Hi! I'm Catalan and his definition is in fact pretty accurate, though he made some mistakes and missed some details and here are they: - First of all is not "Caga tio" there's an accent on the "o" so it's "Tió" stressed on that letter. And the name of it is "Tió" or "Tió de Nadal" (Xmas Tió), "caga" is the verb, the right names are the ones I've mentioned. - "Tió: doesn't mean uncle, "tio" in Spanish does, but turns out that in Catalan uncle is "tiet" or "oncle", so it's actually closer to English, I guess because "uncle" is probably a French loan word. - We feed him fruit peals and leftovers, mostly, so not very good food. - We go to find it in the forest an he appears, we chooses us. - We have the "tió popular" in different towns, which is a "Tió" for all the town, classes at school tend to have them to (kindergarten and preschool mostly, the others tend to do secret santa). - And one last thing, the fsih we dislike are herrings which in Catalan is called "arengades" because they are too salty we ask for nougats which are sweeter. Fun fact! We love sardines, in fact, we mark the end of the carnival (aound February and the beginning of March depending on when Easter is going to be, it's always one month and a half before, and talking about the Carnival and the King Carnestoltes it's a whole other thing it would take a lot of time). Anyway, the Carnival ends the "Dimecres de cendra" (Ash Wednesday), and guess what's the tipical dish that day. No other than sardines. Roasted ones mostly. - And well, we have lots of songs, and the fun fact is that every one sing their own version, there are thousands of versions. There's even the long song, which would be the most oficial one, that everyone knows it a different way as well. Other than that, everything else was pretty much on point. At demonstrations we tend so say: "som gent de pau" (we are people of peace, peaceful people, would have a different translation, "gent pacífica"), well, we are because we take our stress out with a log maybe😅🤷🏽♀️.
Ja, jo també ho vaig veure. Per cert, el tros on parla de les sardines, s'equivoca, són arengades les que no ens agraden. Si li exploquem el carnaval i dimecres de cendra li peta el cap al pobre home😅
@judna1 @judna1 Tens raó !! Però alhora també crec que som una cultura una mica complicada d'entendre: fem gairebé 3 dies seguits de celebració, el 24, el 25 i el 26... Si per Nadal al vespre ja no en tens cap ganes de res més, l'endemà santornem-hi amb els canelons... 😅😅 A ell poster li petarà el cap però nosaltres ens petarà l'estómac 😂😂😅😅. Amb això vull fer autocrítica com a cultura... Una mica complicats ho som, haha
@@judna1 Ostres, perdona, tens total raó ! M'ho havia llegit d'esquitllada ! Quin cap el meu, sóc una mica despistat !, el Dijous Gras, haha ! Més farciment ! Som ben peculiars ^^ Bona entrada d'any !
This is the translation of one of the different versions of the TIÓ song: In Christmas day we will put the hog in salt the chicken in the pasture and the young donkey on the pine tree. Playing the violin. Now oxen and cows pass by, hens with shoes and the roosters with big shoes Marieta makes nougat. The priest has tasted them he says they are a little salty. Marieta, put some sugar in them and they will be a little better. Poop log, otherwise I'll beat you with a stick. Catalan original song: El dia de Nadal posarem el porc en sal la gallina a la pastera i el pollí dalt del pi. Toca, toca el violí. Ara passen bous i vaques les gallines amb sabates i els capons amb sabatons Marieta fa torrons. El vicari els ha tastats diu que són un poc salats. Marieta posa-hi sucre que seràn un poc millor. Caga tió sinó et donaré un cop de bastó .
La cançó me la sé de forma diferent: Caga tió, tió de Nadal Posarem el porc en sal La gallina la pastera I el pollí a dalt del pí Toc, toca valentí Passen bous i vaques Gallines amb sabates I galls amb sabatons Correu, correu minyons Que la tieta fa turrons El vicari els ha tastat Diu que són un poc salats Ai el ruc, ai el porc Ai el cara, cara, cara Ai el ruc, ai el porc Ai el cara de pebrot
Ens ha arribat el nostre a l'institut d'aquí a Kansas, USA. Demà i passat demà el farem cagar xocolata!
Hi! I'm Catalan and his definition is in fact pretty accurate, though he made some mistakes and missed some details and here are they:
- First of all is not "Caga tio" there's an accent on the "o" so it's "Tió" stressed on that letter. And the name of it is "Tió" or "Tió de Nadal" (Xmas Tió), "caga" is the verb, the right names are the ones I've mentioned.
