The Ugly Truth About Tim Waltz’s Military Claims |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 691

  • @tallgirlhappyme
    @tallgirlhappyme หลายเดือนก่อน +91

    The issue: *He consistently MISREPRESENTED his military history for political gain.*

    • @johnpalmer5131
      @johnpalmer5131 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Got it in one. All Walz had to do is say he made the decision to retire so he could focus on his new career … running for a political office. he might have suffered some blowback but so be it. Instead Walz continues to weasel word his way out it and continue to claim credit for things he do. Speaks to character or the lack there of…

    • @danielaramburo7648
      @danielaramburo7648 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Just like that navy sailor who said he was a seal but was only a cook. Nothing wrong with being a navy cook, but it’s wrong to claim you were a seal.

    • @stormking57
      @stormking57 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      He was a Command Sergeant Major. Upon retirement from the Guard his rank was reduced to Master Sergeant due to unfinished training and courses. Get some facts! Pathetic!!!!

    • @bobholst874
      @bobholst874 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@danielaramburo7648So a little a little pregnant? The problem is he keeps the lie up in his bio! So he is FACTUALLY LYING! LYING IS DISHONORABLE, DISHONORABLE CLAIMS OF SERVICE HE DIDN'T FULFILL IS STOLEN VALOR!
      Why do Demonazi's cling to lies for personal and/or political gain? Because you have no code, you have no honor!
      Biden used deferment so did Donald Trump. There's no embellishment there, just a fact...see how easy that is?

    • @louise3088
      @louise3088 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      His promotion to Command Sergeant Major was also conditional to his serving the 6 years he signed up for,which he failed to do.He quit with 2 years remaining on his enlistment.

  • @johnetterlee1580
    @johnetterlee1580 หลายเดือนก่อน +126

    What baffles me is that he didn't seem to realize those he served with would come out to expose his lies.

    • @jerrycrouch427
      @jerrycrouch427 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      There is scuttlebutt that this has taken a long time to get this big because the media was covering it up for him.

    • @generalneyland4005
      @generalneyland4005 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      yankee hubris is something else son

    • @scoth2930
      @scoth2930 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@jerrycrouch427 the scuttlebutt is you really don’t know what you’re talking about. If you want to talk to about the media, you better be talking about how they’re not covering Trump a draft dodger in the same breath that they talk about anybody else’s military service.

    • @jerrycrouch427
      @jerrycrouch427 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      @@scoth2930 The media won't talk about Trump "draft dodging" because guess what Joe Biden did the same shit. You should probably educate yourself if you want to talk with the adults.😂🤣

    • @patriciaburkell8024
      @patriciaburkell8024 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      ​@@jerrycrouch427Trump was F-4 because of bone spurs. Flat feet kept my father out of WWII. The more you know cupcake.

  • @trekfortruth2841
    @trekfortruth2841 หลายเดือนก่อน +145

    Thank you for covering this. I am an Army veteran who never served in war. As a Forward Observer in the 101st Airborne, my E-7 mentor was a Vietnam veteran of the 173rd Airborne brigade in 1967 and 68. Lying about combat service and rank is a big deal.

    • @wearabo
      @wearabo หลายเดือนก่อน

      And yet your dumb@$$ is supporting a man who thinks dead American soldiers are "suckers and losers." You are to be appreciated and respected for your service to our great country which I do but that doesn't mean you're not a dumb@$$.

    • @cedarcreek1741
      @cedarcreek1741 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      Nicely said, and thank you for YOUR service... there's no shame in honorable service, being in combat or not is sort of "above our pay grade"...we just did our duty and whatever happened, happened. i was a crew chief on a tanker, never was in "combat", but was protested in some countries, firebombed in others, etc. All service is honorable. Lying about it is EXTREMELY dishonorable.

    • @privatecitizen4001
      @privatecitizen4001 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Calling the 101st "airborne" is an act if stolen valor. Yall don't even jump 😂😂😂 AAAAALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!

    • @margaretstutts4362
      @margaretstutts4362 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thank you for your service. You had sergeant who was a combat vet. These are significant differences.

    • @reven-docta79
      @reven-docta79 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@privatecitizen4001I’m guessing that’s just good natured ribbing like we’ve always done with the Mighty Screaming Eagles. That Air Assault mission they conducted in Desert Storm will always stand out to me as one of the most significant moves after Vietnam. And they’ve been taking names ever since.

  • @grimmjack2271
    @grimmjack2271 หลายเดือนก่อน +214

    People forget Tulsi Gabbard deployed to Iraq when running for Congress.

    • @gennehring1
      @gennehring1 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      And took payments from Putin while doing it.

    • @Desert_Rogue_Tanker
      @Desert_Rogue_Tanker หลายเดือนก่อน

      I knew she served but I didn't know it was simultaneously as

    • @georgetuisawau4781
      @georgetuisawau4781 หลายเดือนก่อน +69

      @@gennehring1 If you have evidence show it.,If not SFU.

    • @tworiverspete
      @tworiverspete หลายเดือนก่อน +32

      @@gennehring1 I am highly entertained, please oh please enlighten us on the details you have found. I always loved good fairy tales and thank you for that short tale👍👍🤙

    • @gennehring1
      @gennehring1 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tworiverspete I guess you don't read or listen to what she says? Her biggest donor was Sharon Tennison, a longtime russian apologist and champion of Putin who has ties to the kremlin. Gabbards has gone out of her way to promote pro russian positions and pro putin propaganda. But if you don't know any of this by now I can only assume you're willfuly ignorant about russian propaganda, or worse; a useful idiot for it, just like gabbard.

  • @WarHoarseKABar
    @WarHoarseKABar 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

    I spent two and a half years in an Army Reserve Drill Sergeant unit. I had my packet ready for submission and a slot for school promised. My home unit in the CAARNG called me to offer a slot on a combat deployment to Afghanistan. I chose a combat patch instead of a Drill Sergeant patch. Despite spending 2.5 years in the unit, all of the preparation and training I put in, I do not introduce myself as Drill Sergeant. Integrity is the bedrock Army Value. Do what is right, legally and morally. Even when no one is watching.

