Not just rich people. Vandalism is just a pain. Target the politicians. Don’t block roads, don’t damage peoples property who can’t do anything. I use my 4x4 to help people, esp in winter and floods and for rescue. Had one of these …. Holes slice a tyre. Thanks. I volunteer to help people. And now you’ve damaged my car. And no an eco car won’t do the same tasks I need the 4x4 for.
This is where I draw a line. You can't have rich people forced to suffer the indignities of everyday annoyances like the rest of us! Rich people are special and deserve every luxury my poverty can provide them!
@@ashleygarnett8840 Oh yes kind Master... I'm glad we still have a ruling class to pay for - who lord it over us while we sweat and toil just to pay our bills. So glad we didn't evolve beyond a monarchy and are still treated like serfs. Makes me proud to be an illiterate peasant, happy to vote for the continued inequity...
I understand the message and why they do it. But the people who have to clean up the mess (i.e. spilling milk in supermarkets, graffiti on shop windows etc) usually are not rich and working class
With energy prices being so high and bumper profits for these corporations, I'm surprised anyone would defend them... Not to mention the ecological damage they've done over the decades...
@@HowDeepIsYourJesus hum a vain Jesus man who thinks it's good that peace doesn't work and thinks violence does . Nothing as hate filled as Christian love .
@@kasroa ordinary people with little choice to conform and be part of the system, or go 'off-grid' - while a handful of progressive countries have options for active travel and public transport, the vast majority of the world is pushed into vehicle ownership. This is before we start talking about the ridiculously limited choice for locally, or nationally sourced and produced goods - none of this is by accident.
55 Tufton Street, home to the corrupt Tory enablers, lobbying for the benefit of truly wealthy people. The Tax Alliance are based there, not for the benefit of regular, working tax payers, oh no, they devise and plan strategies to support the growing tax avoidance schemes by greedy Tory party funders. They plot to transfer money from the many poor, up to the very few wealthy elite.
@@fuckbankers Ah, The Met Police, they are deserving of their own, “special measures full-on protest” for being truly corrupt criminal cops. Cattle slurry being the most apt for the inept and shady enforcement of cop feeling & ego “laws” - that they make up and are too arrogant to accept valid challenges on. Charing Cross should be a prime location for the special slurry spray!
Credit to those spraying orange, it harms no-one directly. Blocking roads is not so commendable as it could delay emergency services and harms people who have no direct interest in big oil.
Harms no one ?? It destroys there cause as most people look at it and thin "idiots" I get there message and I agree but there methods just cause more division than unity. Also listen to what they are saying!! It's a load off bull, you can't just turn oil off it would have massive detrimental effects to the economy to life as we know it. Again I do agree with there underlying message. Just not there tactics. I get it's frustrating to not be heard or to think the world is coming to an end but there are other ways.
@@RaterProTrickster Whose essential services?.. Who gets to decide what is essential and what isn't? FFS these 'people' are breaking the law by causing criminal damage ad/or obstructing the Kings highway...about time they faced the FULL extent of the law. Take your protest and do it somewhere speakers corner.
@D C I'm not stopping you, but you also know that's not the point. It's not about "spraying orange on everything". It is a method of protest that draws more attention than a simple protest march, hurts no one, and at most, causes minor property damage. At the bare minimum it forces the rich people and organisations targeted to waste their own time and money cleaning up. Politicians and billionaires can ignore a march, but they can't ignore a big orange mess on the front of their property. Eventually they're going to get sick of cleaning up orange paint, and maybe that will be enough for some of them to start listening what the protestors are actually saying.
I admire their bravery. I'm only 30, and in high school people called me crazy for wanting to revolutionize against the rich and the powerful. It's the way the world works, they said. You will only endanger your own life, you'll never have a job, you'll end up living on the streets. Look at it now. People are losing their job and end up on the streets anyway because we care more about the rich and powerful maintaining their ignorant lifestyles than improving everyone else's and the planet's wellbeing. It's only right for people to stand up and take their rights back into their own hands, because no one will look out for them nor their children's future.
its greed. the rich of the past knew to give us just enough so that revolution wasnt worth while, but know they're blinded by their own propaganda and will keep taking and taking until the only thing we have left is immense hatred of the rich
@@ince55ant We're all blinded by this ideology that we should grow zeroes on our bank account in order to measure success. Want to change the world? Become a millionaire. It used to be: become a scientist, a philosopher, an artist. Today it's all about money, porn, likes on the internet. This world is sick.
History shows direct action does work. Remember, the rich and politicians say we shouldn't do it, that ABSOLUTELY means we should. It's the only way real change can happen.
All they are succeeding in is alienating ordinary people that want to get about their day with minimum hassle. No one cares about what might happen in 10 years time it's all supposition and easily led people jumping on the fearmongering bandwagon believing anything the loony left throw at them.
You should stop people, WORKING CLASS People, from getting to work, and their kids to school? THAT is wrong. You targeted the wrong people. Working class doesn’t have time for your “cause” because they have BILLS to pay, that are RISING, because of you lot!
The most ironic thing is that they probably use oil and will have to use oil if they own a car because a car needs oil. Also in crude oil there is gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and a lot more.
These people don't realise how lucky they are, we from third world countries would happily swap places with them and let them enjoy having real problems.
When I was a kid I remember my neighbour and a few others were murdered by a work colleague bc the guy thought they were making fun of him and he came in one day and shot 4 people dead. I now realise that the murderer was standing up for his beliefs and should have been applauded for his actions. Thanks for this insight.
