It is a strange feeling watching them. You can’t help but watch over and over again. Here these people are, many in their prime and yet now gone. Each one had a name and place in this world, dreams and aspirations, family and loved ones. All that and yet here they are anonymous, forgotten and unknown. Makes you realise how unimportant we all are. We’ll all be like them oneday.
I agree with you on everything except the part about "how unimportant we are". In God's eyes, each of us are as important as anyone who has, is, and will be walking on this earth. Being "remembered" is overrated. What is important, is to connect with your God, live an honorable life, be kind to one another, and reach out to help those who can't help themselves. If you make a concerted effort to live this kind of life, then your time here is merely a stepping stone to a much greater existence.
Well I don’t agree that ppl are forgotten either-yet do not need to say only a god remembers us as I remember ALL of my relatives who lived before me - think about them and talk about them with other relatives and friends daily.. I thought everyone did this.
Pick any one of these people and follow them on the screen for the duration of the scene. They never could have imagined that thousands of people ,nearly a hundred years from that moment would be watching those fleeting and seemingly insignificant seconds in their lives with such interest. They have all left this world by now. Each had a story to tell . Each left their influences. Some lived a long time, and some lived short lives. They played a role in what We experience today as we will play a role in what those who follow us will experience.
من اکنون خود را ، در چهره آنها میبینم . بله بله باید گریست ، واقعاً به این فلسفه گنگ و عجیب و مضحک عمری که چه آرام ، ولی زود میگذرد باید گریست . من هم با تمام چشم های متحیری که از آن ۱۰۰ سال گذشته ، به لنز این دوربین جدید و عجیب می نگرند ، گریه میکنم . من هم با تمام چشمهای غمگینی که اکنون در حیرت آن قاب تصویر متحرک ۱۰۰ سال گذشته ، اشک میریزند ، گریه میکنم . این آمد و شدها سرنوشت ناگزیر تمام انسانهاست . ببینید چگونه ما انسانها از گذشته ، در تکرار همین گامهای پرعجله و یا قدمهای آرام ، هنوز راه میرویم ، و بعد از ما نیز با عجله خواهند آمد و در آرامش خواهند رفت ؛ کاش میشد بفهمیم انتهای این مسیر و راه رفتنهای انسان به چه و چگونه و کجا می انجامد؟
This life that God had given us is temporarily but the one that is waiting for us in heaven is forever! Seek God now so you will live with him in his Kingdom ♥
My Dad was around 8 here, he was WW2 and Grandma was like 47. We had her until her passing in 1988. RIP Daddy(1924-1982) & Grandma, two of the sweetest people I've ever known and proud to have come from them.
Meu pai também nasceu em 1924,brasileiro, policial, Força Pública e trabalhou junto com exército em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, na 2 guerra, a fins de evitar a invasão dos alemães no litoral brasileiro. Morreu em Setembro de 2022,com 98 anos, tenho saudades do meu papai. Está com Jesus. Ele vive.
🎯 That's the first thing I noticed, not fat people. Today, they are poisoning us with garbage. Rockefeller, the FDA, and pharmaceuticals, they want us sick to decrease the surplus population, and fill their hospital beds.
Русские в то время истребляли жителей средней Азии и восточной Европы голодом и в концентрационных лагерях миллионами на подобии Карлага. Сейчас русские фашистствуют и показывают друг другу радостно могилы и трупы детей Украины убитых русскими, обсуждая сколько ещё миллионов надо убить. Русские вне России разносят заразу русского фашизма Z
This is one of my favorites. The depression was beginning to take a toll. Many of these handsome men had been veterans of WWI and many more of them would be fighting and dying in just over a decade. Like us today, they were just living the life they knew, with no idea what the future held. It’s always so meaningful to look at these faces, knowing they all completed their earthly lives. It’s a humbling reminder from the Bible that there’s a time to live and a time to die. Beautifully restored. Thank you! ❤
The bible is a plagiarized book of Kemetic stories, laws and teaching. The concept of God the father, his partner the holy spirit and their son Jesus is all MEN made 😮
It really puts into perspective how little time we have on earth, the days/weeks/months we feel unhappy are wasted, I’m really trying to change my outlook on the world and value every single day to enjoy life. I don’t want to be old and look back and regret all the things I didn’t do. It’s a scary thought knowing once you’re gone, a few generations go by and you’re forgotten about forever. We need to thoroughly make the most of our lives while we’re living
Couldn’t agree more as it’s all over in a blink of an eye, I’m 40 this year and realise I’m half way through my life luckily have very few regrets so far and put my time and energy into my daughter but it’s a scary thought that in 40 years I could be taking my last breath so yeah let’s have a blast whilst we’re still here and all the best to you and your journey 👍😀
Honra al Señor con tu manera de vivir haciendo siempre las cosas como para Él y vivirás en paz con el Señor Jesucristo y verás al pasar de los años que no fue en vano porque Dios el Señor creador de los cielos y la Tierra,el autor y consumador de la Fe en Cristo tiene para tí una corona de vida por la eternidad ❤️ allí con Él
We won't be forgotten by our Lord and Savior and the people who knew us. We have eternity to look forward to and reuniting with loved ones. We can look forward to the Blessed Trinity, our blessed virgin mother, Mary, all the angels and saints, including the martyrs. We won't be concerned with certain thoughts and feelings that we have now. Having said that, I did enjoy your poignant comment and the video.
Respect? See how those men were shoving money on that vendors face? No interaction, no please and thank you…they were not better people than we are now. We are the same people.
My grandmother as of today 1/27/25 is alive and well at 103. She would have been 6 in this video. What’s more touching is that every single human person in this video is long gone ….
😮😞 Bella abuelita la suya, hermoso ser humano, lleno de vivencias , sabiduría, , amor y a la vez fragilidad es cada pliegue su piel...Si mi abuela estuviera viva tendría 114 años....😢
هذا المشهد يحمل في طياته بعدًا فلسفيًا عميقًا يتناول مفهوم الزمن، الفناء، واستمرارية الحياة رغم زوال الأفراد. رؤية أناس يسيرون في شارع مزدحم في نيويورك عام 1930، وقد أضيفت الألوان إلى لحظتهم التي كانت بالأبيض والأسود، تجعلنا نتأمل في طبيعة الزمن وكيفية تحويل الماضي إلى حاضر حيّ من خلال التكنولوجيا. كل شخص في هذا المقطع كان يعيش لحظة يومية عادية، ربما مليئة بالآمال، الأحلام، والمخاوف. لم يكن أي منهم على دراية بأنه سيُخلّد في لقطة كهذه، ولا أنهم بعد عقود سيُشاهدون من قبل أناس لم يولدوا حتى وقتها. هذا يعيدنا إلى سؤال جوهري: "ما معنى أن نعيش؟" الحياة تبدو وكأنها سلسلة من اللحظات العابرة، لكن هذه اللحظات تحمل قيمة خالدة عندما تُوثّق، حتى ولو لم يكن ذلك في نية من عاشها. كل من في هذا الفيديو قد فارق الحياة على الأرجح، لكنهم في هذه اللحظة، بفضل عدسة الكاميرا، ما زالوا "أحياء" بطريقة ما. هذا يعكس فكرة أن الموت لا يعني الغياب الكامل، بل هو فقط انتقال من شكل وجود إلى آخر. إضافة الألوان إلى مقطع أبيض وأسود من الماضي هو بمثابة إحياء لذاكرة الزمن. لكنه أيضًا يذكرنا بأن كل ما نراه الآن، وكل ما نعيشه، سيتحول يومًا إلى ذكرى أو صورة في أرشيف المستقبل. نحن نسير اليوم في شوارع مزدحمة، نعيش حياتنا، دون أن ندرك أن لحظاتنا اليومية قد تصبح يومًا ما مادة للتأمل من قبل أجيال لم نرها. ما يجعل هذا الفيديو مؤثرًا هو إدراكنا أن هؤلاء الأشخاص كانوا مثلنا تمامًا: لديهم أحلام، طموحات، وربما صراعات داخلية. لكن الزمن ابتلعهم كما سيبتلعنا جميعًا. ومع ذلك، فإن وجودهم في هذا المقطع يذكرنا بأننا جميعًا جزء من سلسلة إنسانية طويلة، وأن وجودنا ليس معزولًا بل متصلًا بمن سبقنا ومن سيأتي بعدنا. في النهاية هذا الفيديو ليس مجرد توثيق للحياة اليومية في نيويورك عام 1930، بل هو نافذة إلى الطبيعة العابرة للحياة. إنه دعوة للتأمل في قيمة اللحظة الحالية، وكيف أن ما يبدو عاديًا اليوم قد يصبح يومًا ما ذاكرة خالدة. وهو أيضًا تذكير بأننا، رغم فنائنا كأفراد، نترك أثرًا صغيرًا في نهر الزمن الذي يستمر في الجريان.
We are in far worse shape(literally physically, mentally and financially) despite having high tech around us and know that the rich keep getting stupidly richer aka elon mars and amazon bezos etc. etc.
