Yes, indeed. God ALONE knows who shall be saved and who shall be damned. This is why I no longer attend Pentacostal churches after attending them for 33 years.
Indeed! As ever, our generation of Christians face great challenges within our faith as well as beyond it. God knows His own. Therefore, God knows who you truly are, and loves you for it! I hope that you are happy and well!
Separation of church and state is more important, and palpable problems should be addressed with said separation. Policies were not made for a certain party or religion. This could easily lead to a religious war that many real Americans don’t want. Reach across party lines and allow pagans to also exist with religious freedom.
I’d hate to be banned from your channel Mr. Ginorio, but I do have to say: Dungeons and Dragons would be outlawed, to this day, if we accepted your beliefs at the current moment…
@@Blade55294 Not at all. I have never insisted that anyone agree with me in order to view my expression. Quite the contrary! I expect and hope that each individual thinks for himself. My ideas come from an old way of looking at our American society. We are a tolerant Judeo-Christian society. We are not religiously neutral. From before our Revolution, different colonies experimented with acceptance between various denominations of Protestant and Reformed Christianity, then with the Roman Catholics of Maryland, then with the Jews of New York and the bigger cities, and so forth. You do live freely as a Pagan in a society built by and inhabited by an overwhelming Christian majority. In America, our record of religious tolerance is self-evident. Within that context, or the dominant Judeo-Christian culture, mainline churches have transformed themselves since the early 1960s. I do not expect the government to intervene in this, not at all. However, believing Christians should reconsider a blind support for denominations which no longer stand for those ideals that they once stood for sixty years ago. Having a Judeo-Christian society that is broadly tolerant is not the same as unifying church and state. While there are no words "separation of church and state" anywhere in our founding documents, it was established by our Founding Fathers that we would not establish a National Church such as the Church of England. So, with respect, I was neither advocating for a theocracy (unity of church and state) nor was I advocating for government intervention in religion. I am content that we already tolerate Pagans like yourself among us. Within a religious context, this woman in mu judgment violated her trust and was emotionally self indulgent. She is also a Commie-Christian Liberation Theologian, so I oppose her in any case. Thanks for listening, and thank you for expressing your ideas! We need not agrre, but it is nice to converse. I hope that you are happy and well!
Yes, indeed. God ALONE knows who shall be saved and who shall be damned. This is why I no longer attend Pentacostal churches after attending them for 33 years.
Indeed! As ever, our generation of Christians face great challenges within our faith as well as beyond it. God knows His own. Therefore, God knows who you truly are, and loves you for it! I hope that you are happy and well!
Separation of church and state is more important, and palpable problems should be addressed with said separation. Policies were not made for a certain party or religion. This could easily lead to a religious war that many real Americans don’t want. Reach across party lines and allow pagans to also exist with religious freedom.
I’d hate to be banned from your channel Mr. Ginorio, but I do have to say: Dungeons and Dragons would be outlawed, to this day, if we accepted your beliefs at the current moment…
@@Blade55294 Not at all. I have never insisted that anyone agree with me in order to view my expression. Quite the contrary! I expect and hope that each individual thinks for himself. My ideas come from an old way of looking at our American society. We are a tolerant Judeo-Christian society. We are not religiously neutral. From before our Revolution, different colonies experimented with acceptance between various denominations of Protestant and Reformed Christianity, then with the Roman Catholics of Maryland, then with the Jews of New York and the bigger cities, and so forth. You do live freely as a Pagan in a society built by and inhabited by an overwhelming Christian majority. In America, our record of religious tolerance is self-evident. Within that context, or the dominant Judeo-Christian culture, mainline churches have transformed themselves since the early 1960s. I do not expect the government to intervene in this, not at all. However, believing Christians should reconsider a blind support for denominations which no longer stand for those ideals that they once stood for sixty years ago. Having a Judeo-Christian society that is broadly tolerant is not the same as unifying church and state. While there are no words "separation of church and state" anywhere in our founding documents, it was established by our Founding Fathers that we would not establish a National Church such as the Church of England. So, with respect, I was neither advocating for a theocracy (unity of church and state) nor was I advocating for government intervention in religion. I am content that we already tolerate Pagans like yourself among us. Within a religious context, this woman in mu judgment violated her trust and was emotionally self indulgent. She is also a Commie-Christian Liberation Theologian, so I oppose her in any case. Thanks for listening, and thank you for expressing your ideas! We need not agrre, but it is nice to converse. I hope that you are happy and well!