Hey friends! 🥰Thanks for watching our video! Did we miss any important foods? Please let us know here. Also, please subscribe, we’re trying to get to 10,000 subscribers!
Milanesa and Empanada is very traditional here in Argentina, you should try those. We are in a mosquito empidemic right now, always go out with repellent, even if its cold! Great video!
I would try the same food in different places. The asado doesnt look so nice, there are different places and You shoud try different cuts and You can ask how juicy you want it to be. Also you should try pizza from one of The most famous places from buenos aires (Güerrin, Bancheros, las cuartetas) those places makes tradicional argentinian pizza, which is a little bit different from eeuu pizzas or italian. Mate also could be drink with sugar, for people who has never drink mate before, Will taste better, it's like if you drinks coffe for The first time, without sugar will taste weird. An other advice for mate, is that if You want to have a full experience, You could Buy in kioskos mate and termo and do it at Home, becouse is a drink that You share while youre talking with they other person, is a drink to share.
@@WyattandReyka is talking about that you dont have to move the bombilla ( i dont know the traduction), you just have to drink, dont move the bombilla, riquelme is a football player from boca very famous, is a joke xd, nice video aguante santa fe argentina
Muchas gracias! Saludos. Claro lo hemos aprendido ese de la bombilla. Ah okay. No conocemos riquelme. Saludos y ojalá que te gustan todos nuestros videos de Argentina y después! 🥰
@@WyattandReyka lo que quiere decir Carpintero2.047 es que estás haciendo bailar la bombilla como si fueras un gran jugador de futbol, con mucha gracia pero al mismo tiempo destruyendo el mate: la estructura de la yerba tiene que quedar siempre igual, sino, se puede "lavar" (tornarse más insípido) y se te puede meter polvillo fino de la yerba en la bombilla (lo cual te molestaría en la garganta)... así que la regla general es NADIE MUEVE LA BOMBILLA.
@@WyattandReyka Riquelme = Amazing Argentinean Soccer Player... if some Argentineans have to put them in order ( Maradona = Messi > Riquelme.) In the other hand, Bombilla = Mate Straw, you just don't move it around, leave as it is, lol.
@@WyattandReyka tomen con azúcar yo lo tomo dulce porque amargo no me gusta solo que amargo los toman los gauchos argentinos serían como los cowboys de Estados Unidos prueben dulce el mate y me gustan sus videos
If you try alfajores you should know that there are at least 10 different types or varieties, in this video you tried one of them, the cornstarch alfajores o alfajores de maicena. There are alfajores de maicena, santafesinos, with mousse, covered, with fruit cream or jam (without dulce de leche), with chocolate, with rice crackers and a lot more. If you chosed that decision i advice you that road has only one way glutony. PS: another things could be ice cream(gelateries works even in winter in Argentina cause people buy it all time) and tortas heladas.
@@WyattandReyka You already have. You tried Milka mouse alfajor in other video. But there are way better ones, like Havanna or Cachafaz. Also, next time you should try better pizzas, like Güerrin, La Guitarrita, etc.
I think she will have to say: vuelta y vuelta. And that's all... I eat here medium raw meat point, and I have to specify 100 times to get the point I want... We just have such a TERRIBLE techniques to over cook the meat... its crazy.
you must go to "lo de charly" and taste the "sandwiches de lomitos completos". You will love it: Lomito, fried egg, letice, tomatoe, jam, cheese. Is typical from Córdoba or San Luis. But here you can found
Provoleta is not a dip, as you learned. You eat it with fork and knife! Its provolone with an extra manufacturing process to make it less liquid when it melts on the grill.
To prepare the mate, first pour warm water so that the yerba floats a little, thus forming a kind of house of cards with the small leaves and the stick of the yerba. While that house of cards is assembled, you can sip from the light bulb without it getting stuck. That's why it's important not to touch the bulb or move it. If you touch it or move it, it is like you have demolished the supposed “house of cards” and it gets stuck.
Guys, no one in Argentina will charge you for sharing mate. Mate ain't for sale, that's why you didn't find it in cafeteria's menus. It's a tradicional drink that people share with each other and use as an "excuse" to hang out with others (friends, relatives, coworkers, etc). It's part of our culture and custom.
Hola lástima, que no probaste un asado "mejor," eso se veía duro y no tenía pinta de ser asado tradicional argentino, ..... (crítica constructiva)..... busquen lugares calificados...... les deseo feliz estadía en nuestro país y que disfruten cada momento !!!
@@WyattandReyka parrilla "El Tano" en la localidad de Wilde, Avellaneda, 9 kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, la mejor parrilla para comer asado
Well you are. And thanks for reaching out! Hope you're doing excellent and if you watch more argentina videos we'd love to hear your thoughts on them 🥰 Cheers!
So, the sweet top on the "media luna" (crossaint) is just "almíbar", which is just sugar mixed with hot water, kinda like caramel but w/o toasting it. "Dulce de leche" is milk with sugar, mixed by heat too.
