New to EVE: Small Steps Into The World of Industry

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2024
  • #eve #eveonline
    After a decade away from EVE Online, I’ve restarted my journey to figure out what I've forgotten and what’s new.
    I jump into the massive and in-depth aspect of industry in New Eden
    Get 1 Million Free Eve Online Skill points

ความคิดเห็น • 60

  • @williamjones8775
    @williamjones8775 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I originally made an industrialist when Red Moon Rising was being released. Shortly there after I made a combat pilot to help with the ratting and pvp aspect. Both are capable combat pilots now. Also Level 4 missions are excellent sources of materials for industrialist. I don't how it's done now, but by the time I was quitting we would pay for security boxes for of ratting loot and reprocess that for the materials we needed. My corps was a mining corps and we built pretty much any and everything. We routinely had mining ops, that attracted raiders and our PVP wing would have some fun ambushing them. Stealth bomber and marauders were new and they tested those in the fights. As a miner I enjoyed it, I just need a new home. I never looked too long at W Space.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I can certainly see the fun of it is there. I just can't find it.

    • @williamjones8775
      @williamjones8775 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's not for everyone. When Faction Wars popped off I moved to a region in between Mim and Amarr space and started Selling Frigates and Cruisers and made a pretty penny for a while.

    • @nguyentrunghieu9781
      @nguyentrunghieu9781 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@williamjones8775 Would you mind sharing your profits and how long does it take? I am quite tired of doing abyssal and exploration, I want to do something new, but also profitable enough to fund my blingy pvp fits :D

  • @StykeWarden
    @StykeWarden 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I'm in this video. Sorry for killing you. A few pointers here; Space is hostile and indy is complex and largely not worth your time unless you're really into the living world aspect of it. But starting out, it's like trying to make PC parts in your basement with a school chemistry set. Not going to happen on any meaningful scale. I personally make the polymers used in life support systems and temperature control units, which is as exciting as it sounds, until you realize they go into making capital ships. Like real life, you're mixing chemicals with funny names together to create compounds that are... yeah. Don't bother unless you're really into that. Learn combat. Learn how to fly a ship. Become a space captain first. The most important thing in Eve is knowing how to command your own time. Be Picard and set a course. Adventure. If you fly in a random direction, SOMETHING will always happen involving players who will talk to you and possibly invite you along. Then and only then, if you're really, really interested, dip into indy - but be aware it's almost always better to just buy the materials from other people who do the boring stuff for you. Looting a battlefield can make you billions, why spend your time afk on a rock in safe space? I know people who love that though, obsessively mining out every Veldspar rock they can find. Let them have their "boring" bits. All empires were built on the backs of slaves and I don't mean just Amarr.
    Eve is a drug for certain types of people, and anathema to others - you have to understand that fundamentally, there are part of the game/world that do not interest you and you can safely avoid them. This is radical game design, especially for MMOs that want/force you to do everything if you want to stay competitive. For example, I have never done PI (Planetary Interaction / factories) or "abyssal filaments" or Incursions (Raids) myself because they do not interest me. I focus on the parts that do captivate my imagination and thrive there instead. Living world, through 'n through. And, for the record; Ember Warden and Styke Warden are in the same corp. No trickery going on there, just a combat pilot in a ship fit specifically to ambush ventures. 🌠
    PS. Buy a "Mobile Tractor Unit" which will loot the entire field for you, as well as collect all the wrecks for salvage.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I've been doing more scanning in low sec with this new event. Much more engaging and way more money.
      If I try industry again I think it will be a ways down the road.

    • @BrutalCalfKick
      @BrutalCalfKick 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is incredible! I initially expected EVE's community to be toxic. However, despite getting ganked, I've gained valuable insights from those encounters. Surprisingly, most players are willing to chat and offer advice after engaging in PvP. It's all about staying composed and engaging in conversation with them instead of harboring resentment for losing virtual assets. Kudos to the video creator for their positive attitude, and of course, to the ganker for their sportsmanship.

