🐟 Buy fish at geni.us/LiveFish from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
Hi looking for red shoulder manacapuru angelfish or st isabell you would recommend someone if you know Canada or near the border with the USA. Take care Bro 😎🇨🇦
You can keep goldfish at any size tank. Idk why but my friend was able to keep a goldfish alive for years in a bowl??? Idk how or why, but they’re very strong fish. So you can start at a 10 or 20 and move up little by little. Honestly with enough filtration and hacks you can manage with a smaller tank.
This Saturday, I just assembled a 55 gallon aquarium stand. It is now really for me to get the 55 gallon aquarium. This video was very helpful and informative.
Hi. I just wanted to say that i am super impressed with the quality of your products. I ordered a water sprite off of your website and the U.S postal sevase delivered delivered it to the wrong house. They brought it to my house a day later and the heat pack was still warm. I was suprised beacuse it was in the mail for 4 days. That was a cupple days ago and the plant has realy taken off. Thank you.
I’d give anything for a 55 gallon tank 😭😭❤️❤️ I’m disabled so I love watching them & am able to change the water etc. I got a 6 gallon as a present & I loved them so much I saved to get a 20 gallon. I want to use the 6 gallon for small fish like guppies & a pair of Corydoras ❤️❤️❤️ but if I had a 55 I’d put a couple angel fish in there & Corydoras & shrimp & a few other fish 😍😍😍
Watch garage sales, Facebook, and spring/fall city clean up days. Sometimes you will find a big tank sitting on the curb. Worst case scenario is that it needs fresh silicone. I have replaced the silicone in 4 tanks now and it is super easy. The key is careful preparation. Clean out the old seal with a razor blade scraper, tape off the seams if you want them super neat, and make sure that they are cleaned with acetone before putting down the new silicone. Lots of good TH-cam tutorials on it.
My 55 is a planted tank with 4 angels (a Koi, a Black Veil, a Black Lace, and a Altum), 10 Black Neon Tetras, 5 Bronze Cory's, and a Golden Zebra Loach. So mesmerizing and beautiful with lots of color among the angels but very subdued with the rest. Really grabs the eye
I have a 55 gallon for 3 of my fancy goldfish and a 55 gallon tropical aquarium and a 6 gallon tropical tank in our bathroom, we definitely love the hobby and have a problem getting rid of tanks lol
I just set up a 55 gallon community tank today. Definitely was worth the money and time. Fun to sit back on my couch and watch a whole lot of fish zooming by.
As a follow up with my original comment about getting a 55-gallon aquarium. I decided to have an Angel Fish aquarium. I stocked aquarium with the Angel Fish this weekend. 🐠
I have a 75 gallon tank that showcases my Clown Loaches who are still small, who also have Barbs. I originally got some barbs to help my clowns feel more secure, but you're right, the personality of the barbs are unbelievable. I've also found that you need to have at least 6 in the tank otherwise they are a bit nippy at each other. BUT the barbs are beautiful, the colours are unbelievable when they are grown! I'd suggest everyone try a Barb tank at least once!
I recently had a death in the family. My cat got into my aquatic frog tank and ate my African clawed frog. He was 5 years old. I loved him so very much but now it’s time for a new adventure. Thanks for all the info!
I have a 55G Lake Tanganyika Community Setup! It has about 30 Multifasciatus (That started from 6) and 3 Lake Tanganyika Killifish. So fish on the bottom and the top. Thank you Cory for another great video!
Cory I still go back to your old videos for help. I have a 60 gallon tank that is actually over 55 but just under 60. I'm building it bit by bit. I started with Malaysian Driftwood. Two large pieces that go together and my wife requires castles 🤣😂 so I always add a Castle to my tanks, it is my trademark so to speak. There is a lot of Buce, some Java Fern, moss and some rooted stem plants. It is a dirted tank with gravel on the outside edges and Sand covers the dirt. I have stayed away from snails for the moment. I have some Giant Columbia Ramshorn Snails. They don't tend to reproduce in our water and they eat baby snails if any hatch from plants I put in. I don't want to go to African Cichlids obviously, but I would like to put some Pinoit Angels in it, with a few support fish. Oh and I found Crineum? I can't remember the spelling. That plant you currently have in the Goldfish Tank! Man those things are beautiful and pricey, but I went on Sr.'s day and got 20% off. I'm going to buy a second one. I've added three Giant Shrimp, two Vampire Shrimp and one five inch Flower Shrimp named Sirfry. My filtration is one HOB, one Power head filter to provide current for feeding my three large shrimp. I'm probably making a mistake in here somewhere but I'm experimenting with a dirted tank for the first time. I have an Amber coloured tank and it is not very dark, I quite like it. I know over time it will clear up, but it will be okay I'm sure. Oh I put six Bronze Cory's in it and four Khuli Loaches for clean up crew, I love Corydoras. Anyway if you have any concerns or suggestions please say so? I always respect your opinions.