Hello again. Another group of pieces of extra info for you. Provoleta is not a swiss fondue. You don't need bread. You cut pieces and eat them. You may find some crispy parts and other goey as you found. Personally I think it was a little overdone. It shoud have a little less crisp and more melted parts. Do not mix Asado (which is general for grilled meat and extras, with "asado de tira" (o "tira de asado") which is the particular dish she is eating after the "choripan". A traditional asado is composed of chorizos (only the saussages, you may put them in bread for a choripan or eat them alone in the plate), "tira de asado" and "vacío" which is another cut of meat. Then you may add blood saussages ("morcilla") and other cuts like steaks (bife de costilla, bife de chorizo, bife de lomo), or chicken or other parts of the animal like kidneys, intestines and the queen of those parts which is de "molleja" (sweetbread). The problem of the Asado de tira is that you have little meat and lots of bones and fat. But the meat has a special flavour. The chimichurri sauce is usually used with the chorizos and not the meat. but it's your choice. The green one is not chimichurri but "provenzal" wich is basically oil, garlic and parsley. Mate is counted by the thermos you empty. One mate with good "yerba" (the -tea-) and with water that is not too hot should last at least 10 filled mates. When you don't get enough flavour means that the mate is "lavado" (washed out) and the yerba should be replaced. DON'T MOVE the straw (bombilla) because you may clogged it. With a little practice you should be able to catch the straw without holding it with your fingers. The culture of mate helps to study, or to talk. When a groups is having mate there is only one that prepares the mate and is in charge of replenishing the water. In turn he gives the mate to each one in the group. The receive drinks completely all the water and returns the mate to the pourer called "cebador". You don't thank the "cebador" when you receive the mate. It will mean that you don't want any more and you will be skipped in the round. You have three types of "medialunas": the first division is "de manteca" (butter) o "de grasa" (fat). The ones of "manteca" may be sweet or salty. The one they tried is the sweet one, with probably a coat of sugar syrup (in high end shops, may be honey). The "medialunas de manteca" are always salty and much more thinner and very crispy. The alfajor you chose is mostly sold in shops and usually is made with corn starch instead of flour. Sometimes the border of the "dulce de leche" filling is coverde with coconut flakes. There are many regional alfajores of different provinces. The most comon alfajores are covered in chocolate ("alfajor de chocolate") or with a white crust than can be meringue or sugar glaze ("alfajor de dulce de leche"). There are also alfajores with different fruit jam fillings.
Pueden tomar mate cocido si no les gusta el mate. Calientan agua con dos cucharadas de yerba grandes. Cuando calento lo poneen en una taza ,colando la yerba para q no caiga adentro de la taza. Le ponen azucar y listo. Lo toman como un cafe.
Hi guys! Thank you so much for promoting the culture, food, and natural beauty of our country. Just let me say that touching the straw while having mate is a capital sin here and you should be punished for that (no, just kidding haha) but it really ruins the beverage. As for the food, that asado was not good at all; it's not supposed to be chewy. Argentine meat is well known for being tasty and tender. If you want to taste really good and traditional food, you should try it at home, at some Argentinean family's place rather than at restaurants. Even the best restaurant will serve you average food at most. Alfajores are a traditional pastry here, there are so many different kinds. The little yellow one was an "alfajor de maicena." The dough is made of cornstarch mainly, that's why they are kind of hard to swallow. Those are perfect to eat while having mate. If you really want to get in touch with our culture, you should try to spend time with native people to experience everyday life. Kindness and hospitality are a must among us. I hope you enjoy your stay in Argentina!!!
Sweet shop? lol bakery I really enjoyed your take on the food. I will be visiting Buenos Aires in July and hope to experience the same emotions when I eat and drink there.
Haha yeah “bakery”… that’s the word lol. Cheers thanks for the compliment! Had fun making this. Have a great trip! We’ll post more Argentina videos but this was our last in Buenos Aires so let us know if you have any questions we didn’t get to in the videos!!
I was just eating breakfast. I made me some green tea with milk, and seeing you drinking mate made me want to drink mate. Maybe after i finish my milk tea xd
Hola. Muy buen video. Sólo quiero decirles que el alfajor que probaron es una variante, se llama alfajor de maicena y, si, es bastante seco. El alfajor más tradicional está bañado en chocolate y tiene otra masa. Es más parecido al Milka que probaron en otro video. Saludos.
the good thing is, you stayed in a real Buenos Aires apartment, unless you lived in a house, most of us grew up in apartments like that. The real Buenos AIres experience! haha
the mate straw is not removed because it is covered by the yerba mate and the water does not pass through it. Have they only bought one croissant and one cornflour small alfajor ? WTF ??!! the "facturas" are bought by the dozen or half dozen for tea , cafe or mate.
Argentina´s national dish is not asado, it is a prehispanic roots food called "Locro", it contains heavy meat and a lot of vegetables. You should try it!
algo que se extrania una banda de argentina es el calor de la gente. Dice mucho de estados unidos como se emocionan estos porque les convidaron un mate. Pero aca es asi, dificilmente un comerciante tenga un gesto con vos, aca te cobran propina hasta para prepararte un cafe
I wanna visit Argentina from Dubai UAE, but i heard there are a lot of Masquitos. Is this true? If so, please let me know what are the precautions i have to do?
There’s quite a few mosquitos in summer, but it’s still worth it! If you wear repellent it should help 🥰 And Argentina is so worth visiting despite the mosquitos. We can’t wait to visit. We also want to go to Dubai!!!! 🥰
Hay varias formas de hacer el asado, a mi me gusta termino medio, no tan cocido y jugoso. Wyatt se parece a Tom Cavanagh. El mate se puede tomar amargo o con azúcar, cambia el sabor. Las facturas no son postres, son para desayuno y merienda o media mañana o tarde, y la media luna no es la "mejor" de las facturas ni de cerca, con dulce de leche si lo puede ser.
