@@turkchap 🛑 some information are false“ albanian ethnicity doesn’t exist 1. there not 20 k African origin people there only around 100-300 and there are Half Turkish the grandfathers of them was Turkish“ most of them were 3-4 wife’s of an Turkish men“ Africa has nothing to do with Türkiye“ and will be not in the future.
My family is from Erzurum and I was really surprised when people there used German words such as “Dumkof” (stupid) and “Kartol” (potato). Now after watching your video, it finally makes sense.
I think It has nothing to do with Kars Germans. Some people from western and central anatolia are also using that phrases. The Turkish migration to Germany is the reason behind it.
Merhabalar Lom-Poşa kökenli biri olarak yazmak istedim (Genelde kendimizi tanımlamak için Lom-Poşa ifadesini kullanıyoruz.). Anne tarafından dedem bir Poşa ve Sarıkamış doğumlu.Dedem yaklaşık 60 yıldır İstanbul'da yaşıyor ve kendisi bir eğitimci dolayısıyla şivesiz bir İstanbul Türkçesi konuşuyor tabii istediği zaman Poşa şivesi yapabiliyor. Dedemin annesi-babası yani kendinden bir kuşak öncekiler Erzurum-Oltu doğumlular ve anadilleri kendilerince Poşaca olarak adlandırdıkları bir dil fakat bu dili incelediğimde aslında konuştukları dil tamamıyla Ermenice. Bildiğim kadarıyla etnogenez anlamında bariz bir şekilde Ermeniler ile karışmışlığımız yok yalnızca dil olarak Batı Ermenicesi kullanmış üst nesiller günümüzde çoğunluk kökenini gizlemeyi veya Yerli Türk şeklinde tanımlamayı tercih etmesine karşın olayı bilenler çok eskiden Hindistan'dan göçtüklerini biliyorlar. Fakat ilginçtir ki fenotip olarak Trakya'daki Romanlara yani diğer Çingenelere hiç benzemiyoruz ten renklerimiz çok daha açık,kızıllık ve kızıl saçlılık yaygın ve beyaz tenli surat üzerine kırmızı çiller yoğun olarak görülüyor. Daha detaylı bir fenotip analizi için sanırım Y-Haplogrup çalışmaları yapılması gerekiyor.
Ek:19. yüzyıl başında henüz müslüman olmayan Lom-Poşa ahalisinin bnir kısmı İstanbul'a göçtü ve Topkapı ve Kocamustafapaşa semtlerine yerleştiler ve kendilerini Apostolik mezhebinden Ermeniler olarak tanımladılar ve bunları artık asimile olup çingene mirasını tamamen reddettiler, buna karşın bu ufak azınlığın haricindeki kesim tamamen sünni müslüman fakat non-practising denen kültüreşl müslüman olarak tanımlayabilirim bunu: herkes oldukça seküler ve pek kimse ibadet yapmıyor.
Bildiğim kadarıyla poşalar 93 harbi dönemi Rusya'dan sürgün edilen Ahıska Türkleri annemde Ahıska Türk'ü dayım çilli kızıl saçlı mavi gözlü diğeri kumral yeşil gözlü bir diğeri boz mavi gözlü annem kumral ne la gözlü yani kıpçak boyundan kaynaklı görünüş
@@Türkçüyüm_55 O dediğiniz 93 harbi yani Osmanlı Rus Savaşı zamanında bugünkü Gürcistan’dan göç eden gerçek ahıska türkleri çoğunlukla Ardahan/Posof ilçesine yerleşenler.
Hemşerim istanbulda nerelerdesin. Annemin anneannemin anılarında kaldı poşalar, yazdığın şu yorum bile çok kıymetli. Diş çeker, kap kacak kalaylarlar diye anlatırlardı. Lütfen oturup sohbet edelim biz selim aşağıkotanlı köyündeniz. Birbirimize anlatacak çok güzel şeylerimiz olduğundan eminim.
This is my favorite channel to get to know Türkiye better, its rich history and curiosities that you can't find anywhere else, a hug to all Turks, here in Brazil I wish you the best for all of you! 🇧🇷🇹🇷.
I was surprised to learn from someone who works in the tourism that he wants to learn to speak portugaise because a lot of brazilian tourists come to Turquie and specialy in the Kusadasi area as kirazli.
Annem Artvinli ve eskiden o bölgede yaşayan anneannem ve kardeşleri bazen "Poşa çocuğu" derler. Bir aşağılama ve ayıplama ifadesi olarak kullanıyorlar. Ama ayrıca bir etnik grup olduğunu bilmiyordum.
Kimse kimseden insan olarak ne bir adım önde ne de bir adım geride. Hepimiz Hz Adem ve Havva ' dan geldik. Şu veya bu demeyi hiç sevmedim ama onlar çok onurlu insanlardır. ❤
@@sebahattinkose4784 Muhtemelen dönemin savaşlarından kaynaklı bu dil oluşmuş. Yoksa tabi ki günümüzde böyle bir düşünce kalmadı. Kendilerinin de öyle düşündüğünü sanmıyorum, çocukluktan kalma bir ağız alışkanlığıyla söylüyorlar.
My family was another group of Germans that moved to former Ottoman lands. Mine didn't get as far as the Kars Germans, though. They went went to Crimea and then moved to the USA. I moved to Turkey 15 years ago and also live in Eastern Turkey (Van).
@@turkchap Yes, they spoke German. My mother's grandfather was the first to be born in the USA; all of his elder siblings were born in Crimea. She remembers him singing to her in German outside on the swing.
Just came back from an amazing vacation in Turkey. As an Afro Bahamian this is extremely interesting to me because I wondered about people’s of African descent in Turkey. Thank you 🙏🏾
Tebrik ederim, oldukça başarılı bir video olmuş. Türkler tarafından güzel bir İngilizce ile hazırlanan videolar bulması oldukça zor, bu yüzden birden anasayfamda denk gelince çok mutlu oldum. Keep up the good work 🎉
İstanbul’un Başakşehir ilçesindeki Şamlar Köyü’de 1826’da 2. Mahmut zamanında bent yapımı için Suriye başkenti Şam’dan getirilen işçiler tarafından kurulmuş bir köy.
Your English is of refined quality do not give up as you have hit a gold mine(in the algorithm) as a Turkish Person who promotes his culture in English. Our country Turkey is filled with history as it was the core of ancient civilizations, greater armenia, persian kingdom, hitites, eastern rome russian empire (kars question) and much much more and still expanding it's historic and cultural treasure (Like hatay) . As Atatürk says '' How happy one is to utter 'Im Turk' ''.
This is really a thing that no one talks, we're not a homogenic community and people forgetting, a nomadic nation with its flexibility in all matters with other nations in Anatolia ( ppl only think Greek/Armenians were exist, there were other civilizations and nations already been there too ) Even under Ottoman rule we had inner migration from Balkans and Caucasia, it sounds crazy but even from Volga region ( Tatars, Slavs, a little bit Germanic ppl Varangians etc ) so it's very diverse and hard to describe.
@hakanozaslan9571 yes makes sense, even in rural areas such as Sivas, Tokat, Yozgat for example, there are Turks, Adiges, Armenians, Rum villages next to next
@@burakonderuslu679 it's really sad how it turned out for some of the miniorities. but i believe you can still see the diversity in turkish society. it makes sense. i think if people knew more they would be less nationalistic (in the bad way)
@@Pachi9- deep down it's, it was actually. The nationalism in Turkiye was the unity of our differences. While having unsolved economic crisis when ppl faced with the refugee crisis it blurred their thoughts.
