Nice work mate, I've gotta make time next weekend to try and make stuff in Substrate. Have you noticed any difference between having the lerps feed in to one slab as opposed to lerping between slabs using something like a Substrate Horizontal Blend?
I had some weird rendering issues with Substrate that I couldn't quite figure out yet. It was a strange flashing of the material ( I also saw it on a JSFilmz demo) so I think it was a bug. It carried over to the MRQ so it kinda wrecked the animation, so I backed off from them for a minute. I would assume that lerping into one slab will blend the textures. On the other hand, I would assume that lerping between slabs would allow you to blend and animate full materials/shades like Quixel Mixer on steroids. There is currently a node limit in substrate, so my crazy system that I had built ended up hitting its limit. I am looking forward to testing that out soon!
Solid and I know it will help alot if people out its a topic that comes up often 🤙🏾
Love it! Thanks!
Nice work mate, I've gotta make time next weekend to try and make stuff in Substrate. Have you noticed any difference between having the lerps feed in to one slab as opposed to lerping between slabs using something like a Substrate Horizontal Blend?
I had some weird rendering issues with Substrate that I couldn't quite figure out yet. It was a strange flashing of the material ( I also saw it on a JSFilmz demo) so I think it was a bug. It carried over to the MRQ so it kinda wrecked the animation, so I backed off from them for a minute.
I would assume that lerping into one slab will blend the textures. On the other hand, I would assume that lerping between slabs would allow you to blend and animate full materials/shades like Quixel Mixer on steroids. There is currently a node limit in substrate, so my crazy system that I had built ended up hitting its limit. I am looking forward to testing that out soon!