His final comment makes this point clearer. He means that in the same way that small mammals took over the world after the extinction of the dinossaurs, if we were extinguished, the rats would likely be the equivalents of the small mammals.
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
Worried about some of the comments here. This guy is not inventing anything new, he's just summarising and explaining what happened or is likely to happen
We just gonna skip the " I'd be more worried about the rats" comment? Does anyone else want to know what he was gonna say next? Is there going to be a rat uprising or what?
Transhumanism, which Harari toutes, is "the great nerd rapture" for atheists 😂 When they say transhumanism they don't mean turning us into superman, they mean a digital ID that makes us incapable of rebellion. This is just the sales pitch phase.
@@mikemike5973 You already have it if jabbed. I'd type the tech name here but every variation and patent reference is banned . He even told you in his speech about human evolution and the internet of things. "hacking humans" direct quote.
Harari has lots of close-up experience with dictatorships. To the south, Gaza's government was elected in 2006, murdered or expelled its opposition, the election a one-off event. To the north, Lebanon is dominated by an Iranian proxy militia, its economy in tatters, its currency nearly worthless, its best and brightest in exile. North-east is Syria, its current dictator the son of its prior dictator, retaining power by virtue of Russian and Iranian support, and the ruthless murder of hundreds of thousands of his own citizens. And east there's the West Bank, whose single-party kleptocracy is led by a president currently in the 18th year of a four year term.
@@j.jester7821 defeating them allowed guys like these creeps take over the world, also britain paid back its war debts last decade or two, ww2 was pyrrhic victory
Corden asked, do you think we’re going to be ok? Here is your answer, “"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 I wonder if he realizes he’s sitting across from probably the loudest vessel of the anti-Christ to ever walk the earth. Wake up!!!!
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
Btw the seat of antichrist is in Rome, the harlot who sits on seven hills, this was common knowledge before the education system was taken over. All the major protestant reformers knew the antichrist sat in Rome.
What's even more scary is these control freak psychopaths who having no faith in a higher power who get a god complex and think they can reengineer the world to fit their delusions
Wow. I did not expect an interview with my favorite lizard on mainstream TV. Shouldn't he be talking about the useless class that he tries to save by providing them with drugs, NetFlix and games, and his DNA control technology for the animals? I'd love to hear more about that! Did you cough the technology up by yourself, or is it something you scrapped from a saucer, or is it acquired in a deal with those guys from zeta reticuli? No really, he is really bright. I'd love to hear these questions answered.
Can you elaborate on how he "provides them with drugs, NetFlix and games, and his DNA control technology for animals"? I'm actually curious, I've only read one of his books.
Your comment is amamzing...i thought i was the only aware that these demonic lizards hates humans. Waht person in their right mind will want to invent AI? With all the beauty the world is and has to offer...IHATE this lizard
@@blabhblaja Yuval became the target of QAnon-types in recent years because he was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum (and actually said lots of things they didn't agree with), and being an historian and obviously understanding how damaging diseases were to civilisation until the modern era he was pro-vaccine during the pandemic. I'll assume this genius thinks he is a true free thinker because some right-wing talking head on TH-cam told him Harari was the devil incarnate and he's too stupid to self-reflect and judge things based on credibility but only goes with what reaffirms his beliefs. You'll spot similar idiots starting to chime in in the comments section soon once they start spotting this video.
Jesus is coming soon! and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15 KJV for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23 KJV Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9 KJV Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
The thought of this... makes my stomach turn. It's quite disgusting of you GORDON to have the guy who wrote the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM manifesto on your show. Completely deplorable.
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
This man has stated we will have the capacity to upgrade ourselves, in effect to become under the skin AI gods. He therefore is spitting in the face of the Most High and the Organic. People like him will cause Humanity to forget who they really are , and forget Yeshua, Christ and rebuke his name. Then it will be over for us and the Human song will never be sung again. The Aboriginals are true humans they understand completely.
