Chief Mutasa is at his best. Each time I watch his court sessions, I learn a new thing. He should establish a college to teach all Chiefs about their roles. Him and Headman Chigodara thumbs up.
I like hangu Chigodora but kutaura zve reality chaizvo Chief Mutasa he dont take sides anotonga sezvazviri and makurukota ake vanehunhu chaihwo havana yep yep zvinova zviriku laker ka that pana Chigodora
This Chief anoziva law to the best. He deal with facts not emotions. All Chiefs should also be taught law especially the young generation chiefs. Because vamwe vatongi kungotoura pasina ma facts.
@@liberty.tmukumba6141 Headman Chigodora nedare ravo rinosanganisa Gucci naAllen tinovaziva and we love him. They are both excellent traditional leaders who understands both set of law criminal and customary law
Ini hamdidi kuita compare vatongi. Ndoda kutenda ba Taps kuti varikutipa chirongwa ichi. Zvandinogona chete is to smash the line button , share , and not skipping ads
I’m still supporting Karanganda by watching ads. The chief knows how to get to the bottom of the matter. I feel that they need a proper shade like the chigodoras. Thank you for sharing ba Taps. Interesting stuff
Chief uyu akatengwa panyaya iyi . Saka vana havachatenderwi kuclaimer nhaka yababa vavo nekuti vaive kubasa . Iye zvaanotonga ndiye akatanga neushe hwacho here ?
Kutambisa Mari yedare kwaitwa uku ,poor judgement ,poor service provided by chief , can't compare with chigodora ,mutasa still needs a lot to learn how to help his people
Chief Mutasa is at his best. Each time I watch his court sessions, I learn a new thing. He should establish a college to teach all Chiefs about their roles. Him and Headman Chigodara thumbs up.
I like hangu Chigodora but kutaura zve reality chaizvo Chief Mutasa he dont take sides anotonga sezvazviri and makurukota ake vanehunhu chaihwo havana yep yep zvinova zviriku laker ka that pana Chigodora
This Chief anoziva law to the best. He deal with facts not emotions. All Chiefs should also be taught law especially the young generation chiefs. Because vamwe vatongi kungotoura pasina ma facts.
He is smart, fair and understands impartiality
but traditional laws are a bit different from mordern courts laws.
Saka chigodora hamusi kumuziva 😊😊
@@Rhee31 you show watch his court more often then you will see how vexed he is on both traditional and criminal law.
@@liberty.tmukumba6141 Headman Chigodora nedare ravo rinosanganisa Gucci naAllen tinovaziva and we love him. They are both excellent traditional leaders who understands both set of law criminal and customary law
Please give us more of Mutasa his wisdom teaches so much pane drama rekwa Chigodora riya
Headman Chigodora where are you makati munovhura dare musi wa 6 January i am waiting for you. You are both my best chief Mutasa and Headman Chigodora
Ko Mutape Chatibhwege…Tsviki tsviki😂😂😂
My best King Mtasa makanyanya,mwari ngavakuwedzerei makore nekuti ndirikusongodawo kungokuonaiwo face to face this year mambo.
Mambo Mutasa chero ini ndikanze nditonge handigone kutonge nehuchenjeri hwenyu
Full of wisdom Shumba rambai makadaro dunhu redu ringaite zvakanaka. Tinodada nemi Gwara
Im missing Chigodora hangu but im learning something kwaMutasa both sides vanopiwa mikana yekutsanangura
Chokwadi mukana unodiwa both sides
You are missing noise and kupopota kwemaccinda nekuvhundutsira vanhu
Ini hamdidi kuita compare vatongi. Ndoda kutenda ba Taps kuti varikutipa chirongwa ichi. Zvandinogona chete is to smash the line button , share , and not skipping ads
I like this chief Im looking his number ,I want to help him to build a building for his court, anogona munhu akadai ndovatinoda
Chief mutasa is full of wisdom. Well done chief
I have so much respect of this Chief👌
Don't compare Chief Mutasa and Headman chigodora . Headman must learn from Chief Mutasa ,Chief full of Wisdom .
Siyai headman chigodora kudare kwavo kunovhurwa hombe uko kunotoda hasha
Baba Taps Pana Chief Mutasa Sando dzenyu murip ndikupei Mari ye drink. Tarisai dare iri neraChigodora is so different
2 different courts, one is higher than the other. Makufananidza magistrate ne high court.