I'm all for freedom of expression and right to protest but I'm totally against destruction of property. The Mahatma Gandhi would have never done such a thing never the less his message was one of the loudest and so does Martin Luther king Jr and many others.
@@galenvanbrok um, yeah, your analogy doesn't work because that guy you're talking about had mental problems and killed innocent people, whereas these climate protests are trying to raise awareness to stop humanity killing itself by polluting the world.
@@berserkirclaws107 the Suffragettes destroyed quite a lot of property, so did Wat Tyler's followers. There's arguments for & against both approaches. Nevertheless, these people are damaging very little property, all they're doing is spraying tomato soup. Good quality soup with few unknown ingredients. Damage is limited to stains on matt paint, all the other surfaces they're covering are very easily cleaned. Spectacular but non-damaging.
@@berserkirclaws107 "It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence." Mohandas K. Gandhi: Non-Violence in Peace and War
Funny thing is the majority of these "activists" are rich or from a privelaged background themselves. If this was working class people on a council estate you wouldn't hear about this at all in the media.
@@keldsleepnot7961 The ILLEGALLY block roads, and have caused DEATHS from crashes and people not able to get to hospitals. They should be charged with MANSLAUGHTER!
being arrested is their choice because they think it looks better and they get to make a dramatic speech. it's smarter to protect your freedom and use anonymous communiques
@@stuartlewis8954 Bless you, I understand the law (very well), but current law won’t criminalize corporate greed until planet Earth is a scorched bit of uninhabited rock, floating round in space. Direct action is sometimes the only way to bring about change. . . . & save our planet. Got any better ideas ? Nice to chat, but need to nip out for some orange paint.
@@MegaKapo12 That is a certainty true unless people stand up to what is going on. This poem sums things up perfectly: First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me We need to realise we are being persecuted group by group and eventually they will come for everyone and take away your rights. So let's not wait until they come for us, now is the perfect time to stand up and be counted.
Yeh, that’s because the MMM has convinced MST people that a) climate change (might) not be true. B) that protest is no longer a valid form of democracy. 😩😔😔😔
And what about the poor folk like me they piss off? Or the commuters? The working classes are still a very powerful force, and if these middle class twats think we like them, well, for the most part when push comes to shove I doubt they'll see a lot of support from us guys on the estates dealing with rising costs through avoidable and ill advise plans for green energy, and in the transport and supply industry. It's not that the planet doesn't need saving, I think climate change is mostly unfaftual and mostly a plot for big business to make money, but we all care about the planet. Fossil Fuel reliance isn't a long term solution, mostly due to its finite lifespan, but also because undoubtedly pollution causes problems, if not for the climate then certainly for the eco system and even human life. I have no doubt my asthma was a result of cold morning walks to school through traffic jams and fumes. But right now, this is just dumb. These people can "Protest" fossil fuels because most of them can afford the price hikes. Most of them have security for life. They are privileged prats and the only reason they aren't opposed more vigiroisly is because they're useful for the government, they help bring about the green new deal that stands to make a lot of money for a lot of people. Many green energy groups who have lobbied politicians across the western world for decades. They don't piss off the rich, they are the rich. Greta Thunberg, a poster child for green activism is another one of these rich brats. You can oppose and protest and afford the luxury of moral superiority when you are ultimately safe and protected from the ramifications of your ideas and proposals. The new generation of politicians that will grow out of the ensuing decade of economic and cultural devastation, the post Trump/Farage right (where I would and do sit), and even the new left beginning to oppose the socialist/globalist takeover of their parties, slowly growing (the best example I can think of now is Tulsi Gabbard's rumblings). They will come to power eventually, and a lot of lower and working class plebs like myself will show the virtues of the proverb "An elephant does not forget" Revenge takes time, but it will come. I'm looking forward to it.
If they won the lottery they would be booking their holidays rather than protesting.With people starving in the UK they think it's ok to throw 2x Heinz Tomato soup cans on a painting - yes they are people of deep conscience.
For those wondering they are also calling for no new gas and oil licenses (recently 130+ approved), working toward insulating all British homes, and cheaper / more affordable public transport Also believe it or not but there have been *no* recorded instances of XR, IB, and JSO's strictly non-violent actions and "blocks" causing any deaths (in the past 4+ years) They also all have a "Blue Light" policy which basically means people move for ambulances and firefighters heading to emergencies
@@beboshi69 Real affordability comes from investing in the energy source that produces the same GwH yields for a tenth of the price of coal and a quarter of gas: solar and wind. Don't be a donkey, we're doing this for the future of the working class
@@ytpanda398 You’re doing this to support the middle classes not the working classes. Jobs in high tech sectors for graduates where the working classes are lowly bolt tighteners on low pay. It’s crass hypocrisy which I hope others are finally seeing as these ridiculous protests expose the narcissistic altruism of those inflicting then.
Me too. They're fighting as are extinction rebellion for good of animals wildlife environment and all the people across the globe. Those who have been shafting everyone for so long in a pretence of democracy need taking down a peg! ✌
Me too. They're fighting as are extinction rebellion for good of animals wildlife environment and all the people across the globe. Those who have been shafting everyone for so long in a pretence of democracy need taking down a peg! ✌
So you're celebrating these prissy, spoiled, bourgeois twits? Anyone who loves art and culture, regardless of income, should be disgusted by their defacing of artwork that they could never hope to duplicate, much less surpass. And can we talk about the toxicity of the solvents that were used to clean off the paint? How much of that made it into the Thames?
@@brynleytalbot778 You've commented to a few replies on this video. You're pointing at tiny drops of water, and using them to defend/misdirect from vast oceans of wrongdoing on behalf of your capitalist masters. Your replies read like Daily Mail headlines. You have peasant brain. Go learn something.
