To understand Malachi 4:5-6, we have to check out 3 things: 1) Matthew 17:10-13 2) Luke 1:16-17 3) q 1 Kings chapters 18-19. Elijah's mission was to bring Israel back to God from worshipping idols. He eventually got all the priests of Baal and Asherah to finally determine who or which God is the real God, and then worship Him. God proved Himself on Mount Carmel, and instead of getting all back to worship, God Elijah single-handedly killed all 850 prophets, working for Jezebel. She vowed - being a queen and a princess - to do exactly the same to Elijah. Elijah began to flee for his life. Because he preferred to die rather than finish his commission, he was taken up from the earth in a whirlwind and a chariotcade of fire. Because it is appointed for man once to die, and then judgment Elijah didn't die physically, so his spirit of his mission to return Israel back to God, as their father was completed by John the Baptist who was subject to the law of retributive justice, by getting beheaded, as Elijah did to the prophets of Jezebel. The persons who asked for his head were a queen, and her daughter - just like Jezebel! John was given the task of bringing Israel back to God by way of baptism. Israel had threatened to go back to Egypt Numbers 14, and made it good Jeremiah chapters 41-44, doing despite to the miracles of dying to self as they crossed both the Red Sea and Jordan River, in which it was imputed that they were baptized unto Moses 1 Corinthians 10:2, as the Son of God. But now, they must be baptized once again, unto Jesus, who was the Son of God who was taken back to Egypt, and had to return and be baptized in the Jordan River. Therefore, all Israel must go through the same ritual, by grace, through faith in Him as the Son of God, and Son of David - to whom the kingdom belongs. Instead, they rejected and killed Him, but not before Elijah and Moses were both restored to glory. Matthew 17:1-5. (They both didn't finish their commission and were succeeded by Joshua and Elisha, respectively. Elijah had fulfilled the cycle of his life through John the Baptist, and has been restored to glory until He returns with Jesus Christ, as He redeems His purchased possession for whom He died, was buried and rose again from the dead- the Church, particular members of His body. He is the Head and will return to rescue the remnants of Israel as a new Creature, to do final battle at the end of the world system. Zechariah 14. The only Anointed Ones were Aaron and David, and both John and Daniel are their descendants. Nevertheless, we will know in full as the time gets near. Even Daniel couldn't understand the issue of a suffering and Dying Messiah, until Jesus Christ actually came, was killed, was buried and rose again from the dead. So the book of Revelation is the revealing of those prophecies which he couldn't understand, but now have been fulfilled, so he took up his mission from Revelation 5, as he was called up from his rest Daniel 12:13, and the Apostle John was called up to glory. Until then, we will continue to seek to know!
Do you mean that, Daniel will be the last prophet in the future. I don't know this deeply about the bible so I'm curious and amazed by the meaning of every word
@gummallaprince2019 I believe that the last prophets will be Daniel- for the Hebrews; Apostle John- for the Church, The Believers in Christ and Apostle Paul for both Jew and Gentile Believers.
@gummallaprince2019 The two witnesses will appear at the conclusion of the world system. They are both representing both the church and Israel. At this time, we're gathering together to confirm that the 2 witnesses could be the Apostle John and Daniel. Their mission overlap as both represent the Church and Israel, respectively. Revelation 1:1-2, equally applies to both of them- Daniel was referred to as "Greatly beloved " 10:111, 19, as well as John referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved " John 21:7; 13:23; 20:2. They both received direct Revelation from the risen Jesus Christ. John 16:25; Daniel 8:17; 20:1, 8-9; Revelation 1:17 (Daniel chapters 8-12. (Daniel chapter 10=Revelation 1, Jesus Christ came to give them the vision, from the Father). Revelation 10:11 signified the end of all written prophecies, both old and new testaments, and now they must be orally proclaimed, which continues into chapter 11, about the mission of the two witnesses. Daniel once "rested" until the manifestation and completion of the prophecy, which he couldn't understand - about the suffering and killed Messiah. John was called up in Revelation 4, and I believe the same goes for Daniel, called up from his rest. Thus, it's highly probable that they both were the ones prophesying for 1,260 days- for both the remnants of Israel and the left behind Christians, and as witnesses to the whole world as the "mystery of iniquity" is being concluded Revelation 11:2, and the world system is being prepared for final judgement. They had to do to fulfill the word that says, "It is appointed to man, once to die, and then judgment." They died, but according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; death's sting had no effect on them, and the grave couldn't be victorious over them! They were finally called back up, and they ascended into heaven Revelation 11:7-12 to be in the presence of the Lord as "The Two Anointed Ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth " - The two Candlesticks and two Olive Trees!!! It has always been about the Royal-Priesthood: Royal- House of David; Priesthood: House of Levi- Aaron-Zadoc , Zechariah 6:9-15; 1 Samuel 30:7-8 ( 2:28; 21:1-6; 2 Samuel 6:7-14). ZECHARIAH 4:11- REVELATION 11:4! Fulfilling God's original plan, even the mystery which had been hid from the foundation of the world, finally settled in heaven! Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9-10- Israel and the Church becomes One New Man, in Christ Jesus, who stood in the midst of the seven Candlesticks Revelation 1:13! Fulfilling Zechariah 4:14! Man, who was made in the image and likeness of Christ Jesus, was covered in glory at Creation, then lost this glory. Jesus Christ left His glory to save the soul of fallen man, and for the promised glory, went to the cross died and resurrected from the dead and restored man to glory John 17:22; 1 Peter 5:10. This is the anointing upon both Israel and the Church because of the faith of Abraham. Man now has a place before the presence of God as: 1) In Christ - Head plus His Body - the ransomed and redeemed, the Church, in the midst of the Candlesticks, Revelation 1. 2) As the 2 Olive Trees and 2 Candlesticks- Joshua the High Priest, Zerubbabel, the Apostle John and Daniel, representing Israel and the Church, 3) The 24 Elders representing men of old, 12 elders of the 12 tribes, and 12 elders of the Church, 4) The 144,000, who were never defiled, even with women, but had the original body undefiled by Satan and the world. The story is simply about the restoration of man into glory, despite the devils shenanigans over the ages. In conclusion, the 2 witnesses represent both Israel as a nation and the Church as the body of Christ, for the subsequent coming of the kingdom of God on earth. Let the Lord shed light on His mystery in Jesus' name!
@gummallaprince2019 Royalty and Priesthood. Joseph, the husband of Mary, was both of the seed of David Matthew 1:1, 16, and Luke 3:23-24, and of Levi. Elizabeth, of the daughters of Aaron, is the cousin of Mary, Luke 1:36,5. Mary, the mother of John, Matthew 27:56. They are all of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage. So, the Apostle John is of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage as well. Daniel was one of the Princes- descendants of King David, taken to Babylon. They both meet the criteria for the Candlestick and Lampstand prophecy, as the two witnesses of God, they Anointed Ones standing before the presence of God.
The book of Malachi showed the end of God's conditional relationship with Israel from Genesis to Zechariah - if they repented of His indictment of the Priesthood, the Princes, the Prophets and the People, they would see the renewal of His promised covenant Jeremiah 31:31-34, if they continued to rebel, the book will be closed, Daniel 12:4, and the Messiah would come (bringing the good news of the Kingdom, Matthew 10:5, to them, and they would be the ones to preach it to the rest of the world). But they still continued in their rebellion, and killed the Messiah, so, God's promises to include all the families of the world in the adoption of sons, Genesis 12:3; Acts 3:25; Matthew 28:18-20; John 1:12-14, would be proclaimed through the gospel of salvation by grace through faith, in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Matthew 23, like the book of Malachi, was the bridge between the fulfillment of all God's promises to the Jews, and also the end of His particular collaboration with them as His peculiar people Romans 9:25-26; Hosea 2:23. After this chapter, the Glory finally departed from the midst of them, for the last time - 1 Samuel 4:21; Ezekiel chapters 8-11; Hosea 20:5; 24:1; Matthew24:1. (The reason that the temple could be besieged and burned down, by Nebuchadnezzar, and later the Romans, else, the Holiness of the presence of God would instantly incinerate any and all who would dare step in, let alone loot and destroy it by fire or any means, when even the high priest couldn't just walk into the holy of holies anyhow). Result: the Priesthood was changed Hebrews 7:12; chapters 7-10, and the rest were scattered throughout the world. Deuteronomy 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; 1 Kings 14:15; Nehemiah 1:8; Psalm 106:27; Jeremiah 9:16; 13:24; 18;17; Ezekiel 36:19-24; Leviticus 26:33. Etc. This ushered in the grace dispensation Isaiah 61:2a; Luke 4:17-21. The book has been shut to usher in the next phase- the day of vengeance of our God, Isaiah 61:2b; 63:4. This is the window into the tribulation dispensation. Now, we have the Holy Spirit deterring it's manifestation, because of the love that God has for the whole world. Like Israel, they still continue in their rebellion, so the dispensation of the full undiluted wrath of God will suddenly burst out, as soon as the Light of the world, and the Salt of the earth are taken out in rapture, as promised. Isaiah 51:22; Jeremiah 25:15; Obadiah 16; Revelation 14:10. So believers are urged to watch and pray Luke 21-31-36! It will come unexpectedly, and as expected! That is why the day of the Lord is darkness and not light! Amos 5:18-20; Joel 2:2,14; Exodus 12:21; Matthew 27:45. Thus, both the books of Malachi- for the Jews, and Matthew 23, for both Jews and Gentiles, are God's last attempts to plead with His people, and the whole world, so that no one can have any excuses on that day, and God will be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment and Justice.
