I just want to say that I had my first child in 2013, my second in 2017, and my third in 2020 and each time I come back to your videos. You have helped me so much! Thank you!
Obviously every baby is different and this will not work for every baby. Does she really need to say this and go through so many unecessary details? “Ask your pediatrician” was enough! Geez people. Anyways, since no one seems to be actually TRYING this I thought I would share my experience. My baby is almost 3 months old and is healthy/gaining weight. However, he was often fussy. He needed more sleep and consistently. When I tried this routine out, he became happier during the daytime and breastfeeding has also been less stressful for me. At the 1.5 to 2 hour mark she mentions, I noticed my baby would get fussy. Naptime! Obviously if my baby wakes early for food, I will feed him. After his last meal of the day I let him wake when he wants (this is 1-2 times a night on a good night. In the morning when I see he can’t sleep anymore we both are up for the day. Babies are not as fragile as you think. Try something, and if it doesn’t work, tend to their needs. Don’t shame people who are just giving advice for what obviously worked for their baby (and this lady has 5? Babies!)
I have been feeding my baby in demand for eight weeks now and sometimes it gets hard to tell when they are crying out of hunger or sleep. I think putting them on a schedule is not only good for mama but also for the baby. Gives them a sense of their day and surroundings. This is my second baby and I intend to start a routine for him soon. I didn’t do it with my first baby and I think we both suffered as a consequence.
Thank you so much for all your hard work throughout the years. Here I am with my 3rd once again seeking your advice. They have been so helpful. I know your babies are much bigger now but your advice is a gift that never stops giving. Thank you
the point of the "schedule" is more to make sure the baby is very full and eating often enough and sleeping well enough... sometimes it's hard to just feed on-demand all day long and they come back after only an hour... I think it's a personal preference but it's not about denying the baby anything but rather making sure they get enough milk and often enough ...it's actually more a way of keeping track ...
We did a sleep feed schedule pretty much from birth and it worked great. It took about six weeks to get her on a schedule. Got her use to full feedings. Then worked on her night and day. I didn’t really watch the clock and fed on demand and let her sleep whenever she fell asleep but I would be more active during day feedings and calm at night. And eventually she was sleeping from about 11-12 to 6-7 am. Then she had a growth spurt at 3 months and is was back to every few hours at night, lol. Thanks for the times. I was trying a different one but she wanted to feed soon then their recommendation but this one is closer to her current feed and sleep schedule. I just have to get back to taking a full feed before napping or sleeping as with the growth spurt she’d pass out and be unwakeable then want to eat at odd times. It was like cluster feeding all the time.
Lol something I used to enjoy doing... SLEEPING!!!😂🤣 YES girl! I'm ready to do that again! My baby makes 2 months on Sunday and I'm ready to put him on a better schedule!
I'm so sleep deprived I am having trouble following...lol. I'm confused about when they are awake, when they are feeding and when they are sleeping. Can you attach a print out?
Thank u very much for this uploading this. I,m a first time mom to a an almost 3 months old baby girl. Was having a tough time breast feeding and could not accomplish any thing else, bt breastfeed a whole day because my baby girl cluster fed. After watching this vlog, I decided to put her on schedule feeding and IT worked. IT was tough the first day, she cried a lot, but at the end of the day I was able to get many hours of sleep for the very first time since the birth of my baby. She slept through the night without waking up to breast feed.
Thanks for your take on your experience, i found it interesting and valid points as i am breastfeesing my 4th bub and wanting him to obviously sleep longer. All of what you have said are things i have been told by midwives over the years so thanks for breaking it down in an easy to understand vid x
How do you put a 2 months old on a schedule?! My baby sometimes wants to eat every hour and I mean not to snack but he can have a full feed twice in an hour. Do you let your baby cry but wait or what do you do?! Also the max hours he can go without eating at night is 4 hours. What do you do during growth spurts?!
