Methinks a mix is good. Depends on the subject or question. Video length depending on content I think is a hallmark of actually understanding how to present something. ...I think it really means it takes as long as it takes. If he gets away with only a short video, he's fine. If it takes a long video or multiple parts, then it does. It taking as long as it takes means, uh, it takes as much as it should. SCIENCE. WORDS! AHHHH!
I've been kind of thrown into the machining world out of necessity, I had theoretical knowledge in machining as a mold CAD designer but no actual cutting oil in my hands. I have my good 15 years of "experience" now, but having learned on my own what I could, I'm very grateful of the tangents in your videos... The sheer amount of learning I squeeze out of them might surprise you. Thank you This Old Theacher for them.
For grinding, I recommend finding the easiest enemies to defeat who also yield the most experience. In some cases, I'll actually go for lower yield enemies who are easier to defeat so that I can multitask or watch videos while I'm levelling up. It's a matter of preference, though.
A video on selecting the right grit, bond, hardness and openness (I cannot remember what that's called) would go a long way in helping a lot of people. I know too many bench grinders are getting leaned on regularly because they have those concrete wheels they get shipped with on them. Any who, the coffee must be good this week man! Thanks for the threepeat!
As an automotive technician, I appreciate the heads up on things like this that I do so rarely, that I might have ended up with a chunk of grinding wheel in my head. I'm already grinding gears plenty, so this video is a welcome sight. Thanks Tony!
I totally understand about the great variety of grinding wheels, I work in the R&D section the makes grinding wheels for a very large company. It is daunting how many there are
And like that, im 95% sure I've seen every single video you have ever made. Thank you very much for these past few months of outstanding entertainment.
Alec, have you started doing stuff that are not made of Damascus Steel yet? I started taking a break from your channel when it exhausted everything I could think of being able to be made from Damascus Steel. Don't get me wrong, I loved your channel, just got tired of Damascus Steel. I'll be back in a flash if you've moved on.
I usually dont comment on videos on YT but I have to comment on a Tony video at some point. When I see a This Old Tony vid has uploaded it more or less makes my day. You are amazing keep up the good work!
what's this question mark non-sense, Tot? If you made a 48 part grinder series, most of the humans on this thing would watch them back to back with a blank smile on their human faces. i know i would.
That was excellent. I’m doing a Materials and Manufacturing course at the moment as part of my engineering degree and this was perfect to explain a lot of what our lecturer missed.
Ah, the planar grinder. Brings back memories from my apprenticeship as a fitter back in the mid-90's. One time I was tasket with making a calibration tool for a cnc machine. It didn't matter if it was 82, 81 or 80mm, it just had to be bang on. First try at 82mm, I ended up at 81.999, so I had to take off those 0.999mm. Another time, one of the other apprentices forgot to run the stone dry before turning the grinder off. When he started it up the following morning, the stone shattered and pieces from it flew right past the bench grinder. Luckily noone was using it or they would have ben hit in the head. Oh, and the shattered stone made dents in the magnetic table so we had to plane that too...
So to a guy who doesn't know any better, am I guessing that "running the stone dry" is done after using some kind of coolant with it, and it is done to essentially "wring out" the wheel of absorbed coolant, because if said coolant is not wrung out, it settles overnight at the lower portion of the stone, and when you fire it up, all that coolant weight creates an out-of-balance situation, which immediately goes boom? Did I get that right?
I used to pick up semi trailer loads at Norton in the mid 60s and over the shippers desk was a sign that read, "illegitimate non carborundum, don't let the bastards grind you down.
Man i've been wondering this since the first time I seen a machinist grinder. And you explained it perfectly, made me think of it as a broach, where 95% of the work is done by the same part of the tool and the other 5% does the finish/sizing. Therefore it last longer. Thanks TOT.
All the different grades/grits and constructions of wheels makes for a veritable rabbit hole that will make your head spin. And how to choose which to use for what materials and such.
I really love your videos and they tend to be a highlight of my day. I for one would not mind the videos getting longer in order for you to include everything you want. Keep up the great work!
Dude. Tony. You go so far for your jokes man. I'm dying with appreciation and a collapsing set of lungs from laughter, just paused on the OPTOACOUSTIC LEVIATION device. For the homeshop. It looks really sound.
Thanks! Questions I had floating around in my mind, but since I'm likely never to have a precision grinder, not much of an urgent issue. Enjoy your videos immensely! Love the Easter Eggs.
