@brazzetd You must have the 2nd generation Flip HD. The newer 3rd gen Flip HD has motion stabilization. I think the Kodak Zi8 is a much better camera as it can shoot in 1080p and has motion stabilization for much lower price than the newer 3rd gen Flip HD and important feature the Kodak has is an external mic input which would be ideal in this live music recording.
@GeminiRising65 Thanks, it was one of my first times with the Flip Ultra HD. It does good video but it is a pain to hold still (no anti-shake capability).
they still have it down.
You must have the 2nd generation Flip HD. The newer 3rd gen Flip HD has motion stabilization. I think the Kodak Zi8 is a much better camera as it can shoot in 1080p and has motion stabilization for much lower price than the newer 3rd gen Flip HD and important feature the Kodak has is an external mic input which would be ideal in this live music recording.
@GeminiRising65 Thanks, it was one of my first times with the Flip Ultra HD. It does good video but it is a pain to hold still (no anti-shake capability).
@gmlasam Yep, you're right. It was a pain trying to hold the Flip still for the length of some of these videos.