And that's what Ataturk tried to do, is that he tried to give the love of the nation to all by uniting them under the name of turk outrulling all possible separatism which would lead to a complete. And let's be honest, in this region if everyone had their country, a single city would even be considered a region and it wouldn't work.
I would like to see a video about Bosniaks in Turkey. There is a large community of Bosniaks originating from Bosnia, Serbia and other Balkan countries, who are ethnic Bosniaks and who have partially preserved their Bosniak culture and Bosnian language.
Another excellent video, your work; as I have said before, is of academic quality. Any young student of social or cultural anthropology or of linguists would be well severed to review your work. Thank you and please keep up the great work.
An amazing video, there was a German TH-camr always said Türkiye is my second homeland. I knew that Germans lived during the Ottoman period, but I always thought they were touristic, I didn't know that it was for real. Perhaps she was serious when she said Türkiye is my second homeland. Thank you for this hard work.
Yeah, my German family, along with many others, moved to Crimea shortly after the Russo-Turkish war where they lived as farmers until moving to the USA. Interestingly, I've lived in Turkey for 15 years after converting to Islam in the USA when I was a university student. I now live in an ilçe of Van, actually, if that means anything :)
Thwre were also people of African descent in Abkhasia (northwestern part of Georgia controlled by pro-Russian forces). Now their descendants look similar with other local people, but there are old photos of black people wearing traditional Caucasian clothes
Wonderful to see you address the Lom/Poşa people. This also reminds me of a third Roma branch, the Dom, which (probably oversimplifying) live around Diyarbakır, are to the Kurds as the Lom are to the Armenians. linguistic evidence indicates that they left the Indian homeland quite a bit earlier than the other Rom groups, as evidenced by certain grammatical elements they retain that had disappeared before their related groups came west.
There are many ethnic groups in Turkey, it is so diverse and I personally love it. Many portray us as barbarians who kill. Whereas, we live in peace and harmony with all the ethnic groups in Turkey right now. I personally have Polish descent and I appreciate Turkey for accepting my ancestors in the start of WW2 when Germany invaded Poland.
@@fdfmfdf6399 Provide me evidence. I lost it when you put emojis, I made a really nice comment and you involve politics into it. Why am I not suprised by a western diploid involving politics 24/7. Always opening up past books.
3:48 It's Roma people and Romani language, no actual Roma person calls themselves Romani. It's very confusing because it sounds too similar to Romanians (Eastern Europeans) and the ancient Romans (after which Romania and Romanians are named). The Indian Sanskrit name for the Roma people is Doma डोम meaning drummer because they were part of the dancer/singer sub group of the Dalit caste in Hinduism.
met poşa kids in erzincan back in early 90's when I was a very little kid. All I can remember is they had red/ginger hair and freckles and they looked quite different from the local population.
Loving your work man. And if possible? Can you link sources in your future vids? I think this can further help people in researching such topics. I love your work and its great to learn more about such a rich and diverse country. Especially from an amazing guy.
güzel anlatımınız ve anlatımı akıcılaştıran görsel kullanımınızla çok güzel bilgilendirici bir video hazırlamışsınız tebrik ederim❤ umarım türklerden başka insanlara da ulaşır bu video, türkiyenin etnik çeşitliliği hakkında bilgilenirler (:
Benim şehrimde poşalar var ve yakınımızda bir mahallede yaşıyorlardı. genellikle çalgıcılık yaparlar. ama çingenelerle karıştırılmasınlar. bazıları çingeneye benzese de bazıları kıvırcık kızılımsı saçlı ve çocukken genellikle çilli olurlar. siz ne zaman buraya geldiniz? diye sorduğumda 600 küsür yıllık bir tarih söylüyorlardı. çocukken dillerini biraz öğrenmiştim ama şimdi hiç hatırlamıyorum. Ermeni olduklarını hiç sanmıyorum ama çingenelerle karıştıklarını düşünüyorum.
У Турској постоје крипто-Јермени. То су Јермени који због прогона хришћана крију своје поријекло и свој идентитет. Крипто-Јермена у Турској има око 5 000 000 припадника. Крипто-Јермени званично исповедају исламску веру, а тајно хришћанску јерменску апостолску цркву. Постоје Јермени који су насилно исламизовани и зову се Хемшини, а неки и Хемшили. Такође постоје и Чвенебури који су исламизовани Грузијци и њих у Турској има око 1 600 000 припадника. Лази су народ сродан Грузијцима, исламизовани су и асимиловани од Турака, а има их око 1 000 000, с тим што само њих око 120 000 држе до свог порекла, а око 85 000 Лаза још увек знају да говоре свој матерњи језик.
No there is nothing called afro Turks“ there grandmothers was 3-4 wife’s for ottoman men they are half Turkish“ they are only 100-300 how can you see this people? The chance are 1-8000000
@@turko4ever7252 well number one I looked at the video and saw people who were clearly of African descent! Number two people in Turkey were speaking Turkish to me, and I am not Turkish but African-American and number four there were people there much browner than me who clearly were from Africa, whether they were born or whether they just arrived.
@@MoonLightOnWater1 we’ll probably you mean time workers but if the government change very soon there doesn’t would be there anymore like Syrians or araps Türkiye is there that the world see that’s the land of the Turkic people“ I never see an african or my family in Türkiye and I have over 3 k family members there they are in every city.
@@batuhanArkan2002 Turks or Turkic is an ethnicity“ an arap or african can not be Turkic just by speaking the language‘ Anatolia is Turkic since 950-1030“
There were famous Armenified Poshas in history, most notably Murad Khrimian (aka Sepastatsi Murad). According to my grandmother, there were still Armenian Poshas in Bogazliyan in the 1940s and I believe the remaining Kastamonu Armenians were Posha. I’ve read that Poshas in Hopa only intermarry with Hamshen if they do. Currently, in Armenia there are few distinct ‘Bosha’s left as many have intermarried with Armenians. The labels derogatory nature has motivated them to assimilate further. There are some studies in Armenian on them but again, limited.
I understand how important nationalism is for Turkish culture, but I particularly believe that every nationalism is a cancer in the world. I believe that the world is one family, according to the Upanishad. There's no thing as homogenous people. This doesn't exists. All cultures coexist with other at all times and migration is also a recurrent phenomenon in world history. I believe that culture can only be preserved in diversity. It's a pity that governments and radicalised people bring tensions and cannot understand that, but this is what I believe. I appreciate Türkiye's diversity and I would hope that its government could be more open to minorities.