I know you had to take some extra time to explain things but I learned something there. So thanks and keep up the good work. I appreciate all the hard work. I know it’s hard to translate into simple.
The wheel is going the right way, you have your machine facing the wrong way! Try turning it to face the wall then give it the old reach around. you'll both be glad you did!
Short and informative for once! I didn't even think to think about grinding wheel wear, but when you mentioned it at the start of the vid i started thinking "how the heck does that get any precision? Then you explain it so even I understand, and thats without going into 20minutes of talking about why the nut seems so un-parralell... tnx
I've learned more from This Old Tony than I did in the first year of my engineering apprenticeship. The old guys at the place I work seem to be very protective over the niche they've got for themselves. Quite reluctant to give away too much information. Some has to be learned by accident, the rest is This Old Tony to the rescue ;)
As a basement hobby guy, and electrician by trade, this not only made me happy, but gave me some insight in the tools some may take for either black magic or granted
i have though about this since the first time i saw a surface grinder. I still feel this defies all logic, while at the same time, its pretty logical that only the edge cuts.
Hi Tony, Have you ever tried Radiac grinding wheels? They make a nice 46 grit ruby wheel with open structure (porous) that works very well. The nice thing about this wheel is that it cuts very free and very little heat build up. Steve
yay to surface grinder video, nay to fast forward! There is far too few grinder videos on TH-cam, I've been watching suburbantools' videos over and over and over again. I've spent so many hours mesmerized in front of their videos I actually deducted this trailing edge business even though I've never even seen a grinder in real life. There should be a surface- and OD grinder LIVE feed, 24/7. Ooh, and some lapping, too!
Ahha, not that I have been kept awake at night trying to work this out, but, good explanation, and now I know this, something to file away for future reference, if I ever decide to buy a surface grinder, if I ever need to grind a surface and surely now I will forget about it and go back to my blissful ignorance on the subject.
0:42 Funny enough I used to work with a *_polychromatic optical acoustic modulator_* or *_PCOAM..._* it was part of the laser bench at a planetarium laser show, where the main beam (50% of it, t’other half had been split off to hit fixed prisms to be split into RBGC) of white laser went through the *PCOAM* which was a crystal that vibrated at ridiculous frequencies to refract the white laser into any of 16.7M colors before it hit its XY scanner amps at the right moments so the pre-rendered laser images were the right colors in the right spots :)
GIVE US THE PATREON!!! Seriously though, come on man, you're everybody's favorite uncle. You're making the smartest and the funniest videos on TH-cam right now. And I want to repay you for doing this great thing. But I'm not into watching ads and all of this crap, so AdBlock all the way for me. Sorry...
Can't say I've notice any big difference in the types of (small) parts I usually see. I started out with regular AO wheels, they worked fine, but I found the seeded gel wheels a lot more forgiving. This is a 6x12 *manual* grinder... when I start getting past 6x3 my arm gets tired and my traverse speed take a sudden nose dive. You have a general purpose wheel you like / recommend?
Spent a good deal of time as a high precision grinder. Side wheel grinding is made easier by relieving the side of the wheel so it is slightly concave/stepped back. You want workpiece contact to be limited to a narrow band, say 3/8 inch of the side of the wheel.
For vertical grinding you can use a stone to relieve the side of the wheel to use a smaller cutting surface. We had a wheel like this in a different grade at my tech school for grinding vertical surfaces.
I like the grinding ones, I've been doing centerless 30-40 years, build my own grinders too, every machine I have ever run, for professional reasons anyway. Thats the part that sucks lol anyway I like to see what others have to say on that sometimes. I'm usually watching your machining videos trying to learn stuff because that,s what I suck at the most lol. I've got a decent set up to play with, I just burn up a lot of tools. I really do need to learn a little more about that, many cases I can make a part faster on a centerless faster than I can set up a lathe even with stock removal and multi diameter, I'm literally a beginner on the lathe. Your videos have been great :) Thank you for that
I love your videos, endlessly funny and knowledge dense. I just wanted to offer: I've been a machinist only a few years, but I've spent most of that time on a surface grinder. I would love to help out, if you have any questions or need a second opinion... I'll be here, enjoying the videos.
Is there [going to be] a “How a Surface Grinder Works - Part 2”? I’ve always wanted one and will probably purchase one. A video on what to look for in a used machine would be great. Especially how to detect a worn out machine. Also a video on set ups and operation. Finally maybe a video on how to grind a cylinder on a surface grinder. Really appreciate you putting these videos out!