O tenes 1 año y sos el bebe que mejor tipea del mundo, o no se como explicar lo que acabas de escribir. Decir que no existe mas el bloque "EL UNICO" en la TV
We like asado very well done. You have to ask if you like it medium rare. And please, guys, buy a repelent spray for the mosquitos, you are gonna get dengue.
fun fact. chimichurri is a latinización of the words "give me curry". A long time ago English buisness man came and try it, people here didnt speak english so what they heard was chimichurri and it stuck
En realidad no es así siempre, es algo raro, justo llegaron en un momento donde había una invasión de mosquitos en Buenos Aires, hacia muchos años que no pasaba eso! No es normal, justo coincidió su visita a Buenos Aires con la invasión de mosquitos😂
A mi no me gusta el mate, es muy amargo, es mejor si le pongo azucar, pero igualmente prefiero otra bebida llamada "tereré", es como mate frío. El tereré original se hace sólo de agua, muy refrescante, pero a mi me gusta el tereré con limonada o jugo de naranja, dulce y rico! Es una bebida tradicional del norte de Argentina y de Paraguay, se los recomiendo 😊
As some other fellow Argentinians have already commented, you guys did not have the reaaaaaally good Argentinian food experience. None of the places you went to are even medium quality and here the place you go plays a major role in the quality (and flavor) of the food you get. Next time try to have some locals recommend you good places to go (not always famous means the best but it rarely means the worst or even bad).
Great to know!! Thank you! 🥰 Off camera we care far more about quantity and price so next time we’ll be more intentional to get someplace with the best quality as well. Cheers 🥰
Me dió algo al ver como movía la bombilla y la señora no decía nada, you're not suppose to move the straw once the mate (the cup) its ready with the yerba mate and the straw.
Dijo que no debes moverlo pero estuvo hablando reyka jajaja. Lo sacábamos del video para tener más sentido. Nuestra amigo verónica era muy amable como todos los argentinos que conocemos
It's kind part of the cult here say "un mate y un saludo no se le niega a nadie" ("A mate and a greeting aren´t denied to anyone"). I hope that you enjoy our country
Dude i m from Argentina i see the video in 5:12 you Leave the cámara alone, very bad decision Argentina is in bad times you can be stolen!! The most usual is taken you distrated and then get your thinks And then star to run some times thems use a motorcycle, If you go to "obelisco" use doble eyes
El mate no es para cualquier persona, a mi no me gusta. La gente lo toma amargo, le podes poner azucar Y las facturas se comen con un líquido, té,café o mate. Solas es raro.
@@WyattandReyka They're pulling your leg because you didn't get an official ticket or bill when you paid for your choripán and asado. The owners are clearly pocketing the money that is supposed to be paid to AFIP (Argentinian IRS) and the local council. If you're a big taxpayer, you get a FACTURA A -that's a top-tier invoice. VAT is valued-added tax (usually 21%) , though it might be lower (10%) when it comes to fruit and vegetables, for example.
hahaha guys I love how open minded you are, you get it right and wrong at the same time, but kudos to you, you are the 0.1% of americans just for being there.
I literally recoiled when I saw you touch the bombilla and then REMOVED IT 🤕. You get a pass for being new to it. I strongly encourage you to keep trying it and add a touch of sugar/sweetener if it's too bitter for you. It's an acquired taste, but you end up loving it, you'll wonder how you were able to start your day without mate. physiologically most breakfasts are a nuke to our body, even if it's just coffee+sugar. Coffee wakes you up brutally fast, sometimes it hits you with anxiety or jitters, mate on the other hand wakes you up so gently, clears your head instantly and gives you just the right amount of energy to start the day. I'd suggest keeping a set of mate around and prepare it in the early morning of weekends. Trust me, it's a different experience. It's such a simple thing but that is such a core part of the argentine DNA. If you're working on something or even editing videos and you need focus, just take a few sips every couple of minutes and you'll notice why is so popular here! Great video guys, I enjoyed it. You got a new sub
Thank you so much!!! 🥰 You are so kind. We’ll definitely try mate again and add some sugar or sweetener to it. Very bitter. And thank you SO MUCH for subscribing. We are soooo close to 10,000!! 🥰
@@gascasa2002que pasa gastoncito estás enojado porque nadie habla de puebloguay? 😂😂tranqui viví colgandote de Argentina y su fama mundial, ya visitaran la aldea aburrida de Montevifeo
@@Magnus37871 Hambrentino, en Montevideo tengo 24kmts de playas... Mientras vos tomás sol en una azotea llorando por las Falklands inglesas, infelíz. Salame
That's definitely not the best asado you can get. Try asado from the "interior", meaning from eitheir another province or smaller cities outside Buenos Aires if you have the chance in the future.
Hi 😊 nice and blonde women ..and wyatt ..ese asado ademas de no estar cocinado correctamente no se veia carne de buena calidad...es mejor asesorarse antes de ir a grill restaurant ..besos a ambos son muy simpaticos. Greetings from mar del plata ARGENTINA ❤🇦🇷😊..
Que amable eres!! Claro mucha gente nos han dicho sobre la mal calidad de la carne… no lo podemos cambiar ahora que es el pasado, pero gracias por aclarar. Eres muy amable ojalá que te gusten nuestros vídeos 🥰
Hey friends! 🥰Thanks for watching our video! Did we miss any important foods? Please let us know here. Also, please subscribe, we’re trying to get to 10,000 subscribers!
Si te gusta más jugoso o medio hecho, tenés que pedirle al camarero.-
@@OsvaldoDuarte-p2v Ah, 👍
Milanesa and Empanada is very traditional here in Argentina, you should try those.
We are in a mosquito empidemic right now, always go out with repellent, even if its cold!
Great video!
I would try the same food in different places. The asado doesnt look so nice, there are different places and You shoud try different cuts and You can ask how juicy you want it to be.
Also you should try pizza from one of The most famous places from buenos aires (Güerrin, Bancheros, las cuartetas) those places makes tradicional argentinian pizza, which is a little bit different from eeuu pizzas or italian.
Mate also could be drink with sugar, for people who has never drink mate before, Will taste better, it's like if you drinks coffe for The first time, without sugar will taste weird. An other advice for mate, is that if You want to have a full experience, You could Buy in kioskos mate and termo and do it at Home, becouse is a drink that You share while youre talking with they other person, is a drink to share.
