for anyone who doesnt have good rep with argent dawn, do Fiona's Caravan questline in Eastern Plaguelands. the individual quests dont give you any rep but the final quest that sends you to the crypt behind light's hope chapel took me from neutral all the way to revered with the argent dawn. i still needed to pay mats and gold to access naxx but the questline takes maybe 15 minutes and it's an account-wide unlock.
doing the full fiona's caravan questline (recommend doing it at some point in your WOW career anyway it's a really fun questline) will also unlock 2 repeatable quests, one to kill rattlegore in new scholomance and one for the lost annuls of the silver hand in straholme (live side crusader's citadel). these quests give 2000 rep baseline every time you complete them, and yes they are repeatable, you can clear live side to balnazzar loot the book (annuls of the silverhand), leave the instance (DO NOT RESET THE INSTANCE) return it to the quest giver and pick up the quest again, go back and get the book again and repeat this to exalted.
The RNG aspect of getting the lamented pieces makes it way more costly and time consuming than the 2.8 mil. I burned 31 dented chest pieces which cost 93 tokens and got no Lamented. Thats at least 7 full clears and got NOTHING to craft with. The base pieces are selling for 2-5 mil on my server because of the RNG.
"If you forget to loot the femur on heroic mode, you can run the instance on normal mode and come back and loot it after killing Gandling." - wowhead just did it
Requiring the Feat of Strength for having a complete set of tier 3 before being able to purchase the recipes to craft tier 3 is so bugfuck crazy it defies description. I was so looking forward to this when it was announced, and they ruined it.
Word of warning for the Naxx Unlock: The 5-minute debuff ward won't show up if you kill anything on the undead side before crushing the Ward of Naxxramas! (No cheesing here). Make sure you kill only the stuff you have to in order to make way to the cathedral and nothing else, otherwise, you will need to reset the instance and try again the ward part. Bonus: Bear Tartare and Spiced Falcosaur Omelette are the MVP here.
I used the fried bonefish as that's what she had and one potion of gusts to get her started. That made it doable. The grappling was fun, the edging about w/barely any room, wish it had been on a gnome!
Thanks so much for the video, managed to get lucky with drops and finished my Warrior set in 2 days ( only needed chest and shoulders ). Keep up the great work and good luck to everyone trying to finish their sets!
@@mikev8746 1.1 mil in vendor mats for the chest and shoulders to get crafted, the undeath metal was 100k for a craft since people had a monopoly on it at the time. If you can snag a particular piece you need off the BMAH for cheap id try to do so though.
This guide forgets to mention that after getting Darkmaster Gandling's scourgestone, you have to turn in the quest at Light's Hope Chapel. There is no map marker on the world map that indicates this. Otherwise, good stuff!
I cannot seem to get the quest item to drop from gandling. I'm wearing the commission. Anyone else have this issue? Causes me to not get the ward from the eye of naxx as well.
Thanks for the guide i did this today in a little under 2 hours without any argent dawn rep, Huge shout out to the comment about Fiona's caravan, the only thing i would say is, do the caravan first, i picked up the quest to access naxx before Fiona's caravan and even after revered i still had to pay honoured matt price (includes a righteous orb which will save you a few X'00 gold.) despite being revered. The only issue i had with this guide and its a VERY small one, at the start when you use the toy and speak to the NPC for the "task" there is a lootable bone right next to the lady, you forgot to say pick it up before the diary. Otherwise this is fantastic, great work.
got lucky and got my public work order fulfilled in under an hour plus that put me in contact with the guy on my server that can do the rest for me once I get the gold for the rest of the mats
Complicated, but fascinating. So, do you get the Feat of Strength once you complete a set? Does that mean that then you can craft it for others? If so, it feels like Cho'gall in HotS, how it spread like an infection.
It's part of the interact feature introduced in this expansion. Go to menu - options and search for "interact" to view all the options. You need to have the interact key enabled and interact key icons set to default or show all. This works with practically everything
I'm so thankful i got my t3 warlock, paladin and priest... these seems a hell of a grind. I was thinking i'd try to get rogue and hunter but after seeing how damn stupid and expensive this is, i think im gonna pass. I also have all the xmogs from old scholo, strath, hell i still have the actual items in my void storage.... EDIT: I wonder if with old Scholo back we can summon the old boss for the paladin charger mount, and to use the brazier of summoning from the dungeon 1.5 upgrade quest chain.