I've seen chunks of crashed grinding wheels break cement block. I saw a guy leave a big screw driver on a mag Chuck and crash a four piece Blanchard grinder wheel.
3 videos in a month!! dont push it tony you might hurt yourself.... I love your content and machining is my bag, baby...
Not a chance Maxwell Lakritz, he was having some down time next year and came back from the future :-)
I don't get it... you are INTENTIONALLY making those videos SHORTER?? Have you met your audience?
Now some of us have a small attention span...ADHD....maybe, the Pres is looking also...
Udo Willkomm
Not me........ SQUIRREL !! 😆
Methinks a mix is good. Depends on the subject or question.
Video length depending on content I think is a hallmark of actually understanding how to present something.
...I think it really means it takes as long as it takes. If he gets away with only a short video, he's fine. If it takes a long video or multiple parts, then it does. It taking as long as it takes means, uh, it takes as much as it should.
Thaddeus Jancewicz And somehow I understood you perfectly
he better don't meet us after this xD
thank you for another 2d representation of your 3d world.
Smooth nuts are good.
Marco Reps preferably without burn marks
Smooth as eggs.
lol :D
Marco Reps That's what she said.
Ask Dave chappelle
I've been kind of thrown into the machining world out of necessity, I had theoretical knowledge in machining as a mold CAD designer but no actual cutting oil in my hands. I have my good 15 years of "experience" now, but having learned on my own what I could, I'm very grateful of the tangents in your videos... The sheer amount of learning I squeeze out of them might surprise you. Thank you This Old Theacher for them.
I never knew I needed this video until Tony uploaded it.
I though the raisin jokes were a little fruity, if not dated... other than that, great video!
Dan Carpenter Would you prefer he prune them from the script 😀
Stop wining., I think they're grape.
I think they add to the currant situation
I don't know, I think they were a bit corny
I always leave an Old Tony video much smarter after watching...I always learn something new!!
For grinding, I recommend finding the easiest enemies to defeat who also yield the most experience. In some cases, I'll actually go for lower yield enemies who are easier to defeat so that I can multitask or watch videos while I'm levelling up. It's a matter of preference, though.
A video on selecting the right grit, bond, hardness and openness (I cannot remember what that's called) would go a long way in helping a lot of people. I know too many bench grinders are getting leaned on regularly because they have those concrete wheels they get shipped with on them. Any who, the coffee must be good this week man! Thanks for the threepeat!
As an automotive technician, I appreciate the heads up on things like this that I do so rarely, that I might have ended up with a chunk of grinding wheel in my head. I'm already grinding gears plenty, so this video is a welcome sight. Thanks Tony!
I totally understand about the great variety of grinding wheels, I work in the R&D section the makes grinding wheels for a very large company. It is daunting how many there are
And like that, im 95% sure I've seen every single video you have ever made.
Thank you very much for these past few months of outstanding entertainment.
Great video as ever!
Shouldn't you be working?!?!? lmao!! Just kidding take all the time you need man!
Go back to work. We need more videos XD
Alec, have you started doing stuff that are not made of Damascus Steel yet? I started taking a break from your channel when it exhausted everything I could think of being able to be made from Damascus Steel. Don't get me wrong, I loved your channel, just got tired of Damascus Steel. I'll be back in a flash if you've moved on.
Alec, when are you and Tony going to collaborate?
That moment when your favorite TH-camr is lurking in the comments on another favorite TH-camr's channel. Can't wait to see you in the States!
It's nearly 2am, I like the soothing sound of This Old Tony and the gentle chatter of surface grinding before I go to sleep.
I usually dont comment on videos on YT but I have to comment on a Tony video at some point. When I see a This Old Tony vid has uploaded it more or less makes my day. You are amazing keep up the good work!
what's this question mark non-sense, Tot? If you made a 48 part grinder series, most of the humans on this thing would watch them back to back with a blank smile on their human faces. i know i would.
Can confirm
didn't he already do that when he built it? haha it was a few years ago, but still
Humans, yes! With our mouth and eye for seeing and breathing!
I love air! I breath it all of the time!
That's why I don't watch Alec Steele any more. 500 part build
Putting tangents into auxiliary videos. /me takes notes
Right? Lessons in TH-cam by ToT 👌
This video must have been difficult to film and edit as a cat.
