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Finding Love with the Hawk Tuah Dating App
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thank you for watching :)
my ig: / thechadx2
my twitter: x.com/thechadx2
I call that 'act shocked when you get a sexual answer to your sexual question' the Steve Harvey
Who’s that ?
@Someone-ui5uk the guy who hosts family feud. Also has a judge Judy style show now for some reason. Idk what he did before all of that
@@Someone-ui5uk The host of the gameshow Family Feud
@@Someone-ui5uk maybe just take 2 seconds to google it?
"You're named after a grape juice, so just concentrate" Bruh 😭
Chad chad can be casually so funny that I nearly get upset
Actual bars
i thought this comment said "you're named after a grape juice, so just concrete"
When is Chad Chad dropping her rap album?
We just watched the video, we already know, BRUH
The future of dating apps is just two people using AI to talk to each other
My abusive ex kept pitching this app idea to everyone he met: a „relationship app“ that would remind you multiple times a day to send preformulated „love notes“ to your partner. Or like, it was supposed to send you reminders like „hey it’s time to ask your partner a somewhat deep question again: select one of the questions below…“ etc.
everyone found it kinda ridiculous, cause if you cant even think of what you want to ask your partner for example, like, how? Do you not automatically ask questions when you’re interested in someone? It seemed like a tool to help incompatible people string each other along…
Now I’ve seen several influencers advertise a similar concept and it’s actually apparently something people spend money on 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Literally a black mirror episode
@@maschinka_ that app idea is perhaps the most horrific thing I have ever read, and the fact that it's becoming a thing that's happened makes me scared and sad for humanity.
I think you meant talk tuah each other
South Park did it...
I’m crying at the ai using hillbilly analogies in every single sentence 😭
Everybody hates AI, except for me. I think it passed the Turing test and now it's just messing with us for its own amusement.
@cautiouslycynical9786 name doesn’t check out!
but people making quick shitty ai products for ridiculous prices is so soulless i would love for the ai to turn the tables even at humanities expense lmao
@@cautiouslycynical9786 I mean the Touring Test isn't a good measure for AI anymore anyway. It tests for good chatbots, and we were able to make those for a while.
That being said, I think AI's habit of exaggerating oddities in patterns is hilarious and probably can be used to make some interesting things. Say you feed an AI the complete works of an artist and maximize what makes that artist stand out, you could get some interesting insights or even arguably a decent caricature of the artist's personal style. Of course, do that with the artist's consent, we don't gotta be jerks. The same ability of AI is used in actually useful applications like detecting certain forms of cancer or MS earlier than normally possible.
ah yes, a real southerner
@ Well said. AI is not a tool of evil. With enough regulations it can do amazing things. Or it can find you your Pooky, I guess...
love that she made a jewelry line and said "bc fashion doesn't have to be boring" and it's the most boring jewelry ever
"It doesn't have to be boring - but it could!"
"fashion needs to be boring" -- Hawk Tuah girl
It is such a cliche tagline, I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw how bland it was haha
Hogs like boring jewlery
Funny thing is she probably still made bank from it regardless, lets be real she is set for life at this point.. crazy to think how such a small interaction could lead to such an immense success for her.
I applaud your commitment. You looked like a medieval witch that got revived in 2020 and had to "dress casually" to not raise suspicion. That or a very confused and elderly possum.
Like a librarian that just realized she was in the wrong library
I instinctively read that in Pompom's voice because of your pfp
My actual thought was "confused vampire" so yes, one of those.
@monica_g456 that's wonderful
This app is great. Now women will think I'm rich when they find out about my huge high-end art collection, when really I'm broke as shit and just stole all of it.
Same. I used to have money but I spent all of it on art so women would think I'm rich
Just cause you stole it doesn’t mean you’re poor. How do you think all the rich folk got rich?
did you say something? I was distracted, polishing my collection of Australopithecus skulls on the dashboard of my McLaren.
