The Rossi R92 is my “FAVORITE Gun!” As a .357 Magnum, it could be pressed into serve as a Deer Rifle out to 100 yards, generating 1050 ft-lbs of muzzle energy and capable of great accuracy.
I bought a stainless 92....16 inch barrel... about three months ago at academy sports on sale for 600.00...i have only shot 40 rounds and love it kicks like a 33 lever action with the 200 grain... love the way it feels and shoots....the only thing I want to do is change the buck Horn sights to a peep sight or place a red dot on it... because I intend to make it my deer rifle because most of my spot are 50 too 120 yards and my eyes 👀 are not as good as they use to be...i can get by with the buckhorn sights but prefer the other...any suggestions for red dot that will fit or peep sights? Anybody?
🇺🇸 Skull Crush Holsters: 👈
Thanks for your post. I have a Rossi R92 in .357 Magnum with a 20" barrel. I've owned it for several years and it remains a favorite.
Thanks for watching!
The Rossi R92 is my “FAVORITE Gun!” As a .357 Magnum, it could be pressed into serve as a Deer Rifle out to 100 yards, generating 1050 ft-lbs of muzzle energy and capable of great accuracy.
@@docgunn286 I like my Rossi as well. It’s definitely a keeper!
I bought a stainless 92....16 inch barrel... about three months ago at academy sports on sale for 600.00...i have only shot 40 rounds and love it kicks like a 33 lever action with the 200 grain... love the way it feels and shoots....the only thing I want to do is change the buck Horn sights to a peep sight or place a red dot on it... because I intend to make it my deer rifle because most of my spot are 50 too 120 yards and my eyes 👀 are not as good as they use to be...i can get by with the buckhorn sights but prefer the other...any suggestions for red dot that will fit or peep sights? Anybody?