Analysing pictures: RGB vectors (3 numbers) Analysing words: word vectors (n-dimensional) NLP, sentiment analysis data cleaning: remove punctuations, words like "as", 'if", etc. spell check, internet slangs (a challenge...) Result: positive or negative sentiment Uses: Movie review, product review Mental therapy, check on radicalisation Self therapy through phones: "how am I?"
Just a perfect explanation...👍
Analysing pictures: RGB vectors (3 numbers)
Analysing words: word vectors (n-dimensional)
NLP, sentiment analysis
data cleaning: remove punctuations, words like "as", 'if", etc.
spell check, internet slangs (a challenge...)
Result: positive or negative sentiment
Movie review, product review
Mental therapy, check on radicalisation
Self therapy through phones: "how am I?"
just learnt how to do my presentation. thank you sir😎😎
Neat presentation about Sentimental analysis, and good future vision
Practical Values made clear
brilliant young man!
Explanation is just amazing.🤩
I'm 97% sure I can see a Tiger Mom here.
Like he’s the child of a tiger mom? Lol
I am sorry for this comment but this man has an thespian inside of him wanting to get out
This was adorable to read. I see it too. I hope he found his calling.
Such a beautiful talk
good explanation about sentiment analysis.... I have done my project based on Sentiment Analysis...
Thank you.... Good video
what was your project about?
sentiment analysis by using Machine Learning techniques
2:35 Joe Mama
excellent presentation- very well explained to a novice like me
nice thanks
Amazing !
built like asian thanos
awesome presentation dude
Watchable at 1.5 speed
Busy guy
Hero 👍🏿
Thank you
Thank you
Very funny did laugh!
That’s very superficial understanding of linguistic meaning.
I hated it.