Hello Brilliant People - this was an emergency episode to discuss the Middle East, no edits -- just the raw episode. Here's the full transcript and the episode's highlights: Transcript - throughconversations.kit.com/3f2408e44c Highlights 00:00 The Shifting Landscape of the Middle East 12:10 The Power Vacuum and Its Implications 24:03 Israel's Strategic Positioning and Future Prospects 32:53 The Shift in Foreign Policy Dynamics 39:23 Hostage Situations and Their Implications 47:37 Cultural Shifts and Long-term Perspectives 55:12 Hope for the Future: A New Year Outlook
Let's not forget one of the keys for future peace and stability in the Middle East is Turkey. Turkey is currently stradling the line between European secular democracy, and autocratic Islamism. Politically, the country is narrowly but passionately divided between the Turkish Europhiles who strongly believe in the secular nationalist Turkish Republic model established by Kemal Ataturk in 1922 on the one hand, and the backward-looking autocratic Islamic religious model cynically contrived by Recip Tayip Erdogan on the other. In Turkey's most recent national elections, Erdogan's coalition of religious parties narrowly retained its majority ruling power. Erdogan is a skillful power broker in Middle Eastern politics. He is deeply Antisemitic and an enemy of Israel. He is obsessed with defeating the Kurdish nationalists who have been fighting a guerrilla war for many decades to wrest control of a small corner southeastern Turkey along with neighboring lands in Iraq, Iran, and Syria to form their own ethnic nation to be called Kurdistan. Erdogan will play ball with anyone but Israel to ethnically cleanse the Kurds from Turkish soil. So, Erdogan bears close scrutiny in the aftermath of Syria's recent collapse, as well as in what Turkey's actions will be as Lebanon tries to sort itself out, and perhaps most importantly what Turkey's relationship will be with the Islamic Revolutionary Republic of Iran. Turkey remains a shaky and unpredictable member of NATO, a strategic relic of the Cold War. The Turkish military establishment and its General Staff tried to remove Erdogan and his coalition parties from office, an action permissable under the Turkish Constitution, but were thwarted. Erdogan purged the ranks of Ataturkian believers and successfully repealed the Constitutional provision for power transfer to the General Staff in times of national emergency, thus solidifying his increasingly autocratic control of political power. Turkey's status as a constitutional democratic republic is very much in doubt under Erdogan's Islamist control.
you’re dead wrong. everything you have typed out could’ve been copy and pasted from a CIA memo. lol. you have no clue what is happening in turkey. turkey is currently ran by a totalitarian regime that was installed by the CIA. turkey literally has american nukes via the joint american-turkey military bases. much like israel, when america says jump, turkey says how high. in exchange, turkey gets to do whatever it wants to their people and to their neighbors, so long as it doesn’t interrupt the american hegemony-just like israel. america doesn’t care about stability in the region. the concept of peace alone, is of no service or utility to the Department of State. foreign policy is purely dictated by interests, and we are interested in the oil in the region, hence why we fund the Kurds even though turkey would like to see the Kurds be reduced to ashes. to further prove how interest based our foreign policy is, there is no other country in world who has slaughtered more people and funded more coups, all in the name of exterminating communism than the united states. nobody. and then here we are, funding the PKK and the PYG, two of the most organized and impressive communist revolutionary militias in the world. at the end of the day, the Pentagon loves oil a lot more than they hate communism. this also highlights the innate instability that the united states instigates, funding the mortal enemies of turkey while also funding turkey in their fight against the Kurds in Syria. ultimately, the united states doesn’t care about peace, or democracy, or “islamists,” it’s about interests. these interests directly hurt the Syrian people, the Kurds, and the citizens of Turkey, but hey, at least we get oil. lol. don’t just take my word for it and don’t reply with bullshit either, look into this yourself and come to your own conclusions. but don’t ever forget that the “islamist” movement in the middle east as always been funded by the united states at some point, in the exact same manner that HTS was funded by the CIA. ISIS, Al-Queda, and even the regime in Iran were all CIA backed “freedom fighting” movements (Iran is yet another example of the usa doing whatever it takes to decapitate communist movements). it is imperative to learn the history of the middle east if you hope to understand what the West is hoping to gain out of it.
I think the Turkish Model failed in the Middle East after the Arab Spring, I think the next wave of protests will favor the Iranian Model instead of the Turkish Model.
Türkiye, under the leadership of the Islamic-inspired Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by President Erdogan, has emerged as a new republic. The era of military coups is now a thing of the past, and Türkiye is positioning itself to lead the Sunni project in response to the declining influence of Iran's Wali Al-Faqih Shia project.
@@radwanabu-issa4350 And you think that's a good thing? Erdogan is turning the clock's hands back a hundred years towards the dark days of the Ottoman Sultanate and the re-creation of the Turkish Caliphate. It will prove disastrous for the Turkish Republic and its people. Ataturk is spinning in his grave! All the cultural and societal gains achieved by Turkey since the Treaty of Lausanne are in danger of destruction at the hands of a cynical, power hungry usurper like Erdogan. It is not only a tragedy for the Turks and the hopes for a peaceful and prosperous Middle East, but also for the world. 😢🐻🇺🇲🇹🇷
Mr. Hussain is 100% correct. This is a very critical moment in history of Syria and the region. I really hope they don"t turn out like Khomeini / Khamanei , or Taliban.
