@@Grimnoire hell nah, I hate how the new modes are making mobile characters more beneficial, even though I play mobile characters Edit: I don't like feeling catered to just for playing a genre of characters lmao
For me the endless fights in 2cp were so agonizing and frustrating, that I would rather get snowballed than get stuck in a cycle where you try to kill at least one, you die, and when you don't have time to regroup with the whole team, you get straight to the point, you are focused by everyone, you die and the cycle repeats. It was so bad that it destroyed some of my mental health at that time.
@@lukasg4807 It happens for all modes though. I seen push that ends in 3 mins and same goes escort. In QP atleast i don't mind the matches ending quickly so i can move on to next.
I’ll never forget my last game on overwatch 1 was a 4200-4400 lobby that score was 10-9 on volskya industries it was almost 20 minutes crazy game I won’t forget it
I loved those games. They felt like an epic memorable battle, where there was joy in just feeling like you were breaking out of the normal game format, and you didn't even care that you lost.
This is the only correct take. 2CP was fine on the ladder; the community is just ass and didn't even begin to start engaging in *actual* team fights until Master.
The main problems seem to be: 1. The defenders having a their spawn too close to the second capture point, leading to cases where it's really easy for them to stall a game out near indefinitely. 2. If the attackers have an easy win on the first capture point they can theoretically *steamroll* the second since they'll have higher Ult than the defenders. Unfortunately there... really isn't an easy way to fix this. If you increase the respawn time or push the spawn further back one could argue things'll be tilted in the attacker's favor. The Ult charge issue DEFINITELY cannot be fixed without some huge change up to the gamemode because Ult charge is literally a *reward* for the player winning a fight. Really it's big double edged sword with the concept as a whole.
Yeah sometimes i bave bad matches in OW2 and then forget that id spend a literal 45 min in a single comp match doing the same stalling until soemone gor a team wipe. 2cp was just objectively bad game design and imagine it with 2 tank and mauga today. Would be unplayable and if you csnt see that its pure nostalgia
2cp/assault was definitely a flawed game mode, it was stall central for teams that were even, and a total bulldozer of a steamroll for teams that were uneven. although I don’t miss the gameplay loop of 2cp, what I DO miss is the aesthetic of the maps, imo, the 2cp maps have some of the best details/aesthetic of all the maps in overwatch, so I find it a huge letdown that the art style of the 2cp maps were abandoned and the maps were “deleted” from the game. perhaps if there was spawn changes and massive map design changed, the game mode could feel bearable, however hindsight is 20/20
if they just moved the spawn further back it would of been more playable. i think it still has a place in the game and push is so ass anyway i'd rather have 2cp
such an L take. Push is not nearly as bad as people say. But why the fuck is nobody complaining about flashpoint? that gamemode is so unbelievably boring. It feels balanced and all, the teamfights don't feel bad or unfair ever. It's just the fact that you spend like 25% of the match simply WALKING to the next point is fucking horrible. It actually kinda makes it so that if you don't have lucio at times, you're at such a disadvantage bc the enemy can get to the point and control the map WAY faster than you can.
The main issue with 2CP was stalling, if that was somewhat hotfixed i feel like the mode could've stayed, another issue was the chokes/small entrances to point i.e Anubis/Hanamura 1st point, but it did have some W's aswell like Hanamura 2nd point is not only nice looking but it did play very well and Volskaya 1st point was reasonable in my personal and humble opinion. And with the whole timebank thing, that was ridiculous but lets be honest it was either you got a huge timebank or you got basically no time, that could have been also tweaked for OW2
Thats my biggest issue with blizzard. Instead of simply fixing the issue they just scrap the whole thing. Oh tanks to strong? Instead of just lowering their whole base health they remove a whole tank disrupting the balence of the whole game. Here, all they had to do was make the respawn time longer. Or make the way to the point by spawn a longer trip. But no, they completely remove those memorable maps and modes.
@@modernwarrior24 Fixing the issue would take a lot longer and take more time and recourses then just removing 1 tank, the problems we have now are mainly coming from Ow1 balancing mixed with over tuning, the problems ow1 come from tanks dominating the entire game for the entire time ow1 was around, nothing truly made tanks worse, all they did was make them harder to play.
2CP is so poorly designed that no amount of hotfixes and patches would ever fix it. They were right in axing it altogether and replacing it with better thought out game modes.