Hmmm, I'm a tailor who meets all of those requirements except the current attunement...might be a chance to finally make some money off of my tailoring ey? Lol
@@cryptocryptid I noticed that when I am doing Naxx on my rogue I am already getting tier drops from bosses and it is the Bonescyte (tier 3 armor). How is this different then having to spend a lot of gold to craft it?
Just a thing to know Soul... Its not just 15 bosses each weak.. its 30. Because it hink that the 10 and 25 man lockout are separate.. Since they also have diferent loot. So you basicly do 10 man. Then switch to 25 man. BAM 30 raid boss tokens. Going to do it now on my mage. Since i can just go around and arcane blast them all to death and collect everything that drops. One of the drawbacks when doing it on some specific class/specs. Since they dont have that many big aoe attacks. Most are cd based and dont hit all enemies.
And then i find out. No. You cant do 10 man Naxx. and then 25 man.. That sucks. Oh well. I still have my alt army. Which is good. AND OH SHIT.. One thing i just found out... You technicly DONT have to spend Gold for the Phylacterweave. I just opened one of those "DEnted Raiders Helmet" and got 1. NIce. That is 1 down.. HUNDRED MORE TO GO. But they are sadly BIND ON PICK UP. So be carefull which character you buy those Denter gear items on. Since the Deaths Bargaining Chips can be sent around to whoever you want. So use them to get these things on a specific character that you want.
@@sciencethygod You cant do 40 man naxx. You can only do the wrath version on 10 or 25 man. The gear FROM 40 man naxx is something you need to craft. The wepons and stuff are from recipies.. THe tier sets are a bigger hoop to go through.
@@sciencethygod The unlock was basicly just so you have another way to get into nax. Instead of going to Wrath Dalaran and Flying. Just that. Maybe even because you will be farming Scholomance. The OLD one. That one you can do if you do the quest thing with the spirit and the.. Candles. And Stratholm for the scourgestones you get form killing the bosses in there. I mean it would be kinda weird to have to teleport to wrath dalaran and do that wholle treck to naxx. Just to turn in the scourgestones for the Gacha items from the goblin vendor. When the portal is there in Eastern Plaguelands where Stratholm and Scholomance is. Otherwise you would be able to get the old nax stuff. So nah.
Its not old naxx btw... Its just the WOTLK Naxx with all the stupid crafting mechanics added in. So dont think youll be getting corrupted ashbringer or anythinglike that. Same loot table as wotlk
for those of you who dont know the t3 set mats come up to 2.8million gold to buy from the goblin vendor blizz has made sure you are more likely to buy tokens in order to make this set they did not do this for us they did it for more sales do not think otherwise be smart and thats not counting the cost of 90 riteous orbs for each class set and yes thats 2.8m gold each class tier set to make ....
I just want the old content and don't really care much for the sets but to me that grind just doesn't seem well thought out... They already put it on the Black market auction house so it isn't like blizz really cares about preserving them. My guess is they are gong to try to get token sales off this.
The loot box aspect for getting the Lamented pieces is complete BS. I just rolled 31 failed attempts to get a Lamented piece, which involved something like 5-6 full clears to get the currency.
this update was so anticipated but the implementation has me just dropping $800 on wow tokens and camping BMAH harder than ever, this sucks on most servers
I seriously dont get it, I quit WoW ages ago. Is this not a better way to acquire missing T3 pieces compared to the BMAH or not? I mean breaking it down. BMAH could come down to luck and some rich prick driving the price up. This seems to be a controlled amount is it not? So why are people hating on it? Again I have no clue how much gold is allot nowadays or how things like mats farming work. I just want to know if this is an activity thats achievable playing an hour or so each day for a week.
Lol I'm so happy I got my t3 warrior in MoP from black market. I spent 10k on each item besides the helm that was 30k lol. This method. I feel sorry for these people.