@@rodchallis8031 you have a McLaren but you can't spell or even write out a full sentence? LMFAO 😂🤡 be fkn fr l0ser 😂
@@rodchallis8031 huh? Sorry, I didn’t hear you, I was busy printing counterfeit art to sell at insane prices to people who want to impress women, while also ordering another tube of paint that I’ll never actually open, but I still stock up on them to make it look like I’m an actual artist and not a con artist.
texting the tech guy a picture of a guy playing soccer is peak content
Without feet too hahahahah
the fuckign question mark react had me dyingggg
do you have feedback?
Hawk Tuah girl is definitive proof that you can just say "Imma go to bed" and ignore all your problems until they go away.
Worked pretty well for Cody ko his new video was perfect avoid it at all costs and everyone will forget even Jo Jo siwa committed a few crimes and most people just forgot about it.
@@redwiltshire1816did it work tho? there's barely an audience for him anymore, most of his current views are just people clicking on the video to dislike and leave a hate comment lol
@rat-gang well yes clearly it did Jo Jo literally got away with multiple crimes and Cody is still making money the “community” or victims didn’t win they didn’t get anything out of it everyone just forgot about it.
Honestly, queen behavior though
@@rat-gang- Hate watching still counts as watching to the algorithim.
“Do you, Haliey, take ____ to be your lawful wedded husband?”
“I duah”.
*Pookie apparently
i hate that this is so funny
Spit on that ring!
End me
"I now pronounce yuah husband and wife."
The fact that your skin burned from the mouth tape and from the stick on jewels on your eyes makes me think that you’re allergic to adhesives
Replying so she might see this
Seconding this because I am, and agree.
@@miriammusembwa She defo saw it but chose to ignore it 😆
I think she said they were nail stickers so theyre probably not made for skin either
Also replying so she can see this
This is incredible. There is a 100% chance that the developer just plugs everything in to chat gpt with “respond like you’re hawk tuah girl” copy pasted into the prompt
Chiming in with the smallest amount of knowledge and a background in that kinda stuff, it's probably not quite that but essentially. There are a number of open-source LLMs licensed for commercial use. If you don't know what those words mean, it's a free chat ai model you can use to make money. It's not exactly GPT, but similar enough in most cases. The advantage of that over GPT is that you can set your own parameters, like the "no questions outside soccer" thing. Realistically that is also what most AI tools for anything are going to use, since it's free, customizable and ready. Training your own model requires access to a LOT of data and a LOT of computing power, so realistically there are only a few companies and universities with the resources to actually do that.
TLDR: Unlikely to be ChatGPT, just any open source LLM, like every other AI tool in existence, apart from the ones produced by the big tech giants.
@Thundermikeee it's a good point, but i think you have to remember ChatGPT got the Kleenex treatment. A lot of people say ChatGPT meaning any LLM, not the specific product
Do you like fisting?
Hawk Tuah dating app is a sentence i didn’t expect
It’s a sentence on all humankind for our stupidity and hubris.
Really? I honestly completely predicted it
I wonder if Hawk Tuah on the first date is mandatory to use the app
I think it speaks to a larger problem about "hustle" culture
I don't agree with hawk tuah girl's decisions necessarily
but since she is the face of a brand that kicked off bc of a viral clip
now she has all these critics when she is probably just a young gal that has a bunch of orbiters in her ear trying to capitalize on her unexpected virality in a lazy low effort get rich quick side hustle
imo it is not much different from lolcow culture
where a mob of harassers will shower people with attention and money not for any sincere or well meaning intention for the person they are mobbing
but to extract entertainment from them regardless if that person is ridiculed, discredited and mischaracterized for a quick buck while the real "influencers" remain anoymous
it makes me feel bad for people like this
either they don't have real friends and family in their lives
or their self esteem is so low they think the only value they have to offer is as a "brand" to randos online that don't give a shit about them
I'm surprised it didn't extend into hawk tuah needle exchange clinics, the notion of trademarking seems broken
"do you have feedback?" after the soccer pic has me in tears
Me too😂😂😂
And the question mark reaction 😭
i feel so unsafe because you keep making toxic comments reported read the rules next time.,
@@ville-c4u 01100011 01101111 01101101 01101101 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01110101 01110100 01100100 01101111 01110111 01101110
CHAD CHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we were robbed of her usual intro
"not really"
this is evidence that my conspiracy that she really is him is legit
sorry chad of chad's if you are getting wierd dms from creepy poeple bc I exposed that you really are him
I just hibernate after every chad chad upload so I don't miss her 👍👍👍 hope this helps
we all love chad chad!!!!
