An old trick that I was taught was to put a fine smear of Vaseline around the bottom edge of the air filter where it contacts the saw, this will stop the finings from getting into the carb.
There is supposed to be a piece of foam behind that air cleaner. At least that is how my Farmmac F660V is. The foam needs to be oiled. Nothing getting into my carb.
There are different quality levels of chinese parts. Starter assay success is the key to a quality chain saw ! And when they fail like this.....its an indicator. An indicator of just how good the oveall "factory" is, Neotec may be getting better and i know thats their intention.
I totally agree. I am still working on my NS872. Luckily, I knew to take it apart before I started it, so I knew what I was getting into.
An old trick that I was taught was to put a fine smear of Vaseline around the bottom edge of the air filter where it contacts the saw, this will stop the finings from getting into the carb.
Not bad luck your finding the problems that farmer tech already went through thats why i love my blue thunder
There is supposed to be a piece of foam behind that air cleaner. At least that is how my Farmmac F660V is. The foam needs to be oiled. Nothing getting into my carb.
Rim sprocket doesn’t thread on and is held on with E clip. Rim bearing needs greased and is why it locked up.
There are different quality levels of chinese parts. Starter assay success is the key to a quality chain saw ! And when they fail like this.....its an indicator. An indicator of just how good the oveall "factory" is, Neotec may be getting better and i know thats their intention.