Simple answer, he is Elijah. God named him John, and remember having a new name is completely new person. If you read the bible, you'll definitely agree. Like Abram -> Abraham, Salai -> Sarah, Jacob -> Israel. Wisdom is not questioned, you just know it is, don't contradict it with your own knowledge, as Solomon had said; Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) That is wisdom. You just know.
He told the Jews no because he was not to them, the one they seek is the last Elijah. This is the falling away now, the other men who had the spirit of Elijah serve as identification for the last, names, numbers, dates, ect. There are two large volumes of their texts just dedicated to what he will do, he is said to show up and give instructions to the Rabbis every so often, they leave the door open for him during their Passover. It’s simple really, the reason nobody gets it is that they don’t think the other person has merit, it’s arrogance, the arrogance this Elijah seeks to purge from people.
Nice! It seems to me that the relationship between Elijah and John the Baptist, as presented by the New Testament, is best described as "typological." There is an analogy and escalation (or transcendence) between two realities: the type (Elijah) and the antitype (the Baptist). This Elijanic typology is interesting insofar as it is not christological, at least, not directly so.
@@That1grI I'll take a shot (assuming I understood what Andrew is saying). Typology is recognition of patterns in the Old Testament that seem to repeat themselves and be perfected in the New Testament. Typology includes a 'type' and an 'antitype.' The second word is rarely used, and I've always presumed it was to avoid confusion because it sounds like 'antichrist.' There is some big typology, like Jesus being the new Moses/Joshua, who will lead us not on a temporal exodus but to eternity. So Jesus is an antiMoses/antiJoshua. By the way, I call that one big because it is - the crossing of the Red Sea corresponds to Baptism, the wandering in the wilderness for a generation corresponds to our life times of temptation and sin, and of course entering the promised land corresponds to our hope of entering heaven. Note that Jesus begins his ministry at roughly the same place at the Jordan river where Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land. Now, obviously Jesus wasn't literally Moses or Joshua reincarnated (a concept the Church just doesn't accept), but in a spiritual way He is like a second Moses and Joshua. So when Andrew says Elijah was a type of John, it is completely possible that John wouldn't know that at the time, but was open to being led by God to function in a similar capacity. My only issue with that thought is I don't see John the Baptist perfecting Elijah's actions, unless it is a reference to completing his task without killing the so-called prophets of Baal. But Elijah, through the power of God, was a miracle worker, and we don't see any of that with John the Baptist. I would respectfully disagree with Andrew on his last point, too. I see John the Baptist as being directly connected to Jesus - maybe not in as intimate way as His mother, but John's basic message was to repent and be baptized because a Greater One was coming soon. There's some interesting typology with the Blessed Virgin, too (the new Eve, the living Ark of the Covenant, etc.). But I've never heard anyone say that isn't christological. Hope that helps.
Before the dreadful day of the Lord, could also mean during the "Acceptable year of the Lord ", which leads to the "Day of vengeance of our God " Luke 4:17-20; Isaiah 61:2 (a,b,c). Isaiah 63:4; Revelation 20; "to comfort all that mourn". The two witnesses are the next prophets to come and they represent Israel and the Church: Daniel, who completes the prophecy which he couldn't understand, and Apostle John, who revealed the Messiah to Him.
John the Baptist did not fulfill “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. When the rabbis asked him if he was Elijah, John the Baptist said, "no".
No you're wrong. John preached repentance to Israel, and turned many away from their sins. That's what malachi prophecized. Dispensationalists and futurists are unable to accept that John was Elijah because it doesn't fit their interpretations of scripture, which are wrong.
