Soprano Maria Callas said of him in a 1973 interview: “My biggest regret is not to have had the opportunity of singing with the greatest tenor voice I’ve ever heard.”
This is a masterpiece! The fact that in 1892, someone created an opera about the daily life and psychological struggles of a clown, is just so touching and genius at the same time. Mario Lanza on the other hand, made sure we all feel this opera to the core!
@@fassstEddie A months late answer you may have already googled the answer to, but no. Vesti la giubba comes from the late 19th century opera Pagliacci, and tells the brief tragedy of the stage clown Canio. In the story, he discovers his wife is having a love affair, this song is played while he's being forced into makeup and costume and put onto a stage with her because it's too late to stop the show and they must perform.
@@fassstEddie no, even more, 3 levels: a story (pagliaccio's tragedy) within a story (the opera in the theater) within a story (the film). And later on, when Pagliaccio's play will start, it will be even one more level!
Joshua Fleming It's Pagliaccio the Clown, just after discovering that his wife was cheating on him, singing (before the song he's actually supposed to sing) that his heart is broken but a clown must make his audience laugh, as they paid for it. (variation of the Paradox of Diderot)
Joshua Fleming It's actually worse than that. The character is Cannio, and he's playing Pagliaccio in a play. Cannio has just been told his wife is cheating just before he has to play a character whose wife is also unfaithful, but his character doesn't know and laughs like an idiot. The irony is just awful and sad--he has to go on stage and pretend he doesn't know, all the while the audience is unknowingly laughing at his pain. The part starting at 1:56 goes like this: "Laugh, clown at your broken love! Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart!"
I just listened to this song sung by Pavorotti, Caruso, and several others, beautiful, but MARIO LANZA IS OUT OF THIS WORLD, unreal, nobody even comes close.
Is this actually a real performance ? or prerecorded ? cuz you can clearly see some parts where it looks not in sync (mouth motion / sound) can someone let me know
@@d0ta43v3rrecorded. This is a movie or show that he was in. His character was an opera singer and sang that song. It’s kind of trippy. He’s acting in a show where he’s acting in a show. If not prerecorded it’s definitely edited a slight bit
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.
I sorely miss my father who adored Mario Lanza a lot. He visited me in my dream just two days ago. I played Mario Lanza's music on a daily basis during his last year to make him feel more comfortable. Happy Father's Day to all fathers in here. Thanks for posting this truly phenomenal aria rendition by Mario Lanza.
One tenor who gives full value to the important word "dolor" instead of shortening it short to prepare for the next phrase. But why keep cutting away instead of focusing on him for the entire aria?
The noise he makes at 2:24; such a perfect mix of laughter and sobbing. My God how thankful I am to have found this at 21 when I could've gone my whole life without hearing it. I can relate as a performer.
Emin Guliyev I don't care if this guy is a 'high level opera singer' or not, I don't recall saying this anywhere! Why be snobbish about the supposed quality of a singer when the point is the song touching someone's soul? I don't understand your comment at all.
Emin Guliyev I'm not angry, just confused as to why some condescending grown man is taking time trying to tear down someones enjoyment of something beautiful on freaking youtube with irrelevant comments about Michael Jackson, oh sorry uh 'add logic', even though art is expression and emotion and down to personal taste. If you want logic take a math class.
Oh my goodness, what an amazing performance. The pathos that hit at 1:55 is completely beyond me. Listened to it at least seven times. Absolutely beautiful.
I don't have words to describe the feeling that I felt when I listened to this wonder singer. Specially from 1:45 to the end. That way to sing "ridi pagliaccio" I think nobody can't avoid to shed some tear. Thanks a lot for sharing this video!
I’m now in my 79th year and turned 16 when I first heard Mario. I still get a tingle whenever I hear is voice. What a shame he was seduced by Hollywood. He was and is the greatest tenor ever and a loss to the opera. Many of those worthy tenors today acknowledge that he inspired them.
Nice remark, but Lanza allowed Hollywood to seduce him. He made a million Dollars on one of his movies while Tucker and Del Monaco were singing for 1,000 a performance if that much, in the 1950s
@@sugarbist Well Del Monaco and Tucker probably did okay financially but for sure Lanza touched a much bigger audience and that is to be respected too. Crazy to think Caruso attained even more popularity without television or cinema and with just primitive recording techniques
From someone that knows nothing about opera ... WOW this has to be the most heart breaking aria ever , I don't know or need to know what is being song but I do know his heart is aching.
If you think this is sad and it is its absulutly heart breaking you should hear o mio babbino caro from the opera gianni schichi the verson with the little girl its absolutly fantastic
Wonderful voice i have loved this man all my life when he opens his mouth i am transported into his world tragic loss to me and i should imagine millions god rest my hero x
Makes the hairs stand on your skin. The best version ever sung of this beautiful aria, by an extraordinary talent who passed well before his time. His expression leaves you speechless. So utterly tragic was his untimely death.
I remember watching this film “the great Caruso” with my dad, the ending was very emotional and probably one of the only times I’ve seen my dad close to tears
I really think the best part of all, is that at the end, when the crowd is cheering and everything seems to have gone well, you can see the look of sadness and disappointment
The most powerful emotion I have ever seen in singing. Matched by the facial expressions and even the hands and body movements. Magnifico Mario. I am thankful that his reputation, which was unfairly damaged by his sojourn in Hollywood, is being greatly restored. He was, and remains, the best. At least Hollywood gave us some wonderful tapes. Died at 38. Torn apart by the pressures that happened to "the kid from Philadelphia." Just listen to him and Frances Yeend in the Hollywood Bowl. The crowd knows the miracle they are seeing and hearing.