  • @margaretstutts4362
    @margaretstutts4362 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

    Mr. Behrends served in Walz place. People died on their deployment. I didn’t have a problem with him until I learned he lied about his rank and deployment. It’s despicable. My dad served in the Navy. Not in war. My uncle served in the Navy during World War II. In combat is different from noncombat. My dad did not want a military funeral. My uncle is buried in a National Cemetery for God’s sake. Full military honors. Daddy said, I just served. He never claimed to be something he wasn’t. Why? Because there’s a difference between service and combat service. My other 3 oldest uncle also served in WWII. My youngest uncle served in Korea like daddy after the war. But he flew over the DMZ and got shot down. He and copilot were held as POWs for a year. That’s different from my dad serving as a radio officer on a destroyer in the South China Sea. I think I get bent because I understand the difference. I’ve never served. But my family did.

  • @TacticsTechniquesandProcedures
    @TacticsTechniquesandProcedures หลายเดือนก่อน +65

    It’s a big deal when he’s pushing anti-2A LEGISLATION without combat experience. Yeah, it’s a big deal.
    445th CA BN 05-06, (Kirkuk, Iraq)
    418th CA BN 07-08, (Baghdad, Iraq)
    MOS: started as 74C10, changed to 25D, ETS as 38B20. I served in a team sergeant role, on a civil affairs team, as an E5. At the time of my first deployment, USACAPOC(A) was under USASOC. However, I never SOF qualified. I only had aspirations to after deployment. That’s IT. Embellishment of service effectively demotes people like my friends, brothers and sisters, who deployed to a combat zone (and some KIA) and earned our combat pay. I am proud of what I was able to accomplish. I honestly don’t give a shit if anyone thinks they’re better than me. I know what I did.

    • @scoth2930
      @scoth2930 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      He actually never said he had combat experience. He said he served during war. But, I know that’s not gonna meet your agenda and your just gonna blow right past it.

    • @georgetuider654
      @georgetuider654 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I was the 1SG of B/445 on that tour and a long tabber (1st and 10th SFGA), put in that role days after RIP/TOA because the 1SG had been relieved of duty. But, on that tour, I was a CAT herder, not an action guy. Some people were absolutely spectacular, some not so much but most genuinely gave their best. And there were a few turds too. Unfortunately, people outside of the Army don't know there is a difference and give the same "Thank you for your service" to everyone. BUT, I have more respect for even my worst soldier than for a self serving, self promoting coward who took all the perks of respect and pay through the years that came with the grades of pay Walz held. Unlike him, when the phone rang at three in the morning, they all showed up when it was time to go.
      Leading others in a war is not only a duty for those who have sought out advancement and progressed up through the ranks, but even more, it is a privilege. You were promoted SPECIFICALLY to lead WHEN it was time for the big game.
      I have nothing but gratitude for the contribution of my soldiers and if they ever run for office, they can reach out to me and I will give an honest testimony of their service. And for those few who's performance was detrimental to the success of our mission, there are no do overs.
      David D. was in the IRR and snatched out of his world and called to active duty. He had just gotten a solid footing in a new career and marriage when the telegram arrived. I first met him at Fort Dix when he was going through an abbreviated CA course and to say the least, his state of mind was a bit, well... unproductive. I pulled him aside and explained that the fact that he DID show up and not dodge the back door draft as many others had done was a testimony to his character. It was normal for him to be a bit off balance, BUT what he did from this point forward was going to follow him, good or bad, for the rest of his life. He got his head in the game and was eventually assigned to me where I put him on my B team. Ultimately, I made him a Team SGT operating in Samarra which was one of the most dangerous places in the country. His team had violent encounters with the enemy throughout his tenure until hours of his departure from F.O.B. Brassfield Mora. It was a tough tour for that team and it took a toll. Upon return to the states, his gunner, Paul, jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.
      For those of you who don't think that the words Tim Walz used are important, it is because for a half century of an all volunteer force, you have not had to bear the burden of war. For those of us who have, words do matter.

    • @rwdchannel2901
      @rwdchannel2901 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I had a drill sergeant in AIT named Perry McNeil. He became a E-9 Command Sergeant Major then he got court martialed for lying about being a US Army Ranger and other things. He got kicked out as an E-7. There are a lot of news articles about his stolen valor online.
      When Trump becomes President again, he should call Walz back to active duty and court martial him for stolen valor.

    • @psyience3213
      @psyience3213 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It also really doesn't though because combat experience has absolutely nothing to do with our right to keep and bear arms which shall not be infringed.
      I don't know why anyone pro 2a or anti 2a would think that has absolutely anything to do with our constitutional rights.

    • @psyience3213
      @psyience3213 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@scoth2930 “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”
      You're completely wrong. So you're either lying and insidiously trying to subvert the public, or you're a useful idiot. And considering he played the entire clip here I'm guessing it's just he second. You're just a fucking moron, the person the left loves because you regurgitate their talking points and are too dumb to know any better and too lazy to verify anything.

  • @psyience3213
    @psyience3213 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

    Just to clarify, he's called Tampon Tim because he got a bill passed to put tampons in men's restrooms.

    • @Kq4hcuDan
      @Kq4hcuDan 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      He's also a p*do adjacent including has a felony DUI

    • @stephanwilliams5818
      @stephanwilliams5818 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Not true… it’s made that the school has to make it available. So if there in the boys room it’s up to the school

    • @ShemZ664
      @ShemZ664 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      @@stephanwilliams5818That makes about as much sense as urinals in the girls bathroom.

    • @stephanwilliams5818
      @stephanwilliams5818 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@ShemZ664 read the bill… it just says the government will provide the schools with them and it’s up to the school where to put them. It makes as much sense as the conservatives saying there is litter boxes in restrooms.

