Quitting Nicotine As Someone With ADHD

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @apostle333
    @apostle333 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    OMG!!!....finally someone else who understands! Thank you. no one seems to understand what I meant by, "when I try to quit, my brain shuts off. I can't think. I don't get a headache, I literally cannot do human things that require even minimal thought. Executive dysfunction!! I 100% relate to what you have to say, and I've been smoking for around 25 years. I hate them. People thought I was weird when I said I need to prepare to have NOTHING to do for around three days, to get past withdrawal. I mean like I have trouble making a bowl of cereal to eat, I really CANNOT think AT ALL.

  • @Infinite_Vacation
    @Infinite_Vacation 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    4th day in… it’s so unbearable…
    Thanks for posting and sharing…
    You have no idea how encouraging it is to know someone beat this beast

    • @WiseWordsofWill
      @WiseWordsofWill  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Take it one day at a time, you got this! You’re almost through the worst of it

  • @gameziper
    @gameziper 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    quitting nicotine for me has been impossible because just being without any nicotine for just simply 1-3 days makes me literally sick and as you said in the vid my brain does defenietly not work properly without it so then i fall back to it again... it makes things worse but it makes much better for me when i take nicotine.

  • @kesar189
    @kesar189 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thx for posting this dude as someone with adhd and a vaping problem this helps

  • @Wormed101
    @Wormed101 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have adhd and have been doing nicotine for 15 years. I've quit multiple times, even lasting 6 months a few times. I honestly just have no drive to do anything when I'm off of it. Never wanted to be prescribed Adderall or any of that stuff, so I decided yesterday that I'm going to start zyns again. Literally was able to work out again and be way more productive in everything, and not feel like any task I need to do feels like the end of the world. I'm going to stay on it for the foreseeable future.
    Some advice, stay away from smoking and nic salts. That stuff gives you way too much nicotine too fast. I feel the zyns or other brands like that give me a slower release and helps more for me at least, and the withdrawals aren't as horrific.

  • @Audreyperson37
    @Audreyperson37 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Been trying to find a video of someone talking about this that felt similar enough to me to relate to, and this was a needed find (: I’ve been vaping since I was 17 (am 21 now & have ADHD) and tried so many times to stop & have gotten frustrated about how hard it’s been. Trying again, hopefully for the last time! Thank you

    • @WiseWordsofWill
      @WiseWordsofWill  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You've got this! Remind yourself that even though it's difficult and uncomfortable right now, it's much brighter on the other side and life is much better without the burden of nicotine addiction.

  • @okuuur1640
    @okuuur1640 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for this video, 3 days ago I started to quit, but I had a relapse after drinking and being super Hyperactive yesterday. But I will keep going! I also wait for an appointment to get diagnosed for ADHD:)

  • @grasnalkrasnal4642
    @grasnalkrasnal4642 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi there. Keep going man. Im strugling with ADHD too. 39 yesrs old, realiezed it's something I need to take care of just few years ago. Im using l-tyrosine and l-theanine, vitamins D, C, rhodiola rosea and lions mane. Took me some time to learn how each of it works on me. I was prescriebed concerta and tried it two times for a week but it made me numb and sad.

  • @qono1458
    @qono1458 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "I can quit anytime I want" you are addicted

  • @ThomsonBR42
    @ThomsonBR42 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The dosage makes the poison. The ADHD studies on Nicotine cap their daily test dosages at 10mg and different formats of concentration (freebase vs salt) also affect the bioavailability. Over-doseing causes counterproductive effects.

  • @matt.108
    @matt.108 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’ve tapered down from 24mg to 0mg over 2 months. It’s definitely not as bad in terms of nicotine cravings but the physical feeling of inhaling and exhaling is very difficult. It’s almost like my adderall helps when I’m on it but when I don’t have my meds I have a need to fidget with my vape and use it continuously.

  • @Neon_Detective
    @Neon_Detective 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I appreciate you taking the time to talk about this. I bet making this video you probably wondered if it was worth it, but looking at the comments and for myself it definitely is helping people.
    I was diagnosed recently with ADHD and the medicine is helping to take care of impulsivity, but nicotine is definitely the hardest to tackle right now. So thanks for the blunt honesty and sharing your story.