Well, that was a waste of 18 minutes. You forgot "2.8 million gold per character" in "Before you start." Anyway, good guide [for credit card swipers], it's just disappointing that many had been hyped for this since Mr GM hinted at a possible T3 return yet won't obtain their sets during this patch or even try at all because of the gold sink which is higher than one would need to spend on actual power upgrades in any expansion. The shame is on bliztard for pretending that they couldn't prevent Naxxramas 60 from being inaccessible in WOTLK Classic (and other remade instances) because of "technical reasons" while they literally go out of their way to make an even more complicated process to achieve the same result. But since they're apparently "different teams," I'll give Retail the benefit of the doubt and put that shame on that parasocial "game -ruiner- producer" Aggrend, given how his team has been consistently ruining the integrity of Classic since Boosting Crusade Classic & Wow Token of The Rich King, ruined Hardcore before it's even born with the garbage rules (all decided by streamers, whom he madly loves), while Dragonflight is farming wins every patch. The idea that T3 should be expensive is so stupid anyway. In WOTLKC, I have Atiesh, 2 Ashbringer, 5 T3 sets and saw many obtain theirs, and it wasn't challenging or prestigious, because the raid was available for another whole expansion with 10 extra levels and was removed because of "technical reasons," not a reward for clearing current content like the Amani bear. The only "work" we needed for that was to be pessimistic about bliztard sticking their fingers out and figuring out a way to keep the instance in the game, oh and also we needed to waste a bunch of time clearing old content, so I and many other collectors had to do this grind on multiple character solely out of FOMO instead of enjoying the Outland raids, which is cringe and toxic design. That's like saying that any other tier set should be removed from the raids and become expensive, when the requirement to get them historically has always been the same, just clear the raid an expansion later and the set is yours. At this point it's like bliztard is afraid that the swipers will get mad that they had to spend millions on the Black Market to get their "exclusive" set. Meanwhile, they're giving away TCG items, a mount worth 12 subscriptions, and Spirit of Competition for free, but god forbid we can just clear an old raid for T3.
t3 before: absolute shitshow and a shit-ton-of-gold on the blackmarket t3 now: RNG, a shit-ton-of-gold and you need someone that already has the "you need a full t3-set" achievment to get the recipes and then will definitly will craft the items very very cheap for you. as someone that probably has had 1M gold in his whole 15year long wow experience, i can put my excitement away again
Is it that much gold for a couple of these pieces? I mean realistically speaking would this be a fun activity to just grind away at 1 month at a time for a couple pieces? I mean I don't mind a grind but I don't want to be stuck playing hours each day for weeks chained to my computer..
LMAO. Interesting stuff but I'll never be doing this..insane grind. And T3 was remade as T7 back in..Wotlk? Only a recolor or whatever but pretty much a lookalike.
@@ShadowsOfThePast original t3 isn't class restricted. so you can obtain on the class initially required for it so if you have a warrior you can then use that set on a death knight.
for anyone who doesnt have good rep with argent dawn, do Fiona's Caravan questline in Eastern Plaguelands. the individual quests dont give you any rep but the final quest that sends you to the crypt behind light's hope chapel took me from neutral all the way to revered with the argent dawn. i still needed to pay mats and gold to access naxx but the questline takes maybe 15 minutes and it's an account-wide unlock.
doing the full fiona's caravan questline (recommend doing it at some point in your WOW career anyway it's a really fun questline) will also unlock 2 repeatable quests, one to kill rattlegore in new scholomance and one for the lost annuls of the silver hand in straholme (live side crusader's citadel). these quests give 2000 rep baseline every time you complete them, and yes they are repeatable, you can clear live side to balnazzar loot the book (annuls of the silverhand), leave the instance (DO NOT RESET THE INSTANCE) return it to the quest giver and pick up the quest again, go back and get the book again and repeat this to exalted.
Did any of you find someone that could craft the plate gear?
@@GrokNZthe 2 quests give 3000 rep, just finished today the quest line
@@secco1478 bonus this week from classic timewalking.
Thankful: this is all account-wide!