Daria Pre just feed that baby and encourage to keep steady feeding when they're sleep/eating. So they can get used to doing one or the other rather than using mom as a binky😹
Hi Melissa, in your feeding schedule, when do you put your baby to sleep? sounds like around 10pm? I've also learned from other methods (e.g. no cry sleep solution), that putting baby early to bed around 7-8pm helps them sleeping long. It actually works for us, and our baby (7weeks) sleeps 4-5hrs from 7-8pm onwards. But this would mess up with your 10pm feeding schedule. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I truly wanted for this schedule thing to work for me but it did not. My baby has just passed the 4 month mark and I am trying to get her to sleep from midnight (last feed for which I wake her) until 6 am without feeding or waking up. It means she cries. But she just would not change her feedings and would wake up around 1-2 and 3-4 since birth. I decided she is old enough now to push her to change and sleep. I know she isn't hungry. Wish me luck, this is night 5. She did pretty good last night, woke at 5:06.
Hi there Amainde!! You had your baby!!!!! This sounds totally normal. My advice is to jsut concentrate on getting those full feeds & do anything you can to keep baby away to get a full feed by changing him often! You can gently gently pinch toes too... if you keep this up, those longer stints at night will start - how old is the baby? With your toddler, I don't know what is happening when he is waking up... describe more and I will try to help! xoxo
Baby who breastfeed, feed more often than x6-7 and every baby establishes their own feeding/sleeping schedule. Baby's are not meant to me managed, they tell you when they want to feed. Don't watch the clock! Do you as adults only eat on a schedule?! NO!!! Many babies still need to nurse at night during growth spurts and during developmental changes. This can also cause your milk production to decrease.
I'd really appreciate some advice here: I am working on a 3hr schedule with my almost 3month exclusively BF baby but she naps for only 30-45mins. How do we keep on schedule if baby wakes up too early before her next feed but seems to want to feed?
HI Patricia!! How big is your baby? My babies were small so my doctor wanted me feeding them regularly during the day AND night. But if your baby is big and growing, your doctor might say you can let them go at night and see for how long they sleep. I think this is a good schedule for young babies that helps figure out how to feed them really well and consistently at night, so that you start to get longer stints at night. Is it helping you? xoxo Melissa
hi my baby now two and half month and he is 5.300 kilos and some time he take sleep for 4 to 5 hour at night should i start your schedile for him because i be back to work i need to sleep and train him for feeding i saw your vedio it .ake me happy if i cant do for my baby and get some rest i be thankfull if you replay me
Need your help. My baby is a week to 3 months. His nap is only for half an hour most of the time. To mention I’m doing EC. So he wakes up to pee. He sleeps every 11/2 hrs and it’s a 30-45 min nap. It means I’m feeding him every 2 hrs. In the evening his wake up time is about 2.5-3.5 hrs and I put him early to bed at 7-7.30pm. He sleeps minimum of 6 hrs straight. My question is: How to increase his nap time? Any ideas
Hi.. Melissa I have a 2 month old baby boy. I currently breastfeeding but also supplementing with formula. Would this schedule work for formula fed babies too?
My daughter is 4 weeks old today- a great eater and has already started giving us a 4 hour stint of sleep in the night so we started this system. If she happens to wake around 4 or 5 am- do we feed her or try and calm her without a feed and hold off till 7am?
You don't keep baby up after the last feed. You put baby straight back to bed. That establishes night time. Also you always count from the beginning of a feed. So if she feeds at 8..nap at 930 or 10. Feed again between 11 and 12. You do this after every feed..starting with the morning its eat, wake, sleep. Then on the last one it's just eat sleep.
Hi Melissa my baby is 1 month old .. Right from day one he falls asleep as soon as I put him on my breast.. He hardly feeds for 5 mins .. I tried stroking is cheeks, changing diaper etc but noting helped.. I have been pumping exclusively now but it's exhausting at night time... Can you suggest on this
So newborns do sleep a lot at day AND night though right? I'm trying so hard to keep my new son awake more during the day but when hw wants to sleep.....he just won't stay awake. He nurses well, pees and poos a lot, has 2-3 awake periods during the day of about 30 minutes each. plus a gassy/fussy time for 2-3 hours at night. Feeds a lot at night, 3-4 times lasting at least 30-45 minutes. Second baby, toddler wakes a lo too. So tired. Is this normal?
I would say generally 15-20 min on each side, you want to try to empty the first breast, but also, it's good to try to be even b/t the two breasts... most important is that baby seems full!
My baby is 2 months and still falls asleep at my breast but once I try taking it from her she throws a fit. So I'm breastfeeding for quite some time(1hr-2hr) give or take. By that time I feel as if it's pointless to pump. Also I have been taking more milk with goat rue droplets and fenugreek pills and on occasion I drink mothers tea cause I only pump about 2-3 ounces! Sometimes just 2. And that's not after breastfeeding that if she doesn't feed.