True, I'm still a fan, even wrote a fanclub when I was a teenager so taken was I with his voice! I mean what tenor had his warmth, pp falsetto (well Vanzo also did :)) verility, power, passion, I mean, only everything...and he was handsome
I sat with Mario's aunt many years ago and ask her what was Mario like she said a lovely boy who loves to sing his voice is a gift and should have more notice in our world today thanks for sharing this
Unquestionably one of the greater tenors of the past century - a life cut too short, but thank goodness we have the means of hearing his voice virtually anytime we wish. Se Benedetto, Mario. Thank you.
Love Mario's voice. Grew up listening to his recordings courtesy of my parents. Many have followed him but few have even entered the same arena as Mario!
Grazie a Internet possiamo ascoltare sempre la sua intramontabile voce che ci riempiei l'anima di gioia. Grazie per quanto ci hai dato la , ci dai e ci darai ascoltando la tua voce meravigliosa.
Diese Interpretation ist einzigartig. Was für eine wunderschöne, warme, ausdrucksstarke Tenorstimme, voll, farbig ZU HERZEN gehend. Was für eine feine Musikalität, die EINS wird mit dem Orchester. WIE NATÜRLICH diese Stimme klinkt, klar und rein. Wenn man da Jonas Kaufmann hier als Vergleich zu Rate zieht, sieht man leider das tiefe Niveau, womit sich professionelle Kritiker und leider das zuhörende Publikum heutzutage zufrieden gibt. Eine Stimme, die mehr deklariert, als SINGT. Deren sogenanntes Timbre unnatürlich, gepresst und in den hohen Lagen nur noch unter grossen Druck tremoliert. Auch nicht in der Lage ist, die zu spielende Figur in einer Opernrolle emotional, mit wahren Gefühlen darzustellen, ja jede Rolle nach Schema F; einfach das Wichtigste laut herauszubrüllen und dann hingeht, leise, unnatürlich die Stimme zurücknehmend Pianotöne einstreut, die total hervorsehbar sind, so dass deutlich wird, dass dieser „sogenannte“ Sänger ohne wirklicher, tief gehender Phantasie ausgestattet ist. Bei Mario Lanza geht seine Stimme immer in mein Herz. In mir entsteht immer der Wunsch, wenn ich ein Tenor sein möchte, dann so, wie bei Mario Lanza. Immer wieder begeistert er mich mit seiner gloriosen Stimme! Wie schade, dass er nur mit 38 Jahren verstorben ist. Was wäre möglich gewesen, wenn er wieder gesund geworden wäre. Seine Gewichtsprobleme und Alkoholexzesse überwunden hätte. Dann Anfang der 60iger Jahre in Rom als Mario in Tosca debütiert hätte, unter einem erstklassigen Dirigenten, mit Maria Callas, als Tosca, was wäre wenn! Doch auch so, wie glücklich ich bin, seit vielen Jahren Mario Lanza in seinen Filmen, auf Schallplatten und CD‘s geniessen zu können. Für mich mein LIEBLINGSTENOR!❤️
Какой, чудесный был певец, грустно ,что так рано он ушел из жизни, но его голос запомнится на всегда! Царство Небесное и Вечная Память! Наверное пол года назад в России по каналу Культура показывали док. Фильм про Марио Ланца!
Lanza was truly one of the greats. And if you're just listening to an opera, it's not the same as SEEING an opera live. it's like listening to an album of a live rock concert without seeing it or BEING there!
This has to be the greatest interpretation of all time his passion his desperation hos genius is incredible and remember this was about 65 years ago ehat would have sounded like with todays technology mind bogling
Ik was 5 jaar toen ik met mijn tante mee mocht gaan naar de "cinema" ...Ik ben er nu 61 en ik hou misschien nog meer van Mario Lanza dan vroeger; zo worden er geen meer gemaakt!!!! Doodjammer van de mens zelf, maar 100% een supergeweldige tenor!!!
Великий, мощный, жёсткий, искрящийся лирико- драматический голос МАРИО ЛАНЦА неповторим!!! В который раз слушаю и до мурашек! Непревзойдённое исполнение🙏 Наш выдающийся баритон Муслим Магомаев в России создал цикл передач на ТВ о своем кумире Марио Ланца и встретившись с семьёй и друзьями тенора в Америке написал о нем книгу "Великий Ланца". Чудесная книга, рекомендую всем почитателям великого тенора 💞💓💖👏👏👏💐💐💐🔥💥
This man right here, made me love opera. The first time I saw and heard this I cried. He has me so spoiled I really don't care to listen to most male opera singers. Love, love, love him. His [passion was real, like you can sink you teeth into it.
When it comes to opera and especially this one --it is a question of personal sensibility. If you want real Italian opera with all the emotions, with an incredible dramatic tenor voice that no one can surpass, than you might want to listen to this.
+darklord220 Examples of some dramatic tenors are Del Monaco, Zenatello, Slezak, Piccaluga, Melchior Vinay. Many spinto tenors were able to employ dramatic impact when needed like Corelli, Tucker, Merli De Muro Martinelli, Masini and Caruso.
360 'thumbs downs' from music snobs, who continue to talk through their backsides about him not being a real opera singer. He may not have sung in endless opera productions, yet he sang with a heart and passion that the so-called greats couldn't match - and he brought opera to the masses, which is something that the relatively small world of the operatic stage doesn't do, then or now. No doubt that's another reason these music snobs don't like him, in that he brought opera to ordinary people, taking it out of their exclusive world of opera. Truly, he was 'the people's tenor'.
@@yogajedi3337 he's a more developed singer than many of the Golden oldies who typically do nothing for me. Vocal techniques have clearly developed after ww2, and we've witnessed many well developed signers, however emotion must still be conveyed. Give us your top 5 if u please.
