Betty, double check to see at what speed you are watching. Click on the little cog type wheel in the upper Rt hand corner of the screen & you will get a drop down menu where you can change it…you can slow it down if you’re having trouble following. I also like to turn closed caption on as it helps me. Hope this helps you!
Such great information, Thank you so much, Becky! I wasn't wanting to sew those little flowers as 3D either. This is way easier! Win Win!
Cindy Hogan is awesome and may answer some questions. She is a rock star like Becky !
Is there a way you can put a small colored circle around the cursor - it might be easier for some to follow.
Very technical gremlins
Why are you talking so fast everyone on untube is talking fast
Betty is it possible that you have increased the speed in your settings?
Betty, double check to see at what speed you are watching. Click on the little cog type wheel in the upper Rt hand corner of the screen & you will get a drop down menu where you can change it…you can slow it down if you’re having trouble following. I also like to turn closed caption on as it helps me. Hope this helps you!
Thank you so much