Yes it's beautiful but once again that chewing gum gangsta is shaking down the newsstand man and probably a few more if other gangstas haven't shaking them down and he's really worried about the camera wether it's recording the shakedown
My great grandparents were that age somewhere in NYC in the 1930s .I look for them in the crowd and know they’re out there just beyond the edges of the video living their lives. This is a special channel
Now, they are excitedly watching you as you raise their great-great grandkids. I actually think about that a lot. Our ancestors were real people who once experienced real life just like we do now. It will be great to catch up once we get to the next stage of this journey we’re all on and swap stories. We’ll all be busting a gut laughing over some of the legit crazy stuff that went down during mortality.
@@locotito99 I watched this at least half a dozen times - and wondered about that boy...he's not dressed in a suit, or the more formal attire of everyone else, and he doesn't buy a newspaper - but the vendor gives him some money. The kid is suspicious of the camera, too. Are we actually looking at a kid collecting "rent" from nearly a 100yrs ago, lol?! 🤭🤫😂
He looks like a thin guy about 25 years old, there are signs of age on him. He seems like a truculent person... someone you wouldn't want to have as a neighbor.
OUTSTANDING! I am completely mesmerized, fascinated, and in some ways, haunted by your excellent 1930's Film footage. And, your colorizing technique is phenomenal. PS... The background music is also perfection! Thank You!
Pharmaceuticals much more, and the perverse elite that governs, not so much at the country level but mostly by world organizations such as WHO. But all this happens mainly because of society's turning away from God, so that they are more and more unprotected against the devil's destruction.
@@edicon2392 So you must work for one of the food companies or the pharma companies that sells the drugs to treat the people who are too poor to buy the expensive healthy food. Nice work.
Food was actually food back then. Not overly processed GMO gunk with food coloring and tons of chemicals....these ppl ate from the ground and from farm raised the 1930's 90% of the population was self reliant and had their own gardens and farms....only 10% relied heavily in commercialism, they hadn't been domesticated and indoctrinated forward to today and only 10% are self reliant and 90% rely on commercialism....and with a much bigger population so you can just imagine what the crash will look like today.....a zombie apocalypse....
Sin embargo, la mortalidad era alta; había otros estilos de vida que también eran perjudiciales y comunes, enfermedades venereas, sobre todo sífilis, cirrosis por consumo de alcohol...
Alguém notou este" Jovem" de camiseta? Ele estava mexendo muito com a boca, até parece que estava chupando bala ou chiclete. Em determinado momento levanta a calça e olha com um olhar de despedida. Ele era diferente dos outros,ou um ator principal. Eu não tenho palavras pra expressar o que sinto agora sabe? O que é a vida, tudo passageiro. Mas um dia eles vão resucitar. Pois o que morreu deles é apenas o corpo. Mas o espírito e a alma " ou mente" estão vivos o dia do juízo final.
@@EdsonBorges-hv8vn Também achei ele diferente, como se estivesse em destaque em relação aos outros. Acredito que deve ser pelo fato de estar vestindo uma camiseta, enquanto todos estão de terno.
This is like a time machine ❤. It's so nice to see those people. I bet they'd be happy to know it then that someone will reflect on their reality in the future.
Em pensar que isso não é uma cena de novela e nem filme 🎥.... Que gênio quem conseguiu reproduzir esses vídeos com toda essa qualidade, e a música faz o vídeo ficar mais chamativo. É impossível assistir apenas uma vez 😊
Almost 100 years on and it feels like we have gone backwards despite the progress we have made with technology. Corrupt governments and mass immigration has ruined the world we live in. Not to mention all the plastic we have contaminated the oceans with. We messed up and it's too late to change what we did.
I expect the music has something to do with it but I'm finding this very emotional... I'm not American but there were similar scenes in my country. Excellent restoration 😊
Hard-working people, walking on the streets of New York: Yes, they were fit 🙂. Bankers (and such); on their big comfy offices: Not really 😕... The term *"FAT CAT"* had/has a truly negative (and fair) meaning in the USA. ☮🇺🇸🙋🏻♂️ Edit: Improved the phrasing.
All these responses talk about work... It had nothing to do with work, they ate real food back then. They didn't have sugar-everything to make them gain weight.
It was the diets. No fast food. No seed oils or 35 different types of synthetic sugars, Overly processed breads filled with fake ingredients and everything else today that causes inflamed everything.
Was thinking the exact same thing.... They're long gone....and yet seeing them, not knowing any of them...yeah, I wanna cry too... I'm born and pretty much raised in Phoenix the idea of New York...WOW, and then in the '30s ....I wonder what it'd be like...
Thankyou for showing this. My mom traveled from Newark to workin New York City when she was only 17. I swear she could be in this picture. A glimpse into my mother's past. Thankyou😢
Nenhum homem sem camisa,de bermuda ou com a pele suja de tatuagem. Nenhuma mulher usando roupas curtas ou escandalosa. Até parece que eles não estavam no praneta terra." Como hoje o conhecemos"
@ShoaibKhan-wv8zc no. They are all adults here. This was 90 years ago. The oldest person on earth today is 116. It is virtually certain that everyone here is dead. Also much shorter life expectancy back then.
Amazing video! Love the young man that seems to be watching the camera man. He kept watching him. Eventually he walks away. Only wonder where he was headed that day. Everyone had a story to tell. Amazing!
Looks like a street thug hassling the vendor for money. Notice he gets paid but doesn’t take any newspapers and is dressed completely different than everyone else.
The guy staring at the camera is a Mafia foot soldier collecting protection money (notice he did not collect a newspaper despite being given money for no reason by someone who was clearly fearful of him and did not want to look him in the eyes). That explains why the young man is deeply suspicious of whoever is filming him and is looking at the camera man rather threateningly.
I noticed that everyone is so slim back then. Everyone so calm and relaxed they are the real deal. No hassle getting around pleasant folks. This brilliant to whoever filmed this so we can view this. Very touching.💫
Yes, makes it even more clear that our civilization made a wrong turn in some ways. For a while in more recent history we treated each other better (women, minorities, children, the disabled) and that was a significant positive change, but that positive shouldn’t negate recognizing the negative changes and wanting to turn back the clock for these
It was the 1930's. People were literally working for food because there was no social safety net and a quarter of the working population was unemployed. My grandfather worked with a fellow who helped load milk onto the train heading for NY City, and he did it for half a pail of milk that he took home to his children.
With the exception of the young man in the front, everyone is dressed up. The men are all in suits and hats and the ladies are all in dresses and hats. Everyone is walking in the streets. Everyone seems to be polite and well-mannered. There are very few cars and busses or trollies. I have never seen a scene like this in a lifetime. It was a different era in every way.
One can't deny the social decay that seems deliberate. Videos show that even the lower classes had more vocabulary and intellect just 30/40 years ago. Communists/marxists always killed or exiled the educated via "cultural wars" - eliminating the middle class - for the sake of dependence and control. It makes one wonder...
@ - I lived in Asia for about 29 years. Have you been to Bangkok? The traffic is crazy. And it is also that way in a bunch of Asian cities. All I can say is that you wrote what you saw. I saw something different. I will leave it at that.
C'est drôle car par moment ils prend la pause devant l'objectif de la caméra, ils ne peut s'en défaire comme une certaine fascination dans sa journée morose à New-York.....💔 Beau et émouvant !👍🏻
May LORD JESUS bless you, queen and your lovely dad, may he live long long. Is he a JESUS follower, you're a JESUS following family? The reason I ask is, because I know that the trully happy people are those that follow JESUS.
My dad was born in 1931 in working class Greenock, Scotland Uk. He travelled the world as a ships officer. Passed away 50 years ago this year. I have his old ships logs of ships and ports he visited during the late 40's and 50's. I still remember him but after that he will pass from living memory. Like all these people you see here.
Русские в то время истребляли жителей средней Азии и восточной Европы голодом и в концентрационных лагерях миллионами на подобии Карлага. Сейчас русские фашистствуют и показывают друг другу радостно могилы и трупы детей Украины убитых русскими, обсуждая сколько ещё миллионов надо убить. Русские вне России разносят заразу русского фашизма Z
لكَ أن تقولَ إنّ الحياة حلمٌ طويلٌ قصير، أو وهمٌ نعيشُه وصولاً إلى الحقيقة، أو قصةٌ نمثّلُ أحداثَها على مسرحِ الخطأ أو النسيان، أو الخَيبة أو الخِذلان، وإنّ المرء في ذِروة فرحِه فيها؛ يُدركه الحزنُ ولو بعد حين، وإنّه وفي أَوْجِ صحتّه فيها؛ يُدركه السُقم ولو بعد حين، وإنّ هناءه المصطنعُ في ظاهره؛ لَيَشوبُه ألمٌ خَفيٌّ في باطنه، يُدركه المرء بنفسه من نفسه، يُخفيه حَياءً أو يُبديه شِكاءً، وإنها لم تكن يوماً محطَّ أنظارِ قومٍ يبصرون، "وَإِنَّ الدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ لَهِيَ الْحَيَوَانُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ"
No, that wouldn't be cool, it would be outright disheartening. Although commenters remark about the respectable behavior and the way they're dressed, i've yet to see a comment about how clean the streets are, and how those people could walk on the sidewalks without stumbling over drugged -out zombies.