Anyone here feeling scared, lost, hopeless etc..? Any Believers in Jesus Christ The Word Of God Here? Or, any people questioning who God is, and if God is? If so this is for you... The future is written in a book! The Holy Bible is that book. This book is not just a story, or myth! This book has stood the test of time and spread to the whole world! 66 books, written by numerous people who were all transcribing what the same God told them to. People who lived thousands of years ago. People separated by huge timespans. The God of Israel is one of His names. There are hundreds of prophecies within the Bible and most of them have come to pass and were 100% correct! Jesus Christ The Messiah was prophesied to come by old testament prophets and every single one of those came to pass except the final ones when He returns. All 100% correct! The most obvious and blatant prophecy I can easily point you to in this comment is The Nation of Israel even existing today! The Nation this man comes from btw. The Jewish people scattered around the earth for over 2,000 years. Israel the Jewish nation was totally non existent on the world maps. Which was prophesied to happen by Jesus Himself. The prophecies of Israel being returned to a Jewish nation and become very fertile and rich, powerful etc.. In the end times Israel would rise and the Jewish people would be fown to their homeland on wings of eagles! Those eagles were airplanes and from 1948 when Israel was declared a nation to Jarusalem being restored to the Jewish powers in 1967 the prophecy fulfilled. Jewish people from all over the earth returned to their ancestral homeland on wings of eagles. Christian evangelical churches in the USA took donations to fly the Jewish their. Millions of dollars was raised and many returned. Israel is now an oasis in the desert, and prosperity was given to them by God. Look up the 6 day war and the absolute miricles that happened. Totally supernatural! The Jewish military had no chance of winning the nation back and only God could have done this. That is also specifically prophesied of, and it Also says that the generation that sees Israel rise up a nation will not pass away before Jesus Returns to Judge the Earth. Also think about this... The Word Of God tells us all the earths nations will always be focoused on Israel in the end times. That Israel would be surrounded by its enemies but God has Michael the arch Angel guardian them until the end. Israel is a very small nation in the middle East. Litterally a tiny plot of land. They don't really have a lot of oil or things that cause war over riches. They simply have their faith in God. Just a different God than the Arab nations. The Islam faith and Jewish faith clash. All over the temple mount in Jarusalem. An even smaller piece of land. Now why in the world is every single nation in the United nations so hyper focused on this one conflict? Trying to make peace deals for both sides to just live happily togeather? The Bible prophecy said so that's why! When God declairs something to His prophets it's a done deal! Count on that. The generation that was born in 1948 are getting up there in age. Prophecy says they will be alive to see Jesus Christ return to destroy the world's military might in Jerusalem, in the valley of Armageddon! The whole world will bring war against Israel one day soon. The Antichrist will be the head of world government. God Himself will save Israel and destroy everything and everyone who rejected His gift of Salvation. All the unbelievers, all sinners which is everyone! Christians are sinners that trust Jesus to totally forgive their sin. We humble ourselves o God in utter faith and knowing that He died for our sins, and He conquered death and Hell when He rose to life on the 3rd day! We want to follow His commandments because we have been totally transformed when He came into our life, our heart. When we started hearing His Holy Spirit talk to us. When we read the Word Of God we actually get empowered and gain wisdom. When we pray we know He hears us and answers. We worship Him and supernatural love and power flows. I've seen miricles and other seemingly impossible to non believers things in my life with Jesus! He is The way the Truth and the Life! He is the only way to Eternal life with God in His Kingdom. I've seen visions and dreamed prophetic dreams. I've spoke in other languages I've never learned. All these things came the day I decided to just give myself to Him. He saved me from homosexuality 11 years ago. I've never been so loved in my life. He has always seen me through the hard times and never left me. His ways are not like the ways of mankind. His ways are 100% good! The enemy Satan and the spiritual wickedness in the unseen world comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we would have LIFE, and abundant life! He isn't the Catholic jesus like to many are confused and deceived by. He is a living God Of Life! He came for the lost and broken sinners! He came to set the captives free! This world is in bondage and chains! Spiritually I mean. The world is destined to repeat it's history over and over until Jesus Stops this mess, takes His people out of here and restores his earth to its perfect state! Where He will now live with us all on a new Earth forever! This is the Truth! 