Thank you for posting this video! My daughter is 4 months already and is waking me up through out the night, so I'm very tired during the day. I'm also having difficulties with my milk supply, I feel like I'm not producing enough milk :( please help :( if you can please respond by a private message id really appreciate it. Thank you and God Bless :)
Hi, if I don't feed baby after 1am should I empty my breasts, because they feel heavy if I don't nurse baby during night. Can I sleep whole night without pumping?
My baby is 8 weeks, after trying the schedule I have a hard time putting him to sleep.he only wants to sleep breastfeeding.if I want him to sleep not on me it takes forever! So after feeding him should I put him down right away or start so he will sleep by an hour and a half later?
I have to feed my baby every two hrs.....maybe not exactly two sometimes after every 1 n half HR....is it normal or she's not getting enough milk maybe dats y she's getting up?
Is this safe to do considering their stomachs are so small? Did your babies spit up a lot from eating so much during the day? Thanks for this video btw. Going to attempt this with my second baby
My daughter is 6 weeks old and she sleeps 5-7 hours at night, eats in the morning and goes back to sleep for another 5 hours. I am only able to fit 4 feedings per day. Is she sleeping too much?
Hi! My baby is 3month old... m not being able to set his feeding schedule.. he needs to nurse every 1 and half he during d day. He doesn’t take d feed for more than 5mins so I think he is never full nd so after every feed he plays only for about 5 to 10 mind and then starts crying... he falls asleep during d feeds and wakes up as soon as I stop feeding.. how do I make him nurse fully???
Can you get him a little bit used to being on his own in a bouncy seat? When he has eaten and burped and you've changed him, I would wait a bit and try to put him down in a tight swaddle.
Any suggestions for getting baby to sleep? You mentioned putting the baby down when they are still awake, my LO is over 2 months old and every time I try to put her down when she is awake (or even if she is sleeping in my arms) and I try to put her down she wakes up and starts crying. do you have any suggestions on how to get her to actually get to sleep and stay asleep? If she is laying on my chest or I am baby wearing she will sleep very well. During the day her naps usually are very short if I do try to put her down, and I fear she is not sleeping enough. ALSO for night feds I have heard keeping the lights off, keeping quiet and feeding then putting back to bed, do you suggest I make sure she is fully awake for these night feds? For a few weeks she was sleeping 4-5 hours straight and all the sudden she is back to waking up every 1.5-2.5 hours in the night, I just don't know what happened. THANKS!
she is now 3 months ND she still prefers baby wearing but depends on her mood or how tired she is at night she is USUALLY good with sleeping but when it gets light out and during their day I'm lucky to get like 2 good naps a week MAYBE like putting her down and being able to do things (without baby wearing)
Hi thanks for replying, my baby is 1 month corrected age, ( he was born premature) and it's exactly the same here, I'm using a wrap now, and it seems like he likes it too, but I would like him to sleep more on his bassinet
Hii, Thanks for all the amazing videos you've created...❤️ My 2.5 month old baby has scheduled following on his own, hope that's good for his weight gain.. Morning 11 am to 10 pm, almost every 2-3 hrs I'll need to feed him... After 11 pm his last feed, he gets up after 4/5 hrs so almost 1/2 feeds allowing a longer sleep for both of us... But sometimes he sleeps while feeding and Wales up when kept down, sleeps again when tried... Please suggest
My daughter eats like every 45mins to an hour. She is so greedy. More serious may I feel that she is truly hungry cause she'll eventually start crying if I don't feed her.
My baby is 3 weeks old and hardly makes it to 2 hours in between feedings without yelling as loud as he can. My mom says I should consider pumping and putting cereal in his bottle.
Babies who are breastfed should be fed on demand. I don't know any young BF babies who eat 3-4 hourly every day. 6-7 feeds per day is not enough, 8-12 is considered normal, and is often more than this.
Samantha Miller Wow! That's great for you guys! Must make it so much easier. Those early weeks were the toughest for me, my baby would feed upwards to 20x per day. Is your baby breastfed on demand?