Convinced words were not the ideas they're believed to be, simply colloquial rhetoric for familiarity, comfort, acceptance on a superficial but entirely valid level.... Taken aback buy the unexpected, shattering my view of a world I was so sure to be devoid of these petty fairy tales we muse upon to ourselves... I saw, clearly as these words are to you, without exaggeration or mystery, I witnessed an angel, and she floated, legs never moving, on the toes of silence, across the floor and spoke to me the sweetest words I will never hear again. My eyes began to see for the first time, the vibrant beauty in the world. My ears heard natures songs. Then the dream was gone from me. Taken. Ripped away. The world became less colorful....a little more grey, music held no meaning, food like ash in my mouth, hunger the only pain which did not hurt every fiber of my being. Joy itself died that day. Now even smiling is an agonizing reminder of the world I will never see again. A world I didnt know existed, a world I dont deserve. Love is broken from me. Its poison runs in my veins. La commedia è finita....
I've always felt that the arias he performed in For The First Time and his album Mario, represent the high point of his vocal and artistic career. I still have the original sound track album, and still treasure it after all these years.
2015 Another new year. Where is the likes of another Mario Lanza? Not a cheap imitation, but someone real and vibrant who can make us all be proud again. There have been great tenors, and we do have some still around, but Mario Lanza was in a class by himself. He not only hit the ball out of the ballpark, he split the seams and torn it apart. Greatness is greatness that few can copy.
I LOVE Pavorotti to no end. May we present Mario Lanzo as a contender for this song? This rendition is beautiful, technically correct, and heartfelt. Love to ALL who have sung this song.
The finest reading of this aria ever recorded, bar none. This recording, done eight years after Mario recorded the more well known studio version(s), has the maturity, artistic insight and pathos that all his other readings lack. An amazing document: The Rome Opera House Orchestra, the great Constantine Callinicos conducting and Mario at a period of incredible vocal maturity.
Alli, donde estés,, señor cocozza, mil gracias,,, yo empece,, canto y usted fue muy importante para mí,, 1961,,vi el gran Caruso,, Serenade,, El ppe estudiante,, Las 7 Colinas D Roma etc etc,, fue el primer REFERENTE DE TODOS LOS JOVENES TENORES 1 MILLLON D GRACIAS.
Vincent, thank you for posting this. I "discovered" Mario Lanza about 15 years ago. I had always heard about him, the critical view. Overrated. Overweight. Sold out to Hollywood. Untrained. Yes, yes, a good voice, of course. I had not idea. When I started to listen to him I felt that the criticism was unfair. As I listen to him more and more, I now think he is the greatest singer ever, opera or otherwise. Thank God for video clips like this. His raw, pure emotion, although here it is deep and difficult, is cleansing. And then there is voice, itself. Unmatched for beauty, power and range. I had not seen this clip, nor heard this song. Thanks again. God bless Mario.
Dear Joseph, your exuberance is well noted and appreciated. Lanza did receive vocal training and coaching. You have no way of knowing that Lanza's voice was unmatched for power, as you never heard him live, as you never heard the great tenor voices live in the 1950s 60s and 70s. Enjoy
Proclamations are rarely accurate and yours is no exception. However, you are more than entitled to your opinion. Enrico Rosati was one of Lanza's voice coaches working with him for 15 months. He also sang very well under Constantine Callinicos, a conductor who worked with Lanza on the Student Prince, and the Great Caruso
george george no hon. He found out his wife is cheating on him before opening night of a play he's in where he plays a clown who gets cheated on by his clown wife. It's a comedy and slapstick. literally laughing at his pain.
@@idontcare-sf1vb only, he is not laughing. And from the lyrics it is said that he has to go on stage as a clown, in delirium he does not know what he is going to do or say. He asks himself if he is a man but laughs. He is nothing but a clown. He forces himself as a clown to turn all his pain into a smile and laugh but fails. Then 1:53 the big part. He cries that in the crowd he has to fake a smile at his broken love, his ex wife. So no laughing at his pain, he cannot contain his pain even as a clown. And that is exactly what makes this song so powerful, in the last part when he says: Pidi, aggliacco! Sul tuo amore infranto! ( Laugh clown! At your broken love!)
@@Mikep487 Bjorling has a great recorded performance of Turandot with Nilsson, where the dials were turned up in the studio on Bjorling's side of the recording to equal Nilsson's large voice. Can you tell how powerful JB's voice was based on recordings verses fabrication in the studio? Bjorling never sang a live performance of Turandot. Barry Morell is a tenor with a beautiful lyric voice and sounded fine on records. He had a fine career In the smaller houses in Europe. By all accounts, Lanza had a formidable voice and sang about 150 live concerts, but power or powerful should not be estimated by a recording. I saw Corelli live in Trovatore, and although his voice was formidable, it was more lyric in the opera house than on records.
Смейся,паяц,над разбитой любовью..Смейся и плачь...Ведь ты не человек,ты-паяц... Бессмертная вещь,на века.всегда найдётся хоть один человек,который будет плакать вместе с тобой,паяц... Браво,паяц.Браво великому Леонкавалло.♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
God ive never given opera a look but i came to find this from BDG's Waluigi video cause i was like 'huh that song at the end sounds neat'. Now im on a spiral after having a transformative experience after hearing this for the first time. The tragedy in the lyrics, the absolutely untouchable voice, the way he acts it out, god this is perfection. Its killing me that i cant go thank this man for the effect his performance has had on me
He made singing look effortless. You can hear the 3 Tenors and the different things they took from Mario's singing style. Most impressive he was he was breath taking.