100% Truth. Why listen to another man who hates the idea of God tell you how to live? He is so far off the path of Truth. He is helping to bring up the Antichrist and fulfill prophecy 2nd doesn't even know it! I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for all who reject Jesus! Especially new who mock The Word of God or persecute and mock people that believe in the Word of God and keep the commandments within His pages. One thing I have found common with people like this man and the rich and powerful men he associates himself with at the world economic forum and other NWO groups is they all have a problem with non Catholic Christians. They only allow the Vatican/revived Roman empire. The one that killed milions of Christians for not bowing the knee and lighting incense to sacrifice to the Emperor of Rome. Whom declared himself god, and tortured them to get them to give in and give up their loyalty to Jesus Christ. God gives supernatural strength to ones killed for His Name sake. Their stories live now in books of the amazing miricles that happened when innocent people were being killed for their beliefs. They are proof, a testimony to all who read about that part of history. When you see that all they had to do to go free and even be given food and money, was to simply renounce Jesus Christ as God. Millions chose torture for days, then death by starving lions, or some other deeply evil way. Even today millions of Christians are in nations where it is illegal to be a Christian. Many are killed and many are in prison or slavery. China is one of the worst. Just some food for thought.
I think Harari is a very intelligent man. To say that Harari is a demon is like saying that Machiavelli was also a demon because he wrote The Prince as a guide for dictators and tyrants. Or Asimov was also a demon because he wrote I Robot or Fundation. For me, Harari is a kind of warning sign, as Machiavelli and Asimov were too, showing people what they cannot, fear or refuse to think. "The future is ours and it depends on whether or not we make the right decisions..🤔👍
@@BoomBustProfits And what do you believe in, Peter? Do you think that technological development can be stopped just by opposing or denying it? No friend, transhumanism has already arrived with the advancement of robotics and AI... Those are facts that for better or for worse are already here. It is now up to ordinary citizens to become aware of the benefits or harms of that reality, to know and tame that beast and not allow the ruling elites and large corporations to do what they think is best for humanity. What are you afraid of Peter..🤔🤔🤔
1 John 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
As author Darshana Narayanan summarizes, “The best-selling author is a gifted storyteller and popular speaker. But he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors”.
Sorry to say James, if you wish to help the people, than you should never had this insane potato on your show, potato you eat and not giving attention on a show🤔
I think I've read one of the craziest and most useless books you can read. I'm not surprised by its value within the Grand Reset actuator group. More than Homo Deus, it would be appropriate to call him Homo Banalis.
Damn, reading comments here and how stupid people are makes me lose faith in humanity. Ya’ll need to take your heads out of your asses and start reading books and educating yourselfs. Pathetic.
Love and fear God only. This is only a man. A very deceitful man. An extremely deceitful man with an occult force behind every word he speaks. I hope Jesus Christ is in you or have accepted him before it's too late.
Eve, be very careful what you wish for my friend. As you are soon to get it and you'll come to find out how incorrect you were. Read Revelation 13 sometime for what's yet to come, as much of what Yuval speaks of fits very well into that. 🙏✝️🙏
@@clairewhite5789 bot or one of the thousands of "disinfo warriors" the WEF openly admit to employing. The comments here show that we all know the truth.
3:34 why didn't James ask why rats are more dangerous than baboons?!
Exactly! That was such a bold comment to just ignore.
I know why didn’t James shut up for a second a let him talk
Rats are very common and they are known to carry viruses
His final comment makes this point clearer. He means that in the same way that small mammals took over the world after the extinction of the dinossaurs, if we were extinguished, the rats would likely be the equivalents of the small mammals.
@@fernandozabaleta9537 but how their durability makes them dangerous?
It's amazing how clearly and compellingly he speaks in what for him is a foreign language.
WEF is the new "story" he is trying to sell us.
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
It’s coming no matter how we feel. Buckle up. These people are very serious about their agenda.
Worried about some of the comments here. This guy is not inventing anything new, he's just summarising and explaining what happened or is likely to happen
Harari, du bist der Monster mit deinen Ideen zum Thema Transhumanismus!