Amazing Footage WOW - love the guy chewing the gum , Take me there that's when the world & people were normal & actually cared & helped u crime was at a minimum thanks for sharing have saved this .................... look back at it when I'm 80 & dream ❤❤
Tous minces...bah ils mangeaient peu à cette période...mais peut être pas non plus des aliments modifiés ni fast foods non plus qui n'existaient..pas encore 🙄‼️
It’s like staring into an echo of heaven. So many lives of cherished people, captured in their everyday lives, doing the things that their children and grandchildren see themselves reflected in. Little things that turned out to be the big things. My grandparents were born in 1895. They were well into adulthood by then. I’ll never know how they moved, talked and laughed as young adults. Won’t know the jokes they told. They died in 1981 and 1991. I’m grateful I met them. We span 3 centuries.
HOLA mi caso es similar mis abuelos fueron de 1888 y 1896mi abuela por unos mese no llego a los 100´.y en 1930 nacia mi madre que tampoco la tengo.y me reconforta ver como se recrea ese pasado
This guy is white like the rest of them and his name is Michael Thompson, little does he know his fashion style would be copied by the Chicano vatos of California decades later. Same with zooot suiters they copied the black jazz players - 110%
@ They had their own issues and complexities in the 1930s that we will never understand. Just like the folks 100 years from now will look back at us and think, man….they sure had it good back then. Society will be more complicated and full of its own major issues in 2125. Life in my short time from childhood till now has only gotten more complicated and continues. Can’t imagine 100 more years what it will be like. Who knows tho.
Fascinating glimpse into another time. Puts watching a period film or drama series in perspective. Music makes it all the more poignant. Thank you for posting this...& thanks also to the unknown, long deceased cameraman for providing a window to his world.
agree. It’s a pleasant feeling from the fact that you see the reflections of people just like us... but you still feel that they would be different, although life for both them and us is continuous trials. I wish everyone a lot of strength, goodness and love. Greetings from Ukraine
Nothing wrong with blue hair, it's not preference but it's ok. it's the casual sloppiness in attire, even for special events that is a drag. You used to wear something nice to fly, to go out to dinner to go to the theater and now people are wearing sweats and sneakers.
There doesn't appear to be much if any conversation going on between people, all going to work? Going home from work?..even the people buying from the paper stand just hand over money, take their purchase, nothing said..minds focused on other things, many seem oblivious to being filmed, apart from that one guy, slacks and a T-shirt..I wonder if he was there with the camera man to add a figure of interest, chewing his gum looking to camera, and then wandering off through the flow of humanity...all viewing eyes following him until he disappears..his walk away from the audience gives depth to the scene...amazing footage, every time you view it you see something different.
Not one heavy person in this video is there.... makes us wonder why this time and space is thinner. Walked more? Food better? They ate what was on the table no questions? No fast food? Hmmmm
Let’s see, they are food and not garbage, they didn’t spend all day watching shows on their tvs or phones, they walked… hm… I’m beginning to think modern life is killing us
Whenever I watch these videos, I can’t help but think that myself or another viewer may be looking at a relative, and not even know it. It’s incredible how a simple moment like this can become so beautiful with time.
Many have touched on the personal stories going on with each of these people. What's fascinating to me is that this short clip centers around a newspaper stand. This was their news, entertainment, and media of the day. They had to take time out of their day to catch up on yesterday or the day before's news, scores, and gossip. Here, we sit nearly a hundred years later with the ability to instantaneously keep up in real-time the happenings of the world. Information overload!!! As fast-paced as NYC was in this clip, I sometimes wish we could go back to much simpler times like this.
They had style, values like honor, bravery, gentleness, and integrity. Not all was better in the past but sometimes I wish, I could be a part of that time for one day.
Very thin' very polite' very white' people just contented amoung there own. Just like, every other culture by the way. So, hold the waassist! Remarks if possible'
@@domchessh4604 huh? That's all there is there. So how can you mingle with other cultures? 🤔and by the way, so far your comment has been the only "racist" one.
Nutrition was just as bad back then. My parents were from 1920, but people ate a lot of animal fat, instead of butter. Lot's of salt too on preserved veggies. What kept people slim was poverty, no snacking, and hard physical labour. My dad used to spray DDT as if it was just a powder puff. I can tell you so much more. Smoking, drinking, abuse, accidents, no safety, etc. etc.
My father would have been around 20 here. He was a short Italian tough guy from Bayonne NJ & would have looked similar to the guy in the t-shirt. I know it's not him, but just imagining him working a street corner hustling here. Later years he worked in Manhattan & took the tubes into the city working as a union steamfitter.
@@christophermahoney3196 You are 100% correct. The Kennedy Blvd Bus to journal sq from Bayonne. Before JFK was killed it was previously known as Hudson County Blvd (renamed after 1963).
This was an incredible video. The first thought that entered my mind was that all of these souls have now passed on while we watch with 21st-century technology a 2-minute snapshot of their normal, daily lives. The editing is so brilliant that it appears to have been a newsreel shot only 24 hours ago and not nearly a century ago. Seeing the automobiles of the era cruise by really got my attention. Observing them being used as regular, daily transport instead of sitting in a museum or a classic car show. I had the urge to want to just stop one or two of them to forewarn them of cataclysmic events coming soon, such as WWII. Tell them man will land on the moon in about 30 years. Also, to tell them that the harsh depression times they were living in would come to an end in a few years. But that would've certainly upset the time/space continuum. However, I have always been fascinated by time travel.
This scene carries a profound philosophical dimension, touching on the concepts of time, mortality, and the continuity of life despite the passing of individuals. Watching people walking through a bustling New York street in 1930, in a moment originally captured in black and white but later brought to life with color, invites us to reflect on the nature of time and how the past can be revived into a living present through technology. Every person in this clip was living an ordinary, daily moment, perhaps filled with hopes, dreams, and fears. None of them could have imagined that they would be immortalized in a scene like this, nor that decades later, they would be observed by people who hadn’t even been born at the time. This brings us back to a fundamental question: **What does it mean to live?** Life appears to be a series of fleeting moments, yet these moments hold an eternal value when documented, even if that wasn’t the intention of those who lived them. Most likely, everyone in this video has passed away, but thanks to the camera’s lens, they remain "alive" in a sense. This echoes the idea that death does not signify complete absence but rather a transition from one form of existence to another. Adding color to a black-and-white clip from the past is akin to breathing life into the memory of time. It also reminds us that everything we see now, and everything we experience, will one day become a memory or an archival image for future generations. Today, we walk through crowded streets, living our lives, without realizing that our daily moments may one day become material for contemplation by people we will never meet. What makes this video so poignant is the realization that these people were just like us: they had dreams, ambitions, and perhaps inner struggles. Yet time consumed them, as it will consume us all. However, their presence in this clip reminds us that we are all part of a long human chain, and our existence is not isolated but connected to those who came before us and those who will come after. This video is not merely a documentation of daily life in 1930s New York; it is a window into the transient nature of life. It is an invitation to reflect on the value of the present moment and how what seems ordinary today may one day become an eternal memory. It also serves as a reminder that, although we may perish as individuals, we leave behind small traces in the river of time, which continues to flow endlessly forward.
While the comment is beautifully written, it has some weaknesses that make it less convincing when you think about it more critically. First, it assumes that adding color to old footage somehow "breathes life" into the past, but this is just a technical change-it doesn’t actually bring the past back to life or make it more meaningful. The people in the video are still gone, and adding color doesn’t change that reality. It’s more of a cosmetic update than a deep transformation. The idea that these people are “immortalized” through the video also feels like an exaggeration. Sure, we can see them walking around, but we don’t know who they were, what they cared about, or how they lived. They’re just anonymous figures in a crowd, and while the video captures a moment in time, it doesn’t really preserve their humanity in any meaningful way. Calling this “immortality” seems overly dramatic. Another issue is the claim that death isn’t a true absence but a “transition to another form of existence.” This sounds poetic, but it’s not really explained or backed up by anything. If the video is the “new form of existence,” it’s a pretty shallow one since it only shows a brief, surface-level moment of their lives. It doesn’t tell us who they were or keep their memories alive in a personal way. Finally, the comment romanticizes ordinary moments, saying they might become “eternal memories” for future generations. But realistically, most of these moments will just fade away, and most people won’t care about them. For example, how many people actually sit and reflect deeply on random street footage from the 1930s? The idea sounds nice, but it’s not very practical or realistic. In the end, while the comment is thoughtful and poetic, it overstates the significance of the video and makes assumptions that don’t hold up under closer scrutiny. It’s more about creating a dramatic emotional effect than offering a rational argument.
The man who was the “star” of the clip gave me shivers. Nobody right now probably knows his name. And he probably would wish someone did. So shivering and kind of sad.
Эти кадры... в сопровождении драматичной мелодии...вызывает у меня сильный душевный трепет...и бесконечное количество версий и историй о жизни людей, волшебным образом оживших на экране... Все в костюмах, головных уборах... Спасибо за эти кадры .
Was just about to say this, also everyone is dressed so nice even though it’s their casual. how far we have fallen, more technology doesn’t mean smarter or better.
meanwhile the people we see here and their desperate need for convenience is precisely why fast food got a foothold like it did. they made the bed we are all sleeping in
@@ClanToreadorand casual clothes doesn't mean worse. I'm surrounded by good people today. My neighbors, my family, the school my kids go to, strangers. kindness is everywhere. What's up with all the negativity?