Hussain Abdul-Hussain is absolutely correct about the protests, that they are the short life adrenaline rush of the youthful. I would add that those youths do not realize, because they are young, that they lack the wisdom of age (that their older selves will regret their youthful decisions and consequences thereof).
Islamization and failed state are synonymous. The Abraham Accords in contrast offer good possibilities for success for all peoples. It represents the best way forward and it can definitely be done if the leaders want to move forward.
Israel does what it has to do to protect its citizens, all of them. Julani could ask for peace with israel and help for reconstruction. 100% Israel would take the deal. Remember that Israel treated wounded rebels in its hospitals. The rebels know that we are not that bad. But julani won't because he plays with tbe turkish muslim brothehood. Such a pity.
Hussain Abdul-Hussain brings a lot of hope to a desperate outlook in the Middle East. If the leaders and future leaders would listen and follow his recommendations of hope, then peace and posterity in that region is possible!
@@Vicente-o1q palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries?
Lives only matters when Israel or jws involved. Look at 500k of Syrians, 450k of yemenese, 180k Sudanese, all these lives are nothing when the pro P rallied for 45k where 22k are conbatants. To them 45k is gxide, but not 500k but not 450k but not 180k. What is the condition of Gxide? The ability to blame Israel or jws
palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries? we can do it by copying their tactics
@@Vicente-o1q palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries?
Great interview! We can only hope Hussain's tribe will increase. Great perspective, objectivity, and hope for Lebanon. I don't have the same hope for the Palestinians. A "two-state solution" requires recognizing Israel's claim to the land. If that were to happen, there would be no need for a two-state solution, only that Palestinians co-exist with Jews. That won't happen until their dream of an independent state is crushed. Israel is here to stay.
@@ebflegg Start by acknowledging Israel's right to exist, and to preserve that right. Reversing generations of inbred hatred will only be possible if Palestinian's give up on statehood. The outcome of the present conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah illustrates the point and sets the stage for that to happen. Perhaps a new model of democracy is needed. A two-tiered system of representation to encourage constructive Palestinian engagement in self-governance but preserving Israel's right to remain a Jewish nation. Democracy cannot become a Trojan Horse for the Palestinian cause.
Hisre'l never wants two state solution. It wants Greater Isre'l from the Nile to Euphrates. It has become plenty clear by now. The sad part is that Isrealites are European stock. They are NOT descendants of King David. Their DNA is nowhere near Levant. That makes Isrealis colonizers.
Qatar is again acting as mediator, which I always have thought it's outrageous, as they are Hamas' mentors. I don't think that an agreement with Hamas is a good idea.
Are the Palestinians ’loose ends’? Sacrificing a people for economic prosperity will not bring peace. There is a massive moral gap in this discussion. It does not matter what President is in US power. Foreign policy doesn’t change.
Alcohol and women's education undercome 2 different categories. Aljolani answered that question so perfectly. Hundreds of thousands slaughtered by the Assad regime are beiing removed from mass graves but you shamefully have an issue with alcohol that destroys societies.
HTS that came to power came to make Syria - Islamic country. The less official name for HTS. HTS is abbreviation of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham. Al- Sham means Islamic Syria. Besides, over all, there is nothing wrong with Islamic Syria. What HTS offers is a common sense and for the better.
I wish more people, and especially politicians, understood it. Unfortunately, most politicians probably know very well what is going to happen in Syria but for whatever reason choose to ignore it or cover up the glaring truth! It’s insane!
Europe is a mouth talker, and without money they would not do it, understandable fact. Historically many people predict Syria would turn into another Muslim dictatorship in fifty years, some due to their religion content, some due to Muslim record.
This is an opportune time to create a smaller Kurdistan in the northeast of Syria (after all Syria is a relatively new state created by the French Mandate after WW1), and disband the PPK terrorist organization, which will satisfy Turkey’s concerns, as a result of having a Kurdistan state.
This is silly. Syria has a lot of domestic things to worry about to stabilize their country after many years of civil war. It is okay that they will be a Muslim country, that is the predominate religion after all. They do seem to know there are other factors to take into account in their final determination of what they are as a country. Syria should be left alone to become what they want to become. They deserve the right to determine their own destiny after so many years of repression. No one has any business trying to determine what Syria will become or have any standards for that country.
Nothing happens as regards a ceasefire because Netanyahu ALWAYS comes up with additional demands at the last minute which he knows Palestinians cannot accept.
What a sad world without the diversity of ancient cultures and religions. The Middle East in the image of the United States. Standardized with ideal reduced to money. The golden calf.
It's always cheering to hear the occasional sane voice to this secular Humanist. I was sure the fall of Assad was a hopeful sign, he was the first "domino" - a crack in the Axis of dictators who, with vociferous Western Hamas supporters, gave every sign of "winning" by unlimited sacrifice of their own people (Putin/Ukraine?) Cautiously hopeful, though with increasing numbers believing in imaginary fantasies, the dream of a rational secular Human society, best for all, even believers, slips from my beloved grandchildren's grasp...