Dude... I never comment on videos. I'm semi-interested in an aquarium with some live plants and some fish. Was shopping for a 55-gallon starter kit. Your video and enthusiasm has guaranteed my stop at the store tomorrow to get this starter kit. Not sure yet which route we will go but im excited now. Time for hours of research and hopefully countless memories with the family. Thanks for the video.
I have 2 75gallon tanks. One is a Lake Tanganyikan with 3 Peacocks and the other is a South American Cichlid Tank. Love them both, but OMG some of these Tanganyikan species grow so slow! Currently have 2 Gold Calvus, 2 Tropheus,2 Trets, 3 Peacocks and a Syndontis catfish. My South American has a Firemouth,Male Convict, 2 Jack Dempseys, 1 large Festivum,1 Rainbow Shark and 1 Pictus Cat. I wish we had an Aquarium CO-OP in East Texas I love your videos Cory your the man:P
Mine has 6 angels (two is atleast 3-4 years old the rest are 1-2 years), 6 lemon tetras, 1 boesemani rainbow (used to have 6 but lost 5 while doing water changes, tasted the tap water and it was a bit salty), and 1 albino bn pleco who is just starting to get his bristles. Tank is a 5 years old dirted tank. Plants are Vals, Dwarf Sag, Tiger Lotus and Crypts.
I have a 55 with a dozen neons 6 glow light tetra 4 cherry barbs an a big colony of guppies with tons of plants it's the best tank to watch so much breeding an activity I call it guppy city great ideas Corey
I currently have 2 Angels, 8 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasboras, and one pleco in my 55.....still looking for more ideas to add, thanks so much for this video!
@@wingless__ he is a common who will eventually need to upgrade. My son purchased him for his tank before he realized how large they get. George is already about 8 inches now
This is going to come out of left field, but have you thought about adding a North American Native fish? They are harder to find (definitely NOT at your chain pet story) but I had a lot of luck with mixing Blue Spotted Sunfish with both Angelfish and Black Skirt Tetras. They are pretty laid-back, and as adults are about halfway in size between Angelfish and Black Skirt Tetras. I my Angel tank I rounded out the community with Cory Catfish.
My tank, 2 plecos, 2 bristlenose, a Cory, 4 dwarf guarmi, royal whiptail, 2 ghost knives, 2 hillstream loaches, 2 empire gudgeons, 2 peacock gudgeons and about half a dozen neon tetras. Planted tank with a lot of driftwood and hiding places. It's about my favourite set up in years
@@kimberlyferree7968 Ew Kimberly. I hope you’ve gotten nicer in the year that passed since you made that disgusting comment 🤮 how embarrassing for you.
I have a crazy 55 set up. Planted with a decent amount of plants on driftwood with a Val Forest. I've got 3 kinds of Cory's, 2 hopolos, a calythies, 2 synodontis, a whiptail, gold Barb's, cherry Barb's, bloodfin tetras, danios. It's a hodge podge bot everyone gets along so it works
TIGER BARBS!!!!!!!! My absolute favorites!!!!!! I'm stocking up on them now in my 125 gallon and I have several catfishes and Clown loaches, too! They all get along. (Your 800 gallon with Tiger Barbs and Clown Loaches inspired me.)
I had a heavily planted experimental tank that I would plop anacharis and Java moss into after every visit to “all oddball aquatics”(RIP), a badass little specialty shop that was right in the middle of a residential neighborhood just a few blocks from my mom’s house at the very edge of Pittsburgh, PA. I used to walk my dogs (again, RIP) up there to see what was new, and grab a few odds and ends for my main tanks- and anything extra went in the planted one. They had Endler’s Live Bearers for dirt cheap up there, and some tiny freshwater clams as well…so I would often grab a few of each of those along with the plants. The tank was a weird custom breeder job- a little shorter than a 55…I think it was something odd like a 35 gallon breeder-sort of. Anyway, the Endler’s lived thick all through the underwater jungle. Believe it or not, when I got my quarter sized Allogator Snapping Turtle, he was started in this tank…and did grea. It didnt have any interest in digging around- it would just climb into the thicket and tongue fish the live bearers, keeping their population balanced. When I moved the snapper to his own enormous realm, I grabbed a baby blue torpedo “blue shark” catfish (Cetopsis in the same family of the maligned Candiru, if some don’t know). An odd choice, but it also did great in there. I had a power head on the far end of the tank pointed against the front panel to provide adequate circulation without blowing the plants all over the place. The inch long Cetopsis would plant itself at the output of the power head and swim itself hard against the current all day and all night. The only time it would leave was to fly around the tank at feeding time, and very rarely it would settle on the bottom to presumably rest. Strangely, it had no interest at all in the tiny Endler’s. Well, not really- in actuality, Cetopsis are kind of a parasitic fish- the torpedo “sharks” in the Amazon like to eat holes into huge fish, swim inside, and hollow them out. They are designed to bite huge holes into meaty masses, so I guess the mouthful snack of an Endler’s didn’t register as food. I ended up selling it -the Cetopsis - when it was finger sized…not because I didn’t want it, but it was going to be too large for the planted tank, and had no business in any of my other tanks. This was mostly because the tanks big enough for it held some huge pacu and big, dumb channel and blue cats- I was afraid of the torpedo tormenting them and trying to feed on them, or worse, managing to eat it’s way into a Pacu’s vent or some other travesty of gore that I didn’t want to deal with. Great video.
