I have much Love for this man, he is ultimately responsible for my conversion to Catholicism. I stumbled upon a debate between Bishop Barron and atheist “star” Alex O’Connor on the UNBELIEVABLE?” youtube channel. Bishop Barron spoke with a level of authority that I’d not previously encountered. I was stripping and staining our back yard fence and spent the next three weeks listening to every talk, debate, lecture, and homily. SOLD!
I was born and raised Catholic but never considered any of it as seriously as I should have. I was in my wood shop when the same obsession overcame me. I could not consume enough, still can't.
What about the vision of he'll by Fatima children St Faustina and many more that showed many souls fLling into hell. I love his teachings but he seems not to be realistic in this subject thank you
I love Bishop Barron! He is eminently erudite and learned. This is how religion should be taught. He stands in modern society with both feet, does not shy from criticism but is still true to the Catholic fate.
A brilliant lecture substantial in content systematically presented with a logical and practical conclusion. The four obstacles driving people away from Catholicism are confusion about God, misunderstanding of the Bible, misconception of incompatibility of science and religion, and finally perceived violence in religion. Each point is analyzed in detail. I love it when you, Bishop Barron, speak without referring to your notes. That is when you are the most passionate about your topic but with dash of humor here and there. Thank you very much. Not sure how I have missed this video for so long.
Thanks, Bishop. I'm an Anglican, and I have just only started listening to you this week. I so appreciate your gift to the larger universal church. You are a great teacher and defender of the faith.
I'm sure he'd be quick in condemning artificial contraception and divorce, both condemned by the Bible, and also both first condoned by the Anglican "church".
Someone could respond by pointing out all the sins of the Catholic Church. But, instead I will respond simply by saying that anywhere Christ is preached, anywhere his death for our sins is remembered and his resurrection for our justification is believed, anyone who affirms that Jesus is exactly who he says he is, the Son of God sent from Triune God, anywhere this is taught, I am happy to count them as my brothers and sisters. Because people who really believe this, who seek the righteousness of God, naturally know what is right and wrong (the Holy Spirit shows them and helps them to overcome the world.)
Thank you for this lecture. I am very encouraged by the content and will listen over and over again. I need the words to say to folk in conversation or confrontation. I am actually meeting the latter more often recently. Only the other day a street preacher with whom I had a long conversation, suggested I could be called a cannibal for believing in transubstantiation. As for 'dumbing down'. I agree with you Bishop Barron. I must tell you that it started many, many years ago. For my First Holy Communion which I remember vividly at the age of 7 years after making my First Confession, we had to learn a beautiful little hymn which I loved. 'Jesus Thou art coming holy as Thou art, Thou the God who made me to my sinful heart. Jesus I believe it on Thy only word, Kneeling I adore Thee as my King and Lord.' I loved everything about this lovely hymn, still do and often find myself singing it. Well, dumbing down? Yes. A very short time after my First Holy Communion, the nuns who taught us told us that we were to change one word in the second line. We had to change sinful to little. Why?, I wondered. My mother explained that it seemed a bit harsh for children to consider themselves sinful. I seem to remember that I sang the words as written under my breath, every time I walked up to Holy Communion. I remember very well thinking, that's daft I know I am sinful. I understood and I wasn't hurt by that knowledge. Consider how long ago that happened. I am 81 years of age.
Sheila ONeil, street preachers are dumbed down heretics with anger mental health disorders. They function on the amygdala part of the brain. Please do not waste your time with such fools. Do not let them take up mental space in your brain. They are not worth the amount of time it takes to write what they say. They are straight from the pit of hell, to use their Baptist anti-Catholic hatred verbiage.
Whenever I hear a non-Catholic or, worse, an atheist say such words, I get the creeps and wonder where that comes from: is it because the non-Catholic/atheist slowly awakens to the Truth/Jesus or is it that the would-be Catholic preaching slowly morphs to accomodate the "truths" of the non-Catholic/atheist. A half-truth is the same as a half-lie just as a lie is a lie, wherever or whomever it comes from.
I enjoy listening to Bishop Barren. He inspires me in Catholicism and finally it makes inspirational sense of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God bless you!
What an awesome talk. This man is smarter than he leads. This mans brilliance. I must meet this man of the cloth. A real enigmatic man. Who never stops. The closest to a Padre Pio. I can say I love this man in Christ’s name. Pray the Rosary. It brought me to my knees and brought me back to the faith.
Thank you bishop Barron! You are a true gift to so many, because of your videos that I have a better understanding of God. It resonates with the deepest part of me
Bishop Barron, your preaching is like a non consuming burning bush. Thank you for illuminating us. I always feel supported and affirmed whenever I listen to you. Thank you. Thanks be to God.
Bishop Barron I walked away from the faith at the age of 20; have been a reborn Christian for 50 years and have never looked back until a few weeks ago when I rediscovered Catholicism with a fresh view through your Word on Fire and I am delighted to grow in my Christian Catholic walk and return to my roots as well. Thank you for your gift and teaching. Helen Kane in the mountains of NC.
@Seeking God Yes, mortal sins are forgiven in confession. Confession also grants you the grace that helps you not to commit the sins you confessed (hence it's strongly advisable that you confess venial sins, too, but those are forgiven in a mass, therefore they are not obligatory to be confessed in order to get absolution). This is all from talks of fr. Ripperger on TH-cam, I did not give you my interpretation of anything. It is, though, advisable and best that you direct questions regarding salvation and sacraments a Catholic priest. Since you are concerned, yes there are sins that Jesus Himself said will not be forgiven. Luke 12:8-10: "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." However, I advise you to ask a Catholic priest or read about it from a Catholic source, not just any forum or social media.
Beautiful, informative, entertaining, thought provoking and a perfect weapon against unbelief. We need to train our kids as Apologetics so they are armed to defend the faith when they get out into the world. A strong defense makes for strong.offense. God bless you.Bishop. Thank you. I listen to you on my hours long commute, a great way to prepare for the day. I will be meditating on the burning bush all day and on the love God has for us the God who does not consume us but glorifies us. Excellent.
Excellent explanations without watering down our faith, God, Scripture, Religion and science. Your examples are superb and easily understood. Thank you so much for sharing your long time learned understanding. God gave you a special gift and you share it well. I find the Book of Revelation is the most misunderstood book of the Bible and you showed us how it is most important. Blessings galore to you and your work.
Awesome mind of the catholic church, I give glory to God for men's like Bishop Barron who by the teaching of the Holy Spirit up in him is drawing so many people close God. I pray for you a lot and to see disciples of Christ like you give me a sign of great hope for us a catholic God bless bless you Bishop Barron.
I discovered you, Bishop at the beginning of the coronavirus with the mass from your home in Santa Barbara and then I found you tube & your many contributions. Thank you!
Bishop Barron explains what we instinctively and intellectually know to be true with heightened eloquence and depth of insight. His genius is a great fertilizer in our postmodern barrenness. I hope he continues to enlighten for many, many more years to come. ❤️ BB!
It's refreshing to actually hear Bishop Barron speak. All I knew about him before was that he was said to believe in universal salvation, so I wrote him off. He has some good to offer after all ...
... God Bless Bishop Barron, the Marvelous Gifts of the HSp continue to increase n Fortify our knowledge in the reality of our Catholic inheritance... The unending wisdom with spiritual injections... for our souls... Glory Be...
I have long thought you would make a great bishop. I glad that Pope Francis agreed. May God richly bless you in your ministry and may you make many converts through your videos.
I always struggled with the word 'surrender',,,,but Bishop Barron has given such a beautiful crystal analogy with the burning bush. With surrender we become more brilliant but not consumed. Another of our Catholic paradoxes! "Do not be afraid'! Of God fully loving us! Thank you!!
Understanding Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and the authority of the Magisterium is essential to a healthy education. Bishop Barron's free salvation education is eloquent, exponential, and exciting.
Very good. Explains and is interesting as well. Bishop Barron, ignore the occasional daft attack by church militant people, you are right and catholic and I and everyone of good will must benefit from your talks. God bless youl
The remnant militant church is the one that will be saved. All the world will wonder after the anti-christ pope, who is so popular. Jesus was not popular. That should be a clue. Anti also means taking the place of. Look up definition.
