Blend Club Review: January 2018; Cornell & Diehl Nutty Irishman

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 55

  • @atvalleau
    @atvalleau 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    😊😊😊😊 I smoked 8 ounces of Nutty Irishman this past summer, and I really liked it. I like aromatics blends as long as they are not too sweet. Lane 1Q and Sutliff Molto Dolce are just too much. I agree that the topping wears off some, but to me it never completely goes away. And I like the nuttiness from the burley. That's the main thing I like about burley! My tin of this blend burned well, had few relights, and had a very nice aroma. I also like Lane's RLP-6 and especially HGL, and when I want a bit of change from these, I go back to the Irishman. Cheers!Adam

  • @smithhomestead5673
    @smithhomestead5673 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    👍👍👍👍👍 I started off smoking this in a good old fashioned briar pipe, and I was not too inpressed. When I switched to an unfiltered corn cob pipe, the flavor just exploded for me, I loved it in a corn cob, and it has made it into my corn cob rotation. The burley left a great nutty taste and the Irish cream sweetness popped in the corn cob.

  • @johnBC5817
    @johnBC5817 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Let me start by saying I’m fairly new to pipe smoking, only about 6 months now but I feel the TH-cam pipe community has really helped me out. This is my first review.
    When I opened it, got a lot of nuttiness , little raisin, sweetness and hint of the whiskey. Mine was pretty moist and I found after a few bowls that it helped to dry it out a little bit. I didn’t have any problems with bite but it left quite a bit of moisture in the bowl. I agree, the nutty flavor quickly takes over the smoke, slightly sweet, and finished with a slight floral alcohol flavor. The room note was amazing and it reminded me of a man I knew growing up who smoked pipes so it had a bit of nostalgia for me.
    I smoked this in 4 pipes, a 1948 dunhill patent shell, a ‘ 53 Dunhill tanshell, a new Peterson kinsale xl 28 and a Peterson 31. I also found this blend to pair nicely with a traditional “Godfather” cocktail (whiskey and amaretto). I even took it on a camp out and it was very nice to smoke around the campfire in 20 degree weather.
    Over all, it was an ok aromatic for me. Very nutty, no real nicotine hit, pleasant room note. I don’t know if I’ll order it again unless I want the nostalgic room note, which is why I gave it one more 😀.

  • @mariacastillo5625
    @mariacastillo5625 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a similar experience in a briar. Then I sipped it in a corn pipe and really enjoyed it! Nice tobacco flavor when the light topping isn't hitting. No chemical after-taste and no goop. ☘️☘️☘️☘️

  • @backwoodscountryboy1600
    @backwoodscountryboy1600 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😀😀😀 as a new pipe smoker whose only been smoking cob pipes for one week, I tried the Nutty Irishman three different bowls. The first thing I did was placed into a jar and took a deep smell and I have to tell you the smell is unbelievably beautiful. The characteristics on the nasal with this tobacco really come through strong, I'm getting a fragrance of caramel along with a type of hazelnut coffee creamer. To me this smells very fresh and I agree that it could be used as a potpourri, it smells that good. Again I say I have only been smoking a pipe for 7 days, when I light up I'm getting the flavors of the caramel hazelnut. My experience is about a quarter of a way through the bowl that disappears and the Burly comes forward which I like, about halfway through the bowl a very small hint of Carmel is there only if I smoke very slowly like sipping a wine. The room note for the smoke is Pleasant not overpowering and for some strange reason I don't know why I was told by someone in the room it had the slight smell of licorice very lightly. I did not get that personally. This is a smooth tobacco, it burns cool if smoked slowly. I did get a little excited and started smoking a little too quick obviously I like the taste of Burley. The Country Gentleman pipe that I was smoking started getting warm and I could tell the smoke was getting a little touchy and almost bit me on the tongue. I can recommend this pipe tobacco for a new smoker, but I needed to keep reminding myself it needs to be smoke slowly. When I got to the bottom of the bowl for me no matter how slow I smoked it seem to wanted to get between a medium warm and a hot I was only able to smoke 3/4 of the bowl to keep from getting a tongue bite. I hope this helps someone out there that is new to pipe smoking as I am.