    • @jpburnez5655
      @jpburnez5655 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@stephanwilliams5818 NOUP! HE SIGNED IT AS LAW!!

  • @sharonlarge7908
    @sharonlarge7908 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    During the riots when he was Governor of Minnesota, he said why bring in the National Guard because a bunch of 19 year old cooks can’t help!

    • @wilsonwarner6903
      @wilsonwarner6903 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Wow, I didn't know he said that

    • @Mia13jml
      @Mia13jml 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      He might have been in 1-125 FA, but dude was the biggest Blue Falcon POG

  • @genek8630
    @genek8630 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    My father was in the army on Oahu when Pearl Harbor was bombed at a place called Fort Armstrong, and he fought on Saipan. He never talked about his military service. Then you have people like this Walz character who lies about what he's done. He sounds like someone who lacks character and could even be considered a coward for abandoning his men and his unit prior to deployment.

  • @drw_bucs_fan4818
    @drw_bucs_fan4818 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

    Have him produce his retired ID card! Mine states “pay grade E9; Rank CSM”. Those retired ID cards don’t lie…

    • @DD-hz3ts
      @DD-hz3ts หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      It gets worse when you dig deeper, because he signed up for CSM academy knowing he was gonna bail after being deployed, AND he signed a 6 yr contract that his democrat friends ended early, just so that he could retire as a "CSM", despite the fact that he SHOULD NOT HAVE due to not completing the academy OR serving two years as a CSM afterward.
      In fact it took the two years he was supposed to serve to revoke his rank, by which point he already ran his campaign TWICE on being a CSM.
      He also straight up abandoned his men before they deployed, after promising them he'd be their CSM, and thus a) fucked over a MSG from that rank in the cycle and b) made a different CSM get cycled into the job HE signed up to do.
      He should have been UCMJ'd years ago and still can be, but the democrats will never let that happen
      I frigging hate the democrats.

    • @chrismclain6301
      @chrismclain6301 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Mine says E8, 1SG. So why does his say MSG? Did he not successfully complete his KD time as a 1SG? Or, does that not apply to the Guard and Reserve?

    • @DD-hz3ts
      @DD-hz3ts 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@chrismclain6301 He did not complete either KD or the CSM Academy (he dropped out 1 month before completion). His conditional rank should have been stripped immediately back down to MSG upon receiving his discharge paperwork, but it wasn't. It took a period of years before his paperwork was finally resolved for reasons that cannot be explained by normal procedure. His official rank is MSG now but it wasn't when he retired.
      The same democrats that got him off his 6 year contract early arranged this solely to boost his campaign. You'll note that Walz' campaign has said nothing against the "claim" of stolen valor and anyone who defends Walz on this point is explicity told to NOT say he was a CSM when he retired, because then people might actually look up his record and see the weird things around his retirement.
      He can STILL be article'd over this is why, and so can the people who rubber stamped it.

    • @baghdadbitch
      @baghdadbitch 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Facts 100%

    • @baghdadbitch
      @baghdadbitch 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@chrismclain6301 Identification and privilege card don't lie

  • @klb9142
    @klb9142 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    Slight correction! He is called tampon Tim, because he mandated tampons be put in all schools boy bathrooms statewide. He also said previously that hehe suffered PTSD from being in battle.

  • @michaeltorluemke3322
    @michaeltorluemke3322 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    When his fellow soldiers came out and spoke out against him it made things perfectly clear. They felt like he betrayed them. Then that he added to that betrayal with claims that Wlzs knew were untrue. Most veterans and soldiers consider that disrespectful, disgraceful, and a betrayal of all he stood for. He is not fit for the job and is definitely not fit to be the potential Commander in Chief. His conduct does not show leadership qualities but selfishness.

  • @reven-docta79
    @reven-docta79 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    The unit was one on the longest serving units in theater (22 months straight), not by their choosing. Yet they sucked it up and did their job - suffered 2 KIA and 16 WIAs. He was a Coward then and he will have to live with a Coward’s stripe for the rest of his life.

  • @johnetterlee1580
    @johnetterlee1580 หลายเดือนก่อน +78

    I deployed to Iraq a few times and guys like this piss me off. I lost friends. He retired as a MSG with no combat experience. But, why lie about it? Why can't just being in be enough? And, yes, I agree with you. Civilians may not get it. But, it is a big deal to us.

    • @jerrycrouch427
      @jerrycrouch427 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      What makes it more frustrating is that you likely have more days in Iraq than he has in uniform because 24 years national guard is service to the nation but not the same as active duty.

    • @Andy-im3kj
      @Andy-im3kj หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      If you want civilians to understand I tell them that it's like impersonating a cop.

    • @privatecitizen4001
      @privatecitizen4001 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      When I got to iraq my first tour our senior scout said to me "I spent more time in combat zones than you've spent in the military" 😂😂😂 ok bro I'll listen

    • @neekniggit3606
      @neekniggit3606 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      It's the utter lack of integrity.

    • @johnetterlee1580
      @johnetterlee1580 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@jerrycrouch427 probably

  • @teambeforeself6839
    @teambeforeself6839 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Well just because you sat a seat, doesn’t make you that rank. In the Navy, I’m sitting as a Command Master Chief, but I’m a rated Master Chief, so I would never say, when I retire, I’m a CMC. But if you lie about the little things… you’re likely lying in other things, so this is a character concern and therefore, you do not deserve to serve the people.

    • @jbone9900
      @jbone9900 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Trump definitely doesn't then.

    • @teambeforeself6839
      @teambeforeself6839 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@jbone9900 TRUMP 2024. IMHO, He was an excellent leader.

    • @jbone9900
      @jbone9900 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@teambeforeself6839 if a crash economy and tension sure a wonderful leader for Russia.