Amen! Fantastic--especially how we ought to read/understand The Bible. Thank you so much, Bishop Barron! Incredible--your depth of knowledge is inspiring! And you have a great sense of humor too. :)
I was happy to hear his thoughts on how the church dumbed down during his generation. I wondered how I can be 58 years old and a Catholic all my life and know so little about our church. I'm working on it. Thanks Bishop B.
+Cindy G I attended RCIA last year - for my confirmation and first communion at age 61. My husband, a life long catholic, attended all the classes with me. He said he learned more in those classes about his religion than he had learned his entire life, even though he attended catholic school.
+Cindy G I help teach RCIA at my parish and Terri's experience (below) is quite common for Catholics whose spouses are going through the program. If you stop after CCD or Confirmation, you often miss the heavier topics/insights of the Faith. Adult Catholic formation would help a lot, but by the time we're grown up, we're often so busy with work, family life, etc. that we put up roadblocks towards learning more.
+Cindy G I've recently come back to the Church after 20 years away. I left largely as a rejection of God as the sky fairy, which is what I thought Catholicism taught. On my own, I came to know God by direct experience, and it's only very recently (i.e. this year) that I've come to realize that the God I know is exactly the same one the Church teaches about. I think that's a testament to what Bishop Barron says about needing to do a much better job of teaching about God. It's also evidence that I should attend RCIA so that I can learn as much about Catholicism as Terri's husband did. There's obviously a great deal I missed, growing up in the Church.
+Cindy G Most of us did not get much of anything, Cindy. We can relate, it was really watered down. I don't remember learning anything before confirmation. Today is an exiting time, however, because there are so many great resources now just on youtube!!! Put in: Tim Staples Salvation, Tim Staples Justification, Tim Staples Advent Mission (there are three I, II & III all with a lot of Marian Theology). Tim Staples Why Be Catholic. Put in: Steve Ray Peter the Rock the Keys and the chair Read the Lamb's Supper By Scott Hahn. Watch the other videos on my youtube channel. Jesse Romero's Bible Studies and Ken's Conversion Story. Go to: Catholic.com read copious articles on everything Catholic. Read their blog and archives. Go to listen live in their radio drop down box and listen to Catholic Answers Live or go to their calendar and down load great programs going back years! We have so much to help us and we all need to become apologists. It is an exiting time to be Catholic!
+Jim Crants Hey Jim, when I came back to the Church a few years ago I had the same revelation. Too many people think of the Church as rules but they never understood the, why, and the reasons for things. The Catholic Church has always taught God is Love and Love is the one intangible truth we all need to live and to prosper. His Church gives us the tools and the closeness to the Lord to have the closest relationship with God. "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."
Call no religious man on earth your father. For you have one Father who is in heaven. This is a teaching on not calling anyone in a position of authority in biblical matters, their father. This is separate from the commandment "honor your father and mother. " God does not contradict Himself. Satan is the father of lies and co fusion.
+boliviareports You're welcome! If you put in, Jim Malloy, into the youtube search box and then look for the name next to the face of the Shroud of Turin, then click my name there, you can see other great videos...
Bishop Barron, I very much appreciate the point made in your lecture. I was particularly gratified by your explanation of the nature of science--a way of knowing. During my 19 years as a college biology instructor I made that point at the outset of each general biology class. Thank you also for forthrightly identifying the generally sad state of American religious education. The "dumbing down" phenomenon you describe is not isolated to religious education. Americans should be alarmed and outraged at the general state of American education. There are many reasons for the situation, but early in your lecture you alluded to one of the most important; as a society, our expectations of our children and youth are too low. One reason is ignorance and misunderstanding of the cognitive potential of students. But, perhaps even more importantly is fear; in terms of religious education, fear that we'll lose the kids. Well, having been in the trenches, most youth going through confirmation programs, end up falling away from the Church anyway. Wouldn't be better to have substantial religious ed programs and have a informed and committed remnant?
+Jennifer Bliss If you put in "Jim Malloy" into the youtube search box and click on my name next to the Shroud of Turin face, I have more great videos...with a few more coming over the next few weeks.
+Jim Malloy: Since Bishop Barron isn't here reading the comments and possibly reply, it would be useful if you also linked to some of his earlier short videos when comments like the one of +Anthony Catholic are posted. Please read what he posted on May 16th, in which he obviously is misconstruing Bishop Barron and spreading incorrect information. Thank you.
Bishop Barron, please continue your online evangelization that establishes and spreading the real truth, the right way, and the life with Jesus and the Holy Spirit at are side. Thanks also to this content channel. Good work!
Thank you Bishop Barren for this. I wish I could explain our understanding of God like you . I feel I understand totally what your saying .Just wish I could explain it as you do. Thanks
Tim Spangler ...the only thing you do with Scripture is misrepresent it & display your ignorance of it !!! Why I was enjoying the discussion with you & Scott on this page itself. Made me feel sorry for you when you got stuck & could get no further. Empty vessel trolling around with so much hate for the Catholic Church & Her teaching office....Despair filled Tim...when will you find peace, happiness and joy.
Hi Denise , I have discovered something incredible about Tim . He is a serial troll . You would be amazed just how many times i have come across his presence on youtube . I agree with you . I think Tim doesn't actually have any real peace otherwise he wouldn't spend so much time on catholic sites . He is desperately trying to convict himself of his protestantism . He is utterly obsessed with catholicism . i hope that one day he will come to the true church of God
Yes, through faith in Jesus Christ. This means we remain in Him and DO what he says in the plan He gave us, in the Church He founded. Is it by faith alone as you espouse? Not according to the Word of God. James 2:24 "...not by faith alone."
Oh Tim peace & trolling do not go together !!! They are extreme ends of the spectrum. So what are you doing these days because you seem to have depleted much of your energy doing unproductive activities.
Thankyou Bishop Barron , you are a beacon of light in an otherwise darkened world . This is more or less what every bishop around the world should be doing ; engaging the faithful . Just imagine how much confidence the catholic faithful around the world would have if all our bishops were as passionate and active as you are in preaching the good news . Thanks you and may God continue to bless you
I am currently tarrying with the idea of finally embracing God through the Catholic church, and it's exactly this type of sermon that strengthens my resolve to do so.
When they unlock the churches, one thing that can help change your life, is you should go sit peacefully for a half hour every day near the tabernacle. Pray or just sit peacefully with our Lord.
@@jimmalloy7279 Thanks Jim. My path to God has been very sinuous, to say the least, but recently the resolve to finally abandon my damaged self and put my faith in Christ has become stronger and stronger. And even just thinking about doing so brings peace and joy to my heart. My apologies if this seems, as the French might say, un peu de trop - too much !
@@ryangarritty9761 It is God who heals, but being in the family of God, connected spiritually in heaven and on earth, with us all praying for each other delivers your peace. God's Grace comes in his mystical body, the body of Christ.
Excellent, Bishop Barron! I became Catholic (from Protestantism) as an adult in 2009. Sadly, the RCIA class I attended was "dumbed down" and the Teaching Laity who were in charge seemed bored. It was either due to boredom or, at their age, they were part of the first group to come of age after Vatican II. Therefore, they weren't taught properly to begin with. I was actually asked by one man "why convert to the Catholic Church now?". Basically he was saying "all churches are okay now". I was very glad I had studied by myself for almost a year to come to the truth of the Catholic faith...that it was truly the early Church without a doubt.
I just left the catholic church about 3 years now. Best decision I ever made. The Pope is a liar. The churches are not alright. This pope wants a one world religion to go along with the one world or new world order. The jesuits want to round up all the protestants and bring them back to mother harlot church of Babylon. I am now a protestant who will not he subject to Rome and its idolatry. I prayed for 2 years before leaving the church I was born into. The Holy Spirit called me out of Babylon. In Revelation Jesus says, "come out of her my people, lest ye be partakers of her sins and plagues." If you are new to Catholicism, I would re-think about getting out. Go back and re read about your protestant roots. Millions of protestants died by the hands of the jesuits and knights templars for their faith so we could own bibles and worship freely. I will pray for you that the Holy Spirit opens your heart and mind to the truth you once held. God bless.