    • @umadbroimatroll7918
      @umadbroimatroll7918 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@BrutalCalfKick you still get those assholes though that try to get salt, but in my opinion I've found they are the easiest to troll and get super salty in return ;)

    • @TAFFY003
      @TAFFY003 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I really wish you would get into PI :3

  • @yakisobanoodle
    @yakisobanoodle 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Also returning player. Have been nullsec player since flying frigates. Nullsec mining is a little more intense. Firstly, doing it without boosts or solo is a terrible idea. The rats come thick and fast and your exhumer or barge will get dead. So you're talking about a two character operation minimum. One boosting Porpoise and an Exhumer (hulk is good). Once you have that, no moon nor ore anomaly is safe. But the real deal is mining fleets. Rorqual boosts are about +60% to your mining yield. And you can compress ore so it takes up 1/10th the space. You can stay on field all day... Unless the enemies (nullsec) drop on you. In that case, the little mining ships will warp off and the Rorq will call in the standing fleet to sort out the drop. It's exciting. Even while on field, you're compressing ore, watching intel channels, watching d-scan, checking for wormholes that might disgorge bad guys, killing rats with your drones (exhumers can carry two flights of lights) and generally crapping around on comms or chat. It's a social activity most of all. And oh so lucrative. Even with the two character setup on medium moon ore, it's tens of millions of isk per hour. Subscribed because your content is good and your observations pithy. Keep up the good work!

    • @Taz6688
      @Taz6688 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Cannot say if it was like that but now you have filaments, which anyone can just pop for a day out in null anywhere, null was safer than high sec, not anymore, one single neut can shut down anything, you have no idea if a black ops fleet will join you, most of null is so risk-adverse they will dock and take a cheap disposable, CCP have given them so much isk generating options, and with the next patch even more is coming, not satisfied with crab beacons, they can get setup for officer spawns, talk about a hard life, Barges and Exhumers and mining yields have been nerf'd, pretty bad.

  • @WolfHauler
    @WolfHauler 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    That is my corp! we are looking for new miners all the time! we are just very protective of our little pocket!

    • @WolfHauler
      @WolfHauler 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i also dont mine for the corp though i just try different things all the time, but they love me all the same XD

    • @Morio412
      @Morio412 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@WolfHauler but mining veld is fun.... at least when I do it!

  • @FactionalSnow85-EL3
    @FactionalSnow85-EL3 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    This is my opinion and my experience, but for me the "active" aspect of mining in eve lies in low sec mining. Sure your mining laser is automatically mining the ore, but im actively watching local, spamming d-scan, and watching nearby ship destruction near my mining system using 3rd party tools. I think this is also a part that drive some people away, is that you somewhat need to use 3rd party tools to be "optimal" when playing Eve 🙃

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah the "need" for third party tools puts a lot of people off.

  • @ruubzraubzen8784
    @ruubzraubzen8784 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    For the D-scanner, you can detach the box with the nearby ships (the important stuff) from the map and put it somewhere nice and small. Also, that Tengu was probably cloaked, meaning its invisible until it decides not to be. So even if you cant see any ships, if someone else is in local you are always at risk. Good luck! o7

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the tip. I thought I must have been using the scanner wrong since I didn't see him.

    • @Nabekukka
      @Nabekukka 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@bucklinfondue Yeah, the Tengu is one of the 4 Strategic Cruiser class ships that are a little bit different from any of the other ships, they are modular ships, meaning they are comprised of 5 parts, the hull, and 4 subsystems, namely Offensive, Defensive, Core and Propulsion.
      Each subsystem class has 3 different subsystems available, that afford different bonuses to the ship and those can be changed at will while docked in a station, allowing some pretty cool flexibility in terms of fitting, so even if you see one strat cruiser, that ship can have a wildly different fit to the next one you'll see.
      One of the subsystems for each strat cruiser allows them to fit a covert ops cloak, which I think your Tengu was probably using making it able to warp while cloaked, but you're probably familiar with the cov ops cloaks from the old days?
      Strat cruisers are also the only ship class that allows you to remove rigs without destroying them. All in all, very cool ships once you can get your hands on one.