Si alguna vez vienen a la Patagonia sur, les invito un asado de cordero.
Pero mira como mueve esa bombilla papá !....parece Riquelme !!!
Who is Riquelme? 🤔
@@WyattandReyka is talking about that you dont have to move the bombilla ( i dont know the traduction), you just have to drink, dont move the bombilla, riquelme is a football player from boca very famous, is a joke xd, nice video aguante santa fe argentina
Muchas gracias! Saludos. Claro lo hemos aprendido ese de la bombilla. Ah okay. No conocemos riquelme. Saludos y ojalá que te gustan todos nuestros videos de Argentina y después! 🥰
@@WyattandReyka lo que quiere decir Carpintero2.047 es que estás haciendo bailar la bombilla como si fueras un gran jugador de futbol, con mucha gracia pero al mismo tiempo destruyendo el mate: la estructura de la yerba tiene que quedar siempre igual, sino, se puede "lavar" (tornarse más insípido) y se te puede meter polvillo fino de la yerba en la bombilla (lo cual te molestaría en la garganta)... así que la regla general es NADIE MUEVE LA BOMBILLA.
@@WyattandReyka Riquelme = Amazing Argentinean Soccer Player... if some Argentineans have to put them in order ( Maradona = Messi > Riquelme.)
In the other hand, Bombilla = Mate Straw, you just don't move it around, leave as it is, lol.
Chicos el mate pueden tomarlo con azúcar, la mayoría lo toman amargo pero pueden agregarle y ahí les va a gustar mucho más. Saludos ❤
Eso ayudaría. Amargo no sabe muy bueno jajaja
@@WyattandReyka tomen con azúcar yo lo tomo dulce porque amargo no me gusta solo que amargo los toman los gauchos argentinos serían como los cowboys de Estados Unidos prueben dulce el mate y me gustan sus videos
@@nickinacionalista86 Lo haremos! Ah, okay, tiene sentido jaja. Muchas gracias por apoyarnos. Estamos muy feliz que hemos venido a Argentina. 🥰
@@WyattandReyka además, puedes buscar en internet, y vas a ver qué tiene más propiedades beneficiosas, que el té verde y el café!
Que interesante! A mi (Wyatt) me encanta te y cafe entonces me encantaría probar mas ese mate.
If you try alfajores you should know that there are at least 10 different types or varieties, in this video you tried one of them, the cornstarch alfajores o alfajores de maicena.
There are alfajores de maicena, santafesinos, with mousse, covered, with fruit cream or jam (without dulce de leche), with chocolate, with rice crackers and a lot more.
If you chosed that decision i advice you that road has only one way glutony.
PS: another things could be ice cream(gelateries works even in winter in Argentina cause people buy it all time) and tortas heladas.
We did not know that! Cool that there are so many kinds of alfajores, we’ll try more kinds out next time! 🥰
@@WyattandReykayou should try alfajores Havanna, Cachafaz, Entre dos...
@@WyattandReyka You already have. You tried Milka mouse alfajor in other video.
But there are way better ones, like Havanna or Cachafaz.
Also, next time you should try better pizzas, like Güerrin, La Guitarrita, etc.
In Argentina, the meat is usually well done.
If you want it medium rare, ask for something between "jugosa" and "al punto". ;)
Thank you! I will next time
I think she will have to say: vuelta y vuelta. And that's all... I eat here medium raw meat point, and I have to specify 100 times to get the point I want... We just have such a TERRIBLE techniques to over cook the meat... its crazy.
No food tour is complete without Argentine Ice Cream!!! Go to Rapanui! Go to a local winetasting as well, Argentine wine is amazing.
We want to try ice cream and wine in Argentina really bad! 🥰❤️
I recoment Luccianos, its better. Rapa Nui ITS GOOD.. but U MUST TRY Luccianos Pistaccio
Okay we will thank you 🥰🥰🥰
😂 la bombilla no se mueve.... bienvenidos chicos👍👍 Leo desde el sur patagonia austral
Saludos amigo! Claro, lo hemos aprendido jaja. Saludos. Gracias por ver nuestro video 🤗
Glad you are having a nice time here!
We love it!! 🥰❤️
you must go to "lo de charly" and taste the "sandwiches de lomitos completos". You will love it: Lomito, fried egg, letice, tomatoe, jam, cheese. Is typical from Córdoba or San Luis. But here you can found
They sound very good 🤗! We will try them next time!! 🥰
At 2:18 provoleta is not a dip! Lol. Thanks for the video!
Oops! 😅 we read that it was!! Our bad lol
Provoleta is not a dip, as you learned. You eat it with fork and knife! Its provolone with an extra manufacturing process to make it less liquid when it melts on the grill.
Fascinating!!! We loved it honestly. Just a great unique cheesy flavor
Nice video thanks for visit our beautiful country.
Thank you!!! 🥰 it was our pleasure hahaha
To prepare the mate, first pour warm water so that the yerba floats a little, thus forming a kind of house of cards with the small leaves and the stick of the yerba. While that house of cards is assembled, you can sip from the light bulb without it getting stuck. That's why it's important not to touch the bulb or move it. If you touch it or move it, it is like you have demolished the supposed “house of cards” and it gets stuck.
Thank you!!
el mate lo deberian tomar para quitar lo dulce de la medialuna y del alfajor.
Jajaja. Lo haremos 👍😘
You guys should try milanesa a la napolitana and panqueques de dulce de leche. I guess you're gonna love those.
