Life and society will become easier to bear when you realize that we are born to serve! Everything you mentioned does in fact suck but it’s important for us to lay aside our own expectations and see how we can make things better…. The truth is that there are too many people on this earth and the only way to ensure everyone get their basic needs is through factory farming. The food pyramid was built so that more people eat grains instead of cows because we simply don’t have enough cows! There are no easy answers. But we can all do our part to make things better in a small way
that's an amazing point on social media being an illusion of autonomy, Society in my opinion currently is based on archaic systems that have all entrenched their own interest for profit over the last 100 years but philosophically since the enlightenment, The factory school system was based on Prussian military academies which at the time better suited the new industrial age and it's demand for labor/discipline in that society , now that system is almost completely outdated and many of the jobs and culture justifying it literally don't exist yet we persist because it's familiar. Commercialization and factory farming similarly took off around the 1950's and it's when plastic lined containers and cans also entered to give us micro plastics and metal toxicity in stuff like farmed fish, but not only that slowly the sugar/tobacco industry lobbied to take down use of raw animal fats which have been consumed for thousands of years and banned things like raw milk in most states retail stores, beef tallow in restaurants like McDonalds 1991, and replaced them with seed oils that appear in all processed food directly correlating with americas spike in obesity, factory farms will pump an animal with large amounts of steroids and tons of shots because of the otherwise unsurvivable poor conditions and like you say "yeild farming" which actually kills the ecosystem in birds/ bugs and causes desertification to the land but also hurting us slowly with stuff like pesticides and residuals from their tainted flesh that ends up getting detoxed or stuck in our fat/ fatty organs. Even the dollar has depreciated enormously from 80% of the worlds wealth with every policy decision for a century now leading it to around 25% and inflation used to not be a recurring or accepted norm , especially houses going up 50% in less than 2 years or groceries by 30%, things used to get cheaper! I think 80 percent of the dollars in circulation were printed in the last 4 years aswell (most going to corporate bailouts) The common thread I think that links all of these phenomenon together actually isn't a maleficent preplanned cabal even though I think those can exist at elite levels (mostly through nepotism), but rather the exact opposite, too many interests being divided by individuals, our society and specifically the west has overdosed on individualism which was birthed from the enlightenment move towards rationalism, because the nation isn't unified in a more culturally collective sense and we fight between two dialectics or politics that are reactive rather than proactive we can never take executive action as a whole towards something greater to be envisioned, I think we live in a dying oligarchy but in direct democracy for example only the power of the mob can create change and when the points of interest are divided among so many people naturally power vacuums occur and it quickly becomes everyone for himself into who can secure the most alliances, in a absolute monarchy (not necessarily in name but in power wielded) there is a common acknowledgement and respect for an authority or consensus and thus the death of politics can occur and self interest peddling turns into appeasements the result being people are made to feel more like common citizens than propped up foot soldiers for a marketed ideology/religon/or argument , "monarchy" is not with ought it's risk obviously and the cost for failure to maintain a realm is insurrection and so a "king" has to address the issues of all the classes in making them symbiotic, this used to be well maintained as a Kings accountability lied in his people and to his moral accountability to god but as that cultural phenomenon withered naturally kings because more prone to corruption and self serving malevolence, eventually needing human rationalism to confine it's governance in that absence of what used to be a culturally enforced norm, The heirarchy I describe though dosen't just span to governance I'd argue it spans all sectors of occupation and human anthropology even, The "Director" of the movie cast, the head "Chef" of a kitchen, the CEO of a company, and here's where my psychedelics kick in even in plants or planets, Is the "Sun" not the king of the solar system to the nobility of planets to the fiefs of the many moons, or like a tree the singular King stump to the noble branches and to the many more leaves, nature I think is this fractal hierarchy that commonly gets defaulted to in nature,"Queen" to the bee hive or The Hierarchy of the food chain as some examples imo it's all trying to organize symbiotically and i'm actually attempting to write my first book on this topic even though these thoughts arose from psychedelic use, i'd love to know what you guys think or if I sound insane.
@PradaMage when I was reading your comment I was thinking to myself you should do a video on this, see you plan to do a book. You're making lots of connections that are new to me, which I appreciate and added lots of good points to the conversation. Can't say if it sounds insane, many people would say most of all of this is insane.