It is appointed unto man, once to die and then judgment Hebrews 9 27-28. Those who have placed their trust in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are already dead to sin, which wages is death Romans 61-14. So they cannot die again, as they continue in faith till the end. So they daily put off the old man and put one Christ, Ephesians 4:22-24, they're changed from glory to glory 2 Corinthians 3:18. We must remember that it was Moses himself who asked the Lord to kill him Numbers 11:15 (Out of frustration by the arrival and presence and nagging of his father in law. God honored his request, even though it wasn't God's will. Because he had been in the presence of God, his body was glorified, his eyes even glowed from the brightness of the glory of God's presence Exodus 34:24-34.Such glorified body could not see the corruption of death. He died, because Jesus Christ hadn't conquer death at that time and all power in heaven and in the earth and under the earth hadn't yet been given to Him. God hid his body until it was confirmed that Jesus was going to the cross for the redemption of the soul and body of man. He appeared with Elijah on the mount of transfiguration Matthew 27:1, as he was finally restored into glory, with Elijah- who also had asked God to let him die! 1 Kings 18:3 (Out of frustration with the threats of Jezebel to take his life), he was taken out of this world in a chariot of fire. Men of God get their physical bodies changed before death or destruction: Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego had their bodies miraculously changed, so fire couldn't kindle on them Daniel 3:19-30 (Even thoughthe king had already roasted some priests before them, as a way to pressure them Jeeemiah 20:29); Daniel as well, so the lions couldn't devour him Daniel 6: 16-28, but devoured all his enemies instead. The man of God from Judah- the lion that killed him couldn't devour his body 1Kings 13:24 (because of his disobedience to the directives of God); the Apostle Paul was stoned and killed, and his body dragged on the gravelled ground out of the city, only for him to get up, dust his pants and move on with his evangelistic mission. Acts 14:19. Believers cannot die, because of who they are Luke 9:27, but and if they do, their bodies do not get corrupted because they have been ransomed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ- his death, burial and resurrection. And they will not be affected by the pain of death and the power of the grave Psalm 16:10, 49:14; Isaiah 26:19 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians4;; Psalm 49:15, and they will be instantly transformed, as they would be during the return of Jesus Christ, to take them all out of this world and present them faultless before the presence of the Father, with exceeding joy! So, for whatever other reasons, which may apply, God has always closely guarded the lives of His people. But this is not the case with unbelievers, the pain of death and the grip of hell is upon their flesh for ever. Job 14:22; Psalm 49:14.
Therefore we see that an angel can be manifested in a body to have legal entry into earth's atmosphere. Jesus Himself said John is Elijah John 3:12, the spirit of Elijah is within John to complete a task. Likewise the Spirit of Christ is within the New Born believers (John 14:20-23).
He was to the followers of Jesus, not the Jews. That’s why he told them no, their time had not come yet. This is it now. All of the previous men who had the spirit of Elijah were a foreshadowing of this one, it’s the falling away now, the Jews have to be able to identify him easily.
The corn. Do the wise virgins know that they’re the wise virgins, or do the foolish virgins know that they’re the foolish virgins? NO! So the 10 virgins will not know the position in which they are in until the oil of The Spirit Of Truth, is revealed and then, If they have eyes to see and they overcome the dispensation of grace in Christ Jesus, they are know longer dead! They have been risen from the dead. John the Baptist know Isaiah 40:3 who he was in the spirit of the word but not the sense of all of it, for that he would have had to change his water into wine, because the arrows were beyond his understanding therefore he was still in danger of being killed, know more than The woman clothed with the sun know who she is in the spirit of the word. The spirit of truth himself had to be risen from the dead. Revelations 1:17 And when I saw him, The Spirit Of Truth. I fell at his feet as dead. Because of the invisible particles/Adams, of dark matter and dark energy within his eternal sea of glass in what we experience as fear. You cannot have Spot, nor blemish, nor wrinkle, of dark matter and dark energy within your eternal Sea of glass in the dispensation of the spirit of truth.
🤔The reason why Zechariah couldn't speak was because of his unbelief when the angel came to give the message. We see this kind of unbelief throughout history in men who can't or do not have the ability to have faith as women. That's why the male disciples of Jesus didn't go to the grave after the crucifixion. The men sat in hiding while the women went to the grave. So to Answer you about Zechariah is because of unbelief. I just have to share with you .. As led by the Holy Spirit for you..
thanks to all of you, dear friends, and Merry Christmas
Spiritual Doctrine Thank Dr. John Bergsma God Bless you
Thank you so much, Dr.John
thanks Doc. Merry Christmas to all. God bless
Diggin the flattop Dr Bergsma! Thanks for the breakdown on the name, John!
Thanks for this ! It was a blessing !
To understand Malachi 4:5-6, we have to check out 3 things:
1) Matthew 17:10-13
2) Luke 1:16-17
3) q
1 Kings chapters 18-19.
Elijah's mission was to bring Israel back to God from worshipping idols.
He eventually got all the priests of Baal and Asherah to finally determine who or which God is the real God, and then worship Him.
God proved Himself on Mount Carmel, and instead of getting all back to worship, God Elijah single-handedly killed all 850 prophets, working for Jezebel.