Benim babam da Poşalardan bahsederdi. O küçükken köye hemen hemen her yaz uğrayan göçmen bir Poşa grubu ya da en azından Poşa diye bilinen bir grup varmış. Şimdi gittim yine sordum onu size kendi paraphrasingimle aktarıyorum: "bizimkiler Kürt diyordu da adamlar bildiğin Türktü (gerçi babam ilginç bir aksandan da bahsediyor. Biraz uzatmalı değişik bir aksan) hatta bir tanesi İspir MHP ilçe başkanlığı yaptı, belki hala da başkanlığa devam ediyor olabilir, bilmiyorum. Çoğu önceden göcerken şimdi Yusufeli'ne yerleştiler. Birçoğu konar göçerken bile belli başlı meslek gruplarına sahipti. Mesela bir tane dişçi bile vardı, köydekilerin bazılarının dişlerini yapmıştı. Hafız vardı. Tabi geneli ticaretle ve kalaycılıkla (köydeki tüm kalay işlerini onlar yaparmış. Aliminyum ürünler çıkınca da alüminyum satmaya başlamışlar) geçimini sağlıyordu ki bizim köyle de iletişimleri bu yolla oluyordu daha çok. Kışın nerede kaldıklarını bilmiyorum fakat ticaret için yazın bizim köyden/vadiden başlayıp (Aksu vadisi ve köyü) daha yukarılara doğru çıkarlardı. Her türlü ürün satıyorlardı. Elek yaparlardı, plastik ürünler arttığı zaman plastik satmaya başladılar, hatta ağabeyime (yani benim amcama) köpek bile sattılar. Eşek de satarlardı ki köyün eşek ihtiyacını da Poşalar karşılardı. Çadırlarını, eşyalarını, her şeylerini bir döneme kadar eşeklerle taşırlarmış. Sonradan pickuplara (çoğunlukla da Toyota pickuplara) geçiş yapmışlar. Fakat dediğim gibi günümüzde çoğu yerleşik hayata geçti, artık pek görülmüyorlar."
I watched this with video as an English man born and living in England in London this wide use of various languages and cultures is the same as the UK and in particular London I used to work woman from Northern ireand a Unionist and she some distant relatives who lived on Kent coast, she was stunned to see men with earings (late 1990s) and soeakingvwhstvseemed to be a pidgin English I pointed out her that were natives of the UK but were South Londoners who speak quite differently to East Enders and are only separated by the River.. We did laugh later it seemed crazy she what country they were from !!!
Just done a genetic test. Born in Turkey considered myself Turk to the bone . Roughly 35pc greek sth Italian, 35 pc balkan, 15pc west Europe and 15 west asia.
Османлије су присилно одводили становништво са Балкана и насељавали га по Анадолији и широм Османског Царства, тако да у данашњој Турској живи око 9 000 000 становника који су српског етничког порекла. Ти српски потомци се углавном данас осећају као Бошњаци. Бошњаци нису били посебан народ, него су били део српског народа који је примио ислам, а под аустроугарским окупаторима Босне и Херцеговине етничким инжињерингом именовани као посебан бошњачки етнос. Српски језик је био један од четири службена језика у Османском Царству. Турски, персијски, арапски и српски.
Do you think the self-view of Lom / Bosha people is effected the same way by Turkish cultural policies as the Crypto-Armenian community? I know a vast majority of Armenians in modern turkey will wholeheartedly refuse to self identity as Armenian and it made me consider a similarity in the “Mekshetian Turk Theory”
I think it really depends on where you live in the country. Like anywhere in the world, some people are more accepting of diversity and some are not. If you like in more rural and conservative parts of Türkiye, some people might choose to hide their different background, but in big cities etc. I think most people are chill and wouldn’t really care if someone had a different ethnic or religious background. I personally see that most people in Türkiye have enough issues in their daily life to care about these differences :)
Not the video owner but if we accept both 1 and 2 theories are true, they may be inluenced both by incentives to convert as a result of being surpressed by ethnicites around (like laz people, albanians and bosnians) and also being split themselves from armenian identity as a result of history of area like hemshins).
From what I've saw, among this euoropean Turks, you'll see all kind of faces, west Balkan, east Balkan, Mediterranean. north-east european, central european, mostly Armenid (like in entire south Caucasus region and west Iran) ones, except Turkish ones like in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, etc.
I'm Lom family from Garin , (keghi) bingyol,darsos ( adana region, dikranagert ( village forgot) and harpoot but especially melikhan village and amaridj -paternal and tarsos
I am a Bulgarian on a train to Sofia and I enjoyed this video. I hope linguists or natives are making some sort of preservation efforts for the Lomavren language. It hurts me to see a way of expression dying like this.
Ethnicism is inherently problematic. I mean, what if you are mixed? What if you believe in a completely different thing? What if you don't want to base your identity on where you came from? It is a very limited view for people and for this reason I prefer "the mutually agreed identity of Turk" as referenced in the main text (constitution) which is inclusive rather than exclusive. That means you can be a Turk even if you are from Uranus and this is awesome! 😊❤
Always funny to stumble over another german enclave somewhere, but didn't expected this one. And always sad to see them, or the Posha language, go extinct. But nice that they were.
У Републици Турској је по Уставу признат само турски национални идентитет, уз изузетак четири мањине: Грка, Јермена, Грузијаца и Јевреја. Нисам упућен да ли је у новије време признат идентитет Сиријским Арапима, Асирцима и највећој мањини Курдима. Курди су се третирали као "Брдски Турци" иако припадају различитим породицама народа. Турска је конгломерат разних народа.
Kardeş lütfen lütfen büyük sebebi olmasa bile Bartin hakkında video yapar mısın 🙏🏻 cok unutulan ve umursanilmayan bir yer ama aslında büyük tarihi var bakılırsa bide etnik yapısı veya coğrafyası
@@turkchap Genel olarak bir araştırma olur ama en ilginç Tarihsel ve Toplumsal/Etnik yapısı olur. Amasra örnek olarak Genua Cumhuriyetin bir deniz kenarı şehirdi ve Bartınin adı da Parthanthenios denilen bir çaydan alıyor adını. Ama Ulus bölgesi bir sır gibi kendi memleketim orası ama hiç bir tarihî yok gibi baya güzel yer olmasına rağmen.
You are aware there's a lot of Kars Germans in Istanbul right? I met one two years ago on TH-cam. There's 130 in Istanbul today. My only experience with Kars Germans was online when I met one named Alexander Kars (yes his last name is named after the community) and they're all culturally as Turkish as German.
I knew about the afro turks. The ottomas really just picked up from where the Arabs stopped. I knew of the turkish roma and the turkish dom. The Dom people are not the same as the Roma. They both came from India, but they aren't the same people. But what I just didn’t expect was german turks
Није тако. Након битке код Манцикерта у Западној Јерменији између византијске (ромејске) и турских селџучких племена 26. 08. 1071. године дошло је до исламске агресије на јерменске и грчке земље. Анадолија је била грчка земља, а Турци у Малој Азији су агресори и окупатори који су затрли и искоренили хришћанство на тој територији. Данас у Турској живи једва 1 % хришћана, а пре турске инвазије су чинили искључиво становништво у Малој Азији.
@@sktt1488There are Polish communities but in Polonezköy. There are Turkish-Poles like Nazım Hikmet. The Polish community does speak Polish but an older version of it. Some words in the old Polish are different from the current used Polish.
Betrayers. Düzenleme : Kanal sahibi yunan olduğundan sanırım kaldıramadi yorumumu sildi tekrar yaziyorum o yüzden :) Bebek, kadın ,hamile herkesi katledip bizi arkamızdan bıçaklayıp 1970 te sorun çıkarıp askerlerimizin gözünü oyup kafataslarını delerken iyidi değil mi??