We will DEFINITELY try those. Thank you so much for the recommendations 🥰
Buen video! El chimichurri "verde" se llama provenzal, y se hace con perejil, ajo y aceite
Muchas gracias! Y claro. Entonces no hay chimichurru verde. Es una salsa distinta, ¿no?
@@WyattandReyka Exactamente, es Provenzal jaja, saludos!
Saludos! 🥰
Guys, no one in Argentina will charge you for sharing mate. Mate ain't for sale, that's why you didn't find it in cafeteria's menus. It's a tradicional drink that people share with each other and use as an "excuse" to hang out with others (friends, relatives, coworkers, etc). It's part of our culture and custom.
Oh fascinating! That makes a lot of sense we were so confused hahaha
11:32 .... decime que no dejaron la puerta abierta, jajaja!
Jajaj. También me di cuenta de eso. 😬
Lo cerramos después de grabar jaja. No os preocupéis 😘
Hola lástima, que no probaste un asado "mejor," eso se veía duro y no tenía pinta de ser asado tradicional argentino, ..... (crítica constructiva)..... busquen lugares calificados...... les deseo feliz estadía en nuestro país y que disfruten cada momento !!!
No lo sabíamos. La próxima vez que venimos compraremos otro asado
@@WyattandReyka parrilla "El Tano" en la localidad de Wilde, Avellaneda, 9 kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, la mejor parrilla para comer asado
The “green chimichurri” I’m pretty sure it was provenzal and not chimichurri, but anyways is really good, also it goes awesome with French fries
Thank you!! 🥰
Great video guys! I recommend you to eat a very typical food here in Argentina which is milanesa napolitana
Thank you we will! 🥰😘
Entertaining video. Nice you both speak some Spanish. :)
Thank you so much!! ❤️
The 🧉, You can drink it with or without sugar if you want.
Next time will definitely add some sugar it did not taste good without
Thanks for sharing ❤
Thank you!! ❤️🥰
@@WyattandReyka ❤️
You guys are awsome🤗❣️
Haha thank you so much!!! 🥰
@@WyattandReyka 🤗❣️
Also… you are awesome too 😘
@@WyattandReyka aww noone has said that to me in a really long time🤗❣️
Well you are. And thanks for reaching out! Hope you're doing excellent and if you watch more argentina videos we'd love to hear your thoughts on them 🥰 Cheers!
So, the sweet top on the "media luna" (crossaint) is just "almíbar", which is just sugar mixed with hot water, kinda like caramel but w/o toasting it.
"Dulce de leche" is milk with sugar, mixed by heat too.
Super helpful thank you! 🙏🥰
Bienvenidos!! espero que puedan disfrutar de nuestras costumbres gastronómicas y la cultura. Saludos desde Mar del Plata
Muchas gracias! Claro que si estamos disfrutando 🥰🤤
Gran video! Deben venir a Bariloche, el lugar mas lindo de la Argentina.
Thank you!! We will definitely try to come to Bariloche next time we visit Argentina. Such a wonderful country Argentina is…
Hello again. Another group of pieces of extra info for you.
Provoleta is not a swiss fondue. You don't need bread. You cut pieces and eat them. You may find some crispy parts and other goey as you found. Personally I think it was a little overdone. It shoud have a little less crisp and more melted parts.
Do not mix Asado (which is general for grilled meat and extras, with "asado de tira" (o "tira de asado") which is the particular dish she is eating after the "choripan". A traditional asado is composed of chorizos (only the saussages, you may put them in bread for a choripan or eat them alone in the plate), "tira de asado" and "vacío" which is another cut of meat. Then you may add blood saussages ("morcilla") and other cuts like steaks (bife de costilla, bife de chorizo, bife de lomo), or chicken or other parts of the animal like kidneys, intestines and the queen of those parts which is de "molleja" (sweetbread). The problem of the Asado de tira is that you have little meat and lots of bones and fat. But the meat has a special flavour.
The chimichurri sauce is usually used with the chorizos and not the meat. but it's your choice. The green one is not chimichurri but "provenzal" wich is basically oil, garlic and parsley.
Mate is counted by the thermos you empty. One mate with good "yerba" (the -tea-) and with water that is not too hot should last at least 10 filled mates. When you don't get enough flavour means that the mate is "lavado" (washed out) and the yerba should be replaced. DON'T MOVE the straw (bombilla) because you may clogged it. With a little practice you should be able to catch the straw without holding it with your fingers. The culture of mate helps to study, or to talk. When a groups is having mate there is only one that prepares the mate and is in charge of replenishing the water. In turn he gives the mate to each one in the group. The receive drinks completely all the water and returns the mate to the pourer called "cebador". You don't thank the "cebador" when you receive the mate. It will mean that you don't want any more and you will be skipped in the round.
You have three types of "medialunas": the first division is "de manteca" (butter) o "de grasa" (fat). The ones of "manteca" may be sweet or salty. The one they tried is the sweet one, with probably a coat of sugar syrup (in high end shops, may be honey). The "medialunas de manteca" are always salty and much more thinner and very crispy.
The alfajor you chose is mostly sold in shops and usually is made with corn starch instead of flour. Sometimes the border of the "dulce de leche" filling is coverde with coconut flakes. There are many regional alfajores of different provinces. The most comon alfajores are covered in chocolate ("alfajor de chocolate") or with a white crust than can be meringue or sugar glaze ("alfajor de dulce de leche"). There are also alfajores with different fruit jam fillings.
You are the best! Thanks for all the good info 🤗
encantadores ambos!
Tu eres encantador!!! 🥰❤️
Pueden tomar mate cocido si no les gusta el mate. Calientan agua con dos cucharadas de yerba grandes. Cuando calento lo poneen en una taza ,colando la yerba para q no caiga adentro de la taza. Le ponen azucar y listo. Lo toman como un cafe.
