Quel personnalité que ce roi qui a vécu les heures les plus sombres du pauvre Cambodge. Mais si l'on peut légitimement contester son parcours si complexe , pour nous parfois incompréhensible, on ne peut que reconnaitre son intelligence son élégance et sa maîtrise si extraordinaire de la langue française avec un amour réel de la France . Bel entretien , merci Radio canada et bonjour depuis la Savoie!
Some of my friends and relatives joined the Khmer Rouge because they were answering the Prince's call, and that was it. They had no idea what Communism was, nor did they know anything about any American bombs. We lived far away from the border where the Vietcongs were using our territory to launch military operations against Americans in South Vietnam, and we were not affected by any bombing at all. They simply loved the prince, thought that he was a devine person. So they would do anything the prince asked him to do.
Je ne suis pas étonné, car le prince Norodom Sihanouk s'est appuyé sur les communistes pour reprendre le pouvoir au général Lon Nol, qui lui était résolument anti-communiste. Si les gens qui se sont engagés avec les khmers rouges ne devaient sans doute rien connaître à cette doctrine, le prince devait bien avoir des notions un petit peu élargies de la question. Peut-être n'avait-il pas envisagé qu'elle s'applique de façon aussi féroce, mais il avait pris un gros risque et son peuple l'a payé. En même temps, il y a aussi des conditions assez favorables à ce genre de choses dans le pays...
Prince Sihanouk initially called on the Cambodian people to support the Khmer Rouge, hoping they would help him return to the head of state. However, as the Khmer Rouge consolidated power, it became increasingly clear that Sihanouk was seen as a potential obstacle or liability. He quickly realized that his life was in danger as the Khmer Rouge began eliminating not just intellectuals, but anyone they perceived as a threat to their power-including former elites and political figures. During this period, an estimated 1 million Cambodians were killed by the Khmer Rouge. Realizing his imminent danger, Sihanouk escaped from Cambodia, reportedly with support from the Vietnamese. In exchange, he was forced to publicly denounce and slander the Khmer Rouge.
Quel personnalité que ce roi qui a vécu les heures les plus sombres du pauvre Cambodge. Mais si l'on peut légitimement contester son parcours si complexe , pour nous parfois incompréhensible, on ne peut que reconnaitre son intelligence son élégance et sa maîtrise si extraordinaire de la langue française avec un amour réel de la France . Bel entretien , merci Radio canada et bonjour depuis la Savoie!
Some of my friends and relatives joined the Khmer Rouge because they were answering the Prince's call, and that was it. They had no idea what Communism was, nor did they know anything about any American bombs. We lived far away from the border where the Vietcongs were using our territory to launch military operations against Americans in South Vietnam, and we were not affected by any bombing at all. They simply loved the prince, thought that he was a devine person. So they would do anything the prince asked him to do.
Je ne suis pas étonné, car le prince Norodom Sihanouk s'est appuyé sur les communistes pour reprendre le pouvoir au général Lon Nol, qui lui était résolument anti-communiste.
Si les gens qui se sont engagés avec les khmers rouges ne devaient sans doute rien connaître à cette doctrine, le prince devait bien avoir des notions un petit peu élargies de la question.
Peut-être n'avait-il pas envisagé qu'elle s'applique de façon aussi féroce, mais il avait pris un gros risque et son peuple l'a payé.
En même temps, il y a aussi des conditions assez favorables à ce genre de choses dans le pays...
Prince Sihanouk initially called on the Cambodian people to support the Khmer Rouge, hoping they would help him return to the head of state. However, as the Khmer Rouge consolidated power, it became increasingly clear that Sihanouk was seen as a potential obstacle or liability. He quickly realized that his life was in danger as the Khmer Rouge began eliminating not just intellectuals, but anyone they perceived as a threat to their power-including former elites and political figures. During this period, an estimated 1 million Cambodians were killed by the Khmer Rouge. Realizing his imminent danger, Sihanouk escaped from Cambodia, reportedly with support from the Vietnamese. In exchange, he was forced to publicly denounce and slander the Khmer Rouge.
Personnage fascinant tout de même. C'est triste que finalement les khmers rouges aient détruit le Cambodge.
Il est candide quand même. Ça change de la bullshit de nos politiciens contemporains.
Qui es cet hommes ? il a ds bon discours ❤
C'était quelqu'un ce Prince ^^
Bon, il a tout de même eu un comportement politique très sinueux...