@@IlluminateYourPowerthank you for the input , I think now I will end up doing a video expanding on these ideas in full because it’s more quickly accessible alongside with images
Once again I completely relate and agree to that. When you play a bit out of the usual system, it creates a friction between you and the society, either technically (like you mentioned when you need a loan, rent a house etc... how many times I struggled with that) but also in the way we connect with others ! Most people are employee, happy to be employee, and consider being an employee as a success in life. From that base it is difficult to relate to them and for them to relate to me. We consider each other a weirdo. Now on a financial side of things most jobs don't allow to put healthy amount of money on the side to make projects (at least here in Europe). After years of "investigation" trying to understand how most employee do to have enough money, I figured out 99% of the time they simply got help from their family (living rent free at mom and dad's house, getting money, getting a car, inheritance, any kind of help), but really when you're on your own with a normal job, given unexpected events happen (car breaking...) in the end it's nearly impossible to get out of that rat race loop. The solution is to make your own business The beautifl thing about all that is that there are a lot of business opportunities since a lot of people don't want to do it and stay comfy in there job. And putting the same amount of energy for your own business that you would put in your job, it can lead to at least a decent amount of income/freedom. Not the easiest path though. But the most rewarding Now regarding food I agree with you that there is a huge problem but I don't think it's on purpose like it's a set up from lobbies or politicians. The food industry make what people buy, and people buy cheap and dopamine inducing food (healthy quality food is expensive). Adding to that most people are in a rat race where they don't have time or energy to reflect on themself, their weight, their health... It's sad to think about all that but in the end we have to be selfish, do things our way, make our space in society I'm surprised that you bring those things up, I rarely hear people talking about that, especially from women
@marsooh302 haha yes, it definitely makes for division because lots of them seem to be npcs. Just creates lots of friction like you said. I agree. We demonize selfishness here which is wrong, I think we might all be better off if everyone did care for themselves more.
Here listening with ya. My issue with Drug clinics. Just trading 1 drug for other with no rd to taking nothing. And folks working all their lives to just die in debt and sick from the food and meds they have been given. It’s all designed to keep us dependent. In my humble opinion. Good job. Gets ya thinking!!❤
All i can say is need more intellectual foody haha :) . Yes we connect the dots i guess that's what we have in common and it feels good very good to know there is more people out there like that . About the individuality you talked about , yes we have it but it is buried under all the pressure of the system like media and everything. Yes we need a community and a very big one like that haha
Wow, you covered a bunch here! Trading your whole life for just the basics...Yup that kind of sums up the industrial plan. I know some European countries have bought all the way in and half of their earnings go to public services. That might be a more digestible option for a good number of people but I highly suspect it will not be the final destination of the America we have been born into. The real value in the Great Experiment (and I won't go into the immorality of the thiefdom, I wasn't even alive for that) has always been the expressed freedom to (and you nailed it at the end) opt out of the system if you so choose, provided you can find your own way. Sadly that simply cannot be said in many many other countries where the social class system is undefeated. I'm not an off the gridder myself but I'm watching what they are showing us, you know, just in case ;) School was never intended to teach one how to survive. That has always been the job of family and community if we are so lucky to have one or both but devaluation of the dollar over decades (not inflation) has forced both parents out of the home to work and contribute to the system. More sadly yet, I'm not sure how these cascading events could possibly not have been anticipated by the people who facilitated the system. Is society f'ed? I don't think it has to be, and like most things in life we have had the power to change it the whole time. But if it is then did it to ourselves, and I find that just slightly easier to swallow than the idea that it was done to me by an invading army. Ironic, I know.
@jaybee8951 I watch homesteading videos even wilderness ones too. Gotta be prepared and besides, kinda looks fun. 😂 I agree on the ownership stance and it's so true, it's like we're in a cage but the door is unlocked. We're just conditioned by being born in the cage.
@@IlluminateYourPower So often we feel like the devil we know is better than the devil we don't, and that might be the biggest lie most of us will ever tell ourselves.
Life and society will become easier to bear when you realize that we are born to serve! Everything you mentioned does in fact suck but it’s important for us to lay aside our own expectations and see how we can make things better…. The truth is that there are too many people on this earth and the only way to ensure everyone get their basic needs is through factory farming. The food pyramid was built so that more people eat grains instead of cows because we simply don’t have enough cows! There are no easy answers. But we can all do our part to make things better in a small way
@pejboy there is an insane amount of people. By around 2050 it's projected there will be 9.7 billion people. We're at 8.2 billion right now.