    • @teambeforeself6839
      @teambeforeself6839 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@jbone9900 huh… what are you talking about? I mentioned nothing about Russia and we have our own shit to take care of, so they are not my concern.

    • @DiegoBly
      @DiegoBly 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Wait so your logic is Walz has character flaws therefore he shouldn't lead. But, Trump also has character flaws but was a "great leader" race relations were at their worst under Trump, crime was up under Trump, Trump downplayed the pandemic because he prioritized the economy and his own likability polls over American lives. But somehow, you think Trump is fit to lead us? You're either ignorant, insane or want to see this country crumble.

  • @hoppiemacv8604
    @hoppiemacv8604 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Stolen Valor is a federal crime in the United States! Stolen Valor Act of 2005! And Yes if you commit Stolen Valor! You should be arrested and go to Prison!

  • @shimagaijin1
    @shimagaijin1 หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    If Walz is talking about M16/M4 rifles vs AR15s, he is f*ckin’ ignorant of how rifles operate.

    • @neekniggit3606
      @neekniggit3606 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      He's pandering! 💯

    • @johncash4671
      @johncash4671 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      It's what's commonly known as intentional ignorance

    • @gennehring1
      @gennehring1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      But you'll give Trump a pass for his bone spurs....Hypocritical much?

    • @johncash4671
      @johncash4671 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@gennehring1 Trump took a bullet for his country.
      'Nuff said

    • @gennehring1
      @gennehring1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@johncash4671 hahaha, "for his country" jesus, i needed that laugh.

  • @thomaschurch1969
    @thomaschurch1969 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Angrycops did a deep dive video on Walz's last couple years in service. Lots of HUGE red flags. Leaving early in May when his reenlistment was in September, so his EAS should have been in September. That's something I don't think is possible in most cases, and I have no idea how someone can break their contract like that without catching a dishonorable discharge... Then he claims he was on a 4 year enlistment, but others claim he had a 6 year enlistment to fulfill all the aspects of becoming an E-9. Some paperwork that was posted states he wasn't available for signature, which seems really sketchy, like why wouldn't you be there to collect your paperwork? Unless maybe he was hoping to skate through and maintain the E-9 rank? Or if he was just not allowed to come in for the signature, which is probably worse. ALSO he had Command Sergeant Major coins made to be giving out on the campaign trail....

    • @u4tubular
      @u4tubular หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      AC made it clear that Walz didn’t complete most of the requirements to keep the CSM rank.

  • @sound-flies
    @sound-flies หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    plus Walz shows he can not be the second in command. If he leaves his soldiers behind like that. How can any one vote for them.

  • @rwdchannel2901
    @rwdchannel2901 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    There's a proverb that says it's better to be a poor man with integrity and a rich man who's a liar.
    I was in Kosovo in year 2000 when things were still somewhat bad because of Serbians and Albanians doing revenge attacks on each other. In October 2000, my platoon was going house to house kicking down doors looking for weapons. People were taking shots at us when we were guarding Serbian Churches. Serbian merchant shops were getting blown up when people drove by and threw grenades in them. There were still mines being put on the streets that we had to look out for when on patrol. I've had to clean blood out of the back of the hummer many times. I was arresting people every week. There was a mission where Special Forces arrested a terrorist and I was there pulling security on the back of the house and told to stop anyone trying to flee the scene. I was a PFC(E-3) when I did these things in Kosovo. I have videos of that deployment on my TH-cam channel.
    For Tim Walz to claim he did the same type of things as I've done, is offensive.

  • @penrodautorepair3170
    @penrodautorepair3170 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Time Waltz was caught wearing a SF hat. Guess he thinks he’s a Green berets now

  • @dustinhaus1165
    @dustinhaus1165 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    My grandpa was an E9. That makes me 1/4 E9.

    • @divemasterben
      @divemasterben หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      🤣😂🤣😂 Love it!

    • @robertK3371
      @robertK3371 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Hahahah. That's great!

  • @richardmccauley2381
    @richardmccauley2381 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    From a fellow Combat Veteran, Thank you for your Service and your channel!! I served 12 years as a Combat Engineer in the Army, including two tours to Iraq, with two different units, 2005-2007. It’s extremely disheartening to admit that I feel this way, But I believe that enough people are still under the spell of the mainstream media outlets, to the extent that they either won’t get this kind of information, or just won’t care…And then these United States will be United no longer! I lost friends of mine in Iraq, who died as Heroes for their buddies and they came home draped in The Flag. However, now that Same Flag is allowed to be burned and destroyed in Our Nation’s Capital, in support of the same type of cowardice thugs that were responsible for the demise of my friends, along with so many others! Sappers In The Breach! THIS WE’LL DEFEND!

  • @MediaAttorney
    @MediaAttorney 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Walz is the worst kind of stolen valor. Nate on the Valhala VFT channel said Walz also claimed he was in special forces. Also, since when did anyone carry a semi-auto AR "in war"?

  • @CoffeeShopChatter
    @CoffeeShopChatter หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I covered this very thing twice and even walked people through my DD-214. There were people still giving me push back and some even served saying I was lying about him. Even to the point saying I didn't serve in the military. Even though my DD214 shows I served over 28 years in the Army on active duty and retired as a MAJ. I even showed where I attended OCS as a SFC which reflected in the 14 years i served being enlisted.
    I went as far as stated an ERB or ORB will show your combat deployments and your overseas tours. Walz was credited with an overseas tour for those 6 months in Vicenza Italy.

    • @idowrk8682
      @idowrk8682 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      There are so many civilians out there covering up his “misspeak” or pandering to the vet crowd that don’t really understand the issue. You also have vets of other services on left wing media confusing civilians even more. There is a bunch of nuance to this that makes it a big deal to us.
      I explained to people (my friends) if he was an OEF vet he would have an OEF campaign medal or a GWOT-EM medal. You may have OEF orders but if you do not set foot in country (30 day min at least for the medals) than your not an OEF vet.