    • @Neon_Detective
      @Neon_Detective 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also, how is it now? Did you go back on nicotine? Do you still feel cravings and if so do they last long?

  • @fanman402
    @fanman402 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Holy shit dude everything you said I just related to sooo hard. I was on Wellbutrin for a while after I started thinking ADHD was a strong possibility. I used to think I was just lazy. And like you, I still think it’s way overdiagnosed. Dopamine is in charge of focus and the constant stimuli we provide ourselves messes with those levels and then people understandably believe they have it, but it can be counterproductive because then the stimulants don’t help. Also, I was originally diagnosed with bipolar. Tbh I think they gave me Wellbutrin to shut me up because after my cousin told me she was misdiagnosed with bipolar and once put on adhd meds and things drastically improved, I was pretty relentless to no avail. They must have thought I was medseeking but I was just dopamine seeking lol. They knew I was vaping and wanted to quit, so I think they just mentioned it was used as an off label. Idk my first therapist and psychiatrist duo weren’t the best. But anyway, I finally got the diagnosis from both my current psychiatrist and therapist, who coincidentally are clinically diagnosed themselves. They knew right away, couldn’t believe the amount of antipsychotics I was put on and still no one realized it. I’m currently taking vyvanse and *drumroll* Lamictal. I’ve been on it almost a year now. At 17, I started relying on alcohol, drinking alone. But then discovered weed and at first liked doing them together but after awhile, I just stopped liking alcohol. No hurdles or anything, my addiction just transferred from that to weed pretty rapidly. I still drink on occasion but idc. But people laugh at me when I say I’m addicted to weed. And yet out of all of this we have in common, the thing that I related to the MOST. Two years ago almost exactly, me and a girl I was talking with both knew we needed to stop, decided we’d quit together, she moved away one week later and ghosted me and I was devastated and what I CONSTANTLY tell people, the only way I can really describe it is that my brain broke. I haven’t watched past when you said that because when I heard it I just had to let you know. Sorry this is painstakingly long man but I am also on the severe end of the spectrum. So I didn’t fight the adhd diagnosis at all but that’s at 23, at 17 when they told me I had bipolar I refused to believe it. But man nothing will ever to compare to the time my brain broke when I tried to quit, I “fixed” it maybe five months later, strangely after taking up smoking weed again. But then out of nowhere, my brain seemed to break again. I’m 90% certain it’s derealization or depersonalization as a result of the severe anxiety that was a result of the severe adhd and executive dysfunction as chores and debt just piled on me and I did NOTHING but certainly didn’t ignore it, it was all I could think about… ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed my Ted Talk

    • @WiseWordsofWill
      @WiseWordsofWill  ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm glad you found out what was causing the problems! It's interesting because ADHD is almost underdiagnosed in a way, which obviously goes against what I said lol but I mean in the sense that so many people have it overlooked as children and end up getting diagnosed with something like bipolar, borderline, etc. Basically emotional and mood irregularity disorders are suspected quite frequently when it's actually ADHD. And also I do agree that the derealization is likely due to the anxiety you experience, because it ends up becoming a subconscious defense mechanism. I hope things look up for you!

  • @gameziper
    @gameziper 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    7:06 i can definietly relate to all this its very annoying when you wanna do something you enjoy but mentally and physically cant and literally do nothing instead and feel terrible over that instead it honestly is irritating when that happens

  • @ThomsonBR42
    @ThomsonBR42 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nicotine is known to act the same as ADHD stimulants to the point that many pharmaceutical companies have tried to create synthetic nicotines that aren't as addictive, none of them have worked.

  • @audrey-yr4qn
    @audrey-yr4qn 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for this video

  • @AhmedA_1909
    @AhmedA_1909 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So much respect champ

  • @dassmaster4281
    @dassmaster4281 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    23:42-25:00 facts... I had no clue i may have ADHD until over 500 days into my quit as i was self-medicating.