I played this when I was 8 years of age and still love to here it now and I am 65. he is the best tenor that ever lived no one will ever come close to him.
My grate uncal used to sing like him and you used to love all of his music and films.we used to talk about him many times over the you and miss you uncle. Xx
Soprano Maria Callas said of him in a 1973 interview: “My biggest regret is not to have had the opportunity of singing with the greatest tenor voice I’ve ever heard.”
This is a masterpiece! The fact that in 1892, someone created an opera about the daily life and psychological struggles of a clown, is just so touching and genius at the same time. Mario Lanza on the other hand, made sure we all feel this opera to the core!
isn't this a story within a story?
@@fassstEddie A months late answer you may have already googled the answer to, but no. Vesti la giubba comes from the late 19th century opera Pagliacci, and tells the brief tragedy of the stage clown Canio. In the story, he discovers his wife is having a love affair, this song is played while he's being forced into makeup and costume and put onto a stage with her because it's too late to stop the show and they must perform.
@@fassstEddie Yes. And all within this film.
You do know that there are TWO stories in this opera?
@@fassstEddie no, even more, 3 levels: a story (pagliaccio's tragedy) within a story (the opera in the theater) within a story (the film). And later on, when Pagliaccio's play will start, it will be even one more level!
Joshua Fleming It's Pagliaccio the Clown, just after discovering that his wife was cheating on him, singing (before the song he's actually supposed to sing) that his heart is broken but a clown must make his audience laugh, as they paid for it.
(variation of the Paradox of Diderot)
Joshua Fleming It's actually worse than that. The character is Cannio, and he's playing Pagliaccio in a play. Cannio has just been told his wife is cheating just before he has to play a character whose wife is also unfaithful, but his character doesn't know and laughs like an idiot. The irony is just awful and sad--he has to go on stage and pretend he doesn't know, all the while the audience is unknowingly laughing at his pain.
The part starting at 1:56 goes like this: "Laugh, clown at your broken love! Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart!"
Thank you :)
ursmue1937 Yes
I just listened to this song sung by Pavorotti, Caruso, and several others, beautiful, but MARIO LANZA IS OUT OF THIS WORLD, unreal, nobody even comes close.
This particular version is truly one of the greatest performances of this aria.
This man sings better than anyone I have ever heard. Without question. He changes something inside you when he sings.
My mother was the big Lanza fan in our house. I grew up listening to and watching his movies including this one. He was and still is great.
А что это за фильм? Смейся Паяц? Хочу его посмотреть. Хочу посмотреть старые фильмы Италии и Франции. Такое настроение 😏
@@marinakonopleva980 It’s not a funny comedy but rather a tragedy in the manner of Shakespeare’s “comedies”. Won’t do anything to lighten mood.
This is why i have stood by Mario. His interpretation is genuine and real as if this is his own fault. Beautiful.
Is this actually a real performance ? or prerecorded ? cuz you can clearly see some parts where it looks not in sync (mouth motion / sound) can someone let me know
@@d0ta43v3rrecorded. This is a movie or show that he was in. His character was an opera singer and sang that song. It’s kind of trippy. He’s acting in a show where he’s acting in a show. If not prerecorded it’s definitely edited a slight bit
My late father was a great fan of mario lanza. My father passed away in may 2018. He is with my late mother now. Rest in piece dad.
Peace bro not piece :(
@@dhiamuhamadakbar9590 So glad the damn spelling police are on the job. Unnecessary comment.
This ismy father favorite song With Cavalleria Rusticana and Ore d'Amore di Fred Bongusto.
Sorry for your dear loss. May they Rest In Peace.
I'm sorry for your loss
Grew up listening to Mario Lanza and at 45 I have still to find ANYONE superior . This man was a gift from God!!!
At 73, I still feel the same way.
@@Ukie88 hello there hope this finds you happy and well my friend xoxo
Dad this still makes me think of you xxx miss you 😘 ❤
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.
Mr. X damn deep
Oh, that is sad....
Underrated comment? Did u get that from the movie tho?
Rorshach's journal
Good Joke.
Everyone laughs.
OMG! His voice just does it for me. He sings this song better than anyone, ever. He gives me chills and goosebumps.
No other singer can do that to me. He was truly blessed.
Try placido domingo the best.
@@nahlabella4857 try Placido Domingo
@@christopherwilson7698 I've listened to them all. Mario is the only one who sang from his soul.
@@nahlabella4857 Who did you try?
The voice is so rich, so full of nuance, so dramatic when needed and so soft when needed. Mario Lanza was the voice of his age.
I sorely miss my father who adored Mario Lanza a lot. He visited me in my dream just two days ago. I played Mario Lanza's music on a daily basis during his last year to make him feel more comfortable. Happy Father's Day to all fathers in here. Thanks for posting this truly phenomenal aria rendition by Mario Lanza.
I also loved his portrayal of Enrico Caruso in the 1951 biopic "The Great Caruso".
Tone, intonation, vibrato, phrasing, breath control, dynamics, musicality. All sublime.
I like his rendition better then Pavarotti's.
One tenor who gives full value to the important word "dolor" instead of shortening it short to prepare for the next phrase. But why keep cutting away instead of focusing on him for the entire aria?
Who’s listening to this masterpiece in 2024?
@@es_haghzvd8505 You’re awesome! 😎
Him ^
What do you mean who's still listening?
It's not an early 2000's pop song 😂
@@omarjimenez8895 okay? Does that mean people don’t listen to music prior to 2000s? No.
Laugh clown, at your broken love!
Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart!
That's the best part
kOol oWsome kiDz it will always be the best part 👍👌
That climax, man. I feel like I'm about to hit a huge dip on a roller coaster.