Facts only! This approach keeps you neutral, and prepares you for the seem less downloads…
@sya5000 I agree, we have to do a lot of "unlearning"
that's an amazing point on social media being an illusion of autonomy, Society in my opinion currently is based on archaic systems that have all entrenched their own interest for profit over the last 100 years but philosophically since the enlightenment, The factory school system was based on Prussian military academies which at the time better suited the new industrial age and it's demand for labor/discipline in that society , now that system is almost completely outdated and many of the jobs and culture justifying it literally don't exist yet we persist because it's familiar. Commercialization and factory farming similarly took off around the 1950's and it's when plastic lined containers and cans also entered to give us micro plastics and metal toxicity in stuff like farmed fish, but not only that slowly the sugar/tobacco industry lobbied to take down use of raw animal fats which have been consumed for thousands of years and banned things like raw milk in most states retail stores, beef tallow in restaurants like McDonalds 1991, and replaced them with seed oils that appear in all processed food directly correlating with americas spike in obesity, factory farms will pump an animal with large amounts of steroids and tons of shots because of the otherwise unsurvivable poor conditions and like you say "yeild farming" which actually kills the ecosystem in birds/ bugs and causes desertification to the land but also hurting us slowly with stuff like pesticides and residuals from their tainted flesh that ends up getting detoxed or stuck in our fat/ fatty organs. Even the dollar has depreciated enormously from 80% of the worlds wealth with every policy decision for a century now leading it to around 25% and inflation used to not be a recurring or accepted norm , especially houses going up 50% in less than 2 years or groceries by 30%, things used to get cheaper! I think 80 percent of the dollars in circulation were printed in the last 4 years aswell (most going to corporate bailouts) The common thread I think that links all of these phenomenon together actually isn't a maleficent preplanned cabal even though I think those can exist at elite levels (mostly through nepotism), but rather the exact opposite, too many interests being divided by individuals, our society and specifically the west has overdosed on individualism which was birthed from the enlightenment move towards rationalism, because the nation isn't unified in a more culturally collective sense and we fight between two dialectics or politics that are reactive rather than proactive we can never take executive action as a whole towards something greater to be envisioned, I think we live in a dying oligarchy but in direct democracy for example only the power of the mob can create change and when the points of interest are divided among so many people naturally power vacuums occur and it quickly becomes everyone for himself into who can secure the most alliances, in a absolute monarchy (not necessarily in name but in power wielded) there is a common acknowledgement and respect for an authority or consensus and thus the death of politics can occur and self interest peddling turns into appeasements the result being people are made to feel more like common citizens than propped up foot soldiers for a marketed ideology/religon/or argument , "monarchy" is not with ought it's risk obviously and the cost for failure to maintain a realm is insurrection and so a "king" has to address the issues of all the classes in making them symbiotic, this used to be well maintained as a Kings accountability lied in his people and to his moral accountability to god but as that cultural phenomenon withered naturally kings because more prone to corruption and self serving malevolence, eventually needing human rationalism to confine it's governance in that absence of what used to be a culturally enforced norm, The heirarchy I describe though dosen't just span to governance I'd argue it spans all sectors of occupation and human anthropology even, The "Director" of the movie cast, the head "Chef" of a kitchen, the CEO of a company, and here's where my psychedelics kick in even in plants or planets, Is the "Sun" not the king of the solar system to the nobility of planets to the fiefs of the many moons, or like a tree the singular King stump to the noble branches and to the many more leaves, nature I think is this fractal hierarchy that commonly gets defaulted to in nature,"Queen" to the bee hive or The Hierarchy of the food chain as some examples imo it's all trying to organize symbiotically and i'm actually attempting to write my first book on this topic even though these thoughts arose from psychedelic use, i'd love to know what you guys think or if I sound insane.
@PradaMage when I was reading your comment I was thinking to myself you should do a video on this, see you plan to do a book. You're making lots of connections that are new to me, which I appreciate and added lots of good points to the conversation. Can't say if it sounds insane, many people would say most of all of this is insane.
