This came out in September 1994, after 2 boys were killed in a Bomb explosion in Warrington England, also this has to do with "The Troubles" The Northern Ireland Conflict (late 1960's - late 1990's) and that's where the music video is filmed in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Definitely check out more of The Cranberries, Dreams, Linger, Ode To My Family, When You're Gone, Animal Instinct and Promises.
Grew up listening to the cranberries love all their songs, Delores passed away in 2018. The song was written in response to the death of Johnathan Ball, 3, and Tim Parry, 12, who had been killed in the IRA bombing in Warrington, northwest England, when two devices hidden in litter bins were detonated.
@@silentnytubenorthern Ireland was occupied/ ruled by England. IRA is the Irish Republican Army who used to fight for Irish equailty against the British army and Protestant Paramilitary until a peace deal was reached in 1998.
-@@silentnytube you can see IRA in the video on walls on houses but you also see UDF and the British army... Northern Ireland is still very divided but there is some sort of peace. It says in the lyrics since 1916 (the Easter Rising). It's hard for young Americans to understand that Britain is not one harmonise place. As a note you may want to look up the IRA and the Provisional IRA- who did the Warrington bombings which this song is based on.
During the occupation of Ireland. The inspiration of this song came from a bombing at a McDonald's play area. It hits hard knowing that. The children playing war, while under the military control.
The plight of the Irish does still continue, though the IRA is not currently active. Due to the good Friday agreement. Thankfully, Sinn Fein has been gaining match momentum and being voted in not only in the Republic, but also in the north. My second cousin is an MLA in West Belfast. The English bastard that slaughtered an armed protested, January 30, 1970 caused a spark in violence for decades, resulting in numerous loss of lives through car, bombing and mailbox bombing in retaliation for slaughtering of the citizens in Derry
It didn't,it came from the murder of all innocent children,a bit like the thousands of irish kids that were murdered unaware of war ..that were shot dead.and the news headlines was about the queen or Mr blobby.. British empire is the biggest killing machine the world has ever seen
Was completely lost and trying to figure out what this was about...sorry if my reaction seemed...Silent. Also, Prayers out to the band and Delores's family sorry I found out about you guys so late.
A long a bloody history behind that video. Tho the catalyst behind it was a bomb in 1993 that killed two children to fully understand the references and rationale you need to go back to before 1916. In 1916 (referenced in the song) the Irish war of independence began after 800 years of fairly brutal British rule. In 1922 independence was granted and the Republic of Ireland was born. However the British retained control over a small part in the North of the country. Hence the British territory of Northern Ireland (NI) was also born. And with it major problems that still haunt the UK today. NI was a strange mix of those who were catholic Irish and wanted to be part of the newly freed nation of Ireland and those who considered themselves protestant British and wanted to remain that way. NI might have worked despite this had successive British govts not allowed a system of apartheid to fester whereby the Irish Catholics were most definitely second class citizens. Denied votes, decent housing, jobs etc. In 1969 things were reaching a boiling point and after the British army killed several Catholics on a civil rights march the whole thing erupted into 25 years of brutal, bloody killing, maimings, bombs and hatred. On one side were the IRA, who now wanted to refight the battles of 1916 and get a united Ireland. On the other the equally nasty loyalist paramilitaries such as the UVF who hated them. The video shows real footage of NI including the graffiti of both sides and the British army patrolling. By 1993 however most people were fed up with the unending violence, fear and hatred. That coupled with a more reasonable govt in Britain started to lead to tentative peace talks. The US (Clinton's visit to NI was a huge event) and EU sat down with the British and Irish govts and paramilitaries from both sides to broker peace. There was a recognition that both sides needed a political voice. Whilst NI remained British and part of the UK both sides would have to have a voice in a new NI parliament. There was a recognition that people should be able to be Irish, British