Cursed: getting full Tier 3 is 2.8M gold and 80 Righteous Orbs. PER CLASS.
About 150 euros in tokens :s
Minimum assuming you get the crafted items free.
The RNG aspect of getting the lamented pieces makes it way more costly and time consuming than the 2.8 mil. I burned 31 dented chest pieces which cost 93 tokens and got no Lamented. Thats at least 7 full clears and got NOTHING to craft with. The base pieces are selling for 2-5 mil on my server because of the RNG.
it used to be 2.8M gold per piece in the BM, so
Any of you get someone to make the plate tier?
Was excited for t3 on the warrior but idk now lol
2:25 You forgot to mention to collect Eva's Femur from the bone pile on the floor.
yup now i need to wait 8 hours
"If you forget to loot the femur on heroic mode, you can run the instance on normal mode and come back and loot it after killing Gandling." - wowhead
just did it
Any of you get anyone to craft the plate set?
Requiring the Feat of Strength for having a complete set of tier 3 before being able to purchase the recipes to craft tier 3 is so bugfuck crazy it defies description.
I was so looking forward to this when it was announced, and they ruined it.
this is just a way to get people to buy tockens
@@xelthiavice4276 That was their intention but buying gold from bots is cheaper and that's what's happening lol
Did any of you get the plate set made?
Word of warning for the Naxx Unlock: The 5-minute debuff ward won't show up if you kill anything on the undead side before crushing the Ward of Naxxramas! (No cheesing here). Make sure you kill only the stuff you have to in order to make way to the cathedral and nothing else, otherwise, you will need to reset the instance and try again the ward part.
Bonus: Bear Tartare and Spiced Falcosaur Omelette are the MVP here.
Also the speed flask should stack with food, enchants etc for speed
I do believe you can group up for this part too which helps speed things up. Have multiple party members clear multiple ziggurats at the same time.
I used the fried bonefish as that's what she had and one potion of gusts to get her started. That made it doable. The grappling was fun, the edging about w/barely any room, wish it had been on a gnome!
Anyone get someone to craft the plate set?
Thanks for this extensive walkthrough!!! I did have the toy and exalted on Argent Dawn so I had a nice boost
This went from “cool, fun thing to pass the time” to “wtf were they thinking” real fast
There's a mount (after a small event) and toy on the Naxx vendor too. No gold cost.
Any of you get someone to make the plate set?
Thanks so much for the video, managed to get lucky with drops and finished my Warrior set in 2 days ( only needed chest and shoulders ). Keep up the great work and good luck to everyone trying to finish their sets!
How much did it cost you? I dont get how modern retail WoW works. I played in Wotlk and WoD last lol..
@@mikev8746 1.1 mil in vendor mats for the chest and shoulders to get crafted, the undeath metal was 100k for a craft since people had a monopoly on it at the time. If you can snag a particular piece you need off the BMAH for cheap id try to do so though.
@grandyman9167 do you have the person who made it added?
@@Boss-ot1iy unfortunately i do not, although i imagine there are alot more people who can make it now
This guide forgets to mention that after getting Darkmaster Gandling's scourgestone, you have to turn in the quest at Light's Hope Chapel. There is no map marker on the world map that indicates this. Otherwise, good stuff!
I cannot seem to get the quest item to drop from gandling. I'm wearing the commission. Anyone else have this issue? Causes me to not get the ward from the eye of naxx as well.
thank you. went to the dungeon and the ward wasnt dropping. Kinda important to mention lol
Wow, how do people figure out this stuff? Luckily as a hoarder that’s been playing since vanilla I probably have a bunch of the stuff already
Is this old naxx? Im happy to access og scholomance again. Spent alot of time powet leveling my toons here until lvl 58
You can also get Phylacterweave from the Dented Raiders gear i got two from one alts tries for shoulders.
The journal appeared on the bookshelf closer to the door for me in case anyone else is having trouble locating it.
I coll3cted all the 5 items but there are no npcs back at caer darrow to trade with?