  • @johnnyvappa
    @johnnyvappa 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    😊😊 This smelled great from the bag but like you said, the flavor disappeared fairly quickly. Not a big burley fan myself. C&D makes some good blends but this isn't a favorite and I won't be ordering this one again. I will try it again in a few months and see if anything changes with this one. Looking forward to the next blend club review!

  • @sounddude177
    @sounddude177 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    :-) :-) :-) This was a lot better than I thought it would be. I got plenty of the nutty flavors of the burley and the liquor flavor. Fantastic room note. The liquor flavor did peter out after a while, but you still had the burley to carry you
    to the bottom of the bowl. Comparable to Eileen's Dream. Very fine cut. Burns easy and no goop.

  • @hoipolloi3302
    @hoipolloi3302 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ☺☺☺ - I wanted to liked this blend more bc it smells so good and the room note is excellant. However, it took a lot of work to get the the topping to last more than the first few puffs. I mixed up my cadence, packing and dried it out with little success. I finally smoked it in a filtered Stanwell and it was magic the nuttiness and Irish cream lasted nearly the entire bowl. Good blend, worth a try if you like nutty desert and sweet liquors.

  • @billysmock911
    @billysmock911 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Tin note was sweet Irish cream hint of hazelnut and nutty, moisture was great and it burned easily, taste was good for aromatic blends, sweetness for the first half of the bowl and then starts to lose steam a little but good for an aromatic, i would advise smoking it slowly to keep the heat down otherwise can burn slightly during retrohale

  • @anthonys7622
    @anthonys7622 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The tin note smells great. Irish cream flavor does give way quickly to the strong burley base. Lots of burley smoke. My first few bowls early in the month were a little too moist. I did dry it out and jar it up and it helped the flavor some but not much in subsequent smokes. I'll keep it around but is not one I will go to often.

  • @javipipes5124
    @javipipes5124 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Smells terrific, completely as described. Like so many others have stated, the flavoring does dissipate quickly. Something I'll definitely finish smoking the remainder of, but not anything I'd rush home to have time and time again.

  • @glenndunnington8551
    @glenndunnington8551 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    😊😊😊 I liked the shag cut easy burning. This is first Burley forward blend and I liked it . In a corn cob I could taste the liquor all the way to the bottom. The more bowls I smoked the more I liked it. No tongue bite and minimal nicotine.

    • @smithhomestead5673
      @smithhomestead5673 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree completely, it is definitely made for a corn cob.

  • @ohaneson
    @ohaneson 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This blend smells pretty nice prior to lighting it. And, it even starts off with a pleasant aroma and taste. However, after the first third of the bowl, the pleasantness of this blend fades quickly. Out of the three bowls I smoked, none of them were particularly enjoyable past the first third of the bowl. One bowl bit me a little more than the other two; but that was likely due to my faster cadence on that particular bowl.
    I didn't get any nicotine from any of the bowls. And I thought that it had a pleasant room note; at least for the first third.
    Since there are so many more enjoyable blends out there, I don't ever plan on purchasing this one again. I will eventually smoke the rest of what I have; even if it's only one-third of a bowl at a time. 😊

  • @havenhillacres9739
    @havenhillacres9739 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    🤓🤓 I agree with you on the toppings fading out. I have puffed on several bowls of this and didn’t mind the burley coming through. I’ve only tried straight burley once and haven’t reached for another bowl since then, but this I will smoke again ( good thing since they were out of bulk when I ordered so I got a while tin)

  • @crazyivan779
    @crazyivan779 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😣😣 this was a tobacco I tried when I first started smoking and hated it then. So I figured I'd try it out now that my pallette has gotten better. Too bad the tobacco hasn't improved as much. Likes:burns great, tobacco smells fantastic with a good room note, easy smoke with no tonguebite. Dislikes: flavor is very VERY light, I like burley on occasion but this was all burley for the most part, relatively bland. Final verdict: will not get again. Will not recommend unless it's a new smoker who is trying to learn technique. I won't get rid of it as it can be used as an all day smoke or if company is over but that's about it. Curious to see if this could be blended with another tobacco. Keep up the great work muttonchop. Big fan. I bought eileens dream based on one of your videos so I'm curious to see how it will compare to this.