@@Revelation18-4 I just came back to the Catholic Church a couple of years ago. One of the things that has always been so amusing to me is that when I hear conversions stories from Protestantism to Catholicism I hear these converts give thorough explanations as to why they left their Baptist roots or Presbyterian roots for the Catholic Church when they were so against it and truly believed it is the wjore of Babylon. They talk about the early fathers, the early teachings, the early church, book after book, philosopher after philosopher, Bible verse after verse. Everytime I hear those that left the church all I hear is anger, resentment, fear... The whore of Babylon, the Antichrist, Idolatry etc... Nothing substantial. I'm not stopping anyone that wants to leave the church but this hatred towards it it's so bizarre to me... I don't like hearing Catholics bash on Protestants but I rarely hear it. Those who convert have nothing but love for their old churches. If you truly feel you found the truth why be so defensive and full of hatred towards the Catholic Church. Go your way and live your faith
YES, WELCOME HME, Theresa, ptl. Praying that as " CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS" we're able to Re-Evangelize the current culture, with excellent Theology from our Bishop Barron, and educate souls with intelligence, Mercy and love. Thank you for sharing "Returning HOME" story. You're truly inspiring. GOD BLESS you and family.
@Here Beforeyou - my mother chose my name before I was born. Teresa Ann is my legal first and middle name. Elizabeth is the Saint name I took when entering into full communion with The Catholic Church. I’m sorry 😐 it sounds “Pompous”. My mother was a Protestant and had no idea she had chosen to give me 2 Catholic Saints names. Peace be with you ✝️
Bishop Barron, I just watched your video concerning the "heresies". All I can respond is by stating that you are a true gift to the American Church. You are obviously well read, spiritual and pastoral, a scholar in every sense of the word. I truly appreciate your ministry. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you in your ministry.
+dim sung I have been schooled in the true faith, where have you been? Dim, when you write that Bishop Baron is a heretic, where is your data to substantiate this? Show me the data, please? Hard facts, please.
+Michael Montague Yea, as if atheists are unified in their worldview. They have ONE thing in common....refusal to acknowledge the obvious about creation.
+dim sung At this point I guess we can both agree that ultimately we disagree? You brand me and the good Bishop as sons of Vatican II. Quite frankly, I relish Vatican II as a gift to the Church. That said, I wish you a very sincere Happy Easter. God bless.
R'amen. Thank you for bringing my religion more recognition. We are a young faith and need to get the recognition so that we may grow, and help the world be aware of his noodly appendage. R'amen.
I've fallen far from my traditional upbringing as a Catholic but even now today I sense the unconditional love of Jesus and His mother Mary. I made the decision long ago to give in to just numbing the pain of my early upbringing with alcohol and of course it made everything worse. Years ago I was even a valued member of my local parish but I fell prey to the temptations of the flesh and became unfaithful to my wife. I've been suffering now for over 20 years for this selfish act and it has ruined me. I pray for mercy and death every day. Still I cannot deny my experience of my mother Mary who is calling me to forgive myself.
Im so thankful for this bishop and all the catholic apologists I found online ...I was losing my faith, being born in latin america almost all we have in our pastors is a dumb down view of religion...as a result poor, uneducated people are going to the evangelic churches, that have more soul and educated people are turning to atheism and marxism... the church is in grave need of good cathechists and pastors...Im so sorry for all the people that dont speak english and cant find this kind of explanations...Im trying to learn how to subtitle to make these available to my countrymen...thank you God for these people...
@Jim Malloy I am a believer of Christ, and cannot get on board with several key points in Catholicism, such as justification, among other things. However, the whole religion does not encompass the beliefs of every catholic, and there are many beliefs that I have in common with many Catholics, and that a based Bibically.
@goingHome! I would refrain from speaking for others and passing judgement, but I do agree that Christ is all you need. Church and religion saves nothing, Christ does!
St. John Vianney, St. John Bosco, Fulton Sheen, St. Peter Damian, Saint Augustine, St. Mary of Egypt, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Agnes, St. Maria Goretti, St. Agatha, Bl. Laura Vicuña, Bl. Antonia Mesina, St. Joan of Arc, Bl. Pierina Morosini, St. Solange, St. Agostina Pietrantoni, Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa, St. Mary MacKillop, pray for us.
Great talk! So many important points..especially the understanding of young peoples general questions and beliefs....I still have a hard time how someone could be atheist when all around us is the beauty of creation.
Bishop Robert Barron is a bona fide Christian who teaches the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, unlike too many so called Christian preachers on so called Christian stations these days especially! Although I am not a Catholic, I have a very high regard for the Catholic Church, and all Christians regardless of denominational affiliation should listen to such as him!!
Have you ever listened to Dr. David Anders? He is also a very good Catholic teacher. This is his interview on the Journey Home Program. You might like it. th-cam.com/video/R5NT32Y-Mrk/w-d-xo.html
You shouldn't, try reading the Bible yourself first. this is a very interesting talk and thrilling even, but it is not true, however intellectual it looks like.
There has been a dearth of gifted Catholic intellectuals engaging on the broad public arena and debating counterparts promoting contrasting world views. I have not yet seen you bishop Barron in the debate side. You have a good heart and like everyone you can make a mistake too like that there is a reasonable hope everyone will be saved. I so wish it were a reasonable Christian assertion.
I highly doubt he ever reads comments on this channel. Go to wordonfire.org or his youtube channel. You'll have a chance he'll see your comments there.
Catholic.com (Catholic Answers) is helpful. Also, EWTN Called to Communion Dr. David Anders...you can put this into youtube and hear all previous episodes. God Bless.
This is a great talk, as so many of Bishop Barron's talks are. However, as someone that does engage in apologetics, mostly on TH-cam, it's not as easy as the Bishop thinks. Catholicism is not an imbeciles religion. It take time to lay out a reasoned point. People don't give you the chance to do that. To be truthful, many people have immature intellects. They don't have the reasoning skills to unpack deep theological nuances. Another problem is atheist and protestants won't accept any proof you give them. They don't accept history, philosophy, science, or Church teaching. Even when you clearly show them in the scripture a clear truth, they deny it. Protestants especially are guilty of this. They do an Olympic quality performance of mental gymnastics to explain it all away. The Bishop is correct in saying Catholics need to engage. Every day my email is filled with TH-cam comments I have to deal with. I often get ganged up on. I start a discussion with one person and others jump in and then I'm going against several people. I rarely get any help from other Catholics. Catholics, please get educated, get motivated, and get in the battle. We need help out here in the social media crusade.
+The Gruntled Monk - Other than the brief and concise replies such as "Thank you, Bishop Barron", your response is the only one I've read that makes sense. You articulated a point that I found humorous yet so true: "To be truthful, many people have immature intellects,They don't have the reasoning skills to unpack deep theological nuances." I would add this caveat -- many people don't have the intellect to unpack simple theological nuances. Or, they rely on simple theological interpretations, which brings to mind Fundamentalism in all its forms.One thing that is so beautiful about Catholicism is that it is the faith of the simple and the scholar. Christ embraced the poor and compelled the educated through his teachings and through his example. He excluded no one, but the proud and rich were often repelled by His message because the concept of surrender and the cost of being a disciple were too high. This has been true since the beginning and is true today. Being a follower of Christ is not easy. But few worthwhile things are. One thing I wanted to ask you -- I am confused about the posts between Syner Genetics and hisredrighthand. They make no sense to me at all. I wanted to know your thoughts on those two commenters. I am not judging, I am just wondering if it's just me, or do you understand them?
+D MH (LAVENDER) I will answer more fully in the near future. I'm in the middle of moving. I glanced through the comments pretty quickly. Some of the comments seem to touch on relativism. (all religions are the same basically) I will read and dissect them and answer you more fully. It may be a few days before I can do it.