I had a 60g (same foot print) tank with yellow labs, demasoni and yellow tail acei. Felt like they needed a bigger tank, especially the acei, so I upgraded them to a 125 g and turned the 60g into a angel/cory/black skirt tetra tank.
I have the chill angelfish tank, lol - two longfin angels, six neon tetras, and a ton of guppies, as well as a bristlenose pleco. Getting into live plants for the first time and having a ball!
I could never understand why I had so much success breeding discus, but could never keep platies alive. Then I found out that my Ph came out the tap at 6.2...
I know this comment is a year ago and stuff but I recommend getting hornworts and some live plants for your tank, they're really good and sucking up nitrates and stuff.
I just set up a 55 gallon, it has a little land area at one end and then it slopes down to a full aquarium at the other end. I have three fiddler crabs, shrimp, snails, platys, swordfish, a Chinese algae eater, a plecostomus, corys, and a young male betta. Everyone's getting along dandy at the moment. Oh I forgot three African frogs, too!
20 exodon 8 sterbi cories 6 chocolate kuhli 6 banded kulli. Sand, cave like rocks and an open planting set up. Yes the exodons are rough but I have no trouble with the cories or loaches at all. They focus on each other and are extremely active!
I have 5 discus 20 cardinals 1 bristlenose pleco 1 guppy and 2 amano shrimp in a 60 gallon (planted) with a 25 gallon water change every weekend or friday
After 5 years having changed anything in my low maintenance 80 gallon tank I was thinking about something interesting with a lot of wood and even more plants. Caught the Loricariidae, put them into another tank and wanted to start the next day. Coming home from work the next day I noticed all the remaining fish started breeding. They did the same thing years before.. seems they don't agree with upcoming changes 😂
I accidentally kinda made a tetra community tank, as of now I have Congo tetras, neons, black neons, copper tetras (idk the English name) and cardinals. In that aquarium I also have peacock gobies, cherry barbs and gouramis and I must say that gouramis were probably the best addition to it, really recommend getting some gouramis in your tetra tanks! :)
Hi im thinking of getting a 55g for the living room and i like the angel fish idea with the little fish how hard would that be for a first timer dont really have alot of experiance.tbh 🤔
For african cichlids, i have 3 yellow labs, 1 yellow tail acei, 1 jewel cichlid, 2 convict cichlids, and 1 rainbowshark and they all get along pretty well. The shark and acei fight the most but not super often and theres never any damage
My current 55 setup is 18 neon tetra, 8 white skirt tetra, 7 white cloud, 5 red coral platy, 2 golden gourami, 4 otocinclus, 4 julii cory, 5 ghost shrimp, 2 mystery snails. This in a heavily planted dirt tank. I'm looking to add 2 or 3 julii cory so that they school better. Thats 55 fish in a 55 gallon. Seems like a lot but the bioload per fish is pretty small.
If I was to go with a tetra and angel fish (and possibly other types of fish) in a 55 gallon tank, what substrate would be recommended? Gravel, sand, etc.? And if I were to go with a lot of barbs instead, same question. Furthermore, would it be best to go with live plants or fake plants for decor? I'm sure this would also determine which substrate to go with. Thank you for the help!
I have a question am I able to basically make a sorority tank and just have females for guppies mollies and any other live bareer? What problems would I run into there?
Hey, I've got a video idea for you (which would be really helpful for us viewers too) 😅... It's about how many kWh/electricity a tank use. I know it depends on water temperature, size, room temperature and so on... But there's almost no information on the topic and with the situation in Europe, I'd like to know what to expect before I get my first tank. But sadly it seems like a cold water tank is the only option where I can calculate kWh usage before starting it up, but that limits what type of fish I could get.