She vowed - being a queen and a princess - to do exactly the same to Elijah. Elijah began to flee for his life.
Because he preferred to die rather than finish his commission, he was taken up from the earth in a whirlwind and a chariotcade of fire.
Because it is appointed for man once to die, and then judgment Elijah didn't die physically, so his spirit of his mission to return Israel back to God, as their father was completed by John the Baptist who was subject to the law of retributive justice, by getting beheaded, as Elijah did to the prophets of Jezebel. The persons who asked for his head were a queen, and her daughter - just like Jezebel!
John was given the task of bringing Israel back to God by way of baptism.
Israel had threatened to go back to Egypt Numbers 14, and made it good Jeremiah chapters 41-44, doing despite to the miracles of dying to self as they crossed both the Red Sea and Jordan River, in which it was imputed that they were baptized unto Moses 1 Corinthians 10:2, as the Son of God.
But now, they must be baptized once again, unto Jesus, who was the Son of God who was taken back to Egypt, and had to return and be baptized in the Jordan River.
Therefore, all Israel must go through the same ritual, by grace, through faith in Him as the Son of God, and Son of David - to whom the kingdom belongs.
Instead, they rejected and killed Him, but not before Elijah and Moses were both restored to glory.
Matthew 17:1-5. (They both didn't finish their commission and were succeeded by Joshua and Elisha, respectively.
Elijah had fulfilled the cycle of his life through John the Baptist, and has been restored to glory until He returns with Jesus Christ, as He redeems His purchased possession for whom He died, was buried and rose again from the dead- the Church, particular members of His body. He is the Head and will return to rescue the remnants of Israel as a new Creature, to do final battle at the end of the world system.
Zechariah 14.
The only Anointed Ones were Aaron and David, and both John and Daniel are their descendants.
Nevertheless, we will know in full as the time gets near. Even Daniel couldn't understand the issue of a suffering and Dying Messiah, until Jesus Christ actually came, was killed, was buried and rose again from the dead. So the book of Revelation is the revealing of those prophecies which he couldn't understand, but now have been fulfilled, so he took up his mission from Revelation 5, as he was called up from his rest Daniel 12:13, and the Apostle John was called up to glory.
Until then, we will continue to seek to know!
these WORDS cleared my doubts and also raised new questions I feel satisfied by this answer PEACE BE UPON YOU
Do you mean that, Daniel will be the last prophet in the future. I don't know this deeply about the bible so I'm curious and amazed by the meaning of every word
I believe that the last prophets will be Daniel- for the Hebrews; Apostle John- for the Church, The Believers in Christ and Apostle Paul for both Jew and Gentile Believers.
@gummallaprince2019 The two witnesses will appear at the conclusion of the world system.
They are both representing both the church and Israel.
At this time, we're gathering together to confirm that the 2 witnesses could be the Apostle John and Daniel.
Their mission overlap as both represent the Church and Israel, respectively.
Revelation 1:1-2, equally applies to both of them- Daniel was referred to as "Greatly beloved " 10:111, 19, as well as John referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved " John 21:7; 13:23; 20:2.
They both received direct Revelation from the risen Jesus Christ. John 16:25; Daniel 8:17; 20:1, 8-9; Revelation 1:17 (Daniel chapters 8-12. (Daniel chapter 10=Revelation 1, Jesus Christ came to give them the vision, from the Father).
Revelation 10:11 signified the end of all written prophecies, both old and new testaments, and now they must be orally proclaimed, which continues into chapter 11, about the mission of the two witnesses.
Daniel once "rested" until the manifestation and completion of the prophecy, which he couldn't understand - about the suffering and killed Messiah. John was called up in Revelation 4, and I believe the same goes for Daniel, called up from his rest.
Thus, it's highly probable that they both were the ones prophesying for 1,260 days- for both the remnants of Israel and the left behind Christians, and as witnesses to the whole world as the "mystery of iniquity" is being concluded Revelation 11:2, and the world system is being prepared for final judgement.
They had to do to fulfill the word that says, "It is appointed to man, once to die, and then judgment." They died, but according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; death's sting had no effect on them, and the grave couldn't be victorious over them!
They were finally called back up, and they ascended into heaven Revelation 11:7-12 to be in the presence of the Lord
as "The Two Anointed Ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth " - The two Candlesticks and two Olive Trees!!!
It has always been about the Royal-Priesthood: Royal- House of David;
Priesthood: House of Levi- Aaron-Zadoc , Zechariah 6:9-15; 1 Samuel 30:7-8 ( 2:28; 21:1-6; 2 Samuel 6:7-14).