He's fine as long as Chris doesn't pick up a laser pointer.
ᗰіɢʜѕᴛ ᗩʟʟ ᑕʀᴜᴄᴋіɴɢ ᖴіɢʜᴛʏ Dat lysdexic name
Thank you Thaddeus. I wonder if it reads correctly for people who have sexDaily 😀 lol
It takes ages. He keeps hitting the paws button.
routercnc And he has a really bad compulsion to chase the mouse.
That was excellent. I’m doing a Materials and Manufacturing course at the moment as part of my engineering degree and this was perfect to explain a lot of what our lecturer missed.
Reading through the comments (which is half the point of watching a TOT video) it seems to be that Tony is liking a lot of the comments.
me being a CNC machinist I get very much enjoyment out of your videos thank you tony!
A very satisfying style of teaching. Tony, you're too good at this man.
Ah, the planar grinder. Brings back memories from my apprenticeship as a fitter back in the mid-90's. One time I was tasket with making a calibration tool for a cnc machine. It didn't matter if it was 82, 81 or 80mm, it just had to be bang on. First try at 82mm, I ended up at 81.999, so I had to take off those 0.999mm.
Another time, one of the other apprentices forgot to run the stone dry before turning the grinder off. When he started it up the following morning, the stone shattered and pieces from it flew right past the bench grinder. Luckily noone was using it or they would have ben hit in the head. Oh, and the shattered stone made dents in the magnetic table so we had to plane that too...
So to a guy who doesn't know any better, am I guessing that "running the stone dry" is done after using some kind of coolant with it, and it is done to essentially "wring out" the wheel of absorbed coolant, because if said coolant is not wrung out, it settles overnight at the lower portion of the stone, and when you fire it up, all that coolant weight creates an out-of-balance situation, which immediately goes boom? Did I get that right?
Unfortunately for some you got that perfectly right. Those days there was no such thing as 'soft start'.. Zero to oh my g..... In a nano second!
TomHaroldArt exactly.
I used to pick up semi trailer loads at Norton in the mid 60s and over the shippers desk was a sign that read, "illegitimate non carborundum, don't let the bastards grind you down.
Man i've been wondering this since the first time I seen a machinist grinder. And you explained it perfectly, made me think of it as a broach, where 95% of the work is done by the same part of the tool and the other 5% does the finish/sizing. Therefore it last longer. Thanks TOT.
Who dislikes this? Excellent info, great editing and fantastic narrative. Enough superlatives. Also amazarific catchphrase at the end.
Yes, more questions. ‘Grinding Wheel’. You covered the grinding part, but I’m lost about ‘wheel’. Any chance you could cover those in a future video?
I agree, tell us which colours and flavours work with different materials..
I'm particularly interested about that square wheel he uses when grinding the square pieces to shape.
Due to TOT shop time discombobulation, wheels have not been invented yet, So, best hope is for grinding sled runners.
All the different grades/grits and constructions of wheels makes for a veritable rabbit hole that will make your head spin. And how to choose which to use for what materials and such.
If you think wheels are tricky, just wait til you get to axles.
but we will still be getting the optoacoustic levitation vid, right?
I need this in my life. If it's not a joke, I'm fairly certain that many megaliths were constructed with a similar technique. Please be real.
I really love your videos and they tend to be a highlight of my day. I for one would not mind the videos getting longer in order for you to include everything you want. Keep up the great work!
Three Tonys in a week! I must be dreaming! Glad to see these kind of vids again.
as always, thanks for sharing!
Superb. Great tip about working on the trailing side of the wheel, makes perfect sense. Moved a Jones and Shipman 540 into my shop this morning.
You have one of the best shows online. Fantastic.
Your voice and manner of speaking, wit etc..sounds a lot like and reminds me of chef John from food wishes. I could listen to you both for hours.
Wooooo!! 3 in a week?! Have I died and gone to heaven?!
JasonWorksAlot thats exactly what i thought. wooohoo!
yes, we are dead, or drunk
oldreliable303 Justin Scott or both! But who cares haha
he said that time isnt linear in his garage..
TOT, dude... 3 videos in a week... best holidays ever had, i love your work. Stay up! Regards from Portugal
So many videos lately. :-) Really nice!
Dude. Tony. You go so far for your jokes man. I'm dying with appreciation and a collapsing set of lungs from laughter, just paused on the OPTOACOUSTIC LEVIATION device. For the homeshop.
It looks really sound.