Such emotion
HaaHaa Haaa!!!!
The noise he makes at 2:24; such a perfect mix of laughter and sobbing. My God how thankful I am to have found this at 21 when I could've gone my whole life without hearing it. I can relate as a performer.
***** - Well I still listen MJJ and cry as well. But it doesn't mean Michael Jackson was an high level opera singer.
Emin Guliyev I don't care if this guy is a 'high level opera singer' or not, I don't recall saying this anywhere! Why be snobbish about the supposed quality of a singer when the point is the song touching someone's soul? I don't understand your comment at all.
Ok, honey.. Just don't be angry with me!!!
I just wanted to add a little bit of logic to this mess, sweetheart!!!
Emin Guliyev I'm not angry, just confused as to why some condescending grown man is taking time trying to tear down someones enjoyment of something beautiful on freaking youtube with irrelevant comments about Michael Jackson, oh sorry uh 'add logic', even though art is expression and emotion and down to personal taste. If you want logic take a math class.
:) I can only read and wait comments from such a beautiful and young lady, no matter it was all said in acrimonious fashion.
Chi è il migliore Canio della storia del melodramma? Mario Lanza. È semplicemente da brivido. Una grandissima voce e il colore bellissimo. Applausi.
October 7, 1959 - 2024, the 65th anniversary of his death. I thank him for having brought me close to the opera.
May he rest in peace.
Oh my goodness, what an amazing performance. The pathos that hit at 1:55 is completely beyond me. Listened to it at least seven times. Absolutely beautiful.
I bet even after another 4 years
That you are Still Beautiful
Can''t agree more!!! Unsurpassable!
Agreed. No matter how many times I listen to it, that part always hits me hard. It truly touches your soul like nothing else.
How can anyone live without hearing this beautiful song
My dad loved Mario Lanza. I was listening and my dad had tears in his eyes.
I was only about 7 and the song made me emotional as well.😢
It's Mario's SUPERPOWER. MOVES us to 😢
I don't have words to describe the feeling that I felt when I listened to this wonder singer. Specially from 1:45 to the end. That way to sing "ridi pagliaccio" I think nobody can't avoid to shed some tear. Thanks a lot for sharing this video!
Fuck dude it's literally perfect
that line brought me here.. you can find amazing music from old movies and series
Laugh, Paglaccio! Laugh at your shattered love! Laugh at the grief that poisons your heart!!!
Когда так поют, с душой и от самого сердца, не возможно остаться равнодушным.. Этот голос и музыка затрагивают что то внутри. Бальзам для моих ушей ❤
I’m now in my 79th year and turned 16 when I first heard Mario. I still get a tingle whenever I hear is voice. What a shame he was seduced by Hollywood. He was and is the greatest tenor ever and a loss to the opera. Many of those worthy tenors today acknowledge that he inspired them.
Nice remark, but Lanza allowed Hollywood to seduce him. He made a million Dollars on one of his movies while Tucker and Del Monaco were singing for 1,000 a performance if that much, in the 1950s
@@sugarbist Well Del Monaco and Tucker probably did okay financially but for sure Lanza touched a much bigger audience and that is to be respected too. Crazy to think Caruso attained even more popularity without television or cinema and with just primitive recording techniques
@@abcdefgh-db1to Bocelli today has also made a fortune
@@sugarbist I prefer by far modern pop music to fake opera like what Bocelli does. Unbelievable that some people think he is a great tenor
@@abcdefgh-db1to He’s good elevator music
From someone that knows nothing about opera ... WOW this has to be the most heart breaking aria ever , I don't know or need to know what is being song but I do know his heart is aching.
I completely agree with you. Despite of misunderstand what he is singing i can feel all his emotion, and devotion to perform this masterpiece.
What do you know more of opera than him? I know a 1000 times more than you.
What reply is that? Did you not understand what David Melrose said?
If you think this is sad and it is its absulutly heart breaking you should hear o mio babbino caro from the opera gianni schichi the verson with the little girl its absolutly fantastic
The translated lyrics have been posted in the comments since you have posted this. All the best...
This is Mario's song...the feeling he puts and bringing this character to life is amazing!
Wonderful voice i have loved this man all my life when he opens his mouth i am transported into his world tragic loss to me and i should imagine millions god rest my hero x
Masterful! Vocal genius. The standard by which all else must be judged!
Makes the hairs stand on your skin. The best version ever sung of this beautiful aria, by an extraordinary talent who passed well before his time. His expression leaves you speechless. So utterly tragic was his untimely death.
NBA young boy was an amazing singer. One of LA’s finest.
nba young boy???
j'ai grandi avec Mario Lanza ma mère ne jurai que par lui avec le recul je pense qu'elle avait raison c'est le meilleur. Michèle.
Mario had me crying it was just magical his Voice was heaven
I remember watching this film “the great Caruso” with my dad, the ending was very emotional and probably one of the only times I’ve seen my dad close to tears
It was a great musical film, but as a depiction of Caruso's life it was complete rubbish.
@@edwardkerrigan5356 Biog rubbish (like Amadeus) but - the music!
This is what touching a soul sounds like. Bravo.
I really think the best part of all, is that at the end, when the crowd is cheering and everything seems to have gone well, you can see the look of sadness and disappointment
The most powerful emotion I have ever seen in singing. Matched by the facial expressions and even the hands and body movements. Magnifico Mario. I am thankful that his reputation, which was unfairly damaged by his sojourn in Hollywood, is being greatly restored. He was, and remains, the best. At least Hollywood gave us some wonderful tapes. Died at 38. Torn apart by the pressures that happened to "the kid from Philadelphia." Just listen to him and Frances Yeend in the Hollywood Bowl. The crowd knows the miracle they are seeing and hearing.