Even if Syria becomes a moderate Islamic county alcohol will be an issue that will be non-negotiable. Alcohol is Quranically forbidden which doesn't change for any degree of one's Islamic belief. I honestly believe that there will be bigger fish to fry than the availability of alcohol in Bilad Ash-Sham.
You already know how he makes his living. FDD pays his salary ,so every single word got to justify his salary or he don't have RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP at FDD.
So alcohol is a very BIG ISSUE ..... which religion allow to consume alcohol? which doctor recommend to consume alcohol?? Grow the F up and talk some sense.
i expect that the situation in syria will disappoint all who are looking for an improvement in syrian and middle eastern political dynamics. to think that any country not only syria can go from a brutal dictatorship that is overthrown by a non state actor that is essentially a fundamentalist terrorist organization to anything that resembles even some stability let alone a democratic multicultural type of government is wishful thinking. i also expect that iran will try to make a deal with these terrorists (what else is new) not only to keep the land bridge to lebanon open but to enlist this organization in their fight against israel. happy holidays.
Actually yes. Allowing alcohol indicates they will honor their so called commitment to pluralism. The fact that Julani stonewalled on the ? Of alcohol indicates the direction he’s headed.
yes. look at malaysia, gov used covid to oppress minorities, banning bars to reopen for months eventhough the whole country has funion as normal as before covid.
I just watched/listened to the entirety of this presentation. I have analysed and deconstructed it in full. From the get go, Hussain Abdul-Hussain gets it wrong. e.g. From 00:00 he says: “So these are the scenarios that Israel can deal with. There’s no scenario right now that can play out in a way that Syria becomes a moderate country ruled by a government that minds its own business, focuses on its own people and willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel...” Unfortunately, he is not a wise analyst of Syria or the Middle East. His philosophy/worldview is immature. FYI, I have been auditing and analysing Syria in great depth since 21/8/2013, which was a truly pivotal day in human history. I don't think there is anyone alive who knows more about the origins and trajectory of the conflict and what the solutions are. I have put in at least 5,000 hours of work over a decade. e.g. From late 2013 to 2019 I composed in excess of 12000 tweets about Syria plus a multitude of comments and counsel to various media, agencies and leaders. (Data Mining all my past public counsel on Syria to condense my wisdom about the country is a worthy endeavour.) A very small but important part chronology of my past counsel about Syria: 28/5/2015 Replying to Petra Stienen and Bente Scheller: " He, Bashar al Assad, can be Alawite Rep. for Tartus/Latakia. If not, Putin can give him and Asma a dacha in Vladivostok. Keys ready." 29/6/2017 "Syria must not be balkanised. Existing borders to remain. 14 governates. Damascus as the capital. Moderate - Monotheist - Pluralist" 9/7/2017 SYRIA The Vision - By 2030 it becomes possible to drive in peace and security from Jerusalem to Tehran, via The Golan Heights > Damascus, Jobar, Madaya, Beirut, Tripoli, Ain Dara, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra, Deir Ez Zour, Mosul and Baghdad ! Over say 8 weeks. (A/C car in summer of course. 😎) What a road trip that would be! A Grand Middle East Tour ! Visualise - Verbalise - Actualise. 16/11/2018 I counselled to the US State Dept, POTUS, Erdogan, The Elysee and Netanyahu: "If Ahmad Shah Massoud had been given the right support, and not been killed of course, Afghanistan would be completely different since 2001. The closest and most hopeful approximation to Massoud in Syria now is Jolani." 23/1/2019 Replying to Charles Lister on Twitter: As I have explained, a professional, paid 42 person "Int'ernational Transitional Oversight Committee for Syria" is required. (To work with the 50 Syrian guests at the IPC + the MDMEMP + the 24/7 Ceasefire Monitors) Charles L. gets one of the seats on ITOCS2024. 👍 12/5/2023 Replying to Wassim Nasr at France 24: "Well done Wassim and your editors at France 24 who organised this trip with help from official channels. Blessings to the good people of Idlib Governate. There is a certain set of moves of the Rubik's Cube that can and must be made now to redeem Syria. I have been following the Syrian Civil War very closely since 21/8/2013, which was a key date in human history. i.e. The Sarin Attack on East Ghouta. P.S. Jolani is a viable leader of Syria in the coming years... These recent comments by two other Syria watchers are relevant. 6/12/2024 @ Armin Rosen There is a case to be made-and I've made it here before-that the Syrian civil war is the most important event of the 21st century. Possible deadliest war, generated a host of other conflicts, produced ISIS and massive European refugee crisis... @ Nick Gorges I make this argument all the time in my personal life to explain why people need to care about Syria. Have a good day. Prayers for the peace, prosperity and security of Syria. ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ 😎 Adam Neira Founder of World Peace 2050 Founded in April 2000 Paris - Jerusalem - Melbourne
If secular and others are not the popular groups or have no support and most of the Syrian want a religious based ruling why are you trying to impose secularism on them? Basically secularist are upset because degeneracy will be banned, feminism and lgbt nonesense.