My father was born in '33, and turned 92 yesterday...he has certainly chilled over time to th sweet guy who never caught a break, but now has no complaints-❤ ya pops
Back in the 1930's boxers used to fight 40 fights a boxers (at the highest level) can't fight more than 3 or 4 times a year. People were so much more hardcore back then...
It is a strange feeling watching them. You can’t help but watch over and over again. Here these people are, many in their prime and yet now gone. Each one had a name and place in this world, dreams and aspirations, family and loved ones. All that and yet here they are anonymous, forgotten and unknown. Makes you realise how unimportant we all are. We’ll all be like them oneday.
Yes , I find it deeply moving , and the music ❤
I agree with you on everything except the part about "how unimportant we are". In God's eyes, each of us are as important as anyone who has, is, and will be walking on this earth. Being "remembered" is overrated. What is important, is to connect with your God, live an honorable life, be kind to one another, and reach out to help those who can't help themselves. If you make a concerted effort to live this kind of life, then your time here is merely a stepping stone to a much greater existence.
Vanity vanity vanity! Try to live every day as if it’s your last..not easy though!
Well I don’t agree that ppl are forgotten either-yet do not need to say only a god remembers us as I remember ALL of my relatives who lived before me - think about them and talk about them with other relatives and friends daily.. I thought everyone did this.
У всех людей конец это могила где будет спрос за все наши дела нужно быть хорошим человеком
Pick any one of these people and follow them on the screen for the duration of the scene. They never could have imagined that thousands of people ,nearly a hundred years from that moment would be watching those fleeting and seemingly insignificant seconds in their lives with such interest. They have all left this world by now. Each had a story to tell . Each left their influences. Some lived a long time, and some lived short lives. They played a role in what We experience today as we will play a role in what those who follow us will experience.
I'm 62, and alone, and melting into the footage.
May you have peace and happiness in the present moment.
Sad but true😢
Guy with chewing gum read the future.. and made the most of it😊
من اکنون خود را ، در چهره آنها میبینم .
بله بله باید گریست ، واقعاً به این فلسفه گنگ و عجیب و مضحک عمری که چه آرام ، ولی زود میگذرد باید گریست .
من هم با تمام چشم های متحیری که از آن ۱۰۰ سال گذشته ، به لنز این دوربین جدید و عجیب می نگرند ، گریه میکنم .
من هم با تمام چشمهای غمگینی که اکنون در حیرت آن قاب تصویر متحرک ۱۰۰ سال گذشته ، اشک میریزند ، گریه میکنم .
این آمد و شدها سرنوشت ناگزیر تمام انسانهاست . ببینید چگونه ما انسانها از گذشته ، در تکرار همین گامهای پرعجله و یا قدمهای آرام ، هنوز راه میرویم ، و بعد از ما نیز با عجله خواهند آمد و در آرامش خواهند رفت ؛ کاش میشد بفهمیم انتهای این مسیر و راه رفتنهای انسان به چه و چگونه و کجا می انجامد؟
Dad was born in 1929. Here today gone tomorrow. Enjoy life while it lasts.
This life that God had given us is temporarily but the one that is waiting for us in heaven is forever! Seek God now so you will live with him in his Kingdom ♥
I hear ya. My father was born a year after yours and I just lost him last year.
@@retroguy9494 my dad born in Brooklyn 1929 also !
Wow! No Jeans, Tatoos and Sneakers!
Brothers and Friends, we are unimportant in the republic the antichrist, but in Christianity we are children of God the Father in Jesus Christ. ❤
My Dad was around 8 here, he was WW2 and Grandma was like 47. We had her until her passing in 1988. RIP Daddy(1924-1982) & Grandma, two of the sweetest people I've ever known and proud to have come from them.
Meu pai também nasceu em 1924,brasileiro, policial, Força Pública e trabalhou junto com exército em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, na 2 guerra, a fins de evitar a invasão dos alemães no litoral brasileiro. Morreu em Setembro de 2022,com 98 anos, tenho saudades do meu papai. Está com Jesus. Ele vive.
I'm sorry for your losses
Yes,sweetest people,and best generation.
My fahter was from 1926-2006😢
Everyone looks fit and normal weight, no fast food yet, no tattoos, or logos on clothes.
🎯 That's the first thing I noticed, not fat people. Today, they are poisoning us with garbage. Rockefeller, the FDA, and pharmaceuticals, they want us sick
to decrease the surplus population, and fill their hospital beds.
Русские в то время истребляли жителей средней Азии и восточной Европы голодом и в концентрационных лагерях миллионами на подобии Карлага. Сейчас русские фашистствуют и показывают друг другу радостно могилы и трупы детей Украины убитых русскими, обсуждая сколько ещё миллионов надо убить. Русские вне России разносят заразу русского фашизма Z
Had to have been a Straw hat Pizza
restaurant around, or where did they
get those Hats?😊
There were 🍔 by that time..yes
I’m Asian … that guy prob beat me up for no reason. 😂
Look how lean, well kept, and in a very large crowd showed respect to everyone else. What great times to be alive.
They weren't lean. Mostly skinny fat
There should be museum in the city of peoples pictures past generations how neatly confident organized respectful they are.
Many parts around the world are still this way. I don't see what the big deal is. It's just the US that has gone to shit.
@@PepitaBlue2you obviously haven't traveled much.
We know why
This is one of my favorites. The depression was beginning to take a toll. Many of these handsome men had been veterans of WWI and many more of them would be fighting and dying in just over a decade. Like us today, they were just living the life they knew, with no idea what the future held. It’s always so meaningful to look at these faces, knowing they all completed their earthly lives. It’s a humbling reminder from the Bible that there’s a time to live and a time to die. Beautifully restored. Thank you! ❤
Wonderfully put.
Bien dicho, sabes expresarte de una manera que llega justo al corazon. Dios te bendiga.
Amigo pero que gran verdad DIOS te bendiga
The bible is a plagiarized book of Kemetic stories, laws and teaching. The concept of God the father, his partner the holy spirit and their son Jesus is all MEN made 😮
Totally agree. Thank you for the timely reminder 🙏
It really puts into perspective how little time we have on earth, the days/weeks/months we feel unhappy are wasted, I’m really trying to change my outlook on the world and value every single day to enjoy life. I don’t want to be old and look back and regret all the things I didn’t do. It’s a scary thought knowing once you’re gone, a few generations go by and you’re forgotten about forever. We need to thoroughly make the most of our lives while we’re living
Couldn’t agree more as it’s all over in a blink of an eye, I’m 40 this year and realise I’m half way through my life luckily have very few regrets so far and put my time and energy into my daughter but it’s a scary thought that in 40 years I could be taking my last breath so yeah let’s have a blast whilst we’re still here and all the best to you and your journey 👍😀
Onun için hayatınızı boşa harcamayın iş işten geçmeden araştırin müslüman olun.imanla göçün diğer dünyaya.ALLAHU EKBER ☝️
Honra al Señor con tu manera de vivir haciendo siempre las cosas como para Él y vivirás en paz con el Señor Jesucristo y verás al pasar de los años que no fue en vano porque Dios el Señor creador de los cielos y la Tierra,el autor y consumador de la Fe en Cristo tiene para tí una corona de vida por la eternidad ❤️ allí con Él
We won't be forgotten by our Lord and Savior and the people who knew us. We have eternity to look forward to and reuniting with loved ones. We can look forward to the Blessed Trinity, our blessed virgin mother, Mary, all the angels and saints, including the martyrs. We won't be concerned with certain thoughts and feelings that we have now. Having said that, I did enjoy your poignant comment and the video.
How beautiful they all are. Almost everyone has a hat on.
May they rest in peace.
They look just like ppl of today, just in period clothing.
@@Cat-ik1wo they look nothing like the people of today, voice, clothes, everything.
And noone is overweighted.
@@Cat-ik1wo 2025 update: I wear clothes like this minus a hat.
it's really fascinating, it's like seeing a keyhole in the door of time
Beautifully put
wonderful idea!!
Is that a quote from something? What a beautiful comment
You should write a book
Respect? See how those men were shoving money on that vendors face? No interaction, no please and thank you…they were not better people than we are now. We are the same people.
Perhaps a display of a bit more delf-respect in the way they walk, and carry themselves...
Slim, trim and not slovenly looking?
@@djmarie2058 Your perception off of 20 seconds of 30’s people routine?
My grandmother as of today 1/27/25 is alive and well at 103. She would have been 6 in this video. What’s more touching is that every single human person in this video is long gone ….
😮😞 Bella abuelita la suya, hermoso ser humano, lleno de vivencias , sabiduría, , amor y a la vez fragilidad es cada pliegue su piel...Si mi abuela estuviera viva tendría 114 años....😢
Büyükanne hala bugünde hayatda mı hayatda ise çok şanslı bir insansın😢..29.01.2025. Çarşamba..
She is a treasure! Cherish every day you have with her.
Time marches on..
@@tiste6770 she’s probably a spark plug too isn’t she?
The guy who is wearing the tee shirt, his name is definitely Tony. 🕴🏻
Ay yo Tony !
A real wisenheimer, eh??
@ I’m the bee’s knees 🤣
The gum chewing is a dead giveaway, ya know💁♀️
Eram magros e andavam mais a pé e, mesmo assim, a expectativa de vida era menor.