Hayley Scargill yeah on demand, im not sure how to not nurse in demand...let em cry? sometimes during the day she can eat every hour. the past 24hrs she did every 3-4 and for some crazy reason slept 930pm to 240am! but the day before was every 2-3hrs
Hi there. Can you send me an email? contact [at] cloudmom [dot] com. I will try to offer a few suggestions! Hang in there...you can do it. These early months are so tough on us mamas.
I just want to say that I had my first child in 2013, my second in 2017, and my third in 2020 and each time I come back to your videos. You have helped me so much! Thank you!
Obviously every baby is different and this will not work for every baby. Does she really need to say this and go through so many unecessary details? “Ask your pediatrician” was enough! Geez people. Anyways, since no one seems to be actually TRYING this I thought I would share my experience. My baby is almost 3 months old and is healthy/gaining weight. However, he was often fussy. He needed more sleep and consistently. When I tried this routine out, he became happier during the daytime and breastfeeding has also been less stressful for me. At the 1.5 to 2 hour mark she mentions, I noticed my baby would get fussy. Naptime! Obviously if my baby wakes early for food, I will feed him. After his last meal of the day I let him wake when he wants (this is 1-2 times a night on a good night. In the morning when I see he can’t sleep anymore we both are up for the day. Babies are not as fragile as you think. Try something, and if it doesn’t work, tend to their needs. Don’t shame people who are just giving advice for what obviously worked for their baby (and this lady has 5? Babies!)
I have been feeding my baby in demand for eight weeks now and sometimes it gets hard to tell when they are crying out of hunger or sleep. I think putting them on a schedule is not only good for mama but also for the baby. Gives them a sense of their day and surroundings. This is my second baby and I intend to start a routine for him soon. I didn’t do it with my first baby and I think we both suffered as a consequence.
Thank you so much for all your hard work throughout the years. Here I am with my 3rd once again seeking your advice. They have been so helpful. I know your babies are much bigger now but your advice is a gift that never stops giving. Thank you
You are so welcome! also, please subscribe to our Instagram channel instagram.com/cloudmom/
Good morning! Been up since 7. Fed 7:15-7:40. About to go down for our first nap. Hope this helps us.
the point of the "schedule" is more to make sure the baby is very full and eating often enough and sleeping well enough... sometimes it's hard to just feed on-demand all day long and they come back after only an hour... I think it's a personal preference but it's not about denying the baby anything but rather making sure they get enough milk and often enough ...it's actually more a way of keeping track ...
We did a sleep feed schedule pretty much from birth and it worked great. It took about six weeks to get her on a schedule. Got her use to full feedings. Then worked on her night and day. I didn’t really watch the clock and fed on demand and let her sleep whenever she fell asleep but I would be more active during day feedings and calm at night. And eventually she was sleeping from about 11-12 to 6-7 am. Then she had a growth spurt at 3 months and is was back to every few hours at night, lol.
Thanks for the times. I was trying a different one but she wanted to feed soon then their recommendation but this one is closer to her current feed and sleep schedule. I just have to get back to taking a full feed before napping or sleeping as with the growth spurt she’d pass out and be unwakeable then want to eat at odd times. It was like cluster feeding all the time.
Lol something I used to enjoy doing... SLEEPING!!!😂🤣 YES girl! I'm ready to do that again! My baby makes 2 months on Sunday and I'm ready to put him on a better schedule!
I'm so sleep deprived I am having trouble following...lol. I'm confused about when they are awake, when they are feeding and when they are sleeping. Can you attach a print out?
Thank u very much for this uploading this. I,m a first time mom to a an almost 3 months old baby girl. Was having a tough time breast feeding and could not accomplish any thing else, bt breastfeed a whole day because my baby girl cluster fed. After watching this vlog, I decided to put her on schedule feeding and IT worked. IT was tough the first day, she cried a lot, but at the end of the day I was able to get many hours of sleep for the very first time since the birth of my baby. She slept through the night without waking up to breast feed.
What exactly did you do? I'm a first time mom looking for a schedule as much as possible..
Thanks for your take on your experience, i found it interesting and valid points as i am breastfeesing my 4th bub and wanting him to obviously sleep longer. All of what you have said are things i have been told by midwives over the years so thanks for breaking it down in an easy to understand vid x
How do you put a 2 months old on a schedule?! My baby sometimes wants to eat every hour and I mean not to snack but he can have a full feed twice in an hour. Do you let your baby cry but wait or what do you do?! Also the max hours he can go without eating at night is 4 hours. What do you do during growth spurts?!