  • @zaq9339
    @zaq9339 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know it is a lot from someone who only just started but this is just to let you know making the first step doesn't have to be that bad.
    Ok I've been on it for only 5 days now, cold turkey after nearly 10 years of vaping (can't remember a day without it). But I have the confidence I'll never go back already. And I was pretty low on motivation myself, nearly depressed in general.
    I know it's early but the first week is supposed to be the worst. But gotta say it's not quite bad so far. I'm getting these intrusive mini flashbacks/reflexes of vaping where I almost find myself reaching for a vape for a second just to remember I don't have it on me (if you don't trust yourself, get rid of your vape completely) I negotiate with myself going "you've been nicotine free for X-hrs/days now for the first time, don't you wanna see what's next?" Like it's an experiment and I'm the subject and it helps.
    Of course I've only just began but in the last 30+ days I also quit alcohol completely, late evening cravings ended within a week (previously drank a little most nights of the week), started a cold shower routine and regulated my circadian rhythm. I get up early in the morning even on the weekends, go for long walks, feel my general dopamine levels rising significantly, less anxiety etc. So far the positives outweigh the negatives by some margin.
    My theory and tip for quitting anything really is, find a replacement (healthy) habit to make up for that dopamine crash you'll feel when you quit. Long brisk walks might be enough to get you started and keep you busy (the cool part is when you're short of breath you don't think about your vape). Start on the weekend so you can avoid stress at work/school and maybe avoid places where you know you'll have to struggle with social pressure of vaping. Also check out the cold exposure protocols (and others) on Huberman lab, what they do to your dopamine circuits is magic. It's been known to help cure alcoholism, they may be the reason I'm not even feeling bad about zero nicotine. For oral fixation and hunger I chew on toothpicks. If you need snacks, get your high protein meat and nuts ready before you get fat from carbs.

  • @nicholaslandry6367
    @nicholaslandry6367 ปีที่แล้ว

    If anyone is having trouble look into identity and quitting it's super interesting and very valuable

  • @fanman402
    @fanman402 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wrote that long reply, hit play to finish the video, and I have SUCH a bad issue with eating. Vyvanse made it worse certainly but I’ve always had an issue. Dude I think you’re me

    • @fanman402
      @fanman402 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Last comment but I saw it’s been a little since you posted. Hope you’re still going strong and if you relapsed, don’t be ashamed!! I hope you didn’t but I say that cuz I know the shame of me quitting weed for five months and telling everyone how to do it and how I did it and then fell off the wagon so just in case you did, my therapist told me he used to be heavily addicted to tobacco (he’s like 904 years old or something so it was when you could smoke indoors at work and no one cared) so basically like the modern day vape, ALWAYS doing it, and he says he finally was able to quit because he had so much practice trying to quit, very similar to what you said at the end of the video. Geez sorry to spam, just got excited for a second cuz I often feel alone with my issues. Not that I’m the only one in the world who has them, I’m not that ignorant, but seeing you talk about those things that felt like my own damn biography was something I desperately needed so thank you so very much. I’m gonna go sleep tho so don’t worry I swear I’m done

  • @helena7991
    @helena7991 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You know they have nicotine patches and gum,which is much better than vaping and smoking,I get depression when I quit nicotine personally and am on the gum / patches

    • @elevul
      @elevul 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agreed, patches are expensive but useful since it's once a day. But gums are amazing when you really need to focus and they're much cheaper

  • @largekuan
    @largekuan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    relate to much of what you're saying. would love to chat lolol

  • @Valosia
    @Valosia ปีที่แล้ว

    You mentioned Dopamine levels,
    what was the other one?
    I do not know how to spell it,
    I am looking up/researching what I can do to raise those levels.
    I know, that "Tryosine" helps.
    (I actually, have some L-Tryosine Gummies, with B6, Folic Acid & B12.
    So, I will be using them to help while I am quiting. Maybe they will help?)
    I am trying to do as much research and all to try to do what I can to make sure I quit. I not only have to worry about the ADHD but also the Tourette's and OCD, also the Oral Stemulation too, on Autism Spectrum. So, I am trying to do as much research as I can to make sure I can quit with no downfalls, no back slides. I am trying to get all of my ducks in order because as soon as the 1st, I will be quitting.)
    I am waiting for the patches and Lozenges that I am getting, I am going through a Quit Smoking program that is going to help, thankfully I called them because I didn't know that it was harder for ADHD and because of that info, that was what lead me to do research on ADHD and lead me to your video.
    So, thank you!
    I am going to finish watching,
    your video now.