@@adam2403 You’re quite wrong. When a campaign resorts to media attention grabbing its failing to make a rational case based on the science. In the pandemic vested interests pumped vast sums into supporting a narrative of vaccination as the solution to the virus. Subsequent vaccines haven’t halted the infection as have other traditional vaccines for their associated viruses. The XR narrative is fear based, as was the pandemics, which should raise questions on why they consider this as their only option. Vast financial resources have been pumped into renewables with the oil sector seeing better profits in it. When companies see increased profitability they move to increase shareholder dividends. It’s irrational to think that oil is about to be dumped or its extraction about to cease when it is a fuel and its byproducts are part of everyday life. Simplistic thinking excludes the vast benefits oils byproducts have given society. Solutions need to encompass this breadth not just fuel. An electric vehicle contains a multitude of plastic components, from oil. Solve that one and stopping the extraction of oil can be a rational argument.
@@brynleytalbot778 well, go politely argue the science then, as many people have done for many decades, and... oh, wait, that didn't do anything at all. Not a damn thing. Let me know when capitalists start abiding by the science without being forced to by having their social licence removed, as these Just Stop Oil protestors are working to do. If you come at this from a profit-driven capitalist perspective, you have a deep, deep misunderstanding of the crisis, of how f**ked we are, and the cause. Emissions have gone up, year after year. They aren't going down. This is desperate, and the protestors are very right. Like I said, go learn. I'm not here to teach.
Legends Knowing they'll be arrested, potentially attacked by the public, named and shamed all over the internet, future employment affected. But they do it anyway. Massive respect
Absolutely agree. Biko, Hani, Mandela, Mbeki were all given similar treatment under apartheid South African laws. The protestors are the superheroes that the majority can only find in film or pop culture, vicariously and imaginatively.
@@shutup2751 they're doing what they feel they must do, despite so many people being against them, which deserves huge respect whether you agree with them or not Who cares about a van Gogh painting, it's just some flowers
@@kent2820 it'll take more than a bit of soup on a bit of glass in front of an oil painting to "sabotage the whole country". Something like billowing kilotonnes of CO² into the atmosphere might do it...
@@kent2820 I am grateful for my life and all the sacrifices people have made for it, be it through war, protests, and industrial disputes, I know where I come from it seems to me you've comfortably forgot.
Whichever side your on you have to admit that they are sparking more conversation than a simple democratic vote. They are winning at the moment but I fear when the law catches up with them it will all end up in tears.
Not a lot of conversation about the climate or how to fix it all! Conversation about stopping protest and whether they are counter productive or "but other means don't work so this definately will work" points. It won't do anything.
"They are winning at the moment" What do you base that on? If you looked at the wider British public reaction to their "efforts" thusfar you will find that it's largely negative. Spraying places I guess is ok but when they start sitting in traffic, blocking roads, holding up trains etc effecting everyday Men & Women that's when the wider general public lose interest fast.
0:03 You're not attacking people in power, you're mocking a masterpiece of art painted by a man who used oil paint to relieve himself from the pain and ostricisation he recieved from his community.
All of those in support of these protesters, I suggest you all stop driving your cars, getting on buses etc and walk everywhere, otherwise you are just hypocrites.
walking down the street with a fire extinguisher, slapping a statue with a pie or tipping out a tin of soup requires youth or fitness? Okay, whatever you say.
@@alanhat5252 I take it you are thick, hard to cure that. We don't all live in a large city, the effort and cost, is in getting somewhere it will be noticed.
Honestly, we younger fitter folk could do with a few of the older, retired generation getting involved. What's gonna happen? You'll lose your job and fail to support your wife and kids? Unlikely...
You should be ashamed of yourself for destroying the beautiful architecture of the buildings made by the hard toil of the workers. What the hell have you done in life?
I'll never understand why people celebrate this. Everytime anyone thinks of this cause they'll think of all the negativity of the vandalism, traffic congestion, misery it has brought. Positive actions are needed IMO. What about setting up community farms/community renewable energy projects or something positive? Community renewable energy projects would help reduce oil consumption. What does painting over shops/houses accomplish other than making enemies of people?
Cool nice one, you know it's the taxpayer who picks up the bill for that and I don't know if you'd noticed but they care what we think just about as much as they care about what you think, so I don't know how this is supposed to help anyone? Unless it's denting thier bank accounts they don't care, I don't really see how this is helping.
At least they are doing something and standing up for what they believe in. To all the people out out there sitting in their suburban utopias, complaining about the state of society and the world on well fed fat arses take note. You should be supporting people willing to stand up for their beliefs because one day you may have to as as well and by that time your protest rights will have been removed.
Cant say I agree with vandalism but they make a very good point. Some of them are protesting more about capitalism than oil, but there again capitalism is the reason we're stuck using oil in the first place. Our politics should be Labour vs Green, not Tory vs Labour.
These eco loon’s will go away if they don’t get an audience. Ask them how will they eat themselves if no lorries deliver to wherever they last ate? Likely the items they are wearing and using had oil at some stage of it’s making. Why are the police being nice when arresting people?
I chose to sell my car and cycle to work instead. Vandalising doesn't inspire confidence... there's only 2 ways I consider effective ways to change the minds of people, you can either lead by example or let them suffer in fear. Both will effect them in time.
It has a plastic cover over the actual painting. Of course you'll not be given that important piece of info in any of the sensationalised news reports.
Exceptional people. Emotionally choked watching these brave people. Everyone watching this should be humbled. Not sure the police can stop the filming of a street arrest. I'm sure they'd all like to,though!