True, I'm still a fan, even wrote a fanclub when I was a teenager so taken was I with his voice! I mean what tenor had his warmth, pp falsetto (well Vanzo also did :)) verility, power, passion, I mean, only everything...and he was handsome
The beautiful voice, the passion! Mario Lanza will always stand tall among the great tenors!
I sat with Mario's aunt many years ago and ask her what was Mario like she said a lovely boy who loves to sing his voice is a gift and should have more notice in our world today thanks for sharing this
Fantastic performance.. beautiful voice...
Unquestionably one of the greater tenors of the past century - a life cut too short, but thank goodness we have the means of hearing his voice virtually anytime we wish. Se Benedetto, Mario. Thank you.
Великий тенор и прошлого и настоящего и будущего времён❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It s 2020,I am older than in 1960 but the voice of Mario Lanza will live until the end of music, it means NEVER.
Love Mario's voice. Grew up listening to his recordings courtesy of my parents. Many have followed him but few have even entered the same arena as Mario!
Movie star good looks combined with that majestic voice, he really was in a league of his own and never been equalled
1:53 this part hits me hard every single time
me too :)!!!
+Izumi Hanjinozuka haha
+Izumi Hanjinozuka is it because you imagine a handsome Squidward flying towards a wooden pillar?
EyeOfTheLauren How dare you, sir/madam.
Izumi Hanjinozuka i regret nothing :3
My late husband loved this piece. He wasn't a fan of Lanza until he heard this.
My favourite of his is Che gelida manina,
My heart just breaks listening to this. Mario was the best ever. No one has the voice and passion that he did.
Grazie a Internet possiamo ascoltare
sempre la sua intramontabile voce che ci riempiei l'anima di gioia.
Grazie per quanto ci hai dato la ,
ci dai e ci darai ascoltando
la tua voce meravigliosa.
Szukałem tego momentu od ,, Family Adams " filmu, w którym pierwszy raz to usłyszałem. Prawie 30 lat temu i w końcu znalazłem. Opera Pagliaci. Brawo.
Diese Interpretation ist einzigartig. Was für eine wunderschöne, warme, ausdrucksstarke Tenorstimme, voll, farbig ZU HERZEN gehend. Was für eine feine Musikalität, die EINS wird mit dem Orchester. WIE NATÜRLICH diese Stimme klinkt, klar und rein. Wenn man da Jonas Kaufmann hier als Vergleich zu Rate zieht, sieht man leider das tiefe Niveau, womit sich professionelle Kritiker und leider das zuhörende Publikum heutzutage zufrieden gibt. Eine Stimme, die mehr deklariert, als SINGT. Deren sogenanntes Timbre unnatürlich, gepresst und in den hohen Lagen nur noch unter grossen Druck tremoliert. Auch nicht in der Lage ist, die zu spielende Figur in einer Opernrolle emotional, mit wahren Gefühlen darzustellen, ja jede Rolle nach Schema F; einfach das Wichtigste laut herauszubrüllen und dann hingeht, leise, unnatürlich die Stimme zurücknehmend Pianotöne einstreut, die total hervorsehbar sind, so dass deutlich wird, dass dieser „sogenannte“ Sänger ohne wirklicher, tief gehender Phantasie ausgestattet ist. Bei Mario Lanza geht seine Stimme immer in mein Herz. In mir entsteht immer der Wunsch, wenn ich ein Tenor sein möchte, dann so, wie bei Mario Lanza. Immer wieder begeistert er mich mit seiner gloriosen Stimme! Wie schade, dass er nur mit 38 Jahren verstorben ist. Was wäre möglich gewesen, wenn er wieder gesund geworden wäre. Seine Gewichtsprobleme und Alkoholexzesse überwunden hätte. Dann Anfang der 60iger Jahre in Rom als Mario in Tosca debütiert hätte, unter einem erstklassigen Dirigenten, mit Maria Callas, als Tosca, was wäre wenn! Doch auch so, wie glücklich ich bin, seit vielen Jahren Mario Lanza in seinen Filmen, auf Schallplatten und CD‘s geniessen zu können. Für mich mein LIEBLINGSTENOR!❤️
Какой, чудесный был певец, грустно ,что так рано он ушел из жизни, но его голос запомнится на всегда! Царство Небесное и Вечная Память! Наверное пол года назад в России по каналу Культура показывали док. Фильм про Марио Ланца!
Lanza was truly one of the greats. And if you're just listening to an opera, it's not the same as SEEING an opera live. it's like listening to an album of a live rock concert without seeing it or BEING there!
This has to be the greatest interpretation of all time his passion his desperation hos genius is incredible and remember this was about 65 years ago ehat would have sounded like with todays technology mind bogling
His last film, what a trajedy.
Robert Howes
That last word in your comment is spelt with a "G".
David Rule like if saw in 2018
David Rule that would make it Grajedy
@@geespar1 no it would make it trajegy
Ik was 5 jaar toen ik met mijn tante mee mocht gaan naar de "cinema" ...Ik ben er nu 61 en ik hou misschien nog meer van Mario Lanza dan vroeger; zo worden er geen meer gemaakt!!!! Doodjammer van de mens zelf, maar 100% een supergeweldige tenor!!!
Ja wel!! Dat is waar
Великий, мощный, жёсткий, искрящийся лирико- драматический голос МАРИО ЛАНЦА неповторим!!! В который раз слушаю и до мурашек! Непревзойдённое исполнение🙏
Наш выдающийся баритон Муслим Магомаев в России создал цикл передач на ТВ о своем кумире Марио Ланца и встретившись с семьёй и друзьями тенора в Америке написал о нем книгу "Великий Ланца". Чудесная книга, рекомендую всем почитателям великого тенора 💞💓💖👏👏👏💐💐💐🔥💥
The Clown's make-up perfectly compliments Mario's expressive performance in this beautifully delivered Aria.