or both in NI. Compromise so much better than killing and teaching children to hate. There was an IRA ceasefire and talks were starting But there were still extremists on both sides for whom compromise was an anathema. In 1993 amidst all the hope a breakaway IRA group planted a bomb on the British mainland that killed two children. They were fighting the old battles of 1916 the were long over. They claimed they represented the Irish but they didn't - the Irish were horrified and said not in our name (not me, not my family). Only zombies would still fight of battles. So that was it. Children were killed, mother's hearts were broken and a powerful song was born. As for NI - it voted for peace in 1994. Borders came down. Compromise and being together worked and it thrived. Until 2016. NI voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU but the rest of the UK didn't. The problems thrown up by Brexit and the extremist zombies from the other side of the divide now threaten 29 years of peace and prosperity
This song is about the fighting in Irland from the 1960's to the 1990's. It the fighting between Catholic's who want Ireland to still be ruled by the British government and the Protestants who dont want the British government to rule them. So many children, families, neighbors were killed. This is why I tell young people, please learn about history, not just in America, but everywhere. We can't let history repeat itself ❤❤❤ 2:16
One Of The Greatest and Most Popular Meaningful Songs now that her message means way more than ever now in this day in age 2023 Thanks to people like you and TH-cam's Most Popular Growing Entity Reactions
This is still one of my favorite songs ❤ been listening to it since I was a kid. This is one of those songs that is really hard to do a cover of. The band Bad wolves did an homage very well and kept that same message very clearly. It was interesting hearing a male voice sing it when I’ve only ever listened to female voices before.
Golden cherubs is symbolism of a innocent life being taken for the afterlife. It's directly showing how the war for the seperationists of irland who took innocent life of kids to further the ideals of a separate country.
La canción no tiene 13 años, tiene casi 30 años: es de 1994. Las nuevas generaciones parecen creer que no había mundo antes de TH-cam. Hace 13 años que se subió a TH-cam, pero es muy anterior a eso. La canción trata sobre el conflicto entre Irlanda e Inglaterra, por Irlanda del Norte: conflicto político (si Irlanda del Norte debe ser de Inglaterra o de Irlanda), también religioso (la Inglaterra protestante contra la Irlanda católica)... básicamente, es una poderosa y profunda canción contra la guerra, contra el conflicto irlandés-británico, y que es una reacción directa contra el asesinato, por medio de explosivos, de dos niños en Inglaterra por parte del Ejercito Republicano Irlandés (IRA) en 1993-1994. Dolores O'Riordan, cantante de los Cranberries y autora de la canción (que era irlandesa, como toda la banda), estaba de gira con la banda en esos momentos por Inglaterra y quedó muy afectada por estos asesinatos; esta canción fue el resultado de esos sentimientos. Cuando dice que "no soy yo, no es my familia", está diciendo que, a pesar de que ella y la banda son irlandeses, no están de acuerdo con las formas que emplea el IRA. Cuando repite dos veces seguidas en el estribillo la frase "con sus bombas", es porque fueron dos bombas las que estallaron, cada una de ellas mató a un niño. Cuando canta "es la misma historia desde 1916", se refiere al Alzamiento de Pascua irlandés, revolución que terminaría años más tarde en la independencia de la República de Irlanda de Inglaterra, excepto del territorio de Irlanda del Norte, que sigue siendo británica. Desde ahí comienza el conflicto "moderno" irlandés-británico que se conoce como "Los Problemas", en los que se inserta esta canción, pero viene desde centenas de años antes. Es una canción que en su letra aparentemente sencilla, encierra grandes complejidades y años de historia en la conflictiva relación entre Inglaterra e Irlanda. Y aunque nunca se podrá saber cuanto influyó esta canción en este resultado, lo cierto es que pocas semanas después de su lanzamiento se acordó una tregua y luego un cese al fuego que, bien o mal, perdura hasta hoy. Por eso, algunos dicen que esta canción detuvo una guerra. El mismo año del acuerdo de Cese al Fuego, los Cranberries fueron invitados a tocar en la ceremonia de los Premio Nóbel de La Paz. Algunos críticos musicales serios ya la consideran como una de las mejores canciones de todos los tiempos; y posiblemente como la obra de arte del rock alternativo.