I love seeing so many people wearing hats. They look so dapper; much classier than now.
because all of them were balding
Now all you see is people wearing pajamas and slippers n sweatshirts in public 🙄
@@JessicaGarcia-xf9wrand blue-hair and screaming some woke shit and acting like schizophrenics.
And it’s not just the hats that added the class
And it seems, no obesity!
هذا المشهد يحمل في طياته بعدًا فلسفيًا عميقًا يتناول مفهوم الزمن، الفناء، واستمرارية الحياة رغم زوال الأفراد. رؤية أناس يسيرون في شارع مزدحم في نيويورك عام 1930، وقد أضيفت الألوان إلى لحظتهم التي كانت بالأبيض والأسود، تجعلنا نتأمل في طبيعة الزمن وكيفية تحويل الماضي إلى حاضر حيّ من خلال التكنولوجيا.
كل شخص في هذا المقطع كان يعيش لحظة يومية عادية، ربما مليئة بالآمال، الأحلام، والمخاوف. لم يكن أي منهم على دراية بأنه سيُخلّد في لقطة كهذه، ولا أنهم بعد عقود سيُشاهدون من قبل أناس لم يولدوا حتى وقتها. هذا يعيدنا إلى سؤال جوهري: "ما معنى أن نعيش؟"
الحياة تبدو وكأنها سلسلة من اللحظات العابرة، لكن هذه اللحظات تحمل قيمة خالدة عندما تُوثّق، حتى ولو لم يكن ذلك في نية من عاشها. كل من في هذا الفيديو قد فارق الحياة على الأرجح، لكنهم في هذه اللحظة، بفضل عدسة الكاميرا، ما زالوا "أحياء" بطريقة ما. هذا يعكس فكرة أن الموت لا يعني الغياب الكامل، بل هو فقط انتقال من شكل وجود إلى آخر.
إضافة الألوان إلى مقطع أبيض وأسود من الماضي هو بمثابة إحياء لذاكرة الزمن. لكنه أيضًا يذكرنا بأن كل ما نراه الآن، وكل ما نعيشه، سيتحول يومًا إلى ذكرى أو صورة في أرشيف المستقبل. نحن نسير اليوم في شوارع مزدحمة، نعيش حياتنا، دون أن ندرك أن لحظاتنا اليومية قد تصبح يومًا ما مادة للتأمل من قبل أجيال لم نرها.
ما يجعل هذا الفيديو مؤثرًا هو إدراكنا أن هؤلاء الأشخاص كانوا مثلنا تمامًا: لديهم أحلام، طموحات، وربما صراعات داخلية. لكن الزمن ابتلعهم كما سيبتلعنا جميعًا. ومع ذلك، فإن وجودهم في هذا المقطع يذكرنا بأننا جميعًا جزء من سلسلة إنسانية طويلة، وأن وجودنا ليس معزولًا بل متصلًا بمن سبقنا ومن سيأتي بعدنا.
في النهاية هذا الفيديو ليس مجرد توثيق للحياة اليومية في نيويورك عام 1930، بل هو نافذة إلى الطبيعة العابرة للحياة. إنه دعوة للتأمل في قيمة اللحظة الحالية، وكيف أن ما يبدو عاديًا اليوم قد يصبح يومًا ما ذاكرة خالدة. وهو أيضًا تذكير بأننا، رغم فنائنا كأفراد، نترك أثرًا صغيرًا في نهر الزمن الذي يستمر في الجريان.
Muslim youth. Haha. You still live the same no matter how young or old you are there is no difference and progress.
Gracias Chatgpt
My grandmuther was born in 1927 and she's still with us, still cherishing every moment
Oh Good.......❤😊 🙏💐for grandma .....from România ,Europe.
Yes, the people in the video were born long before 1929.
You should read Bill Brysons - One summer , America 1927
Parabéns pela sua vó.
Que hermo❤ la mía 1935
To think there were people then who said to themselves “I wonder what it would be like 100 years from now” and here we are
А что будет в 2120?
Yes it was financially bad in the 30's but I think society was far better generally.
@@janetmalcolm6191 Unless you were black or woman.
@@janetmalcolm6191society was much better then
We are in far worse shape(literally physically, mentally and financially) despite having high tech around us and know that the rich keep getting stupidly richer aka elon mars and amazon bezos etc. etc.
I absolutely love these old film clips. THANK YOU for presenting these time capsules :)
Yes it's beautiful but once again that chewing gum gangsta is shaking down the newsstand man and probably a few more if other gangstas haven't shaking them down and he's really worried about the camera wether it's recording the shakedown
Ja und wie präsent der Rassismus in den weissen Köpfen damals war.
A. Mi me intriga el porqué el sr le da dinero al. Joven pero el joven no. Tiene ningún periódico 😮!!!???
@@teresacavero3073, That’s Exactly What I Said Too!!
I love these old enhanced videos . This makes you think what life is about ,can get deep !!
My great grandparents were that age somewhere in NYC in the 1930s .I look for them in the crowd and know they’re out there just beyond the edges of the video living their lives. This is a special channel
А мои в это время в 30ые в Азербайджане жили, а я сейчас в России.
Yes they are!
Brothers and Friends, we are unimportant in the republic the antichrist, but in Christianity we are children of God the Father in Jesus Christ. ❤
Now, they are excitedly watching you as you raise their great-great grandkids. I actually think about that a lot. Our ancestors were real people who once experienced real life just like we do now. It will be great to catch up once we get to the next stage of this journey we’re all on and swap stories. We’ll all be busting a gut laughing over some of the legit crazy stuff that went down during mortality.
Were they wracist pig skumm too? 🤔
El muchacho que mira a la cámara y luego se aleja, ha tenido su minuto de gloria sin imaginarse que le estaríamos viendo casi cien años después!!
Pensé lo mismo
El tiene todo el aspecto de ser un jóven mafioso de esa época, y en New York la mafia estaba en su mejor momento
@@locotito99 I watched this at least half a dozen times - and wondered about that boy...he's not dressed in a suit, or the more formal attire of everyone else, and he doesn't buy a newspaper - but the vendor gives him some money. The kid is suspicious of the camera, too.
Are we actually looking at a kid collecting "rent" from nearly a 100yrs ago, lol?! 🤭🤫😂
He looks like a thin guy about 25 years old, there are signs of age on him. He seems like a truculent person... someone you wouldn't want to have as a neighbor.
si,si.tipico anonymo piccolo mafiozo
OUTSTANDING! I am completely mesmerized, fascinated, and in some ways, haunted by your excellent 1930's Film footage. And, your colorizing technique is phenomenal. PS... The background music is also perfection! Thank You!
Look how healthy they all look. The food companies are killing us with unhealthy food.
No your fault you bu, it
Pharmaceuticals much more, and the perverse elite that governs, not so much at the country level but mostly by world organizations such as WHO.
But all this happens mainly because of society's turning away from God, so that they are more and more unprotected against the devil's destruction.
If there was free healthcare the quality of food would be a lot better.
Organic is over priced unhealthy is cheap that whole u buy it dosnt apply to today its not 1982 where a whole grocery cart is under 100@@edicon2392
@@edicon2392 So you must work for one of the food companies or the pharma companies that sells the drugs to treat the people who are too poor to buy the expensive healthy food. Nice work.
KEEP THIS CONTENT COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND LONG LIVE THESE OLD NEW YORK CITY MEMORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First thing I noticed: NOBODY is overweight.
Came here to say that.
Jenny Craig was just a baby then.😂
You can see the same in all of these old clips. No junk food. Is part of why.
Food was actually food back then. Not overly processed GMO gunk with food coloring and tons of chemicals....these ppl ate from the ground and from farm raised the 1930's 90% of the population was self reliant and had their own gardens and farms....only 10% relied heavily in commercialism, they hadn't been domesticated and indoctrinated forward to today and only 10% are self reliant and 90% rely on commercialism....and with a much bigger population so you can just imagine what the crash will look like today.....a zombie apocalypse....
Sin embargo, la mortalidad era alta; había otros estilos de vida que también eran perjudiciales y comunes, enfermedades venereas, sobre todo sífilis, cirrosis por consumo de alcohol...
And the accompanying music is absolutely perfect.
Alguém notou este" Jovem" de camiseta?
Ele estava mexendo muito com a boca, até parece que estava chupando bala ou chiclete.
Em determinado momento levanta a calça e olha com um olhar de despedida.
Ele era diferente dos outros,ou um ator principal.
Eu não tenho palavras pra expressar o que sinto agora sabe?
O que é a vida, tudo passageiro.
Mas um dia eles vão resucitar.
Pois o que morreu deles é apenas o corpo.
Mas o espírito e a alma " ou mente" estão vivos o dia do juízo final.
Esperando o juízo final
@@EdsonBorges-hv8vn Também achei ele diferente, como se estivesse em destaque em relação aos outros. Acredito que deve ser pelo fato de estar vestindo uma camiseta, enquanto todos estão de terno.
Life is such a mystery. Praise God.@@EdsonBorges-hv8vn
This is like a time machine ❤. It's so nice to see those people. I bet they'd be happy to know it then that someone will reflect on their reality in the future.