Not really (jk)
this is how i feel every time chad chad uploads
I love how this was clearly first conceptualized as like an actual dating app, but they realized that literally no one would use that, so they just made the first thing they could think of with the “Pookie” branding
Pookie sounds too much like cookie which isn't good in this context.
@@termiterasin Why? Why is that not ok in this context??? Genuinely curious why this situation makes that bad
“ you can’t just add Tuah… Tuah everything” is so good how does she do it
It's genius marketing.
I’m imagining if i met my soulmate on this app. 50 years from now i’d be sitting with my grandkids and they’d ask me “grandpa how did you meet grandma?” And i’d say “well you see there was this girl on the internet called the hawk tuah girl”
"Sugarpuss, your memaw got me hotter than a tin roof in Tennessee in July!".
It sounds like you can't actually meet people on this app, and it's actually just a deranged AI Cyrano to help you succeed in finding people on other apps? So they're gonna get bored and admit they were only asking to be polite way before you get to this part of the story.
i feel so unsafe because you keep making toxic comments reported read the rules next time.,
Just an fyi the ville-c4u guy is a spammer and troll who posts really incel-type content aka hating on women. So don't acknowledge him too much
So glad that Chad-Tuah talked about this important subject
This comment already has way more likes that it has the right to
She really did Tuah 😔
Me tuah -- I mean me too
I mean.....she had no other choice but tuah
2:00 "you're named after a grape juice so just concentrate" BARSS
The fact that ive been rewatching your content recently and heres a new vid?? What a perfectly timed treat
literally me yesterday/last night😭😭
pansexual mentioned !
i love that chad ACTUALLY went out in those clothes😭i feel like any other youtuber wouldn't because it'd be "too embarrassing"
She's super pretty so that def helps lol I'd look like a gremlin if I did that haha
To be fair that outfit was cute. The items didn't match perfectly, but it was silly in the right way.
Cloaks and capes add enough mystery to make any outfit work.
she looked badass with the cloak tbh
I take it you haven't seen many other TH-camrs lmao
Not living in the US and being removed from most corners of the internet, this series always feels like a slap in the face. Can't believe you're not just narrating some badly written dystopia...
a badly written dystopian is actually a good representation of the US in its current state
She is, it just happens to be real.
wait till you hear that spirit halloween, the seasonal store, had a hawk tuah section
I recommend the novel Snow Crash. It's fiction increasingly becoming a documentary.
you put it in the correct words, it feels so strange whatever the USA is cooking up and then i have to realise its all reality. Just insanity
Gotta give credit to that AI, that getup tells a story of its own.
You look as if the Lady of the Lake realised she misplaced Excalibur and was hurriedly looking for a replacement at Walmart.
Great stuff as always
6:40 ahhh, yes, the person driving a really expensive car is a "subtle" sign of wealth
I mean some people are just terrible with money and spend what they don't have. So that's also a possibility ✨
@@xLiLlyx98 Custom Charger parked under a sheet metal roof outside a busted up double-wide type beat
Rich people are famous for subtly showing signs of their wealth
@@xLiLlyx98 literally. I have friends who drive expensive cars and live pay check to paycheck since all their money goes to their car. It's truly bizarre to me
@@thelonercoder5816 yeah could never be me. Pay more for a car that I don't live in so I can actually live in an uglier or more cramped space than I need to? No. Just no. It baffles the mind indeed
At first I felt bad for Hailey bc I thought she was just rushing things in a unrealistic manner. Now I´m convinced that she isnt innocent at all in every single controvery she had lol
she's just another conservative grifter with her own crypto scam and everything
yeah, i was honestly rooting for her bc even if it's crazy to get famous over a meme like this, it's not like she chose to get famous from that and it seemed like she actually wanted to be more than just the "hawk tuah girl," and now i'm just disappointed but also not really surprised by the turn it took
I thought the podcast and merch was okay, but when you throw in AI and crypto, the red flags start going off
At first I thought she was gonna keep chugging on and ignore the controversies but her podcast seems to have been cut short. I imagine that Jake Paul’s team sold her on the grift then tossed her aside when she got the backlash for it.