Thanks for the guide i did this today in a little under 2 hours without any argent dawn rep, Huge shout out to the comment about Fiona's caravan, the only thing i would say is, do the caravan first, i picked up the quest to access naxx before Fiona's caravan and even after revered i still had to pay honoured matt price (includes a righteous orb which will save you a few X'00 gold.) despite being revered. The only issue i had with this guide and its a VERY small one, at the start when you use the toy and speak to the NPC for the "task" there is a lootable bone right next to the lady, you forgot to say pick it up before the diary. Otherwise this is fantastic, great work.
MY warrior had a commission and a spectral essence but was only honored with argent dawn meh quick trip to the AH for cheap old materials
got lucky and got my public work order fulfilled in under an hour plus that put me in contact with the guy on my server that can do the rest for me once I get the gold for the rest of the mats
Do you have the guy added still?
My speed War is ready for this nonsense.... Ty for video.
Complicated, but fascinating.
So, do you get the Feat of Strength once you complete a set?
Does that mean that then you can craft it for others?
If so, it feels like Cho'gall in HotS, how it spread like an infection.
Um, @SoulSoBreezy, can you tell me whats the name of that Addon that allows you to see Cogwheel over and item of interest please?
It's part of the interact feature introduced in this expansion. Go to menu - options and search for "interact" to view all the options.
You need to have the interact key enabled and interact key icons set to default or show all.
This works with practically everything
Good helping video
Does anyone know that if you have T3 set unlocked one person does it allow you to get the recipes for the items on other characters?
Did they remove lich king naxx t3 lookalikes or something?
I'm so thankful i got my t3 warlock, paladin and priest... these seems a hell of a grind. I was thinking i'd try to get rogue and hunter but after seeing how damn stupid and expensive this is, i think im gonna pass. I also have all the xmogs from old scholo, strath, hell i still have the actual items in my void storage....
EDIT: I wonder if with old Scholo back we can summon the old boss for the paladin charger mount, and to use the brazier of summoning from the dungeon 1.5 upgrade quest chain.
Yes you can summon the tier boss and paladin mount boss.
Hmmm, I'm a tailor who meets all of those requirements except the current attunement...might be a chance to finally make some money off of my tailoring ey? Lol
so i copled the quest now i cant get invader's scourgestone to drop any more need help
if im a pally can i get the dread set ?
Maybe a stupid question, are the sets class bound? Like can I transmog the warrior set on my paladin?
yes you can.
what recording software do you use to record?
does 25man count and 10man?
Can you even get tier 3 on a monk or demon hunter?
You have to have an alt rogue or druid to obtain their respective sets and those will be useable on monk or demon hunter
@@cryptocryptid I noticed that when I am doing Naxx on my rogue I am already getting tier drops from bosses and it is the Bonescyte (tier 3 armor). How is this different then having to spend a lot of gold to craft it?
Getting to Zackett nearly gave me a heart attack.
Just a thing to know Soul... Its not just 15 bosses each weak.. its 30. Because it hink that the 10 and 25 man lockout are separate.. Since they also have diferent loot. So you basicly do 10 man. Then switch to 25 man. BAM 30 raid boss tokens. Going to do it now on my mage. Since i can just go around and arcane blast them all to death and collect everything that drops. One of the drawbacks when doing it on some specific class/specs. Since they dont have that many big aoe attacks. Most are cd based and dont hit all enemies.
And then i find out. No. You cant do 10 man Naxx. and then 25 man.. That sucks. Oh well. I still have my alt army. Which is good. AND OH SHIT.. One thing i just found out... You technicly DONT have to spend Gold for the Phylacterweave. I just opened one of those "DEnted Raiders Helmet" and got 1. NIce. That is 1 down.. HUNDRED MORE TO GO. But they are sadly BIND ON PICK UP. So be carefull which character you buy those Denter gear items on. Since the Deaths Bargaining Chips can be sent around to whoever you want. So use them to get these things on a specific character that you want.
@@harkenrebirth this is the OG naxx, so 40man.
@@sciencethygod You cant do 40 man naxx. You can only do the wrath version on 10 or 25 man. The gear FROM 40 man naxx is something you need to craft. The wepons and stuff are from recipies.. THe tier sets are a bigger hoop to go through.