@hakanozaslan9571 1910 larda bebek kadın hamile herkesi ayırt etmeden katletmelerini ve 1970 te askerlerimizin kafasına çivi saplayıp gözünü oyduklarını ve günümüzde türkleri barbar gibi gösterip bize karşı propoganda yapmalarını unuttun sanırım
Yeah, this is simply due to the fact that the number of foreigners in the country are barely documented and even if so, the sources give such different numbers
Етничка група Срба из краја који се зове Гора. Присвајају их Албанци, Македонци, Бугари и Бошњаци. Свесни су да потичу од најкасније исламизованих Срба. Негују неке српске обичаје, обележавају хришћанске празнике Божић, Ђурђевдан, Илиндан и још неке српске претхришћанске обичаје. Данас их НАТО окупатори Косова и Метохије подстичу да се изјашњавају као Бошњаци иако се Горанци тако не осећају. Горанци осећају Србију као своју домовину и као такви су прогањани од Албанаца.
It's always amazing to see such videos. You can see similar examples all over the world. And it shows how unsophisticated concepts like the modern nation state, patriotism, nationalism and in turn racism are. They are primitive ideologies made for uneducated people and nothing else.
I view ethnicity in the same way too. It is very unsophisticated. What if you are mixed? As a LGBT person, I find this on par with the "you are an X because of genetics bla bla bla" and never considering the fact that they are social constructs. At least nationalism and patriotism have this heart warming effect in Türkiye that it is very inclusive. I like the concept of nation states; since it gives you the relative freedom to choose whatever the hell you want to be in society with relatively few identifiers. I think the world is going on an opposite way to this relative freedom under the pretense of globalism; which is really imperialism on steroids. It saddens me that this is going to cause yet another great war; but I guess such is the fate of humanity to repeat the lesson until revolutions happen...
@@k.umquat8604 Backstory is Germany invited them to return back to Germany, they left Turkiye slowly and only few left. So they are not Extinct, just living in another place
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Don't say turkiye again! It's turkey👿👿👿👿
@@alanmoon2448 Türkiye
@@turkchap 🛑 some information are false“ albanian ethnicity doesn’t exist 1. there not 20 k African origin people there only around 100-300 and there are Half Turkish the grandfathers of them was Turkish“ most of them were 3-4 wife’s of an Turkish men“ Africa has nothing to do with Türkiye“ and will be not in the future.
Άς κάνουν όι κάτοικοι της Τουρκίας τέστ DNA,
Από την Θεσσαλονίκη την Πρωτεύουσα της μίας και μοναδικής ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΊΑΣ, καλημέρα....
My family is from Erzurum and I was really surprised when people there used German words such as “Dumkof” (stupid) and “Kartol” (potato). Now after watching your video, it finally makes sense.
I think It has nothing to do with Kars Germans. Some people from western and central anatolia are also using that phrases. The Turkish migration to Germany is the reason behind it.
This is super interesting! 🧐
Kartol means patato in Kurdish, im a Kurdish from Kars and we say Kartol to patato
Dumkof i heard that in Westerau Turkey
@@1holygun Like I said they say it in Turkish as well and it’s clear it comes from “Kartoffel”.
Merhabalar Lom-Poşa kökenli biri olarak yazmak istedim (Genelde kendimizi tanımlamak için Lom-Poşa ifadesini kullanıyoruz.). Anne tarafından dedem bir Poşa ve Sarıkamış doğumlu.Dedem yaklaşık 60 yıldır İstanbul'da yaşıyor ve kendisi bir eğitimci dolayısıyla şivesiz bir İstanbul Türkçesi konuşuyor tabii istediği zaman Poşa şivesi yapabiliyor. Dedemin annesi-babası yani kendinden bir kuşak öncekiler Erzurum-Oltu doğumlular ve anadilleri kendilerince Poşaca olarak adlandırdıkları bir dil fakat bu dili incelediğimde aslında konuştukları dil tamamıyla Ermenice. Bildiğim kadarıyla etnogenez anlamında bariz bir şekilde Ermeniler ile karışmışlığımız yok yalnızca dil olarak Batı Ermenicesi kullanmış üst nesiller günümüzde çoğunluk kökenini gizlemeyi veya Yerli Türk şeklinde tanımlamayı tercih etmesine karşın olayı bilenler çok eskiden Hindistan'dan göçtüklerini biliyorlar. Fakat ilginçtir ki fenotip olarak Trakya'daki Romanlara yani diğer Çingenelere hiç benzemiyoruz ten renklerimiz çok daha açık,kızıllık ve kızıl saçlılık yaygın ve beyaz tenli surat üzerine kırmızı çiller yoğun olarak görülüyor. Daha detaylı bir fenotip analizi için sanırım Y-Haplogrup çalışmaları yapılması gerekiyor.
Ek:19. yüzyıl başında henüz müslüman olmayan Lom-Poşa ahalisinin bnir kısmı İstanbul'a göçtü ve Topkapı ve Kocamustafapaşa semtlerine yerleştiler ve kendilerini Apostolik mezhebinden Ermeniler olarak tanımladılar ve bunları artık asimile olup çingene mirasını tamamen reddettiler, buna karşın bu ufak azınlığın haricindeki kesim tamamen sünni müslüman fakat non-practising denen kültüreşl müslüman olarak tanımlayabilirim bunu: herkes oldukça seküler ve pek kimse ibadet yapmıyor.
Çok ilginç! Bu bilgiler çok değerli, paylaştığınız için teşekkürler 🙏
Bildiğim kadarıyla poşalar 93 harbi dönemi Rusya'dan sürgün edilen Ahıska Türkleri annemde Ahıska Türk'ü dayım çilli kızıl saçlı mavi gözlü diğeri kumral yeşil gözlü bir diğeri boz mavi gözlü annem kumral ne la gözlü yani kıpçak boyundan kaynaklı görünüş
@@Türkçüyüm_55 O dediğiniz 93 harbi yani Osmanlı Rus Savaşı zamanında bugünkü Gürcistan’dan göç eden gerçek ahıska türkleri çoğunlukla Ardahan/Posof ilçesine yerleşenler.
Hemşerim istanbulda nerelerdesin. Annemin anneannemin anılarında kaldı poşalar, yazdığın şu yorum bile çok kıymetli. Diş çeker, kap kacak kalaylarlar diye anlatırlardı. Lütfen oturup sohbet edelim biz selim aşağıkotanlı köyündeniz. Birbirimize anlatacak çok güzel şeylerimiz olduğundan eminim.
This is my favorite channel to get to know Türkiye better, its rich history and curiosities that you can't find anywhere else, a hug to all Turks, here in Brazil I wish you the best for all of you! 🇧🇷🇹🇷.
Obrigado my friend! I am honored that you as a Brazilian person took interest in our country 🇹🇷❤️🇧🇷
Love and respect from us.
Thank you very much for your beautiful comment.
@@TUNC66 asıl ben teşekkür ederim izleyip desteklediğiniz için 🙏❤️
I was surprised to learn from someone who works in the tourism that he wants to learn to speak portugaise because a lot of brazilian tourists come to Turquie and specialy in the Kusadasi area as kirazli.
This channel is so good at scratching the itch in my brain demanding English language content in detail about Turks and Turkic people. I love it.
Thank you! 😄
Annem Artvinli ve eskiden o bölgede yaşayan anneannem ve kardeşleri bazen "Poşa çocuğu" derler. Bir aşağılama ve ayıplama ifadesi olarak kullanıyorlar. Ama ayrıca bir etnik grup olduğunu bilmiyordum.