Em pensar que isso não é uma cena de novela e nem filme 🎥.... Que gênio quem conseguiu reproduzir esses vídeos com toda essa qualidade, e a música faz o vídeo ficar mais chamativo. É impossível assistir apenas uma vez 😊
But that was a shakedown
@@LouisHolley-p4esays Fred trump 😊😅
no black psyho, clear white nation
They're dead
My grandparents were teenagers in the early 30’s. Amazing footage. Colorizing it makes them more real somehow 🙂
everyone is dressed so nice and respectfully. even the tee fella, tucked in shirt and a belt.
i love this era.
With current inflation and cost of living, no one could afford those suits today.
I think a lot of us want to get inside the screen and live in that era, right?
Almost 100 years on and it feels like we have gone backwards despite the progress we have made with technology. Corrupt governments and mass immigration has ruined the world we live in. Not to mention all the plastic we have contaminated the oceans with. We messed up and it's too late to change what we did.
A complete unknown, .........😮......
That fellas looks like trouble
My grandfather was born in 1931 and he's still with us, still cherishing every moment
Disfrútalo también, qué lindo ❤
@@giovannachemelbergruiz1319 할아버지가 건강하게 오래오래 사셨으면 좋겠습니다..
@sensus494 God bless him with many more healthy, happy and prosperous years!
Did you show him all these videos?
I am entranced by these. I don’t know why but I could just watch them for eternity.
It is kind of a magical thing
it's really fascinating, it's like seeing a keyhole in the door of time
Sim somos seres fascinantes.
It’s the nostalgia and knowing that they would end in all the wars that were coming in the 1940s and 1960s WW2 and Vietnam 😢
I feel the same way, find them deeply touching.
I expect the music has something to do with it but I'm finding this very emotional... I'm not American but there were similar scenes in my country. Excellent restoration 😊
No obese people back then...
Hard-working people, walking on the streets of New York: Yes, they were fit 🙂.
Bankers (and such); on their big comfy offices: Not really 😕...
The term *"FAT CAT"* had/has a truly negative (and fair) meaning in the USA.
Edit: Improved the phrasing.
Ni mal vestida.
All these responses talk about work... It had nothing to do with work, they ate real food back then. They didn't have sugar-everything to make them gain weight.
It was the diets. No fast food. No seed oils or 35 different types of synthetic sugars, Overly processed breads filled with fake ingredients and everything else today that causes inflamed everything.
These clips almost move me to tears to see all these people in their prime, now long gone , and the music compliments it perfectly . Genius ❤
me too
This particular music bed is transcendent and definitely compliments the footage well!
Was thinking the exact same thing....
They're long gone....and yet seeing them, not knowing any of them...yeah, I wanna cry too...
I'm born and pretty much raised in Phoenix the idea of New York...WOW, and then in the '30s ....I wonder what it'd be like...
I wholeheartedly agree with you...🥺💙
Sad Isn't it!😢
I love these videos! Everyone looked so well put together, wore a hat and looked respectable. Wonderful era to be alive.
You mean the Great Depression?
The background music is what makes you feel and think that way! Lovely.
"All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain..."
@@DavidRodriguez-q8uBlade runner👌
Слёзы под дождём
Прекрасный фильм ❤
@@ЕленаКотяткина-э4рБегущий по лезвию?
Nooo. Esos momentos son atesorados por sus actores. Llegará el día en que cada uno le contará sus vivencias a su familia y amigos.
Thankyou for showing this. My mom traveled from Newark to workin New York City when she was only 17. I swear she could be in this picture. A glimpse into my mother's past. Thankyou😢
Nenhum homem sem camisa,de bermuda ou com a pele suja de tatuagem.
Nenhuma mulher usando roupas curtas ou escandalosa.
Até parece que eles não estavam no praneta terra." Como hoje o conhecemos"
Many hugs to you. I'm experiencing the same❤😢
Almost 100 years ago, and how smart do the people look? Its bittersweet watching clips like this ❤
Average IQ was lower back then today. Looks can be deceiving.
Tariffs helped trigger the "great depression!" Other countries reprisals! Kill economy!
@@HR-yd5ib nonsense. You're living in a true idiocracy now.
@ google Flynn effect
2 World wars are brewing for them. Not 1, 2. Tough times looming.
It strikes me how disciplined, well postured, quietly confident everyone looked.
Its like everyone had a purpose with every stride.
The dress and demeanor cast a modest feeling. Simple and clean ❤ Love these clips into the beautiful past. An appreciation for what has been ✨️
It is impossible to live in the past... it is not easy to live in the present... the question is what will the future be...? Greetings from Ukraine
All Beautiful law-abiding WHITE People OLNY, no Talmud pranks, too ... !!!
It never was. Nothing is.
@ What Ukraine ?
It's insane to think that every single one of those people are dead now.
Life goes by quick so enjoy the time you have here because one day they will be looking back on us saying the same thing.
Some of them may be alive but very old
@ShoaibKhan-wv8zc no. They are all adults here. This was 90 years ago. The oldest person on earth today is 116. It is virtually certain that everyone here is dead. Also much shorter life expectancy back then.
@@thefoxdoctor1072 Agree
Eh oui c est vrai et dur d y croire
Amazing video! Love the young man that seems to be watching the camera man. He kept watching him. Eventually he walks away. Only wonder where he was headed that day. Everyone had a story to tell. Amazing!
Chomping on his gum he looks like a rebel and trouble maker tbh. Only man not wearing a suit.
Looks like a street thug hassling the vendor for money. Notice he gets paid but doesn’t take any newspapers and is dressed completely different than everyone else.
He was standing still in the middle of busy New Yorkers-too. Incredible. Looks like that guy broke the Matrix-all the way back then.
I think he's creepy.
The guy staring at the camera is a Mafia foot soldier collecting protection money (notice he did not collect a newspaper despite being given money for no reason by someone who was clearly fearful of him and did not want to look him in the eyes). That explains why the young man is deeply suspicious of whoever is filming him and is looking at the camera man rather threateningly.
Amazing clip . Thanks for sharing
I noticed that everyone is so slim back then. Everyone so calm and relaxed they are the real deal. No hassle getting around pleasant folks. This brilliant to whoever filmed this so we can view this. Very touching.💫
No processed foods and more manual labor/less sitting.
No cell phones either.
@@Freeme3yes = no effing cell phones
Yes, makes it even more clear that our civilization made a wrong turn in some ways.
For a while in more recent history we treated each other better (women, minorities, children, the disabled) and that was a significant positive change, but that positive shouldn’t negate recognizing the negative changes and wanting to turn back the clock for these
It was the 1930's. People were literally working for food because there was no social safety net and a quarter of the working population was unemployed. My grandfather worked with a fellow who helped load milk onto the train heading for NY City, and he did it for half a pail of milk that he took home to his children.
Всегда среди толпы найдется один любознательный прохожий, который заглядывает в будущее
Их никого нет в живых, это так странно осознавать! Они такие реальные и харизматичные, люди из прошлого с этого канала.
That will be me
Лучше и не скажешь! 😊
Здорово сказано.. Он действительно смотрит в будущее..
With the exception of the young man in the front, everyone is dressed up. The men are all in suits and hats and the ladies are all in dresses and hats. Everyone is walking in the streets. Everyone seems to be polite and well-mannered. There are very few cars and busses or trollies. I have never seen a scene like this in a lifetime. It was a different era in every way.
Go to Asia. It's like this in every city of most eastern Asian countries..I much prefer it to how the US is now.
One can't deny the social decay that seems deliberate. Videos show that even the lower classes had more vocabulary and intellect just 30/40 years ago. Communists/marxists always killed or exiled the educated via "cultural wars" - eliminating the middle class - for the sake of dependence and control. It makes one wonder...
@@LightSpeed4246 Many European countries as well.
@@LightSpeed4246you can't be serious. Many people in the US go out in pijamas or like they are going to jim.
@ - I lived in Asia for about 29 years. Have you been to Bangkok? The traffic is crazy. And it is also that way in a bunch of Asian cities. All I can say is that you wrote what you saw. I saw something different. I will leave it at that.
A ida desse rapaz é simplesmente um alguém gue nunca mais voltaria ao começo de sua história de vida. Descanse meu jovem
I dont know them but i know they were the greatest generation and i have serious nostalgia for them. I miss them
my mum and dad were in their 20s.i have tears in my eyes
@John-fg3mg my grandmother was 5 years old. I'm in tears as well.
@@John-fg3mg how old are you??
@@John-fg3mgmy mum was born in 1937. She's been dead since 2008
The young guy strikes me as a tough guy. He carries himself that way, and steps aside for no one.
It's Al Capone's cousin in New Yoyk.
C'est drôle car par moment ils prend la pause devant l'objectif de la caméra, ils ne peut s'en défaire comme une certaine fascination dans sa journée morose à New-York.....💔 Beau et émouvant !👍🏻
Dude people are still like that in NY. “Either get with the program or get out of the way “ has always been the mindset
He is probably a laborer. There is additional footage.
WOW! My dad was born in 1932. He's 93 years old and we're blessed to still have him in our lives. This feels my heart with joy and pain.
You are a kind and feeling person...
@littlejack6123 Thank you 😊
Já tinha vendas de drogas naquele tempo
Oh dang that’s awesome, give him a big hug and tell him u love him!
May LORD JESUS bless you, queen and your lovely dad, may he live long long. Is he a JESUS follower, you're a JESUS following family? The reason I ask is, because I know that the trully happy people are those that follow JESUS.