Well there's no need to prevent filming. The pilice are right to arrest them. Doing something illegal and then saying "it's in protest" doesn't suddenly negate the fact the law was broken lol. By all means protest by civil disobedience but don't act like your democratic rights are being undermined when you get rightfully prosecuted.
I'm not rich and they piss me off as well. What a sad bunch of clowns :D
if you are not part of the solution you`re part of the problem 🤡👹👻
I would make them clean every part of that vandalism and fine them.
Leave them stuck to the wall.
@Maxine McKenzie 23 You might spend the rest of your life stuck to them 😆 🤣 😂 😹
@@haydenharris3059 leave the planet
@@henrikfox8960 They should all leave the planet
Follow them to where they live...OOOPS Sorry I just remembered they live under a bridge.
@@seanmaccionnaith3458 do you live under a rock?
Not just rich people. Vandalism is just a pain. Target the politicians. Don’t block roads, don’t damage peoples property who can’t do anything. I use my 4x4 to help people, esp in winter and floods and for rescue. Had one of these …. Holes slice a tyre. Thanks. I volunteer to help people. And now you’ve damaged my car. And no an eco car won’t do the same tasks I need the 4x4 for.
fires are vandalism, hunger is an act of violence
polluting the planet is far worse
Just stop oil have been photographed arriving at one of their protests in a 4x4.
Just walk, it's even better for the planet.@@henrikfox8960
The majority of people aren’t rich, yet they’re pissing the majority of people off
😀it is all for the good of the planet there children will thank them laider
@henrikfox8960 No they won't...they'll be just as spoiled and useless as you.
Charge and sue them until they are bankrupt. And if they can’t pay, keep them jailed for good.
This is where I draw a line. You can't have rich people forced to suffer the indignities of everyday annoyances like the rest of us! Rich people are special and deserve every luxury my poverty can provide them!
Glad you understand your role peasant.
@@ashleygarnett8840 Oh yes kind Master... I'm glad we still have a ruling class to pay for - who lord it over us while we sweat and toil just to pay our bills. So glad we didn't evolve beyond a monarchy and are still treated like serfs. Makes me proud to be an illiterate peasant, happy to vote for the continued inequity...
Here here!
I understand the message and why they do it. But the people who have to clean up the mess (i.e. spilling milk in supermarkets, graffiti on shop windows etc) usually are not rich and working class
for the future
The culprits should be made to clean the mess up with a tooth brush and a bucket of water as punishment.
Turn out the lights and leave them alone for a night or two.
f the message i love oil
They need to fly some drones above downing street with some orange water balloons.
Cant wait for police crackdowns to hit these loons hard 😂
"orange water"
If it's orange, you might be a little dehydrated.
Fabulous idea
Do that PLEASE!!
Funded by rich people. Pissing off the working class who have to clean up their mess.
Only when the last tree has been cut, the last fish caught and the last river poisoned, will we realise we can't eat money.
That won’t happen. Hold me to account; I’m not scared.
You can eat rich people though I'M JUST SAYING IT'S POSSIBLE AND YOU CAN EAT THEM.
They knew.
@@rafaelgamma07 Reality begs to differ. Why so confident?
100% behind Just Stop Oil ✊ And fair play to King Charles, too. He just stood there and took it like a champ.
🤣😂 It's that royal stiff upper lip! Except with pens, they're his Achilles heel 😆
🤣🤣 Brilliant!
I mean King Charles the third is and was a climate change activist, so I guess he gets why they are doing it, even if he’s amused by their delivery
Me too 100%, I back extinction rebellion as well
Well, it is a waxwork
1:05 55 Tufton Street deserves this vandalism, and so much more.
@1:12 this geezer looks like he’s just water his plants and going about his day, love it 😂
With energy prices being so high and bumper profits for these corporations, I'm surprised anyone would defend them... Not to mention the ecological damage they've done over the decades...
50% of the backlash is from a bot army, they all use the same language and descriptors.
@@DJWESG1 ...or you're just a conspiracy theorist who thinks billionaires are funding oil demonstrations against themselves...
@@DJWESG1 "its a waste of food" "theyre turning the public against their cause" "vandalism is worse than the planet dying"
@@-Ryodan I think some of them are "Useful Idiots" too who work for free because they are brainwashed
@@-Ryodan How else can they get the media to actually reveal how dirty the organisations on Tufton Street are?
They were pissing off people living on the breadline getting to work as well
When peaceful protest becomes impossible violent protest becomes inevitable .
Good job that peaceful protest doesn't work and violent protest does, isn't it :)
The time is 23:59worldwide
@@HowDeepIsYourJesus hum a vain Jesus man who thinks it's good that peace doesn't work and thinks violence does . Nothing as hate filled as Christian love .
@@flower-ld5id 👍🏼
Also pissing off 99% of the population they need to grow up.
jeez how much money they wasted for this, and how many money they spend for feed poor people?
At last! Targeting the people at the heart of the problem rather than stopping ordinary people going about their business! Great work.
It's "ordinary people" who keep buying their crap and keeping them at the heart of the problem.
@@kasroa ordinary people with little choice to conform and be part of the system, or go 'off-grid' - while a handful of progressive countries have options for active travel and public transport, the vast majority of the world is pushed into vehicle ownership. This is before we start talking about the ridiculously limited choice for locally, or nationally sourced and produced goods - none of this is by accident.
They are still being the problem for everyone. They don’t care
I think Tufton Street is my favourite! Spaffing like a champ that chap 👍😬
He Spaffed the Orange right up that Wall he did.