@harkenrebirth wait so the verbiage of unlocking old naxx everyone is using is totally wrong... OK, makes more sense now with the vendor you unlock
@@sciencethygod The unlock was basicly just so you have another way to get into nax. Instead of going to Wrath Dalaran and Flying. Just that. Maybe even because you will be farming Scholomance. The OLD one. That one you can do if you do the quest thing with the spirit and the.. Candles. And Stratholm for the scourgestones you get form killing the bosses in there. I mean it would be kinda weird to have to teleport to wrath dalaran and do that wholle treck to naxx. Just to turn in the scourgestones for the Gacha items from the goblin vendor. When the portal is there in Eastern Plaguelands where Stratholm and Scholomance is. Otherwise you would be able to get the old nax stuff. So nah.
If you were attuned to old naxx can you skip to the naxx part?
Good question. I would love to see if someone could answer it. I would assume so no?
I have Seal of the Dawn from vanilla so i didn't need the commission.
Dont forget to get the key from the boss Rattlegore before you can go to the final boss in old Scholomance.
Its not old naxx btw... Its just the WOTLK Naxx with all the stupid crafting mechanics added in. So dont think youll be getting corrupted ashbringer or anythinglike that. Same loot table as wotlk
Anyone know is this any cheaper 8 months forward?
Not cheaper, but you can buy Lamented pieces on the auction house, saving you time farming Naxx for the Chips.
for those of you who dont know the t3 set mats come up to 2.8million gold to buy from the goblin vendor blizz has made sure you are more likely to buy tokens in order to make this set they did not do this for us they did it for more sales do not think otherwise be smart and thats not counting the cost of 90 riteous orbs for each class set and yes thats 2.8m gold each class tier set to make ....
and blizz be saying "we value your time"
I just want the old content and don't really care much for the sets but to me that grind just doesn't seem well thought out... They already put it on the Black market auction house so it isn't like blizz really cares about preserving them. My guess is they are gong to try to get token sales off this.
Thanks, SB. I thought that 5M g was too much. :(
The loot box aspect for getting the Lamented pieces is complete BS. I just rolled 31 failed attempts to get a Lamented piece, which involved something like 5-6 full clears to get the currency.
did it with my warrior....yeah it's like driving a ww2 tank through stratholme
Passsss 😄
the toy does not have a 100% drop chance, but it is a high drop chance
It's 100%. It doesn't have 100% because no one can pick It up if everyone in the party already has it
You also have a chance to get that Phylacterweave from a Dented item as well. Not sure of the chances but it is another option!
yeah needing 1400 for one set, surely getting 1 every 40-50 dented piece will lighten the grind
@@veppy4952 I'm not saying it will make it easier, just providing another option of acquisition
you didnt say anything about how to get the bone at "before you start" part soul...
Its still somewhere between 2.8 - 15 million gold to Get the full set😅
or you can just buy it all from AH for around 200k?
this update was so anticipated but the implementation has me just dropping $800 on wow tokens and camping BMAH harder than ever, this sucks on most servers
yeah fuk this shit i should have went back during BC days with t5 to collect the gear I have myself
I seriously dont get it, I quit WoW ages ago. Is this not a better way to acquire missing T3 pieces compared to the BMAH or not? I mean breaking it down. BMAH could come down to luck and some rich prick driving the price up. This seems to be a controlled amount is it not? So why are people hating on it? Again I have no clue how much gold is allot nowadays or how things like mats farming work. I just want to know if this is an activity thats achievable playing an hour or so each day for a week.
@UltimateGamerCC Still if you get lucky with a low bid at the BMHA it might be more expensive no?
Lol I'm so happy I got my t3 warrior in MoP from black market. I spent 10k on each item besides the helm that was 30k lol. This method. I feel sorry for these people.
Well, that was a waste of 18 minutes. You forgot "2.8 million gold per character" in "Before you start."
Anyway, good guide [for credit card swipers], it's just disappointing that many had been hyped for this since Mr GM hinted at a possible T3 return yet won't obtain their sets during this patch or even try at all because of the gold sink which is higher than one would need to spend on actual power upgrades in any expansion.