  • @BrutalCalfKick
    @BrutalCalfKick 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is a cool vi deo. It's not really what I was looking for but I ended up watching the whole thing and I hope to watch more of your adventures.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks! This game has so much to check out.

    • @BrutalCalfKick
      @BrutalCalfKick 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes! I’m fairly new myself, still learning the ropes. I’ve tried the game many times over the years, but this time it has me hooked. If you’re ever around Mista, give us a shout out in local. We are doing community moon mining, so most days we are out mining; everyone is welcome. We have one tomorrow at 18:00 Eve time. If you’re local drop by 👏 We have orca compressing on site. Spread the news to any new bros. It’s a good way to make some starter isk.

  • @AiDecc
    @AiDecc 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You can make anything!
    After spending 200 hours learning how to do it ;)

  • @liamstetson
    @liamstetson 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Holy smokes he’s back! I used to watch your stuff way back in the day my dude, really awesome to see your name pop up again

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's good to be back! It's frightening how much I've forgotten though. You still playing?

  • @mcyy_poe
    @mcyy_poe 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Really good channel, I started playing a few days ago and I am focusing on mining ore for the moment, I find it quite relaxing. Good luck!

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Industry has a lot going for it. There is so much there. Playing in a game like this, knowing that everything I see people using has been harvested and built by another player is crazy.

  • @umadbroimatroll7918
    @umadbroimatroll7918 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I feel pretty much the same about industry, i love that its in the game and that the game is a fully fledged and functional economy. But its not for me 😂 i cant mine, even with my multiple accounts i cant stand it, im not sure how it would be fixed though since many people like it this way, and im in the party of not everything should be fun FOR ME, so as long as there are people that love mining and make mining fleets with thier alts and enjoy it i dont think its a problem

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Fully agree. I like the idea of it, but I just can't be bothered.

    • @umadbroimatroll7918
      @umadbroimatroll7918 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@bucklinfondue here to say bucklin, that lowsec mining is the only way that I, and possibly you would have fun. Its active, dangerous, and not bad with isk made. Because in lowsec I'm constantly looking at dscan, local, searching up names of people in local to see what group they are in, zkillboard info to see if they are hunters or not, what possible ships they may be in, etc. It turns mining from a passover activity to a full time detective job.

  • @Didgeridoovibes
    @Didgeridoovibes 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    PSA: for the Air Career Kernite mining/reprocessing step, in the career agent path "making mountains of molehill" on the 6th or 7th mission (iirc) you'll get sent to "mine some ore" until pirates show up and then destroy them. There's 4.5k-ish kernite in that mission pocket, no need to go to low sec

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's very good advice!

  • @goldeneagle256
    @goldeneagle256 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    regarding industry, building some small t1 modules doesn't take much at all, and are more meant to be a somewhat passive income to make you extra money wile doing some more active activities. people also need to look at mining and production as 2 separate activities, and it is perfectly fine to be interested in production and stay away from mining by simply buy the materials you need to have your production going. i run a big production corp with an inn game friend, and we can do up towards 500 bill worth of ship production on a monthly basis, and production we do range from t2 frigates all the way up to super capitals, and we could technically make titans as well, just no one have asked us to build one so far:) we also run some buy back systems for couple of wh and LS corps. when we reach this lvl of production i think it becomes fun and rather interesting in terms of the isk flow, logistic, production lines, building up BPO library and stations needed to keep it going properly, and you need a significant amount of investment. just a Sotiyo with rigs you kinda minimum need to keep your production efficient set you back 110-130 billions, and it cost half a bill a month to run in fuel cost.