Lo probaremos 👍
Hi guys! Thank you so much for promoting the culture, food, and natural beauty of our country.
Just let me say that touching the straw while having mate is a capital sin here and you should be punished for that (no, just kidding haha) but it really ruins the beverage.
As for the food, that asado was not good at all; it's not supposed to be chewy. Argentine meat is well known for being tasty and tender. If you want to taste really good and traditional food, you should try it at home, at some Argentinean family's place rather than at restaurants. Even the best restaurant will serve you average food at most.
Alfajores are a traditional pastry here, there are so many different kinds. The little yellow one was an "alfajor de maicena." The dough is made of cornstarch mainly, that's why they are kind of hard to swallow. Those are perfect to eat while having mate.
If you really want to get in touch with our culture, you should try to spend time with native people to experience everyday life. Kindness and hospitality are a must among us.
I hope you enjoy your stay in Argentina!!!
You are amazing! Thank you so much. It’s always so fun for us to learn more about culture after posting our videos! Cheers. We loooove Argentina 🥰❤️
los alfajores de maicena generalmente se comen tomando algo porque son muy secos
Eso tiene mucho sentido. Son muy muy secos cuando se comen solos
la paciencia de la chica que les dio el mate, a mi me daba una ansiedad verla revolver con la bombilla noooo
Ella tenía una ansiedad pero tenía paciencia también jajajaja
Sweet shop? lol bakery I really enjoyed your take on the food. I will be visiting Buenos Aires in July and hope to experience the same emotions when I eat and drink there.
Haha yeah “bakery”… that’s the word lol. Cheers thanks for the compliment! Had fun making this. Have a great trip! We’ll post more Argentina videos but this was our last in Buenos Aires so let us know if you have any questions we didn’t get to in the videos!!
wonderful video.❤
Thank you! We loved Argentinian food! 🥰
I was just eating breakfast. I made me some green tea with milk, and seeing you drinking mate made me want to drink mate. Maybe after i finish my milk tea xd
Amazing! 😂
Hola. Muy buen video. Sólo quiero decirles que el alfajor que probaron es una variante, se llama alfajor de maicena y, si, es bastante seco. El alfajor más tradicional está bañado en chocolate y tiene otra masa. Es más parecido al Milka que probaron en otro video. Saludos.
Thank you so much! 🥰 That makes a lot of sense! We love alfajores and Argentina. Cheers
So funny! Veronica from the mate shop is actually my cousin lol 😂 i live in switzerland though🇨🇭 what a coincidence
That’s awesome!!! Crazy how small the world is hahhaa
Hi guys , nice video, greetings
Thank you so much!! ❤️🥰
the good thing is, you stayed in a real Buenos Aires apartment, unless you lived in a house, most of us grew up in apartments like that. The real Buenos AIres experience! haha
Glad we did! Way cheaper too 😂
Hello guys, if you know that there are mosquitoes, why didn't you go inside the premises and eat inside?
Good lighting for the video outside and copywritten music inside
Me pone nerviosa que mueva la bombilla jajajjajajaja
Claro es algo muy importante en argentina se nos hemos dado cuenta jajaja
Vengan a San Juan (oeste de Argentina) y salimos a conocer :)
Vamos 😘
the mate straw is not removed because it is covered by the yerba mate and the water does not pass through it. Have they only bought one croissant and one cornflour small alfajor ? WTF ??!! the "facturas" are bought by the dozen or half dozen for tea , cafe or mate.
Hahahaha yeah we try to limit sugar but super helpful comment thanks !
Put some sugar in mate, its soo good.
We will try it!! 🥰
Argentina´s national dish is not asado, it is a prehispanic roots food called "Locro", it contains heavy meat and a lot of vegetables. You should try it!
We should try it!!!
algo que se extrania una banda de argentina es el calor de la gente. Dice mucho de estados unidos como se emocionan estos porque les convidaron un mate. Pero aca es asi, dificilmente un comerciante tenga un gesto con vos, aca te cobran propina hasta para prepararte un cafe
It was so kind of her!! We were so surprised and appreciative 🥰😘
Las medialunas dulces tienen almibar por encima. Es eso que sienten pastoso y muy duoce
Ahhh eso tiene sentido gracias
That asado banderita is horrible, that is for "fast food" parrilla. Thats not what we eat in Argentina.
Dang. Next time we come to Buenos Aires we’ll have to get another one
You don't eat asado? Really?
Bue no es horrible, no es un corte premium pero de ahí a ser horrible hay un mundo
@@jbaroli that kind of narrow slice is for quick service. The one we cook at home or in a proper parrilla restaurant is like 5 inches wide minimum.
@@Noelliusses comible, pero si le vas a presentar el asado a un turista no puede ser ese pedazo de carne seco..
I wanna visit Argentina from Dubai UAE, but i heard there are a lot of Masquitos. Is this true? If so, please let me know what are the precautions i have to do?
There’s quite a few mosquitos in summer, but it’s still worth it! If you wear repellent it should help 🥰
And Argentina is so worth visiting despite the mosquitos. We can’t wait to visit.
We also want to go to Dubai!!!! 🥰
Hay varias formas de hacer el asado, a mi me gusta termino medio, no tan cocido y jugoso. Wyatt se parece a Tom Cavanagh. El mate se puede tomar amargo o con azúcar, cambia el sabor. Las facturas no son postres, son para desayuno y merienda o media mañana o tarde, y la media luna no es la "mejor" de las facturas ni de cerca, con dulce de leche si lo puede ser.
Jajajajaja gracias. Tom es muy guapo. Y nos interesa leer tu comentario sobre todo eso en nuestro vídeo. Gracias!
