Meren of Clan Nel Toth - MTG EDH Deck Tech

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 8

  • @IsEltyr
    @IsEltyr ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bro Callous Bloodmage is such an insane add and I didn't even know it existed I have been blessed by algorythm

  • @kmc6144
    @kmc6144 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey there! I’ve been playing Meren for years now and one card that I never see in most decks is Smuggler’s Copter. In my opinion, this is an absolute beast of a card in Meren. It can be crewed by any dork and will let you draw a card and discard a card. It gives you card advantage in Meren since the GY is an extension of Meren’s hand. It gives you a way to pitch a card in your hand to the graveyard so that you’ll be able to reanimate it.

  • @NewFemtex
    @NewFemtex ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's a cool deck, I really like it. I've been working on powering down my Meren deck a bit to fit a new playgroup. It's been a really fun process.
    I feel I do need to point out one little thing though, you need an extra step when it comes to the interaction between: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista. Walking Ballista is a "non-human" so Mikaeus will buff it so it DOESN'T die when you remove it's +1/+1 counter (it'll still be a 1/1 thanks to "Mike" - a 2/2 with the +1/+1 counter). It works great with one of your free sacrifice outlets (or with Blood Artist, et al. with Ballista "pinging" itself, etc.) but unfortunately requires that extra step to work as a combo.

  • @joshrobinson2409
    @joshrobinson2409 ปีที่แล้ว

    With my experience with meren your not doing it right unless your doing graveyard combo, also i feel like all you need for draw is skull clamp and haruspex cause when ever you put a card in your grave your basically drawing a card you dont really need a lot of straight up card draw with her i only use haruspex and skull clamp and i have been quite successful, and your should be running ashnods alter as well as alter of dimentia ashnods is too good not to run

  • @amorgus
    @amorgus ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wasted all this time to see your wincon is an infinite combo. I should've realized this when you had like five tutors in your deck. Your "friends" should kick you out of their play group.

  • @jordan8119
    @jordan8119 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've had Meren as a commander until I took it apart. It was my favorite commander. I want to rebuild her because she's fun. I noticed you forgot to mention you need an infinite sac outlet for the Walking Ballista/Mikeaus The Unhallowed combo. Since Mikeaus gives Ballista undying and non humans +1+1 you will hit an opponent by removing a +1+1 counter. Ballista will still be alive with the +1+1(non counter) so you will have to sac Ballista to put it in the graveyard. Ballista comes back with the +1+1 counter from undying, so you repeat the process. This makes a 3 card combo and not a 2 card combo.

    • @Balazs-ty9cy
      @Balazs-ty9cy  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're right. You can get only infinite death triggers with just Mikaeus and Ballista by making ballista shoot itself for one killing itself. So if I had a creature out, such as blood artist, that can ping everyone for each death trigger, then I still win. I should have been more informative about that combo - but I try to not go for it often since it's so conditional.