We just gonna skip the " I'd be more worried about the rats" comment? Does anyone else want to know what he was gonna say next? Is there going to be a rat uprising or what?
...regarding that there were 2 billion humans in the 1920ies and there are 8 billion now we are the problem.
Maybe it's in his books?
Probably because we treat rats worse ? So they wouldn't just lock us in the zoo if they treated us like we treat them? That's my guess 😂
Utrota WEF. 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊
Have you ever read The Plague by Albert Camus?
Yuval is an advanced thinker and I hope that the children adapt better with the knowledge and understanding then it has been in history.
Transhumanism, which Harari toutes, is "the great nerd rapture" for atheists 😂 When they say transhumanism they don't mean turning us into superman, they mean a digital ID that makes us incapable of rebellion. This is just the sales pitch phase.
Tbh they want to put a lot under the skin mobile phones just as an example
@@mikemike5973 You already have it if jabbed. I'd type the tech name here but every variation and patent reference is banned . He even told you in his speech about human evolution and the internet of things. "hacking humans" direct quote.
@@bumblefoot5 I love conspiracy as much as the next guy but no 🤦🏻♂️
@@joonpak if your jabbed ur on a timer anyway bud. Not sure a quality replys worth my time.
@@bumblefoot5 ok buddy 👌🏼
hacking people mind with late show crap
Harari has lots of close-up experience with dictatorships. To the south, Gaza's government was elected in 2006, murdered or expelled its opposition, the election a one-off event. To the north, Lebanon is dominated by an Iranian proxy militia, its economy in tatters, its currency nearly worthless, its best and brightest in exile. North-east is Syria, its current dictator the son of its prior dictator, retaining power by virtue of Russian and Iranian support, and the ruthless murder of hundreds of thousands of his own citizens. And east there's the West Bank, whose single-party kleptocracy is led by a president currently in the 18th year of a four year term.
Being an atheist he can't wait to bring that to Israel.
The UK doesnt want you back Corden
Please UK take him away from the u.s. You still owe us for helping defeat the nazis. Taking Corben back makes us even.
@@j.jester7821 defeating them allowed guys like these creeps take over the world, also britain paid back its war debts last decade or two, ww2 was pyrrhic victory
Proper title if the book: "The human epidemic - how the human virus annihilates other animals and the weaker parts of itself."
This is one of the most evil men in the world.
Another godless nihilist with a god complex who sees humanity as useless feeders
Runs with Prince Charles too
Eat ze bugs people!!
Corden asked, do you think we’re going to be ok? Here is your answer, “"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
I wonder if he realizes he’s sitting across from probably the loudest vessel of the anti-Christ to ever walk the earth. Wake up!!!!
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
Btw the seat of antichrist is in Rome, the harlot who sits on seven hills, this was common knowledge before the education system was taken over. All the major protestant reformers knew the antichrist sat in Rome.
harari is the anti christ. he’s starting to slip onto the main stage, but has been behind the scenes thru WEF for a while now.
McDonald's and Tiktok are more dangerous than lions, 🦁
What's even more scary is these control freak psychopaths who having no faith in a higher power who get a god complex and think they can reengineer the world to fit their delusions
Statistically speaking
Has anyone ever been mauled by a big Mac.
@@aurorastorm9842People have malled Big Macs...
@@aurorastorm9842People have mauled Big Macs...
Wow. I did not expect an interview with my favorite lizard on mainstream TV. Shouldn't he be talking about the useless class that he tries to save by providing them with drugs, NetFlix and games, and his DNA control technology for the animals? I'd love to hear more about that! Did you cough the technology up by yourself, or is it something you scrapped from a saucer, or is it acquired in a deal with those guys from zeta reticuli? No really, he is really bright. I'd love to hear these questions answered.
Can you elaborate on how he "provides them with drugs, NetFlix and games, and his DNA control technology for animals"?
I'm actually curious, I've only read one of his books.