Feels more like she’s less the main villain and more that she’s extremely gullible and with terrible company. Not sure if the distinction matters, but it’s there
@@jasperjazzie exactly how I felt about her at first. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one 🥲
So wait, Pookie only officially became her man after she started earning the big bucks? Lmfao
Lmao of course
I bet they are truly in love ❤
Smart guy
But if it was a woman they'd call them a gold digger. 😂
@@Matt-vq8fgI think we are calling him a gold digger
the focus on the dog sniffing you and licking your face while you’re trying to film is taking me out 😭😭 he love youu
i’m just impressed he managed tuah get this much out of the hawk tuah, this level of hustling should be taught in schools unironically
It's honestly crazy
It already is it’s literally called capitalism
@@redwiltshire1816no exactly like 😭
She's scamming... I'd refer kids no learn how to take advantage of people.
@@redwiltshire1816yeah but this is branding, it’s a specific part of capitalism. “It’s capitalism lol” reeks of high schooler who just learned about the world.
I feel every time the "twinge of cringe" gets (visually) lower effort and I absolutely love it
(also the purple streak in your hair looks really good)
(edit: holy there are two of them-)
Tuah them
@@bow-wow31 oh my god...
RD Samurai jumpscare
Rhythm doctor mentioned❤❤❤
fun fact: my cat's name is Hailey, after the character from Rhythm Doctor, and at least 2 people have made hawk tuah girl jokes regarding it
At 14:52 looking like a jedi master lol
She can get the high ground for sure!
I had the exact same thought 😂
Hello there
I thought the same thing 😭
lol I had the exact same thought 😂
fun fact: i used to work for that escape game company and i got fired because i called out a manager for being racist until she cried! (would not recommend going there)
i cannot believe someone decided to break down and cry after being actively rude and racist like what do you think you’re doing when you open shout mouth 💀
@@noellepaige to be fair, I think the people who are openly racist, are often also the people who will cry victim when someone even looks at them wrong
That's how you're supposed to end up getting fired. I wish I got fired because I called out my manager for being a cheapskate, jealous woman who wasn't interested on training me and expected me to run her bussiness like I had 10 years of experience.
Omg i work there right now as a TL! whose your manager
what did she do/say
You have to give that app more credit. I think it knew exactly what it was doing. It dressed you appropriately for an escape room.
Chawk Chuah brings the highest quality content to my mindholes that I didn't actually want filled with said content.
lmao 😭
But you didn't add a metaphor with like basset hounds or something..
It didn't address pica at all, let alone help me overcome it; name very misleading 0/5
I love the app personally, she is a hero for giving us a extra red flag. If somebody says on a date they are using it you know that you probably should not be dating them.
Man, I had a ton of fun with this video, I absolutely love the sense of humor and the honest attempt to actually look into what the app is doing. Even when they were clearly not meant to put on your eyes, the fireworks stickers were the actual best part of the outfit, putting out a bit of the Halsey vibe.
And despite doing your absolute best to follow the worst possible outfit advice, you still rocked that and I'm pretty sure half the world would still gladly go on a date with you despite of it. It'd be a conversation starter at the very least.
Thanks for the video, it's been a great start to my day!
Was this comment AI generated?
yea wtf
@ Why would you think that?
The Hawk Tuah girl is milking it “like a cow on fair day” 😭 this is killing me
I can't take the constant southern colloquisms. She's really abusing the southern twang there.