What happens if the Druze in Syria starts doing guerilla tactics against the IDF in the Golan? Remember the SLA in south Lebanon eventually had to flee to Israel. Will Trump allow US taxpayers' money to continue flowing to Israel?
Druze have a unique religion. They support Israel because Israel provides them the freedom to practice their religion and culture without interference unlike in Muslim societies.
@@Majeed54713 wth are u talking about, druze have stated repeatedly they will be loyal to the country they belong to, be it israel syria lebanon. who are you representing the druze? if it is not the hts harming the druze, they will not have to seek help from israel. all they want is just to be left alone in the mountains, have peaceful lives'
The situation there is so complex cause of history and the situation now. That hope/ wisdom and knowledge has to enter into the middle east. Its time to solve the complexity into a situation where there can be peace. Without a solution there will be no peace. So i hope all leaders have learned from history and find a way to make a way to a better future.
Israël has bought itself a decade of two of quietness, thank you to all Israeli who paid the high price for this the last one and a half year. How it evolves will depend heavily on the US policy and the administration involvement with the US defense industry.
Qatar wants to build a gas pipeline thru Syria however their guarantee is Islamization of Syria and it better be solid. This way, folks in Qatar can have their investments guaranteed. They see it I. Islamization for them a guarantee their investment into pipeline secured
? nope different proxies will trrorize the pipe, qatar-iran proxies, suadi proxies, uae proxies, turkish proxies, etc etc, how can these group fighting each other over ideaolofy political and financial gains come tgt? unless someone pays them enough
@@RifndjsklljuwhdnchAfacnxlaCrusaders fought each other too in Europe but despite that managed to come together. The Crusades to Syria Lebanon Jerusalem is when different kingdoms enemies to each other other, unified against a bigger enemy. Al Sham the Arabic name for Greater Syria that was ideology of HTS. HTS was founded to make Syria Islamic
Hello Brilliant People - this was an emergency episode to discuss the Middle East, no edits -- just the raw episode. Here's the full transcript and the episode's highlights:
Transcript - throughconversations.kit.com/3f2408e44c
00:00 The Shifting Landscape of the Middle East
12:10 The Power Vacuum and Its Implications
24:03 Israel's Strategic Positioning and Future Prospects
32:53 The Shift in Foreign Policy Dynamics
39:23 Hostage Situations and Their Implications
47:37 Cultural Shifts and Long-term Perspectives
55:12 Hope for the Future: A New Year Outlook
Let's not forget one of the keys for future peace and stability in the Middle East is Turkey. Turkey is currently stradling the line between European secular democracy, and autocratic Islamism. Politically, the country is narrowly but passionately divided between the Turkish Europhiles who strongly believe in the secular nationalist Turkish Republic model established by Kemal Ataturk in 1922 on the one hand, and the backward-looking autocratic Islamic religious model cynically contrived by Recip Tayip Erdogan on the other. In Turkey's most recent national elections, Erdogan's coalition of religious parties narrowly retained its majority ruling power. Erdogan is a skillful power broker in Middle Eastern politics. He is deeply Antisemitic and an enemy of Israel. He is obsessed with defeating the Kurdish nationalists who have been fighting a guerrilla war for many decades to wrest control of a small corner southeastern Turkey along with neighboring lands in Iraq, Iran, and Syria to form their own ethnic nation to be called Kurdistan. Erdogan will play ball with anyone but Israel to ethnically cleanse the Kurds from Turkish soil. So, Erdogan bears close scrutiny in the aftermath of Syria's recent collapse, as well as in what Turkey's actions will be as Lebanon tries to sort itself out, and perhaps most importantly what Turkey's relationship will be with the Islamic Revolutionary Republic of Iran.
Turkey remains a shaky and unpredictable member of NATO, a strategic relic of the Cold War. The Turkish military establishment and its General Staff tried to remove Erdogan and his coalition parties from office, an action permissable under the Turkish Constitution, but were thwarted. Erdogan purged the ranks of Ataturkian believers and successfully repealed the Constitutional provision for power transfer to the General Staff in times of national emergency, thus solidifying his increasingly autocratic control of political power. Turkey's status as a constitutional democratic republic is very much in doubt under Erdogan's Islamist control.