Your comment is amamzing...i thought i was the only aware that these demonic lizards hates humans. Waht person in their right mind will want to invent AI? With all the beauty the world is and has to offer...IHATE this lizard
@@blabhblaja Yuval became the target of QAnon-types in recent years because he was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum (and actually said lots of things they didn't agree with), and being an historian and obviously understanding how damaging diseases were to civilisation until the modern era he was pro-vaccine during the pandemic. I'll assume this genius thinks he is a true free thinker because some right-wing talking head on TH-cam told him Harari was the devil incarnate and he's too stupid to self-reflect and judge things based on credibility but only goes with what reaffirms his beliefs. You'll spot similar idiots starting to chime in in the comments section soon once they start spotting this video.
@@blabhblaja Just look up his interviews.
That's not how he wants it to be, that's how it is. some people might not get that....
The monster under the bed he is referring to is himself and his ilk
Love Yuval.
And that suit is scarier than corporations and lions.
Jesus is coming soon!
and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Mark 1:15 KJV
for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 3:23 KJV
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:9 KJV
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6 KJV
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
Why do I always read his name Yuval Hara-KI-ri? Simply because I'm German and in my language AI is KI.
Game Over Harrari 😡😡😡👊👊👊
The thought of this... makes my stomach turn. It's quite disgusting of you GORDON to have the guy who wrote the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM manifesto on your show. Completely deplorable.
Their both in on it
No veo al Ioni comentando que todo lo que dijo Irú era verdad
Harari + klaus schwab 🤮👎
smooth criminals
WEF is the new story he'll try to sell to the next generation.
Human beings are useless feeders who need to be kept on drugs playing video games because their lives are pointless according to this psychopath with a god complex
Agreed 😎
From the great resets mouth itself.
Very anti Christ of him
This man has stated we will have the capacity to upgrade ourselves, in effect to become under the skin AI gods. He therefore is spitting in the face of the Most High and the Organic. People like him will cause Humanity to forget who they really are , and forget Yeshua, Christ and rebuke his name. Then it will be over for us and the Human song will never be sung again. The Aboriginals are true humans they understand completely.
If this doesn't give you a red flag and show you Jesus is so very real. I'm so sorry.
Eight remarkably interesting minutes.
Anyone here feeling scared, lost, hopeless etc..? Any Believers in Jesus Christ The Word Of God Here? Or, any people questioning who God is, and if God is? If so this is for you... The future is written in a book! The Holy Bible is that book. This book is not just a story, or myth! This book has stood the test of time and spread to the whole world! 66 books, written by numerous people who were all transcribing what the same God told them to. People who lived thousands of years ago. People separated by huge timespans. The God of Israel is one of His names. There are hundreds of prophecies within the Bible and most of them have come to pass and were 100% correct! Jesus Christ The Messiah was prophesied to come by old testament prophets and every single one of those came to pass except the final ones when He returns. All 100% correct! The most obvious and blatant prophecy I can easily point you to in this comment is The Nation of Israel even existing today! The Nation this man comes from btw. The Jewish people scattered around the earth for over 2,000 years. Israel the Jewish nation was totally non existent on the world maps. Which was prophesied to happen by Jesus Himself. The prophecies of Israel being returned to a Jewish nation and become very fertile and rich, powerful etc.. In the end times Israel would rise and the Jewish people would be fown to their homeland on wings of eagles! Those eagles were airplanes and from 1948 when Israel was declared a nation to Jarusalem being restored to the Jewish powers in 1967 the prophecy fulfilled. Jewish people from all over the earth returned to their ancestral homeland on wings of eagles. Christian evangelical churches in the USA took donations to fly the Jewish their. Millions of dollars was raised and many returned. Israel is now an oasis in the desert, and prosperity was given to them by God. Look up the 6 day war and the absolute miricles that happened. Totally supernatural! The Jewish military had no chance of winning the nation back and only God could have done this. That is also specifically prophesied of, and it Also says that the generation that sees Israel rise up a nation will not pass away before Jesus Returns to Judge the Earth. Also think about