    • @CoffeeShopChatter
      @CoffeeShopChatter 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@idowrk8682 exactly, and even then, they still don't get it. You also have those thar default to the statement of, well he served 24yrs. At that point I don't waste any more words on them.

    • @idowrk8682
      @idowrk8682 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CoffeeShopChatter that’s when I hit them with the “not all service is the same service and not an deployments are the same deployments”. Active duty is so fundamentally different from the guard. I spent time in both.
      The saying “ we are at war, America is at the mall” feels so true right now. We did this for 20 years and they still didn’t learn anything.

  • @raysabor3413
    @raysabor3413 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    He should be charged for Stolen Valor, No excuses.

  • @CRUSH71
    @CRUSH71 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    I am a Marine Corps Corps veteran from the Desert Storm era. I served stateside and never saw any combat. Walz is an absolute disgrace for lying about his service and, of course, bailing on his unit when they were headed to Iraq. This guy should go nowhere near the White House.

    • @UnitedStatesofAmerica1984
      @UnitedStatesofAmerica1984 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bailing? Is it seriously your choice whenever you don't deploy somewhere, or not going to combat if that's not something you would do well in?

  • @mgbgtguy
    @mgbgtguy 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I was deployed as an Army reservist to Saudi Arabia for Desert Storm, but even though I was “boots on the ground” I have not, and will never claim I was a soldier in war. I only claim I was deployed for the operation.
    This guy did not fulfill his obligation to claim the rank he claims, and did not carry a weapon of war in war.

  • @jpburnez5655
    @jpburnez5655 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    As I previously said on another post:
    I was in more "war" for 14 years as a Special Operations LEO than TAMPON TIM in 24 years at the National Guard! That is STOLEN VALOR AT IT'S FINEST!
    DEMONCRAP POLITICIANS SUCK IN THE MILITARY, BUT EVEN MORE AS LEO's!!! They don't even know what the meaning of "shameful" is!
    I have family members and friends (one retired as Colonel and another one retired as a Lieutenant Colonel SOP ) both were on ACTIVE WAR ZONES ON MANY DEPLOYMENTS AND THEY ARE 🔥 IN ANGER THANKS TO WHAT TAMPON TIM HAVE BEEN SAYING ABOUT HIS TIME IN THE MILITARY!
    I don't even know how they would verbally react if they come face to face with TAMPON TIM! But my guts tell me it wouldn't be pretty at all.

  • @orgblackswan
    @orgblackswan 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Thanks for focusing on this. Civilians don't want to understand the importance of these lies. There are unspoken things between active army, national guard and army reserves, however the fact they serve is respected.

  • @blissjoy825
    @blissjoy825 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Hon. Veterans: deepest gratitude. REGARDING LEGALITY OF WALTZ' ALLEGED MISREPRESENTATIONS -- as a veteran, he is under civilian federal law "Stolen Valor Act of 2013" ("... fraudulent claims ... subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year or both ...."; if active, then covered by Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)").

  • @aldafaðr
    @aldafaðr 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    I like this Walz guy. In 8th grade our basketball team won states. Now, thanks to Walz, I get to say I played in the NBA.

    • @RuffinSanderson
      @RuffinSanderson 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That's cool, what team did you play for?

    • @aldafaðr
      @aldafaðr 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@RuffinSanderson In real life or my fictional Tim Walzverse where I'm in the NBA?

  • @sicksee5450
    @sicksee5450 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Tampon Tim was for signing a bill to put tampons in the boys bathroom in schools..

  • @deoppressoliber1282
    @deoppressoliber1282 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I retired as an E9 (SGM) but as an E-8 I was 'acting' CSM/SGM in a few job positions because we didn't have any CSM/SGM backfill or were awaiting the new E-9 to show up; however, I never referred to myself as a CSM during those time periods. Heck, I even covered down on a MAJ's position as an E-8 in the CJSOTF-A S-3 shop for a year; I didn't refer to myself as a MAJ while in that position and I definitely don't go around saying I'm a retired Major or CSM.

    • @tonywilliams49
      @tonywilliams49 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So you support a coward that thinks combat veterans are suckers? You full of it if you do.

    • @deoppressoliber1282
      @deoppressoliber1282 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@tonywilliams49 Dude, WTF are you think'n; you totally misinterperted what I wrote. Of course I think Waltz is a coward!

    • @thelmadickinson6811
      @thelmadickinson6811 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@deoppressoliber1282the despot is referring to the lie the media told that Trump called servicemen suckers. The despot is a troll needing a reaction.

  • @tworiverspete
    @tworiverspete หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Thanks partner. From Canada, I was never in the military. Been watching you for awhile and I have all the respect in the world for what you guys do and did. 2014 I was working in Lugansk Ukraine when things went sideways. We got shelled and shot at and I was scared. Had no weapon and had no idea what to do and thankful a few of the Brits I was with had experience and walked me out safely. I guess now I can say I am a combat veteran and run for Prime Minister here. It is wrong to mislead people by using slick words and inuendo to gain power and I am no combat veteran. If you ever get up this way to BC give me a shout and you always have a place here.

  • @jdsr7423
    @jdsr7423 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    It's a huge problem I'm not a veteran as a D O D contractor in an active theater on a f o b. He didn't serve in active theater AND bailed out when it got real 🤬 sounds like a coward trying to seem big stolen valor is the least that could be said...smh

  • @sgt.grinch3299
    @sgt.grinch3299 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I find Walz shameful. You never lie about your service. Semper Fi!

  • @gerald2074
    @gerald2074 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I was in the military and severed in the United States Army during peace time! I was never in a Combat Zone! And it would be highly disrespectful to dishoner those veterans that have served in a Combat Zone!