@@IlluminateYourPowerthank you for the input , I think now I will end up doing a video expanding on these ideas in full because it’s more quickly accessible alongside with images
Once again I completely relate and agree to that. When you play a bit out of the usual system, it creates a friction between you and the society, either technically (like you mentioned when you need a loan, rent a house etc... how many times I struggled with that) but also in the way we connect with others ! Most people are employee, happy to be employee, and consider being an employee as a success in life. From that base it is difficult to relate to them and for them to relate to me. We consider each other a weirdo.
Now on a financial side of things most jobs don't allow to put healthy amount of money on the side to make projects (at least here in Europe). After years of "investigation" trying to understand how most employee do to have enough money, I figured out 99% of the time they simply got help from their family (living rent free at mom and dad's house, getting money, getting a car, inheritance, any kind of help), but really when you're on your own with a normal job, given unexpected events happen (car breaking...) in the end it's nearly impossible to get out of that rat race loop. The solution is to make your own business
The beautifl thing about all that is that there are a lot of business opportunities since a lot of people don't want to do it and stay comfy in there job. And putting the same amount of energy for your own business that you would put in your job, it can lead to at least a decent amount of income/freedom. Not the easiest path though. But the most rewarding
Now regarding food I agree with you that there is a huge problem but I don't think it's on purpose like it's a set up from lobbies or politicians. The food industry make what people buy, and people buy cheap and dopamine inducing food (healthy quality food is expensive). Adding to that most people are in a rat race where they don't have time or energy to reflect on themself, their weight, their health...
It's sad to think about all that but in the end we have to be selfish, do things our way, make our space in society
I'm surprised that you bring those things up, I rarely hear people talking about that, especially from women
@marsooh302 haha yes, it definitely makes for division because lots of them seem to be npcs. Just creates lots of friction like you said.
I agree. We demonize selfishness here which is wrong, I think we might all be better off if everyone did care for themselves more.
Here listening with ya. My issue with Drug clinics. Just trading 1 drug for other with no rd to taking nothing. And folks working all their lives to just die in debt and sick from the food and meds they have been given. It’s all designed to keep us dependent. In my humble opinion. Good job. Gets ya thinking!!❤
@CreatingChangeGB its so insidious! I agree, it's to keep us dependent.
!00% Thank you. We see it. Awareness removes the shadow that corruption hides in.
@AFuture4U great way to put it!
All i can say is need more intellectual foody haha :) . Yes we connect the dots i guess that's what we have in common and it feels good very good to know there is more people out there like that . About the individuality you talked about , yes we have it but it is buried under all the pressure of the system like media and everything. Yes we need a community and a very big one like that haha
@aivarasimonis The world seems so unnatural, I hope we can all move back to more real and less fake ways of existing. ❤️
Wow, you covered a bunch here!
Trading your whole life for just the basics...Yup that kind of sums up the industrial plan. I know some European countries have bought all the way in and half of their earnings go to public services. That might be a more digestible option for a good number of people but I highly suspect it will not be the final destination of the America we have been born into.
The real value in the Great Experiment (and I won't go into the immorality of the thiefdom, I wasn't even alive for that) has always been the expressed freedom to (and you nailed it at the end) opt out of the system if you so choose, provided you can find your own way. Sadly that simply cannot be said in many many other countries where the social class system is undefeated. I'm not an off the gridder myself but I'm watching what they are showing us, you know, just in case ;)
School was never intended to teach one how to survive. That has always been the job of family and community if we are so lucky to have one or both but devaluation of the dollar over decades (not inflation) has forced both parents out of the home to work and contribute to the system. More sadly yet, I'm not sure how these cascading events could possibly not have been anticipated by the people who facilitated the system.
Is society f'ed? I don't think it has to be, and like most things in life we have had the power to change it the whole time. But if it is then did it to ourselves, and I find that just slightly easier to swallow than the idea that it was done to me by an invading army. Ironic, I know.
@jaybee8951 I watch homesteading videos even wilderness ones too. Gotta be prepared and besides, kinda looks fun. 😂
I agree on the ownership stance and it's so true, it's like we're in a cage but the door is unlocked. We're just conditioned by being born in the cage.
@@IlluminateYourPower So often we feel like the devil we know is better than the devil we don't, and that might be the biggest lie most of us will ever tell ourselves.