  • @azurazdandaridae9158
    @azurazdandaridae9158 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am just recently back in eve. I want to get back into mining and PI and perhaps get into industry. I stopped in 2017 after getting ganked and losing over 800m isk. To me, that was a lot of isk back then. I have to relearn how to play. I should start a alt to do the tutorial and then use my veteran char.

  • @Shareezz
    @Shareezz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mining: gets a barrage of nerfs and a series of changes in the last 5 years.
    Bucklin: This must not have changed for a long time.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Has it? I honestly don't know. What changed?

    • @Shareezz
      @Shareezz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bucklinfondue yeah, mining got a huge buff first, then a series of huge hits that put it WAY below from what it was before buff. That's when Amarr space lost Kernite, after a decade of being, no kidding, the main supplier of it. The comment would not encompass all the changes, and tl;dr would miss a lot of nuance, the shortest version of events that I can manage is "100% of valuable ore and 90% of other ore removed from the game, mining speed destroyed, mining ships locked in place to be even more of a free kill, and the only wait to get a full yield is to get a pair of 228mil ISK strip miners for each mining barge".

  • @federicogaviriaz
    @federicogaviriaz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love the Stereo Dude, what's your setup?

  • @Shareezz
    @Shareezz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    And about what eve mining is.
    The mining gameplay is not about lasers, though even those get interesting with 3 types of crystals for every type of ore later. It's about the logistical challenge. Miners need to be brought to bumfuck kalamazoo where ore you need happened to be. Their ships too. You need to set up a temporary storage in system, if it doesn't have a neutral station, then a POS or something, because hauling from a mining fleet even one system over kills hauler player's brain cells. Then you need a booster, a compressor, and some overwatch. After the laser to the rock part is done, ore needs to be packed for transit, and moved to market or industrial base (which can be 50+ gates away!), and after it's been processed into a product, you still need to distribute mining rewards.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That sounds like real end game stuff. I feel a new player should find it fun and interesting from the beginning.

    • @Shareezz
      @Shareezz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bucklinfondue Same for all other stuff, the new player is screwed in every activity, until he opens the wallet, and gets enough PLEX to afford his first 50mil Skill Points in injectors. When he's losing just 50% and not 500% compared to 100mil SP accounts, that's where you can start measuring.
      I know a lot of miners who always found chill and netflix of mining while funding their projects with it the best way to play. Until they all got royally screwed by mining changes and left.

  • @Megagon10k
    @Megagon10k 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You can get tractor cans to loot ships for you, drop it save location go to next site

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tractor can? Like a loot box that loots for you?

  • @rinnegansam
    @rinnegansam 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice videos mate, keep us updated on your journey, fly dangerous o7

  • @Taz6688
    @Taz6688 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Saying you find mining is boring, would be the same as someone saying PVP is boring, it's a game and many play styles are valid, I played since 2004, and it grinds my gears when people say it's player led, it's not, everything is CCP led and controlled, after spending time learning skills and running missions, you can earn Datacores, only for CCP to make them available from Faction warfare, Drone alloys were a good source on minerals, some hard to get (expensive) CCP brought in the Drone lands and nerf'd the refine of Alloys, I was a long time back very good at scanning, part of the game was finding ore anomalies some in high sec with ore's not found in high sec, then they revamped scanning, anyone and his dog could find almost anything.
    Nothing is player led or controlled, CCP controls the economy and everything that goes on, too many people fly one ship, lets nerf it, in mining you started with basic gear, worked up tech 1, then tech 2, then after lots of skills added crystals to get better yields, now fitting the same crystal add loss to the mining operation, do it wrong and the probability of loss can be very high, they added PVP to mining, if you want you can waste an asteroid.

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A ton of personal investment can go into various avenues in this game. It would feel pretty lousy to have that hard work cheapened by a nerf or it being given away to someone else.