Nah the whole philosophy behind the game play made no sense. If you were on defense you had to win 5 to 6 team fights maybe more, if you were on attack, you only had to win 2 or 3. It was always skewed in favor of the attackers which led to matches going forever because both teams would win both points over snd over
You could’ve have your whole team on the point, but the fact that even one player on the enemy team can stop the meter to stall, is what bugs me the most of this mode. Why couldn’t it just slow down the capture meter rather than stop it completely?
Was this before the introduced longer spawn times during OT? Because if not then that's why. Bliz never really tried to fix 2cp or really anything in this game tbh.
You have the same thing at the end of maps like circuit royale but worse because the enemy also gets highground. Also the long stalls and holds make the game feel so much more frantic and exciting. Also trying to defend and fortify the point against repeating waves of attackers was incredible. Cheese has always been a thing, pirate ship was the shit on junkertown. They gave a spot to the goofy heroes like torb and sym, but kept them to only a few maps so they didn't feel cancer. 2cp had some problems, but if they were in the game they'd be far from the worst maps. I had so many amazing memories on those maps, I don't think anyone but widow players have any fond memories happening on Havana.
And increasing spawn times when ppl are on point (iirc they did that near the end?) still would feel bad cuz then it feels like you make 1 mistake and lose the game instantly
Nostalgia goes so hard you forgot the part where everyone said OW1 was dead and stopped playing (probably including you at least complaining about it if not quitting temporarily like most of the player base)
they could have just moved spawn further away and/or increased respawn timers for defense and lowered them for offense. i think getting rid of it altogether was unreasonable. they put a lot of effort into those maps and the fact that you never see them anymore is a real disappointment. i miss hanamura. also push is worse than this change my mind
There are still delusional people out there who think this gamemode was good, lmao... I meet like 1 person every 2 weeks who says they miss it. And that they miss 6v6 Yeah, I loved every match being dictated by who had the better tank line. That was super fun and engaging. On top of that, tank wasn't even fun to play. It was the strongest role for such a long time yet wasn't fun bc you got hit by 12 CC abilities if you tried to to do anything. Hence why sigma/orisa became meta. God it was awful, so glad it's gone. 6v6 would have been good if the devs knew how to balance tanks but let's face it, they couldn't balance 2 quarters on either side of a scale...only makes sense they'd remove a tank. Makes balancing easier
I just wish they repurposed the maps into another mode. Like we have five maps in the game that are just useless now, like yeah you can play them in arcade and customs but why would I want to except to be like "oh yeah these maps"? It'd add so much to the game if they just reworked them into payload, hybrid, push, flashpoint etc instead of just throwing them in the arcade and leaving them there. Imagine a Hanamura payload map where you're sending a bomb straight into the heart of the Shimada's home, or hell if that's unbalanced due to defender spawns or whatever make these part of the middle of the map instead and change it up a bit so it's not the final point but the 2nd point so you can have a good 1st and good 3rd to make up for a somewhat strange and possibly unbalanced 2nd while still keeping the map in the QP/Comp pools. I mean five maps with pretty cool design and aesthetics are just relegated to arcade and customs for 5% of the playerbase to play if they want to remind themselves of 2CP or play Tinderwatch when they could've been changed and updated for the current OW2 we're in now. It really makes me sad.
@@valdranne Been playing the game since launch and he's right lol. Those gamemodes are way better than 2CP lmao. 2CP was boring as fuck and literally rewarded you for playing like a pussy. When a core mechanic and strategy of a gamemode is to basically ignore the objective and simply "stall" to run the clock down, that's fucking horrible design, idc what you say. You're delusional and brain damaged if you think that cancer gamemode that was "so well designed" was removed from the game for no reason. They reworked it MULTIPLE TIMES and still could not appease players. The maps were poorly designed and the gamemode itself was just not fun to play. Literally the most widely hated gamemode, so bad to the point it gets removed, and you have the audacity to insight the idea that it's well designed. You're beyond delusional, holy shit. Maybe you should stop playing overwatch 2 and go play something more your speed like call of duty. I hear that game has lots of gamemodes you would deem "well designed" and camping is a very welcomed strategy in that game. You'd feel right at home tbh. Go play it.