I have a 65 I’m waiting for the right time to setup. I want to stock it with puffers. We haven’t decided on a type yet, but we are leaning toward green spotted. This is the first time I’ll be doing a larger tank so it’s been a case of taking the time to do a lot of research
I have a 55 gallon fish tank with 12 rainbow fish (boesmani, New Guinea, and yellow rainbow fish) 3 of each 5 Cory’s and 1 panda garra I was wondering if you thought I had room for something on the top water column if so what ideas do you have. I do weekly 20 percent water changes and have very good filtration
The town in which i live has hard water, so is hard water ok or better for fish tanks? Keep thinking about starting and getting a tank thinking about a 55 gallon.
I see your red zebra is in a tank with rocks... does this mean the other cichlids you recommend to go with this one can also live in a 55 gallon with pea gravel? I am just sorting out a cichlid tank and really need some direction. Thanks!
🐟 Buy fish at geni.us/LiveFish from our preferred online retailers with the code aquariumcoop to save 5%. (As an affiliate member, we earn a commission from this link.)
Hi looking for red shoulder manacapuru angelfish or st isabell you would recommend someone if you know Canada or near the border with the USA. Take care Bro 😎🇨🇦
Hi how much for a pair of mature musk turtles
What other fish can you put with common goldfish besides other goldfish in a 55 gallon tank?
I got 7 tanks 100 gal to 20 gal long for $125
I have a guppy tank and feeding them tropical flake. What else should I feed??? I hope you see this
That goldfish tank behind you is mesmerizing. Once I have a larger home, I know I want a goldfish tank.
Wish I knew what kind of goldfish are in that tank. Several beauties!
Goldfish are grody
@@virginiabugbee5973 I believe they are orandas(don't quote me on that I could be wrong)
You can keep goldfish at any size tank. Idk why but my friend was able to keep a goldfish alive for years in a bowl??? Idk how or why, but they’re very strong fish. So you can start at a 10 or 20 and move up little by little. Honestly with enough filtration and hacks you can manage with a smaller tank.
Please do more of these types of videos! They are definitely one of my favs on your channel! Maybe 75 and 120 gallon stocking ideas in the future?
“Not an exodon tetra, what a fool!” CHOMP! 😂😂😂
Great video, Cory.... love the humor in this one. 👍🏻
This Saturday, I just assembled a 55 gallon aquarium stand. It is now really for me to get the 55 gallon aquarium. This video was very helpful and informative.
Hi. I just wanted to say that i am super impressed with the quality of your products. I ordered a water sprite off of your website and the U.S postal sevase delivered delivered it to the wrong house. They brought it to my house a day later and the heat pack was still warm. I was suprised beacuse it was in the mail for 4 days. That was a cupple days ago and the plant has realy taken off. Thank you.
That’s how Cory does it! He’s the man!
I’d give anything for a 55 gallon tank 😭😭❤️❤️ I’m disabled so I love watching them & am able to change the water etc. I got a 6 gallon as a present & I loved them so much I saved to get a 20 gallon. I want to use the 6 gallon for small fish like guppies & a pair of Corydoras ❤️❤️❤️ but if I had a 55 I’d put a couple angel fish in there & Corydoras & shrimp & a few other fish 😍😍😍
Watch garage sales, Facebook, and spring/fall city clean up days. Sometimes you will find a big tank sitting on the curb. Worst case scenario is that it needs fresh silicone. I have replaced the silicone in 4 tanks now and it is super easy. The key is careful preparation. Clean out the old seal with a razor blade scraper, tape off the seams if you want them super neat, and make sure that they are cleaned with acetone before putting down the new silicone. Lots of good TH-cam tutorials on it.
I got one on Facebook with a stand for 120bucks
@@2ssrs950 I picked up a 40 glass with stand, canister filter, lid w/ light , and a load of big decor ($$) for $75 today
I got my 55 gal tank for $55! Some stores have a $1 per gal sale.
hey man :D just a heads up, you want to keep Corys in a school it brings out their natural behaviour way more!
I love the African cichlid tips. I also loved that first African cichlid b roll clip! 😁
“Trying not to die at a chain store” ahahah ahahah I really like the barb tank idea!
I got a school of 21 tiger barbs in my 65 and they are a lot of fun. Hands down my favorite fish!
I like how you assume that we get rid of one setup when we want another one.
Right? We just get another tank! Lol
I'm just trying to convince the wife a 4th tank in the kitchen will be beneficial to our environment
I like that he thinks I don’t get two new tanks for each tank I get rid of.