Daria Pre just feed that baby and encourage to keep steady feeding when they're sleep/eating. So they can get used to doing one or the other rather than using mom as a binky😹
Hi Melissa, in your feeding schedule, when do you put your baby to sleep? sounds like around 10pm? I've also learned from other methods (e.g. no cry sleep solution), that putting baby early to bed around 7-8pm helps them sleeping long. It actually works for us, and our baby (7weeks) sleeps 4-5hrs from 7-8pm onwards. But this would mess up with your 10pm feeding schedule. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I truly wanted for this schedule thing to work for me but it did not. My baby has just passed the 4 month mark and I am trying to get her to sleep from midnight (last feed for which I wake her) until 6 am without feeding or waking up. It means she cries. But she just would not change her feedings and would wake up around 1-2 and 3-4 since birth. I decided she is old enough now to push her to change and sleep. I know she isn't hungry. Wish me luck, this is night 5. She did pretty good last night, woke at 5:06.
Thanks for this video. Simple and to the point. Which i really liked!!! Thank you for sharing your tips and experiences. 💜💜💜💜
Hi there Amainde!! You had your baby!!!!! This sounds totally normal. My advice is to jsut concentrate on getting those full feeds & do anything you can to keep baby away to get a full feed by changing him often! You can gently gently pinch toes too... if you keep this up, those longer stints at night will start - how old is the baby? With your toddler, I don't know what is happening when he is waking up... describe more and I will try to help! xoxo
Baby who breastfeed, feed more often than x6-7 and every baby establishes their own feeding/sleeping schedule. Baby's are not meant to me managed, they tell you when they want to feed. Don't watch the clock! Do you as adults only eat on a schedule?! NO!!! Many babies still need to nurse at night during growth spurts and during developmental changes. This can also cause your milk production to decrease.
Deff agree!!!👌
I'd really appreciate some advice here: I am working on a 3hr schedule with my almost 3month exclusively BF baby but she naps for only 30-45mins. How do we keep on schedule if baby wakes up too early before her next feed but seems to want to feed?
Yensoun Ta I'm in the same boat! Did you find a solution?
HI Patricia!! How big is your baby? My babies were small so my doctor wanted me feeding them regularly during the day AND night. But if your baby is big and growing, your doctor might say you can let them go at night and see for how long they sleep. I think this is a good schedule for young babies that helps figure out how to feed them really well and consistently at night, so that you start to get longer stints at night. Is it helping you? xoxo Melissa
hi my baby now two and half month and he is 5.300 kilos and some time he take sleep for 4 to 5 hour at night should i start your schedile for him because i be back to work i need to sleep and train him for feeding i saw your vedio it .ake me happy if i cant do for my baby and get some rest i be thankfull if you replay me
Robyn Aguiler I have that same question!
Is the 1.5 - 2 hr sleeping time start after you stop feeding or the time you started feeding?
This really helps Melissa, thank you.
That makes me so glad! So happy to help! xx
hi i have one question . my baby is 1 month old , after bath she sleeps upto 3 to 4 hours is it good ?
Need your help. My baby is a week to 3 months. His nap is only for half an hour most of the time. To mention I’m doing EC. So he wakes up to pee. He sleeps every 11/2 hrs and it’s a 30-45 min nap. It means I’m feeding him every 2 hrs. In the evening his wake up time is about 2.5-3.5 hrs and I put him early to bed at 7-7.30pm. He sleeps minimum of 6 hrs straight. My question is: How to increase his nap time? Any ideas
Do you swaddle and put down for a nap after every feed or just the first morning one? I'm not sure how much my baby should nap during the day.
Hi.. Melissa I have a 2 month old baby boy. I currently breastfeeding but also supplementing with formula. Would this schedule work for formula fed babies too?
My daughter is 4 weeks old today- a great eater and has already started giving us a 4 hour stint of sleep in the night so we started this system. If she happens to wake around 4 or 5 am- do we feed her or try and calm her without a feed and hold off till 7am?
You don't keep baby up after the last feed. You put baby straight back to bed. That establishes night time.