@@valdrannehes right 2cp was objectively bad game design and flawed at its core and 2 tank made it worse. Yall would still be complaining if they didn't remove it just like yall begged lootboxes to be removed before asking for them back
hey at least support were killable(except brig and bap), so id take this over ow2. also the 2cp problem was fixable by just changing the map or making the spawn timer longer
why not just release more 2cp maps? because the only reason they were cheese is cause they were played for more than 5 years which people are def gonna find
Honestly it’s just blizzards fault for leaving overwatch 1 they could have made it better than just giving up on it over for pve that the preorders never got
Sounds like a spawn point problem. I don’t know why people keep sneaking in other concepts to prove their point. Just like how they like to bring up GOAT and double shield to prove how 6v6 sucks. These individual problems can be solved individually, but no we should just scrap the whole thing. Great.
even if 2cp wasn't the best. I still thought the maps were cool. when the fight wasn't only on the point it was actually kinda interesting. Wish those maps could still be played in qp normally.
2CP was infinitely better than push or the new gamemode, push is so boring with so few fights. 2CP had super intense fights, stalling was just part of the strategy.
So few fights? What version of push are you playing? I feel like I get the most team fights in that game than any other. I'll agree flashpoint is ass purely bc of the amount of walking you have to do from point to point but I still take it over 2CP any day. So insanely boring and bad. I think your nostalgia goggles are on too tight
@@masift1494 Push games are often super snowball-y I've had plenty of game be 3-4 team fights tops where one team just dominates the other. It's certainly exacerbated by the longer spawn distances.
Now you should show the other side of 2CP where you just get full held by double shield cheese for 7 minutes lol. I still think 2CP was better than push though.
@@VanguardChamp Let me guess, you’re a hardstuck gold Reaper/Genji player that didn’t start playing the game until OW2 came out. You’ve probably never even played 2CP but on the off chance you have, it was open queue 5v5 arcade garbage saying: “Bro 2CP sucks bro, all of these people have rose tinted goggles bro. Bro Push is so much better.”
dude idc these maps hanamura anubis horizon lunar colony they were some of the most memorable the new game mode is ass the maps sucks and it’s literally the same one team just always 3-0s the other team like new queen street esperanza their terrible
do you miss 2cp / assault
not a single cell of my body does
Yes. We got Push as a replacement for 2cp, and I'd rather play 2cp all the time than a single round of push
Push is better L takes across the board
@@Grimnoire hell nah, I hate how the new modes are making mobile characters more beneficial, even though I play mobile characters
Edit: I don't like feeling catered to just for playing a genre of characters lmao
Adding ball was the last nail on the coffing of 2cp. I remember ball stalling forever on last point in Volskaya
Dreams were made on Volskaya
Volskaya is the only map I miss
For me the endless fights in 2cp were so agonizing and frustrating, that I would rather get snowballed than get stuck in a cycle where you try to kill at least one, you die, and when you don't have time to regroup with the whole team, you get straight to the point, you are focused by everyone, you die and the cycle repeats. It was so bad that it destroyed some of my mental health at that time.
It's a fine mode for QP but for comp. It's a absolute torture.
Cp is where player plays meta comp
For me it was annoying even in quick play cause it was often either a 1 minute game or a full hold
Imo qp is the worst place for it. A back and forth game is great, a quick roll is just a non-game in qp.
@@lukasg4807 It happens for all modes though. I seen push that ends in 3 mins and same goes escort. In QP atleast i don't mind the matches ending quickly so i can move on to next.
I’ll never forget my last game on overwatch 1 was a 4200-4400 lobby that score was 10-9 on volskya industries it was almost 20 minutes crazy game I won’t forget it
I loved those games. They felt like an epic memorable battle, where there was joy in just feeling like you were breaking out of the normal game format, and you didn't even care that you lost.
as on overwatch 2 player, i hope 2cp can come back reworked in some way, these maps look beautiful and I would love to play them someday
I think different spawn locations (2nd point spawn being further away on defence side to prevent endless fights) would help a lot with 2 cp.
@@Eb0nutthat could work, would take time to develop though, also why the heck does 2cp have so much game time?
They are in the game though, in the Arcade, permanently, under "Assault Maps." Unless you meant in QP, Comp and other modes.
@@muthuselvam573 Looking back, I really wonder why they decided to have that much time. To prevent games from ending so fast? Idk.
6:33 genji farms ult the first point. Nano blade the second point. That’s how 2cp game ends in 3 minutes in quick play
I remember that clip back in 2016.
i miss overwatch 1
@@maxerko yeah?
I miss it too everyday man
yeah, like remember when the enemy was doing some lame shit, double shield or tank stacking and your team wasn't? god I miss that so much.
dam who is this James Collins
i wonder...
6v6 was better than 5v5 is
2cp has caused me years of mental damage ♥
People couldnt play the game properly so they complained and blizzard dumbed it down , hence ow2.
This is the only correct take.