La mejor gastronomía
Es maravillosa nuestra amigo
Ese lugar queda en Almagro, a 1 cuadra de la plaza
Soy Argentino y jamas probé la provoleta.
Ni el choripan.
O tenes 1 año y sos el bebe que mejor tipea del mundo, o no se como explicar lo que acabas de escribir. Decir que no existe mas el bloque "EL UNICO" en la TV
Claro nuestro Airbnb en Almagro. Nos encantó ese barrio
Hello guys, this is the neighborhood of Almagro.
Yes! A great neighbourhood
We like asado very well done. You have to ask if you like it medium rare.
And please, guys, buy a repelent spray for the mosquitos, you are gonna get dengue.
Okay I will. And we are already safe back in the USA, but thank you for the concern 🥰
fun fact. chimichurri is a latinización of the words "give me curry". A long time ago English buisness man came and try it, people here didnt speak english so what they heard was chimichurri and it stuck
Super fascinating honestly thanks for sharing that!
No entendemos. Que significan talas del entrerriano? 🤔
Al choripan tambien se le puede colocar chimichurri, de hecho es hasta mas rico.
Ooo interesante gracias por aclarar! 🤗
Ok, after watching this and seeing all the mosquitos I’m not going to go to Argentina anymore 😂😂😂 they love me so much to much
En realidad no es así siempre, es algo raro, justo llegaron en un momento donde había una invasión de mosquitos en Buenos Aires, hacia muchos años que no pasaba eso! No es normal, justo coincidió su visita a Buenos Aires con la invasión de mosquitos😂
Lol yeah apparently we just got bad luck or something but it was absolutely horrible.
Don't move the bombillaaaa! Eso es pecado. Que raro que la chica no te dijo nada.
si que les dijo...
@@marianorodriguezcastellano4440 no se los dijo antes de darles el mate. A los extranjeros siempre hay que avisarles antes.
Jaja sí que nos dijo antes pero no creo que lo grabamos y se nos olvidó or no le entendimos. No nos acuerdo. A pesar de todo, gracias por aclarar eso
Y muchas cosas dulces en argentina.
Siiiii muchas cosas buenas!!
A mi no me gusta el mate, es muy amargo, es mejor si le pongo azucar, pero igualmente prefiero otra bebida llamada "tereré", es como mate frío. El tereré original se hace sólo de agua, muy refrescante, pero a mi me gusta el tereré con limonada o jugo de naranja, dulce y rico! Es una bebida tradicional del norte de Argentina y de Paraguay, se los recomiendo 😊
Claro! Entendemos como puede ser muy amargo. A nosotros no nos gusta, pero nos gustaria probarlo un poco mas para ver si hay otros sabores mejores 🤗
Guys you MUST to know EL TANO DEBENEDETTI sure you will explode to eat in this place
We will try it!! 🥰😂
As some other fellow Argentinians have already commented, you guys did not have the reaaaaaally good Argentinian food experience. None of the places you went to are even medium quality and here the place you go plays a major role in the quality (and flavor) of the food you get. Next time try to have some locals recommend you good places to go (not always famous means the best but it rarely means the worst or even bad).
Great to know!! Thank you! 🥰 Off camera we care far more about quantity and price so next time we’ll be more intentional to get someplace with the best quality as well.
Cheers 🥰
A nosotros paso lo mismo la carne estaba dura.
Si!! Es interesante como culturas distintas preparan la carne deferentemente
Me dió algo al ver como movía la bombilla y la señora no decía nada, you're not suppose to move the straw once the mate (the cup) its ready with the yerba mate and the straw.
Dijo que no debes moverlo pero estuvo hablando reyka jajaja. Lo sacábamos del video para tener más sentido. Nuestra amigo verónica era muy amable como todos los argentinos que conocemos
@@WyattandReyka 😂😂 when i saw her moving the straw i was like nOooO
Hahahahahaha sorry to give you that anxiety 😂
Chimichurri is made to eat it on top of choripanes 😅
Nuestro error! 😂
Saludos chicos ❤
Saludos amigo ❤️🥰
me puso muy nervioso cuando agarro la bombilla.
It's kind part of the cult here say "un mate y un saludo no se le niega a nadie" ("A mate and a greeting aren´t denied to anyone"). I hope that you enjoy our country
We love it! That saying is awesome. Gracias por ver 🥰
Aguante la milanesa!
Que significa aguantar algo?
es panaderias no tienda de dulces
no muevas la bombillaaaaaaa!!!!
Viajar es hacer errores buenos. Disculpa y gracias ❤️
Los mosquitos son una plaga, es una pena. Pero no es lo habitual, nunca habíamos tenido una cantidad así. Es algo súper inusual!
Si son muy molestos. Pero no es suficiente para peorar nuestra opinion de argentina 💪🥰😘
Its ok if you dont like mate you can say it 😂 it is a very particular taste
Hahahaha it does! Thank you. 🙏
Hola al choripan le falto chimichurri.
Pones chimichurri on choripan tambien?
Please, don't move the bombillaaaaaaa!!!
Claro. Nuestro error 😂
@@WyattandReyka 🤣
Dude i m from Argentina i see the video in 5:12 you Leave the cámara alone, very bad decision Argentina is in bad times you can be stolen!! The most usual is taken you distrated and then get your thinks And then star to run some times thems use a motorcycle, If you go to "obelisco" use doble eyes
Hola amigo! Lo hemos dejado en muchísimos calles y nadie lo ha robado. Pero gracias por los consejos tendremos cuidado
Una ves que probas asado y vino en argentina no te querés ir más y mate y te das cuenta lo grande del país maravilloso.
Jajajaja verdad
Que bueno es choripán!
El mate no es para cualquier persona, a mi no me gusta.
