Can confirm Boone is "hit or miss" in terms of damage, some people are in pretty good shape, other people are cut off from the rest of the world. On the whole, Boone is in better shape than other places in the area, unless you are one of those people whose sole route of access is gone.
Compare the streets of black/gray to the brown. Pause the video at 2:01, note the large building with the brown parking lot. Compare that pavement to the parking lot towards the bottom edge of the screen. The mall was flooded, the other building was not. I like to fly, I am much less inclined to learn how to edit video. Sorry.
Can confirm Boone is "hit or miss" in terms of damage, some people are in pretty good shape, other people are cut off from the rest of the world. On the whole, Boone is in better shape than other places in the area, unless you are one of those people whose sole route of access is gone.
Nice footage. Really need a zoom and play-by-play. It looks fine to me. Need someone to help me interpret what I'm seeing.
Compare the streets of black/gray to the brown. Pause the video at 2:01, note the large building with the brown parking lot. Compare that pavement to the parking lot towards the bottom edge of the screen. The mall was flooded, the other building was not.
I like to fly, I am much less inclined to learn how to edit video. Sorry.