@@takaenda7577xaaa ingotarisa order iri padare respect cht tisati tatarisa matongero avo. Matauriro mutasa nevanhu vake
Mambo Mutasa level ravo remutemo riripamusoro zvakanyayisa zvekuti zvinobva zvavhiringa varanda vavo kkkkkk Dai vachiti dzakirei mbichana vakwanise kuenderana. Vanhu vazhinji varikubva vangozvisunga Vega zvavo. The best chief vanoita basa pasina ubvanyiriri or politics
Mambo mutasa vanogona basa but in this case he is applying constitutional law in a traditional court
Headman Chigodora's loyal subscribers gather here & like ✔️
Chigodora haatereri both sidss
Ndatowasuwa headman aaah😢
Chigodora nemachinda ake vanotyisidzira vanhu vauya kuzotongwa including audience.
BaTaps mofanirwa kupa machinda aya ekwaChigodora vaya vanongoda mari yemarime kuti vaonewo matongerwe enyaya mudare uye kuti vanhu vese vanopihwawo mukana wekutaura kwete kungotyityidzira vanhu pasina❤
Vanhu vanonetsa😂. Mambo vanoziva basa ravo ava❤. Very intelligent 🥇
Best Chief in Zimbabwe❤
Batayi wanhu shumba .Bambo uyo zvose izvo akanga asipo zvichoni zvemudhorobha izvo
Brilliant Chief Mutasa, very fair, unlike the other court inoti a reporter ndiye ari correct
Humble opinion: Chigodora would’ve done justice to this case. Mambo vakundikana apa
I think Chief Mutasa is by far more intelligent and objective, The case is not pre- determined
Chief Mutasa for the people, Wisdom.
Iri dare rakarongeka, zvatisiyanei nerimwe riye 😅
Uku ndiko kubatsira vanhu. Ndatenda mambo.
Senge Mambo wangu ku mhondoro uku matoto ehuku chaiwo
Ko ava mambo vedu VaMutasa hazviite here kuti vaitwe over Sia wemamwe madzimambo ose
Mambo Mutasa is always calm... Apa he knows how to tuckle the issue in a good way
Data rangu haripere pana mambo mutasa ❤❤
If you know what you are doing you will not take time. That's why dare rachief Mutasa riri short and precise
Baba taps ko kwa chigodora how far vakavhura dare musiwa6 wani
Headman Chigodora chidzokai ndasuwa Oder Oder
Oooooodeer mudare😂😂😂❤❤❤
Detective Mutasa is throwing English ball around❤
One educated chief.i respect you
Tinokumbirawo Changamire tirikudawo kuti vanhu vadzokere kuchiwanhu chedu nekuita chihwanhu munzvimbo dzedu .Tnodawo maganzvo.magadzwa .mvura mhuka dzanyanya shumba tinochema kwamuri Changamire ndimi munosimbisa kuti zvinhu zvigadzikane ndatenda changamire
Dare raMutasa too soft ende muttasa anongotaura ega chaunga hachipevo pfungwa dzaro
Well done chief Mutasa, muri rudadiso
Chirongwarongwa ChiDeacon neimwe nzira
Nyaya ndeye muganhu zve nhai mambo
ende kwaMutasa brain dzikaita sedzinonoka unogona kuramwa nyaya yako apa iwe uriwe uri kubatirirwa 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sei dare iri risingavhunzwe mari yedare sekwaChigodora
Chipo chenyu chekutonga ndinofunga Bamba Zonke
Karanganda woye gadzirisayi Volume iite seyekwaChigodora yepano iriVery low
I’m still supporting Karanganda by watching ads. The chief knows how to get to the bottom of the matter. I feel that they need a proper shade like the chigodoras. Thank you for sharing ba Taps. Interesting stuff
Brilliant headman
Ndasuwa gucci namagurazi kkkkkkkkkkk.
Nyaya dzemunda idzi dzine makuva idzi
Wiseman chief Mutasa
The best chief forever
Denhe reruzivo Chief Mutasa
Uye akaenda kuchikoro anoziva
Chigodora vanodisa mari
Vanotonga vaina mari pamberi
Tongayi Shumba wanhu wazhinji hawaziwi nyaya
Knowledgeable Chief kwete zva Chigodora zvekutsvaga bag
Vanhu vane hudyire unenge wabatsirwa wotanga kuita encroaching on the people s land
The assistant dza Mambo dzine Blue idzo dzinondiitira.