Ben de daha önce duymamıştım Poşaları. Gerçekten dünyanın en zengin topraklarında yaşıyoruz. Türkiye’de inanılmaz kültürel hazineler var.
Kimse kimseden insan olarak ne bir adım önde ne de bir adım geride. Hepimiz Hz Adem ve Havva ' dan geldik. Şu veya bu demeyi hiç sevmedim ama onlar çok onurlu insanlardır. ❤
@@sebahattinkose4784 Muhtemelen dönemin savaşlarından kaynaklı bu dil oluşmuş. Yoksa tabi ki günümüzde böyle bir düşünce kalmadı. Kendilerinin de öyle düşündüğünü sanmıyorum, çocukluktan kalma bir ağız alışkanlığıyla söylüyorlar.
My family was another group of Germans that moved to former Ottoman lands. Mine didn't get as far as the Kars Germans, though. They went went to Crimea and then moved to the USA. I moved to Turkey 15 years ago and also live in Eastern Turkey (Van).
Super interesting! Did they speak German?
@@turkchap Yes, they spoke German. My mother's grandfather was the first to be born in the USA; all of his elder siblings were born in Crimea. She remembers him singing to her in German outside on the swing.
@@yahyazekeriyya2560 then you are not Turkic“
@@turko4ever7252 I never said I was. Nor does it matter to me if I am or am not Turkic. I won't be asked about my ethnicity on the day of judgment.
@@yahyazekeriyya2560 i don’t understand why you want go to crimea? Crimea was an Turkic land
Just came back from an amazing vacation in Turkey. As an Afro Bahamian this is extremely interesting to me because I wondered about people’s of African descent in Turkey. Thank you 🙏🏾
Tebrik ederim, oldukça başarılı bir video olmuş. Türkler tarafından güzel bir İngilizce ile hazırlanan videolar bulması oldukça zor, bu yüzden birden anasayfamda denk gelince çok mutlu oldum. Keep up the good work 🎉
Çok teşekkür ederim, çok mutlu oldum 🙏
İstanbul’un Başakşehir ilçesindeki Şamlar Köyü’de 1826’da 2. Mahmut zamanında bent yapımı için Suriye başkenti Şam’dan getirilen işçiler tarafından kurulmuş bir köy.
Your English is of refined quality do not give up as you have hit a gold mine(in the algorithm) as a Turkish Person who promotes his culture in English. Our country Turkey is filled with history as it was the core of ancient civilizations, greater armenia, persian kingdom, hitites, eastern rome russian empire (kars question) and much much more and still expanding it's historic and cultural treasure (Like hatay) . As Atatürk says '' How happy one is to utter 'Im Turk' ''.
Thank you so much! What a lovely comment. I will keep making videos about our beautiful country 🇹🇷
This is really a thing that no one talks, we're not a homogenic community and people forgetting, a nomadic nation with its flexibility in all matters with other nations in Anatolia ( ppl only think Greek/Armenians were exist, there were other civilizations and nations already been there too ) Even under Ottoman rule we had inner migration from Balkans and Caucasia, it sounds crazy but even from Volga region ( Tatars, Slavs, a little bit Germanic ppl Varangians etc ) so it's very diverse and hard to describe.
@hakanozaslan9571 yes makes sense, even in rural areas such as Sivas, Tokat, Yozgat for example, there are Turks, Adiges, Armenians, Rum villages next to next
@@burakonderuslu679 it's really sad how it turned out for some of the miniorities. but i believe you can still see the diversity in turkish society. it makes sense. i think if people knew more they would be less nationalistic (in the bad way)
@@Pachi9- deep down it's, it was actually. The nationalism in Turkiye was the unity of our differences. While having unsolved economic crisis when ppl faced with the refugee crisis it blurred their thoughts.
. Slavery ugh
And that's what Ataturk tried to do, is that he tried to give the love of the nation to all by uniting them under the name of turk outrulling all possible separatism which would lead to a complete. And let's be honest, in this region if everyone had their country, a single city would even be considered a region and it wouldn't work.
this was an extremely interesting video, I absolutely love these types of topics
@@flappley Very glad to hear, thank you!
I would like to see a video about Bosniaks in Turkey. There is a large community of Bosniaks originating from Bosnia, Serbia and other Balkan countries, who are ethnic Bosniaks and who have partially preserved their Bosniak culture and Bosnian language.
Bro what are you talking? albanian or Bosnian ethnicity doesn’t exist this is an culture people some information around this video are false“
Very informative video!
3 mins ago is wild 😂
Glad you liked it! Thanks :)
@@turkchap Maybe when I visit Türkiye next week I may actually meet people of these 3 ethnicities!
That would be cool! Maybe Kars would be a bit too far away but you are always welcome to visit it :)
Thank you so much for speaking so graciously and proud of the Afro Turks that was very generous and dignified. God will bless you.
As a greek, i found this video very interesting, thats some really nice content 👍
Glad you enjoyed it!
You never disappoint, great video
I appreciate that!
Another excellent video, your work; as I have said before, is of academic quality. Any young student of social or cultural anthropology or of linguists would be well severed to review your work. Thank you and please keep up the great work.
Thank you so much! Very happy to hear it 🙏
An amazing video, there was a German TH-camr always said Türkiye is my second homeland. I knew that Germans lived during the Ottoman period, but I always thought they were touristic, I didn't know that it was for real. Perhaps she was serious when she said Türkiye is my second homeland. Thank you for this hard work.
Thanks bro! Always good to see you in the comments section
@@turkchap I thank you bro, watching your works with joy and curiously.
Yeah, my German family, along with many others, moved to Crimea shortly after the Russo-Turkish war where they lived as farmers until moving to the USA. Interestingly, I've lived in Turkey for 15 years after converting to Islam in the USA when I was a university student. I now live in an ilçe of Van, actually, if that means anything :)
Being a Turkish guy into these topics, I’m shocked how I never heard of Posha people.
Yes they are a very interesting group of people
Erzurum Artvin yöresinde bilinirler
Amazing video as always
Thank you! 🙏
@@turkchap Böyle kaliteli vidyolarla inanıyorum ki bir gün çok büyük olucaksın
There are also Afro-Turks in Greece. They live in 2 villages in Thrace. 50-100 families
Super interesting! Do you know the names of the villages? Also do they speak Turkish?
@@turkchap Erasmio and Avato are the villages
@@turkchap they speak Turkish. On the interview one of them tells that their Turkish is not like the Turkish spoken in Turkey
Thwre were also people of African descent in Abkhasia (northwestern part of Georgia controlled by pro-Russian forces). Now their descendants look similar with other local people, but there are old photos of black people wearing traditional Caucasian clothes
Wonderful to see you address the Lom/Poşa people. This also reminds me of a third Roma branch, the Dom, which (probably oversimplifying) live around Diyarbakır, are to the Kurds as the Lom are to the Armenians. linguistic evidence indicates that they left the Indian homeland quite a bit earlier than the other Rom groups, as evidenced by certain grammatical elements they retain that had disappeared before their related groups came west.
Turks we take in all gypsys and we are kind to them
Özbekistandan salamlar bolsun, biz bir millatmiz yashasin turan 🇺🇿🇹🇲🇹🇷🇰🇬🇰🇿🇦🇿🐺🐺
Selamlar ❤️
🇺🇿 🤝🇹🇷
Turks are turkified islamised Anatolians not central Asian Turkic. So you are not the same!