+D MH (LAVENDER) Hi! Thanks for your patience. I'm waiting for my new furniture to arrive, so I thought I would take the time to get back to you. I didn't forget you. It was as I suspected. One was arguing that all religions are valid. The other was saying Christianity, i.e. Catholicism is right. Catholicism is right, but he didn't use the right arguments. He allowed himself to be led down a rabbit hole. Religious relativism says that all religions are valid. This is utter nonsense because they can't all be right. Buddhism says there's no God. Hinduism has many Gods. Christianity has the Trinity. People who take the relativist stance are cowards, unwilling to make a stand. If everything is the same, you don't have to think and have the courage to defend anything. It would take a book to lay out all the arguments for Catholicism being the one true faith. Here's just some quick thoughts. Christianity is unigue among all religions. Jesus, and what he claims, was never done before or since. A man claiming to be the Son of God, and proving it with reserection and miracles The one commenter was using the old, Christianity was all just an extention of the old Roman religions. A foolish argument. Christianity is nothing like the old Roman religion. Another argument you hear, especially from Pagans is, Christianity was forced upon people. Another nonsensical argument. Look at the peoples of Britian and Scandinavia. They freely accepted Christianity. No Christian army went into the Viking lands and forced them to convert. We know St Patrick converted Ireland with just a few monks.
+D MH (LAVENDER) Sorry. I hit the wrong button. I will continue. These kinds of things make it so hard to talk to people today. People think they know the Bible and Catholicism, but they don't. Bishop Sheen once said that people don't hate the Catholic faith. They hate what they think is the Catholic faith. That's so very true. It takes so much time to lay out the logical reasons for the faith. No one is going to give you that kind of time. Americans used to be taught the Bible and had a belief in God. That's not the case anymore. You have to go all the way back to the beginning. 1. You have to get people to believe there is a God. 2. You have to get them to believe it's a Christian God. 3. You have to get them to believe Catholicism is the religion of that God. On top of that, you have to try to show Protestants they aren't using the whole Bible. That's not easy. Believe me, I've tried. I've been doing TH-cam comments for a while now. I'm beginning to think it's a waste of time. People seem to revel in their ignorance. I hardly ever find someone with an open mind and heart. They just argue to argue. You are the exception. You seem to be seeking a better understanding. Good for you. Keep it up. I hope this has been helpful. Peace be with you.
Thank you, Bishop Barron, for speaking out and teaching the truth of the Catholic Faith. Your comments and explanations reflect your wisdom and knowledge of theology, but I would suggest that no amount of reasoning and debate will comfort a non-believer when he or she is feeling like "the last person on earth" at 2 or 3 in the morning. Suicide is now the second leading cause of young adult deaths and this at a time when we have an abundance of dating services, counseling, and interventions to help those who feel "lost" and without hope. Instead of endless intellectual sparring over "contingencies" and "First Causes, " would it be too much trouble to show how the Love and Complete Understanding of God can fill the empty heart of even the most hard-core non-believer? My wonderful and life-changing experience in Medjugorje, in 1996, convinced me that God is not the least interested in our intellectual abilities or how extensive our vocabulary is --- or even if we own a thesaurus. God wants our love. He said so at the Last Supper: "Love one another as I have loved you." The answer is this: Pray. Meditate while asking this question, "What do I need to know?" Finally, look up MEDJUGORJE and learn what God is doing in YOUR lifetime!! May the blessings of Our Lord Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary be with you now and always.
My 13yo son and I have been exploring the differences between Protestant theology and Catholic theology (mostly because he is very interested in apologetics). We recognize that at least two of these heresies are a direct result of fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity in America and elsewhere. A literal interpretation of the bible without proper exegesis and context leads to beating people over the head with scripture and the "Protestant mistake" of new earth creationism. It is true that we have the culture we have today because Christians have been ridiculously bad about knowing and sharing who and what Jesus is, much less his Church. This needs to change.
+Elaine Rudis Jackson Exactly. Biblical literalism is killing Christianity. It's what drove me away, because I didn't understand that the Catholic Church took a radically different position than the fundamentalists. I shouldn't have left CCD in 4th grade, probably!
+Jim Crants It seems to me in this day and age we are all more defensive of everything. Polarization is rampant. I'm into apologetics now in response to this feeling that I have to defend myself and my beliefs so often. Is it the internet causing all this? The benefit is that I'm learning how beautiful and sensible our Church is. It is bringing me closer to the Lord. For that I am grateful.
+Cindy G Karen Armstrong has argued that modern atheism and fundamentalism have the same root: the relatively new notion that a thing must be literally true, exactly as described, or it's a lie. From this premise, either the whole Bible is literally true and God is a man-like being of great power who made the world 6,000 years ago, or the Bible is all a lie and there is no God and no act of Creation. As for polarization in general, I think the internet contributes, but I think the overall driver is global connectedness and the way it allows every fringe group to pool together in a safe bubble, their thoughts and feelings unchallenged by anyone they feel a need to get along with. So talk radio and cable TV are also big contributors to the problem.
I have much Love for this man, he is ultimately responsible for my conversion to Catholicism. I stumbled upon a debate between Bishop Barron and atheist “star” Alex O’Connor on the UNBELIEVABLE?” youtube channel. Bishop Barron spoke with a level of authority that I’d not previously encountered.
I was stripping and staining our back yard fence and spent the next three weeks listening to every talk, debate, lecture, and homily. SOLD!
I was born and raised Catholic but never considered any of it as seriously as I should have. I was in my wood shop when the same obsession overcame me. I could not consume enough, still can't.
What about the vision of he'll by Fatima children St Faustina and many more that showed many souls fLling into hell.
I love his teachings but he seems not to be realistic in this subject thank you
I love Bishop Barron! He is eminently erudite and learned. This is how religion should be taught. He stands in modern society with both feet, does not shy from criticism but is still true to the Catholic fate.
He is not that learned. He knows nothing about the Holy Sacrifice of the Tridentine Mass.
@@dmm3124 bot
A brilliant lecture substantial in content systematically presented with a logical and practical conclusion. The four obstacles driving people away from Catholicism are confusion about God, misunderstanding of the Bible, misconception of incompatibility of science and religion, and finally perceived violence in religion. Each point is analyzed in detail. I love it when you, Bishop Barron, speak without referring to your notes. That is when you are the most passionate about your topic but with dash of humor here and there. Thank you very much. Not sure how I have missed this video for so long.
So wonderful to have such a fantastic speaker for the faith. Every word the truth.
Thanks, Bishop. I'm an Anglican, and I have just only started listening to you this week. I so appreciate your gift to the larger universal church. You are a great teacher and defender of the faith.
I'm sure he'd be quick in condemning artificial contraception and divorce, both condemned by the Bible, and also both first condoned by the Anglican "church".
I think you are a great help to all of us in this times of confusion and sadness.
Thanks Bishop Barron and God bless you!
Someone could respond by pointing out all the sins of the Catholic Church. But, instead I will respond simply by saying that anywhere Christ is preached, anywhere his death for our sins is remembered and his resurrection for our justification is believed, anyone who affirms that Jesus is exactly who he says he is, the Son of God sent from Triune God, anywhere this is taught, I am happy to count them as my brothers and sisters. Because people who really believe this, who seek the righteousness of God, naturally know what is right and wrong (the Holy Spirit shows them and helps them to overcome the world.)
Defender of falsehoods and pagan lies.
The eucharist is nothing more than sun disc worship and idolatry at it's finest. The pagan's would be proud.
Thank you for this lecture. I am very encouraged by the content and will listen over and over again. I need the words to say to folk in conversation or confrontation. I am actually meeting the latter more often recently. Only the other day a street preacher with whom I had a long conversation, suggested I could be called a cannibal for believing in transubstantiation.
As for 'dumbing down'. I agree with you Bishop Barron. I must tell you that it started many, many years ago. For my First Holy Communion which I remember vividly at the age of 7 years after making my First Confession, we had to learn a beautiful little hymn which I loved.
'Jesus Thou art coming holy as Thou art,
Thou the God who made me to my sinful heart.
Jesus I believe it on Thy only word,
Kneeling I adore Thee as my King and Lord.'
I loved everything about this lovely hymn, still do and often find myself singing it.
Well, dumbing down? Yes. A very short time after my First Holy Communion, the nuns who taught us told us that we were to change one word in the second line. We had to change sinful to little. Why?, I wondered. My mother explained that it seemed a bit harsh for children to consider themselves sinful. I seem to remember that I sang the words as written under my breath, every time I walked up to Holy Communion.