you’re dead wrong. everything you have typed out could’ve been copy and pasted from a CIA memo. lol. you have no clue what is happening in turkey. turkey is currently ran by a totalitarian regime that was installed by the CIA. turkey literally has american nukes via the joint american-turkey military bases. much like israel, when america says jump, turkey says how high. in exchange, turkey gets to do whatever it wants to their people and to their neighbors, so long as it doesn’t interrupt the american hegemony-just like israel. america doesn’t care about stability in the region. the concept of peace alone, is of no service or utility to the Department of State. foreign policy is purely dictated by interests, and we are interested in the oil in the region, hence why we fund the Kurds even though turkey would like to see the Kurds be reduced to ashes. to further prove how interest based our foreign policy is, there is no other country in world who has slaughtered more people and funded more coups, all in the name of exterminating communism than the united states. nobody. and then here we are, funding the PKK and the PYG, two of the most organized and impressive communist revolutionary militias in the world. at the end of the day, the Pentagon loves oil a lot more than they hate communism. this also highlights the innate instability that the united states instigates, funding the mortal enemies of turkey while also funding turkey in their fight against the Kurds in Syria. ultimately, the united states doesn’t care about peace, or democracy, or “islamists,” it’s about interests. these interests directly hurt the Syrian people, the Kurds, and the citizens of Turkey, but hey, at least we get oil. lol. don’t just take my word for it and don’t reply with bullshit either, look into this yourself and come to your own conclusions. but don’t ever forget that the “islamist” movement in the middle east as always been funded by the united states at some point, in the exact same manner that HTS was funded by the CIA. ISIS, Al-Queda, and even the regime in Iran were all CIA backed “freedom fighting” movements (Iran is yet another example of the usa doing whatever it takes to decapitate communist movements). it is imperative to learn the history of the middle east if you hope to understand what the West is hoping to gain out of it.
the next ww3 is islam against others
I think the Turkish Model failed in the Middle East after the Arab Spring, I think the next wave of protests will favor the Iranian Model instead of the Turkish Model.
Türkiye, under the leadership of the Islamic-inspired Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by President Erdogan, has emerged as a new republic. The era of military coups is now a thing of the past, and Türkiye is positioning itself to lead the Sunni project in response to the declining influence of Iran's Wali Al-Faqih Shia project.
@@radwanabu-issa4350 And you think that's a good thing? Erdogan is turning the clock's hands back a hundred years towards the dark days of the Ottoman Sultanate and the re-creation of the Turkish Caliphate. It will prove disastrous for the Turkish Republic and its people. Ataturk is spinning in his grave! All the cultural and societal gains achieved by Turkey since the Treaty of Lausanne are in danger of destruction at the hands of a cynical, power hungry usurper like Erdogan. It is not only a tragedy for the Turks and the hopes for a peaceful and prosperous Middle East, but also for the world. 😢🐻🇺🇲🇹🇷
Great guest! Thoroughly enjoyed this conversation, as well as his first interview. Thanks so much.
Thanks for watching! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Iove the soberness and intelligence of Mr.Hussain🙏
This has been a breath of fresh air hearing so many truths in one conversation. Thank you for that 🙏🏻
Thank you!
Mr. Hussain is 100% correct. This is a very critical moment in history of Syria and the region. I really hope they don"t turn out like Khomeini / Khamanei , or Taliban.
it will be much worse than the Taliban
Alex, thank you for this interview with Hussain.
Thank you for watching!
We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God's protection for his chosen people,
Hussain Abdul-Hussain is absolutely correct about the protests, that they are the short life adrenaline rush of the youthful. I would add that those youths do not realize, because they are young, that they lack the wisdom of age (that their older selves will regret their youthful decisions and consequences thereof).
Same with maga
The best analysis I’ve heard on this subject!
Islamization and failed state are synonymous. The Abraham Accords in contrast offer good possibilities for success for all peoples. It represents the best way forward and it can definitely be done if the leaders want to move forward.
I had no doubt that Syria it’s gona be Afghanistan
Excelent intelegent interview
Thank you!
Great Interview. Hussain is a blessing in disguise for now. Keep safe and thanks for your good work.
Thanks for watching and for the kind words!
Israel does what it has to do to protect its citizens, all of them. Julani could ask for peace with israel and help for reconstruction. 100% Israel would take the deal. Remember that Israel treated wounded rebels in its hospitals. The rebels know that we are not that bad. But julani won't because he plays with tbe turkish muslim brothehood.
Such a pity.
Excellent content. Hussain Abdul-Hussain is extremely knowledgeable. Wise. Smart. Articulate.
Great interview, thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Hussain Abdul-Hussain brings a lot of hope to a desperate outlook in the Middle East. If the leaders and future leaders would listen and follow his recommendations of hope, then peace and posterity in that region is possible!
Hussain Abdul-Hussain, hats off to you.
Again Palestinian issues ignored or now non issue ?
@@Vicente-o1q palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries?
Lives only matters when Israel or jws involved. Look at 500k of Syrians, 450k of yemenese, 180k Sudanese, all these lives are nothing when the pro P rallied for 45k where 22k are conbatants. To them 45k is gxide, but not 500k but not 450k but not 180k. What is the condition of Gxide? The ability to blame Israel or jws
palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries? we can do it by copying their tactics
@@Vicente-o1q palestinians who named themselves a false indentidy palestinians (means "invaders" originated from philistine) claimed to be indegenous but erase the aboriginous jws from Dome of rock. funny. why dont we create Meccaians who built a country on top of Mecca and be rocognized by the muslim countries?
Excellent interview
Thank you!
Thank you for an excellent and a rational thinking discussion 👍
Thanks for watching!
Thank you for this in my view much more balanced, realistic view that mainstream western media
Thanks for watching and for your perspective!