this... The Word Of God tells us all the earths nations will always be focoused on Israel in the end times. That Israel would be surrounded by its enemies but God has Michael the arch Angel guardian them until the end. Israel is a very small nation in the middle East. Litterally a tiny plot of land. They don't really have a lot of oil or things that cause war over riches. They simply have their faith in God. Just a different God than the Arab nations. The Islam faith and Jewish faith clash. All over the temple mount in Jarusalem. An even smaller piece of land. Now why in the world is every single nation in the United nations so hyper focused on this one conflict? Trying to make peace deals for both sides to just live happily togeather? The Bible prophecy said so that's why! When God declairs something to His prophets it's a done deal! Count on that. The generation that was born in 1948 are getting up there in age. Prophecy says they will be alive to see Jesus Christ return to destroy the world's military might in Jerusalem, in the valley of Armageddon! The whole world will bring war against Israel one day soon. The Antichrist will be the head of world government. God Himself will save Israel and destroy everything and everyone who rejected His gift of Salvation. All the unbelievers, all sinners which is everyone! Christians are sinners that trust Jesus to totally forgive their sin. We humble ourselves o God in utter faith and knowing that He died for our sins, and He conquered death and Hell when He rose to life on the 3rd day! We want to follow His commandments because we have been totally transformed when He came into our life, our heart. When we started hearing His Holy Spirit talk to us. When we read the Word Of God we actually get empowered and gain wisdom. When we pray we know He hears us and answers. We worship Him and supernatural love and power flows. I've seen miricles and other seemingly impossible to non believers things in my life with Jesus! He is The way the Truth and the Life! He is the only way to Eternal life with God in His Kingdom. I've seen visions and dreamed prophetic dreams. I've spoke in other languages I've never learned. All these things came the day I decided to just give myself to Him. He saved me from homosexuality 11 years ago. I've never been so loved in my life. He has always seen me through the hard times and never left me. His ways are not like the ways of mankind. His ways are 100% good! The enemy Satan and the spiritual wickedness in the unseen world comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we would have LIFE, and abundant life! He isn't the Catholic jesus like to many are confused and deceived by. He is a living God Of Life! He came for the lost and broken sinners! He came to set the captives free! This world is in bondage and chains! Spiritually I mean. The world is destined to repeat it's history over and over until Jesus Stops this mess, takes His people out of here and restores his earth to its perfect state! Where He will now live with us all on a new Earth forever! This is the Truth! 100% Truth. Why listen to another man who hates the idea of God tell you how to live? He is so far off the path of Truth. He is helping to bring up the Antichrist and fulfill prophecy 2nd doesn't even know it! I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for all who reject Jesus! Especially new who mock The Word of God or persecute and mock people that believe in the Word of God and keep the commandments within His pages. One thing I have found common with people like this man and the rich and powerful men he associates himself with at the world economic forum and other NWO groups is they all have a problem with non Catholic Christians. They only allow the Vatican/revived Roman empire. The one that killed milions of Christians for not bowing the knee and lighting incense to sacrifice to the Emperor of Rome. Whom declared himself god, and tortured them to get them to give in and give up their loyalty to Jesus Christ. God gives supernatural strength to ones killed for His Name sake. Their stories live now in books of the amazing miricles that happened when innocent people were being killed for their beliefs. They are proof, a testimony to all who read about that part of history. When you see that all they had to do to go free and even be given food and money, was to simply renounce Jesus Christ as God. Millions chose torture for days, then death by starving lions, or some other deeply evil way. Even today millions of Christians are in nations where it is illegal to be a Christian. Many are killed and many are in prison or slavery. China is one of the worst. Just some food for thought.
Harari!!! 🐐
Could he lean in any closer?
Utrota WEF. 👊👊👊👊👊👊
U gotta be kidding 🤓
Satanists writing children's books, well i guess it's not the first time.
So many deleted comments. 🤔🤔🤔
Currently 666 likes ... hmmmm 🤔
You will own nothing and you will be happy.
Every knee will bow & every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
This Guy is a joke 😂
WEF promotion
Love you, Papa Mochi.