2:10 I was just listening while cleaning and an add for a lewd gacha game came on and I thought it was just you showing a clip of the scam/app. I mean it is but the timing was uncanny
@Rawfishfish dude they are all over my YT rn for me, it’s terrible. Id rather not hear underage looking women moan in my ear in an unskippable ad. ALSO?! I DONT KNOW WHAT CONTENT IVE SEEN THAT IT WIULD CURATE THIS TO MY FEED HELP
@ also I like your username
She probably placed the ad spot there lmao
Well, bless my heart and call me a chatbot! This here video is sharper’n a possum’s tooth in a moonlit cornfield. You done wrangled that AI-dating-advice nonsense better’n a cowboy wranglin’ wild stallions-hit the nail so square, it’s beggin’ for mercy. Sure, I’m just a fancy string o’ code, but even I know love ain’t somethin’ you can copy-paste like a recipe for biscuits! Mighty fine job exposin’ the silliness, Chad Chad-this video’s got more wit than a fox at a henhouse party. Keep ‘em comin’, y’all got me grinnin’ wider than a mule eatin’ briars!
1:02 I wouldn’t mention the price of her jewelry if she hadn’t said it’s “affordable”, but I don’t think $89 is affordable
For jewelry, that's very low.
That would be pretty affordable for jewelry!
13:03 HAHAHA "the pig one" that delivery *chef's kiss*
I spat out my drink when she said that 😂
It sounded so incredibly disillusioned and honestly id be too
@CreeketsCreek fr like "I know what I am, I know what I want" lmao
1:47 I can't get over how much she sounds like a generic disney character in this clip
Like a cartoon! 😂
Makes you want to invest, right?!!
It’s because it’s not really her voice - pretty sure that was AI
That one character from big city greens or smth
''Chad chad standing firm on being anti-ai gives me some small amount of hope..
says the bot
@Zeglnaytt8ur already at 700, do not care, will not sub
@@thatguycolor Yeah, lol! And being firmly against AI in all aspects all the time is idiotic. AI is a useful tool that is getting better all the time. However, over-reliance on AI is also stupid.
@Zeglnaytt8 That's nothing to brag about, lol.
@@MatthewTheWanderer gabi belle has a really good video on the problems of generative ai (check it out!! it's very descriptive and fair) and the issues is not about reliance! it's about it's effects on the environment and creatives
(idk if she covered this but a lot of ai isn't getting better, and some believe it'll get so much worse in the future as it uses content on the internet without permission to train, leading to ai images (which are becoming more and more common) leaking through and being used to train new ai, so it's like ai models are inbreeding and issues present in a few images pass down to like an entire software)
The hawktuah girl is literally the embodiment of 🧍🏼♀️
I find this hilarious.
I have seen her heralded by men on the internet (mostly Facebook) as America's sweetheart. How she's such a good person (bc she donated/volunteered at a animal shelter??) and how more influencers should be like her. All along, I've lowkey felt like it was mostly these dudebros just desperate for some hawk tuah themselves. They all seem to be very "90% of females go for 10% of men" kinda dudes. Ya know the type.
Now, she comes out not just with a shitcoin, but an app with a height calculator, bald predictor, and wealth detective features. I am sure that type would absolutely LOOOOVE that. 🤣
We just gonna ignore all the women clapping her on and calling her Americans sweetheart? Also her manager is literally a tate wannabe obviously his products are aimed at vulnerable men because that’s what tate taught him.
Didn’t read your entire post but she really donated to a pet shelter? That so sweet!!
@@Grunkaa1this is either a great joke or extremely sad lol
@@Grunkaa1 Sweeter than a blueberry pie and a kiss from meemaw on a hot summer's day on the farm by the tractor with the horses all running free just like the freedom we enjoy now in 'MURICA since old man Joe was replaced by our saviour who has a face more orange than a cheeto catching some rays by a sweet spot on the Mississippi river!
16:14 I was waiting for dookie app the whole vid ty
green day ref
Moth my boyfriend favourite animal
15:26 I respect this commitment to the bit
Chad Chad has some huge balls to go public in an AI generated outfit 🌈
just got my lunch delivered and chad chad just posted... such a wonderful day :3
Chad chad standing firm on being anti-ai gives me some small amount of hope
I too am anti AI. Someone tried telling me I can make money by selling books made by AI on amazon bc I was complaining that I couldn't find good childrens stories in spanish written by native speakers. "AI can do that! Why don't YOU write books in spanish using AI??"