@@Obiter3 I went from zero tanks to 5 in 6 months
Lol right I’ve got 10 tanks and idk why I do but I just keep on adding and I love it
My 55 is a planted tank with 4 angels (a Koi, a Black Veil, a Black Lace, and a Altum), 10 Black Neon Tetras, 5 Bronze Cory's, and a Golden Zebra Loach. So mesmerizing and beautiful with lots of color among the angels but very subdued with the rest. Really grabs the eye
that Koi will out grow it.
@exiledknight3961 there's been a misunderstanding 😂
@@exiledknight3961 use your context clues next time before commenting lol
I have a 55 gallon for 3 of my fancy goldfish and a 55 gallon tropical aquarium and a 6 gallon tropical tank in our bathroom, we definitely love the hobby and have a problem getting rid of tanks lol
I just set up a 55 gallon community tank today. Definitely was worth the money and time. Fun to sit back on my couch and watch a whole lot of fish zooming by.
As a follow up with my original comment about getting a 55-gallon aquarium. I decided to have an Angel Fish aquarium. I stocked aquarium with the Angel Fish this weekend. 🐠
I have a 75 gallon tank that showcases my Clown Loaches who are still small, who also have Barbs. I originally got some barbs to help my clowns feel more secure, but you're right, the personality of the barbs are unbelievable. I've also found that you need to have at least 6 in the tank otherwise they are a bit nippy at each other. BUT the barbs are beautiful, the colours are unbelievable when they are grown! I'd suggest everyone try a Barb tank at least once!
CJ Anderson Odessa Barbs are awesome fish
I have a barb, yoyo loach, weather loach tank. The way they interact is so fun
Awesome video! Great delivery and great humor. Really hit home for my needs and my family…we are the folks at the let store every weekend! 😂
I recently had a death in the family.
My cat got into my aquatic frog tank and ate my African clawed frog.
He was 5 years old. I loved him so very much but now it’s time for a new adventure. Thanks for all the info!
I have a 55G Lake Tanganyika Community Setup! It has about 30 Multifasciatus (That started from 6) and 3 Lake Tanganyika Killifish. So fish on the bottom and the top. Thank you Cory for another great video!
The thunder dome. Love it!!!! Frankie goes to Hollywood was always my favorite.
Cory I still go back to your old videos for help. I have a 60 gallon tank that is actually over 55 but just under 60. I'm building it bit by bit. I started with Malaysian Driftwood. Two large pieces that go together and my wife requires castles 🤣😂 so I always add a Castle to my tanks, it is my trademark so to speak. There is a lot of Buce, some Java Fern, moss and some rooted stem plants. It is a dirted tank with gravel on the outside edges and Sand covers the dirt. I have stayed away from snails for the moment. I have some Giant Columbia Ramshorn Snails. They don't tend to reproduce in our water and they eat baby snails if any hatch from plants I put in.
I don't want to go to African Cichlids obviously, but I would like to put some Pinoit Angels in it, with a few support fish. Oh and I found Crineum? I can't remember the spelling. That plant you currently have in the Goldfish Tank! Man those things are beautiful and pricey, but I went on Sr.'s day and got 20% off. I'm going to buy a second one.
I've added three Giant Shrimp, two Vampire Shrimp and one five inch Flower Shrimp named Sirfry. My filtration is one HOB, one Power head filter to provide current for feeding my three large shrimp. I'm probably making a mistake in here somewhere but I'm experimenting with a dirted tank for the first time. I have an Amber coloured tank and it is not very dark, I quite like it. I know over time it will clear up, but it will be okay I'm sure. Oh I put six Bronze Cory's in it and four Khuli Loaches for clean up crew, I love Corydoras. Anyway if you have any concerns or suggestions please say so? I always respect your opinions.
Perfect timing lol. I just got a 55 today.
How did you stocked your aquarium
@@antiquevideo7217 I have some albino corydoras and cardinal/black neon tetras with Amano shrimp
One of the best, if not the best aquarium blogger/ vlogger on TH-cam. Knowledge, excellent presentational skills, passion and fun.
While looking for ideas, I stumbled across this video and it is probably the easiest yet informative videos to watch I have come across. Thanks mate!
Just wanted to say that set and shot design is really nice. Nice use of color, and I love the giant lava lamp that’s way bigger than it looks in shot.
Thanks a lot! I was really undecided what to do with my new 45 gallon shallow tank. I will go with the barbs.
Dude... I never comment on videos. I'm semi-interested in an aquarium with some live plants and some fish. Was shopping for a 55-gallon starter kit. Your video and enthusiasm has guaranteed my stop at the store tomorrow to get this starter kit. Not sure yet which route we will go but im excited now.
Time for hours of research and hopefully countless memories with the family. Thanks for the video.
Glad you are excited to enter the hobby.