Wonderful thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it
Great interview! We can only hope Hussain's tribe will increase. Great perspective, objectivity, and hope for Lebanon. I don't have the same hope for the Palestinians. A "two-state solution" requires recognizing Israel's claim to the land. If that were to happen, there would be no need for a two-state solution, only that Palestinians co-exist with Jews. That won't happen until their dream of an independent state is crushed. Israel is here to stay.
Thank you for watching!
One democratic state would be great! But would you want to deny Palestinians the vote...? How would it work...?
A two-state solution is a wetern delusion. Palestinians dont want just the west bank, they consider ALL of Israel illegal...
@@ebflegg Start by acknowledging Israel's right to exist, and to preserve that right. Reversing generations of inbred hatred will only be possible if Palestinian's give up on statehood. The outcome of the present conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah illustrates the point and sets the stage for that to happen. Perhaps a new model of democracy is needed. A two-tiered system of representation to encourage constructive Palestinian engagement in self-governance but preserving Israel's right to remain a Jewish nation. Democracy cannot become a Trojan Horse for the Palestinian cause.
Hisre'l never wants two state solution. It wants Greater Isre'l from the Nile to Euphrates. It has become plenty clear by now. The sad part is that Isrealites are European stock. They are NOT descendants of King David. Their DNA is nowhere near Levant. That makes Isrealis colonizers.
Thank you.
thank you for watching!
Terrific podcast, what a great guy is Hussain Abdul-Hussain!
Thank you for watching!
I'm bullish on the possibility of Israel Syria relations
Excellent interview! Exciting to hear from such an enlightened mind from the forward-looking Arab world.
What a smart man! Love from Israel 🇮🇱
An interesting and intelligent conversation. Thank you.
Qatar is again acting as mediator, which I always have thought it's outrageous, as they are Hamas' mentors. I don't think that an agreement with Hamas is a good idea.
now turkey is house to the hams leaders with "dollar bills from qatar which they stole from gazans"
How on earth do we have all this talk and guess? Done with this!
The worst of all is the bystander public who are extremely quiet
Are the Palestinians ’loose ends’? Sacrificing a people for economic prosperity will not bring peace. There is a massive moral gap in this discussion. It does not matter what President is in US power. Foreign policy doesn’t change.
Alcohol and women's education undercome 2 different categories. Aljolani answered that question so perfectly. Hundreds of thousands slaughtered by the Assad regime are beiing removed from mass graves but you shamefully have an issue with alcohol that destroys societies.
HTS that came to power came to make Syria - Islamic country. The less official name for HTS. HTS is abbreviation of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham. Al- Sham means Islamic Syria. Besides, over all, there is nothing wrong with Islamic Syria. What HTS offers is a common sense and for the better.
I wish more people, and especially politicians, understood it. Unfortunately, most politicians probably know very well what is going to happen in Syria but for whatever reason choose to ignore it or cover up the glaring truth! It’s insane!
Isn’t it beneficial for Israel if Syria stays split up weak & busy fighting each other than fight against Israel?
so unity is bad for israel? 🤔
Syria will become Taliban in Middle East. The West must protect the Kurd in Syria. The Kurdish people have secular governments like the West.
Europe is a mouth talker, and without money they would not do it, understandable fact.
Historically many people predict Syria would turn into another Muslim dictatorship in fifty years, some due to their religion content, some due to Muslim record.
This is an opportune time to create a smaller Kurdistan in the northeast of Syria (after all Syria is a relatively new state created by the French Mandate after WW1), and disband the PPK terrorist organization, which will satisfy Turkey’s concerns, as a result of having a Kurdistan state.
This is silly. Syria has a lot of domestic things to worry about to stabilize their country after many years of civil war. It is okay that they will be a Muslim country, that is the predominate religion after all. They do seem to know there are other factors to take into account in their final determination of what they are as a country. Syria should be left alone to become what they want to become. They deserve the right to determine their own destiny after so many years of repression. No one has any business trying to determine what Syria will become or have any standards for that country.
al queda took over syria, did u watch
@@user-fd9vb8zb4d No proof the transitional government is Al Queda.
It looks like the many religious and ethnic minorities in Syria will have not much to say what they will became ….
Give a chance for few years.❤❤❤❤❤
Nothing happens as regards a ceasefire because Netanyahu ALWAYS comes up with additional demands at the last minute which he knows Palestinians cannot accept.
Give both men and women education.Allow people freedom to worship the way they want to.Get rid of alcohol and drugs.
What a sad world without the diversity of ancient cultures and religions. The Middle East in the image of the United States. Standardized with ideal reduced to money. The golden calf.
Probably the best thing for it they may get some peace
Arguably, the al-Assad held together the various political and religious factions until the money ran out and the Army collapsed.
The child that says his mom will not sleep, he too shall not sleep.
Always believe what people DO and not what they SAY!
He is a snake in the grass....
Who is "he"?
I agree
It's always cheering to hear the occasional sane voice to this secular Humanist.