Oh yeah!!! 😆
55 Tufton Street, home to the corrupt Tory enablers, lobbying for the benefit of truly wealthy people. The Tax Alliance are based there, not for the benefit of regular, working tax payers, oh no, they devise and plan strategies to support the growing tax avoidance schemes by greedy Tory party funders.
They plot to transfer money from the many poor, up to the very few wealthy elite.
New Scotland Yard a close second
@@fuckbankers Ah, The Met Police, they are deserving of their own, “special measures full-on protest” for being truly corrupt criminal cops. Cattle slurry being the most apt for the inept and shady enforcement of cop feeling & ego “laws” - that they make up and are too arrogant to accept valid challenges on.
Charing Cross should be a prime location for the special slurry spray!
Totally agree with the protests. If protests are OK for Iran they're OK for the UK.
Credit to those spraying orange, it harms no-one directly. Blocking roads is not so commendable as it could delay emergency services and harms people who have no direct interest in big oil.
Harms no one ?? It destroys there cause as most people look at it and thin "idiots"
I get there message and I agree but there methods just cause more division than unity.
Also listen to what they are saying!! It's a load off bull, you can't just turn oil off it would have massive detrimental effects to the economy to life as we know it.
Again I do agree with there underlying message.
Just not there tactics. I get it's frustrating to not be heard or to think the world is coming to an end but there are other ways.
Most protests let essential services through on road blockages
@D C it can be purple if you prefer
@@RaterProTrickster Whose essential services?.. Who gets to decide what is essential and what isn't? FFS these 'people' are breaking the law by causing criminal damage ad/or obstructing the Kings highway...about time they faced the FULL extent of the law. Take your protest and do it somewhere speakers corner.
@D C I'm not stopping you, but you also know that's not the point. It's not about "spraying orange on everything". It is a method of protest that draws more attention than a simple protest march, hurts no one, and at most, causes minor property damage.
At the bare minimum it forces the rich people and organisations targeted to waste their own time and money cleaning up. Politicians and billionaires can ignore a march, but they can't ignore a big orange mess on the front of their property. Eventually they're going to get sick of cleaning up orange paint, and maybe that will be enough for some of them to start listening what the protestors are actually saying.
So long as it's the rich, it doesn't help when they disrupt us peasants.
Better than blocking roads
Go for it
^^^^ this ^^^^
Yeah 👍
I admire their bravery. I'm only 30, and in high school people called me crazy for wanting to revolutionize against the rich and the powerful. It's the way the world works, they said. You will only endanger your own life, you'll never have a job, you'll end up living on the streets. Look at it now. People are losing their job and end up on the streets anyway because we care more about the rich and powerful maintaining their ignorant lifestyles than improving everyone else's and the planet's wellbeing. It's only right for people to stand up and take their rights back into their own hands, because no one will look out for them nor their children's future.
its greed. the rich of the past knew to give us just enough so that revolution wasnt worth while, but know they're blinded by their own propaganda and will keep taking and taking until the only thing we have left is immense hatred of the rich
almost no one supports those defacing beloved paintings
@@ince55ant We're all blinded by this ideology that we should grow zeroes on our bank account in order to measure success. Want to change the world? Become a millionaire. It used to be: become a scientist, a philosopher, an artist. Today it's all about money, porn, likes on the internet. This world is sick.
Thanks mate your comment made my day.
History shows direct action does work. Remember, the rich and politicians say we shouldn't do it, that ABSOLUTELY means we should. It's the only way real change can happen.
All they are succeeding in is alienating ordinary people that want to get about their day with minimum hassle. No one cares about what might happen in 10 years time it's all supposition and easily led people jumping on the fearmongering bandwagon believing anything the loony left throw at them.
You should stop people, WORKING CLASS People, from getting to work, and their kids to school? THAT is wrong. You targeted the wrong people. Working class doesn’t have time for your “cause” because they have BILLS to pay, that are RISING, because of you lot!
Such as guillotines and Maoist Guerilla Warfare or stupid liberal half-measures and "peacful" garbage like this?
History will show that these ppl are absolute cvnts. The amount of energy, power and chemicals needed to wash that paint off
The most ironic thing is that they probably use oil and will have to use oil if they own a car because a car needs oil. Also in crude oil there is gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and a lot more.
That is what they should be doing, pissing off rich people, not normal people and dying people in ambulances.
When did that happen? Do you have a source for that claim?
@@andrina118 now it's happened already in UK
These people don't realise how lucky they are, we from third world countries would happily swap places with them and let them enjoy having real problems.
You just don't get it do you.... 😔
@@briancampbell8449 lol guys from 1st world countries think that they can solve all the world problems.
03:03 "help im being forced to hear the truth 😱"
Where is the video of Just Stop Oil pissing off working class people?
Its inspiring to see people standing up for their beliefs, and trying to improve the world. Good on them.
When I was a kid I remember my neighbour and a few others were murdered by a work colleague bc the guy thought they were making fun of him and he came in one day and shot 4 people dead. I now realise that the murderer was standing up for his beliefs and should have been applauded for his actions. Thanks for this insight.
I'm all for freedom of expression and right to protest but I'm totally against destruction of property.
The Mahatma Gandhi would have never done such a thing never the less his message was one of the loudest and so does Martin Luther king Jr and many others.
@@galenvanbrok um, yeah, your analogy doesn't work because that guy you're talking about had mental problems and killed innocent people, whereas these climate protests are trying to raise awareness to stop humanity killing itself by polluting the world.
@@berserkirclaws107 the Suffragettes destroyed quite a lot of property, so did Wat Tyler's followers. There's arguments for & against both approaches.