  • @freshnewera6397
    @freshnewera6397 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    * * I generally don't smoke many aromatics. I'm not opposed to them but just have not found very many that I enjoy. I find that most aromatics do not taste anything like I expect based on the description or name. In fact, most just take like hot air to me. Perhaps my palette is not sensitive enough to pick out the subtleties. Generally I like bold flavors and just haven't found them. With that said, I definitely tasted nuttiness with this one and if you like that flavor profile, you will probably like this blend. For me, I am not big into smoking nutty flavors apparently. I haven't craved going back to this one at all but glad to try it and do appreciate that it tastes like more than hot air.

  • @redmantelpipe651
    @redmantelpipe651 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    In our club we have smoked together Nutty Irishman before your review and the truth is that we like it a lot. Although its taste is fading after half a bowl, we think it is suitable for a not very long smoke.

  • @jrbaker8471
    @jrbaker8471 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    🥜🥜 - First of all the jar note is just delightful. I am very new to smoking pipes, just started in October 2017, and so far this was the most well behaved tobacco I've had yet as far as heat and moisture and re-lights go. There is a pretty good possibility that I might just now be getting the hang of it though so make of that what you will. Similar to others experiences, the flavor is very mild when smoking this blend. Its not bad by any means but other than an occasional trace of the aromatic, I didn't get much out of it. Anyways, I'm excited to explore some tobaccos this year with you all, I was able to get all but one of the blends for the club so I'll see you guys next month!

  • @pipenredbeard
    @pipenredbeard 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I liked the Burleyness is the blend but did also find the liquor not last very long. I too wouldn’t buy this regularly but wouldn’t mind it every once and awhile. The smell though is really good. Probably would be better served as potpourri. Thanks MuttNChop!

  • @darthforge2791
    @darthforge2791 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    👍👍 The room note was really strong. It was a little wet when I got it so I let it dry out and the smell completely filled the room I had it in to the point that it was overpowering. Not that the aroma was bad just overpowering. Over the next couple of weeks that did die down to a more manageable level. It smokes smoothly but I don't detect much taste while smoking it. I can smell it really well though. My family didn't exactly like the smell, however they are very anti-tobacco in general so I'm convincing they can be presented with the best smelling tobacco and still hate it so take that with a grain of salt. Disclaimer: I have only been smoking pipe tobacco for 7 months.

    • @backwoodscountryboy1600
      @backwoodscountryboy1600 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Darth Forge, I tried this for the first time today it just came in the mail. And I came with the same conclusion you did after One Bowl in my cob pipe. My family like yours very anti-tobacco. But like I said I'll have to smoke another bowl or two to be completely convinced that this may not be another purchase for me. I personally enjoy the smell the taste is decent but then again I've only been smoking a pipe for one week so I still have a lot to learn about flavors, taste and things of that nature. Your review came to closest to anybody's of the same feelings that I got out of my first Bowl.

  • @charliewoot22
    @charliewoot22 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    :) :) The flavor faded almost immediately for me. The tobacco wasn't terrible, just not something I will probably get again. I had a similar problem with C&D Apricots and Cream. I would still say its not a bad aromatic for new or infrequent pipe smokers like myself as the nicotine content seemed to be fairly mild.

  • @Thepipehunter
    @Thepipehunter 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😊😊 Tin note was great. I could smell the hazelnut and Irish Mist. It was a little moist and needed some drying time. Taste was not quite the same as smell. The sweetness from the toping was put into the background after a few minutes by the burley. Overall it was a pretty boring smoke, but it stayed lit well and everyone around me liked the smell

  • @michaelnew2912
    @michaelnew2912 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    In the bag it smells like a bottle of Bailey’s had a baby with a bottle of Frangelico with a whiff of cocoa. It was fairly moist and sizzled a bit during the light up. Flavor wasn’t as prominent as it was on the “tin” note. Fairly nutty in flavor with a hint of the Irish Mist. On the retrohale I got more cocoa and was reminded of dry cocoa puffs from when I was a kid. I did like that the topping wasn’t overly aggressive and I still knew I was smoking tobacco. But I wouldn’t run out to buy more.