  • @user-uc5zk8yi1d
    @user-uc5zk8yi1d 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I retired as an E7 with 20 yrs, all active duty (yes that makes a difference). I served as the Battalion Signal Officer (a O3 position) as well as The Battalion Communications Chief (a E8 position) both Staff positions. That doesn't make me a Captain or Master Sergeant, just represents the positions I held. I have served in both theater support and in theater. This disrespects all those NG and active who have willingly done what they were called upon to do.

  • @danielashley2975
    @danielashley2975 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The thing that people have to realize is if you are a Democrat you can say and do anything you want and will never be held accountable.

  • @Absaalookemensch
    @Absaalookemensch 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    TH-cam keeps censoring me.
    Ti m Wa lz was in the reserves from 1981-2005. He was arrested for a DUI in 1985, yet his career wasn't ruined from that.

  • @RB-vr7mq
    @RB-vr7mq หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Sometimes I regret shit that I wish I had done/accomplished in my limited 12 years in the Army... but I damned sure aint gonna make it up to try an impress anyone for any reason.
    I spent 12 years in the Infantry (Active and Guard), got hurt, got out and have the nice 100% VA Rating, and a lot of great memories. If I ever embellished my service, I have about 80 Brothers I am still in touch with who would deservedly take me out to Area J and school my ass.
    Never shot at anyone, never saw combat, I coulda been a contender but it was not my time.

  • @stevenkuznar9165
    @stevenkuznar9165 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Just being a veteran can't be enough for this type of person.

  • @waltjefferis552
    @waltjefferis552 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Harris/Walz are trying to distance themselves from this major issue. I’m a veteran myself my dad and my nephews are all on active duty this spits on the lives of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

  • @RosterNumber47
    @RosterNumber47 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    There is a distinction, and it is a big deal (combat deployment vs. operational non-combat deployment); let’s not blur the lines and disrespect the veterans who faced enemy fire, and those who did not. There are Americans who died within minutes or hours of their first combat action at a very young age. They hold our highest respect and we owe them our never ending gratitude. Deploying administratively to Italy is nowhere near the same echelon of risk or sacrifice. Waltz is a shell of a man who enjoyed his weekend gigs and quickly shed his commitment and oath of office once the reality of a true combat deployment was imminent. He’s a defective candidate, and a man of poor character.

  • @MatthewHaydel
    @MatthewHaydel หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Where’s his DD Form 214 and what is indicated on the document. His 214 should be published to expose him for the fraud he is perpetuating.

    • @DavidLLambertmobile
      @DavidLLambertmobile 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Walz DD214 or his final LESs DFAS records 🗂 ...

    • @MatthewHaydel
      @MatthewHaydel 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@DavidLLambertmobile what’s the skinny? Can’t download the attached folder…

  • @The_Black_Knight
    @The_Black_Knight หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Most civilians do not understand statuses. There are FOUR types of servicemembers outside of active, reserve, and NG. Veteran, combat veteran, retired veteran, and retired combat veteran (all categories). They are not equivalent to each other. Walz is a retired veteran.

  • @grafenr.3405
    @grafenr.3405 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Walz is a liar about his service

  • @wolfhound45
    @wolfhound45 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    He had to complete a two year distance education program at the Sergeants Major Academy. He withdrew before he completed his first academic year. He was administratively reduced to Master Sergeant because he did not complete his educational and command tenure requirements.

  • @johnwysowski8578
    @johnwysowski8578 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    During the 1960s, guys like Tim Walz joined the National Guard to avoid the draft and Vietnam service. They were known as Weekend Warriors. WALZ was in the Guard for 24 years and managed to earn a BS and MS, teach social studies in HS, coach HS football for 4 years, live in China for a year on an educational exchange program and travel to China with his wife about 30 times as sponsors for a school academic program. He never once served in a combat zone.

    • @johnwysowski8578
      @johnwysowski8578 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Much has been made of Walz’s military record. He was in the Army National Guard for 24 years. That sounds like a lot, but here is a liberal breakdown of his service (some of his service is double counted): Basic training 10 weeks = 70 days; 24 years of 1 weekend per month + 14 days annual training each year = 912 days; a 9 month deployment to Italy in 2003 = 270 days. Total active service about 1252 days or 3.43 years.

  • @bmuhleman
    @bmuhleman 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    When the Battalion Commander calls you out as a coward that is enough said right there. Dont lie about service, be proud of your role but dont lie. You diminish what you did and what those that actually did what you claim as well. He is 100% guilty of Stolen Valor and should be charged with the Stolen Valor Act cause he is the most guilty you could find.

  • @snunez1911
    @snunez1911 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I love how you say " it's the fucking national guard". The air guard unit I'm in is a joke.

    • @dfirment1064
      @dfirment1064 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I still thank you for your service, God bless you

  • @michaelmead7578
    @michaelmead7578 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Walz should be arrested immediately end of discussion!! He’s a disgrace to the uniform and to all that have given their all!!

    • @gennehring1
      @gennehring1 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      But you'll happily vote for a draft dodger, i'm sure.

    • @jbone9900
      @jbone9900 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nah just the trumpers

    • @Kq4hcuDan
      @Kq4hcuDan 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@jbone9900projection at its finest, continue drinking the leftoid communist Kool aid

    • @RobertCunningham-pf9tg
      @RobertCunningham-pf9tg 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@gennehring1 Big difference is..... President Trump never LIED about that. Do you understand now ? Mr Walz has been lying for years and never took any chance to clear it up. AND, not just one lie, but multiple lies about multiple things he has lied about. Hope you understand now. Have a good day

    • @ladyphoenixgrey3923
      @ladyphoenixgrey3923 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@gennehring1You drones really think this means something don’t you? Trump never once lied about not serving.
      But don’t let reality destroy your imagination.
      Just keep making the same stupid statements so the rest of us can laugh at you collectively.