I was sure the fall of Assad was a hopeful sign, he was the first "domino" - a crack in the Axis of dictators who, with vociferous Western Hamas supporters, gave every sign of "winning" by unlimited sacrifice of their own people (Putin/Ukraine?)
Cautiously hopeful, though with increasing numbers believing in imaginary fantasies, the dream of a rational secular Human society, best for all, even believers, slips from my beloved grandchildren's grasp...
Your assessment is accurate I’m sorry to say. The poor people of Syria!
Even if Syria becomes a moderate Islamic county alcohol will be an issue that will be non-negotiable. Alcohol is Quranically forbidden which doesn't change for any degree of one's Islamic belief. I honestly believe that there will be bigger fish to fry than the availability of alcohol in Bilad Ash-Sham.
Alcohol is sold in Turkey
Well stated by our host re: Iran’s nuclear history post -1979 days. Can’t wait for January 20.
Why can’t you be happy for Syrians right now. Support the new government ❤❤❤❤❤
You already know how he makes his living. FDD pays his salary ,so every single word got to justify his salary or he don't have RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP at FDD.
So alcohol is a very BIG ISSUE ..... which religion allow to consume alcohol? which doctor recommend to consume alcohol?? Grow the F up and talk some sense.
Good assessment
January 20, “There’s a new sheriff in town.”
I don't have too many hopes in pres Trump, but, we nevertheless can hope.
thank you
Thank you for watching!
IMO HTS won’t announce being a hardcore Islamist state…just yet…there needs to be an environment for refugees to come back willingly.
Brilliant analyst.
Wise person, Thank you 🙏👍
Why would you call Saudi Arabia a moderate country? In what way is it moderate? Same with Qatar, etc.
Saudi not defunding iran. Saudi not the one create hezbollah hams houthis etc. It is qatar
Saudi Arabia in the 60s and 70s was the biggest funder of world terrorism, the world has a very bad memory.
from bad to worse and to worset
What secularization yielded in syria ?
i expect that the situation in syria will disappoint all who are looking for an improvement in syrian and middle eastern political dynamics. to think that any country not only syria can go from a brutal dictatorship that is overthrown by a non state actor that is essentially a fundamentalist terrorist organization to anything that resembles even some stability let alone a democratic multicultural type of government is wishful thinking. i also expect that iran will try to make a deal with these terrorists (what else is new) not only to keep the land bridge to lebanon open but to enlist this organization in their fight against israel. happy holidays.
It comes down to alcohol?
Actually yes. Allowing alcohol indicates they will honor their so called commitment to pluralism. The fact that Julani stonewalled on the ? Of alcohol indicates the direction he’s headed.
yes. look at malaysia, gov used covid to oppress minorities, banning bars to reopen for months eventhough the whole country has funion as normal as before covid.
Who is to decide who has weapons’-grade uranium?
Good luck to them looks like they are back in dark ages
The guest doesn’t know much about what he speaks of. And he’s definitely right when he says that he’s no expert on Iran.
I just watched/listened to the entirety of this presentation. I have analysed and deconstructed it in full.
From the get go, Hussain Abdul-Hussain gets it wrong. e.g. From 00:00 he says: “So these are the scenarios that Israel can deal with. There’s no scenario right now that can play out in a way that Syria becomes a moderate country ruled by a government that minds its own business, focuses on its own people and willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel...”
Unfortunately, he is not a wise analyst of Syria or the Middle East. His philosophy/worldview is immature.
FYI, I have been auditing and analysing Syria in great depth since 21/8/2013, which was a truly pivotal day in human history. I don't think there is anyone alive who knows more about the origins and trajectory of the conflict and what the solutions are. I have put in at least 5,000 hours of work over a decade. e.g. From late 2013 to 2019 I composed in excess of 12000 tweets about Syria plus a multitude of comments and counsel to various media, agencies and leaders. (Data Mining all my past public counsel on Syria to condense my wisdom about the country is a worthy endeavour.)
A very small but important part chronology of my past counsel about Syria:
28/5/2015 Replying to Petra Stienen and Bente Scheller: " He, Bashar al Assad, can be Alawite Rep. for Tartus/Latakia. If not, Putin can give him and Asma a dacha in Vladivostok. Keys ready."
29/6/2017 "Syria must not be balkanised. Existing borders to remain. 14 governates. Damascus as the capital. Moderate - Monotheist - Pluralist"
9/7/2017 SYRIA The Vision - By 2030 it becomes possible to drive in peace and security from Jerusalem to Tehran, via The Golan Heights > Damascus, Jobar, Madaya, Beirut, Tripoli, Ain Dara, Aleppo, Raqqa, Palmyra, Deir Ez Zour, Mosul and Baghdad ! Over say 8 weeks. (A/C car in summer of course. 😎) What a road trip that would be! A Grand Middle East Tour ! Visualise - Verbalise - Actualise.
16/11/2018 I counselled to the US State Dept, POTUS, Erdogan, The Elysee and Netanyahu: "If Ahmad Shah Massoud had been given the right support, and not been killed of course, Afghanistan would be completely different since 2001. The closest and most hopeful approximation to Massoud in Syria now is Jolani."