  • @ggrimshaw26
    @ggrimshaw26 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The tabacco was packaged perfect not to moist. The so called tin note was pleasant with a good nutty caramel liqueur smell that kinda left me excited. But like everyone else most of it burned off in the first few puffs. With all my blend club tobacco they went straight to mason jars. After this one had been stored for most the month it seemed like I could pick up on the liquor taste a bit more. It was almost surprise like. Kinda like what the hell was that. I'm middle of the boat on whether I would buy it again. I join blend club because it seemed to be a good way to branch out and try new blends. Been smoking 2 years and been sticking to my basics. Great video muttnchop. Look forward to many more.

  • @professorducky27
    @professorducky27 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have to agree with you. It's not a bad smoke, but nothing crazy good either. I probably won't get it again. Definitely did get that nuttiness and a hint of caramel almost I think. Great joing everyone in this blend club!

  • @nbk971
    @nbk971 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    🍂🍂Tin notes: creamy, nutty, butter; smoke: creamy at first turning rather bland - burned really hot in multiple pipes but never got tongue bite. Smoked less than half an ounce, put it away to try again in the spring or summer to see if that changes anything.

  • @lefty68pipe
    @lefty68pipe 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    :) :) Let me start by saying that I'm not a big fan of burley. The aroma was pleasant and I liked the cut. The moisture level in my 2 oz sample was good and it behaved well during the smoke with no tongue bite. The flavor was ok but it disappeared rather quickly and I ended up with pretty much just the flavor of the burley which to my palate is a bit bitter. I can see where a fan of burley would like this blend but it's just not for me. I went through the entire 2 oz and I don't absolutely hate it but I can't see myself buying it again.

  • @jamesewing9681
    @jamesewing9681 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    :-) :-) :-) A nice gentle blend. Good aero which I smoke irregularly. everyone liked the room note so I'll reserve this for public smoking.

  • @paulallan1376
    @paulallan1376 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😐 As I'm smoking it, I'm not getting any of the Irish mist. I am, however, getting the Burley and a hint of liquer. It's a bit bitey, but it's not the worst smoke. Also the retrohale is all burley

  • @HeavyMetalPiper
    @HeavyMetalPiper 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    General nuttiness from the tobacco and casing. Hazelnut was very prevalent on a retrohale. I found the flavor overbearing, but I dislike hazelnut flavor and that may have made me more aware of its presence in this blend.

  • @harlowpiper2352
    @harlowpiper2352 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😋😋 January 2018 Cornell & Diehl Nutty Irishman
    - Tin note: Creamy Vanilla Soda
    - Presentation: Ribbon cut
    - Taste: First light It taste just like it smells Cream soda and thats all i taste all the way to the bottom of the bowl. I get quite a bit of smoke which i assume is the burley. At about 6 bowls I’m starting to taste a little of that nutty flavor. The creamy soda flavor is disappearing.
    - Notes: Its not to bad for a Aromatic

  • @Yutfish1
    @Yutfish1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    🙂🙂. Smell was sweet, almost too sweet Irish Cream. Burned fast but not hot. First few lights I could taste the Irish cream and nuttiness but flavor subsided the further down the bowl. I wanted to like this because I’m a huge Cornell and Diehl fan and this was the first blend I wasn’t thrilled with. Overall, I’ll give it a meh.

  • @TexasRazorDen
    @TexasRazorDen 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    :) :) Jumping on the Blend Club bandwagon for 2018, brought my dad along too. Great bag note, good quality burley, but the taste fails to deliver on the smell, very mild smoke but still enjoyable.