Nevertheless, these people are damaging very little property, all they're doing is spraying tomato soup. Good quality soup with few unknown ingredients. Damage is limited to stains on matt paint, all the other surfaces they're covering are very easily cleaned.
Spectacular but non-damaging.
@@berserkirclaws107 "It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence."
Mohandas K. Gandhi: Non-Violence in Peace and War
good on them.
Rich people are so supressed these days, they need more tax rebates.
Heroes. Charles should get pied everyday.
Yeah instead the cunt gets paid
And his mrs
If renewable energy is not in a position to replace oil yet, won't stopping oil production lead to more suffering for poor people?
Rubber rooms await that lot.
Go’ed just stop oil, these corporations need stopping.
"Granddad, what did you do for the cause?" "I slapped a custard pie into into the face of a waxwork of the king"
These are people who have never been punched in the nose before.
Funny thing is the majority of these "activists" are rich or from a privelaged background themselves. If this was working class people on a council estate you wouldn't hear about this at all in the media.
L take
There are many ‘working class’ among them. See you there.
These THUGS are CRIMINALS who need to be FLOGGED, fined 10k and thrown into prison for 5 years!
Why who did they attack?
@@keldsleepnot7961 The ILLEGALLY block roads, and have caused DEATHS from crashes and people not able to get to hospitals. They should be charged with MANSLAUGHTER!
Start with the politicians
The lady doing Scotland yard!!! Fair play to her
My favourite
I’m sure vinyl is best but isn’t that a plastic based by product of oil processing? I’m flabbergasted at how dimwitted people are.
@@brynleytalbot778 love you
They're mainly funded by billionaires ...
"Just Stop Oil pissing off rich people" naw bro they just pissing off everyone
Vandalism is vandalism, they protest oil , but promote vandalism? Disgusting!
Well done to them for being so brave and sticking up for what's right, even if that means being arrested or ridiculed by the rich mans puppets
being arrested is their choice because they think it looks better and they get to make a dramatic speech. it's smarter to protect your freedom and use anonymous communiques
Pissing off rich people? You mean causing criminal damage and breaking the law.
Oweeee. Did the nasty protestors upset you ? Diddums.
@@nevertrustatory no. I'm making the very clear point that this kind of action is breaking the law. It's disgraceful behaviour.
@@stuartlewis8954 Bless you, I understand the law (very well), but current law won’t criminalize corporate greed until planet Earth is a scorched bit of uninhabited rock, floating round in space.
Direct action is sometimes the only way to bring about change. . . . & save our planet.
Got any better ideas ?
Nice to chat, but need to nip out for some orange paint.
But, won’t it just be poor people who have to clean it up?
The only thing that I find surprising is that not more people are prepared to stand up for our future before it is too late.
Majority of people don't see any future that is why.
@@MegaKapo12 That is a certainty true unless people stand up to what is going on.
This poem sums things up perfectly:
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
We need to realise we are being persecuted group by group and eventually they will come for everyone and take away your rights. So let's not wait until they come for us, now is the perfect time to stand up and be counted.
the earth can survive anything , just humans won't.
Yeh, that’s because the MMM has convinced MST people that a) climate change (might) not be true. B) that protest is no longer a valid form of democracy. 😩😔😔😔
Yes throwing stuff at paintings and waxworks sure is heroic
They are pissing off local people, how about the ambulance with sirens that got stuck on the bridge? Thanks for thinking of them
At last, turmeric's being useful for a change. 😄
And what about the poor folk like me they piss off? Or the commuters? The working classes are still a very powerful force, and if these middle class twats think we like them, well, for the most part when push comes to shove I doubt they'll see a lot of support from us guys on the estates dealing with rising costs through avoidable and ill advise plans for green energy, and in the transport and supply industry. It's not that the planet doesn't need saving, I think climate change is mostly unfaftual and mostly a plot for big business to make money, but we all care about the planet. Fossil Fuel reliance isn't a long term solution, mostly due to its finite lifespan, but also because undoubtedly pollution causes problems, if not for the climate then certainly for the eco system and even human life. I have no doubt my asthma was a result of cold morning walks to school through traffic jams and fumes. But right now, this is just dumb. These people can "Protest" fossil fuels because most of them can afford the price hikes. Most of them have security for life. They are privileged prats and the only reason they aren't opposed more vigiroisly is because they're useful for the government, they help bring about the green new deal that stands to make a lot of money for a lot of people. Many green energy groups who have lobbied politicians across the western world for decades. They don't piss off the rich, they are the rich. Greta Thunberg, a poster child for green activism is another one of these rich brats. You can oppose and protest and afford the luxury of moral superiority when you are ultimately safe and protected from the ramifications of your ideas and proposals. The new generation of politicians that will grow out of the ensuing decade of economic and cultural devastation, the post Trump/Farage right (where I would and do sit), and even the new left beginning to oppose the socialist/globalist takeover of their parties, slowly growing (the best example I can think of now is Tulsi Gabbard's rumblings). They will come to power eventually, and a lot of lower and working class plebs like myself will show the virtues of the proverb "An elephant does not forget"
Revenge takes time, but it will come. I'm looking forward to it.
Piss of as many rich people as you want, but I don't see what precious art pieces in public musea has anything to do with that.
If they won the lottery they would be booking their holidays rather than protesting.With people starving in the UK they think it's ok to throw 2x Heinz Tomato soup cans on a painting - yes they are people of deep conscience.
The soup was out of date.