Thanks! Questions I had floating around in my mind, but since I'm likely never to have a precision grinder, not much of an urgent issue.
Enjoy your videos immensely! Love the Easter Eggs.
I know you had to take some extra time to explain things but I learned something there. So thanks and keep up the good work. I appreciate all the hard work. I know it’s hard to translate into simple.
Wow 3 in 1 week, thankyou lord tony
The wheel is going the right way, you have your machine facing the wrong way! Try turning it to face the wall then give it the old reach around. you'll both be glad you did!
Short and informative for once! I didn't even think to think about grinding wheel wear, but when you mentioned it at the start of the vid i started thinking "how the heck does that get any precision? Then you explain it so even I understand, and thats without going into 20minutes of talking about why the nut seems so un-parralell... tnx
Thanks for answering some of the questions I had. Looking forward to Part 2.
That was awesome! I’ve always wondered about the wheel wearing down affecting accuracy. My questions have been answered!!! Thanks TOT!
I've learned more from This Old Tony than I did in the first year of my engineering apprenticeship.
The old guys at the place I work seem to be very protective over the niche they've got for themselves. Quite reluctant to give away too much information.
Some has to be learned by accident, the rest is This Old Tony to the rescue ;)
I asked myself that question every time surface grinding has come up in your (and other) videos. Thanks.
I used to do this type of 'flat' grinding. Also cylindrical precision grinding.
Loved that work.
a short n sweet video that indeed does make some sense out of my number one surface grinder now clear as mud.
oh boy! three tot videos in a week! i can hardly hide my excitement!
As a basement hobby guy, and electrician by trade, this not only made me happy, but gave me some insight in the tools some may take for either black magic or granted
Thank you Tony! And you should open a crowdfunding sorce so we can at least pay for materials.
Thank you Tony. It was a great explanation, but kinda obvious looking back at it. Keep up the great work.
So many videos recently. Nice work.
that is mind blowing!
i never asked thoses questions to myself, but with this knowledge i feel a lot better.
i have though about this since the first time i saw a surface grinder. I still feel this defies all logic, while at the same time, its pretty logical that only the edge cuts.
Hi Tony,
Have you ever tried Radiac grinding wheels? They make a nice 46 grit ruby wheel with open structure (porous) that works very well. The nice thing about this wheel is that it cuts very free and very little heat build up.
Love these types of videos. So glad I found your channel and AvE’s.
Finally a good introductory resource on optoaccoustic levitation!
I’ll be honest I could watch you discuss and make jokes about stuff for hours
yay to surface grinder video, nay to fast forward!
There is far too few grinder videos on TH-cam, I've been watching suburbantools' videos over and over and over again.
I've spent so many hours mesmerized in front of their videos I actually deducted this trailing edge business even though I've never even seen a grinder in real life.
There should be a surface- and OD grinder LIVE feed, 24/7.
Ooh, and some lapping, too!
This was just exactly what I needed to see. I now understand the universe...
Ahha, not that I have been kept awake at night trying to work this out, but, good explanation, and now I know this, something to file away for future reference, if I ever decide to buy a surface grinder, if I ever need to grind a surface and surely now I will forget about it and go back to my blissful ignorance on the subject.
0:42 Funny enough I used to work with a *_polychromatic optical acoustic modulator_* or *_PCOAM..._* it was part of the laser bench at a planetarium laser show, where the main beam (50% of it, t’other half had been split off to hit fixed prisms to be split into RBGC) of white laser went through the *PCOAM* which was a crystal that vibrated at ridiculous frequencies to refract the white laser into any of 16.7M colors before it hit its XY scanner amps at the right moments so the pre-rendered laser images were the right colors in the right spots :)
Really like your vids, most of the "deleted" scenes, thinking I already know or don't really need to know, thanks for the vid
As expected, another very interesting and entertaining video! Thank you sir!
Clicked on hoping it would answer this very question from the last video, thank you!
i would watch your video even it screen was blank. you are in my top 10 list of favorite youtube doodes.
You answered a question I had and didn’t want to ask. Thanks for another great video. 3 in 1 week. 👍👍👍👍
Seriously though, come on man, you're everybody's favorite uncle. You're making the smartest and the funniest videos on TH-cam right now.
And I want to repay you for doing this great thing. But I'm not into watching ads and all of this crap, so AdBlock all the way for me. Sorry...
I was sad for a while. TOT did not drop a new video. Then he did and I was happy. Then more came out. THEN MORE. YUUUSSSSS!!!!