  • @venomviper09
    @venomviper09 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A buzz forsure idrk about a high tho 😅

  • @gameziper
    @gameziper 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i fell into the nicotine trap very early into my teen years and have maybe quitted for as long as 1 week to a month each time but then i fall back into it and im now 25 years old and havent been able to quit well i have managed to lower the nicotine dose dramaticly but i always fall back to stronger nicotine products. I live in Sweden so for me its Snus im taking.

  • @Dakham_
    @Dakham_ ปีที่แล้ว

    Just like u I made a decision as first to just stop buying it and keeping it out my life more right. 7-8 months later I’m only smoking weed still sometimes wit tabacco wraps but. As far as buying nic I don’t no more. Cause I used to always want one

  • @natephill7041
    @natephill7041 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was smoking and vaping since i was 12. I am 35 now. Quit 9 months ago. Its still hard.

  • @meekoosh
    @meekoosh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s dopamine deficiency

  • @birdsinthewind
    @birdsinthewind 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you

  • @lewisburton1852
    @lewisburton1852 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Interesting point of view, vaping or nicotine had a total different effect on me once I vaped I didn't want to do a fucking thing! like zero motivation it actually exarcebated my executive dysfunction. Anyways, glad you quit.

  • @raritycornett9796
    @raritycornett9796 ปีที่แล้ว

    What kind of withdrawal symptoms did you experience that go outside the normal symptoms most people experience like my vision stayed so blurry. My brain felt like its synaptic pathways were supercharged. My nervous system felt overloaded and I relapsed

    • @WiseWordsofWill
      @WiseWordsofWill  ปีที่แล้ว

      I know exactly what you mean, it literally feels like the brain gets overloaded and can't function. If it continues being that intense I would probably suggest tapering off, I've had success using things like nicotine toothpicks and patches in the past.

  • @evapollens2642
    @evapollens2642 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, I'm Dutch and want to ask you what the products are that you're talking about.

    • @evapollens2642
      @evapollens2642 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have ADD and can't take the medication that's usually subscribed for that. I am like a zombie when I quit smoking. I am already struggling with the every day tasks, and when I don't smoke I forget EVERYTHING. Even eating or my distraction that I have had layed down in front of me the day before.

    • @WiseWordsofWill
      @WiseWordsofWill  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@evapollens2642 I apologize for the late reply! What you are describing is sadly what is common place when initially quitting nicotine. It absolutely sucks and makes functioning difficult, but my main advice would be try your best to exercise and keep yourself as occupied as possible during the time after quitting, I promise it lets up!

    • @evapollens2642
      @evapollens2642 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@WiseWordsofWill Thank you for your answer. But that's exactly my problem when I quit smoking, I have everything ready, book in front of me, fruit on the table, my diary laying next to me and I don't even see it anymore. I don't know what happens. I don't have any hunger or thirst, I even forget to feed te cat. So the night before quitting I make sure there's enough food and water for her throughout the house. But why am I in that Zombie -state? It freaks me out so bad that after 48 hours I get cigarettes, eat 8 sandwiches, drink a lot of water, open my mail, play with the cat and cook dinner. Why don't I think of that while I quit smoking? It's such a strange and scary feeling that my mind really needs to recover after that.

  • @grasnalkrasnal4642
    @grasnalkrasnal4642 ปีที่แล้ว

    Still smoking cigareths tho, i have zero alcohol for years.

  • @liquidcancer4573
    @liquidcancer4573 ปีที่แล้ว

    The extra chemicals thing is just nonsense. I don't think people would be so hooked on tobacco if it weren't for the nicotine. It's literally the same thing as vaping nicotine, only the amount of nicotine seems to differ

  • @cjbrown8245
    @cjbrown8245 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I vape and chew gum

  • @darkcogs
    @darkcogs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I want to quit but I don't truly know how I have ADHD as well

    • @Gorrano985
      @Gorrano985 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Take a jog.Helps
      Huge Nic. hog here too
      I'm undiagnosed,service sucks here
      I got myself a water rowing machine,the hardest part is starting.good luck

  • @reviaspo
    @reviaspo ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't mean this in a rude way, but why would you put those pretty lights in the back? I keep focusing on that instead of you! Lol