocates?! Only three artists recevied that before: The Beatles, Adele and Ed Sheren (BLACKPINK was the first non-british act to receive it). The band also attended the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace last night, with South Korean president and the first lady, and of course the King and the Queen of the UK. Their impact goes beyond music!
Also this week, Rosé was invited by the First Lady of The USA, Jil Biden, to go to the White House and talk about mental health!
Yes, our viewers linked some of that info on Facebook for us. We are very proud of them.
Hey coach, You tube recommended your video again! If you examine the You Tube recommendation screen, at the end of this video, right below your video recommendation is another recommendation with Rose holding the pink guitar that John Mayer gifted to her after he heard Rosé's cover of this song . That particular, recommended video is Rose singing "Wildfire" while sitting on her sofa, in her luxury condo, which overlooks the Han River in Seoul. You might like that cover as well.
Yeah, we might want to watch this CCTV show sometime. We might like it. LOL Thanks for pointing that one out.
Rose' has been busy lately. I see somebody already told you about meeting King Charles. She was also invited by First Lady Jill Biden to speak about mental health with Tim Cook Apple CEO as well as some other world leaders wives. She announced a Seasons Greetings video with her and her dog Hank in a snowy cabin in a forest to drop December 6th. And she has a video interview with W Korea announcing her magazine cover art for the December issue. Dont be too shocked when you see the new black and blond hairdoo😍
Good to see her getting all this recognition. The hairdo sounds interesting.
@@CoachCastTV Oh! it is. TH-cam keyword search ;
BLACKPINK ROSÉ's Honest Puzzle Interview🧩 If ROSÉ could turn back time, when would she want to go
I was going to suggest the sea of hope performances (Actors and singers open a cafe on the beach)
KIM GO EUN was in her audience sitting in the middle. She’s a top actress. She sang for the first time in public on a similar show called ‘Begin Again’ (season 3) with JUNG HAE-IN (Jisoo’ co-star in snowdrop..Handsome S.O.B)
(random celebrities come together and go busking around the world) they sang an IU song together in Korea..
But the second half of season 3 TAEYEON joins.
TAEYEON busking in European cities is one of my all time favourite live performances. Her Adele cover is beautiful.
Just to Re-Remind you, here are my top *SEA OF HOPE* performances:
THE ONLY EXCEPTION by Paramore th-cam.com/video/2DUdg4dnse8/w-d-xo.html
READ MY MIND by the Killers th-cam.com/video/_r92v-T4gSU/w-d-xo.html
TIME SPENT WALKING THROUGH MEMORIES by Nell (turn on subtitles) th-cam.com/video/mrUU_L-pfRU/w-d-xo.html
Got it. Thanks!
thank you for reacting to rosé i hope you react to her covers " let it be and you and I together " ❤
A lot of young female singers (American) have a “unusual” way they pronounce certain vowels now. You hear it a lot in songs in the past few years. Probably a combo of that and her Aussie accent.
They call that a "cursive" style.
1st to like😊😊m0re Rosé please..EYES CLOSED Rosé cover by Halsey..thanky0u🥰🥰
Rose' ultimate bias. Seungyeon of Kara ultimate wrecker for me, also a great singer. Not sure if you'll ever get to Kara but they are 2nd gen and with a lot of history and things to go into if you do get to them. Not all of it as happy as their music is.
Lastly as a Dbacks fan I have to take the rare chance to say LOL Dodgers! 😜😃
🤣😁 Appreciate the mention of Kara, not sure we've heard of that group before.
I love this but the other sea of hope covers are also good react to those aswell
React to Lucky by rose also from the same show. I love the ways she sing
Hey Coach and Mrs Coach. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family. 2 of my favorites from the Sea of Hope that Rose' covers is "If I ain't got you" by Alicia Keys (duet with Lee Su-Hyun, and "because I Love You" by Yoo Jae Ha. But please react to the 9:28 version. It is vintage Rose'.
Thanks for this info. We are having a good holiday, thank you. Hope you are as well!
truly best reaction.. i hope both you may react to this Malaysian girl group name Dolla with their new song Classic. tq for your reaction :)
Thank you so much!