  • @jimmyjackson2361
    @jimmyjackson2361 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You’re correct, just like anyone else, not all veterans are equal. Just like not all combat veterans are the same. Remember Timothy McVeigh? It’s just a fact! I spent over twenty years on active duty, but never deployed to a designated combat zone. I would never lie, or mislead anyone, for any reason that I did. What Walz did is shameful, and disrespectful to those who did. My four older bothers and my oldest son all spent time in a combat zone, and I would never disrespect them by implying or down right lying about it. What is so sad is so many veterans, and citizens are giving him a pass on his lie for political reason.

  • @donaldmartin4980
    @donaldmartin4980 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I spent 20 years in the military , real VETS don’t say they are something that they are not .

  • @larryspiller6633
    @larryspiller6633 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I was Command SP4 (p) in my last battalion. Most Senior Junior Enlisted Advisor. 4 years time in grade made that possible. Or so I felt like it did.

  • @hoppiemacv8604
    @hoppiemacv8604 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    If someone will lie about Stolen Valor! They will lie about anything! Making them a MF Liar!

  • @zachfpv4493
    @zachfpv4493 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    As a civilian the fact he is using his "combat"experience as a reason for advocating gun control is enough to see his flawed character.I do however understand why veterans particularly enlisted would be offended by him claiming such a prestigious rank.

    • @gerald2074
      @gerald2074 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Exactly! He is a pathetic excuse for a man to use a LIE to attack our 2nd ADM! The sad part is that he didn't even have to Lie! Serving and making the Rank of E 8 Master SGT is a great achievement in itself and he was allowed to serve as a Command SGT Major is a great achievement as well. Especially in the National Gaurd! So for him to LIE for selfish greedy reasons just prove s he is of poor character

  • @g.backwoods2216
    @g.backwoods2216 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I was not able to join our once great military watching what happened to our military is unbelievable. I serve with the Florida state militia took the oath with them and will always serve with them.

  • @mikebrase5161
    @mikebrase5161 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    You either recieved HFP or you didn't. You were either in a place to earn a CIB, CAB or CFMB or you weren't.

  • @user-py6tl9fe6j
    @user-py6tl9fe6j 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The fact that Mrs Gabbard ran towards the shots and Timmy ran away tells me all I need to know.

    @TEAMTOYDESTRUCTION 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I served, E5, 2000-2007, active duty AF in the BEST military in the world.
    Yes this is a big deal to me too.

  • @JulietActual
    @JulietActual 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    That awkward moment when his ad pops up before the video starts😂 stolen valor did great breaking this on X at the beginning

  • @michaeltorluemke3322
    @michaeltorluemke3322 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    So what weapons did Walz carry in war. Maybe the M9 and M4 in his deployment to Italy but probably the just the M9 as a Senior NCO. So he was just pumping up his credentials for the crowd for personal and political gain. He has been doing that since before he retired. The disgraceful thing is he continued to do so after it was brought to his attention. So it’s not that he misspoke as they claim, he purposely chose to use false information for personal and political gain.

  • @utahdot4245
    @utahdot4245 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I was in for 26 years starting in 1983. I was in the time of war but I do not qualify to join "Veterans of Foreign War" (ie...VFW) nor did I ever receive combat pay. So to hear "TW" make the claims that he has pisses me off. To me it is total disrespect to combat veterans. I had the privilege to sit in a group chat with a combat veteran and members of his unit a few times. This guys have lost members of their unit to suicide from combat trauma and you can here it in their voices as they talked. I was a military photographer from 19 to the age of 23 and the stuff I photographed was pretty gruesome; accidents (w/death), homicide, suicides, and child abuse but that is not the same as loosing a friend in combat as I heard in their voices. So to hear him claim the things he has and use it to his benefit piss me off.

  • @Gary-zq3pz
    @Gary-zq3pz 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled! Oh, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!

  • @know-body2519
    @know-body2519 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Hey, remember "Private Benjamin"?
    "She" was pretending to be a soldier AND a lady...😂

  • @look4Karl
    @look4Karl 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I ❤ it!!! You called him {Tampon Tim)!!!

  • @gardnert1
    @gardnert1 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    100% agree. There is right, and there is wrong, and in the military community, you are OBLIGATED to be right. There's no "kinda sorta" or "it's whatever" in the military (or there shouldn't be).

  • @doylecole
    @doylecole 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    He looks down on the real heroes, the Veterans, Guard and the Reservist!

  • @ce6654
    @ce6654 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    So, I sometimes give guys leeway on making their deployment sound cooler than it was - got it. I don't give leeway when they're saying that they achieved a rank they didn't achieve, or went on a deployment they didn't go on. This dude did both - AND ran out on his guys after promising that he'd be there for them. That is the truly unforgivable part for me.

  • @LtColWhiskeyPilot
    @LtColWhiskeyPilot 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Excellent analysis. Couple typos with the wording on your text:
    1. Walz went to “EUCOM” as in the Geographical Combatant Commander for Europe for his orders to provide security support in Italy. The wording says “Yukon” .
    2. The image of President Bush presented was of the father George HW Bush , but Walz protested the son George W Bush who was president at the time in the early 2000s.
    Semper Fi!

  • @joeygay7115
    @joeygay7115 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Can't carry a pool stick in war when he didn't go

  • @deplorable1-2
    @deplorable1-2 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You would think that Kerry getting "Swift Boated" would turn on a light bulb. Nope!

  • @tommurray7255
    @tommurray7255 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    🤔 wondering why no one has taken into account that National Guard 24 yrs of service is actually only totaling 2.4 yrs of actual service , not that should take anything away from anyone's service to our country, but let's be honest , weekend worriors , shouldn't be lifted up to the same standards held by our full-time military 3/4/year or re- enlisting contracts where these soldiers eat, sleet and live the military life

  • @teambeforeself6839
    @teambeforeself6839 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Tampon Tim is because he put dispensers in the boys room.

    • @brewcity2317
      @brewcity2317 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is a joke you are making right?