The shame is on bliztard for pretending that they couldn't prevent Naxxramas 60 from being inaccessible in WOTLK Classic (and other remade instances) because of "technical reasons" while they literally go out of their way to make an even more complicated process to achieve the same result.
But since they're apparently "different teams," I'll give Retail the benefit of the doubt and put that shame on that parasocial "game -ruiner- producer" Aggrend, given how his team has been consistently ruining the integrity of Classic since Boosting Crusade Classic & Wow Token of The Rich King, ruined Hardcore before it's even born with the garbage rules (all decided by streamers, whom he madly loves), while Dragonflight is farming wins every patch.
The idea that T3 should be expensive is so stupid anyway. In WOTLKC, I have Atiesh, 2 Ashbringer, 5 T3 sets and saw many obtain theirs, and it wasn't challenging or prestigious, because the raid was available for another whole expansion with 10 extra levels and was removed because of "technical reasons," not a reward for clearing current content like the Amani bear.
The only "work" we needed for that was to be pessimistic about bliztard sticking their fingers out and figuring out a way to keep the instance in the game, oh and also we needed to waste a bunch of time clearing old content, so I and many other collectors had to do this grind on multiple character solely out of FOMO instead of enjoying the Outland raids, which is cringe and toxic design.
That's like saying that any other tier set should be removed from the raids and become expensive, when the requirement to get them historically has always been the same, just clear the raid an expansion later and the set is yours. At this point it's like bliztard is afraid that the swipers will get mad that they had to spend millions on the Black Market to get their "exclusive" set. Meanwhile, they're giving away TCG items, a mount worth 12 subscriptions, and Spirit of Competition for free, but god forbid we can just clear an old raid for T3.
So these mats arent reasonably farmable yourself? Is that 2.8 gold per item or a whole set?
t3 before: absolute shitshow and a shit-ton-of-gold on the blackmarket
t3 now: RNG, a shit-ton-of-gold and you need someone that already has the "you need a full t3-set" achievment to get the recipes and then will definitly will craft the items very very cheap for you.
as someone that probably has had 1M gold in his whole 15year long wow experience, i can put my excitement away again
Is it that much gold for a couple of these pieces? I mean realistically speaking would this be a fun activity to just grind away at 1 month at a time for a couple pieces? I mean I don't mind a grind but I don't want to be stuck playing hours each day for weeks chained to my computer..
ofcourse they would put hoopss and loops on it
Don't use a Demon Hunter to clear, none of the unlock gear works for them lol
All of this means nothing if we cant get the corrupted ashbringer
Nice. I almost wasted soooo much time by trying to do all of this. Now I know it's not worth it.
how do you make money from this ?
it is bugged, lamented is broken and doesnt actually drop
I wonder how many people wouldn't bat an eye at the 2.8m gold needed but don't even get to do it because they dont have the toy
I'm not 3M gold rich so unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to qualify for this
@UltimateGamerCC 2.8 mil is vendor mats for full set.
LMAO. Interesting stuff but I'll never be doing this..insane grind. And T3 was remade as T7 back in..Wotlk? Only a recolor or whatever but pretty much a lookalike.
to be fair: the recolour mostly suck balls compared to the o.g. t3
@@schippes24 But isn't it the exact same set just colored different?
@@ShadowsOfThePast original t3 isn't class restricted. so you can obtain on the class initially required for it so if you have a warrior you can then use that set on a death knight.
What a waste of time and gold. I get it, there are people that want this. But, yikes. Just, yikes.
It's BS needing the T3 achievement. Otherwise, it would've been great.
the colection is terrifieing :)))
Well this is both a good thing but still cursed.
I hate to say this but this entire process ending with freaking needing crafting orders is dumb as F@#k this is so unfriendly to solo players
this is actually the dumbest process I have ever witnessed in my life of wow
lay off the mackup my guy
@@xelthiavice4276 wth is mackup lol
was looking forward to getting some of this. now it just seems not worth the time.
wts full t3 sets all classes 285k per piece set. I can craft all sets.
hell nah, t3 shouldn't be this expensive "exclusive old content" has to be the worst thing WoW has