@@GrecoByzantine1821 You keep wishing that loser...
You are not same,jealous basterd
@@GrecoByzantine1821shut up Yunan. We are same
That's a crazily informative content coming from a Turk. I appreciate the efforts.
Glad you liked it! Thank you :)
There are many ethnic groups in Turkey, it is so diverse and I personally love it. Many portray us as barbarians who kill. Whereas, we live in peace and harmony with all the ethnic groups in Turkey right now. I personally have Polish descent and I appreciate Turkey for accepting my ancestors in the start of WW2 when Germany invaded Poland.
Maybe the Kurds have a different opinion...🤔🤣
@@fdfmfdf6399 Some kurds will, some kurds wont, I know Kurds who are nationalists and love Kemal Atatürk.
@@hipapii Turkey does not treat them good
@@fdfmfdf6399 Provide me evidence. I lost it when you put emojis, I made a really nice comment and you involve politics into it. Why am I not suprised by a western diploid involving politics 24/7. Always opening up past books.
@@hipapii You don't really know what's the situation of the Kurds that live in Turkey? Really?
another great video. thanks!
Thanks for watching!
very interesting as a turk i learnt new things keep up the good work
Glad you enjoyed it!
3:48 It's Roma people and Romani language, no actual Roma person calls themselves Romani. It's very confusing because it sounds too similar to Romanians (Eastern Europeans) and the ancient Romans (after which Romania and Romanians are named). The Indian Sanskrit name for the Roma people is Doma डोम meaning drummer because they were part of the dancer/singer sub group of the Dalit caste in Hinduism.
I did not know about Kars Germans. Interesting video
Yes, super interesting!
İn Kars lots of malakan and russians osettians estonians jews greeks lived
met poşa kids in erzincan back in early 90's when I was a very little kid. All I can remember is they had red/ginger hair and freckles and they looked quite different from the local population.
Did they speak Turkish?
@@turkchap can't really remember, but I'll ask my relatives, they would know!
@@turkchap just talked to a cousin of mine and she says they spoke turkish. :)
Thank you for such interesting information. Good job!
Thank you so much!
Wicked video ustad!🔥👌 Another very interesting group is the diadochi Greeks near Ankara, like 50 of them left from Alexander’s time…
Loving your work man. And if possible? Can you link sources in your future vids? I think this can further help people in researching such topics. I love your work and its great to learn more about such a rich and diverse country. Especially from an amazing guy.
Thank you so much! Great point, thanks for sharing this idea 🙏
güzel anlatımınız ve anlatımı akıcılaştıran görsel kullanımınızla çok güzel bilgilendirici bir video hazırlamışsınız tebrik ederim❤ umarım türklerden başka insanlara da ulaşır bu video, türkiyenin etnik çeşitliliği hakkında bilgilenirler (:
I love your vids. thanks for sharing such important and interesting knowledge. Keep it up, wish you the best😊
Thank you! 🙏
Benim şehrimde poşalar var ve yakınımızda bir mahallede yaşıyorlardı. genellikle çalgıcılık yaparlar. ama çingenelerle karıştırılmasınlar. bazıları çingeneye benzese de bazıları kıvırcık kızılımsı saçlı ve çocukken genellikle çilli olurlar. siz ne zaman buraya geldiniz? diye sorduğumda 600 küsür yıllık bir tarih söylüyorlardı. çocukken dillerini biraz öğrenmiştim ama şimdi hiç hatırlamıyorum. Ermeni olduklarını hiç sanmıyorum ama çingenelerle karıştıklarını düşünüyorum.
Poşalar buçuklarmı kendi soylarını bı peygambere dayandıyolar doğuda onlara domda denir trakyada buçuk denir Erzurum tarafında poşa
Kızıl sac Kafkasya bölgesi üzerinde hakim olan bir fenotip ermeni taraflarından bu gibi özellikler bulunuyordur
У Турској постоје крипто-Јермени. То су Јермени који због прогона хришћана крију своје поријекло и свој идентитет. Крипто-Јермена у Турској има око 5 000 000 припадника. Крипто-Јермени званично исповедају исламску веру, а тајно хришћанску јерменску апостолску цркву. Постоје Јермени који су насилно исламизовани и зову се Хемшини, а неки и Хемшили. Такође постоје и Чвенебури који су исламизовани Грузијци и њих у Турској има око 1 600 000 припадника. Лази су народ сродан Грузијцима, исламизовани су и асимиловани од Турака, а има их око 1 000 000, с тим што само њих око 120 000 држе до свог порекла, а око 85 000 Лаза још увек знају да говоре свој матерњи језик.
On my visit to Turkey in 2013, I saw Afro-Turks…..I think some folks thought I was Afro-Turk because some folks spoke Turkish to me.
No there is nothing called afro Turks“ there grandmothers was 3-4 wife’s for ottoman men they are half Turkish“ they are only 100-300 how can you see this people? The chance are 1-8000000
@@turko4ever7252 well number one I looked at the video and saw people who were clearly of African descent! Number two people in Turkey were speaking Turkish to me, and I am not Turkish but African-American and number four there were people there much browner than me who clearly were from Africa, whether they were born or whether they just arrived.
@@turko4ever7252 I consider them as Turks. They feel like us, they live like us. They adapted our culture etc.
@@MoonLightOnWater1 we’ll probably you mean time workers but if the government change very soon there doesn’t would be there anymore like Syrians or araps Türkiye is there that the world see that’s the land of the Turkic people“ I never see an african or my family in Türkiye and I have over 3 k family members there they are in every city.
@@batuhanArkan2002 Turks or Turkic is an ethnicity“ an arap or african can not be Turkic just by speaking the language‘ Anatolia is Turkic since 950-1030“
great video. i am very impressed.
Thank you very much!
Really cool content, keep up the great work
In Turkie living many bosnian too from Bosnia and Serbia.
çok güzel anlatmışın ellerine sağlık abone oldum dostum. Yani lazım böyle bizi promote eden kanallar
Çok teşekkürler 🙏
The Kars German community is something I definitely didn't expect.. Keep up the good work, my friend!
Amazing! 💯
There were famous Armenified Poshas in history, most notably Murad Khrimian (aka Sepastatsi Murad).
According to my grandmother, there were still Armenian Poshas in Bogazliyan in the 1940s and I believe the remaining Kastamonu Armenians were Posha.
I’ve read that Poshas in Hopa only intermarry with Hamshen if they do.
Currently, in Armenia there are few distinct ‘Bosha’s left as many have intermarried with Armenians. The labels derogatory nature has motivated them to assimilate further. There are some studies in Armenian on them but again, limited.
Im not gonna lie it is actually a very interesting video to bc I’m laz Turk from trabzon 🇹🇷👍
Thanks mate!
Brainwashed Laz
Ach, das war so interessant! 🙂
Thank you!
I understand how important nationalism is for Turkish culture, but I particularly believe that every nationalism is a cancer in the world.
I believe that the world is one family, according to the Upanishad. There's no thing as homogenous people. This doesn't exists. All cultures coexist with other at all times and migration is also a recurrent phenomenon in world history. I believe that culture can only be preserved in diversity. It's a pity that governments and radicalised people bring tensions and cannot understand that, but this is what I believe.
I appreciate Türkiye's diversity and I would hope that its government could be more open to minorities.