ZECHARIAH 4:11- REVELATION 11:4! Fulfilling God's original plan, even the mystery which had been hid from the foundation of the world, finally settled in heaven! Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9-10- Israel and the Church becomes One New Man, in Christ Jesus, who stood in the midst of the seven Candlesticks Revelation 1:13!
Fulfilling Zechariah 4:14!
Man, who was made in the image and likeness of Christ Jesus, was covered in glory at Creation, then lost this glory. Jesus Christ left His glory to save the soul of fallen man, and for the promised glory, went to the cross died and resurrected from the dead and restored man to glory John 17:22; 1 Peter 5:10. This is the anointing upon both Israel and the Church because of the faith of Abraham.
Man now has a place before the presence of God as:
1) In Christ - Head plus His Body - the ransomed and redeemed, the Church, in the midst of the Candlesticks, Revelation 1.
2) As the 2 Olive Trees and 2 Candlesticks- Joshua the High Priest, Zerubbabel, the Apostle John and Daniel, representing Israel and the Church,
3) The 24 Elders representing men of old, 12 elders of the 12 tribes, and 12 elders of the Church,
4) The 144,000, who were never defiled, even with women, but had the original body undefiled by Satan and the world.
The story is simply about the restoration of man into glory, despite the devils shenanigans over the ages.
In conclusion, the 2 witnesses represent both Israel as a nation and the Church as the body of Christ, for the subsequent coming of the kingdom of God on earth.
Let the Lord shed light on His mystery in Jesus' name!
@gummallaprince2019 Royalty and Priesthood.
Joseph, the husband of Mary, was both of the seed of David Matthew 1:1, 16, and Luke 3:23-24, and of Levi.
Elizabeth, of the daughters of Aaron, is the cousin of Mary, Luke 1:36,5. Mary, the mother of John, Matthew 27:56. They are all of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage.
So, the Apostle John is of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage as well.
Daniel was one of the Princes- descendants of King David, taken to Babylon. They both meet the criteria for the Candlestick and Lampstand prophecy, as the two witnesses of God, they Anointed Ones standing before the presence of God.
The book of Malachi showed the end of God's conditional relationship with Israel from Genesis to Zechariah - if they repented of His indictment of the Priesthood, the Princes, the Prophets and the People, they would see the renewal of His promised covenant Jeremiah 31:31-34, if they continued to rebel, the book will be closed, Daniel 12:4, and the Messiah would come (bringing the good news of the Kingdom, Matthew 10:5, to them, and they would be the ones to preach it to the rest of the world).
But they still continued in their rebellion, and killed the Messiah, so, God's promises to include all the families of the world in the adoption of sons, Genesis 12:3; Acts 3:25; Matthew 28:18-20; John 1:12-14, would be proclaimed through the gospel of salvation by grace through faith, in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 23, like the book of Malachi, was the bridge between the fulfillment of all God's promises to the Jews, and also the end of His particular collaboration with them as His peculiar people Romans 9:25-26; Hosea 2:23. After this chapter, the Glory finally departed from the midst of them, for the last time - 1 Samuel 4:21; Ezekiel chapters 8-11; Hosea 20:5; 24:1; Matthew24:1. (The reason that the temple could be besieged and burned down, by Nebuchadnezzar, and later the Romans, else, the Holiness of the presence of God would instantly incinerate any and all who would dare step in, let alone loot and destroy it by fire or any means, when even the high priest couldn't just walk into the holy of holies anyhow).
Result: the Priesthood was changed Hebrews 7:12; chapters 7-10, and the rest were scattered throughout the world. Deuteronomy 4:27; 28:64; 32:26; 1 Kings 14:15; Nehemiah 1:8; Psalm 106:27; Jeremiah 9:16; 13:24; 18;17; Ezekiel 36:19-24; Leviticus 26:33. Etc.
This ushered in the grace dispensation Isaiah 61:2a; Luke 4:17-21. The book has been shut to usher in the next phase- the day of vengeance of our God, Isaiah 61:2b; 63:4. This is the window into the tribulation dispensation.
Now, we have the Holy Spirit deterring it's manifestation, because of the love that God has for the whole world.
Like Israel, they still continue in their rebellion, so the dispensation of the full undiluted wrath of God will suddenly burst out, as soon as the Light of the world, and the Salt of the earth are taken out in rapture, as promised. Isaiah 51:22; Jeremiah 25:15; Obadiah 16; Revelation 14:10. So believers are urged to watch and pray Luke 21-31-36!
It will come unexpectedly, and as expected!
That is why the day of the Lord is darkness and not light! Amos 5:18-20; Joel 2:2,14; Exodus 12:21; Matthew 27:45.