She wrote this song as a protest to the wars and South and Northern Ireland Northern Ireland wants her freedom England and South Island refuses they've been fighting for years and bombings killed two little boys and that's what this song is about plus the religious side is Protestants versus Roman Catholics
and we all know, that ppl going or initiating a war just accept the fact that kids will get hurt or even die. And the same is for those who react to this with bombs. they just accept that…
Bro you need to do 115 - Elena siegman, she has a beautiful voice but yet so demonic, it’s from a soundtrack made by call of duty zombies, check out some of their other songs too! It will be a good reaction series!!
Also if you want more rock bands with woman singers I recommend in this moment. They are generally badass but “the fighter” shows vocals and vulnerability very well.
El problema con Bad Wolves es que cambió algunas partes de la letra de la canción. Y al hacerlo, cambio el significado de la canción. En la parte en que la canción original repite dos veces "con sus bombas", Bad Wolves cambió una de las frases por "con sus drones". Creyeron que con eso quedaría más "moderna", pero lo que nunca supieron es que Dolores escribió y cantó dos veces seguidas "con sus bombas" porque fueron dos bombas las que explotaron, cada una mató a un niño. Por eso, nunca debió cambiarse esa letra. La letra de Zombie no debe entenderse literalmente; su significado y significantes subyacentes dicen mucho más de lo que superficialmente aparenta. La Semiótica ayuda a desentrañar esos mensajes "ocultos" que hay tras las obras artísticas. El "supuesto" homenaje de Bad Wolves choca de frente con eso... y con un marketing oportunista pero muy bien construido (el video indudablemente es muy bueno), que le dijo al mundo que Dolores cantaría con ellos. Versión que sólo vino desde los Bad Wolves, pero que el entorno de Dolores jamás ha confirmado. Bad Wolves proclamó al mundo que se donarían las ganancias a los niños de Dolores, pero ¿qué necesidad había de eso? Dolores era la mujer más rica de Irlanda, y una de las personas más ricas de su país: sus niños no necesitaban esa "donación". Sólo marketing oportunista.
@@andres.pereira I agree with the premise that it would be a marketing opportunity and in bad taste if the family had disputed Bad Wolves story, but I haven't heard any complaint or argument from her family or band. Although I have to agree I can't imagine they are hurting for money. Maybe the family donated the funds to her charities? You may be right, and the cover *is* a tacky money grab. But it does jam hard, and the message is still true.
It would be much nicer if you researched the song and was armed with the information to help you understand what it is all about. It is a protest song, the war between Ireland and the UK, the struggle to reunite Northern Ireland with the republic of Ireland from the hands of the British empire, not from the good English people themselves. Many innocent souls were lost, on both sides. After hearing about yet 2 more innocent boys getting killed by a bomb, Dolores RIP wrote this song in protest against all the violence and begged for a truce and peace. Please pray for the people in Gaza, Palestine etc. tonight who are in this same situation now. Peace to you all. Love from Ireland
Your close , this song inspired by the death of 2 children who died in a bomb attack in England by the Irish Republican Army ( a terrorist organisation) who object to the UK occupation of a part of Ireland a long and complex story , the video is set in my home Belfast
Yup Unfortunately brother you are old enough to understand this just like Other Version Zombie more relevant today than it was back then and they're still fighting but with way more powerful accurate weapons like drones which is a new add on in badwolves that everyone likes in that version so it updates what Dolores was trying to say all those years ago about if nothing changes nothing changes but us and more ways to wipe us out that's why today especially this song means way more than people realize it means even back in 1994 it was about kids being killed in another senseless war that could have been discussed diplomatically but since WW1 the world has been on another collision course of epic disaster like Dolores talks about here in my favorite song of hers Zombie. This song has more meaning than all the songs combined in the last 10 years which unfortunately says something about where are species has been heading since 1916 like she said in this powerful song just like my other meaningful favorite song from 1994 Keep talking from Pink Floyd which are society has stopped for along time now and if we don't wake up fast there will be another World War if we keep up the track we're heading on it's a recipe for catastrophe on all levels now never thought possible in 2023 but like me and my WW2 veteran family members that are still alive think specially after the last 3 years if eye awakening moments of nobody saw coming until it was stearing us right in the face and we couldn't look away no more but unfortunately it was to late another massive war in Europe that could have been avoided from communication and diplomacy once again we chose poorly It's like one my favorite songs Folks Keep Talking from my favorite bands Pink Floyd when Stephen Hawking did his famous Commercial in the 90s saying as long as Mankind keeps communicating the human race still has a chance to turn it around no matter how close we get to another catastrophic global disaster like now we face in 2023.