Wow. The color and film restoration is amazing.
My dad was born in 1931 in working class Greenock, Scotland Uk. He travelled the world as a ships officer. Passed away 50 years ago this year. I have his old ships logs of ships and ports he visited during the late 40's and 50's. I still remember him but after that he will pass from living memory. Like all these people you see here.
His soul is happy. Sometimes life is sad.
As we all will 😪
Русские в то время истребляли жителей средней Азии и восточной Европы голодом и в концентрационных лагерях миллионами на подобии Карлага. Сейчас русские фашистствуют и показывают друг другу радостно могилы и трупы детей Украины убитых русскими, обсуждая сколько ещё миллионов надо убить. Русские вне России разносят заразу русского фашизма Z
لكَ أن تقولَ إنّ الحياة حلمٌ طويلٌ قصير،
أو وهمٌ نعيشُه وصولاً إلى الحقيقة،
أو قصةٌ نمثّلُ أحداثَها على مسرحِ الخطأ أو النسيان، أو الخَيبة أو الخِذلان،
وإنّ المرء في ذِروة فرحِه فيها؛ يُدركه الحزنُ ولو بعد حين، وإنّه وفي أَوْجِ صحتّه فيها؛ يُدركه السُقم ولو بعد حين،
وإنّ هناءه المصطنعُ في ظاهره؛ لَيَشوبُه ألمٌ خَفيٌّ في باطنه، يُدركه المرء بنفسه من نفسه، يُخفيه حَياءً أو يُبديه شِكاءً،
وإنها لم تكن يوماً محطَّ أنظارِ قومٍ يبصرون،
"وَإِنَّ الدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ لَهِيَ الْحَيَوَانُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ"
RIP to your dad. He went too young
❤❤❤ these videos always give me the chills and I get all teary eyed. I feel like I'm time traveling.
You just made me cry a little 😢
because your on crack
Me too
The way they walk is so different. It’s more light and relaxed. Today people look so much more burdened, so much more tense, and stressed.
And carrying cell phones.
A time when women could stay home and take care of their children 😢
They had no smartphone or ps they lived True live
@@judyedwards7144when woman were forced to stay home and take care of children*
And twice the size. What the heck has happened to us!?
My grand mother was born in the 30s and she is still standing and she is without a doubt the most important person in my life
What would be cool is a side by side video of that location today . 🙂
A version of fat and skinny
Black and White
No, that wouldn't be cool, it would be outright disheartening. Although commenters remark about the respectable behavior and the way they're dressed, i've yet to see a comment about how clean the streets are, and how those people could walk on the sidewalks without stumbling over drugged -out zombies.
That music...❤
Takes you back in time.❤
It’s sublime, touches the very deep parts ❤️
That would be the music from the movie “Jacob and the Stone” ,,, it’s been my favorite now for about a year
Right? Combined with the film it's just heartbreaking.
@margadam6358 thanks. I was wondering about the soft symphonic sound.
Newsstands were such an important part of the culture.
that and the radio
no black psyho, clear white nation
replaced with phone now
Amazing Footage WOW - love the guy chewing the gum , Take me there that's when the world & people were normal & actually cared & helped u crime was at a minimum thanks for sharing have saved this .................... look back at it when I'm 80 & dream ❤❤
Qué limpios y que bien vestidos iban, todos delgados....
Qué elegantes eran.
Gracias 💜❤️🧡🌺
Худенькие,потому что не ели современную химию.
Tous minces...bah ils mangeaient peu à cette période...mais peut être pas non plus des aliments modifiés ni fast foods non plus qui n'existaient..pas encore 🙄‼️
Excelente punto de vista, respecto a sus contexuras corporales ! Todos atléticos.. un vídeo actual en el mismo sitio , veríamos una ensalada de gente.
Era a grande depressão também. Não era um bom momento no mundo 😢
It’s like staring into an echo of heaven. So many lives of cherished people, captured in their everyday lives, doing the things that their children and grandchildren see themselves reflected in. Little things that turned out to be the big things. My grandparents were born in 1895. They were well into adulthood by then. I’ll never know how they moved, talked and laughed as young adults. Won’t know the jokes they told. They died in 1981 and 1991. I’m grateful I met them. We span 3 centuries.
HOLA mi caso es similar mis abuelos fueron de 1888 y 1896mi abuela por unos mese no llego a los 100´.y en 1930 nacia mi madre que tampoco la tengo.y me reconforta ver como se recrea ese pasado
When I see clips like this, I always feel like I missed out on something. There's something raw and organic about the 1930s.
They will say the same about us in 100 years.
This guy is white like the rest of them and his name is Michael Thompson, little does he know his fashion style would be copied by the Chicano vatos of California decades later. Same with zooot suiters they copied the black jazz players - 110%
@@diamondhead203 I'm not so sure about that..
@ They had their own issues and complexities in the 1930s that we will never understand. Just like the folks 100 years from now will look back at us and think, man….they sure had it good back then. Society will be more complicated and full of its own major issues in 2125. Life in my short time from childhood till now has only gotten more complicated and continues. Can’t imagine 100 more years what it will be like. Who knows tho.
it’s called poverty! Great Depression! Stock market crash 1929.
Fascinating glimpse into another time. Puts watching a period film or drama series in perspective. Music makes it all the more poignant. Thank you for posting this...& thanks also to the unknown, long deceased cameraman for providing a window to his world.
❤Everyone looks sane, civilised, respectable ♥️
Except for the guy wearing the T-shirt… what’s his name? Tony? He definitely has a problem with the cameraman. 😁
Let’s see,what do you see they all have in common ?🤍 before all the equity & inclusion
@@annabelleszellem3274 Vito Corleone. Fresh off the boat. You looking at me?
agree. It’s a pleasant feeling from the fact that you see the reflections of people just like us... but you still feel that they would be different, although life for both them and us is continuous trials. I wish everyone a lot of strength, goodness and love. Greetings from Ukraine
kinda kreepy
@@mortgagefinancing5558 Agree.
People cared about their looks back then. No dirty pajamas in public, no ridiculous blue hair, no asses hanging out. There was pride.
Nothing wrong with blue hair, it's not preference but it's ok. it's the casual sloppiness in attire, even for special events that is a drag. You used to wear something nice to fly, to go out to dinner to go to the theater and now people are wearing sweats and sneakers.
I wish that man looking at the camera could see this today.
What's the problem with blue hair?
@@muse_visuals, no lo sabemos
So many wore hats, which I absolutely love :)
There doesn't appear to be much if any conversation going on between people, all going to work? Going home from work?..even the people buying from the paper stand just hand over money, take their purchase, nothing said..minds focused on other things, many seem oblivious to being filmed, apart from that one guy, slacks and a T-shirt..I wonder if he was there with the camera man to add a figure of interest, chewing his gum looking to camera, and then wandering off through the flow of humanity...all viewing eyes following him until he disappears..his walk away from the audience gives depth to the scene...amazing footage, every time you view it you see something different.
"My weight is genetic, I swear"
Not one heavy person in this video is there.... makes us wonder why this time and space is thinner. Walked more? Food better? They ate what was on the table no questions? No fast food? Hmmmm
@@jurassic_Jettseed oils and the man made crap they put into our food. It's quite simple
Let’s see, they are food and not garbage, they didn’t spend all day watching shows on their tvs or phones, they walked… hm… I’m beginning to think modern life is killing us
Whenever I watch these videos, I can’t help but think that myself or another viewer may be looking at a relative, and not even know it. It’s incredible how a simple moment like this can become so beautiful with time.
Many have touched on the personal stories going on with each of these people. What's fascinating to me is that this short clip centers around a newspaper stand. This was their news, entertainment, and media of the day. They had to take time out of their day to catch up on yesterday or the day before's news, scores, and gossip. Here, we sit nearly a hundred years later with the ability to instantaneously keep up in real-time the happenings of the world. Information overload!!! As fast-paced as NYC was in this clip, I sometimes wish we could go back to much simpler times like this.
They had style, values like honor, bravery, gentleness, and integrity.
Not all was better in the past but sometimes I wish, I could be a part of that time for one day.
My mom was born in 1933 in NYC. It's cool to see the world in those days. ❤
My mom born in NYC in 1933 too. My dad, 32. ❤
Most people dressed nice and were skinny also because processed foods weren't necessarily a thing yet.
They didn't sit around all day staring at a screen...
@scottashe984 💯 yes
New York will never be the same
Very thin' very polite' very white' people just contented amoung there own. Just like, every other culture by the way. So, hold the waassist! Remarks if possible'
@@domchessh4604Are you suggesting there are no Irish among them? 😮
no black psyho, clear white nation
@@Khotsawhite is Irish
@@domchessh4604 huh? That's all there is there. So how can you mingle with other cultures? 🤔and by the way, so far your comment has been the only "racist" one.
My mom was born in 1929, this is reminiscent of her era. Boy they were some sharp dressed, hats galore. Thanks for sharing. ❤
Crazy how much better posture was.
We need to see the farm workers.
Nutrition was just as bad back then. My parents were from 1920, but people ate a lot of animal fat, instead of butter. Lot's of salt too on preserved veggies. What kept people slim was poverty, no snacking, and hard physical labour. My dad used to spray DDT as if it was just a powder puff. I can tell you so much more. Smoking, drinking, abuse, accidents, no safety, etc. etc.