I remember very well thinking, that's daft I know I am sinful. I understood and I wasn't hurt by that knowledge.
Consider how long ago that happened. I am 81 years of age.
Sheila ONeil, street preachers are dumbed down heretics with anger mental health disorders. They function on the amygdala part of the brain. Please do not waste your time with such fools. Do not let them take up mental space in your brain. They are not worth the amount of time it takes to write what they say. They are straight from the pit of hell, to use their Baptist anti-Catholic hatred verbiage.
Marvelous! I'm not Catholic, but Bishop Barron brilliantly addresses these issues. I always love listening to him!
why dont you come home?
Scott Prazak You can always be Catholic :)
There is still time
Scott Prazak
Whenever I hear a non-Catholic or, worse, an atheist say such words, I get the creeps and wonder where that comes from: is it because the non-Catholic/atheist slowly awakens to the Truth/Jesus or is it that the would-be Catholic preaching slowly morphs to accomodate the "truths" of the non-Catholic/atheist. A half-truth is the same as a half-lie just as a lie is a lie, wherever or whomever it comes from.
I enjoy listening to Bishop Barren. He inspires me in Catholicism and finally it makes inspirational sense of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God bless you!
What an awesome talk. This man is smarter than he leads. This mans brilliance. I must meet this man of the cloth. A real enigmatic man. Who never stops. The closest to a Padre Pio. I can say I love this man in Christ’s name. Pray the Rosary. It brought me to my knees and brought me back to the faith.
Yesssss! Kudos to Bishop Barron, very well explained, last episode made me cry ,, our crucified Lord Jesus ❤️🙏😍
I cried too. God bless. x
I never get tired of listening to Bishop Barron
Thank you bishop Barron! You are a true gift to so many, because of your videos that I have a better understanding of God. It resonates with the deepest part of me
Thank you, Bishop Barron. It's great listening to you. Insightful and enlightening.
Wow. Just wow. God bless the good bishop.
This man is a blessing
Jesus loves dragshows.
@@Smitywerban, grow up ... !
@@aughalough1 sais the one still talking to his imaginary friend. XD
@@Smitywerban, I take it you have a PhD in theology.
@@aughalough1 biology
My greatest regret about you lectures is only that I did not find them earlier. God bless you brother.
You can find most of them on TH-cam and save them.
Bishop Barron, your preaching is like a non consuming burning bush. Thank you for illuminating us. I always feel supported and affirmed whenever I listen to you. Thank you. Thanks be to God.
Thank you Bishop Barron. YOu're a gift to the Church. Love and prayers from the Philippines in the Middle East.
Cath Def spanish empire former territory. thank god spain was there. god bless
I agree.
Bishop Barron I walked away from the faith at the age of 20; have been a reborn Christian for 50 years and have never looked back until a few weeks ago when I rediscovered Catholicism with a fresh view through your Word on Fire and I am delighted to grow in my Christian Catholic walk and return to my roots as well. Thank you for your gift and teaching. Helen Kane in the mountains of NC.
@Seeking God Yes, mortal sins are forgiven in confession. Confession also grants you the grace that helps you not to commit the sins you confessed (hence it's strongly advisable that you confess venial sins, too, but those are forgiven in a mass, therefore they are not obligatory to be confessed in order to get absolution). This is all from talks of fr. Ripperger on TH-cam, I did not give you my interpretation of anything. It is, though, advisable and best that you direct questions regarding salvation and sacraments a Catholic priest. Since you are concerned, yes there are sins that Jesus Himself said will not be forgiven.
Luke 12:8-10: "I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven."
However, I advise you to ask a Catholic priest or read about it from a Catholic source, not just any forum or social media.
Love listening to all talks of Bisho Barron. He captivate you attention from the start. And never let go. A gift from God.
Beautiful, informative, entertaining, thought provoking and a perfect weapon against unbelief. We need to train our kids as Apologetics so they are armed to defend the faith when they get out into the world. A strong defense makes for strong.offense. God bless you.Bishop. Thank you. I listen to you on my hours long commute, a great way to prepare for the day. I will be meditating on the burning bush all day and on the love God has for us the God who does not consume us but glorifies us. Excellent.
Thank you Fr Barron - I am lapping up your teaching - It is a huge blessing
I learn so much from you about our beautiful faith. Thank you and praise God for you.
Excellent explanations without watering down our faith, God, Scripture, Religion and science. Your examples are superb and easily understood. Thank you so much for sharing your long time learned understanding. God gave you a special gift and you share it well. I find the Book of Revelation is the most misunderstood book of the Bible and you showed us how it is most important. Blessings galore to you and your work.
Awesome mind of the catholic church, I give glory to God for men's like Bishop Barron who by the teaching of the Holy Spirit up in him is drawing so many people close God. I pray for you a lot and to see disciples of Christ like you give me a sign of great hope for us a catholic God bless bless you Bishop Barron.
Close to the Jesuit agenda is more like it.
Bravo! Awesome Bishop Barron; defending our Awesome God!
Praying for your good health and all your endeavors in WOF Ministry.
I discovered you, Bishop at the beginning of the coronavirus with the mass from your home in Santa Barbara and then I found you tube & your many contributions. Thank you!
❤Thank you very much Bishop❤
Bishop Barron explains what we instinctively and intellectually know to be true with heightened eloquence and depth of insight. His genius is a great fertilizer in our postmodern barrenness. I hope he continues to enlighten for many, many more years to come. ❤️ BB!
Thank you Bishop. A great series, truly enlightening!
You have been gifted with such a great mind y your Creator. Thank you for sharing this gift with so many.
It's refreshing to actually hear Bishop Barron speak. All I knew about him before was that he was said to believe in universal salvation, so I wrote him off. He has some good to offer after all ...
Lots of them do
... God Bless Bishop Barron, the Marvelous Gifts of the HSp continue to increase n Fortify our knowledge in the reality of our Catholic inheritance... The unending wisdom with spiritual injections... for our souls... Glory Be...
I have long thought you would make a great bishop. I glad that Pope Francis agreed. May God richly bless you in your ministry and may you make many converts through your videos.
I always struggled with the word 'surrender',,,,but Bishop Barron has given such a beautiful crystal analogy with the burning bush. With surrender we become more brilliant but not consumed. Another of our Catholic paradoxes! "Do not be afraid'! Of God fully loving us! Thank you!!
Thankyou again Bishop. I love listening to you. God Bless.
excellent, superb presentation. God bless you for all you do to show the truth about our religion.
Understanding Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and the authority of the Magisterium is essential to a healthy education. Bishop Barron's free salvation education is eloquent, exponential, and exciting.
Very good. Explains and is interesting as well. Bishop Barron, ignore the occasional daft attack by church militant people, you are right and catholic and I and everyone of good will must benefit from your talks. God bless youl
The remnant militant church is the one that will be saved. All the world will wonder after the anti-christ pope, who is so popular. Jesus was not popular. That should be a clue. Anti also means taking the place of. Look up definition.
Bishop Barron doing what he does best, namely, to illuminate
❤ Thank you 💕 Bishop
Amen! Fantastic--especially how we ought to read/understand The Bible. Thank you so much, Bishop Barron! Incredible--your depth of knowledge is inspiring! And you have a great sense of humor too. :)
I was happy to hear his thoughts on how the church dumbed down during his generation. I wondered how I can be 58 years old and a Catholic all my life and know so little about our church. I'm working on it. Thanks Bishop B.
+Cindy G I attended RCIA last year - for my confirmation and first communion at age 61. My husband, a life long catholic, attended all the classes with me. He said he learned more in those classes about his religion than he had learned his entire life, even though he attended catholic school.
+Cindy G I help teach RCIA at my parish and Terri's experience (below) is quite common for Catholics whose spouses are going through the program.
If you stop after CCD or Confirmation, you often miss the heavier topics/insights of the Faith. Adult Catholic formation would help a lot, but by the time we're grown up, we're often so busy with work, family life, etc. that we put up roadblocks towards learning more.
+Cindy G I've recently come back to the Church after 20 years away. I left largely as a rejection of God as the sky fairy, which is what I thought Catholicism taught. On my own, I came to know God by direct experience, and it's only very recently (i.e. this year) that I've come to realize that the God I know is exactly the same one the Church teaches about.