Also you always count from the beginning of a feed. So if she feeds at 8..nap at 930 or 10. Feed again between 11 and 12. You do this after every feed..starting with the morning its eat, wake, sleep. Then on the last one it's just eat sleep.
This is the babywiss method, right??
Hi Melissa my baby is 1 month old .. Right from day one he falls asleep as soon as I put him on my breast.. He hardly feeds for 5 mins .. I tried stroking is cheeks, changing diaper etc but noting helped.. I have been pumping exclusively now but it's exhausting at night time... Can you suggest on this
So newborns do sleep a lot at day AND night though right? I'm trying so hard to keep my new son awake more during the day but when hw wants to sleep.....he just won't stay awake. He nurses well, pees and poos a lot, has 2-3 awake periods during the day of about 30 minutes each. plus a gassy/fussy time for 2-3 hours at night. Feeds a lot at night, 3-4 times lasting at least 30-45 minutes. Second baby, toddler wakes a lo too. So tired. Is this normal?
So do you wake the baby for the 10pm and 1pm feed?
I would say generally 15-20 min on each side, you want to try to empty the first breast, but also, it's good to try to be even b/t the two breasts... most important is that baby seems full!
My baby is 2 months and still falls asleep at my breast but once I try taking it from her she throws a fit. So I'm breastfeeding for quite some time(1hr-2hr) give or take. By that time I feel as if it's pointless to pump. Also I have been taking more milk with goat rue droplets and fenugreek pills and on occasion I drink mothers tea cause I only pump about 2-3 ounces! Sometimes just 2. And that's not after breastfeeding that if she doesn't feed.
That's me and my baby...
That's because she's sucking for comfort. Try a Pacifidf.
Thank you for posting this video! My daughter is 4 months already and is waking me up through out the night, so I'm very tired during the day. I'm also having difficulties with my milk supply, I feel like I'm not producing enough milk :( please help :( if you can please respond by a private message id really appreciate it. Thank you and God Bless :)
How do you get anything done on this schedule, in terms of going outside of the home?
kayress come home with in 2-3hours👍
@@lila-Bey or feed while out and use the stroller for naps
Hi, if I don't feed baby after 1am should I empty my breasts, because they feel heavy if I don't nurse baby during night. Can I sleep whole night without pumping?
My baby is 8 weeks, after trying the schedule I have a hard time putting him to sleep.he only wants to sleep breastfeeding.if I want him to sleep not on me it takes forever! So after feeding him should I put him down right away or start so he will sleep by an hour and a half later?
Hi mam my baby is almost about 2 n half months old n he sleeps at night around 2am n he sleeps for 5-6 hours is it ok
Is it ok same doubt pls reply
I have to feed my baby every two hrs.....maybe not exactly two sometimes after every 1 n half HR....is it normal or she's not getting enough milk maybe dats y she's getting up?
Is this safe to do considering their stomachs are so small? Did your babies spit up a lot from eating so much during the day? Thanks for this video btw. Going to attempt this with my second baby
My daughter is 6 weeks old and she sleeps 5-7 hours at night, eats in the morning and goes back to sleep for another 5 hours. I am only able to fit 4 feedings per day. Is she sleeping too much?
My baby is 3month old... m not being able to set his feeding schedule.. he needs to nurse every 1 and half he during d day. He doesn’t take d feed for more than 5mins so I think he is never full nd so after every feed he plays only for about 5 to 10 mind and then starts crying... he falls asleep during d feeds and wakes up as soon as I stop feeding.. how do I make him nurse fully???
My baby same doing like ur baby can u plz suggest me something what can I do
Hii I hv que my baby 2 month old but he feed hardly 10 min at feed time is it good pls ans me
thank you so much for your advice... I will try today..^-^
Can you get him a little bit used to being on his own in a bouncy seat? When he has eaten and burped and you've changed him, I would wait a bit and try to put him down in a tight swaddle.
Any suggestions for getting baby to sleep? You mentioned putting the baby down when they are still awake, my LO is over 2 months old and every time I try to put her down when she is awake (or even if she is sleeping in my arms) and I try to put her down she wakes up and starts crying. do you have any suggestions on how to get her to actually get to sleep and stay asleep? If she is laying on my chest or I am baby wearing she will sleep very well. During the day her naps usually are very short if I do try to put her down, and I fear she is not sleeping enough.