This came out in September 1994, after 2 boys were killed in a Bomb explosion in Warrington England, also this has to do with "The Troubles" The Northern Ireland Conflict (late 1960's - late 1990's) and that's where the music video is filmed in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Definitely check out more of The Cranberries, Dreams, Linger, Ode To My Family, When You're Gone, Animal Instinct and Promises.
Yes, the little boys dying by a bomb in Ireland, just made Dolores O'Riordan want to write this "anti-war" (especially the one in Ireland) song.
It was clear the increasing impact this had on you. It's such a powerful song brilliantly delivered.
Grew up listening to the cranberries love all their songs, Delores passed away in 2018. The song was written in response to the death of Johnathan Ball, 3, and Tim Parry, 12, who had been killed in the IRA bombing in Warrington, northwest England, when two devices hidden in litter bins were detonated.
Had to look up the IRA, what was there reason for the bombing? Were they at war with NW England?
@@silentnytubenorthern Ireland was occupied/ ruled by England. IRA is the Irish Republican Army who used to fight for Irish equailty against the British army and Protestant Paramilitary until a peace deal was reached in 1998.
-@@silentnytube you can see IRA in the video on walls on houses but you also see UDF and the British army... Northern Ireland is still very divided but there is some sort of peace. It says in the lyrics since 1916 (the Easter Rising). It's hard for young Americans to understand that Britain is not one harmonise place. As a note you may want to look up the IRA and the Provisional IRA- who did the Warrington bombings which this song is based on.
During the occupation of Ireland. The inspiration of this song came from a bombing at a McDonald's play area. It hits hard knowing that. The children playing war, while under the military control.
Ahhh I see why the kids were a lot of focus now much appreciated 👍🏾
Warrington bombings not a McDonald's play area
The plight of the Irish does still continue, though the IRA is not currently active. Due to the good Friday agreement. Thankfully, Sinn Fein has been gaining match momentum and being voted in not only in the Republic, but also in the north. My second cousin is an MLA in West Belfast.
The English bastard that slaughtered an armed protested, January 30, 1970 caused a spark in violence for decades, resulting in numerous loss of lives through car, bombing and mailbox bombing in retaliation for slaughtering of the citizens in Derry
I believe The Cranberries were on tour in England when the bomb went off in Warrington
It didn't,it came from the murder of all innocent children,a bit like the thousands of irish kids that were murdered unaware of war ..that were shot dead.and the news headlines was about the queen or Mr blobby.. British empire is the biggest killing machine the world has ever seen
This song hits me every time, her voice, the mourning guitar and drums like gunshots.
Was completely lost and trying to figure out what this was about...sorry if my reaction seemed...Silent.
Also, Prayers out to the band and Delores's family sorry I found out about you guys so late.
A long a bloody history behind that video. Tho the catalyst behind it was a bomb in 1993 that killed two children to fully understand the references and rationale you need to go back to before 1916.
In 1916 (referenced in the song) the Irish war of independence began after 800 years of fairly brutal British rule. In 1922 independence was granted and the Republic of Ireland was born.
However the British retained control over a small part in the North of the country. Hence the British territory of Northern Ireland (NI) was also born. And with it major problems that still haunt the UK today.