These people need to get a job
For those wondering they are also calling for no new gas and oil licenses (recently 130+ approved), working toward insulating all British homes, and cheaper / more affordable public transport
Also believe it or not but there have been *no* recorded instances of XR, IB, and JSO's strictly non-violent actions and "blocks" causing any deaths (in the past 4+ years)
They also all have a "Blue Light" policy which basically means people move for ambulances and firefighters heading to emergencies
What? The purpose is to protect the rich with reversed psychology. Look at the ones in the video You know who they're related too?
We need more oil and gas so energy prices come down. They don't care about affordibility at all.
@@beboshi69 Real affordability comes from investing in the energy source that produces the same GwH yields for a tenth of the price of coal and a quarter of gas: solar and wind.
Don't be a donkey, we're doing this for the future of the working class
@@beboshi69 Having a future > Illusion of infinite "growth"
@@ytpanda398 You’re doing this to support the middle classes not the working classes. Jobs in high tech sectors for graduates where the working classes are lowly bolt tighteners on low pay. It’s crass hypocrisy which I hope others are finally seeing as these ridiculous protests expose the narcissistic altruism of those inflicting then.
I f'ing love these people. They are on the right side of history.
But they spray a lot of plastic-based orange paint into the environment 🤷♂️
@@simonbeech6073 It’s not plastic based!
@@simonbeech6073 I suppose you have a trusted source for this claim
Me too. They're fighting as are extinction rebellion for good of animals wildlife environment and all the people across the globe. Those who have been shafting everyone for so long in a pretence of democracy need taking down a peg! ✌
Me too. They're fighting as are extinction rebellion for good of animals wildlife environment and all the people across the globe. Those who have been shafting everyone for so long in a pretence of democracy need taking down a peg! ✌
So you're celebrating these prissy, spoiled, bourgeois twits? Anyone who loves art and culture, regardless of income, should be disgusted by their defacing of artwork that they could never hope to duplicate, much less surpass. And can we talk about the toxicity of the solvents that were used to clean off the paint? How much of that made it into the Thames?
When protesters start throwing soup and cake you know they mean business.
Then protest about the poor and food being unaffordable. I’m sure the Salvation Army would have such resources to better use.
@@brynleytalbot778 You've commented to a few replies on this video. You're pointing at tiny drops of water, and using them to defend/misdirect from vast oceans of wrongdoing on behalf of your capitalist masters. Your replies read like Daily Mail headlines. You have peasant brain. Go learn something.
@@adam2403 You’re quite wrong. When a campaign resorts to media attention grabbing its failing to make a rational case based on the science. In the pandemic vested interests pumped vast sums into supporting a narrative of vaccination as the solution to the virus. Subsequent vaccines haven’t halted the infection as have other traditional vaccines for their associated viruses. The XR narrative is fear based, as was the pandemics, which should raise questions on why they consider this as their only option. Vast financial resources have been pumped into renewables with the oil sector seeing better profits in it. When companies see increased profitability they move to increase shareholder dividends. It’s irrational to think that oil is about to be dumped or its extraction about to cease when it is a fuel and its byproducts are part of everyday life. Simplistic thinking excludes the vast benefits oils byproducts have given society. Solutions need to encompass this breadth not just fuel. An electric vehicle contains a multitude of plastic components, from oil. Solve that one and stopping the extraction of oil can be a rational argument.
@@brynleytalbot778 well, go politely argue the science then, as many people have done for many decades, and... oh, wait, that didn't do anything at all. Not a damn thing.
Let me know when capitalists start abiding by the science without being forced to by having their social licence removed, as these Just Stop Oil protestors are working to do. If you come at this from a profit-driven capitalist perspective, you have a deep, deep misunderstanding of the crisis, of how f**ked we are, and the cause. Emissions have gone up, year after year. They aren't going down. This is desperate, and the protestors are very right.
Like I said, go learn. I'm not here to teach.
rich people are finished
Knowing they'll be arrested, potentially attacked by the public, named and shamed all over the internet, future employment affected. But they do it anyway. Massive respect
Yh I can dig this shit but stopping people going work and blocking roads no
Absolutely agree. Biko, Hani, Mandela, Mbeki were all given similar treatment under apartheid South African laws. The protestors are the superheroes that the majority can only find in film or pop culture, vicariously and imaginatively.
being arrested is a choice here and not a smart one
nothing legendary about defacing a van gogh painting
@@shutup2751 they're doing what they feel they must do, despite so many people being against them, which deserves huge respect whether you agree with them or not
Who cares about a van Gogh painting, it's just some flowers
They been Tango'ed 😆 🤣
It's a good good job some people get off their arse and do something 👍
...And hopefully do something useful with their lives rather than sabotaging the whole country.
@@kent2820 it'll take more than a bit of soup on a bit of glass in front of an oil painting to "sabotage the whole country". Something like billowing kilotonnes of CO² into the atmosphere might do it...
@@kent2820 don't exaggerate
@@martinburn No exaggeration at all but then you probably don't understand what having a life is.
@@kent2820 I am grateful for my life and all the sacrifices people have made for it, be it through war, protests, and industrial disputes, I know where I come from it seems to me you've comfortably forgot.
Art is worth more than their lives for sure!
Whichever side your on you have to admit that they are sparking more conversation than a simple democratic vote. They are winning at the moment but I fear when the law catches up with them it will all end up in tears.
It wont be a surprise and they bring it on themselves.
If they make peaceful protest illegal, I'm sure there will be riots next
Considerably less conversation than "a simple democratic vote" but that vote is not currently available.
Not a lot of conversation about the climate or how to fix it all! Conversation about stopping protest and whether they are counter productive or "but other means don't work so this definately will work" points.
It won't do anything.