This man right here, made me love opera. The first time I saw and heard this I cried. He has me so spoiled I really don't care to listen to most male opera singers. Love, love, love him. His [passion was real, like you can sink you teeth into it.
When it comes to opera and especially this one --it is a question of personal sensibility. If you want real Italian opera with all the emotions, with an incredible dramatic tenor voice that no one can surpass, than you might want to listen to this.
+Benjamin David Lanza did not have a dramatic voice
+sugarbist yes he did, lol
+sugarbist he was, at least, in between the spectrum of spinto and dramatic.
+darklord220 Examples of some dramatic tenors are Del Monaco, Zenatello, Slezak, Piccaluga, Melchior Vinay. Many spinto tenors were able to employ dramatic impact when needed like Corelli, Tucker, Merli De Muro Martinelli, Masini and Caruso.
sugarbist Giuseppe Giacomini are a pure dramatic tenor 😀
One year before this astonishing artist dies... What a perfomance...
360 'thumbs downs' from music snobs, who continue to talk through their backsides about him not being a real opera singer. He may not have sung in endless opera productions, yet he sang with a heart and passion that the so-called greats couldn't match - and he brought opera to the masses, which is something that the relatively small world of the operatic stage doesn't do, then or now. No doubt that's another reason these music snobs don't like him, in that he brought opera to ordinary people, taking it out of their exclusive world of opera. Truly, he was 'the people's tenor'.
you are so correct. pav said he was one of his biggest influences.
Music elitists forget music is for everyone and knows no class when it comes to society. Music is universal and they are unnatural.
I'd put Pavarotti, Lanza and Domingo in my top 5.
@@TheKwod Domingo of all, you can't be serious.
@@yogajedi3337 he's a more developed singer than many of the Golden oldies who typically do nothing for me.
Vocal techniques have clearly developed after ww2, and we've witnessed many well developed signers, however emotion must still be conveyed.
Give us your top 5 if u please.
This is by far the greatest aria of Vesti La Giubba I have ever heard. Priceless!
Che cosa più bella!
Mario Lanza per sempre lo migliore cantante di opere del mondo insieme a Enrico Caruso.
Salute di Brasile a tutti!
Dimentichi Pavarotti
É vero! Insieme a lui!👏😊
1:57 only those who have been betrayed at one point or another can truly understand that agony he sings about.
.....Belle analyse...!
From Alsace France !!
Finding out the extent of your break up through friends (she cheated on me)
Convinced words were not the ideas they're believed to be, simply colloquial rhetoric for familiarity, comfort, acceptance on a superficial but entirely valid level....
Taken aback buy the unexpected, shattering my view of a world I was so sure to be devoid of these petty fairy tales we muse upon to ourselves...
I saw, clearly as these words are to you, without exaggeration or mystery, I witnessed an angel, and she floated, legs never moving, on the toes of silence, across the floor and spoke to me the sweetest words I will never hear again. My eyes began to see for the first time, the vibrant beauty in the world. My ears heard natures songs.
Then the dream was gone from me. Taken. Ripped away. The world became less colorful....a little more grey, music held no meaning, food like ash in my mouth, hunger the only pain which did not hurt every fiber of my being. Joy itself died that day. Now even smiling is an agonizing reminder of the world I will never see again. A world I didnt know existed, a world I dont deserve.
Love is broken from me. Its poison runs in my veins.
La commedia è finita....
I've always felt that the arias he performed in For The First Time and his album Mario, represent the high point of his vocal and artistic career. I still have the original sound track album, and still treasure it after all these years.
Mario Lanza put such passion into his work, an amazing voice!! He is one of the great tenors of all time!!!
Magnifique magnifique hommage! Died too young
❤❤❤❤❤❤ilyen énekes azóta sem született!!!❤❤ Imádom!
Unbelievable notes my god so emotional and powerful brought tears to my eyes 👀
Along with his splendid voice, Mario is putting his soul here.
Thank you, Vincent, for the post.
2015 Another new year. Where is the likes of another Mario Lanza? Not a cheap imitation, but someone real and vibrant who can make us all be proud again.
There have been great tenors, and we do have some still around, but Mario Lanza was in a class by himself. He not only hit the ball out of the ballpark, he split the seams and torn it apart. Greatness is greatness that few can copy.
Isolvedit Nobody today on the operatic stages is as good of an actor as he was either.
Boris Van Druff Yes. He was a terrific actor
I LOVE Pavorotti to no end.
May we present Mario Lanzo as a contender for this song?
This rendition is beautiful, technically correct, and heartfelt.
Love to ALL who have sung this song.
Lanza is' nt a contender he is head and shoulders above everyone.
Great Mario Lanza a phenomenon of nature. 👏🏻⚘️👏🏻⚘️👏🏻⚘️👏🏻
The finest reading of this aria ever recorded, bar none. This recording, done eight years after Mario recorded the more well known studio version(s), has the maturity, artistic insight and pathos that all his other readings lack. An amazing document: The Rome Opera House Orchestra, the great Constantine Callinicos conducting and Mario at a period of incredible vocal maturity.
Great comment. Much appreciated.
Yes, very good comment. Thank you.
What a voice, truly amazing ❤
Greeting from bahrain Arabia in love with this emotional mystical piece of art .. Vesti la giubba grazie
Lanza was perfection. Even his laugh at 0:41 is beautiful. 1:56 onwards is almost too much to bear; how can anyone express such grief?