Thus, both the books of Malachi- for the Jews, and Matthew 23, for both Jews and Gentiles, are God's last attempts to plead with His people, and the whole world, so that no one can have any excuses on that day, and God will be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment and Justice.
Wow. This is Perfect
Simple answer, he is Elijah.
God named him John, and remember having a new name is completely new person. If you read the bible, you'll definitely agree.
Abram -> Abraham,
Salai -> Sarah,
Jacob -> Israel.
Wisdom is not questioned, you just know it is, don't contradict it with your own knowledge,
as Solomon had said; Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
That is wisdom.
You just know.
Agreed. People think they know better than the MOST HIGH & Yehoshua.
He told the Jews no because he was not to them, the one they seek is the last Elijah. This is the falling away now, the other men who had the spirit of Elijah serve as identification for the last, names, numbers, dates, ect. There are two large volumes of their texts just dedicated to what he will do, he is said to show up and give instructions to the Rabbis every so often, they leave the door open for him during their Passover. It’s simple really, the reason nobody gets it is that they don’t think the other person has merit, it’s arrogance, the arrogance this Elijah seeks to purge from people.
John was literally asked if he was Elijah and he said " I am not" it's interesting
John is not Elijah, he is the messenger, appeared in spirit of Elijah, (Malachi 3.1-2, Isaiah 40.3-5). Elijah is going to come (Malachi 4.5).
Nice! It seems to me that the relationship between Elijah and John the Baptist, as presented by the New Testament, is best described as "typological." There is an analogy and escalation (or transcendence) between two realities: the type (Elijah) and the antitype (the Baptist). This Elijanic typology is interesting insofar as it is not christological, at least, not directly so.
Hmm. I’m going to try to unpack what you just said. Sounds interesting. Can you describe this in laymen’s terms ?
@@That1grI I'll take a shot (assuming I understood what Andrew is saying). Typology is recognition of patterns in the Old Testament that seem to repeat themselves and be perfected in the New Testament. Typology includes a 'type' and an 'antitype.' The second word is rarely used, and I've always presumed it was to avoid confusion because it sounds like 'antichrist.'
There is some big typology, like Jesus being the new Moses/Joshua, who will lead us not on a temporal exodus but to eternity. So Jesus is an antiMoses/antiJoshua. By the way, I call that one big because it is - the crossing of the Red Sea corresponds to Baptism, the wandering in the wilderness for a generation corresponds to our life times of temptation and sin, and of course entering the promised land corresponds to our hope of entering heaven. Note that Jesus begins his ministry at roughly the same place at the Jordan river where Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land.
Now, obviously Jesus wasn't literally Moses or Joshua reincarnated (a concept the Church just doesn't accept), but in a spiritual way He is like a second Moses and Joshua. So when Andrew says Elijah was a type of John, it is completely possible that John wouldn't know that at the time, but was open to being led by God to function in a similar capacity.
My only issue with that thought is I don't see John the Baptist perfecting Elijah's actions, unless it is a reference to completing his task without killing the so-called prophets of Baal. But Elijah, through the power of God, was a miracle worker, and we don't see any of that with John the Baptist.
I would respectfully disagree with Andrew on his last point, too. I see John the Baptist as being directly connected to Jesus - maybe not in as intimate way as His mother, but John's basic message was to repent and be baptized because a Greater One was coming soon. There's some interesting typology with the Blessed Virgin, too (the new Eve, the living Ark of the Covenant, etc.). But I've never heard anyone say that isn't christological.
Hope that helps.
@@paulmiller3469 I wonder if there are more of these that we can find for sure.
Before the dreadful day of the Lord, could also mean during the "Acceptable year of the Lord ", which leads to the "Day of vengeance of our God "
Luke 4:17-20; Isaiah 61:2 (a,b,c). Isaiah 63:4; Revelation 20; "to comfort all that mourn".
The two witnesses are the next prophets to come and they represent Israel and the Church: Daniel, who completes the prophecy which he couldn't understand, and Apostle John, who revealed the Messiah to Him.
John the Baptist did not fulfill “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. When the rabbis asked him if he was Elijah, John the Baptist said, "no".
Yahh but Jesus says yes mathhew 11:2-14
You are correct Jesus said if you receive it he was Elijah they did not receive him he was beheaded
He would not know.
Jesus says so in the Pistis Sophia
No you're wrong. John preached repentance to Israel, and turned many away from their sins. That's what malachi prophecized. Dispensationalists and futurists are unable to accept that John was Elijah because it doesn't fit their interpretations of scripture, which are wrong.