"They are winning at the moment" What do you base that on? If you looked at the wider British public reaction to their "efforts" thusfar you will find that it's largely negative. Spraying places I guess is ok but when they start sitting in traffic, blocking roads, holding up trains etc effecting everyday Men & Women that's when the wider general public lose interest fast.
the rich are despised
Behind the spraying of 55 Hereford, Bentley, Ferrari etc.
But leave Van Gogh alone please.
0:03 You're not attacking people in power, you're mocking a masterpiece of art painted by a man who used oil paint to relieve himself from the pain and ostricisation he recieved from his community.
55 Tufton St needs more than a new paint job....
Definitely Nice thinkwank where Steve Baker rims dogs' arses
keep it up, Direct Action always works..
Have you got a car
@@galenvanbrok NO I have not
@@galenvanbrok what's that got to do with it?
@@galenvanbrok No
ok I'm not a fan of what these people are protesting against but may I ask what Van Gough did to help big oil?
All of those in support of these protesters, I suggest you all stop driving your cars, getting on buses etc and walk everywhere, otherwise you are just hypocrites.
I admire these people, good for them. When I was younger and fitter, I hope I would have been as courageous.
walking down the street with a fire extinguisher, slapping a statue with a pie or tipping out a tin of soup requires youth or fitness?
Okay, whatever you say.
@@alanhat5252 I take it you are thick, hard to cure that. We don't all live in a large city, the effort and cost, is in getting somewhere it will be noticed.
Honestly, we younger fitter folk could do with a few of the older, retired generation getting involved. What's gonna happen? You'll lose your job and fail to support your wife and kids? Unlikely...
Why bother spraying paint all over the rich people's buildings? They're only going to pay peasants like the people doing it to clean it off.
Its good if you want to fuck up your cause
They are cringe. An embarrassment. An example of why the Left lose.
You should be ashamed of yourself for destroying the beautiful architecture of the buildings made by the hard toil of the workers. What the hell have you done in life?
I personally love to see this ❤
I'll never understand why people celebrate this. Everytime anyone thinks of this cause they'll think of all the negativity of the vandalism, traffic congestion, misery it has brought.
Positive actions are needed IMO. What about setting up community farms/community renewable energy projects or something positive? Community renewable energy projects would help reduce oil consumption. What does painting over shops/houses accomplish other than making enemies of people?
Problem is they are pissing off poor people too.
bad move.
Cool nice one, you know it's the taxpayer who picks up the bill for that and I don't know if you'd noticed but they care what we think just about as much as they care about what you think, so I don't know how this is supposed to help anyone? Unless it's denting thier bank accounts they don't care, I don't really see how this is helping.
@@PP237PP yeah but painting a bad picture to most, surely this will be detrimental to the cause, just negative association everytime it comes up.
They're also pissing off ordinary people, it ain't cars that's hurting the environment, its many other things...
They're finding many other things to do. The refinement of the protest will be effective.
Anyone noticed that a large majority of these JSO Klaus Schwab activists are gingers?
At least they are doing something and standing up for what they believe in. To all the people out out there sitting in their suburban utopias, complaining about the state of society and the world on well fed fat arses take note. You should be supporting people willing to stand up for their beliefs because one day you may have to as as well and by that time your protest rights will have been removed.
and no body gives a fuck about your comment since nobody comment over an year you might be dead by then!
Guillotines! Guillotines!! GUILLOTINES!!!!
Cant say I agree with vandalism but they make a very good point. Some of them are protesting more about capitalism than oil, but there again capitalism is the reason we're stuck using oil in the first place. Our politics should be Labour vs Green, not Tory vs Labour.
They are funded by oil tycoons to disparage serious environmental activism. Useful idiots
"want to spend time with my daughter" then pull your finger out and be a good dad instead of some clown.
Here since 13 seconds, also the janitors are getting a raise out of this
No but the cleaners might get a payrise
@@andrina118 same thing potato potahto tamato tomato
*imagine if the first one was real*
Im not rich and I hate this. They should go to jail for this and they do more bad than good.
These eco loon’s will go away if they don’t get an audience. Ask them how will they eat themselves if no lorries deliver to wherever they last ate? Likely the items they are wearing and using had oil at some stage of it’s making. Why are the police being nice when arresting people?
Up with this sort of thing!
People with pink,green or blue hair always and I do mean always look like they need jet washing and Brillo padding
But no! The wax sculptures! The poor paintings! I know we’re heading towards ecological collapse but will somebody think of the pigment!!1!
I chose to sell my car and cycle to work instead. Vandalising doesn't inspire confidence... there's only 2 ways I consider effective ways to change the minds of people, you can either lead by example or let them suffer in fear. Both will effect them in time.
No I can’t afford fancy Heinz soup either. I’m so hungry I’d lick a painting.
Is the background music designed specifically to kill braincells?
Emptying tins of good food over a piece of art is not the way to go people.
It has a plastic cover over the actual painting. Of course you'll not be given that important piece of info in any of the sensationalised news reports.
damn they really be wasting a...£1.40 tin of tomato soup?
@@NeonVisual does it matter? Its the act of vandalism thats a turn off
@Don Doodat go after politicians
@@jamespaul6315 is vandalism worse than the death of our planet?
The only thing they will get arrested fined let go to do it all over again
Exceptional people. Emotionally choked watching these brave people. Everyone watching this should be humbled. Not sure the police can stop the filming of a street arrest. I'm sure they'd all like to,though!
Well there's no need to prevent filming. The pilice are right to arrest them. Doing something illegal and then saying "it's in protest" doesn't suddenly negate the fact the law was broken lol. By all means protest by civil disobedience but don't act like your democratic rights are being undermined when you get rightfully prosecuted.