NI was a strange mix of those who were catholic Irish and wanted to be part of the newly freed nation of Ireland and those who considered themselves protestant British and wanted to remain that way.
NI might have worked despite this had successive British govts not allowed a system of apartheid to fester whereby the Irish Catholics were most definitely second class citizens. Denied votes, decent housing, jobs etc.
In 1969 things were reaching a boiling point and after the British army killed several Catholics on a civil rights march the whole thing erupted into 25 years of brutal, bloody killing, maimings, bombs and hatred.
On one side were the IRA, who now wanted to refight the battles of 1916 and get a united Ireland. On the other the equally nasty loyalist paramilitaries such as the UVF who hated them. The video shows real footage of NI including the graffiti of both sides and the British army patrolling.
By 1993 however most people were fed up with the unending violence, fear and hatred. That coupled with a more reasonable govt in Britain started to lead to tentative peace talks.
The US (Clinton's visit to NI was a huge event) and EU sat down with the British and Irish govts and paramilitaries from both sides to broker peace.
There was a recognition that both sides needed a political voice. Whilst NI remained British and part of the UK both sides would have to have a voice in a new NI parliament. There was a recognition that people should be able to be Irish, British or both in NI. Compromise so much better than killing and teaching children to hate. There was an IRA ceasefire and talks were starting
But there were still extremists on both sides for whom compromise was an anathema. In 1993 amidst all the hope a breakaway IRA group planted a bomb on the British mainland that killed two children.
They were fighting the old battles of 1916 the were long over. They claimed they represented the Irish but they didn't - the Irish were horrified and said not in our name (not me, not my family). Only zombies would still fight of battles.
So that was it. Children were killed, mother's hearts were broken and a powerful song was born.
As for NI - it voted for peace in 1994. Borders came down. Compromise and being together worked and it thrived. Until 2016. NI voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU but the rest of the UK didn't. The problems thrown up by Brexit and the extremist zombies from the other side of the divide now threaten 29 years of peace and prosperity
Dolores! respect her name.
This song is about the fighting in Irland from the 1960's to the 1990's. It the fighting between Catholic's who want Ireland to still be ruled by the British government and the Protestants who dont want the British government to rule them. So many children, families, neighbors were killed. This is why I tell young people, please learn about history, not just in America, but everywhere. We can't let history repeat itself ❤❤❤ 2:16
Sorry, but you have got it the wrong way round, Catholics want Irish rule, Protestants want to remain with The British Government
Excellent reaction, good to see you are sincerely listening and reacting naturally.
awesome song, Dolores ❤🩹
One Of The Greatest and Most Popular Meaningful Songs now that her message means way more than ever now in this day in age 2023
Thanks to people like you and TH-cam's Most Popular Growing Entity Reactions
makes me always crying ... ♪♪♫♪♪ but so good the same time.
This is still one of my favorite songs ❤ been listening to it since I was a kid. This is one of those songs that is really hard to do a cover of. The band Bad wolves did an homage very well and kept that same message very clearly. It was interesting hearing a male voice sing it when I’ve only ever listened to female voices before.
Golden cherubs is symbolism of a innocent life being taken for the afterlife.
It's directly showing how the war for the seperationists of irland who took innocent life of kids to further the ideals of a separate country.
La canción no tiene 13 años, tiene casi 30 años: es de 1994. Las nuevas generaciones parecen creer que no había mundo antes de TH-cam. Hace 13 años que se subió a TH-cam, pero es muy anterior a eso.
La canción trata sobre el conflicto entre Irlanda e Inglaterra, por Irlanda del Norte: conflicto político (si Irlanda del Norte debe ser de Inglaterra o de Irlanda), también religioso (la Inglaterra protestante contra la Irlanda católica)... básicamente, es una poderosa y profunda canción contra la guerra, contra el conflicto irlandés-británico, y que es una reacción directa contra el asesinato, por medio de explosivos, de dos niños en Inglaterra por parte del Ejercito Republicano Irlandés (IRA) en 1993-1994. Dolores O'Riordan, cantante de los Cranberries y autora de la canción (que era irlandesa, como toda la banda), estaba de gira con la banda en esos momentos por Inglaterra y quedó muy afectada por estos asesinatos; esta canción fue el resultado de esos sentimientos.