Alli, donde estés,, señor cocozza, mil gracias,,, yo empece,, canto y usted fue muy importante para mí,, 1961,,vi el gran Caruso,, Serenade,, El ppe estudiante,, Las 7 Colinas D Roma etc etc,, fue el primer REFERENTE DE TODOS LOS JOVENES TENORES 1 MILLLON D GRACIAS.
Vincent, thank you for posting this. I "discovered" Mario Lanza about 15 years ago. I had always heard about him, the critical view. Overrated. Overweight. Sold out to Hollywood. Untrained. Yes, yes, a good voice, of course. I had not idea. When I started to listen to him I felt that the criticism was unfair. As I listen to him more and more, I now think he is the greatest singer ever, opera or otherwise. Thank God for video clips like this. His raw, pure emotion, although here it is deep and difficult, is cleansing. And then there is voice, itself. Unmatched for beauty, power and range. I had not seen this clip, nor heard this song. Thanks again. God bless Mario.
Dear Joseph, your exuberance is well noted and appreciated. Lanza did receive vocal training and coaching. You have no way of knowing that Lanza's voice was unmatched for power, as you never heard him live, as you never heard the great tenor voices live in the 1950s 60s and 70s. Enjoy
@@sugarbist ''You have no way of knowing ... '' Whatever.
Proclamations are rarely accurate and yours is no exception. However, you are more than entitled to your opinion. Enrico Rosati was one of Lanza's voice coaches working with him for 15 months. He also sang very well under Constantine Callinicos, a conductor who worked with Lanza on the Student Prince, and the Great Caruso
Peter Herman Adler worked with Mario on The Great Caruso.
@@DiPlacido71 Sorry, thanks for the correction
Как по мне лучшее исполнение этой арии всех времён и народов ❤
So very touching and supremely performed by Mario Lanza
dam, I don't even speak Italian but this is the saddest song I've ever heard, so much emotion here!
YOLO Bro No shit Sherlock
george george no hon. He found out his wife is cheating on him before opening night of a play he's in where he plays a clown who gets cheated on by his clown wife. It's a comedy and slapstick. literally laughing at his pain.
@@idontcare-sf1vb only, he is not laughing.
And from the lyrics it is said that he has to go on stage as a clown, in delirium he does not know what he is going to do or say.
He asks himself if he is a man but laughs. He is nothing but a clown. He forces himself as a clown to turn all his pain into a smile and laugh but fails.
Then 1:53 the big part. He cries that in the crowd he has to fake a smile at his broken love, his ex wife. So no laughing at his pain, he cannot contain his pain even as a clown.
And that is exactly what makes this song so powerful, in the last part when he says: Pidi, aggliacco! Sul tuo amore infranto! ( Laugh clown! At your broken love!)
You dont have to understand some songs it's clear what the feeling is.
My father was a bass opera singer and he adored Mario! And me too !
Mario Lanza's voice is so powerful, so beautiful. I've seen his movies, but I never realized just how truly sublime he was.
You can make any voice as powerful as you want by turning up the volume controls
@@sugarbist You can tell the difference between true power and fabrication.
@@Mikep487 Bjorling has a great recorded performance of Turandot with Nilsson, where the dials were turned up in the studio on Bjorling's side of the recording to equal Nilsson's large voice. Can you tell how powerful JB's voice was based on recordings verses fabrication in the studio? Bjorling never sang a live performance of Turandot. Barry Morell is a tenor with a beautiful lyric voice and sounded fine on records. He had a fine career In the smaller houses in Europe. By all accounts, Lanza had a formidable voice and sang about 150 live concerts, but power or powerful should not be estimated by a recording. I saw Corelli live in Trovatore, and although his voice was formidable, it was more lyric in the opera house than on records.
если бы не Марио Ланца,я бы никогда не услышал великую оперу.Я слышал всех.Не буду перечислять имен.Марио гениален
Можно слушать вечность этот божественный голос и восхищаться таким талантищем, его артистизмом,
нет равных ему!!!
Incredible performance with such deep emotion from the soul. His makeup accentuates the pain and agony. Just Stunning.
I hold my breath every single time watch this. Tragic, but gorgeously so.
Смейся,паяц,над разбитой любовью..Смейся и плачь...Ведь ты не человек,ты-паяц...
Бессмертная вещь,на века.всегда найдётся хоть один человек,который будет плакать вместе с тобой,паяц...
Браво,паяц.Браво великому Леонкавалло.♥️♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
God ive never given opera a look but i came to find this from BDG's Waluigi video cause i was like 'huh that song at the end sounds neat'.
Now im on a spiral after having a transformative experience after hearing this for the first time. The tragedy in the lyrics, the absolutely untouchable voice, the way he acts it out, god this is perfection. Its killing me that i cant go thank this man for the effect his performance has had on me
Love to hear peoples comments on this song who is the best ect but my vote is this one Mario sings with up most passion
Всю жизнь пронесла любовь и верность этому певцу. Обожаю Марио. Браво!!
Как рано ушел красавец и великий певец Светлая память
He made singing look effortless. You can hear the 3 Tenors and the different things they took from Mario's singing style. Most impressive he was he was breath taking.
oltre a voce incredibile interprete straordinario,, arriva all'anima
Какой голос, прелесть, слушать можно до бесконечности!
My heart just bursts when I hear Mario Lanza sing. This is one of his most powerful. I love it.. I love him!
I played this when I was 8 years of age and still love to here it now and I am 65. he is the best tenor that ever lived no one will ever come close to him.
He sang every song with his heart on his lips!
My grate uncal used to sing like him and you used to love all of his music and films.we used to talk about him many times over the you and miss you uncle. Xx
Mario Lanza was one of the greatest of all time!