I think that's a testament to what Bishop Barron says about needing to do a much better job of teaching about God. It's also evidence that I should attend RCIA so that I can learn as much about Catholicism as Terri's husband did. There's obviously a great deal I missed, growing up in the Church.
+Cindy G Most of us did not get much of anything, Cindy. We can relate, it was really watered down. I don't remember learning anything before confirmation. Today is an exiting time, however, because there are so many great resources now just on youtube!!!
Put in: Tim Staples Salvation, Tim Staples Justification, Tim Staples Advent Mission (there are three I, II & III all with a lot of Marian Theology). Tim Staples Why Be Catholic.
Put in: Steve Ray Peter the Rock the Keys and the chair
Read the Lamb's Supper By Scott Hahn.
Watch the other videos on my youtube channel. Jesse Romero's Bible Studies and Ken's Conversion Story.
Go to: Catholic.com read copious articles on everything Catholic. Read their blog and archives. Go to listen live in their radio drop down box and listen to Catholic Answers Live or go to their calendar and down load great programs going back years!
We have so much to help us and we all need to become apologists. It is an exiting time to be Catholic!
+Jim Crants Hey Jim, when I came back to the Church a few years ago I had the same revelation. Too many people think of the Church as rules but they never understood the, why, and the reasons for things. The Catholic Church has always taught God is Love and Love is the one intangible truth we all need to live and to prosper. His Church gives us the tools and the closeness to the Lord to have the closest relationship with God. "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."
Thanks Bishop Barron your lectures are the most enlightening
Thankyou Father Robert Barrón! I love your series! God bless you always.
Call no religious man on earth your father. For you have one Father who is in heaven. This is a teaching on not calling anyone in a position of authority in biblical matters, their father. This is separate from the commandment "honor your father and mother. " God does not contradict Himself. Satan is the father of lies and co fusion.
52:10 I almost cry my tears out... what a beautiful speech, God bless you for sharing it
+boliviareports You're welcome! If you put in, Jim Malloy, into the youtube search box and then look for the name next to the face of the Shroud of Turin, then click my name there, you can see other great videos...
I started crying at the exact same part! This speech really gave me wonderful insight :')
Bishop Barron, I very much appreciate the point made in your lecture. I was particularly gratified by your explanation of the nature of science--a way of knowing. During my 19 years as a college biology instructor I made that point at the outset of each general biology class.
Thank you also for forthrightly identifying the generally sad state of American religious education. The "dumbing down" phenomenon you describe is not isolated to religious education. Americans should be alarmed and outraged at the general state of American education. There are many reasons for the situation, but early in your lecture you alluded to one of the most important; as a society, our expectations of our children and youth are too low. One reason is ignorance and misunderstanding of the cognitive potential of students. But, perhaps even more importantly is fear; in terms of religious education, fear that we'll lose the kids. Well, having been in the trenches, most youth going through confirmation programs, end up falling away from the Church anyway. Wouldn't be better to have substantial religious ed programs and have a informed and committed remnant?
Much respect as a Protestant. Thank you Bishop Barron.
Repent and convert, heretic
@@zayan6284 im still on my spiritual journey. Im reading augustine rn and next I'll read john calvin
@@zayan6284 Really? What a way to evangelize people
@@Mikelo7420 you need to chill the fuck out if you thought I was being serious
@Here Beforeyou I'm not gay, and this comment is a month old
I am excited to this speech,live long Bishop Barron.
Grateful to be listening to this address; thank you.
+Jennifer Bliss You're welcome!
+Jennifer Bliss If you put in "Jim Malloy" into the youtube search box and click on my name next to the Shroud of Turin face, I have more great videos...with a few more coming over the next few weeks.
Thanks Jim
+Jennifer Bliss I like your last name. I'm a convert. Is your family Catholic?
+Jim Malloy:
Since Bishop Barron isn't here reading the comments and possibly reply, it would be useful if you also linked to some of his earlier short videos when comments like the one of +Anthony Catholic are posted.
Please read what he posted on May 16th, in which he obviously is misconstruing Bishop Barron and spreading incorrect information. Thank you.
Bishop Barron, please continue your online evangelization that establishes and spreading the real truth, the right way, and the life with Jesus and the Holy Spirit at are side. Thanks also to this content channel. Good work!
Thank you Bishop Barren for this. I wish I could explain our understanding of God like you . I feel I understand totally what your saying .Just wish I could explain it as you do. Thanks
What wonderful apologia! Thank you Fr. Barron
I love Fr. Barron, such a wonderful speaker!
+Rudolf Feindler I prefer Scripture.
Tim Spangler ...the only thing you do with Scripture is misrepresent it & display your ignorance of it !!!
Why I was enjoying the discussion with you & Scott on this page itself. Made me feel sorry for you when you got stuck & could get no further. Empty vessel trolling around with so much hate for the Catholic Church & Her teaching office....Despair filled Tim...when will you find peace, happiness and joy.
Hi Denise , I have discovered something incredible about Tim . He is a serial troll . You would be amazed just how many times i have come across his presence on youtube .
I agree with you . I think Tim doesn't actually have any real peace otherwise he wouldn't spend so much time on catholic sites .
He is desperately trying to convict himself of his protestantism .
He is utterly obsessed with catholicism . i hope that one day he will come to the true church of God
Yes, through faith in Jesus Christ. This means we remain in Him and DO what he says in the plan He gave us, in the Church He founded. Is it by faith alone as you espouse? Not according to the Word of God. James 2:24 "...not by faith alone."
Oh Tim peace & trolling do not go together !!! They are extreme ends of the spectrum.
So what are you doing these days because you seem to have depleted much of your energy doing unproductive activities.
Good morning Bishop Baron God bless always
This is really good. Kudos on a well presented and well thought out, and non-aggressive, apologetic.
Thankyou Bishop Barron , you are a beacon of light in an otherwise darkened world . This is more or less what every bishop around the world should be doing ; engaging the faithful . Just imagine how much confidence the catholic faithful around the world would have if all our bishops were as passionate and active as you are in preaching the good news .
Thanks you and may God continue to bless you
I am currently tarrying with the idea of finally embracing God through the Catholic church, and it's exactly this type of sermon that strengthens my resolve to do so.
When they unlock the churches, one thing that can help change your life, is you should go sit peacefully for a half hour every day near the tabernacle. Pray or just sit peacefully with our Lord.
@@jimmalloy7279 Thanks Jim. My path to God has been very sinuous, to say the least, but recently the resolve to finally abandon my damaged self and put my faith in Christ has become stronger and stronger. And even just thinking about doing so brings peace and joy to my heart. My apologies if this seems, as the French might say, un peu de trop - too much !
@@ryangarritty9761 It is God who heals, but being in the family of God, connected spiritually in heaven and on earth, with us all praying for each other delivers your peace. God's Grace comes in his mystical body, the body of Christ.
A tremendous speech. Thank you.
God Bless You Bishop Barron!! The Modern Thinker of Catholicism!!
modern? That can be trouble.
Thanks Jim for publishing this and may the Bishop have the force with him always.
You're welcome Gibert. I hope you like some of my other videos too...
The force is satan. I thought everyone knew that.
Wish one day I can defend the faith with even half the erudition of Bishop Barron.
May the Holy Spirit Makes your words like fire👍 Praying 🙏
Excellent, Bishop Barron!
I became Catholic (from Protestantism) as an adult in 2009. Sadly, the RCIA class I attended was "dumbed down" and the Teaching Laity who were in charge seemed bored.
It was either due to boredom or, at their age, they were part of the first group to come of age after Vatican II. Therefore, they weren't taught properly to begin with.
I was actually asked by one man "why convert to the Catholic Church now?". Basically he was saying "all churches are okay now".
I was very glad I had studied by myself for almost a year to come to the truth of the Catholic faith...that it was truly the early Church without a doubt.