I’d love to say I didn’t even make it 16 seconds in the video and I was enjoying what i was hearing and seeing so thank you
I totally agree about the tetras they are one of the most diverse fish in the hobby!
Great informational video, thank you! I just bought my second 55 and you provided some excellent ideas.
I have 2 75gallon tanks. One is a Lake Tanganyikan with 3 Peacocks and the other is a South American Cichlid Tank. Love them both, but OMG some of these Tanganyikan species grow so slow! Currently have 2 Gold Calvus, 2 Tropheus,2 Trets, 3 Peacocks and a Syndontis catfish. My South American has a Firemouth,Male Convict, 2 Jack Dempseys, 1 large Festivum,1 Rainbow Shark and 1 Pictus Cat. I wish we had an Aquarium CO-OP in East Texas I love your videos Cory your the man:P
Great video ! 55 gal. tanks are big enough to have a community and not so big to be alot of work ....just right 🤗 thanks !
I need a QR code for this video to stick on our Marineland 55 gallon kit in the store where I work. That tank would be sold in a matter of days.
I have one with angels and discus and it is mesmerizing every day, love my 55
how many angels and discus do you have? i have 4 in my 55
Thx for the upload...
Just got back into aquariums...
Bought a 55 gallon corner tank
Mine has 6 angels (two is atleast 3-4 years old the rest are 1-2 years), 6 lemon tetras, 1 boesemani rainbow (used to have 6 but lost 5 while doing water changes, tasted the tap water and it was a bit salty), and 1 albino bn pleco who is just starting to get his bristles. Tank is a 5 years old dirted tank. Plants are Vals, Dwarf Sag, Tiger Lotus and Crypts.
I have a 55 with a dozen neons 6 glow light tetra 4 cherry barbs an a big colony of guppies with tons of plants it's the best tank to watch so much breeding an activity I call it guppy city great ideas Corey
I currently have 2 Angels, 8 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasboras, and one pleco in my 55.....still looking for more ideas to add, thanks so much for this video!
You could get your Pleco a partner and try your hand at breeding them. What kind of pleco do you have?
@@wingless__ he is a common who will eventually need to upgrade. My son purchased him for his tank before he realized how large they get. George is already about 8 inches now
I've always thought about adding hatchetfish with my angels
This is going to come out of left field, but have you thought about adding a North American Native fish? They are harder to find (definitely NOT at your chain pet story) but I had a lot of luck with mixing Blue Spotted Sunfish with both Angelfish and Black Skirt Tetras. They are pretty laid-back, and as adults are about halfway in size between Angelfish and Black Skirt Tetras. I my Angel tank I rounded out the community with Cory Catfish.
My tank, 2 plecos, 2 bristlenose, a Cory, 4 dwarf guarmi, royal whiptail, 2 ghost knives, 2 hillstream loaches, 2 empire gudgeons, 2 peacock gudgeons and about half a dozen neon tetras. Planted tank with a lot of driftwood and hiding places. It's about my favourite set up in years
This video is so helpful and informative!
Thanks for your knowledge and ideas!
Bucktooth tetra is the best fish to have for a 55 gallon. So fun to watch especially during feeding time
Just Kai Iv, You mean the guy narrarating this video?
@@kimberlyferree7968 Ew Kimberly. I hope you’ve gotten nicer in the year that passed since you made that disgusting comment 🤮 how embarrassing for you.
@@rustyshackleford4238 i know, right?! Absolutely disgusting.
It's all about enjoying the hobby , keeping fish and yourself happy. Thank you cory such a great advice
I have a crazy 55 set up. Planted with a decent amount of plants on driftwood with a Val Forest. I've got 3 kinds of Cory's, 2 hopolos, a calythies, 2 synodontis, a whiptail, gold Barb's, cherry Barb's, bloodfin tetras, danios. It's a hodge podge bot everyone gets along so it works
Love my Denison barbs and just got some cherry barbs that look so cute next to the Denison’s bright coral stripe.
TIGER BARBS!!!!!!!! My absolute favorites!!!!!! I'm stocking up on them now in my 125 gallon and I have several catfishes and Clown loaches, too! They all get along. (Your 800 gallon with Tiger Barbs and Clown Loaches inspired me.)