  • @TrevorEmahizer
    @TrevorEmahizer 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    :-) :-) Overall not a bad smoke, the topping was a little too much for me though. A lot like hazelnut coffee, it smells really good but 1 mug full or in this case bowl full is plenty for a long time. I did pick up on some chocolate, vanilla and honey undertones during the smoke, but sadly by about half through the bowl it just tasted like ash and tobacco. Also noticed that this is a fast burner and that due to this, I did get some tongue bite. The room note was nice, had several people comment that it was a pleasant smelling smoke. Probably won't buy this one again but was a nice departure from my normal blends.

  • @dandeepsouthtexas5204
    @dandeepsouthtexas5204 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This blend for me smells good right out of the bag and has a good room note also really easy to light and stay lite .... but that's it
    ... for me it tasted good for about a quarter of the bowl after that the flavor left and for me it would start to taste almost ashy. I would definitely not order this one again and I'm not even sure I will finish what I have left.

    @ROY-COLLEY 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    See what you think of Caribbean Coconut. Great one for Newbies Its my main smoke .

  • @BrSpiritus
    @BrSpiritus 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    🎩🎩 New Subscriber here and your Jan entry happens to be one I had just ordered, how fortuitous. I'm just getting back into pipe smoking after a many year dance with cigarettes. I first purchased Nutty Irishman as a tin in 2011 and bulk more recently. there is quite a bit of difference between the 2 notably the tin was a broad cut ribbon, not the shag cut now. the broad cut, in my opinion led to a much more even flavor through the whole bowl. The shag loses flavor quickly, while the base burleys are great, I have burleys aplenty already and purchased Nutty Irishman for the flavor. Too bad really, because I love most C&D offerings.

  • @remoc011
    @remoc011 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    To me this a tobacco to smoke after dinner as it has a Frangelico Liquor taste and in a small bowl. I do agree with the burley flavor being dominant opaquing the hazelnut flavor. If your pipe bowl is big you loose the hazelnut flavor and this is more like smoking a half and half tobacco.

  • @TheDannodog
    @TheDannodog 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    :) :) :) ok by me. I’m not much for a strong aromatic, and I like Burley. I am one of the few who actually like C&D Winchester... an American blend. Anyway, the Nic hit is small and would this would make for a nice puff at a rest stop while out on the motorcycle. A cup of coffee makes this one better in my opinion. Just not a first thing in the morning wake me up. I reserve that for Big n Burley or Winchester. Love the reviews!

  • @drslr
    @drslr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    😎😎😎 I can not yet distinguish all of the tastes I hear other speak to, but I found this to be a very enjoyable smoke. Smoking in th e car at my car at lunch in an MM Cob

  • @drewdle100
    @drewdle100 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    @muttonchop where do i find the list for this years blends?

  • @ricjefferson1493
    @ricjefferson1493 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not a big fan of aromatics, but the people around me are!! Great blend...for them!! lol

  • @HeavyMetalPiper
    @HeavyMetalPiper 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The burley and casing are very nutty. I'm not a fan of hazelnut so this wasn't so good for me. A fan of that flavor will likely enjoy this blend a lot.

  • @elwoodmaker
    @elwoodmaker 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    :-) :-) I didn't enjoy it enough to smoke it very often. Just enough to be sure I would only give it two smileys.

  • @ReedbenderBud
    @ReedbenderBud 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    :), :) - smooth, mild; slight hint of liquor; burns well; good room note; will occasionally smoke

  • @vanpiper
    @vanpiper 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was not impressed I tasted more Burley then anything else . I got my Nutty Irishman in bulk I have a tin to hopefully it will be better I will finish what I have but not buy anymore

    @ROY-COLLEY 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I didnt think much at all of N I M 😞

  • @dextermoran5352
    @dextermoran5352 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    :) :) :)
    Smells great but lose the taste about 2/3 the way threw the bowl.

  • @sknape1
    @sknape1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    2:33 😂

  • @johnnyboy6480
    @johnnyboy6480 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fast forwarded to 6:55 and I knew this wasn't going to be a good tobacco lol

  • @stephenberger2798
    @stephenberger2798 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @stephenberger2798
    @stephenberger2798 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very average. I am not an areo smoker