I just left the catholic church about 3 years now. Best decision I ever made. The Pope is a liar. The churches are not alright. This pope wants a one world religion to go along with the one world or new world order. The jesuits want to round up all the protestants and bring them back to mother harlot church of Babylon. I am now a protestant who will not he subject to Rome and its idolatry. I prayed for 2 years before leaving the church I was born into. The Holy Spirit called me out of Babylon. In Revelation Jesus says, "come out of her my people, lest ye be partakers of her sins and plagues." If you are new to Catholicism, I would re-think about getting out. Go back and re read about your protestant roots. Millions of protestants died by the hands of the jesuits and knights templars for their faith so we could own bibles and worship freely. I will pray for you that the Holy Spirit opens your heart and mind to the truth you once held. God bless.
@@Revelation18-4 I just came back to the Catholic Church a couple of years ago. One of the things that has always been so amusing to me is that when I hear conversions stories from Protestantism to Catholicism I hear these converts give thorough explanations as to why they left their Baptist roots or Presbyterian roots for the Catholic Church when they were so against it and truly believed it is the wjore of Babylon. They talk about the early fathers, the early teachings, the early church, book after book, philosopher after philosopher, Bible verse after verse.
Everytime I hear those that left the church all I hear is anger, resentment, fear... The whore of Babylon, the Antichrist, Idolatry etc... Nothing substantial.
I'm not stopping anyone that wants to leave the church but this hatred towards it it's so bizarre to me... I don't like hearing Catholics bash on Protestants but I rarely hear it. Those who convert have nothing but love for their old churches. If you truly feel you found the truth why be so defensive and full of hatred towards the Catholic Church.
Go your way and live your faith
YES, WELCOME HME, Theresa, ptl. Praying that as " CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS" we're able to Re-Evangelize the current culture, with excellent Theology from our Bishop Barron, and educate souls with intelligence, Mercy and love. Thank you for sharing "Returning HOME" story. You're truly inspiring. GOD BLESS you and family.
They do have a dull deity. Yawn.
@Here Beforeyou - my mother chose my name before I was born. Teresa Ann is my legal first and middle name. Elizabeth is the Saint name I took when entering into full communion with The Catholic Church. I’m sorry 😐 it sounds “Pompous”. My mother was a Protestant and had no idea she had chosen to give me 2 Catholic Saints names. Peace be with you ✝️
Bishop Barron, I just watched your video concerning the "heresies". All I can respond is by stating that you are a true gift to the American Church. You are obviously well read, spiritual and pastoral, a scholar in every sense of the word. I truly appreciate your ministry. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you in your ministry.
+dim sung I have been schooled in the true faith, where have you been? Dim, when you write that Bishop Baron is a heretic, where is your data to substantiate this? Show me the data, please? Hard facts, please.
+Michael Montague Yea, as if atheists are unified in their worldview. They have ONE thing in common....refusal to acknowledge the obvious about creation.
+dim sung At this point I guess we can both agree that ultimately we disagree? You brand me and the good Bishop as sons of Vatican II. Quite frankly, I relish Vatican II as a gift to the Church. That said, I wish you a very sincere Happy Easter. God bless.
+Michael Montague May you wonder just such speculative nonsense about the origin of life pass as "science" in institutions of higher learning.
+Michael Montague Claiming over and over how much "evidence" you have....without providing DIDDLY....isn't very convincing.
thank you, Bishop Barron. amazing grace
Thank you for your Christian teaching Bishop Barron. I like this one. Please pray for me if it crosses your mind.
In Jesus Name may God bless you and protect you always :)
The Glory Of God Is A Man Fully Alive "In Serving Other"
As only in Serving Other does Man come fully alive,
And share his Being In Christ with God:
Great video. Wonderful to just sit and listen!
R'amen. Thank you for bringing my religion more recognition. We are a young faith and need to get the recognition so that we may grow, and help the world be aware of his noodly appendage. R'amen.
Very good point about contrasting biblical God and greek mytthology competitive gods.
Divinely inspired and interpreted in context. Makes perfect sense to me about approaching the Bible.
I've fallen far from my traditional upbringing as a Catholic but even now today I sense the unconditional love of Jesus and His mother Mary. I made the decision long ago to give in to just numbing the pain of my early upbringing with alcohol and of course it made everything worse. Years ago I was even a valued member of my local parish but I fell prey to the temptations of the flesh and became unfaithful to my wife. I've been suffering now for over 20 years for this selfish act and it has ruined me. I pray for mercy and death every day. Still I cannot deny my experience of my mother Mary who is calling me to forgive myself.
+paul newsome Get rid of the superstitious attachments to any creature...trust Jesus.
Amen and follow him
Trust God's mercy and just Go to confession
anthtan Amen Jesus is Gods Mercy :)
+anthtan Trust Jesus COMPLETE SUFFICIENCY...and not your ability to even REMEMBER all the sins you've committed.
Im so thankful for this bishop and all the catholic apologists I found online ...I was losing my faith, being born in latin america almost all we have in our pastors is a dumb down view of religion...as a result poor, uneducated people are going to the evangelic churches, that have more soul and educated people are turning to atheism and marxism... the church is in grave need of good cathechists and pastors...Im so sorry for all the people that dont speak english and cant find this kind of explanations...Im trying to learn how to subtitle to make these available to my countrymen...thank you God for these people...
I'm not catholic, but this is just awesome!
Have you ever gone to catholic.com? Or listened to Catholic Answers Live?
@Jim Malloy I am a believer of Christ, and cannot get on board with several key points in Catholicism, such as justification, among other things. However, the whole religion does not encompass the beliefs of every catholic, and there are many beliefs that I have in common with many Catholics, and that a based Bibically.
@goingHome! I would refrain from speaking for others and passing judgement, but I do agree that Christ is all you need. Church and religion saves nothing, Christ does!
Bishop Barron's explanation of God resonates so closely to that of Advaita Vedanta. Throughly enjoyed his inspiring talk.
The main thing driving people away from the church is the lack of faith and devotion from cardinals bishops and priests.
That is the evil one succeeding in driving people away, from the inside out. Unfortunately....like you and me, even the pope is human
Magnificent. I till this moment didnt hear catholic philosophy but this is prime work
right on, Bishop Baron
Bob Barron: Always illuminating. Always concise and clear. Always forward thinking. Thank you. Thank you.
I am a Catholic, long time Catholic. I believe that Religion and Science can co exist. Easily.
St. John Vianney, St. John Bosco, Fulton Sheen, St. Peter Damian, Saint Augustine, St. Mary of Egypt,
St. Catherine of Siena, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Agnes, St. Maria Goretti, St. Agatha, Bl. Laura Vicuña, Bl. Antonia Mesina, St. Joan of Arc, Bl. Pierina Morosini, St. Solange, St. Agostina Pietrantoni, Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa, St. Mary MacKillop, pray for us.
Great talk! So many important points..especially the understanding of young peoples general questions and beliefs....I still have a hard time how someone could be atheist when all around us is the beauty of creation.
Bishop Robert Barron is a bona fide Christian who teaches the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, unlike too many so called Christian preachers on so called Christian stations these
days especially! Although I am not a Catholic, I have a very high regard for the Catholic Church,
and all Christians regardless of denominational affiliation should listen to such as him!!
Have you ever listened to Dr. David Anders? He is also a very good Catholic teacher. This is his interview on the Journey Home Program. You might like it. th-cam.com/video/R5NT32Y-Mrk/w-d-xo.html
You've convinced me to come back to my religion. Thank you.
You shouldn't, try reading the Bible yourself first. this is a very interesting talk and thrilling even, but it is not true, however intellectual it looks like.
@@einarabelc5Come home to the True Church!
To know your faith is to practice it everyday
I get a lot of Bishop Barron second hand because my priest was his student.
There has been a dearth of gifted Catholic intellectuals engaging on the broad public arena and debating counterparts promoting contrasting world views.
I have not yet seen you bishop Barron in the debate side. You have a good heart and like everyone you can make a mistake too like that there is a reasonable hope everyone will be saved. I so wish it were a reasonable Christian assertion.
I highly doubt he ever reads comments on this channel. Go to wordonfire.org or his youtube channel. You'll have a chance he'll see your comments there.
Thank you for this☺️
+capitans12 You're welcome!
Raised Catholic - cradle Catholic and never understood a thing until now! Raised in the Latin Church- this is awesome - praise The Lord!
Catholic.com (Catholic Answers) is helpful. Also, EWTN Called to Communion Dr. David Anders...you can put this into youtube and hear all previous episodes. God Bless.
