I should probably do a video on that. I did publish details a couple of years ago on the "Fermenters and Distillers" page (detailed pix and writeup). Search for "Thunderbird" mod to Inkbird, it's still there. Inkbird actually liked my post, then basically copied the design a short while later. It's now commercially available as the model "IPB-26". Thanks for watching!
Cant wait to taste!
Just tried it last night... it really came out nice! If you are at next meeting, you can try it too!
Nice brewery. From .50
Hey .50! Thank you :)
Outstanding brewery and professional DIY jobs! Would love to know what you did inside the Inkbird to make it 240V-capable.
I should probably do a video on that. I did publish details a couple of years ago on the "Fermenters and Distillers" page (detailed pix and writeup). Search for "Thunderbird" mod to Inkbird, it's still there. Inkbird actually liked my post, then basically copied the design a short while later. It's now commercially available as the model "IPB-26". Thanks for watching!
Nice setup, been getting into porter ale lately. need follow up taste test!
Hey Syle, I will keg and/or can in about a month... I'll let you know ;) Thanks for watching!