Afro Turks used to live in Salonica and cared for the camels that Ottoman military used in Greece and the Balkans.
I knew about the Poshas. My mother , who was from Ağrı (but originally Meskethian Turkish), often spoke of them.
Very nice 👍 video
Thank you! Cheers!
There exists a group in India called Lamani, a mobile group. Lamani/Lambadi.
Банџара народ говоре ламбади језиком који је сродан раџастанском.
Benim babam da Poşalardan bahsederdi. O küçükken köye hemen hemen her yaz uğrayan göçmen bir Poşa grubu ya da en azından Poşa diye bilinen bir grup varmış. Şimdi gittim yine sordum onu size kendi paraphrasingimle aktarıyorum: "bizimkiler Kürt diyordu da adamlar bildiğin Türktü (gerçi babam ilginç bir aksandan da bahsediyor. Biraz uzatmalı değişik bir aksan) hatta bir tanesi İspir MHP ilçe başkanlığı yaptı, belki hala da başkanlığa devam ediyor olabilir, bilmiyorum. Çoğu önceden göcerken şimdi Yusufeli'ne yerleştiler. Birçoğu konar göçerken bile belli başlı meslek gruplarına sahipti. Mesela bir tane dişçi bile vardı, köydekilerin bazılarının dişlerini yapmıştı. Hafız vardı. Tabi geneli ticaretle ve kalaycılıkla (köydeki tüm kalay işlerini onlar yaparmış. Aliminyum ürünler çıkınca da alüminyum satmaya başlamışlar) geçimini sağlıyordu ki bizim köyle de iletişimleri bu yolla oluyordu daha çok. Kışın nerede kaldıklarını bilmiyorum fakat ticaret için yazın bizim köyden/vadiden başlayıp (Aksu vadisi ve köyü) daha yukarılara doğru çıkarlardı. Her türlü ürün satıyorlardı. Elek yaparlardı, plastik ürünler arttığı zaman plastik satmaya başladılar, hatta ağabeyime (yani benim amcama) köpek bile sattılar. Eşek de satarlardı ki köyün eşek ihtiyacını da Poşalar karşılardı. Çadırlarını, eşyalarını, her şeylerini bir döneme kadar eşeklerle taşırlarmış. Sonradan pickuplara (çoğunlukla da Toyota pickuplara) geçiş yapmışlar. Fakat dediğim gibi günümüzde çoğu yerleşik hayata geçti, artık pek görülmüyorlar."
Поша су потурчени Цигани (Роми) који су раније били јерменски Роми. Временом су се исламизовали и потурчили, али су остали специфична етничка група.
Sizinkiler hakareten Kürt diyordur onlara
I am a Indigenous kid from Canada 🇨🇦 and Okíí(Greatings) from Canada 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
I watched this with video as an English man born and living in England in London this wide use of various languages and cultures is the same as the UK and in particular London I used to work woman from Northern ireand a Unionist and she some distant relatives who lived on Kent coast, she was stunned to see men with earings (late 1990s) and soeakingvwhstvseemed to be a pidgin English I pointed out her that were natives of the UK but were South Londoners who speak quite differently to East Enders and are only separated by the River..
We did laugh later it seemed crazy she what country they were from !!!
Just done a genetic test. Born in Turkey considered myself Turk to the bone . Roughly 35pc greek sth Italian, 35 pc balkan, 15pc west Europe and 15 west asia.
Османлије су присилно одводили становништво са Балкана и насељавали га по Анадолији и широм Османског Царства, тако да у данашњој Турској живи око 9 000 000 становника који су српског етничког порекла. Ти српски потомци се углавном данас осећају као Бошњаци. Бошњаци нису били посебан народ, него су били део српског народа који је примио ислам, а под аустроугарским окупаторима Босне и Херцеговине етничким инжињерингом именовани као посебан бошњачки етнос. Српски језик је био један од четири службена језика у Османском Царству. Турски, персијски, арапски и српски.
Do you think the self-view of Lom / Bosha people is effected the same way by Turkish cultural policies as the Crypto-Armenian community? I know a vast majority of Armenians in modern turkey will wholeheartedly refuse to self identity as Armenian and it made me consider a similarity in the “Mekshetian Turk Theory”
I think it really depends on where you live in the country. Like anywhere in the world, some people are more accepting of diversity and some are not. If you like in more rural and conservative parts of Türkiye, some people might choose to hide their different background, but in big cities etc. I think most people are chill and wouldn’t really care if someone had a different ethnic or religious background.
I personally see that most people in Türkiye have enough issues in their daily life to care about these differences :)
Not the video owner but if we accept both 1 and 2 theories are true, they may be inluenced both by incentives to convert as a result of being surpressed by ethnicites around (like laz people, albanians and bosnians) and also being split themselves from armenian identity as a result of history of area like hemshins).
From what I've saw, among this euoropean Turks, you'll see all kind of faces, west Balkan, east Balkan, Mediterranean. north-east european, central european, mostly Armenid (like in entire south Caucasus region and west Iran) ones, except Turkish ones like in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, etc.
Can you please do a video about the Assyrians
I made this video th-cam.com/video/QUHAiox2ook/w-d-xo.htmlsi=7ikns-5UefjXWIqk
I'm Lom family from Garin , (keghi) bingyol,darsos ( adana region, dikranagert ( village forgot) and harpoot but especially melikhan village and amaridj -paternal and tarsos
Interesting video nonetheless
Ppl don’t know that a lot of gypsy are actually Turk’s or Romani or both and don’t even know it this is very true
Ardahanlıyız nenem bazen poşe ve çingeneyi aynı anlamda kullanıyor. Ne demek olduğunu bilmiyordum güzel bilgi.
Teşekkürler 🙏
Assyrians also ethnic group also lives in Turkey.
I made this video about the Assyrians - Syriacs
fascinating !
I am a Bulgarian on a train to Sofia and I enjoyed this video. I hope linguists or natives are making some sort of preservation efforts for the Lomavren language. It hurts me to see a way of expression dying like this.
You should do pomaks
Eline sağlık.
Çok teşekkürler
Ethnicism is inherently problematic. I mean, what if you are mixed? What if you believe in a completely different thing? What if you don't want to base your identity on where you came from? It is a very limited view for people and for this reason I prefer "the mutually agreed identity of Turk" as referenced in the main text (constitution) which is inclusive rather than exclusive. That means you can be a Turk even if you are from Uranus and this is awesome! 😊❤
Always funny to stumble over another german enclave somewhere, but didn't expected this one. And always sad to see them, or the Posha language, go extinct.
But nice that they were.
У Републици Турској је по Уставу признат само турски национални идентитет, уз изузетак четири мањине: Грка, Јермена, Грузијаца и Јевреја. Нисам упућен да ли је у новије време признат идентитет Сиријским Арапима, Асирцима и највећој мањини Курдима. Курди су се третирали као "Брдски Турци" иако припадају различитим породицама народа. Турска је конгломерат разних народа.
thanks a lot, turk chad.
Thank you! 😀
A natural result of being Ottoman Empire heir.
We have super culturally rich and diverse lands 🇹🇷❤️
Kardeş lütfen lütfen büyük sebebi olmasa bile Bartin hakkında video yapar mısın 🙏🏻 cok unutulan ve umursanilmayan bir yer ama aslında büyük tarihi var bakılırsa bide etnik yapısı veya coğrafyası
Türk toprağı her yeri çok severim ve umursarım. Bakacağım Bartın’a. Özellikle araştırmamı tavsiye ettiğin bir konu var mı?