- "Tió: doesn't mean uncle, "tio" in Spanish does, but turns out that in Catalan uncle is "tiet" or "oncle", so it's actually closer to English, I guess because "uncle" is probably a French loan word.
- We feed him fruit peals and leftovers, mostly, so not very good food.
- We go to find it in the forest an he appears, we chooses us.
- We have the "tió popular" in different towns, which is a "Tió" for all the town, classes at school tend to have them to (kindergarten and preschool mostly, the others tend to do secret santa).
- And one last thing, the fsih we dislike are herrings which in Catalan is called "arengades" because they are too salty we ask for nougats which are sweeter.
Fun fact! We love sardines, in fact, we mark the end of the carnival (aound February and the beginning of March depending on when Easter is going to be, it's always one month and a half before, and talking about the Carnival and the King Carnestoltes it's a whole other thing it would take a lot of time). Anyway, the Carnival ends the "Dimecres de cendra" (Ash Wednesday), and guess what's the tipical dish that day. No other than sardines. Roasted ones mostly.
- And well, we have lots of songs, and the fun fact is that every one sing their own version, there are thousands of versions. There's even the long song, which would be the most oficial one, that everyone knows it a different way as well.
Other than that, everything else was pretty much on point.
At demonstrations we tend so say: "som gent de pau" (we are people of peace, peaceful people, would have a different translation, "gent pacífica"), well, we are because we take our stress out with a log maybe😅🤷🏽♀️.
We Catalans love to make the Tió poop nougat and gifts!
Don't forget the part where they chuck Caga Tío in the fire and *BURN HIM FOR WARMTH!*
És brutal! Quin riure!
Hahahaha quin fart de riure xD
“Beat the loog” encara estic rient
Hahahaha! Boníssim🤣
Em peto de riure! 😂😂L'any passat el van compartir per Instagram amb 2 altres famosos nord-americans parlant-ne... Bru-tal!😂😂
Ja, jo també ho vaig veure. Per cert, el tros on parla de les sardines, s'equivoca, són arengades les que no ens agraden.
Si li exploquem el carnaval i dimecres de cendra li peta el cap al pobre home😅
@judna1 @judna1 Tens raó !! Però alhora també crec que som una cultura una mica complicada d'entendre: fem gairebé 3 dies seguits de celebració, el 24, el 25 i el 26... Si per Nadal al vespre ja no en tens cap ganes de res més, l'endemà santornem-hi amb els canelons... 😅😅
A ell poster li petarà el cap però nosaltres ens petarà l'estómac 😂😂😅😅. Amb això vull fer autocrítica com a cultura... Una mica complicats ho som, haha
@pausabate9910 Estic d'acord, i ja que parlava del carnaval, que tal si sumem dijous gras a la llista😅
@pausabate9910 Les persones catalanes som de teca, heus aquí una prova del fet de què som mediterrànies🤷🏽♀️😅.
@@judna1 Ostres, perdona, tens total raó ! M'ho havia llegit d'esquitllada ! Quin cap el meu, sóc una mica despistat !, el Dijous Gras, haha ! Més farciment ! Som ben peculiars ^^ Bona entrada d'any !
This is the translation of one of the different versions of the TIÓ song:
In Christmas day
we will put the hog in salt
the chicken in the pasture
and the young donkey on the pine tree.
Playing the violin.
Now oxen and cows pass by,
hens with shoes
and the roosters with big shoes
Marieta makes nougat.
The priest has tasted them
he says they are a little salty.
Marieta, put some sugar in them and they will be a little better.
Poop log, otherwise I'll beat you with a stick.
Catalan original song:
El dia de Nadal
posarem el porc en sal
la gallina a la pastera
i el pollí dalt del pi.
Toca, toca el violí.
Ara passen bous i vaques
les gallines amb sabates
i els capons amb sabatons
Marieta fa torrons.
El vicari els ha tastats
diu que són un poc salats.
Marieta posa-hi sucre que seràn un poc millor.
Caga tió sinó et donaré un cop de bastó .
La cançó me la sé de forma diferent:
Caga tió, tió de Nadal
Posarem el porc en sal
La gallina la pastera
I el pollí a dalt del pí
Toc, toca valentí
Passen bous i vaques
Gallines amb sabates
I galls amb sabatons
Correu, correu minyons
Que la tieta fa turrons
El vicari els ha tastat
Diu que són un poc salats
Ai el ruc, ai el porc
Ai el cara, cara, cara
Ai el ruc, ai el porc
Ai el cara de pebrot
Hahahahahahaaaaa don’t talk badly about tio!! 🤣😡🤣😡🤣😡🤣