From the BTS ARMY. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
This man is evil.
goblin-like acolyte of Ahriman spreading the gospel of sub-humanism..
So Interesting!!!
I think Harari is a very intelligent man. To say that Harari is a demon is like saying that Machiavelli was also a demon because he wrote The Prince as a guide for dictators and tyrants. Or Asimov was also a demon because he wrote I Robot or Fundation. For me, Harari is a kind of warning sign, as Machiavelli and Asimov were too, showing people what they cannot, fear or refuse to think. "The future is ours and it depends on whether or not we make the right decisions..🤔👍
He may be "smart" but he believes in some very bad, very stupid ideas...
@@BoomBustProfits And what do you believe in, Peter?
Do you think that technological development can be stopped just by opposing or denying it? No friend, transhumanism has already arrived with the advancement of robotics and AI... Those are facts that for better or for worse are already here. It is now up to ordinary citizens to become aware of the benefits or harms of that reality, to know and tame that beast and not allow the ruling elites and large corporations to do what they think is best for humanity.
What are you afraid of Peter..🤔🤔🤔
He wants you to eat bugs dumdum.
Free Palestine From Terror And Apartheid…🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥🇵🇸❤️🔥
1 John 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
Indoctrinating the children.
As author Darshana Narayanan summarizes, “The best-selling author is a gifted storyteller and popular speaker. But he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors”.
Sorry to say James, if you wish to help the people, than you should never had this insane potato on your show, potato you eat and not giving attention on a show🤔
Two foreigners lamenting the state of the USA. Sounding sad, but inwardly saying "meh, so what?"
It's the whole world.
Another smug fat and happy authoritarian red coat who has made his millions off the country he despises
Klaus little agent…
chory swiat
Evil borh of them
I think I've read one of the craziest and most useless books you can read. I'm not surprised by its value within the Grand Reset actuator group. More than Homo Deus, it would be appropriate to call him Homo Banalis.
An egomaniac will spend a lifetime de-platforming authority.
Wef is advertising here also or it was allways part of a great plan?
Fantastic interview. Absolutely love Yuval Noah Harari!
He is a sh it st ain on Humanity
Damn, reading comments here and how stupid people are makes me lose faith in humanity. Ya’ll need to take your heads out of your asses and start reading books and educating yourselfs. Pathetic.
You mean like how his buddy Klaus tells the world they're gonna eat bugs and own nothing? Peddle your bs elsewhere pal.
Love and fear God only. This is only a man. A very deceitful man. An extremely deceitful man with an occult force behind every word he speaks. I hope Jesus Christ is in you or have accepted him before it's too late.
The serpent will not tempt me
Amazing people think this dude is smart. Crazy
Why doesn’t this have more oh mid term elections pelsoi husband lol everything’s a joke
Brilliant mind
Calm down bot
Oh no, james . this is great ... You great wow , thanks for inviting him, and share with us
He's a wef shill
Early 😅
I’m reading his book about human kind amazing book
Really? This is the world you can't wait for my friend?
Amazingly disgusting
Eve, be very careful what you wish for my friend. As you are soon to get it and you'll come to find out how incorrect you were. Read Revelation 13 sometime for what's yet to come, as much of what Yuval speaks of fits very well into that. 🙏✝️🙏
In the last days there will be scoffers, ignorant of the flood and ignorant of creation
@@anthonyjames5474 👍✝️👍
What? this is awesome. Very clever man with great books
Yeah naw
Your one of the hired WEF one of the 100k employed to make silly disinfo comments.
Tell ya story walking mate
What brilliant man Yuval is..Kol ha kavod👏
This is brilliant?
AMAZING, love Harari, is nice to see him on this show.
One day you'll understand how very wrong you are (sadly)...
You LOVE his digital prison and depopulation agenda. You disgust me
@@clairewhite5789 uh, interesting thought lol.
Good point when no one ever responds now that I think about it. 🤔✝️🤔
@@clairewhite5789 bot or one of the thousands of "disinfo warriors" the WEF openly admit to employing. The comments here show that we all know the truth.