Please reaction whole Rosé sea of the hope series
I Love it, thanksss🥹🤍
Please Rosé Gone live sea hope
Other covers by Rose you might enjoy are read my mind, don't look back in anger, until I found you, and eyes closed.
They are great . Would you do a reacton to a BigBang title like perhaps... If You ... live version is amazing.
"Childish" voice❤🎉 yeah
But it's not ..Made..it's just her natural..yup
It's soft, not sure we'd consider it childish...but so soothing.
BLACKPINK next album update when ? ❤
Probably next week after the holiday. We have filmed enough to get us through this holiday weekend.
Rose in the mask singer 😮plz
They need to react to cry for me by Twice
Hi ! You guys are still my favorite. I work all night and the first thing I do when I get home is look for your new reaction . My question to you is when you do a video that doesn't have captions, such as see you later , do you guys go back on your own and watch the lyrical video ? I was just curious because I would love watching your reactions to the lyrics too !
You are very kind. Thank you so much for that! We have not watched the lyric videos yet. We both work full-time jobs and so we record on weekends enough to get through the coming week. We rarely get on TH-cam now, other than to respond to comments and upload videos. So our reactions are all we're seeing for these groups at this time.
Thanks for answering back.. we all appreciate the time you take to do the reactions ! Love you both so much. Even if you don't do a reaction to the song , you guys should check out the lyrics , one of their more savage songs . Rose having the best line in the song in my opinion. Have a great day ! Xoxo
@@itskrismas Thank you. Hope you have a great day also! ❤
Hello from Argentina🌞!! I found this channel a minutes ago and i LOVE IT. I recommend you two react to BabyMint, its a chinese group that i really love. All the songs that their perfom are perfect, but i recommend 2023:BBmeme odyssey, La Nueva Era and Hellokittybalahcurri (this was the first song that i listen, i love it so much lol).
Glad to have you here! Thanks for the suggestion.
Please react to rose cover song Eye closed. It's the best, you'll love it.
lucky, please
Please react rośe masked singer
4th like 👍
I may have missed, but did you react to 'Lovesick Girls' and 'How you like that' MV?
I think there are some big MVs you still need to react to. As well as live performance like Coachella etc.
No, not yet. We're trying to do albums in order, while throwing in the collabs and some solos. We'll get to the more recent stuff as soon as we can.
Hi Coach, please react to Dreamcatcher. You would love their vibe/music.
We have one coming soon! :-)
Reaction blackpink guide 2023 and blackpink Coachella performance
King Charles III Awards Blackpink MBE’s
Can you react her If it is you - king of masked singer performance. It’s my favorite vocal performance of her
We'll certainly keep it in mind.
Hi coaches, just binged your BP vids and im glad you enjoy them but i cannot remember which vid your preferred music genres but i have a couple of suggestions for both of you. For Mrs Coach: Morrisette Amon, who IMO is probably the best vocalist for ballads in the world. Check out her covers of Never Enough and Secret Love Song. And for Coach: Band Maid. A japanese rock group comprised of five ladies. And in my IMO the best rock group in the world and the best female rock band ever. Hefty praise and im hyping them up but wait until you listen to them. Thnak me later
We both appreciate the suggestions. Thank you!
You should listen to BTS V's song Slow Dancing. He has such a soothing jazz sound :)
Hallo Mr. & Mrs. Coach, please reaction to save me save you by WJSN... Please ... Thanks
Mr. Coach and Mrs. Coach jisoo have 2 solo songs u already react to flower plz react to the second solo it's called "all eyes on me"😭😭😭😭
Yes, we are aware of that one. The Yuki No Hana was highly requested due to the holidays so we did that one first.
please react to ROSE Eyes closed❤
She's amazing! Very talented and passionate about music. You know who else is like that? LUCAS INUTILISMO in the video 2020 EM UMA MUSICA. Check it out lol.
Please react to Baby Monster "Final Evaluation" Series. Its an 8-part series where YG got to select the final members to debut. Part of the series you'll see Blackpink Lisa and Jennie mentoring them. Think its perfect before you react to their actual DEBUT.
We'll watch it for sure but not sure we'll be able to do reactions as that is a big time commitment with the editing as well.
Can you react to park bom and her song i
Reacts to twice pleaseee