I’ve been waiting for this video for over a year
I had a heavily planted experimental tank that I would plop anacharis and Java moss into after every visit to “all oddball aquatics”(RIP), a badass little specialty shop that was right in the middle of a residential neighborhood just a few blocks from my mom’s house at the very edge of Pittsburgh, PA. I used to walk my dogs (again, RIP) up there to see what was new, and grab a few odds and ends for my main tanks- and anything extra went in the planted one. They had Endler’s Live Bearers for dirt cheap up there, and some tiny freshwater clams as well…so I would often grab a few of each of those along with the plants. The tank was a weird custom breeder job- a little shorter than a 55…I think it was something odd like a 35 gallon breeder-sort of. Anyway, the Endler’s lived thick all through the underwater jungle. Believe it or not, when I got my quarter sized Allogator Snapping Turtle, he was started in this tank…and did grea. It didnt have any interest in digging around- it would just climb into the thicket and tongue fish the live bearers, keeping their population balanced. When I moved the snapper to his own enormous realm, I grabbed a baby blue torpedo “blue shark” catfish (Cetopsis in the same family of the maligned Candiru, if some don’t know). An odd choice, but it also did great in there. I had a power head on the far end of the tank pointed against the front panel to provide adequate circulation without blowing the plants all over the place. The inch long Cetopsis would plant itself at the output of the power head and swim itself hard against the current all day and all night. The only time it would leave was to fly around the tank at feeding time, and very rarely it would settle on the bottom to presumably rest. Strangely, it had no interest at all in the tiny Endler’s. Well, not really- in actuality, Cetopsis are kind of a parasitic fish- the torpedo “sharks” in the Amazon like to eat holes into huge fish, swim inside, and hollow them out. They are designed to bite huge holes into meaty masses, so I guess the mouthful snack of an Endler’s didn’t register as food. I ended up selling it -the Cetopsis - when it was finger sized…not because I didn’t want it, but it was going to be too large for the planted tank, and had no business in any of my other tanks. This was mostly because the tanks big enough for it held some huge pacu and big, dumb channel and blue cats- I was afraid of the torpedo tormenting them and trying to feed on them, or worse, managing to eat it’s way into a Pacu’s vent or some other travesty of gore that I didn’t want to deal with.
Great video.
OMW this video is everything. I am in the market for a tank and finally decided on a 55 galon
I had a 60g (same foot print) tank with yellow labs, demasoni and yellow tail acei. Felt like they needed a bigger tank, especially the acei, so I upgraded them to a 125 g and turned the 60g into a angel/cory/black skirt tetra tank.
Great video - informative and kept my attention
I have the chill angelfish tank, lol - two longfin angels, six neon tetras, and a ton of guppies, as well as a bristlenose pleco. Getting into live plants for the first time and having a ball!
I could never understand why I had so much success breeding discus, but could never keep platies alive. Then I found out that my Ph came out the tap at 6.2...
I know this comment is a year ago and stuff but I recommend getting hornworts and some live plants for your tank, they're really good and sucking up nitrates and stuff.
My 55 gallon mixed barb tank is one of my favorites. It's a good one to watch feed as well 😁❤
That sounds awesome😊
I also recently set up a 60 gallon mixed barb tank. It's lots of movement and feeding time is a frenzy! So cool.
@@denz4133 I love feeding time!
I just set up a 55 gallon, it has a little land area at one end and then it slopes down to a full aquarium at the other end. I have three fiddler crabs, shrimp, snails, platys, swordfish, a Chinese algae eater, a plecostomus, corys, and a young male betta. Everyone's getting along dandy at the moment. Oh I forgot three African frogs, too!
20 exodon 8 sterbi cories 6 chocolate kuhli 6 banded kulli. Sand, cave like rocks and an open planting set up. Yes the exodons are rough but I have no trouble with the cories or loaches at all. They focus on each other and are extremely active!
Excellent suggestions, thank you!! ❤️🐟❤️🐠
Really liked all these ideas!
I think a pea puffer tank would be awesome in a 55. 15-20 of these little guys would be amazing to watch!
Just setup a 55g angel tank best decision I've ever made love the video cory
That's awesome 😮
The best information around. Thank you Cory!!
Recently I did tiger barb only setup and tetra community setup love the look of those fish. . Thanks for Cory for video might try others too .
I have 5 discus 20 cardinals 1 bristlenose pleco 1 guppy and 2 amano shrimp in a 60 gallon (planted) with a 25 gallon water change every weekend or friday
I have both a tera and barb tanks. Everyone loves them. I never see aggression with my barbs
Terrific video. I'm rather new to planning a tank and you have given me a lot of ideas. Thanks.
After 5 years having changed anything in my low maintenance 80 gallon tank I was thinking about something interesting with a lot of wood and even more plants. Caught the Loricariidae, put them into another tank and wanted to start the next day. Coming home from work the next day I noticed all the remaining fish started breeding. They did the same thing years before.. seems they don't agree with upcoming changes 😂
😂😂 I mean sell the baby’s!