2CP was fine on the ladder; the community is just ass and didn't even begin to start engaging in *actual* team fights until Master.
@@kohai-kun9261 Did you see the first clip? That crap was aids.
The main problems seem to be:
1. The defenders having a their spawn too close to the second capture point, leading to cases where it's really easy for them to stall a game out near indefinitely.
2. If the attackers have an easy win on the first capture point they can theoretically *steamroll* the second since they'll have higher Ult than the defenders.
Unfortunately there... really isn't an easy way to fix this. If you increase the respawn time or push the spawn further back one could argue things'll be tilted in the attacker's favor. The Ult charge issue DEFINITELY cannot be fixed without some huge change up to the gamemode because Ult charge is literally a *reward* for the player winning a fight. Really it's big double edged sword with the concept as a whole.
Yeah sometimes i bave bad matches in OW2 and then forget that id spend a literal 45 min in a single comp match doing the same stalling until soemone gor a team wipe.
2cp was just objectively bad game design and imagine it with 2 tank and mauga today. Would be unplayable and if you csnt see that its pure nostalgia
2cp/assault was definitely a flawed game mode, it was stall central for teams that were even, and a total bulldozer of a steamroll for teams that were uneven. although I don’t miss the gameplay loop of 2cp, what I DO miss is the aesthetic of the maps, imo, the 2cp maps have some of the best details/aesthetic of all the maps in overwatch, so I find it a huge letdown that the art style of the 2cp maps were abandoned and the maps were “deleted” from the game. perhaps if there was spawn changes and massive map design changed, the game mode could feel bearable, however hindsight is 20/20
But, but the streamers told me that was the golden age of Overwatch and we should just revert to an early 2017 patch!
In comp - no, in qp - yes, would be a faster way to farm weekly challenges.
"make sure to stagger properly" well thats something I'd never expect to hear in overwatch
I miss getting 6Ks with reaper on second point D on Anubis back in the old days thats about it
if they just moved the spawn further back it would of been more playable. i think it still has a place in the game and push is so ass anyway i'd rather have 2cp
such an L take. Push is not nearly as bad as people say.
But why the fuck is nobody complaining about flashpoint? that gamemode is so unbelievably boring. It feels balanced and all, the teamfights don't feel bad or unfair ever. It's just the fact that you spend like 25% of the match simply WALKING to the next point is fucking horrible. It actually kinda makes it so that if you don't have lucio at times, you're at such a disadvantage bc the enemy can get to the point and control the map WAY faster than you can.
The main issue with 2CP was stalling, if that was somewhat hotfixed i feel like the mode could've stayed, another issue was the chokes/small entrances to point i.e Anubis/Hanamura 1st point, but it did have some W's aswell like Hanamura 2nd point is not only nice looking but it did play very well and Volskaya 1st point was reasonable in my personal and humble opinion. And with the whole timebank thing, that was ridiculous but lets be honest it was either you got a huge timebank or you got basically no time, that could have been also tweaked for OW2
Thats my biggest issue with blizzard. Instead of simply fixing the issue they just scrap the whole thing.
Oh tanks to strong? Instead of just lowering their whole base health they remove a whole tank disrupting the balence of the whole game.
Here, all they had to do was make the respawn time longer. Or make the way to the point by spawn a longer trip. But no, they completely remove those memorable maps and modes.
@@modernwarrior24 Fixing the issue would take a lot longer and take more time and recourses then just removing 1 tank, the problems we have now are mainly coming from Ow1 balancing mixed with over tuning, the problems ow1 come from tanks dominating the entire game for the entire time ow1 was around, nothing truly made tanks worse, all they did was make them harder to play.
2CP is so poorly designed that no amount of hotfixes and patches would ever fix it. They were right in axing it altogether and replacing it with better thought out game modes.
Tight entry always been a problem
Unlike valorant, blizzard never changes it's map
Nah the whole philosophy behind the game play made no sense. If you were on defense you had to win 5 to 6 team fights maybe more, if you were on attack, you only had to win 2 or 3. It was always skewed in favor of the attackers which led to matches going forever because both teams would win both points over snd over
I would love if they reworked all the 2cp maps in to Hybrid maps.
You could’ve have your whole team on the point, but the fact that even one player on the enemy team can stop the meter to stall, is what bugs me the most of this mode.
Why couldn’t it just slow down the capture meter rather than stop it completely?