Anodeerera uyo ane blue
Chief uyu akatengwa panyaya iyi . Saka vana havachatenderwi kuclaimer nhaka yababa vavo nekuti vaive kubasa . Iye zvaanotonga ndiye akatanga neushe hwacho here ?
Headman Chigodora l mis yu❤❤❤❤
Mambo Mutasa Nyaya I 1 ye mugano, mamwe else ava ma effects eku netsana pamsoro penyaya yemugano.
Haaa dare rakoniwa apa munhu haamanikidzwe kuenda kun'anga , hàpana evidence yekuromba kwacho futi musanzwe hanzvadzi shingai kunamata
Chirongwa rongwa nenhamba zvakaitwa muna 1945 Bvunza mutupo
Puloooo to our best chifi. ❤❤❤❤ 👌 👍 😍
Kutambisa Mari yedare kwaitwa uku ,poor judgement ,poor service provided by chief , can't compare with chigodora ,mutasa still needs a lot to learn how to help his people
Quite interesting how they keep referring to nguva yehondo. Wonder why?
Don't compare chief Mutasa mezvisina basa (Chogodora) Shumba have wisdom
Munounza riiko nyaya dza Headman Chigodora .ndatove addicted kupinda mud re ravo ndichinzwa vachitonga
Tipeiwo every day Baba tapis tinema update atirikuda bt hamusikutipa
headman chigodora vanogona havo
That old man ane blue shirt anoda kumamiswa
Aita sei?
Learned Chief
Also, ba Taps munotigonera
Ndoda kusima mhodzi yerunyararo mugone kugarisana nevavakidzani
Chigodora is very hungry
@@mikemaestromangara5176 why?
@@mikemaestromangara5176 I don’t want to compare them umwe neumwe anematongero ake
Tipeiwo vachigodora pliz
Panyaya iyi mutasa ukushandisa matako kufunga
Chigodora and his hooligans should watch how chief Mutasa operates and learn.
Chigodora anogona futi asi vadare uuuuh hasha hakusi kutonga
Uyu chief arikutonga zvinyaya zvemiganhu zvema sabhuku here izvii
Chigodora anotonga nyaya dzopisa
Haa uyu arikutotadza nyaya iristraight foward uyu
Chigodora is the best
Chigodora anoita nyaya dziri complicated you can’t compare zvinyaya zveminda nemiganhu to nyaya dzehuroyi.
Vanhu anotengeserwa minda vanehutsotsi vakaona kuti nyakutengesa munda ave kurwara or akura vanodarikidza pamiganhu
The best Chief ever. Even concourt yeZanu pf haina door. Magistrate Court matoto zvawo kukundwa naChief Mutasa.
Garepo paMutasa poo, kuti chuuuu iwe woti kwete
Too much chirungu mumatare aya. Ichiri customary law here?
Can someone tag Headman Chigodora pano, kwete ruzha ravanoita neafana aya kudare kwake uko, basa kumbunyikidza vanhu, especially respondents
yah those guys don't give ppl an ear
Aaaa mudhara ari pedo na Mambo uyo atori problem......kuvhiringidza mambo....vachingo deerera
Ko hatisi kuona VaChigodora wani?
Chigodora must learn from mutasa
Let's support this channel👍👍👍👍
We miss our Headman Chigodora
Murume mukuru kutadza kupindura haaaa zvakaoma kunge mu ECD
Ndaapo ndauya kuzonzwa
I think mambo apa missed the point, he is majoring on the minor. This is my humble opinion
Kwachingodora noise too much
The wise chief in Zimbabwe not mamwe matuzvi atinoona
Chief is intelligent, but he always forgets that he is a protector of customary laws matare ake ese he seems kuda kuita judge not a chief
Mambo mutasa vane huchenjeri
🎉🎉🎉🎉 good question vedare mudhara uyoaneruvengu kunevakatengesera
Mutasa anoti gagagaga kkkkk
Chigodora nyaya imoswererwa 😂😂😂, pamwe kude maviews hapenoo
Apa patongwa nedemo apo😂
Mambo mutasa si the best
Headman chigodora how far... Dare rakavhurwa wani
Karangandavoo 😂
Washuva ruzha nehudzvanyiriri