Cuando dice que "no soy yo, no es my familia", está diciendo que, a pesar de que ella y la banda son irlandeses, no están de acuerdo con las formas que emplea el IRA. Cuando repite dos veces seguidas en el estribillo la frase "con sus bombas", es porque fueron dos bombas las que estallaron, cada una de ellas mató a un niño. Cuando canta "es la misma historia desde 1916", se refiere al Alzamiento de Pascua irlandés, revolución que terminaría años más tarde en la independencia de la República de Irlanda de Inglaterra, excepto del territorio de Irlanda del Norte, que sigue siendo británica. Desde ahí comienza el conflicto "moderno" irlandés-británico que se conoce como "Los Problemas", en los que se inserta esta canción, pero viene desde centenas de años antes.
Es una canción que en su letra aparentemente sencilla, encierra grandes complejidades y años de historia en la conflictiva relación entre Inglaterra e Irlanda. Y aunque nunca se podrá saber cuanto influyó esta canción en este resultado, lo cierto es que pocas semanas después de su lanzamiento se acordó una tregua y luego un cese al fuego que, bien o mal, perdura hasta hoy. Por eso, algunos dicen que esta canción detuvo una guerra. El mismo año del acuerdo de Cese al Fuego, los Cranberries fueron invitados a tocar en la ceremonia de los Premio Nóbel de La Paz.
Algunos críticos musicales serios ya la consideran como una de las mejores canciones de todos los tiempos; y posiblemente como la obra de arte del rock alternativo.
Belfast Northern Ireland i live here
her voice is so good. she did a cover in studio of "go your own way" check it out. i don't even know why she uses a mic lol
She's keening for the deaths of innocents in the long slow war in Northern Ireland. Every time my eyes piss tears. RIP O'Riordan
She wrote this song as a protest to the wars and South and Northern Ireland Northern Ireland wants her freedom England and South Island refuses they've been fighting for years and bombings killed two little boys and that's what this song is about plus the religious side is Protestants versus Roman Catholics
the style of singing is traditional Irish and is called Keening....
Is totally different than where we were at
Glad you're rock reactions are returning you need to do Dreams by them also the group System of a down!!!
She is using traditional Scottish funeral singing called keening.
Irish. Not Scottish.
and we all know, that ppl going or initiating a war just accept the fact that kids will get hurt or even die. And the same is for those who react to this with bombs. they just accept that…
Bro you need to do 115 - Elena siegman, she has a beautiful voice but yet so demonic, it’s from a soundtrack made by call of duty zombies, check out some of their other songs too! It will be a good reaction series!!
Also if you want more rock bands with woman singers I recommend in this moment. They are generally badass but “the fighter” shows vocals and vulnerability very well.
Thanks for the rec as usual!!! You never disappoint
Unfortunately, she drowned in her bath tub! I think was speculated she had too much to drink. R.I.P. Delores!
She's dead. But you're getting the point. It wasn't just Ireland
When she's singing the there were two kids get that got killed and bombs
Do the song “Black” by Pearl Jam….. the live unplugged version! It has unique vocals as this song….. different by very good and unique
Ok.. now you HAVE to listen to “The Bad Wolves” cover.. it was supposed to be a colab.. trust me.. watch it. It will explain alot
El problema con Bad Wolves es que cambió algunas partes de la letra de la canción. Y al hacerlo, cambio el significado de la canción. En la parte en que la canción original repite dos veces "con sus bombas", Bad Wolves cambió una de las frases por "con sus drones". Creyeron que con eso quedaría más "moderna", pero lo que nunca supieron es que Dolores escribió y cantó dos veces seguidas "con sus bombas" porque fueron dos bombas las que explotaron, cada una mató a un niño. Por eso, nunca debió cambiarse esa letra.