2CP > push > flash point
Flashpoint > push > 2CP
I'd play flashpoint 24/7 than play 2cp once
I may not miss 2CP, but I hella mis both OG OW and temple of Anubis
literally just give a respawn penalty on last point so it takes that little bit more time to respawn so hard stalls are turned down a little
they have it in normal overwatch already
Idc what anyone says overwatch 1 was so fixable but the game devs just threw it all away tbh
Was this before the introduced longer spawn times during OT? Because if not then that's why. Bliz never really tried to fix 2cp or really anything in this game tbh.
some clips before some after
i don't want to play Paris or Anubis ever again lol
You have the same thing at the end of maps like circuit royale but worse because the enemy also gets highground.
Also the long stalls and holds make the game feel so much more frantic and exciting. Also trying to defend and fortify the point against repeating waves of attackers was incredible.
Cheese has always been a thing, pirate ship was the shit on junkertown. They gave a spot to the goofy heroes like torb and sym, but kept them to only a few maps so they didn't feel cancer.
2cp had some problems, but if they were in the game they'd be far from the worst maps. I had so many amazing memories on those maps, I don't think anyone but widow players have any fond memories happening on Havana.
And increasing spawn times when ppl are on point (iirc they did that near the end?) still would feel bad cuz then it feels like you make 1 mistake and lose the game instantly
Theres a lot of things i miss in overwatch 1, but 2cp is NOT one of them
Ok maybe it was a good thing 2cp was removed and that’s coming from a dps player I can’t imagine the stress tank players had playing 2cp
Reflecting now on the state of the game in OW2 season 8 these were the golden days.
Nostalgia goes so hard you forgot the part where everyone said OW1 was dead and stopped playing (probably including you at least complaining about it if not quitting temporarily like most of the player base)
@@MoonlightWalnut nah didn't stop playing until 2 came out but started up again recently. It's easily the most frustrating the game has ever been.
they could have just moved spawn further away and/or increased respawn timers for defense and lowered them for offense. i think getting rid of it altogether was unreasonable. they put a lot of effort into those maps and the fact that you never see them anymore is a real disappointment. i miss hanamura.
also push is worse than this change my mind
This was the best. Bring it back
ever did 12-13 on volskaya
I still miss 2cp.
I would still want the maps back.
they r in arcade
I’ve seen 12 to 12 on hybrid and payload maps
that was very rare on 2cp it was alot more common
No it wasnt, they already fixed this in OW1 by limiting the rounds.
That’s why they made the change where the max time is 2 mins
Of course the example is from an esports competition. Meanwhile in the normal game people loved those maps.
i won a kings riw game 12-11 back then. Yes we where trolling but still
What's sad is that they were the most beautiful maps in my opinion, but the game design just didn't work
Bring back 2cp... it was a lot more fun than the shitty new modes !
There are still delusional people out there who think this gamemode was good, lmao...
I meet like 1 person every 2 weeks who says they miss it. And that they miss 6v6
Yeah, I loved every match being dictated by who had the better tank line. That was super fun and engaging. On top of that, tank wasn't even fun to play. It was the strongest role for such a long time yet wasn't fun bc you got hit by 12 CC abilities if you tried to to do anything. Hence why sigma/orisa became meta. God it was awful, so glad it's gone.
6v6 would have been good if the devs knew how to balance tanks but let's face it, they couldn't balance 2 quarters on either side of a scale...only makes sense they'd remove a tank. Makes balancing easier
2cp is 90s era game design finding its way into a 2010s era game. But Jeff Kaplan probably last gamed in the 90s so makes sense.
But... my nostalgia. It was such a fun and balanced mode...
I just wish they repurposed the maps into another mode. Like we have five maps in the game that are just useless now, like yeah you can play them in arcade and customs but why would I want to except to be like "oh yeah these maps"? It'd add so much to the game if they just reworked them into payload, hybrid, push, flashpoint etc instead of just throwing them in the arcade and leaving them there. Imagine a Hanamura payload map where you're sending a bomb straight into the heart of the Shimada's home, or hell if that's unbalanced due to defender spawns or whatever make these part of the middle of the map instead and change it up a bit so it's not the final point but the 2nd point so you can have a good 1st and good 3rd to make up for a somewhat strange and possibly unbalanced 2nd while still keeping the map in the QP/Comp pools.
I mean five maps with pretty cool design and aesthetics are just relegated to arcade and customs for 5% of the playerbase to play if they want to remind themselves of 2CP or play Tinderwatch when they could've been changed and updated for the current OW2 we're in now. It really makes me sad.