Thank You and will do- Excited about my Faith for the first time!🕊🙏🏽🕊 Peace Be With You!
Jim Malloy Answered in the wrong spot! Thank You Jim and Bless You! You just answered my prayers🕊🙏🏽🕊🙋🏽♀️🦅
WOW! One of his best preaches!
Absolutely enjoyed this!!!!!
This is a great talk, as so many of Bishop Barron's talks are. However, as someone that does engage in apologetics, mostly on TH-cam, it's not as easy as the Bishop thinks. Catholicism is not an imbeciles religion. It take time to lay out a reasoned point. People don't give you the chance to do that. To be truthful, many people have immature intellects. They don't have the reasoning skills to unpack deep theological nuances.
Another problem is atheist and protestants won't accept any proof you give them. They don't accept history, philosophy, science, or Church teaching. Even when you clearly show them in the scripture a clear truth, they deny it. Protestants especially are guilty of this. They do an Olympic quality performance of mental gymnastics to explain it all away.
The Bishop is correct in saying Catholics need to engage. Every day my email is filled with TH-cam comments I have to deal with. I often get ganged up on. I start a discussion with one person and others jump in and then I'm going against several people. I rarely get any help from other Catholics.
Catholics, please get educated, get motivated, and get in the battle. We need help out here in the social media crusade.
+The Gruntled Monk - Other than the brief and concise replies such as "Thank you, Bishop Barron", your response is the only one I've read that makes sense. You articulated a point that I found humorous yet so true: "To be truthful, many people have immature intellects,They don't have the reasoning skills to unpack deep theological nuances." I would add this caveat -- many people don't have the intellect to unpack simple theological nuances. Or, they rely on simple theological interpretations, which brings to mind Fundamentalism in all its forms.One thing that is so beautiful about Catholicism is that it is the faith of the simple and the scholar. Christ embraced the poor and compelled the educated through his teachings and through his example. He excluded no one, but the proud and rich were often repelled by His message because the concept of surrender and the cost of being a disciple were too high. This has been true since the beginning and is true today. Being a follower of Christ is not easy. But few worthwhile things are. One thing I wanted to ask you -- I am confused about the posts between Syner Genetics and hisredrighthand. They make no sense to me at all. I wanted to know your thoughts on those two commenters. I am not judging, I am just wondering if it's just me, or do you understand them?
+D MH (LAVENDER) I will answer more fully in the near future. I'm in the middle of moving. I glanced through the comments pretty quickly. Some of the comments seem to touch on relativism. (all religions are the same basically) I will read and dissect them and answer you more fully. It may be a few days before I can do it.
Thank you. I hate moving, and I know how busy you are. Good luck with the move and get back to me when you can.
+D MH (LAVENDER) Hi! Thanks for your patience. I'm waiting for my new furniture to arrive, so I thought I would take the time to get back to you. I didn't forget you.
It was as I suspected. One was arguing that all religions are valid. The other was saying Christianity, i.e. Catholicism is right. Catholicism is right, but he didn't use the right arguments. He allowed himself to be led down a rabbit hole.
Religious relativism says that all religions are valid. This is utter nonsense because they can't all be right.
Buddhism says there's no God. Hinduism has many Gods. Christianity has the Trinity.
People who take the relativist stance are cowards, unwilling to make a stand. If everything is the same, you don't have to think and have the courage to defend anything.
It would take a book to lay out all the arguments for Catholicism being the one true faith. Here's just some quick thoughts. Christianity is unigue among all religions. Jesus, and what he claims, was never done before or since. A man claiming to be the Son of God, and proving it with reserection and miracles
The one commenter was using the old, Christianity was all just an extention of the old Roman religions. A foolish argument. Christianity is nothing like the old Roman religion.
Another argument you hear, especially from Pagans is, Christianity was forced upon people. Another nonsensical argument. Look at the peoples of Britian and Scandinavia. They freely accepted Christianity. No Christian army went into the Viking lands and forced them to convert. We know St Patrick converted Ireland with just a few monks.
+D MH (LAVENDER) Sorry. I hit the wrong button. I will continue. These kinds of things make it so hard to talk to people today. People think they know the Bible and Catholicism, but they don't. Bishop Sheen once said that people don't hate the Catholic faith. They hate what they think is the Catholic faith. That's so very true.
It takes so much time to lay out the logical reasons for the faith. No one is going to give you that kind of time. Americans used to be taught the Bible and had a belief in God. That's not the case anymore. You have to go all the way back to the beginning.
1. You have to get people to believe there is a God.
2. You have to get them to believe it's a Christian God.
3. You have to get them to believe Catholicism is the religion of that God.
On top of that, you have to try to show Protestants they aren't using the whole Bible. That's not easy. Believe me, I've tried.
I've been doing TH-cam comments for a while now. I'm beginning to think it's a waste of time. People seem to revel in their ignorance. I hardly ever find someone with an open mind and heart. They just argue to argue.
You are the exception. You seem to be seeking a better understanding. Good for you. Keep it up. I hope this has been helpful. Peace be with you.
He gives details of what you did not comprehend in your faith formation during teenage years.
I consider myself atheist and yet I really enjoy watching Bishop Robert Barron, his speech is so eloquent.
Amazing 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you, Bishop Barron, for speaking out and teaching the truth of the Catholic Faith. Your comments and explanations reflect your wisdom and knowledge of theology, but I would suggest that no amount of reasoning and debate will comfort a non-believer when he or she is feeling like "the last person on earth" at 2 or 3 in the morning. Suicide is now the second leading cause of young adult deaths and this at a time when we have an abundance of dating services, counseling, and interventions to help those who feel "lost" and without hope. Instead of endless intellectual sparring over "contingencies" and "First Causes, " would it be too much trouble to show how the Love and Complete Understanding of God can fill the empty heart of even the most hard-core non-believer? My wonderful and life-changing experience in Medjugorje, in 1996, convinced me that God is not the least interested in our intellectual abilities or how extensive our vocabulary is --- or even if we own a thesaurus. God wants our love. He said so at the Last Supper: "Love one another as I have loved you." The answer is this: Pray. Meditate while asking this question, "What do I need to know?" Finally, look up MEDJUGORJE and learn what God is doing in YOUR lifetime!! May the blessings of Our Lord Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary be with you now and always.
My 13yo son and I have been exploring the differences between Protestant theology and Catholic theology (mostly because he is very interested in apologetics). We recognize that at least two of these heresies are a direct result of fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity in America and elsewhere. A literal interpretation of the bible without proper exegesis and context leads to beating people over the head with scripture and the "Protestant mistake" of new earth creationism. It is true that we have the culture we have today because Christians have been ridiculously bad about knowing and sharing who and what Jesus is, much less his Church. This needs to change.
+Elaine Rudis Jackson Exactly. Biblical literalism is killing Christianity. It's what drove me away, because I didn't understand that the Catholic Church took a radically different position than the fundamentalists. I shouldn't have left CCD in 4th grade, probably!
+Jim Crants It seems to me in this day and age we are all more defensive of everything. Polarization is rampant. I'm into apologetics now in response to this feeling that I have to defend myself and my beliefs so often. Is it the internet causing all this? The benefit is that I'm learning how beautiful and sensible our Church is. It is bringing me closer to the Lord. For that I am grateful.
+Cindy G Sanity, it helps.
+Cindy G Karen Armstrong has argued that modern atheism and fundamentalism have the same root: the relatively new notion that a thing must be literally true, exactly as described, or it's a lie. From this premise, either the whole Bible is literally true and God is a man-like being of great power who made the world 6,000 years ago, or the Bible is all a lie and there is no God and no act of Creation.
As for polarization in general, I think the internet contributes, but I think the overall driver is global connectedness and the way it allows every fringe group to pool together in a safe bubble, their thoughts and feelings unchallenged by anyone they feel a need to get along with. So talk radio and cable TV are also big contributors to the problem.
Believing that God did what he said is heresy?
Satan...at the BEGINNING of sin...."Did God really say..."
CONGRATULATIONS, Bishop Robert Barron!!!🎉
Outstanding preaching!
Out standing in a pile.