La letra de Zombie no debe entenderse literalmente; su significado y significantes subyacentes dicen mucho más de lo que superficialmente aparenta. La Semiótica ayuda a desentrañar esos mensajes "ocultos" que hay tras las obras artísticas.
El "supuesto" homenaje de Bad Wolves choca de frente con eso... y con un marketing oportunista pero muy bien construido (el video indudablemente es muy bueno), que le dijo al mundo que Dolores cantaría con ellos. Versión que sólo vino desde los Bad Wolves, pero que el entorno de Dolores jamás ha confirmado. Bad Wolves proclamó al mundo que se donarían las ganancias a los niños de Dolores, pero ¿qué necesidad había de eso? Dolores era la mujer más rica de Irlanda, y una de las personas más ricas de su país: sus niños no necesitaban esa "donación". Sólo marketing oportunista.
@@andres.pereira I agree with the premise that it would be a marketing opportunity and in bad taste if the family had disputed Bad Wolves story, but I haven't heard any complaint or argument from her family or band. Although I have to agree I can't imagine they are hurting for money. Maybe the family donated the funds to her charities? You may be right, and the cover *is* a tacky money grab. But it does jam hard, and the message is still true.
It would be much nicer if you researched the song and was armed with the information to help you understand what it is all about. It is a protest song, the war between Ireland and the UK, the struggle to reunite Northern Ireland with the republic of Ireland from the hands of the British empire, not from the good English people themselves. Many innocent souls were lost, on both sides. After hearing about yet 2 more innocent boys getting killed by a bomb, Dolores RIP wrote this song in protest against all the violence and begged for a truce and peace. Please pray for the people in Gaza, Palestine etc. tonight who are in this same situation now. Peace to you all. Love from Ireland
Your close , this song inspired by the death of 2 children who died in a bomb attack in England by the Irish Republican Army ( a terrorist organisation) who object to the UK occupation of a part of Ireland a long and complex story , the video is set in my home Belfast
Yup Unfortunately brother you are old enough to understand this just like Other Version Zombie more relevant today than it was back then and they're still fighting but with way more powerful accurate weapons like drones which is a new add on in badwolves that everyone likes in that version so it updates what Dolores was trying to say all those years ago about if nothing changes nothing changes but us and more ways to wipe us out that's why today especially this song means way more than people realize it means even back in 1994 it was about kids being killed in another senseless war that could have been discussed diplomatically but since WW1 the world has been on another collision course of epic disaster like Dolores talks about here in my favorite song of hers Zombie.
This song has more meaning than all the songs combined in the last 10 years which unfortunately says something about where are species has been heading since 1916 like she said in this powerful song just like my other meaningful favorite song from 1994 Keep talking from Pink Floyd which are society has stopped for along time now and if we don't wake up fast there will be another World War if we keep up the track we're heading on it's a recipe for catastrophe on all levels now never thought possible in 2023 but like me and my WW2 veteran family members that are still alive think specially after the last 3 years if eye awakening moments of nobody saw coming until it was stearing us right in the face and we couldn't look away no more but unfortunately it was to late another massive war in Europe that could have been avoided from communication and diplomacy once again we chose poorly
It's like one my favorite songs Folks Keep Talking from my favorite bands Pink Floyd when Stephen Hawking did his famous Commercial in the 90s saying as long as Mankind keeps communicating the human race still has a chance to turn it around no matter how close we get to another catastrophic global disaster like now we face in 2023.
RIP Sinead O'Conner
Banana Irish singer does what Americans call yodeling it's called keeney do what I want and I'm
plz do led zeppelin
Guerre civile contre l’Angleterre en avril 1916
Confused on why you think people come to see you react with the volume on low
Историю мира изучаете? Россия все войны выиграла. Нападение было на Россию всегда. Кто к нам с мечом придёт на щите будет.