La gente lo toma amargo, le podes poner azucar
Y las facturas se comen con un líquido, té,café o mate.
Solas es raro.
Ahh gracias por aclarar. Claro, a reyka no le gusta te y tampoco le gustó mate 😬.
Pero a mí me gustó! (Soy Wyatt, lol.) Saludos! 🤗
When you buy croissants (facturas), it has to be "con dulce de leche". It's illegal not to do so.
The police will be very angry.
Haha good to know 😘
La que les dio mate estaba re fumada xd que buena onda
Creemos que no... pero nunca se sabe! jaja
if you are still here, go buy some repellent now!!!
Already back in the USA, but we made it out without Dengue 👍
deja de mover la bombilla del mate jajaja
Claro 😂 error de gringos. Seguimos aprendiendo 😘
The moment she stirred the mate 43 Argentines died
😂 true. Such an interesting custom
Que bueno que te hizo Factura A, para discriminar IVA.
Que es Factura A y IVA?
@@WyattandReyka They're pulling your leg because you didn't get an official ticket or bill when you paid for your choripán and asado. The owners are clearly pocketing the money that is supposed to be paid to AFIP (Argentinian IRS) and the local council. If you're a big taxpayer, you get a FACTURA A -that's a top-tier invoice. VAT is valued-added tax (usually 21%) , though it might be lower (10%) when it comes to fruit and vegetables, for example.
Funny how she says lodefran as if it was a single word. LO - DE - FRAN. It means Fran's. But its 3 words in spanish
hahaha guys I love how open minded you are, you get it right and wrong at the same time, but kudos to you, you are the 0.1% of americans just for being there.
hahaha stop moving the bombilla for christ sake!!!
Thank you so much!! And lol we have thought it was just one word 😂
And yes we will never touch that bombilla again 😘
Pizza, Milanesa, the pasta places... you missed SO MUCH.
Ice cream also... I cannot believe you didnt taste test argentine ice cream. GOOOOOOD
We will come back! 😘
no es un bistec, se cocina distinto, tampoco es asado tradicional, es un cortte q solo les gusta a los porteños
Entonces qué es lo que hemos comido aquí? 🤨
@@WyattandReyka asado, pero no el tradicional, corte banderita le dicen y no es muy popular
@@WyattandReyka Un placer. Si t surge alguna incógnita pregúntame nomas. Andrés, Santa Fe, 🇦🇷 .
don´t move the straw!!! the straw have to be still
Yeah.... Our mistake haha
I literally recoiled when I saw you touch the bombilla and then REMOVED IT 🤕. You get a pass for being new to it. I strongly encourage you to keep trying it and add a touch of sugar/sweetener if it's too bitter for you. It's an acquired taste, but you end up loving it, you'll wonder how you were able to start your day without mate. physiologically most breakfasts are a nuke to our body, even if it's just coffee+sugar. Coffee wakes you up brutally fast, sometimes it hits you with anxiety or jitters, mate on the other hand wakes you up so gently, clears your head instantly and gives you just the right amount of energy to start the day. I'd suggest keeping a set of mate around and prepare it in the early morning of weekends. Trust me, it's a different experience. It's such a simple thing but that is such a core part of the argentine DNA. If you're working on something or even editing videos and you need focus, just take a few sips every couple of minutes and you'll notice why is so popular here! Great video guys, I enjoyed it. You got a new sub
ps: the right way to pronounce alfajor would be "alpha whore" 🤣
Thank you so much!!! 🥰 You are so kind. We’ll definitely try mate again and add some sugar or sweetener to it. Very bitter.
And thank you SO MUCH for subscribing. We are soooo close to 10,000!! 🥰
En lo restaurantes no hay mates. El.mate es algo personal se lo prepara uno en su casa. Nunca muevas la bombilla por favor!!!
Polentino descubriste el mate Uruguayo con termo y Montañita hace 3 meses pedazo de un infelíz...
@@gascasa2002que pasa gastoncito estás enojado porque nadie habla de puebloguay? 😂😂tranqui viví colgandote de Argentina y su fama mundial, ya visitaran la aldea aburrida de Montevifeo
@@Magnus37871 Hambrentino, en Montevideo tengo 24kmts de playas... Mientras vos tomás sol en una azotea llorando por las Falklands inglesas, infelíz.
Claro lo hemos aprendido. Saludos a nuestros amigos argentinos y uruguayos. Nos encantan ambos países. 🇦🇷🇺🇾
Do not move the straw, do not touch it.
You got it. 😘
Almost died when she take it out the straw 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
You are not allow to do that with mate 🧉!!!
Not allow to touch it or move it 😖😖😖😖😖
😂😂😂 hahahaha great to know for next time
That's definitely not the best asado you can get.
Try asado from the "interior", meaning from eitheir another province or smaller cities outside Buenos Aires if you have the chance in the future.
Ok! We will! It did taste amazing though 🥰
La gente toma mate por que tiene mucha cafeína, no por el sabor, fin
Nada que ver, el sabor es lo mejor. Qué me importa la cafeína
Interessante. Otros argentino nos dijeron que les encanta el sabor
Hi 😊 nice and blonde women ..and wyatt ..ese asado ademas de no estar cocinado correctamente no se veia carne de buena calidad...es mejor asesorarse antes de ir a grill restaurant ..besos a ambos son muy simpaticos.
Greetings from mar del plata ARGENTINA ❤🇦🇷😊..
Que amable eres!! Claro mucha gente nos han dicho sobre la mal calidad de la carne… no lo podemos cambiar ahora que es el pasado, pero gracias por aclarar.
Eres muy amable ojalá que te gusten nuestros vídeos 🥰
Chau chicos welcome to Argentina 🤗
Thank you so much 😘❤️