    • @teambeforeself6839
      @teambeforeself6839 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@brewcity2317 no, it was reported that people call him that, because as the governor he signed a bill putting tampon dispensers into boys restrooms. I wish it were a joke though as this crazy, especially considering he served.

    • @brewcity2317
      @brewcity2317 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@teambeforeself6839 thanks. 👍

    • @Andy-im3kj
      @Andy-im3kj หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@brewcity2317 No it's true.

    • @brewcity2317
      @brewcity2317 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Andy-im3kj , damn. 🤦

  • @Kq4hcuDan
    @Kq4hcuDan 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Isn't there is picture of him as well, wearing a GB patch on a hat?

  • @ladyphoenixgrey3923
    @ladyphoenixgrey3923 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Is that Castle Crashers? I love that background music! 🤣🤣🤣
    Loved the video and insight.

  • @deanstambaugh6892
    @deanstambaugh6892 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    It matters because he's profiting off things he didn't earn

  • @dhbucholt720
    @dhbucholt720 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I was Navy Corpsman, and I attended Fmss and passed the training but I was never a Marine corpsman and would never say I was because you have to earn that title not just have the training.

  • @mccjoe01
    @mccjoe01 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I just heard, Walz has decided not to run for vice president.....
    Kamala told him they were going to Battle ground States and he ran off screaming. "I retire!! I retire"!! Over his shoulder😂

  • @tallyforeman3145
    @tallyforeman3145 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You're a good man. Thank you sir for your service 🇺🇸

  • @mikebrase5161
    @mikebrase5161 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    5Aug2004 i was un an 18hr Battle in Sadr City. When ld to think this Oxygen thief was protesting on a day that every man in my Company will never forget. Intersection of Gold and Grizzlies. If youve been there you know what kind of area that was.

  • @MarineOne-
    @MarineOne- หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thanks Jay for covering this very important to me also.

  • @margaretstutts4362
    @margaretstutts4362 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thank you for your service to our country. 🙏🏼🧡💙 Another thing, none of my family would talk about their service. I found out all this after they died.

  • @trevorstevens3870
    @trevorstevens3870 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yo hey now great video I'm moved out of Minnesota 20 years ago because they are nuts

  • @RobertCunningham-pf9tg
    @RobertCunningham-pf9tg 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Very good take my friend. Well done.

  • @sharonlarge7908
    @sharonlarge7908 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You don’t miss speak for over 10 years!

    • @ladyphoenixgrey3923
      @ladyphoenixgrey3923 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Try 20 years.
      He’s been claiming this since 2004.

  • @gabrielrodriguez821
    @gabrielrodriguez821 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I have a worse story than ditching a deployment. In the Guard if you are over 20 years and you get on title 10 you can retire immediately with full benefits.
    So this guy was in a Guard unit doing route clearance in Afghanistan and was a squad leader as a e-4. His platoon sergent was a e-5. Why? Because his chain of command(senior enlisted and some officers)was so selfish and so uncaring they all retired en mass as they arrived in the country, leaving the young enlisted to pick up the pieces while doing the most dangerous job in Afghanistan.
    My mouth was wide open hearing this. The gaul of those so called "leaders"

  • @Nocturnal2010
    @Nocturnal2010 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You either have integrity as a man or you dont 🤷🏾‍♂️ Theres no in between. Stolen valor is a fkn crime. You know what your fkn rank is at any given time. I never served but ive lost family that fought for this country and I love this country. Waltz knew better having served. He did it to look good for politics

  • @danielsueros8166
    @danielsueros8166 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Best breakdown of how events took place I’ve seen so far

  • @82fdny97
    @82fdny97 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The background music is hysterical

  • @gloriawilson3241
    @gloriawilson3241 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I am a old veteran but back in the day like Vietnam if you served a few days there you were awarded the Vietnam Service medal. The Campaign medal requied 30 days or wounded, so has the army changed? he claimed he carried weapons in combat so there should be a service medal for that combat area and a combat service medal.

  • @TheNextGreatApe
    @TheNextGreatApe หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My father made CSM in 1969 after his second tour in Vietnam. He was stationed in Naples, Italy when he received his promotion and then was posted to the 11th AD signal battalion in Kaiserslautern. This was before the SGM academy days but he still had to receive training. He was allowed to take most of it via correspondence, and I still remember as a small boy him sitting at the kitchen table in our Army housing in Vogelweh at all hours of the night studying. Things are a lot different now!

  • @camg3006
    @camg3006 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    It's crazy how both major political parties that represent the people have military dodgers at the helm. Vets risk their lives to fight a war that we create only to come home to nothing. We need to do better...

    • @thelmadickinson6811
      @thelmadickinson6811 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Stolen valor is a much deeper issue than someone who was dismissed by MEPS.

  • @johnknecht7336
    @johnknecht7336 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Not even retiring as top aka first sergeant. His retirement is master sergeant

  • @idowrk8682
    @idowrk8682 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    On his ngb22 (national guard dd214 equivalent) he doesn’t have an OEF campaign medal or a GWOT-EM medal. It’s really that simple. You have to be in country for 30 days to earn those.
    Example. You may have OIF orders but you were only in Kuwait (that’s why they get picked on, but all love) you don’t qualify for OIF awards. You can’t say you’re a vet of a combat area OIF. Or you maybe a conventional troop tabbed ranger meaning you went through the ranger “leadership” school but you were never in the regiment you’re not a ranger.

  • @jerrycrouch427
    @jerrycrouch427 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Even bigger dick move was he filmed campaign videos at Camp Shelby while his unit was training. You should have presented the CNN interview with his BDE CSM. He jumped the chain to get his retirement approved because they were going to deny his retirement to take him along as a result of his agreement to deploy and promote.

  • @danielsueros8166
    @danielsueros8166 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Even recently, if you were conditionally promoted to SSG and SFC you had 1 year from the time of promotion to complete PME basically be fully qualified for those ranks. If people didn’t complete those schools they would get demoted that’s just facts. Wild