"Because I'm not a native speaker 🙄 and I don't have a passion for writing children's books, just reading them to children." it was such a dumb conversation
@@Pomagranite167i get ads for a program/course/something that teaches you how to do that. As an aspiring writer I get heated every time 😂 but I like your idea of Spanish books for kids. I'm Mexican and it's hard to find cute Spanish books to read to my baby
@@Pomagranite167check out the Canticos series by Susie Jaramillo! Made for young kids, but they’re bilingual!
Incidentally, yesterday I ended up unsubbing from a different youtuber whose videos I'd gotten into recently cause he has this really charming down to earth vibe for his setup and he chose interesting topics to talk about. My issue was that he revealed in his newest video he didn't mind his videos being used for AI training and it just seemed really baffling to me. 😂
AI has more potential to benefit regular human's than anything else happening on the planet right now, however it's of course also going to be used by every scammer and low effort grubber out there - it's just how the world is.
As a loveless loser my whole life I’ve been waiting for something like this… thank yuah hawk tuah
The dating outfit advice is INSANE. I love it so much.
Honestly tho: if I were Southern I would be insulted by that AI facsimile.
I am Southern and I feel like it was made by a non-Southerner
It gives "silicon valley stereotypes of Texas" which is because that's precisely what it is lol
Some sandy cheeks sorta stuff lol
@@LuluTheCorgi I was thinking Bailey Pickett 💀
i’m southern and it’s just such a shameless caricature that it’s not even offensive 😭
@@lilacfields literally was waiting for it to say “yeehaw”
There is no way they just reskinned an app, she LOVES her fans and she would never scam them. Anywho, Imma go to bed.
I’ve been binge watching all of your old videos for weeks. I’m glad you posted again!
A twinge of binge cringe ?
Fr her contents amazing
Ok but... she actually looks really nice in that outfit 😭
Hayley already told us how to dribble the balls - I actually stood up and applauded.
No you didn’t. Stop being corny
ok but the silver highlights in ur hair are sick as hell love that
Hello fellow DaRoachDogg Jr
real!! they’re so wicked
It’s giving Arcane Viktor (or maybe I’m just obsessed)
It is good no doubt. At first I thought I would not like it guess ai was wrong@@butchonabudget
This is perfect, it’s snowing, I’m eating chicken noodle soup, AND THERES A NEW CHAD CHAD VIDEO? Peak.
Currently rotting at work and the thought of going home to watch this masterpiece in full is really helping me get through my shift
"Gen z's relationship guru, haley welch." followed by "AUGHHGHGHUGHUGH" had me actually dead.
14:36 why does that outfit lowkey make you look like you're a jedi???
i've relasied just how much i appreciate and enjoy your style after time spent watching other youtubers
She may be my fav rn
14:30 why does she kinda look like a jedi
She def looks like she has the high ground
That’s what I was thinking
My crush says yes AND Chad Chad uploads ON THE SAME DAY!? This is a *very* good day.
Did you meet on the Pookie app?
Omg congratsss
Awesome! Good luck!
Did you use the hawk tuah dating app?
10:24 This is the most incredible sequence of sounds and images I have ever seen, kudos tuah you Chad.
8:12 the AI was secretly trained on Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob.
"This is a Segway now." never a more smooth transition. Pedal to the metal, Chad.
The fact that you didn't force your dog off you while you were recording is the reason why I love this channel and your content.
The final date fit makes you look like a Jedi master out on the town to bring balance to the universe and sniff out Midi-chlorians.
You can’t “sniff out Midiclorians”. You can only test for them.
The date outfit looks like an improvised Renaissance Fair costume, like when your friends are like “let’s wear costumes to the fair! It’ll be so fun!” And you don’t have anything medieval looking so you just layer up like there’s no tomorrow and call it good 😂
i honestly don’t even know what i would do if i saw someone wearing a hawk tuah ‘24 hat in public
Same reaction as seeing a maga hat.
kiss them
Run, Razputin, very fast...
The slicked back hair actually looked really good on you 😇
try not to die of old age waiting for chad chad to upload a new video challenge
1:13 I need the sock tuahs
Nah real
Bruh gotta sock it tuah that was good (I’ll see myself out)
Heh I lol'ed
i LOVED ur ai convo..... that was so funny. I would have never guessed a person with 10 cars has money
10??? If my father only had 10 cars, I would worry we are going broke! Real rich people have 15 cars!!!