ALSO for night feds I have heard keeping the lights off, keeping quiet and feeding then putting back to bed, do you suggest I make sure she is fully awake for these night feds? For a few weeks she was sleeping 4-5 hours straight and all the sudden she is back to waking up every 1.5-2.5 hours in the night, I just don't know what happened.
hi the same happens to me, my baby only likes sleeping on my chest, did it get better for u?
she is now 3 months ND she still prefers baby wearing but depends on her mood or how tired she is at night she is USUALLY good with sleeping but when it gets light out and during their day I'm lucky to get like 2 good naps a week MAYBE like putting her down and being able to do things (without baby wearing)
Hi thanks for replying, my baby is 1 month corrected age, ( he was born premature) and it's exactly the same here, I'm using a wrap now, and it seems like he likes it too, but I would like him to sleep more on his bassinet
Hi! I have a 2 months old baby And I have the same problem. I don't know what to do. It's frustrating. Did it get better for either one of you? Thanks
Gee Elise l
Hii, Thanks for all the amazing videos you've created...❤️
My 2.5 month old baby has scheduled following on his own, hope that's good for his weight gain..
Morning 11 am to 10 pm, almost every 2-3 hrs I'll need to feed him...
After 11 pm his last feed, he gets up after 4/5 hrs so almost 1/2 feeds allowing a longer sleep for both of us...
But sometimes he sleeps while feeding and Wales up when kept down, sleeps again when tried...
Please suggest
My daughter eats like every 45mins to an hour. She is so greedy. More serious may I feel that she is truly hungry cause she'll eventually start crying if I don't feed her.
If you go to my website CloudMom.com you can click on the contact link at the very top -- that's the best way to reach me. Thank you!
I thought the wake window should be 60-90 minutes for newborns (0-3)?
If my baby goes over 90 minutes, she's over tired.
Its actually very good way if my baby behaves
My baby is 3 weeks old and hardly makes it to 2 hours in between feedings without yelling as loud as he can. My mom says I should consider pumping and putting cereal in his bottle.
TashaBabi16 When my baby was that age sometimes she would eat every 20 minutes, its normal, the baby is too young, they eat very often
Will sleeping from 7pm-7am hurt my supply?
Babies who are breastfed should be fed on demand. I don't know any young BF babies who eat 3-4 hourly every day. 6-7 feeds per day is not enough, 8-12 is considered normal, and is often more than this.
Hayley Scargill yes thank you that's so true
Hayley Scargill mine eats every 3-4hrs she's 7 weeks now
Samantha Miller Wow! That's great for you guys! Must make it so much easier. Those early weeks were the toughest for me, my baby would feed upwards to 20x per day. Is your baby breastfed on demand?
Hayley Scargill yeah on demand, im not sure how to not nurse in demand...let em cry? sometimes during the day she can eat every hour. the past 24hrs she did every 3-4 and for some crazy reason slept 930pm to 240am! but the day before was every 2-3hrs
Hayley Scargill
How do I ensure that my baby’s tummy is filled on every feed??
sridurga chandrasekaran make sure your posture is correct when nursing
I'm lost I feed my baby on demand when I can I pump my milk most of the time more then I'd like but as long as my princess eats thats all that matters
My baby eats every hour, but sleeps mostly through the night. Idk one breastfed baby who eats every 3 hours that's crazy
Chaya Palm my baby eats every 3 hours but then feeds for like an hour and a half loool I seriously thought that was a lot wow
Should you also wait 1.5 - 2 hrs to put them to bed after the 1am feeding?
Hi Melissa my baby is
Hi there. Can you send me an email? contact [at] cloudmom [dot] com. I will try to offer a few suggestions! Hang in there...you can do it. These early months are so tough on us mamas.
I like these videos, but the dissonance and clashing notes in the intro song is painful.
Breastfeeding shouldn't have a schedule it should always be on demand that's what makes it beautiful and NATURAL -_-
your videos are really good but this video doesnt make much sense how can you bf your baby on a plan its feed on demand !
Queen la
Hey cloudmom can you send me your email? I tried to email you but it wouldn't let me.
Baby is not drinking mom milk
lol my baby won't turn 2months until November 17,
My baby too
Your baby does not take a bath? hahaha
Reynan C yes, did I forget that? Oops!