Bazsó Gábor is one of the best anchorman! Every test had a taste of a comedy :DDD Only his colleague Winkler Róbert is better :DD Too bad they told the trooth about the some piece of shit cars they were testing, so not one car deelership wanted to give them cars to test, because they was afraid, how would they introduce it :D so the program ended :(((
Nekem pont ilyen van.És imádom.Ha gondolsz vele, meghálálja.
@filleke69 You're quite right, since just thinking about learning Hungarian, is too painful to contemplate. ☺
Tárolómester... aka gyári műanyagdoboz :D (bár biztos praktikus, de elég csúf szegény)
Bazsó Gábor is one of the best anchorman! Every test had a taste of a comedy :DDD Only his colleague Winkler Róbert is better :DD Too bad they told the trooth about the some piece of shit cars they were testing, so not one car deelership wanted to give them cars to test, because they was afraid, how would they introduce it :D so the program ended :(((
ala kenjas na madjarskom
Jó kis, de azért a 10,5 milliót sokallom, nem is kicsit...
Martin Bálint az epizód 2008-ban volt akkor volt 10,5 millio forint manapság egy ilyen 2-3 misi
dehogy 2008, 2003.
ti magyarok vagytok? xd