I accidentally kinda made a tetra community tank, as of now I have Congo tetras, neons, black neons, copper tetras (idk the English name) and cardinals. In that aquarium I also have peacock gobies, cherry barbs and gouramis and I must say that gouramis were probably the best addition to it, really recommend getting some gouramis in your tetra tanks! :)
I've had all live bearers live together in my community tank.mollies guppies, platies, swords etc
Barb planted tank definitely....! You missed fancy goldfish though. 5 or 6 do great in a 55gal.
Excellent video great ideas thank you
Thanks for your videos there so helpful and good to watch thanks for going out your way to make your videos
So true had big tanks for eight years and I’m finally switching to nano tanks shrimps and plants
I'd love to see something on ideas for a 75 gallon tank! Including what the number and type of cichlids is for that size
Hi im thinking of getting a 55g for the living room and i like the angel fish idea with the little fish how hard would that be for a first timer dont really have alot of experiance.tbh 🤔
Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more 55 gallon videos please
For african cichlids, i have 3 yellow labs, 1 yellow tail acei, 1 jewel cichlid, 2 convict cichlids, and 1 rainbowshark and they all get along pretty well. The shark and acei fight the most but not super often and theres never any damage
Man. No one ever brings up bloodfin tetras. So underrated. They are gorgeous at full size and color.
My current 55 setup is 18 neon tetra, 8 white skirt tetra, 7 white cloud, 5 red coral platy, 2 golden gourami, 4 otocinclus, 4 julii cory, 5 ghost shrimp, 2 mystery snails. This in a heavily planted dirt tank. I'm looking to add 2 or 3 julii cory so that they school better. Thats 55 fish in a 55 gallon. Seems like a lot but the bioload per fish is pretty small.
If I was to go with a tetra and angel fish (and possibly other types of fish) in a 55 gallon tank, what substrate would be recommended? Gravel, sand, etc.?
And if I were to go with a lot of barbs instead, same question.
Furthermore, would it be best to go with live plants or fake plants for decor? I'm sure this would also determine which substrate to go with.
Thank you for the help!
Such a fun episode. And thanks for making it ok to change your interest and change fish. I watch all your stuff, thanks for all you do ;)
Great informative video. Lots of good ideas for me. Thanks. Like all of your videos, too.
I learn every time I watch a video ,and I get ideas every time , Always good information ...You keep it fun !!
I do a community predator 75 gallon and a plan to put a smallmouth bass and a bullhead catfish I also have a 5 gallon native tank
I have a question am I able to basically make a sorority tank and just have females for guppies mollies and any other live bareer? What problems would I run into there?
Another classic Cory. Just brilliant and amazing. Thnx so so much
Lots of lovely ideas, thank you!
Will you please make one for a 75 Gallon also? I love that you give combinations instead of speaking generally.
Currently looking for some larger fish for a 75 gallon or a schooling fish for it
Can lemon tetras and angels enjoy the same temp please let me know because I like lemon tetras and I thought they wanted colder water
Hey, I've got a video idea for you (which would be really helpful for us viewers too) 😅... It's about how many kWh/electricity a tank use. I know it depends on water temperature, size, room temperature and so on... But there's almost no information on the topic and with the situation in Europe, I'd like to know what to expect before I get my first tank. But sadly it seems like a cold water tank is the only option where I can calculate kWh usage before starting it up, but that limits what type of fish I could get.
Perfect have just got a 55 gallon a month ago should be cycled soon
I have a 65 I’m waiting for the right time to setup. I want to stock it with puffers. We haven’t decided on a type yet, but we are leaning toward green spotted. This is the first time I’ll be doing a larger tank so it’s been a case of taking the time to do a lot of research
Cody Plant I wouldn’t suggest puffers, loads of maintainance and the food cost a lot
Juveniles are fine in freshwater but once they mature they need brackish water
@@kellysmith9154 I have a brackish tank with nerites and guppies, so having one for Grean Spotted Puffers shouldn’t be too much different
I have a 55 gallon fish tank with 12 rainbow fish (boesmani, New Guinea, and yellow rainbow fish) 3 of each 5 Cory’s and 1 panda garra I was wondering if you thought I had room for something on the top water column if so what ideas do you have.
I do weekly 20 percent water changes and have very good filtration
Awesome video mate 👌🏻👌🏻
Is mixing and matching different types/colors of anglerfish ok?
The town in which i live has hard water, so is hard water ok or better for fish tanks? Keep thinking about starting and getting a tank thinking about a 55 gallon.
Very good video 👌🏽
Any tips on getting neon tetras to eat stick on the wall food? They don't pay any attention to it
Beautiful ideas❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
would green tiger barbs work in an angel tank?
I see your red zebra is in a tank with rocks... does this mean the other cichlids you recommend to go with this one can also live in a 55 gallon with pea gravel? I am just sorting out a cichlid tank and really need some direction. Thanks!