I worked at a cylindrical grinder factory and learned there to build and use them.
Especially micrometer grinding was an artform for it self 😉
Fantastic. Extremely useful. Many thanks Tony!!
Loving all the content lately! Keep it up Tony!
Hi Tony. Thanks for always making such great stuff!
These videos are good, quick and informative
Are you happy with the Norton 5SG? I thought (heard) that they need quite a bit of pressure (And power on the spindle..) to work/break down properly.
Can't say I've notice any big difference in the types of (small) parts I usually see. I started out with regular AO wheels, they worked fine, but I found the seeded gel wheels a lot more forgiving. This is a 6x12 *manual* grinder... when I start getting past 6x3 my arm gets tired and my traverse speed take a sudden nose dive. You have a general purpose wheel you like / recommend?
Good short video, to the point and educational. Thanks
That all made sense to me, but in the interest of getting to hear more... OMG IM SO CONFUSED PLEASE PART 2 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE
Spent a good deal of time as a high precision grinder.
Side wheel grinding is made easier by relieving the side of the wheel so it is slightly concave/stepped back. You want workpiece contact to be limited to a narrow band, say 3/8 inch of the side of the wheel.
Hi. I'm a precision grinder too.Grinding all kinds of part like tool, dies and many more. Hope you can share your experience with me.
For vertical grinding you can use a stone to relieve the side of the wheel to use a smaller cutting surface. We had a wheel like this in a different grade at my tech school for grinding vertical surfaces.
I like the grinding ones, I've been doing centerless 30-40 years, build my own grinders too, every machine I have ever run, for professional reasons anyway. Thats the part that sucks lol anyway I like to see what others have to say on that sometimes. I'm usually watching your machining videos trying to learn stuff because that,s what I suck at the most lol. I've got a decent set up to play with, I just burn up a lot of tools. I really do need to learn a little more about that, many cases I can make a part faster on a centerless faster than I can set up a lathe even with stock removal and multi diameter, I'm literally a beginner on the lathe. Your videos have been great :) Thank you for that
Your videos are never too long.
I love your videos, endlessly funny and knowledge dense.
I just wanted to offer: I've been a machinist only a few years, but I've spent most of that time on a surface grinder. I would love to help out, if you have any questions or need a second opinion...
I'll be here, enjoying the videos.
wow.. dude.. do more videos like this.
we NEED to know the secrets of fine precision griding.
Thank´s bra!
Greetings from Estonia, very nice videos, much help to me.
Blue grinding wheels taste like blueberry if you lick them.
artfx9 only while they’re spinning.
Grinding wheels are designed only to have flavor while spinning.
The yellow is lemon, red is cherry, etc.
I'll bet the red one will taste like blood after a while....well i'm guessing all of them will
Ok. I licked mine. Now all I taste is cauterised blood🤪
For some reason soft grinding wheels seem to work wonderfully on super hard parts. They do break down quick, but it doesn't load up.
Mine don't they taste like silicon carbide, depending on how fresh they are!
Great video. Great quality and visualization
Wait... Was that tangent line in any way a pun about how the dressing tool touches the grinding wheel?
You should publish a "gag reel" on occasion, would probably be a hoot to watch.
slamdvw I thought these were all gag reels.
ANOTHER video? This can't be heaven, can it?
Is there [going to be] a “How a Surface Grinder Works - Part 2”? I’ve always wanted one and will probably purchase one. A video on what to look for in a used machine would be great. Especially how to detect a worn out machine. Also a video on set ups and operation. Finally maybe a video on how to grind a cylinder on a surface grinder.
Really appreciate you putting these videos out!
Tony slow down, your gonna hurt yourself at this rate. 😂😉 Great video
Don't worry cats have 9 lives.
I've been wanting to learn about this for a while. I hope there are many parts.
I've seen chunks of crashed grinding wheels break cement block. I saw a guy leave a big screw driver on a mag Chuck and crash a four piece Blanchard grinder wheel.
*gets tenths indicator out* - "everything is crooked rick"
No, no, no! Reality is poison!
Lambs to the cosmic slaughter!!!
Always loved to be pinned by TOT thanks you for the vids
Great information and demonstration as allways mate. Cheers for sharing :)
The "raison d'être" joke made me very happy ^^
Excellent video TOT, I like the tangent into tangent theme, oohhh so you did a tangentption, very clever Tony