  • @marcsublett4837
    @marcsublett4837 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my opinion, sourcing your own materials (mining) is really a mistake, you'd need a good character, corp and location to even be remotely efficient and well yeah its not fun. Personally i dont really mind being semi afk mining when im working on other things on the side, but i remember in the early days the profits were incribly low that even the few minutes an hour i spent on it werent even worth it. you'll need a good setup to get anything outta regular rock mining, Instead what i'd advise doing is trading around and building things for profit ... but thats basically playing spreadsheets more or less. could also look into so more exciting and proftable mining methods such as gas mining, requires some scanning and some being careful etc, can then sell the gas, buy blueprints and materials and make stuff. There are tons of ways to source materials other than mining and some are more or less profitable, the whole ride of building your industry empire can be hella fun imo. but unless you wanna become like a chinese farm bot, doing "Industry" in EVE .... mining should not be the end goal, just a means to get there (and there are far superior ones too)

  • @TheLuxenber
    @TheLuxenber 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    great video. i hope you try out another branch in the game :)

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just finished up the scanning side. That was fun and made a lot more money. Especially in low sec.

  • @Epicmission48
    @Epicmission48 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mining is the same as IRL Fishing. It's not the activity itself its the nice beers and friends you fish with. or maybe just the relaxation. Not about the actual activity. (pond fishing or something not like alaska crab fishing lol)

    • @bucklinfondue
      @bucklinfondue  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a good comparison. Every MMO has fishing. This is EVE's fishing

    • @Epicmission48
      @Epicmission48 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bucklinfondue back in 2016-2018 i had many a good night sitting with friends in the asteroid fields talking shit, making decent isk, and hoping someone hot dropped us so we could get content. (my rorq got quite a few Killmarks haha) it definitely took a different frame of mind to enjoy, but if u find some good people to chat to, the time just flys by

  • @oscarfry324
    @oscarfry324 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    @Bucklin Fondue to improve isk income for combat side use a combat shit with a large cargo hold drop 1 gun for a salvage turret at take with you a MTU (Mobile Tracker Unit) this will pull in wrecks that are with in its range so its best to drop it orbit it and lets the rats come to you or just sit and let the rats orbit you

  • @mariaakiyama1143
    @mariaakiyama1143 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Be careful when mining, there are people that fly in high-sec looking for mining ships to gank.

  • @Shareezz
    @Shareezz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I mean, the guy could instantly tell he's messing with a newbie and not a real eve player by the killmail.
    No real eve player would be caught dead wearing T1 miners. Ever. Absolutely not. That is the thing only a genuine newbie could do.
    So yeah, if you killed someone with T1 miners, you mentally kick yourself, and send your apolog-isk, which he did well, good manners.

  • @burnouttx2415
    @burnouttx2415 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    yeeeaaaaahhhh... Just look at trying to build a battleship or capital ship. You will need a pilot that dips into mining, moon mining, refining, reaction formulas, planetary industry, and gas mining both in wormholes and regular gas mining in all areas of New Eden (high, low, and null sec gas mining). It use to be that all you needed to start in industry was fitted venture with some blueprint copies to build a battleship to start ratting or do lvl 4 security missions. BUUUUUUT some very loud, whiney ass pvp'ers cried that they got dropped on by a capital ship when they annoyed people in null sec. So instead of learning how to cope and play better, they cried hard to the devs and someone from Pandemic Legion persuaded CCP Rattati to screw over industry to include all the crap needed now.

  • @DH-ep8fz
    @DH-ep8fz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Eve is outdated and you will never catch up to other players.
    It was good for its day, but they need to make a new game.
    Also lots of bullies/trolls in game.
    Don't waste your money.

  • @adryan6062
    @adryan6062 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YOu can do nothing, Safety will destroy you

  • @Megagon10k
    @Megagon10k 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is more, you're not there

  • @xarius1
    @xarius1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    After a decade away you should have just stayed away.
    CCP has been focusing more and more on monetizing and making gameplay more annoying and less profitable.
    going in now is a huge waste unless you've got an old account flush with T2 BPO's.
    I have that and I still won't go back.
    F You Hilmar.