This seems like a map design issue more than anything
2cp was ....great wtf it just depends on msp
“2CP is better than push and flashpoint 🤡🤡🤡” - Idiots that enjoy poorly designed game modes and hate well designed ones.
You wouldn't know "well design" if it came on your face.
@@valdranne says the idiot that ignores blatant evidence on the video he clicked on 🤡🤡🤡
@@valdranne Been playing the game since launch and he's right lol. Those gamemodes are way better than 2CP lmao. 2CP was boring as fuck and literally rewarded you for playing like a pussy.
When a core mechanic and strategy of a gamemode is to basically ignore the objective and simply "stall" to run the clock down, that's fucking horrible design, idc what you say.
You're delusional and brain damaged if you think that cancer gamemode that was "so well designed" was removed from the game for no reason.
They reworked it MULTIPLE TIMES and still could not appease players. The maps were poorly designed and the gamemode itself was just not fun to play.
Literally the most widely hated gamemode, so bad to the point it gets removed, and you have the audacity to insight the idea that it's well designed.
You're beyond delusional, holy shit. Maybe you should stop playing overwatch 2 and go play something more your speed like call of duty. I hear that game has lots of gamemodes you would deem "well designed" and camping is a very welcomed strategy in that game. You'd feel right at home tbh. Go play it.
@@valdrannehes right 2cp was objectively bad game design and flawed at its core and 2 tank made it worse. Yall would still be complaining if they didn't remove it just like yall begged lootboxes to be removed before asking for them back
@@toons8744 You think 5v5 is better? Bro get out of here 🤣😂🤨
I only miss the maps, especially Lunar colony which was my favorite one.
Yeah the mode sucked but the map was beautiful. I gotta say. As a 4v4 or deathmatch map, Anubis was beautiful. Kinda hurts that its just... gone. :/
I would rather play 2cp brig peak op than ow2
hey at least support were killable(except brig and bap), so id take this over ow2. also the 2cp problem was fixable by just changing the map or making the spawn timer longer
why not just release more 2cp maps? because the only reason they were cheese is cause they were played for more than 5 years which people are def gonna find
I love the maps, just not the gamemode
its worse than i remember....
2cp was the most fun for me
I miss this!
Honestly it’s just blizzards fault for leaving overwatch 1 they could have made it better than just giving up on it over for pve that the preorders never got
Sounds like a spawn point problem. I don’t know why people keep sneaking in other concepts to prove their point. Just like how they like to bring up GOAT and double shield to prove how 6v6 sucks. These individual problems can be solved individually, but no we should just scrap the whole thing. Great.
even if 2cp wasn't the best. I still thought the maps were cool. when the fight wasn't only on the point it was actually kinda interesting. Wish those maps could still be played in qp normally.
2cp is in ow 2 as assault in arcade
this with 5v5 would work i think
2CP was infinitely better than push or the new gamemode, push is so boring with so few fights. 2CP had super intense fights, stalling was just part of the strategy.
So few fights? What version of push are you playing? I feel like I get the most team fights in that game than any other. I'll agree flashpoint is ass purely bc of the amount of walking you have to do from point to point but I still take it over 2CP any day. So insanely boring and bad. I think your nostalgia goggles are on too tight
@@masift1494 Push games are often super snowball-y I've had plenty of game be 3-4 team fights tops where one team just dominates the other. It's certainly exacerbated by the longer spawn distances.
Would rather play perma 2cp ow1 than ow2
should've just turned them into payload
apparently they are making them into push but who knows
ngl wish this was just gameplay
2cp is better than any game of overwatch 2 ever
Hell fucking no
POV: You have brain damage
Now you should show the other side of 2CP where you just get full held by double shield cheese for 7 minutes lol. I still think 2CP was better than push though.
“2CP is better than push 🤡🤡🤡”
@@VanguardChamp Let me guess, you’re a hardstuck gold Reaper/Genji player that didn’t start playing the game until OW2 came out. You’ve probably never even played 2CP but on the off chance you have, it was open queue 5v5 arcade garbage saying: “Bro 2CP sucks bro, all of these people have rose tinted goggles bro. Bro Push is so much better.”
At least it better than push a stupid robot
overwatch 1 popularity and global impact > overwatch 2 dead boring game
dude idc these maps hanamura anubis horizon lunar colony they were some of the most memorable the new game mode is ass the maps sucks and it’s literally the same one team just always 3-0s the other team like new queen street esperanza their terrible
still better than push
I dont care. Id rather have anubis back than have to play 5v5 push ever again. OW with a 2 is ass.
it was fun though
30 kills