@@Pomagranite16715? Average... try 16 🙂↔️
11:44 that faucet had me in awe bro
Same here
Yeah, I’m just trying to figure out how it even works with the curve
I really enjoy your videos Chad Chad. Your sense of humor is great I always get really excited when I see that you have uploaded a new video. Thank you! Please keep creating!
Her management team is truly the goat of management teams. Monetize everything. Respect where it's due.
Lol minus the whole crypto rug pull thing
I feel like we need to stop giving respect to these kinds of things
respect where it’s duah*
@@AurikSarkerdefinitely, but unfortunately we have too(not doing the joke) many people that can't figured out they are being played for money. They should be ignored. I really don't understand throwing away time and money at people with no talent.
Mass monetization is not a good thing
I genuinely cannot get enough of your editing style, it’s so addictive
When i tell you the title alone of a "hawk tuah dating app" made me drop my phone and now half my screen is black. I demand compensation 😭
I believe the correct term is "reparations".😬😇
I didn't know Chad Chad talking in a southern drawl was something I needed in my life... but it was beautiful.
3:44 the ai hate is so based
Real and 100th like
I actually liked the outfit and makeup with the slicked back hair.. it's kind of a vibe
"You're named after a grape juice so just concentrate!" 10/10
Doggo cameo has automatically elevated the status of this already fantastic video for me
That was my favorite part. I was dying laughing lol
babe wake up! chad chad posted.
Chad Chad just gets more sarcastic throughout the years
Hearing you say 'skibidi sigma rizz' makes me feel like you should head tuah spot in nature. Maybe go bird watching, you could find all sorts of hawks. Plus, the chances of you being chronically online are currently MASSIVE, so going out side will help them become LOW- and soon enough you'll feel the brainrot begin to FADE. You'll find your place among us as people who don't let the media rule their lives.
Its like you're writing code with the sudden capitals. MASSIVE LOW FADE. If only you added the word TAPER.
@ man even I didn't know how to incorporate the word taper into that sentence 😭😭😭
@aidanlewis3653 😂
it’s rare i’m actually interested in youtuber ads but the trainwell ad actually caught my attention
A woman can't be alpha they have cooties
I 'see that pookie was going for that "My grandma fell down some stairs and now thinks she is in the 1960's" look...
The whole incel and femcel epidemic would be over if women just remembered to PUT ON A BROOCH!
i feel so unsafe because you keep making toxic comments reported read the rules next time.,
@@ville-c4u I don't get the joke
the obi wan kenobi fit is kinda fire for a star wars cosplay
13:06 this is the hardest i've laughed in a long while, thank you Chad Chad
I see that pookie was going for that "My grandma fell down some stairs and now thinks she is in the 1960's" look
never thought ‘hawk tuah dating app’ would be the title of a chad chad video, but welp! here were are
Your comedic timing is simple yet perfect. The way you add jokes on, after letting something hang or where we think the sentence is over is like a sucker punch. I think I've seen all of your videos at this point in time, and you're one of the few channels I'm subbed to that I look out for. Keep up the good stuff! 😂
Your date outfit gives the impression of being some kind of sorceress.
And I have to admit, it’s kind of working for me. Please don’t turn me into a toad.
16:14 I watched the entire video waiting for the Dookie app.
I was just rewatching chad chads vids , and then I see CHAD CHAD POSTED . I can confirm , I screamed .
I didn't get to say this before, but I've been here since the beginning and I am so happy that your amazing-ness(?) has been recognized by so many folks. You have come so far. Love ya!!
Imagine a couple actually finding each other on this app. Explaining to the future kids is gonna be tricky, to say the least
Except you don’t find people in this app.
"What was your favourite thing about mom?"
"She hawk tuah spit on that thang"
"This is why you're in a nursing home"
@thurmanator6969 true
@thurmanator6969 At first I thought it was actually a dating app. Turns out it's a $20 monthly subscription for answers you can find on Google in 4 seconds. It's even more useless than I thought