It is appointed unto man, once to die and then judgment Hebrews 9 27-28. Those who have placed their trust in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are already dead to sin, which wages is death Romans 61-14. So they cannot die again, as they continue in faith till the end. So they daily put off the old man and put one Christ, Ephesians 4:22-24, they're changed from glory to glory 2 Corinthians 3:18.
We must remember that it was Moses himself who asked the Lord to kill him Numbers 11:15 (Out of frustration by the arrival and presence and nagging of his father in law. God honored his request, even though it wasn't God's will.
Because he had been in the presence of God, his body was glorified, his eyes even glowed from the brightness of the glory of God's presence Exodus 34:24-34.Such glorified body could not see the corruption of death. He died, because Jesus Christ hadn't conquer death at that time and all power in heaven and in the earth and under the earth hadn't yet been given to Him. God hid his body until it was confirmed that Jesus was going to the cross for the redemption of the soul and body of man. He appeared with Elijah on the mount of transfiguration Matthew 27:1, as he was finally restored into glory, with Elijah- who also had asked God to let him die! 1 Kings 18:3 (Out of frustration with the threats of Jezebel to take his life), he was taken out of this world in a chariot of fire.
Men of God get their physical bodies changed before death or destruction: Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego had their bodies miraculously changed, so fire couldn't kindle on them Daniel 3:19-30 (Even thoughthe king had already roasted some priests before them, as a way to pressure them Jeeemiah 20:29); Daniel as well, so the lions couldn't devour him Daniel 6: 16-28, but devoured all his enemies instead. The man of God from Judah- the lion that killed him couldn't devour his body 1Kings 13:24 (because of his disobedience to the directives of God); the Apostle Paul was stoned and killed, and his body dragged on the gravelled ground out of the city, only for him to get up, dust his pants and move on with his evangelistic mission. Acts 14:19.
Believers cannot die, because of who they are Luke 9:27, but and if they do, their bodies do not get corrupted because they have been ransomed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ- his death, burial and resurrection. And they will not be affected by the pain of death and the power of the grave Psalm 16:10, 49:14; Isaiah 26:19
1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians4;; Psalm 49:15, and they will be instantly transformed, as they would be during the return of Jesus Christ, to take them all out of this world and present them faultless before the presence of the Father, with exceeding joy!
So, for whatever other reasons, which may apply, God has always closely guarded the lives of His people.
But this is not the case with unbelievers, the pain of death and the grip of hell is upon their flesh for ever. Job 14:22; Psalm 49:14.
My greeting from iraq
Therefore we see that an angel can be manifested in a body to have legal entry into earth's atmosphere. Jesus Himself said John is Elijah John 3:12, the spirit of Elijah is within John to complete a task. Likewise the Spirit of Christ is within the New Born believers (John 14:20-23).
He was to the followers of Jesus, not the Jews. That’s why he told them no, their time had not come yet. This is it now. All of the previous men who had the spirit of Elijah were a foreshadowing of this one, it’s the falling away now, the Jews have to be able to identify him easily.
Always agree with your wife.
Not always, remember Eve? 🤭Always agree with your wife if what she’s saying is backed by Gods word.
Remember Lots wife. The husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head if the Church.
I trust no one but God.
The corn. Do the wise virgins know that they’re the wise virgins, or do the foolish virgins know that they’re the foolish virgins? NO! So the 10 virgins will not know the position in which they are in until the oil of The Spirit Of Truth, is revealed and then, If they have eyes to see and they overcome the dispensation of grace in Christ Jesus, they are know longer dead! They have been risen from the dead. John the Baptist know Isaiah 40:3 who he was in the spirit of the word but not the sense of all of it, for that he would have had to change his water into wine, because the arrows were beyond his understanding therefore he was still in danger of being killed, know more than The woman clothed with the sun know who she is in the spirit of the word. The spirit of truth himself had to be risen from the dead. Revelations 1:17 And when I saw him, The Spirit Of Truth. I fell at his feet as dead. Because of the invisible particles/Adams, of dark matter and dark energy within his eternal sea of glass in what we experience as fear. You cannot have Spot, nor blemish, nor wrinkle, of dark matter and dark energy within your eternal Sea of glass in the dispensation of the spirit of truth.
🤔The reason why Zechariah couldn't speak was because of his unbelief when the angel came to give the message. We see this kind of unbelief throughout history in men who can't or do not have the ability to have faith as women. That's why the male disciples of Jesus didn't go to the grave after the crucifixion. The men sat in hiding while the women went to the grave. So to Answer you about Zechariah is because of unbelief. I just have to share with you .. As led by the Holy Spirit for you..