23/1/2019 Replying to Charles Lister on Twitter: As I have explained, a professional, paid 42 person "Int'ernational Transitional Oversight Committee for Syria" is required. (To work with the 50 Syrian guests at the IPC + the MDMEMP + the 24/7 Ceasefire Monitors) Charles L. gets one of the seats on ITOCS2024. 👍
12/5/2023 Replying to Wassim Nasr at France 24: "Well done Wassim and your editors at France 24 who organised this trip with help from official channels. Blessings to the good people of Idlib Governate. There is a certain set of moves of the Rubik's Cube that can and must be made now to redeem Syria. I have been following the Syrian Civil War very closely since 21/8/2013, which was a key date in human history. i.e. The Sarin Attack on East Ghouta. P.S. Jolani is a viable leader of Syria in the coming years...
These recent comments by two other Syria watchers are relevant.
6/12/2024 @ Armin Rosen There is a case to be made-and I've made it here before-that the Syrian civil war is the most important event of the 21st century. Possible deadliest war, generated a host of other conflicts, produced ISIS and massive European refugee crisis...
@ Nick Gorges I make this argument all the time in my personal life to explain why people need to care about Syria. Have a good day.
Prayers for the peace, prosperity and security of Syria.
ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Adam Neira
Founder of World Peace 2050
Founded in April 2000
Paris - Jerusalem - Melbourne
I do not want a hostage release. It is a stupid idea.
If secular and others are not the popular groups or have no support and most of the Syrian want a religious based ruling why are you trying to impose secularism on them? Basically secularist are upset because degeneracy will be banned, feminism and lgbt nonesense.
>(57:15) that's right❗️acc - however, impossible could win against with Israel.
Will Turkey be next to be radicalized?
Turkey is radicalized. Erdogan is Muslim Brotherhood. Wants to reestablish dominance in region -- a new Ottoman Empire. Evil. Evil. Evil.
It was about Rachel Corri not Hamas
The socialist assadist regime was not popular, most people I see are Arabic Muslim, I feel happy for them
Don't listen to him, he is just wacko.
What happens if the Druze in Syria starts doing guerilla tactics against the IDF in the Golan? Remember the SLA in south Lebanon eventually had to flee to Israel. Will Trump allow US taxpayers' money to continue flowing to Israel?
Druze's future depends on Israel's future
@TheBackpacker26 Druze are angry that the Jews are colonising their homeland with Jewish characteristics. They want an independent state in the Golan.
Druze wouldn’t do that!!
Druze have a unique religion. They support Israel because Israel provides them the freedom to practice their religion and culture without interference unlike in Muslim societies.
@@Majeed54713 wth are u talking about, druze have stated repeatedly they will be loyal to the country they belong to, be it israel syria lebanon. who are you representing the druze? if it is not the hts harming the druze, they will not have to seek help from israel. all they want is just to be left alone in the mountains, have peaceful lives'
People want their freedom, yes even Palestinians this setback is temporary. There is nothing wrong with Islam.
What do you mean? Like Iran😢
The situation there is so complex cause of history and the situation now. That hope/ wisdom and knowledge has to enter into the middle east. Its time to solve the complexity into a situation where there can be peace. Without a solution there will be no peace.
So i hope all leaders have learned from history and find a way to make a way to a better future.
I think alcohol is permitted in Turkey
Do the Kurds use alcohol? Do the Kurds permit women to work and obtain higher education and enter the professions?
Except Saweda
He is not syrian. Nor secular. Nor chosen by the people. Get him out!
Israël has bought itself a decade of two of quietness, thank you to all Israeli
who paid the high price for this the last one and a half year. How it evolves will depend heavily on the US policy and the administration involvement with the US defense industry.
Syria will be divided into 3 Countries! Its coming watch it as it develops....
Or four: Alawites, Kurds, Druze, and Sunnis
Will the council of academics include professional women?
from bad to worse we really should let Turkey take the country
Richard Black and Vanessa Beeley on The Reality in Syria
Syria is muslim country they can choose sharia law
You can't wait to brand the new regime! You are pretty sure! There was prohibition in this country once.
Who killed more hostages Israel or Hamas
Qatar wants to build a gas pipeline thru Syria however their guarantee is Islamization of Syria and it better be solid. This way, folks in Qatar can have their investments guaranteed. They see it I. Islamization for them a guarantee their investment into pipeline secured
? nope different proxies will trrorize the pipe, qatar-iran proxies, suadi proxies, uae proxies, turkish proxies, etc etc, how can these group fighting each other over ideaolofy political and financial gains come tgt? unless someone pays them enough
@@RifndjsklljuwhdnchAfacnxlaCrusaders fought each other too in Europe but despite that managed to come together. The Crusades to Syria Lebanon Jerusalem is when different kingdoms enemies to each other other, unified against a bigger enemy. Al Sham the Arabic name for Greater Syria that was ideology of HTS. HTS was founded to make Syria Islamic
I saw the Great er Israel map 🗾
The agitatirs don't rest.
future? really? morons or as bugs bunny used to say maroons
Like normalize with assadism, Mr yahoo and the assadist regime not normal