the St. Denis Night Market on not so respectable side of the city vendors selling their wares trying to survive and some are actually legitimate and respectable in selling merchandise and quality products at that but there are a select few who aren't as respectable and the law keeps a close eye on the At night most of the vendors are closed and gone home for the night, but some stay open all night and they are the ones that you have to watch out for but the head of the vendors association has a couple of security guards keeping watch and they haven't had problems since. Of the vendors there are currently ten in all renting space from the city of St. Denis and they are at present selling produce, fish, herbs and spices, animal hides, trinkets, etc. Right now its really raining and of the ten vendors only two have decided to remain open the hide seller, and the trinket seller as the other vendors all live within the city of St. Denis however the hide seller whose name is Will Moon lives outside the city near the swamp and would rather stay here and the trinket seller whose name is J. J. Norby actually is homeless and lives in the alley behind the saloon nearby. It's still raining very hard and the two security guards are under the tent staying dry drinking hot coffee and playing cards and Will Moon is sleeping under his tent but Norby is putting his trinkets up and will drink the bottle of whiskey he keeps nearby and that's about it during the night especially when it is raining at the St. Denis Night Market here on the seedier side of the city.
loved studying with this in the background
the St. Denis Night Market on not so respectable side of the city vendors selling their wares
trying to survive and some are actually legitimate and respectable in selling merchandise
and quality products at that but there are a select few who aren't as respectable and the
law keeps a close eye on the
At night most of the vendors are closed and gone home for the night, but some stay open all
night and they are the ones that you have to watch out for but the head of the vendors association
has a couple of security guards keeping watch and they haven't had problems since.
Of the vendors there are currently ten in all renting space from the city of St. Denis and they are at present
selling produce, fish, herbs and spices, animal hides, trinkets, etc.
Right now its really raining and of the ten vendors only two have decided to remain open the hide seller,
and the trinket seller as the other vendors all live within the city of St. Denis however the hide seller whose
name is Will Moon lives outside the city near the swamp and would rather stay here and the trinket seller
whose name is J. J. Norby actually is homeless and lives in the alley behind the saloon nearby.
It's still raining very hard and the two security guards are under the tent staying dry drinking hot coffee and
playing cards and Will Moon is sleeping under his tent but Norby is putting his trinkets up and will drink the
bottle of whiskey he keeps nearby and that's about it during the night especially when it is raining at the
St. Denis Night Market here on the seedier side of the city.
Yo dawg love the sounds but thats not how u spell ambience in your channel name
It can be spelled either way.
The textures look terrible here.
Lol stfu its fine its just first person and its not even showing u ariund