@@westerlywinds5684 animal fat is good its seed oil that are bad
My father would have been around 20 here. He was a short Italian tough guy from Bayonne NJ & would have looked similar to the guy in the t-shirt. I know it's not him, but just imagining him working a street corner hustling here. Later years he worked in Manhattan & took the tubes into the city working as a union steamfitter.
I guess he went from Bayonne up to Jersey City to take the Tubes into Manhattan.
subway. Tubes are in London.
Yes! That kid looks like an Italian)))!!!
@@christophermahoney3196 You are 100% correct. The Kennedy Blvd Bus to journal sq from Bayonne. Before JFK was killed it was previously known as Hudson County Blvd (renamed after 1963).
@@markbeames7852 Jersey City to Manhattan under the Hudson was referred to the tubes. I am talking 1960's here.
The guy has a suspicious attitude, he received change without buying a newspaper. He even looks like a friend of Alcapone.😂😂😂
I’ve seen a longer video and he carries a big bundle of papers and delivers them to him.
You didn't see nuthin.
Yes, he has a strange attitude. I thought he was receiving a blackmail payment.
@@DepDawg Now I understand, thanks for clearing my doubt. 🙏
@@RubenMarcelino-o7o I thought the same 😂
This was an incredible video. The first thought that entered my mind was that all of these souls have now passed on while we watch with 21st-century technology a 2-minute snapshot of their normal, daily lives. The editing is so brilliant that it appears to have been a newsreel shot only 24 hours ago and not nearly a century ago. Seeing the automobiles of the era cruise by really got my attention. Observing them being used as regular, daily transport instead of sitting in a museum or a classic car show. I had the urge to want to just stop one or two of them to forewarn them of cataclysmic events coming soon, such as WWII. Tell them man will land on the moon in about 30 years. Also, to tell them that the harsh depression times they were living in would come to an end in a few years. But that would've certainly upset the time/space continuum. However, I have always been fascinated by time travel.
Well said Doc
They all look so trim ,cared for, purposeful, unlike today, fat, scruffy, lost
Corporations had yet to become few and huge, and gain the upper hand.
Their are classy people everywhere today look around.
Hoy en dia lo esbelto paso a segundo plano 😂
Yes, we are a broken society, a broken culture, a broken civilization. Not sure how we recover
!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Beautiful haircuts, clean, neat clothes. They took pride in their appearance.
Looks can be deceiving. Not everyone had access to daily showers.
My father was born in 1928 he passed away 4 days ago and this video makes me think of him 😢
Sorry for your loss. My parents were born in 1925. Those were special folks back then.
@ Thank you
@@daliamontoya2783 🙏🏿🙏🏿
This scene carries a profound philosophical dimension, touching on the concepts of time, mortality, and the continuity of life despite the passing of individuals. Watching people walking through a bustling New York street in 1930, in a moment originally captured in black and white but later brought to life with color, invites us to reflect on the nature of time and how the past can be revived into a living present through technology.
Every person in this clip was living an ordinary, daily moment, perhaps filled with hopes, dreams, and fears. None of them could have imagined that they would be immortalized in a scene like this, nor that decades later, they would be observed by people who hadn’t even been born at the time. This brings us back to a fundamental question: **What does it mean to live?**
Life appears to be a series of fleeting moments, yet these moments hold an eternal value when documented, even if that wasn’t the intention of those who lived them. Most likely, everyone in this video has passed away, but thanks to the camera’s lens, they remain "alive" in a sense. This echoes the idea that death does not signify complete absence but rather a transition from one form of existence to another.
Adding color to a black-and-white clip from the past is akin to breathing life into the memory of time. It also reminds us that everything we see now, and everything we experience, will one day become a memory or an archival image for future generations. Today, we walk through crowded streets, living our lives, without realizing that our daily moments may one day become material for contemplation by people we will never meet.
What makes this video so poignant is the realization that these people were just like us: they had dreams, ambitions, and perhaps inner struggles. Yet time consumed them, as it will consume us all. However, their presence in this clip reminds us that we are all part of a long human chain, and our existence is not isolated but connected to those who came before us and those who will come after.
This video is not merely a documentation of daily life in 1930s New York; it is a window into the transient nature of life. It is an invitation to reflect on the value of the present moment and how what seems ordinary today may one day become an eternal memory. It also serves as a reminder that, although we may perish as individuals, we leave behind small traces in the river of time, which continues to flow endlessly forward.
While the comment is beautifully written, it has some weaknesses that make it less convincing when you think about it more critically. First, it assumes that adding color to old footage somehow "breathes life" into the past, but this is just a technical change-it doesn’t actually bring the past back to life or make it more meaningful. The people in the video are still gone, and adding color doesn’t change that reality. It’s more of a cosmetic update than a deep transformation.
The idea that these people are “immortalized” through the video also feels like an exaggeration. Sure, we can see them walking around, but we don’t know who they were, what they cared about, or how they lived. They’re just anonymous figures in a crowd, and while the video captures a moment in time, it doesn’t really preserve their humanity in any meaningful way. Calling this “immortality” seems overly dramatic.
Another issue is the claim that death isn’t a true absence but a “transition to another form of existence.” This sounds poetic, but it’s not really explained or backed up by anything. If the video is the “new form of existence,” it’s a pretty shallow one since it only shows a brief, surface-level moment of their lives. It doesn’t tell us who they were or keep their memories alive in a personal way.
Finally, the comment romanticizes ordinary moments, saying they might become “eternal memories” for future generations. But realistically, most of these moments will just fade away, and most people won’t care about them. For example, how many people actually sit and reflect deeply on random street footage from the 1930s? The idea sounds nice, but it’s not very practical or realistic.
In the end, while the comment is thoughtful and poetic, it overstates the significance of the video and makes assumptions that don’t hold up under closer scrutiny. It’s more about creating a dramatic emotional effect than offering a rational argument.
The guy with the grey tie at 21 seconds looks like he could be walking the streets of NYC today. Haircut, suit, tie would fit right in.
He's clearly a time traveler pissed that he got so unlucky to be caught like that on camera in the 1930s, trying to act normal.
I was looking for this comment, he looks like a modern man.
Holy crap, you are right!
He looks like a NYC wise guy.
Ikr?! 😅
Exactly 💯
Travis was his name…
@Yeshua111-33 he looks like a satanically indoctrinated wracist to me
The man who was the “star” of the clip gave me shivers. Nobody right now probably knows his name. And he probably would wish someone did. So shivering and kind of sad.
People had pride in themselves, neatly dressed,normal weight. Weren't leaving garbage everywhere. Thanks for sharing this video❤
The one chewing the gum looks a right thug😅
Yeah why is he taking change from the paper guy@@annemcleod4216
@@annemcleod4216 This is chewing tobacco
El muchacho de camisa blanca es un viajero del tiempo
Don't see anyone with their pants hanging down and underwear in full view. Times have really changed.
Натуральные ткани в одежде, золото, серебро, медь - деньги, натуральные продукты, искусство, достаточное техническое оснащение,. Очень интересные времена😊
Эти кадры... в сопровождении драматичной мелодии...вызывает у меня сильный душевный трепет...и бесконечное количество версий и историй о жизни людей, волшебным образом оживших на экране... Все в костюмах, головных уборах... Спасибо за эти кадры .
Costume: the European word for what we call suit.
All skinny and healthy 🧐
@HevyMetlRebel Before fast food era 😊
@@victorcelna3028 😊
Music goes with this so well. 👏
you can see dude’s abs through his gray shirt;
fast food is destroying humanity
Was just about to say this, also everyone is dressed so nice even though it’s their casual. how far we have fallen, more technology doesn’t mean smarter or better.
@@ClanToreadorLess wisdom doesn’t either
Bad choices are destroying humanity.
meanwhile the people we see here and their desperate need for convenience is precisely why fast food got a foothold like it did. they made the bed we are all sleeping in
@@ClanToreadorand casual clothes doesn't mean worse. I'm surrounded by good people today. My neighbors, my family, the school my kids go to, strangers. kindness is everywhere. What's up with all the negativity?
It almost looks like an extortion pay off.
That was my question also!
Or he broke some change for him
Someone said in a longer version he delivers the papers to this spot and gets paid for it.
Yeah same a drug deal just kidding but was thinking same something was fishy
Just incredible
My father was born in '33, and turned 92 yesterday...he has certainly chilled over time to th sweet guy who never caught a break, but now has no complaints-❤ ya pops
That music grabs the soul and calls you home if only to dream 😢
Nicely put
Back in the 1930's boxers used to fight 40 fights a boxers (at the highest level) can't fight more than 3 or 4 times a year.
People were so much more hardcore back then...
El chico de la T - shirt no podía dejar de mirar el futuro . Bendiciones .
Seeing the guy in the T-shirt walk away got me in my soul!
It appears as if he knew we’ll be watching him a century in the future and he seemed surprised how empty our lives are
If his baggy pants were jeans instead, he'd fit right in with young guys in 2025.
I like the way he made sure his tee shirt was tucked in. Even though a tee shirt, he still wanted to look presentable.
I Feel He Saw Us..
Walking away out into history and the great unknown that was his life.