@@turkchap Genel olarak bir araştırma olur ama en ilginç Tarihsel ve Toplumsal/Etnik yapısı olur. Amasra örnek olarak Genua Cumhuriyetin bir deniz kenarı şehirdi ve Bartınin adı da Parthanthenios denilen bir çaydan alıyor adını. Ama Ulus bölgesi bir sır gibi kendi memleketim orası ama hiç bir tarihî yok gibi baya güzel yer olmasına rağmen.
İşte misal ne zaman Türkler yerleşti oraya veya hangi halklar yerleşti oraya baya ilginç bi konu ve öbür illere bakılarak hep unutulan yer.
Serbest ligi sana bırakıyorum ama istediğini yap kardeş beni her şey mutlu eder çünkü videolarını kaliteleri şahane
@@turkchap Истражи Хемшине и Чвенебуре у Источној Анадолији.
We also have almost 500 black Greeks with the same story with black Turkish. DNA test show her heritage from Sudan.
Yeah the Avato village in West Thrace is populated by them
Super cool!
You are aware there's a lot of Kars Germans in Istanbul right?
I met one two years ago on TH-cam.
There's 130 in Istanbul today. My only experience with Kars Germans was online when I met one named Alexander Kars (yes his last name is named after the community) and they're all culturally as Turkish as German.
Her insan ozeldir. Insanlar grup olunca bu ozellik biter..
I knew about the afro turks. The ottomas really just picked up from where the Arabs stopped. I knew of the turkish roma and the turkish dom. The Dom people are not the same as the Roma. They both came from India, but they aren't the same people. But what I just didn’t expect was german turks
Дома или Домари су огранак Рома који живе у Ирану, Турској, Сирији, Ираку и тако даље. У Египту су њиховог порекла Роми који се зову Халеби.
9:53 a scene in my heart...
Ben de kalbimi bıraktım o fotoğrafa
Thank you! Cheers!
@@turkchap Did you make a video about Polonezköy?
Osmanlı da biz onlara sahip çıktık bu yüzden Türkler din ırk ayrımı yapmıyor
Није тако. Након битке код Манцикерта у Западној Јерменији између византијске (ромејске) и турских селџучких племена 26. 08. 1071. године дошло је до исламске агресије на јерменске и грчке земље. Анадолија је била грчка земља, а Турци у Малој Азији су агресори и окупатори који су затрли и искоренили хришћанство на тој територији. Данас у Турској живи једва 1 % хришћана, а пре турске инвазије су чинили искључиво становништво у Малој Азији.
Galats are also an interesting group. the remaining Celtic people dating back all the way to Phrygians.
How about the Polish ethnicity in Polonezköy/Istanbul if any left?
Thank you!
aramızda belki şngilzce bilmeyenler bardır aynı videoları türkçe de yapar mısın yada bende yardımcı olurum sana
Aslında Türkçe kanal planım var. Bu kanal biraz daha büyüyünce ayrıca bu videoları Türkçe yaptığım kanal da açacağım 👍
@@turkchapya da türkçe altyazı ekleyebilirsiniz.
And whatabouth Bosnians and Polish community in Turkey ? :)
I came across albanians but never bosnian or polish.
@@sktt1488 Actually 2.500.000 Bosnian lives in Turkiye, and have a Polish village near istanbul , village name is Polonezköy.
@@sktt1488There are Polish communities but in Polonezköy. There are Turkish-Poles like Nazım Hikmet. The Polish community does speak Polish but an older version of it. Some words in the old Polish are different from the current used Polish.
I made a video about it recently th-cam.com/video/GvyxI3jmUuM/w-d-xo.htmlsi=0r4y6ykmB3eXw5a5
🇹🇷 Article of the Constitution: Everyone who is connected to the Republic of Turkey by citizenship is a Turk
Greetings from Greece
Betrayers. Düzenleme : Kanal sahibi yunan olduğundan sanırım kaldıramadi yorumumu sildi tekrar yaziyorum o yüzden :) Bebek, kadın ,hamile herkesi katledip bizi arkamızdan bıçaklayıp 1970 te sorun çıkarıp askerlerimizin gözünü oyup kafataslarını delerken iyidi değil mi??
@@cennetmekansultan what?
@@cennetmekansultanbetrayers❌️ neighbour✅️
12 year old boy. Do not mind. @@greekmanjason449
@hakanozaslan9571 1910 larda bebek kadın hamile herkesi ayırt etmeden katletmelerini ve 1970 te askerlerimizin kafasına çivi saplayıp gözünü oyduklarını ve günümüzde türkleri barbar gibi gösterip bize karşı propoganda yapmalarını unuttun sanırım
Hopa’da da Poşa var. (Hopalı değilim.)
There is a Polish Village nearby Istanbul.
I made a video about that as well th-cam.com/video/GvyxI3jmUuM/w-d-xo.htmlsi=0S1VOXuhHp62mKtw
@@turkchap Great .I will watch it. what does it mean "turkchap" Thank You.
It’s the first thing that came to my mind while trying to find a name for this channel :)
You forgot about syriacs and arabs in the beginning of the video. Also hemshin and yöruks who are less common.
0:42 that is a massive amount of people and that margin of mean average is massive.
Yeah, this is simply due to the fact that the number of foreigners in the country are barely documented and even if so, the sources give such different numbers
How about the Poles in Adampol (Polonezköy)
I made a separate video about them
What about the Goryani?
Never heard of them. Who are they?
Етничка група Срба из краја који се зове Гора. Присвајају их Албанци, Македонци, Бугари и Бошњаци. Свесни су да потичу од најкасније исламизованих Срба. Негују неке српске обичаје, обележавају хришћанске празнике Божић, Ђурђевдан, Илиндан и још неке српске претхришћанске обичаје. Данас их НАТО окупатори Косова и Метохије подстичу да се изјашњавају као Бошњаци иако се Горанци тако не осећају. Горанци осећају Србију као своју домовину и као такви су прогањани од Албанаца.
It's always amazing to see such videos. You can see similar examples all over the world.
And it shows how unsophisticated concepts like the modern nation state, patriotism, nationalism and in turn racism are.
They are primitive ideologies made for uneducated people and nothing else.
I view ethnicity in the same way too. It is very unsophisticated. What if you are mixed? As a LGBT person, I find this on par with the "you are an X because of genetics bla bla bla" and never considering the fact that they are social constructs. At least nationalism and patriotism have this heart warming effect in Türkiye that it is very inclusive. I like the concept of nation states; since it gives you the relative freedom to choose whatever the hell you want to be in society with relatively few identifiers. I think the world is going on an opposite way to this relative freedom under the pretense of globalism; which is really imperialism on steroids. It saddens me that this is going to cause yet another great war; but I guess such is the fate of humanity to repeat the lesson until revolutions happen...
Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians?
If you read the title, this video talks about the lesser known minorities.
the well known groups you talk about got erased(3-4 genocides occured) from their ancestral lands by the turks...greeks armenians laz
they still exist but in much smaller numbers
Kars German are Extinct
Not extinct but endangered
There's only one of them left
@@k.umquat8604 Backstory is Germany invited them to return back to Germany, they left Turkiye slowly and only few left. So they are not Extinct, just living in another place
where is the karaboga turks ?